Your Questions About Fast Money Making Fundraisers

Susan asks…

Fun, easy, and no-cost fundraisers for a youth group?

My youth group watched a video Wednesday night(August 10, 2011) about the Famine in the Horn of Africa and we felt really compelled to help. As a group we decided to stop all fundraising for our mission trips and summer camps for a while and instead are just focusing on raising money to send to Africa. Our goal is to raise $5,000 in 35 days. The thing is we are not having any help from our Pastor or Youth Pastor for this one because they have both agreed to do things when we reach our goal, our Pastor has promised to dye his hair pink for one whole Sunday when we reach $2,500 and our youth pastor has promised that she would shave her head if we reached $5,000. So we really need some help with fast and easy fundraising ideas that will cost very little money if any at all.

We have already done stuff such as:
1. Trick-or-Treating for UNICEF(yes in August! UNICEF is the only organization allowed to help in the Horn of Africa right now)
2. Set up donation buckets in gas stations and stores
3. Created a UNICEF team page where people are able to make donations online(​to/focusoslc)
We also have a Kiss A Pig contest going on right now.

Nagesh answers:

Try by getting a free fundraising kit from various websites. It’s a great way to learn more about the fundraising options they offer. With the right information and the right tools they can help you make your next fundraiser a success.

All fundraising groups are going to have to sell their items to generate money. Everyone starts with selling to mom and dad then moves on to friends. The more successful the campaign means the more people you will actually have to talk to. Here are a collection of sales tips you can use to help you while you are raising funds.

– Have fun and enjoy what you are doing. It is not necessary to have a canned speech and perform it by memory. You can talk to people and have fun with your campaign, the donors will pick up on this and sales will increase.
– Be honest while making the rounds for sales. You are a representative of your school group.
– People do not want to be told what to do. Your job is to make people feel good about donating to your school group.
– When you get a no, don’t take it personally. The donors are not saying they don’t like you; they just may not care for the product or have the money available at the time.
– For people who are nervous about selling a little preparation is key. By practicing your sales talk it will bring confidence. Again the goal is not to recite something word for word but to talk about your fundraising campaign with confidence. It might sound a little funny but try role-playing if selling is an issue with you. Spend time with people rehearsing just talking and getting past an objection or two.
– Avoid hard selling. There is no need to be pushy while fundraising. People like to help out and also enjoy buying. You may even be able to offer them the chance to show up to school to check out the new equipment, or the new uniforms for the baseball team. By being friendly and a good representative you just might pick up new volunteers along the way.
– If possible get a booth or a table in a high traffic area. Places like malls or local events. This will get you lots of traffic and potential donors that you can approach.

These sales tips are good for whatever sales you might find yourself in. You might even consider these tips good advice for talking to people and relating. Remember interacting with people will serve you better than just about any learned skill taught. A little preparation with these tips will insure that your fundraising campaign is both fun and profitable.

George asks…

What do you think of my story?

Please help me make it better.

Chapter Two
Nathaniel And I

Nathaniel Price was a beautiful boy. Tall and well built. He had the most gorgeous brown eyes, the type that can make you melt like honey. His dark, shaggy haircut had all the girls tumbling. None could resist the extraordinary charm the boy had possessed. I couldn’t either.
I met him through his father. Mr Price, he was a nice man, always looking for a way to help others. He organized many fundraisers, including raising money for the children in Africa. I was there too, helping out in the cupcake stand. That was where I met Nathaniel. Of course at that time I didn’t know that he was Mr Price’s son. So when he stole one of the blue berry muffins I had no choice but, to give him a lecture.
“How dare you steal that muffin, don’t you know that this fundraiser is for the kids of Africa, you’re basically stealing from them!” That rather loud lecture had attracted many peoples attention, one of them being Mr Price.I can still remember the look in Nathaniel’s eyes. Confused and just the slightest bit amused. And that was Nat’s first impression of me.
Later his dad had explained me everything. That Nathaniel was his son and that he told him it was okay to eat one cupcake. Neither of them spoke to me that night. It was just three weeks later, that I got to see Nat again. And that was the night that he met the real me.
Ever since I embarrassed myself in front of Mr Price and his son, I haven’t been feeling right. Waking up each morning I only had one question in my mind. ‘Have they forgotten what I did?’ The answer of course, ‘unknown’. The only time I saw Mr Price after the incident was in our local supermarket, a couple of weeks ago. He was getting out, while I was coming in. Sadly I tripped and fell right into him, making him drop the paper bags he was holding. And if that wasn’t bad enough, his milk had exploded and spilled out.Of course he tried reassuring me that it was alright, he even put on a smile and asked me how I was doing. Embarrassed and ashamed I just nodded and left as soon as he explained how he had to be somewhere.
It’s been three weeks since I met Mr Price’s son. And to be honest I had been hoping to see him again, but I’m sure he wouldn’t want to go anywhere near me after what I did. I don’t blame him though, I wouldn’t want to see some guy who yelled at me over something so stupid.
Suddenly the feeling of someone stabbing me, took over. I knew I had to eat soon, it’s been over two months since I killed. As disgusting as it might be, it’s the only way to keep me going. By ending somebodies life and keeping mine going.
I threw on my leather jacket and took a turn for the worst. The beast that I had been sustaining for so long, took over. I felt my body tense and I could only imagine how gruesome I looked. Since I became this beast, I’ve never looked at a mirror, too scared to see what I look like when I change. My clothes don’t rip and I don’t grow hair, well on my arms at least, I don’t know about my face or chest.
The feeling of stabbing came back. I needed to get someone fast, nothing could be worse than having them here.
I took a long jump from the window, good thing I wasn’t as clumsy when I turned. By now I was used to the touch of cold air as I fell from the thirtieth floor. First time I did that, I really thought I would die, that’s mostly why I did that. Though by now I found out that basically nothing could kill me. Not a fall from the thirtieth floor, not a knife through my heart. It was like I was protected by the devil himself.
The street was empty and dull, nothing but the sound of a few car honks far in the distance. Taking a quick glance to my right all I saw were a few cats, lurking by the dumpsters. I decided to go further in to the city, there was always somebody out after dark.
And I was right, there were a couple of young girls, taking a short cut to what I guessed was the club. My need was strong but, I couldn’t kill that many. One would be enough for tonight.
“Hey, can you help me out a bit?” The question was directed at me. Turning around, I knew I wouldn’t be able to control myself much longer. “I need to get to the….” The strangers voice hitched and suddenly he was off.

