Your Questions About Fast Money Online Canada

Betty asks…

My friend’s parents kicked her out and she moved to canada cant find a job and needs one FAST what can she do?

now i can only talk to her online and shes running out of money, she cant speak french, does anyone have ideas on what she can do? I really wanna help her, please!
wheres avon, can i have the details on that? numbers? what she would have to do?

Nagesh answers:

She should post her resume on job sites like monster and craig’s list. If she’s in desperate need of money she should get an entry level job as a store clerk or waitress until she can get back on her feet… Most industries in Canada speak English so i don’t think that her ability to speak French should affect her that much…

Nancy asks…

help ! marriage fraud in canada?

i’m going to try and keep my question short .

in april 2009 i went and got married in the philippines , stayed 4 weeks and went back home .
due to problems with her attitude and her wanting money for support and her spending too fast on who knows ( she can’t justify it ) i froze , i was shocked with her attitude , so i stop sending money for a while .

i had trouble doing the sponsorship paper work due to lack of time and i could not get cic on the phone ( always busy for weeks and months ) so long delays due to that .

the relationship was difficult due to many things , the main one was money and her expectations .
and some relatives ( her male cousin trying to get my help to find him a job in canada ).

this is a long story so i’ll skip to the present , the process took from september 22 ,2010 to july 26 2011 when they issued the visa by mail .

she arrived in canada september 12 2011 , i picked her up at the airport and took her home .

the problem is she avoided being intimate and after a few days she did not want me to touch her at all and did not want to talk to me .

her english is ok but not great , but she understands english perfectly .
anyways she spent her time playing games on the computer and chatting with her friends and cousin who work in hong kong and dubai as domestics .

the first thing she did when she got here is she wanted to find a job , so i was willing to try and help her with that , but she asked me where is toronto , i told her it’s 300 miles away from where we live .

she was making contacts with her cousin online with people in toronto to find her a job there , when i saw this i asked her what are you doing making contacts with people in toronto .

she said she will find a job anywhere , so the relationship is a fraud as she came here just to get a job.

in addition to this she never unpacked her bags , she does not clean the dishes and house work .
she cooks her own and eats what i cook if she wants it .

she no longer wants to stay with me and now she wants me to buy her an air ticket back home to the philippines .

i’m laid off work right now waiting to be recalled and i don’t have cash to buy a ticket .
a ticket is about $1,000.00 one way to the philippines .

i called an immigration lawyer in ottawa and told them my problem , they said it’s obviously marriage fraud , so i sent them an e-mail describing my situation and the lawyer transmitted this information to canada border services and they said they will investigate by contacting me shortly .

i spent 3 years of my life and well over $20,000.00 on this marriage and she does this to me .
help i need some good advice .
i really love her and wish she would stay , but she is not interested except to find a job or go back home , things she says and do don’t make sense , so talking is not an option , though i have tried often to make her reconsider .

Nagesh answers:

It defintely appears a case of marriage fraud. I feel you should site down with her and clarify things once for all to be sure.

Canada Immigration is taking such issues very seriously and has opened a tip line to report such cases. I suggest report this case to tipline at using the approriate link

Jenny asks…

Needing information on immigrating to Canada….?

Before I ask my questions, here’s a little bit of background info.

I live in Florida, where I work an hourly manager position (recently officially promoted but doing the work for at least 3/4 of a year) at Burger King Corp. My boyfriend lives in Newfoundland, where he’s going to school and working for a privately owned construction business. We’re both 23, a few months apart. We met each other a year or so ago on an online forum site. We eventually decided to date, and last May I got my passport and went up to visit him. We’re trying to plan for me to come up sometime again when he gets a break between classes.

We’ve both decided that we want to be together, and that it would be better for both of us if I moved up there. We’ve become discouraged, however, because every time we start to do research on the immigration process, we run into dead ends, such as he doesn’t work in a position that makes enough money to sponsor me as a conjugal partner, or that getting married won’t automatically make me a citizen.

