Your Questions About Fast Money Making Stocks

Lizzie asks…

Are stocks a good way to make a lot of money and fast? Can it be done with $100.00 to $500. for a beginner?

Do I have to use a broker or should I even use one?

Nagesh answers:

With very rare exceptions investing successfully in the stock market is a long term deal. The dollar amounts you mention are completely inadequate for investing in individual stocks. May I suggest you get a few magazines and books to get a better idea of how investing in the stock market works.

William asks…

I dont know the stock market, is this how it works?

Let’s say i want to enter the stock market. The High risk side, where you buy stocks (as i heard its the high-risk of investing.)

Lets say i invest in Microsoft.

I buy 50 stocks at $29. Then the price drops to $28 and i buy another 50 stocks. So that means my stocks cost me 28.50 right?

then i buy more stocks in other companies and i buy stock when it is low.

is this a good way to do it? invest?

im 17 and i want to go into the stocks when im 18 not roth ira’s or mutual funds…. the high risk(stocks)……..

or how can i make money fast buying stocks. I would have to find a company like microsoft that booms like how they where in the 90’s right?

Nagesh answers:

You should go to the library or bookstore and get a book on the subject and read it. The stock market is a very complex market. There are many ways to make money, and many ways to lose it.

Richard asks…

Im new at buying stocks. Help?

Im thinking about investing in GeoGlobal Resources Inc. I’m interested because their stock is low and seem to be starting to go up in value, plus since i could buy a lot of shares if the price goes up a few cents i could make some fast money. This stock has been doing somewhat well throwout last week. I don’t have allot on the line, I have 3k nothing i would die over if i lost. What are your ideas? Is the quick gain a good idea?

I’m interested in internet trading, i was looking at Ameritrade because of their $10 commission fees. And because they offered me a 30 day free of commission when i start. What company do you think i should sign up with?

My main goal is to learn about the stock market, i want to get hand on experience, making a few dollars on the way would be nice.

Nagesh answers:

No buy, sell or hold recommendations.

TRUTH: I JUST checked the chart for GGR. THE highest that stock has EVER been is $14.94 in Jan. ’06.

Since then its overall trend is declining. Yes, the stock has gone up the past 3 days. BUT overall, its going down.

Now for the answers to your Qs:
Your reasoning is no different than about 85% fo the folks trading stock.

One of the most common mistakes traders make: They buy the shares and rarely check what the stock is doing.
Some of the many sayings I learned:
1] “On Wall Street, there aren’t any gifts”
2] “Trees don’t grow to Heaven – neither do stocks.”
3] Bulls (Buyers) earn money.
Bears (Sellers) earn money.
Pigs get fat.
Hogs (greedy traders) get slaughtered. (They lose the money in their trading accounts.)

There are many others. Most of them are very true.

Its up to you which Internet broker you will decide to open your account with. You have to do your homework and investigate. Inexpensive commissions do not necessarily mena you will get the kind of information you need to make intelligent trades.

IF your main goal is to learn about the stock market, you can open a virtual trading account with many different brokers and learn how to properly trade using a [paper trading or pretend trading program.

Two sites I always suggest wannabe traders to visit AND READ are AND
Both of these are considered “knowledge contributors” on Y! A.

Thanks for asking your Q! I enjoyed answering it!

Ron Berue
Yes, that is my real last name!

Carol asks…

What is a good and fast way to make money on the internet?

hey I would like to make some money but I don’t know what i can do…I am thinking about stock exchange or something…let me know pleas

Nagesh answers:

E-bay and amazon are the key

Donald asks…

What is the fastest way to make money?

Whats the fastest way to make money in the stock market?

Nagesh answers:

Look for value stocks. Thats how people like Warren Buffett made their fortunes. You need to do lots of research on the company to deteremine a valuation, then you have to buy the stock at a price that is below that valuation. The bigger the gap, the greater the return potential. The trick is to buy companies that are going to continue to perform, and not go under. Lots of people bought Enron on the way down, thinking it was a good value. You can look to sites like to identify these types of investments. They provide great philosophy and investments that will grow your money quickly with minimal risk.

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Friday, September 14th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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