Your Questions About Fast Money Making Ideas For Kids

Robert asks…

How to earn $700.00 by May?

I need to earn $700.00 by May 2011. I want to go to Washington, D.C. I live in Plymouth, IL. I cannot do much because of my small town. I do not have much to spend on supplies. (I do not want to ask my parents for ANY money) There is no kids to babysit, I live on a highway, I have nothing to sell, and I want to make this money fast. Put only good suggestion only. I need ideas, please help!
I am 13 years old.

Nagesh answers:

Start by knowing you need to make $100 per month or $25 per week. Find a need and fill it. Either at home $5 per day doing something, or neighbors. Like delivering groceries on your bike. Sweeping out barns or garages. Tending animals, washing cars, shoveling snow. Five a day is doable, so do it. People can’t know to hire you if you first don’t approach them.

Donald asks…

Unique things to make and sell?

So I just sponsored a child from Haiti, And its $35 a month..
I want to make sure I get the money in, To help that kid but also learn responsibly.
I need some ways I can make fast money,
Hemp bracelets don’t really work out for me, I just don’t have a nack for them
Any ideas wold be appreciated.

Nagesh answers:

Yard sale? Get fam and friends together with all their useless junk and sell it! You can make other easy crafts.. Cards from poster board, origami stuff, crochet/nitting? Sell some of your old stuff on eBay.. Babysit? Mow lawns? Ask for a raise at work? Lol, like that’s actually gonna work! Um.. Dog walking/sitting? Car washing? Ooh, edible necklaces to chew on! Put some cherios on a long peice of dental floss xD idk, i’m running out of ideas, sorry. -sabrina1793

David asks…

Cheater is MAD because?Are cheaters Jealous of being cheated on?

After my wifes affair made her abort a baby out of the affair was known to me,i was totally shocked.
With 3kids involve i decided to give it sometime to see if i can work something out to stick to my family.I must admit that i stopped having love for her till today but could make it work at least till my little one is 18.Now,to avoid anger and resentment i leave the house when my kids are gone to school so i dont stay in a confinement with her,i return when kids are back and sometimes even a bit late than my normal.couple of days ago she asked my best friend if he have idea what i am doing outside when i go out?and my friend told me.I came home and asked her and she said i am making my research because you leave and return late.I asked her do u think i am doing what you did?no response.In short,i think we will mutually end the marriage.Now we r both dis-abled and on disability support.We will agree shared custody where the kids stay bi-weekly with both parent.
Is there child support in this?is there and mess in this?No property,no house,no money but 3 kids.
How fast can the mutual divorce go?

Nagesh answers:

You can both can get the same attorney so the expense won’t be to difficult for each of you.Or you can get the divorce forms yourselves and then summit them to the courts.But you have children and you need to protect the children.So you both need an agreement to who,what,where as far as the kids are concern.That is why having an attorney draw the papers up is better.The attorney can legally address issues as neither can take the kids out of the county,state,or country without the consent of the other.Child support issues?That is the safest way to protect you and your kids.And it’s written so if either breaks the agreement you have proof to prove.

Helen asks…

Teachers what do you do when kids start misbeahving and preventing others to learn?

Teachers what do you do when kids start misbeahving and preventing others to learn?
I suggest 1 and 2 time warning, and then send outside besides the door for around 5 min(and take off points).
cause in math class,a few kids there is hyper, and hte teachers get mad at them alot.and yells at the class (when half of us arent doing anything) and now gives us double homework.
and we only had 5 minutes of learning time today.but u gotta admit its kinda enteraining…
so what do you guys do?

Nagesh answers:

Interesting that this question is from a student. If the class is that out of control, the teacher should be asking for help!
The answer is … It depends…
For minor things a warning is usually sufficient.
If kids don’t respond to a warning, we have something called a Refocus which allows the student to go to a different room or to the hallway and fill out what they were doing, what they should have been doing and what they are going to do when they return to class. If they blow it again, it means a phone call to the parents ( the kid has to make the call, explain why and then the teacher gets to talk to parent)
Some teachers hand out Good student tickets for kids who are doing things right such as turning homework in on time, scoring A on test, trying to participate in class etc. On a regular basis the teacher draws a few ticket with a student’s name on it. The student may choose something from a box ( now grown into several shelves in a closet) in exchange for ticket. Other teachers have done something similar, but use the tickets as a form of money to buy something from classroom store.

Sometimes a one on one talk with a student helps. Also, a teacher can try changing where students are sitting, change the pace or structure of the class ( keep it interesting and fast paced for hyper kids), provide some hands on activities, not just lecture or paper and pencil activities. Parent /teacher/ student conferences sometimes help. Home visits are often dreaded by students, but very effective.
If a kid doesn’t get his work done because he is messing around, we have homework clubs both before and after school. Last year I picked up kids on a regular basis every Tuesday and Thursday mornings 7:15 a.m. We got a lot done.

In a few severe cases, we have had an adult such as an aide, parent or grandparent actually come to the classroom. Hey, a little embarassment never killed anyone, and if it gets the kid to settle down so others can learn, so be it. We have a local adult and high school mentoring program to provide some extra attention and help to kids who are acting out or have some special needs such as going through divorce or death in family.

Last, but not least, is the ever popular Saturday school. That is exactly what it sounds like. Although it was originally intended for the disruptive students, in the last few years I have found that I have a lot of the kids who really want to learn show up at Saturday school. They bring a sack lunch, make hot chocolate , popcorn and settle down for some serious learning. Hope this gives you some ideas.

You are entitled to more than a few minutes of learning time a day. Also, remember that peer pressure can be a powerful way to deal with behavior issues. If you don’t like what is going on, organize your friends and say something to those who think they are so entertaining. Doesn’t it get old? Sometimes don’t you have the urge to tell them to sit down, shut up, and listen? Of course, you will think of a more tactful way of saying this so you don’t get beaten to a pulp. Good luck

Jenny asks…

How can i make close to a thousand dollars before the summer?

Hey im 13 and i’m trying to save up some money to buy a mac in the summer. I’m earning 120 dollars in the summer. How can i earn close to a thousand dollars before the summer to help save up for my mac?

Nagesh answers:

I am going to tell you honestly that you CAN earn $1,000 by summer but can also tell you that it’s not going to be easy. There are parents making good money that can’t seem to raise $1,000 in a year of “extra” money in savings and often find themselves using credit cards in order to get access to things that they would like to have but can’t afford. This does not mean to give up before you try… It means try at all odds for success. There have been businesses started by kids that have produced alot of income just working part time but working to find needs that people have and filling them. Right now is a good time to concentrate on spring and summer needs that people have… Older and disabled people can’t plant flowers but you can! You can spread mulch, pull weeds, sell products like gazing balls and lawn ornaments and such. Talk to a local hardware or garden store about selling products for them online and around the neighborhood. Know your products and know your customers. Ask for additional jobs and referrals to their family, friends and co-workers. Good news travels fast. You may get to the point of referrals when you don’t have to pull a single weed. You can act as a resource for your friends to do the work and you make “commissions.” If you think outside the box, it will be easy to make the money you want but realize it’ll take time and focus. Check out the library for books like “Fast Cash for Kids” by Bonnie & Noel Drew as well as other books. And ya know as you build up ideas of what you can do for money, you may be able to write your own book. Don’t give up. The right opportunity is out there for YOU. When you know what you want to do, work on a business plan to show your parents. You will need their help but they’ll be glad to give it in exchange for tax deductions. You may be able to write off your mac as a business expense. What’s your next obstacle???

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Sunday, December 1st, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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