Your Questions About Fast Money Online Canada

Susan asks…

Does this look like a scam?

A few days ago I applied for a job at my local paper and today I received this in my email from them.
Is this a scam? I attached my resume when I applied. Why are they asking this now. Is my private info at risk?



We received your email concerning the ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK position vacant in our company. First of all, this is a brief introduction about our company. We are a fast-growing ceramics company and we deal in various kinds of tiles which are mostly imported from Europe and China, our showroom is in Beaverton Oregon but we have clients all over the United States of America and Canada. Some of our customers who are not far from us buy directly from the showroom while others make their orders online. Due to the vast number and irregular distribution of our customers all around the country, we are trying to open new outlets in strategic cities so that we can be closer to our valued customers. It is always a slow process trying to get payments from customers and also shipping their products to them. As a result of this, we will be opening an outlet in your city next month and this is why we seek an ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK for the new outlet to help with payments, be a live help for customers, keep records of transactions and carry out other administrative duties.

As our ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK, these would be some of your duties:

-Data Entry
-Receiving and verifying invoices and requisitions for goods and services
-Preparing, verifying, and processing invoices and coding payment documents
-Collection and processing of payments from customers
-General administrative functions

You will also serve as the contact point or liaison between customer and vendor centralized functions and resolve any issues related to a customer’s order. Majority of our customers make payments through certified checks and money orders as they are readily available and since payments come from a wide range of consumers, this is an easy option for customers. Most of our buyers are those we have previously handled successful transactions with and new buyers are verified by us so there is no cause to worry. When a payment is in form of a check or money order, you would be required to get it cashed and Process the Funds. You will be paid $350 weekly as your basic wage and a transport allowance of $300 at the end of each month but note that the job does not require any traveling as you will be working in the outlet when it is opened. For the time being, your pay will be sent to you by checks.
You will be going through a trial period of three weeks (which you will also be paid) as the outlet will be opened around the second week of next month. This is to test your efficiency and trustworthiness in working with us as we need to employ the perfect bookkeeper for the outlet. During this trial period, you would be given tasks which are similar to the ones you would be assigned when you are finally employed; the job would be part-time (3 hours daily) and becomes full time when the branch is opened in your city. A company representative will be sent to your city on the 14th of next month to meet you and finalize the opening of the outlet. Our company offers benefits such as flexible/negotiable working hours.

Please do not hesitate to ask questions if you have any as we will be glad to answer them as soon as we can. Kindly fill the employment form below as this is for our records and for us to facilitate the documents needed for you to be our employee.

:: NOTE: —This email does not state you have been employed we would be contacting you if you are eventually chosen to work with us.

Full Names: ______________________________________________________________________
Full Contact Address:_____________________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________________________________________________
Postal Code:_____________________________________________________________________
Contact Phone: ______________________________________________________________________
Contact Email: _______________________________________________________________________
Current Job: (if any) ___________________________________________________________________

Kindest Regards,
Josh Craving,
Human Resource Department.

Nagesh answers:

100% scam.

There is no job. There is only a scammer trying to steal your hard-earned money.

The next email will be from another of the scammer’s fake names and free email addresses pretending to be the “secretary/assistant/accountant” and will demand you cash a large fake check sent on a stolen UPS/FedEx billing account number and send most of the “money” via Western Union or moneygram back to the scammer posing as the “supply company” while you “keep” a small portion. When your bank realizes the check is fake and it bounces, you get the real life job of paying back the bank for the bounced check fees and all the bank’s money you sent to an overseas criminal.

Western Union and moneygram do not verify anything on the form the sender fills out, not the name, not the street address, not the country, not even the gender of the receiver, it all means absolutely nothing. The clerk will not bother to check ID and will simply hand off your cash to whomever walks in the door with the MTCN# and question/answer. Neither company will tell the sender who picked up the cash, at what store location or even in what country your money walked out the door. Neither company has any kind of refund policy, money sent is money gone forever.

When you refuse to send him your cash he will send increasingly nasty and rude emails trying to convince you to go through with his scam. The scammer could also create another fake name and email address like “FBI@”, “police_person” or “investigator” and send emails telling you the job is legit and you must cash the fake check and send your money to the scammer or you will face legal action. Just ignore, delete and block those email addresses. Although, reading a scammer’s attempt at impersonating a law enforcement official can be extremely funny.

Now that you have responded to a scammer, you are on his ‘potential sucker’ list, he will try again to separate you from your cash. He will send you more emails from his other free email addresses using another of his fake names with all kinds of stories of great jobs, lottery winnings, millions in the bank and desperate, lonely, sexy singles. He will sell your email address to all his scamming buddies who will also send you dozens of fake emails all with the exact same goal, you sending them your cash via Western Union or moneygram.

Whenever suspicious or just plain curious, google everything, website addresses, names used, companies mentioned, phone numbers given, all email addresses, even sentences from the emails as you might be unpleasantly surprised at what you find already posted online. You can also post/ask here and every scam-warner-anti-fraud-busting site you can find before taking a chance and losing money to a scammer.

