Your Questions About Fast Money Making Stocks

Paul asks…

Best way to make big money fast take a gamble on horses or stock market,problem is i will have to take a loss?

My situation is,i am very unhappy where i am,i have been trying to sell my house for the past while and its a buyers market and with the economy i am getting these pathetic offers i even priced a bit below market but still people are offering way less,so i don’t want to prolong my misery here,and i could wait forever to get a really good price on it as the property market might not recover for a very long time,so i might just have to take a big loss and sell at what is being offered.
Now the problem is i want to move to California and house prices are enormous there and i will not be able to afford it with what i am getting,so i was thinking with what i get from the sale should i put a good portion of that either betting on horses or day trading in the stock market?I need to take a chance on something as i need the money,and its unrealistic to think you can hit the lotto,do you have any other ideas or advice for me?Thanks very much

Nagesh answers:

I think you are all set.

Sell your house, put it all on a horse. Sound financial advice.

Charles asks…

I have $1,000 and I want to start a business or some method of making money. What should I do with it?

So, I have around $1,000. I’m 17 years old and am a high school student. One idea I had was to invest it in an arcade game, place it in a strategic location, and see if I could make some profit off of that. (Warren Buffet did that by placing pinball machines all over his area and made his first $50,000). So those are the kind of ideas I’m shooting at, something where I could really make it grow because I am business smart and have a lot of good ideas. I know some of you may say a savings account or even stocks, but I’m really not looking to go that route. I want to try to make a good amount of money somewhat fast. If you can, please shoot any ideas you have at me and also your thoughts on investing in arcade games.

Nagesh answers:

One low cost idea that is not a million miles from your arcade game idea is honor snack boxes – a type of ‘manual vending machine’ idea if that makes sense. You can read an article on this at the web site I’ve listed below.

On that site you’ll also find some ideas on how to build a genuine online business – not get rich quick. Have a look at some of the articles or the internet income video in the right hand column.

It seems like you’re looking at ideas that will build sources of long term residual income. This is a great strategy and it can work provided you are willing to put in quite a bit of hard work as well as smart thinking.

Good fortune
Stuart Warner
Home Based Business Specialist

Linda asks…

Can a twelve year old buy stocks?

i am a twelve year old and i REALLY need some money. i thought that i could maybe buy stocks or something but that might take way to long. i need a computer for editing and stuff so i need money pretty fast. is it possible for a twelve year old to buy stocks? is there a better way to make money.? i would rather have a faster, more reliable way. plz answer.

Nagesh answers:

You would have to check with a bank who offers an online share trading account to see if you could be a signatory to the account with a parent. However, it’s not really appropriate for a kid. Trading shares for money is hard even for adults. Very few people do it successfully, and the amount you would need to start would probably be out of your reach anyway. You’d need at least $500, plus extra to cover brokerage, which is the cost of buying and selling the shares.

You could buy some cans of drink, make some ice, and borrow an esky, and go down to the park or the beach on a hot day and sell cold cans of drink to people for more than it cost you to buy them. For example, if you bought 20 cans of Coke, and it cost you $15 for a pack, you would need to divide 20 by 15, to give you the cost of the Coke cans (about $1.35). So if you sold each can for $150, you’d make a profit of 0.15×20= $3. Doesn’t sound like much, but if you did that every weekend, and perhaps sold the cans for more, you’d make some regular money. Warren Buffet, the richest man in the world, started when he was a teenager doing that with a box of Coke bottles at the beach. I think he made a 17 cent profit. You gotta start small.

Best wishes

William asks…

What’s an easier way to make money? Casino? Day trading or stocks?

Or I should ask what’s the fastest?

Nagesh answers:

EVERY casino game has the odds in favor of the house. You may win in the short term, but if you want to make it a career, you’re going to end up losing money. The exception MAY be tournament games like Texas Hold-Em where the house has no stake in the game and you’re competing only against other players.

Capital market trading can be a viable way to make money, if you learn enough about it to do it well. That can take some time and a lot of study and effort and particularly a LOT of discipline.

Helen asks…

Fast Money trade. Anyone know how to make 5% or more by tomorrow?

im talkin individual stocks with not that much risk.

Nagesh answers:

Post on a website and basically endorse your company that ur stock is invested in and make sure about 3k of people see it

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Tuesday, October 1st, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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