Your Questions About Fast Money Making Stocks

William asks…

Is buying stocks easy money?

Is buying stocks an easy way to make (or lose) money? And how is it done? Do you have to be a certain age? Im 17 and im picky about jobs, i want to make a lot of money fast & have heard this could do it.
so if a business is doing well and i buy a stock, umm 50 dollars worth how much money would i make, estimating. I dont really have any idea how this works im guessing here.

Nagesh answers:

Hey, im quite certain you must be 18 to trade shares (at least in Australia). Shares shouldnt be treated as an easy jack pot, they can easily turn around and bite you in the bum. I started shre trading when i was 15 (through my dads account) and it really is a psychological game. First you need to do a bit of research on which company you should buy. Ths is chosen based on up or downward trends; low spots in upward trends generally make for decent buying. Invest in a Share trading for Dummies book or something of the sort to kick start. I encourage you give it a shot (responsibly) its a good financial practice and could have some great benefits.

David asks…

Investing! What should I invest in to make big money fast?

I have $250 I’m willing to invest. But i realize that US stocks are on a downward trend, so what is a thing i can invest little money to get big bucks? And it has to be safe, I don’t want to loose anything?
I am 16. and i know its not much money but i was just wondering if that money can grow. Educate me, I’m green in this area.

Nagesh answers:

The stock market is not about making money fast and $250 is too little to invest in stocks, anyway. While you’re building a capital base, learn.

An introductory book like _Stock Markets for Dummies_ is a good place to start. This will give you a basic explanation of most things there are to know about the mechanics of stock investing including useful websites to surf.

Investors Business Daily (IBD) is a solid daily resource (and its complement, ). It’s a better newspaper than the Wall Street Journal and it is built around a particular approach to trading. You could read _How to Make Money in Stocks_ by William O’Neil too–he’s the founder of IBD.

Search your local library for other books on stock investing. Try to absorb as much knowledge and understanding as you can.

After you have extensively researched and gained a solid foundation/education then look to open a brokerage account and paper trade–this is trading with play money before you put real capital at risk. You should do extensively before you eventually place your first trade live. Your early live trades should be with a very small position size. Only increase position size when you have done well to limit losses when the market has turned against you.

Charles asks…

what are some good penny stocks to buy?

i bought some stocks in pandora and soney which where good moves but i want to make some fast money in the stock market so what are some good pennys stocks to buy ???

Nagesh answers:

Did you even bother to google “penny stock scam” or “penny stock fraud”?

Whoever suggested penny stocks to you is a liar, a fool, or a thief. Perhaps all three.

Get yourself some investment education before you do something really stupid. Here are three excellent books on investing that should be in any library.

One Up On Wall Street – Peter Lynch
A Random Walk Down Wall Street – Burton Malkiel
The Intelligent Investor – Benjamin Graham

Sandra asks…

Investment ideas for starting your own freelancing business,what is in demand money making opportunities in?

California now?was throwing some ideas around on how to make money i tried the stock market a while ago stock crashed and i lost everything so not trying that again there is land i suppose you could purchase but then the value could go down,start up company’s what is hot right now,what can generate money fast?I was thinking of investing money in my own freelancing business i want to work for myself,but what products/services are in high demand in California,what could i make a success?
Any ideas,suggestions,advice appreciated thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Go to and you can find thousands of freelance jobs available. One hot spot is doing anything for websites and blogs. If you can write content you can sell it to blog owners. If you can design sites, you can sell those services too. If you can learn how to do SEO work for website owners, you can also sell those services. Writing is the easiest and you can get paid about $10 an hour for your services.

Of course, there are always more creative ways to freelance. Figure out what you’re best at and try to utilize those skills. Do a search for “freelance” or “sell my articles” to help you find some ideas to get you started.

Jenny asks…

If a stock rises fast in price, how can I make money on a put option?

Nagesh answers:

A put option will increase in value (primarily) if the underlying security goes down in value. If a stock rises quickly while you are long a put, you will probably see a sharp decrease in value.
If you are talking about a stock that has recently undergone a sharp increase, you can buy a put if you want to make a levered directional bet on a reversal in price. Although the odds are in favor of stocks that show strength to subsequently underperform for the next week, you might want to consider if buying puts is the most appropriate method, because the risks are very high.

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Wednesday, March 6th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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