6 “Rules to follow” to avoid most fake jobs:
1) Job asks you to use your personal bank account and/or open a new one.
2) Job asks you to print/mail/cash a check or money order.
3) Job asks you to use Western Union or moneygram in any capacity.
4) Job asks you to accept packages and re-ship them on to anyone.
5) Job asks you to pay visas, travel fees via Western Union or moneygram.
6) Job asks you to sign up for a credit reporting or identity verification site.

Avoiding all jobs that mention any of the above listed ‘red flags’ and you will miss nearly all fake jobs. Only scammers ask you to do any of the above. No. Exceptions. Ever. For any reason.
If you google “fake check cashing job”, “fraud Western Union scam”, “money mule moneygram scam” or something similar you will find hundreds of posts from victims and near-victims of this type of scam.

George asks…


im 19, and i havent worked a day in my life. not because im lazy, not because my parents are paying for everything i want but because i cannot get a job. I’ve applied to every single place I can think of. Sears, The Bay, Wal-Mart, Zellers, all the grocery stores and supermarkets in my area, to little family owned businesses, fast food restaurants, restaurants, dollar stores, gas stations. I’ve gone to door to door in shopping malls, babysitting, i’ve even looked in the classified sections of newspapers, and even took my search online to craigslist and kijiji to find jobs (only to get scams). I’ve tried employment agencies but not even they can seem to get me a job.

i feel like a hopeless wreck. i don’t have any experience except for the volunteering i’ve done in high school (its on my resume) but i can’t use them as references because the supervisor no longer works there. I got accepted to university, but now i don’t even want to go anymore because i have no money to go school. I know theres loans, and i have no issue with taking out loans but everyone seems to forget that its a LOAN. as in you’ll need to pay it back eventually and i don’t have the money to do that and with my awesome luck in job hunting it seems like i’ll never get a job. Seems like now my only option is working some degrading job in the sex industry and if i end up doing that well then it seems a kiss any self respecting job goodbye. i don’t if theres any options out there if there are, please help me out and list some

p.s:before anyone goes on saying its illegal, i live in canada and it is legal up here.

Nagesh answers:

Why not just get a job as an exotic dancer or be a webcam model out of your own home. You can make just as much money without the danger of rape, abuse or sexual diseases

Mark asks…

PaybyCash wont let me mail them Canadian currency, any other ways to pay?

I wanted to renew my subscription to an online service. I usually pay by mailing PaybyCash the money, but “Due to the current banking situation in the U.S. we (they) cannot convert foreign currency” which is proving to be a problem since I live in Canada. So is there a faster way to renew my subscription than “waiting for Obama to turn the economy around” without using a credit card, bank account, or phone? (My phone service doesn’t support 1-900 numbers, which just so happens to be the payment hot line.)

Nagesh answers:

Go to the bank and get a money order. Send the money order to them. Then make sure you keep the money order receipt. In case they say they didn’t receive payment.

Richard asks…

Canadian Immigration?

I am an H1B worker in US and want to immigrate to Canada as I have family there who are working and doing considerably better than I am here in US. I went to the Canadian Immigration website and read about several options available to single, working individuals who want to immigrate to Canada. Of these two categories that apply to me are Provincial Nominee Program(PNP) as well as the regular working immigrant. The website also states that the PNP offers a faster route to a decision because immigration authorities give priority to PNP applicants over the regular program applicants. Also what other ways the two programs differ? I am not worried about the cost involved in moving and also that goes into the process because that is something that will not change and I have money set aside that except the lawyer costs which I probably wouldn’t go with. I have first blood cousins and aunt who reside in Vancouver and that’s where I am thinking of moving.H1

From what I have read that H1B workers are given serious consideration by the Canadian immigration authorities because of their status as well expertise in their fields. I am hoping to take advantage of this fact but I do not have enough information about this and the Canadian immigration doesn’t describe any procedures specific to H1B folks. All that I know about H1B folks immigrating to Canada is from friends as well as some online research.

Can anybody throw more light on this and how the process differs? I am in my initial stages of reading and understanding the rules that govern the process. I also want to know if hiring a lawyer makes a difference or is it OK to apply without any help? I mean I don’t have the legal expertise but with the application process detailed and all the paperwork required is laid out, do I really need one?


Nagesh answers:

As long as you have legal status in USA for at least 2 years, you can apply to Canada. BUT if the USA finds out you are planning to emigrate, (leave USA) they may cancel the H1 visa which leaves you in USA as an illegal. If you are in USA illegally you cannot immigrate to Canada. (catch-22)

Of these two categories that apply to me are Provincial Nominee Program(PNP) as well as the regular working immigrant. The website also states that the PNP offers a faster route to a decision because immigration authorities give priority to PNP applicants over the regular program applicants. Also what other ways the two programs differ?

