Your Questions About Fast Money Making Ideas For Kids

Chris asks…

How can I show that kids are growing up to fast in a piece of art?

For my art class we have to make something out of a weird material. I was thinking of showing how kids are growing up to fast. An idea i had was forming a jungle gym out of things that adults would wory about. But I think i need a different idea.
Thank you!

Nagesh answers:

You could get wire (armature wire comes in all sizes and is pretty cheap) and form a stick figures, swinging on a swing set, and have one wearing a skirt made of a condom and a little pacifier in her mouth, and color and cut out a pair of red pouty lips and put it on the other stick figure on the other swing, along with some pasted on (you cut and color red again) fingernails and toe nails.

Could even have a little basket, with a little tiny stick figure in it, for a baby.

Or you could have those stick figures throwing a baby back and forth…or you could make like a diorama with the baby on a Popsicle stick that when you push and pull it, it goes from one kid to the next through the air, with a bunch of smashed babies on the ground at their feet.

Or you could recover a cereal box, with a new cereal name and pictures that border on sex or aggressive, soldier, money, babies, themes…geared for children and in young language and flavors.

William asks…

How can I make a lot of money in a small town?

I need to make quite a bit of money. I am 13 years old… Yes 13 years old so age appropriate answers please! And please be serious!

Nagesh answers:

Mow lawns in the spring/summer and fall, and shovel snow if applicable in the winter. Be industrious… Take on lots of clients and hire help if necessary, but you will get clients because you are a kid, and people will want to help. Also, since our overhead will be very low, you can keep prices low which wll help with client on-boarding.
If you need fast money, I have no idea.

Thomas asks…

What are some ways that a 15 year old can make decent money over the summer?

Preferably, it should have flexible hours and not like “doing chores around the house” or “starting a lemonade stand”. I’m looking for an actual job, such as a camp counselor, etc. Any other ideas?

Nagesh answers:

1. Be an early investor. Ride your bike around and check the paper for garage sales. Hit them up and buy up music CD’s you find. Normally 25 cents to a buck each. Then bring them home, windex the cases, use some automotive wax and a soft cloth to clean the CD’s. Then ride them over to the used record store. On average you will get $2.25 per CD. Some $1, some $4. You will at least break even, meaning lose no money, otherwise make profit for just shopping and cleaning a few CD’s. And this can be done on your own time frame.

2. Since you mentioned camp, I am sure you know or enjoy crafts. Get on ebay, see what type of craft items are selling, jewelry, baskets, etc. Make some, have a parent set up an ebay account, and start selling them. Again, all done at your own pace and time frame. You can also find small trinket shops/craft shops in your area and sell your items to them for them to resell or use them as a distributor to sell your products for you and you give them a cut of the profit.

3. Camp counselor, amusement park, some fast food joints, cart person at a grocery store, etc.

4 since I am sure you are on myspace and enjoy it all. Go to kinko’s and make up some simple biz cards ($25). Then go around to local small business’s and others and offer your services of making them a myspace web site page. You can then give the address to them to advertise with, to link to their web site, etc. Explain how myspace is big, popular and has millions of users and some 250,000 a day new sign on. Few “adults” understand all the computer stuff where you do. Say $100 for the myspace site, info, pictures. And $25 for changes. Take you a day to do one, an hour to update one.

5. This one I told my 18 yr old bro to do cause he’s a camera wiz. If you are good with video cameras, editing, burning to DVD’s. Again get some biz cards, then go around to local soccer games, softball, baseball, tball, etc. And give your card out to the parents. Offer a service of video taping their child for the game, editing it, and burning it to DVD. Say $25 a game. You get 2-3 kids per game, you make $75 for 5 hrs of work including editing and you film all 3 at same time, as you do edit it later. This allows the parent to either A. Watch the game and not a camera, B. Not even be at the game yet still see it, and C. Able to share a “professional” yet cheap video of their child to friends, realtives. Make up a simple front page on the video saying biz name, who did it (you), etc.

Think outside the box, dont’ settle for some minimum wage paycheck when you can make 3 times as much in 1/3rd the time by just looking around.

Laura asks…

Why are Cons so stuck on the idea that paying income and property taxes is solely to support lazy?

peoplethat won’t work. Our tax money goes for other things besides public aid, welfare, food stamps, etc. Why not focus on the good that comes from tax dollars rather than the bad? I mean you cons love the military right? How about the FDA? The TSA? There must be SOME government programs you like…try to focus on those. Whining about how single moms in the ghetto with drug addictions get free food for their kids isn’t going to make paying taxes go away.

Nagesh answers:

Because they really believe the crap they hear on FOX and Rush, and they don’t even believe their own eyes, like why is it a ghetto if its so wonderful living high on the government hog?

When its them though, the government can’t move fast enough, when Tennessee had some flooding, they were angry that the Federal dollars weren’t instantly in their pockets. That will happen again in the flooding in the Mississippi too. They are true believers that blacks get preferential treatment and whites get shafted. Rush is already pushing the idea that Democratic states get faster money than Republican ones in an emergency.

You can’t change them, they can’t learn, they complain about other people when they have their own hands out twice as fast because they aren’t used to waiting on line.

Susan asks…

What is the quickest way to make 8,000 dollars?

I was invited by the Governor of Alabama to attend a trip to New Zealand, Fiji, and Australia and it is 8,000 dollars. The trip is next summer. Does anyone have an idea how I can make 8,000 dollars by then? It’s greatly appreciated.

Nagesh answers:

Make babysitting flyers using the computer and put them in the library, people’s mailboxes, and grocery stores.
Drum up more business and keep a notebook to schedule when you do get a customer.
Culver’s minimum hiring age is 14 with a workers permit.
I called many stores because I am looking for a job. This was the response they gave which makes me happy after looking for so long.
Find a local one go online and apply and go in store to apply or call and ask if they are hiring.

What I did was Google a bunch of business near my home and found their numbers using Google maps or their sites and I called and directly asked if they are hiring and what age do they hire at.

Try local grocery stores, pizza parlors, retail stores, fast food restaurants.

Find positions at hotels and restaurants. Professionals make $25-$40 and hour + tips. Find a class through ( or take a course online for $50 at (

Potential Earning Power: an extra $375 a week

2. Personal Trainer
If you are a natural health and fitness buff, whip others into shape for extra cash.You and others will stay fit while you profit. Get certified at (

Potential Earning Power:$ 220 a week

3. Bookkeeper
Local businesses just starting out may need a person to track payments, deposits, and budgets. For example a new day care center.

Potential Earning Power: $600-$1000 a month


Mowing, gardening, trimming bushes, gutter cleaning, and sweeping. It’s a common way to make money especially during summer. To find gigs search ( and (

Potential Earning Power: $200 a week

5. Tutoring

Assist kids, teen, and college students in their studies. Use ( to find areas you can tap into to find work. Take a course at (… To find jobs try ( or (

Potential Earning Power: $375 a week to $200

6. Lifeguard

Hang by the pool and get paid.Become certified at ( or (

Potential Earning Power: $140 a week

7. Website Creator

Design sites for local businesses and non-profit organizations.Charge a good amount per project.

Potential Earning Power: $800-$1200 a month

8.House Cleaner

Clean homes for local college students or busy families. Determine the needs before you give a price. Post an AD on Craigslist or the local Newspaper.

Potential Earning Power: $500- $1500

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Friday, August 22nd, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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