I have the number for the Human Resources representative for my job, to speak to her about getting an international transfer, but at the moment her and I are playing phone tag because she’s on her rounds to the stores to make sure every thing’s running smoothly, but regardless I’d like to be more informed before I talk to her about anything.

There’s also the option of me getting a student visa, but I’m in the dark about that as well, especially since I dropped out of college in a manner of speaking and don’t have near enough money for tuition, etc.

My questions are, what would be the best method for me to move there and apply for permanent residency? Will having a manager position, be it hourly, at a corporate fast food restaurant increase my chances of being approved for a work visa? I’ve been through thousands of websites, so I’d prefer straight-up answers to simply links to websites, but any and all information and advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

It doesn’t work like that. You cannot work or enter Canada with the intention of working without a visa.You do not have a job that is transferable to Canada as there are already people who can do that job living there, especially in Newfoundland where there is significant unemployment.

Otherwise, you have to apply to immigrate. Permanent residence is the first part of immigration leading to citizenship.The wait list is about two years.

You are not conjugal partners, living together, so that won’t work. You haven’t spent enough time together to marry and be sponsored that way. Student fees in Canada are much higher for international students.

Stay in Florida, save up and spend some more holidays in N’fld (try one in January) to get to know each other.

Daniel asks…

Moms, what would you do in my situation? Is this enough to call CPS?

Hi all, I know this woman, she’s 30 years old, has a boyfriend and 2 kids. She’s also having an affair with someone online, and went to meet this person during one of her kids bdays. She says im too judgmental with her and I guess this might be true but she isn’t very.. Well.. Here’s her situation.

She doesn’t have a job. Shes on disability from the government because she has fetal alcohol syndrome. Her boyfriend works 1 day out of the week. She started sleeping with people for money because he didn’t want to work more than 1 day out of the week and she said what he would bring in wouldn’t be worth losing her disability over. If he makes more than 500 a month, she loses her check, of about 900. If he went full time, he’d be making around 1300 a paycheck after taxes.

Fast food is very expensive in canada and she doesn’t like to cook so she eats out a lot. My kid has an entire mcdonalds toy collection just from her kids happy meals. For a family of 4 at mcdonalds, if they all got a combo meal, it would come around 30$ Our subways also don’t have the 5$ footlong meals.. Actually its about 30$ for 2 footlongs here. Just to give you an estimate on Canadian prices.

I tried to sit her down and talk to her about things and she freaked out at me. I’m just trying to watch out for her (Mainly her kids) What should I do? Should I encourage her or should I try to keep making her see reason? If she didnt have kids, I’d shrug it off.. But they’re 2 and 3 and the 3 year old already has 4 cavities and the 2 year olds front teeth are rotting and everyone takes her kids for the holidays because she doesn’t give them any. I don’t think its a valid enough reason to call CPS, especially since I can’t prove she’s sleeping with strangers, aside from the nudes on the website shes posted on. She’s had them called on her once before because she was ignoring the 3 year old because she was playing world of warcraft and the 3 year old was actually in the laundry room eating tide.

So basically, all I have is they live in a very dirty environment, they’ve got bugs from being so dirty. She actually got thrown out of her last place for being so dirty. They don’t grocery shop, because they always eat out. The mom is sleeping with people for money but I can’t prove it.. The kids dont go hungry, they always have pop and fast food and milk. Can she get away with this?
I live in prince george, BC
Our KFC just got mashed potatoes!! l=

Nagesh answers:

Without being this person’s friend you seem to know a lot about their personal life. I am guessing that you aren’t their friend, otherwise you wouldn’t advertise their personal life online in a negative way.

About the government check and working– 1,300 dollars is more than 900 dollars therefore that doesn’t add up to making any logical sense. I have no respect for people living off of the government when having the ability to not. Since you speak to her, try explaining that she could work at fast food and get a discount and he could work and all together they’d make more money than a handout of 900 dollars.

