Your Questions About Fast Money Making Stocks

Donna asks…

I need to make some fast money before my wedding July 7th. Can anyone give me a “great” stock tip?

Nagesh answers:

Ok now for a REAL answer without spam.

You have less than two months and wanting to make fast money is a good way to LOSE money. My advice is put it with an online bank such as or they pay a nice monthly dividend and because its FDIC insured, you will NOT lose what you put in (unless its over 100k)

Sharon asks…

How can I make BIG money FAST?!?

I am 13 and live in the suburbs of a small town. There is a city a couple miles from my house. I am addicted to shopping and clothes. NO JOKE! I have wishlists on two clothing sites adding up to a total of about $1,400. What can I do to make the money before the clothes are bought or out of stock?! PLEASE HELP! Thanks(:

Nagesh answers:

Sell some WEED. Come to my house give you some lol.
But really wait till u get ur paycheck

Joseph asks…

How can a 13 year old make money… FAST?

I’m a 13 year old girl, and I’m saving up for a dressing table that i really want. It costs £85 and they’re out of stock on January 22nd. I have £20 at the moment. Plz don’t say babysitting or lawn mowing. Thnx.

Becky Jayne
Thnx for the answer… but here in the UK you have to be 14 to do paper rounds.

Nagesh answers:

Creating Work at Home

• Baby-sitting, child care
• Selling homegrown vegetables or flowers
• Sewing, altering, and repairing clothing
• Piecework for manufacturers
• Baking and food preparation
• Quilting, crocheting, knitting; making macramé, pottery; other crafts
• Upholstering
• Bookkeeping, typing, home computer services
• Telephone answering service
• Hairdressing
• Taking in boarders
• Addressing and filling envelopes for advertisers
• Washing and waxing cars (customer brings car to your home)
• Pet grooming and exercising
• Lock repair and key making (workshop at home)
• Ads for much of this work can be placed free of charge or at low cost in weekend shopping news or on supermarket notice boards

Creating Work Outside the Home

• House-sitting (when people are on vacation and want their home to be looked after)
• Cleaning: stores; offices; homes and apartments after construction, after fires, after people move out; housework (in homes of others); windows (business and domestic)
• Repairs: appliances of all kinds (libraries contain easy-to-follow books on repairs)
• Handyman jobs: siding houses; building cabinets, doors, porches; painting; fencing; roofing
• Farm work: crops, picking fruit
• Interior landscaping and plant care at: offices, banks, shopping plazas and atriums, lobbies
• Property management: janitors, superintendent (sometimes includes free living quarters)
• Insurance, real estate
• Carpet installation, cleaning
• Newspaper routes (adults and children), other delivery services: ads, bills for municipalities
• Moving, storage
• Landscaping, tree trimming, lawn care, woodcutting
• School-bus driver
• Photography (portraits and public events)
• Bait for fishermen
• Swap work: barter car repairs for electrical work, sewing for plumbing, etc.

“The work of their own hands my chosen ones will use to the full.”—Isaiah 65:22

Nancy asks…

stocks that make you money fast?

I am playing a stock market game for my finance class and I need a stock that will make me money, and fast.

Nagesh answers:

That isn’t how it works.

There is no golden egg or sure deal or Secret or money machine or money tree or pot at the end of the rainbow. That’s all fantasy.

Time to join the business world, where reality meets the road. Time to actually learn something. The future is always uncertain. How you plan for uncertainty is what defines you, or if you fail to define it, it may define your finances for you — nothing or very little — like for a little child.

You can play games or you can learn something useful that applies to your future.

The Dow has been down five days in a row. Although overdue for a bounce, sometimes it’s best to be short the market, or simply in cash during a crash.

Investing Tutorials – Basics…

A collection of trading games and simulators:

The Best Stock Market Games

You can also type in the Search Y! Answers box at the top of this screen for “how to invest,” and get lots of answers.

If you think the market is going down, here are some ideas from my previous post:;_ylt=AtvycSW_Jzq.B7jmYfKk6B_sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20120508094654AASaWli

Ruth asks…

What can I invest in to make a lot of money fast?

One of my friends trades penny stocks and makes an insane amount of money. I recently started working full-time and have some extra money on the side. I want to start investing and making good money on the side and possibly do it full time. Can someone give me advice or help me in any way?


Nagesh answers:

Yet another fish for the sharks

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Tuesday, February 12th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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