Your Questions About Fast Money Online Canada

Michael asks…

laptop for college, pc or mac?

Hello, I know i have asked this already but I would like more suggestions/ideas/opinions.

I am about to start university and I’m considering buying the new macbook pro’s which are pretty expensive. I really like the macbook pro’s also. However, i don’t know if it will be a good idea. I want to study Network engineering or information/technology systems in university. I also want to learn how to build my own computers. I will be using the computer for gaming, school work, music and movies, and possibly programming if i take computer science. Should i buy a macbook pro or a pc? Also if you have windows on a mac, will windows work just like windows on a pc?

The Macbook pros here cost $4,000, i know it might not be worth it but i really want a macbook. It has 4GB ram and a 2.54ghz processor(yes i know i can get much better for the amount of money im going to spend) I will still need windows for somethings like windows 07, games(world of warcraft, crysis, halo.) Will gaming and programming work well on windows on a pc, or will it work the same? Also if i use on windows on a mac, will i be able to use the pc mouses(right click)? And finally if i have windows on a mac, will i be able to use the devices/software from college on my mac?
ays left to answer.

I live on an island “Bermuda” in the Atlantic ocean, and will be going to college in the USA, Canada, or the UK. So the option of me buying a desktop is out of the question.

Ordering a laptop online wouldn’t work for me as they won’t ship laptops to Bermuda. Also an HP(2gb ram, 2.0 ghz processor would cost around $2,400.) So the mac which has 2more gb’s of ram and a fast processor would be $1600 more expensive.

Nagesh answers:

That sounds extremely expensive, I would just buy them from wherever you end up going (UK,Canada, or USA). As for Mac vs. PC, you can get by with a PC easily so there is no point in spending a ridiculous amount of money.

Gaming works better on PC’s, as for programming most programming languages will be Mac compatible, but all programming languages are definitely PC compatible. Most colleges will now have Mac friendly versions of software, but if you don’t feel like paying for some software and want to pirate it, it is easier to get it for PC.

I would get a PC and buy it from wherever you go to college, as you will get a better deal.

Goodluck with school.

Susan asks…

Can you please answer these somewhat hockey questions?

1.In 1900, the goal net was introduced to the game of hockey. Can you imagine how fast the game would be if there was still not a net…and if players shot a puck and it went in as a goal and play continued….as the puck ricochets off the back boards? Longest poorly worded question ever?

2.In 1914, the Toronto Blueshirts of the NHA win Toronto’s 1st Stanley Cup. If I went on the streets of Toronto, in front of the HHOF, and sold Toronto Blueshirts hockey sweaters for $60 a pop….how many do you think I would sell in an hour?

3.In 1929, Offsides was introduced. I know as kids we played games without offsides rules….but could you imagine watching a professional game without offsides. I think that might even be more interesting than the Winter Classic. If they televised a game without offsides or icing by two NHL teams, would you tune in or fall asleep?

4.In 1946, Babe Pratt became the 1st NHL player to get suspended for gambling on NHL games. Have you ever betted on a NHL game for money?

5.In 1956, the USSR enters a hockey team in the Olympics and they win the gold. Rumor has it, their conditioning at the time was the reason for their success (nutrition, diet, and exercise)….which was something that the U.S. and Canada were not incorporating into their routine. What do you think would be the best exercise for a hockey player that does not involve ice or equipment?

BQ: I received an online offer to get a free St. Louis blues baseball hat in the mail. I was totally stoked until I proceeded to “check out”, and they wanted $8 for shipping. I do not hate the Blues nor do I love them. I would love their hat for free, but $8 is pushing it. Would you pay $8 for a St. Louis Blues hat?

Nagesh answers:

1. I’m having trouble envisioning how goal determinations would be made without nets… Maybe nature of the game would change so dramatically that score values as we know them would be out the window. You’d have scores like San Jose: green; St. Louis: Alan Thicke. (San Jose obviously wins in this instance).

2. I’m willing to bet that you’d be likely to encounter at least a couple of people every day who would know about the Blueshirts. I’m going to go with .15-.25 sweaters per hour.

3. Fall asleep. I like scoring, don’t get me wrong (take that how you will), but it’s not as big of a deal when you’re in the middle of the proverbial cherry orchard.

4. Hell no. Gambling is for idiots and people who have WAY more money than they could possibly use. I don’t get the thrill of putting up my hard-earned money for a contest over which I have zero control. If we’re talking about a “friendly wager” situation between friends, I’d much prefer to use barter-able commodities (particularly beer).

5. Squats and power cleans to build explosive power; running/ cardio for endurance.

BQ–If I were a Blues fan, I’d go for it, since the $8 shipping charge is less than the face value of the new hat (I’m assuming). But I’m not a Blues fan, so no.

Charles asks…

How can a 13 year old kid make fast money online in canada toronto?

hey im a 13 yr old boy and ive been researching for days “how to make online money as kid” but have not found anything useful or helpful i tried cashcrate and it did NOT pay me ugh im so pissed can anyone tell me how to make money to get a GODDAM ipod and phone? thx in advance guys i live in toronto canada btw

Nagesh answers:

Ahhhhh kid…only if it was that easy we would all be doing it..oh wait if we all did it then money would be worthless… Think about that.

James asks…

I don’t have a US account. I want to transfer money from Canada to US.what would be the fastest/cheapest way?

I am going there on a job visa. I can’t open an account online (no SSN yet). I would aopen an account once I get there and would need the money almost instantaneously talking of about 10K….
Please don’t say cash!!

Nagesh answers:

Citizens Bank International will allow you to open an account without a social. I don’t know if you can get access to one, but maybe this will help

David asks…

What is an online course I should do?

I live in saskatchewan canada and i need to take an online course of my choice for a spare i have in school. I can take any high school level course. I highly doubt that theres courses for my likes which is guns, fishing, hockey, making lots of money, fast vehicles, hunting. Basicly all the manly redneck things. if you have any ideas of stuff that a redneck could use, please give some ideas and i will give best answer to the best answer

Nagesh answers:

If you are interested in making lots of money, you could take a course in matematics, accounting, or economics. You would also need computer skills for that, mastering the programs like excel is good.

If you like fast vehicles you could take some mechanics course, or maybe electricity.

I would say pick a course that is useful so you can afford to do all your hobbies. You don’t really need to study them in school, because you will probably study them anyway. Take the opportunity to learn something that you are NOT that good at, as you will have a chance to ask for help on how to learn it. Maybe sound boring, but is practical! Good luck!

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Friday, December 7th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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