Nagesh answers:

Omg! I love it! The dialogue is so juicy and the descriptions make the story just come to life! Awesome, keep up the brilliant work! 😀

Thomas asks…

What are some fundraiser ideas for a small orchestra?

My school’s orchestra is made up of about 25 people. We’re going to Prague this year for our big trip, but current estimates put us at needing $18000 in scholarship funds and other such needs. The problem is that our current “bank account” has a balance of about $100. That’s two zeros there.

So basically, we need money and it’s too late for grants, and we need awesome fundraisers to make up the difference.

Currently we have ideas like:
1. Silent auction of STUFF (signed basketballs, painted violins, etc)
2. Hiring out students to parties
3. Asking for donations
4. Washing windows in a fast-food drive-through
5. Selling cheesecakes (last year, the best seller got $36 profit)
6. Selling food after school for sports teams

So any ideas would be appreciated. Thank you!

Nagesh answers:

Play a benefit concert.
Literally. Learn a whole different set of music for this concert.
Make it a high end event (use your school auditorium if you have a good one, or see if a church will let yall use their sanctuary for free).
But play a variation of music. All well known/fun stuff
soundtracks (pink panther, POTC, HP), classical, Remote Control by Richard Meyer, and orchestral versions of famous rock songs.

Put a donation box outside, with a parent or someone manning the box.

One of the “orchestras” I’m in does this every year. (the one made up of the students of the private teachers in the area)
We get a lot of money from this.
We have 40ish violins, 6 violas, and 1 cello.
Ranging in age from 6 to 18 (not including teachers and their biological children)

Mark asks…

Im going CRAZY! And I need help and advice FAST! (This is about an ATV/MC race team!)?

So, I came to Yahoo! Answers looking for help, this is what my question said:

Im trying to plan a fundraising event on a low budget, how can i do it?

Temptation Racing wants to plan a Fundrasing Event.
But we have a very low budget.
Around $200.
Any ideas? Any help?

10% of all money earned is donated to
Central Valley Childrens Hospital
The Make-A-Wish Foundation

Then I got some sassy answers, So I wrote this:

*We only donate 10% to those 2 foundations becuase RACING IS NOT CHEAP! You try owning a race team! Its not easy! We have 5 riders and only 2 are sponsored. So we have to deal with 3 un-sponsored riders! Its not cheap, especially when sponsorships dont do much!

Then I got more sassyness so I wrote this:


I need HELP!!!
I need real advice on how to help our riders, I dont want to disappoint them and tell them, to bad you cant race! Weve tryed SO MUCH! and were barely holding on by a thread!

Nagesh answers:

200 Dollars ?? I think the Tee shirt idea is a great way to start.
Your not going to puyt on a race for 200 bucks.

I spend almost 18,000 for one of the Cross Country races. And I understand that this year it is at 12,000 to promote.
For motocross, it is about the same. NO guarantees on making money promoting races.Escepically if you don’t own the track.

The tee shirt idea is the only way I can see how you can ‘make money’ in motocross starting with only 200 dollars.

I don;t want to Rain on your parade, but didn’t anybody tell you this was a MONEY SPENDING HOBBY ?
Shoot get those kids of the couch and let them mow yards or something to pay gate fees.
Or make a deal with a track owner that ya’ll work on the facility during the week and then you can practice when work ins done.
Don’t give up, keep Riding and trying !!

Michael asks…

How should i save my church?

My church is running out of money and fast. We have no pastor, we are in the calling process right now. Our saving funds are barely keeping us alive.The church is a beautiful place, and even though I am at the age (I’m 13) that most teens would hate going to church, I honestly LOVE my church and all the people in it. It would kill me lose it. We are Lutheran, and we have an LYO (Lutheran Youth Organization) That I am a part of. Our church is very small, so we only have 4 people in the group. We also have a larger Sunday School who are very young (about 11, ages 2-9). We need to act quickly or we will lose our church. We need both fundraisers and ways to get new people. I know I’m only 13, and I can only make so much of a difference, but I need to try.

Nagesh answers:

Think you need to look at what you can do and what you hope to achieve & work from there.

Change what you can change, accept what you can’t change & be smart enough to know the differences.

All I suggest is whatever you do please be considerate of others. Remember It’s not really acceptable to bully others for the crime of believing differently. SO tread carefully.


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Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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