It isn’t your business but if you are her friend then be one and help her instead of only talking to her. Give her the opportunity to improve. If she doesn’t and you decide not to help then yes, call a service that will take over the situation. That will save you from having to help or being a friend to anyone.

It seems that you know a lot about her and her life, even very personal matters that have no standing on her parenting skills or lack thereof. Sleeping with a stranger or strangers means nothing other than a lack of sexual morals for herself. You then made it clear that she does it to provide. One reason rules out the other you gave for her doings.

If you want to be a friend don’t go behind her back and try to actually help them all. If you don’t want to be a friend and don’t want to help then step back and pick up the phone. But then you wouldn’t have anything to write about on the Internet about other people’s lives. I understand your problem.

My biggest concern when reading this is that the person doesn’t have a real friend and that those children deserve a better situation. Either help a person and be a friend or make a call. Also take notice and do some research. Not all children that end up in foster homes have better lives. Interview people that have gone through the system. These children probably want their mother. My opinion is to be a friend and help that mother. Maybe by having a friend she’ll learn to trust your advice, accept your help and gain more self respect which will shine through and be a life long lesson that her children will learn. Be someone that inspires her and not another problem of hers.

If you want to help the children then help them. They’d forever appreciate you helping them as a family. Try that first and if it doesn’t work then do try harder.

How would you know the child was eating laundry detergent? Where you there and didn’t help? This entire question seems made up but if it’s real then I really hope you become a real friend instead of that family’s problem. They need individual help and help as a family. Maybe a good person could find help from others who are too willing to help them. They need support from a supportive community that will keep them together, not separate them.

Sandra asks…

I can’t get a job…?

I just finished high school, and have plenty of volunteer experience although I have no work experience (which I’m trying to get). I really need money before university this fall. I live in Winnipeg, Canada, and I’m having trouble finding a job! This is what I’ve tried so far:
– Submitting applications and my resume in person to retail stores, fast food restaurants, etc. (both places I do and do not want to work)
– Submitting applications online
– E-mailing my resume to employers along with a cover letter
– Calling employers to follow up on my applications
I’m not even picky about where I work (as long as it doesn’t require a lot of physical labour), and I’ve made it clear on my resumes and cover letters that I have a lot of availability, volunteer experience, people skills, time management skills, and self motivation skills, among other things.
I’ve even tried applying to places I thought would be unpopular for people to apply such as grocery stores.
I’ve been trying to get a job for plenty of months now. I literally apply to about 10 jobs a week. What am I doing wrong or what could I do better?

Nagesh answers:

I really wish I could help you. I’m going through the same thing. Badly need a job but things just seem so complicated :(. I have an interview in a few days so I’m tryna stay hopefully about that. I applied to that online so I dont think its a waste of time.

Maybe you’re going wrong in filling out your application forms? I filled out an application form online once and showed it too my cousins. She told it was completely wrong and I wouldnt get the job lol. Why? Cos I didnt link my experience (I have no experience either, part from my volunteer stuff) to the relevant job I’m applying for. So make sre you do that! If you’re not already. Cos that can let you down. My cousin knows cos shes applied to loads of jobs in her lifetime. She was able to help me, so hopefully I can help you 🙂 lol

So yep, try doing that if you’re not already! Also try libraries and stuff like that? You might get in there? Libraries look for people to read to children and stuff so maybe you might find something there?

Also, when you go to hand in your resumes to stores personally, make sure you’re well dressed. Some people really do judge you by what you wear so make sure you dress smartly! Trousers, jackets, blazer, cardigans, minimum make-up, no bright coloured things.. Minimum jewelerry. And make sure your hairs in good condition too. As well as your nails lol.

I’ve been doing loads of research and came across these stuff so thought I should pass it along to you too 🙂

Where there is will, there is a way and I’m sure you’ll find a job real soon! Good Luck! 🙂

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Wednesday, January 30th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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