The aunt will give you extra points for family. If you choose the PNP route, you will be required to stay in the province you choose for a minimum of 3 years before moving elsewhere or you may lose the PR status.

Thats the only other major difference I am aware of. A skilled worker can live and work anywhere in Canada with no restrictions.

Below is a list of jobs in demand in Canada. If you are working in one of the below occupations (see link) you may apply as a skilled worker and be fasttracked to PR status. Http://
This is expected to be less than 1 year but there are currently no processing times posted on the CIC website yet.

Betty asks…

Internet addiction, messed up life, possibly messed up future, what to do?

Since I was very young I never had a lot of friends. I was bullied since I was very little and people had fun humiliating me because I never reacted. My step-father (mother’s husband) had mental problems and would beat me up for no reason whenever he forgot to take his medications (which happened several times a year). I always felt rejected everywhere and I think I partially hate my step father. I won’t go into deep details but I really feel I did NOT deserve many things he did to me (he told me he was sorry and felt bad about it, that it was not his fault, etc… but I can’t keep myself from being completely angry whenever I think about him).

I always had an addictive personality. From the moment I got my very first video games (on the Sega Genesis in 1997), I got hooked to things behind a screen. I often spent days playing it and when I got access to the internet a few years ago, I spent hours playing flash games. Afterwards, I got addicted to a role playing card game (Magic the Gathering) and I played it nearly every days for about 3 years. This was not as bad since it gave me some social interactions as well as real life friends but I stopped playing when the local card shop clossed. Afterwards, I got addicted to various online games (mostly role playing games). In 10th grade, I bought the game known as World of Warcraft. I played that game a ridiculous amount of hours. I would usually play from 2.30pm (when I got back from school) until 10.30pm (my parents asked me to close my computer at 10.30 during school days). Once my parents were asleep, I would usually try to play a few extra hours. During week ends, I played until I was completely exhausted (that was usually after 20-30 consecutive hours of gaming, I would then sleep 4-5 hours and play until exhaustion once again). During holidays, I could easily play that game up to 140 hours a week and I often played up to 90+ hours on school weeks. Again, I won’t go into details but the game had a very competitive system that rewarded the players that played the most and I wanted to be one of them in order to get those rewards (high quality in-game items). Long story short; I got my account hacked, I bought the game once again, I played even more, I got my 2nd account hacked, I played strangers’ accounts for free (I have no idea why I was doing this. Since the accounts were not mine I would not keep any of the rewards I managed to get during the time I played) and then quit the game. I then got addicted to various online forums and I spent most of my 11th grade reading these forums and posting on them for about 8h a day. By the way, I didn’t listed all the addictions I failed for, these are the ones I can clearly remember but there were many more (most of them were related to computers).

After finishing my 11th grade, I moved with my real father out of Canada. I am currently doing my 12th grade in an American high school. My new addiction is now Facebook games and random nerds forums. I have 6 Facebook accounts and I usually spend over 6h a day playing role playing games on all my accounts in order to create in-game money (with no real-life value) and I send the money to my main account. I also use my additional accounts to level up my main character (the more you play, the more levels your character gets; if you have 6 accounts you can level up 6x faster). There is also a Facebook application called “Friends for Sale” where you can “buy” other people using an online currency and other people can see who you bought. I also use my 6 accounts in order to create more online currency in that game and then I buy expensive people. During the other hours, I usually go on forums such as (mostly made up of nerds like me) and discuss about funny things with anonymous people.

I recently got a conditional offer of admission from the College I wish to attend. This College have been my goal for a couple of months and I was extremely happy to receive a conditional offer from them. My results are way under what their typical students usually achieve but I had an interview there and I think they liked me. If I don’t meet their conditions, their offer of admission will be cancelled and that would probably be the most horrible deception of my life. In order to get in, I need to get a really high grade (5) on a Calculus AP exam and a high grade (4) on a European History exam. Both my math and my history teacher told me I will have to work very hard in order to achieve that goal. I know I can get this result but it is very hard for me to study or do homeworks for more than 15 consecutive minutes and I constantly feel the need to go on the internet. When I am at school, I always think about how long I have to wait until I can get on the internet. I feel bad whenever I am away from a computer with the internet and this is completely ruining my life. I nearly failed my 9th, 10th and 11th grade because of this bad habit and now I might not get in this College.
I live in my father’s office and I can surf the internet on up to 15 computers at the same time. It is impossible to hide them or to disconnect me.

The tests results indicate that I have an Adult ADHD, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and signs of Schizophrenia 🙁

Nagesh answers:

Do the following if you are financially well off and have a lot of money:

forget college and stay on the net all day.


Do the following if you are financially well off but have a limited amount of allowance:

Donate $2/hr of internet usage to a charity .


Do the following if you are not financially well off:

Slap 30 times very hard (15 times on each chic) for every hour of internet usage

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Thursday, May 30th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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