Your Questions About Fast Money Making Stocks

Ruth asks…

How to make money which stocks when oil goes up or down?

When oil is going up or down, which stocks can i invest into for a week or a couple months? Are there stocks that go up or down with oil or gold? futures seems to risky for me. i want to a day,week or month trader.
thank you for a fast reply, tom

Nagesh answers:

I’m also interested in oil but am waiting for it to fall below $30 a barrel before buying (if it even falls that low). You can buy an oil ETF like United States Oil (USO). Some oil ETF’s are lousy, not reflecting the current oil price. USO hasn’t risen as high as when the oil price was at its peak and has fallen lower than when the oil price dropped: so you lose more when it goes down and gain less when it goes up. But so far it’s the closest correlation to oil pricesw I’ve seen.

John asks…

I want to save money to buy a house. What is the fastest way for me to make my money grow for me? (stocks, etc

I have some money saved up but, its in a money market account and in CDs. This is making me some money but, i want to max it out? Does anyone have any suggestion?

Nagesh answers:


Glad to see you take an interest in purchasing your first home.

There are a couple of things you can do to maximize your return on your money. However, first things first. It’s an old cliché but a good one….you need to have a plan. You might be ready to buy a home right now, or it might take you 2 years, you need to have a plan. Start by analyzing your current expenses. If you have high debt, or debt in general with high interest rates, start by eliminating those. You don’t have to pay them off right now, but contact the creditor and ask for an interest rate reduction, or perhaps a promotional rate, or increase the line of credit on a card that will give you a promotional rate or low fixed rate and transfer to that card your other debt. Next, what things do you currently do that you can cut back on or even eliminate to save your money. These things will give you infinite return on your money. For example, how often do you go out, how much do you spend when you do go out, do you have Starbucks every morning, are you going to lunch every day when you could bring a lunch to work. Simple sacrifices to make your goal. If you can’t make these simple sacrifices, then you are not ready. The level of sacrifice you make is proportional to the amount of risk you are willing to take in your investments to get started. If you can’t make the necessary sacrifices then stick with your CD’s. However, if you can, them you might be ready to go shopping for your home sooner than you think. In the mean time interview different lenders, and find out what “ethical” programs are out there for you, a first time home buyer. You might be surprised. Lastly, stick to what is comfortable to you. Everyone will have there advise, but nobody is like you. Stick to what you know, but make it a habit to learn more. The more you know, the more you will grow.

I wish you much success

Mark asks…

iam just 21 i wanna make fast money do u think stock market is the ringt place to start with ,how to do it.?

Nagesh answers:

There is a computer program that you can buy, I don’t know what its called. But if you haven’t finished school. And you can’t find a good stock program..then go into construction or lawn care. Welders make like $20 dollars a hour min. As far as the stock market, basically you’ve got to be able to predict popular trends and learn to read the trade arrow up good, arrow down bad, also how much did it go up/down from before? Also, will pple really need it?
Maybe you should try a software stock, those tax softwares are bound to be very popular.
It can be done, I made like $500 dollars in one day, not real money, I was doing it for a class. But I made more fake cash than anyone else. There are 2 types of stock…im fuzzy on this, one is like groceries and stuff..ppl will always buy and it is a lower risk and you make less money. Then there is technology, higher risk, they may not sell, but if they do you make lots of cash.
Either way its really risky. I recommend construction work.

William asks…

what is the best/ fastest way to make money without really losing it. Like stocks and savings?

when i say fast, i don’t really mean like within the year….i just mean over all

Nagesh answers:

There is no such thing as a get rich quick scheme and with the stocks u can bet ur a** u r gonna lose some at one point or another and savings have very very low interest so neither one will produce big $

Nancy asks…

What are good stocks to buy?

I need names of stocks that will make money FAST. hold the “safe investments”. I’m in a stock game at school, and not doing very well, so please help!
also needs to be good by middle of june!

Nagesh answers:

All the stocks I will list should be held for the next 6 months:

Coach (COH)
Diana Shipping (DSX)
Regal-Beloit (RBC)
Devon Energy (DVN)
Petsmed (PETS)
Baidu (BIDU)

All of these stocks have SIGNIFICANT increase in earnings over the next two quarters. In addition to this, all these stocks have a depressed value that will maximize your profits when the stock bounces. Hope this helped.

Disclosure: Long RBC, DSX, PETS

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Wednesday, February 22nd, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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