Your Questions About Fast Money Making Fundraisers

Mary asks…

10 points! original, fun, easy fundraisers?

i need to raise £4,600 in under 8months!
i will do the bog standard quiz nights, wrist band sales etc etc
but i want some really good original ones!!
i was thinking of a music battle of the bands in my field, with lots of other amusements
but i need some smaller, easier and fast money making ideas!!
i am a girl, so yes, i will be doing bar crawls wearing very little and holding a bucket.. but i dont want to resort to just prostitution!

Nagesh answers:

Try a car wash, I’ve tried it and raised a lot of money with it!

Chris asks…

Fundraiser ideas please!?

I’m trying to raise money to go to Italy for the summer with an academic program. It’s 5 grand and I need the money by may 19. Do you have any good ideas for fundraisers to make money fast? I’m willing to work hard I just want to make the money in time! Thank you!

Nagesh answers:

Get a job…..? Fundraising 5k is a lot of money man. Job would be the easiest in my opinion.

Donald asks…

Need fundraiser Ideas!?!?

My debate team is starting out the school year literally broke. We need to make money and fast. There are a quite a few members so we would be able to pull off bigger things. We need suggestions on how to make a good amount of money with preferably doable fundraisers. Help!

Nagesh answers:

It really depends how big your team is and how much money you need.

Some common fundraisers are:

Selling candy bars door to door and at school (not super exciting but it always works)

Selling discount cards for local businesses door to door

Holding a free car wash one Saturday morning in a high traffic corner (the free sign will get people in – and they will give a donation)

I once was part of a fundraiser that split an entire field in 2 foot by 2 foot squares (with chalk) and then sold raffle tickets for the squares. A cow was then put on the field and if the cow pie landed on your square you won. Believe it or not – my organization made $16,000 off this promotion in 1988 – which was a ton of money then.

Michael asks…

what is a fast way to make a lot of cash

ideas for fundraiser? or some other idea to get money quickly

Nagesh answers:

How old are you. You can have a car wash or a bake sale. You can wash a passenger car for 7 or 8 bucks, and larger cars or vans for 11 or 12 bucks. For a bake sale, you can sell cookies 25 or 50 cents for 1 and $1 for 3 cookies. Cupcakes for 75 cents each or $2.50 for 2 cupcakes. Cake can be sold for $5 for small 6 inch ones and $10 for a large cake 9-12 inches. Have drinks around like water for $1, juice for $1.50, soda for $2.50, and beer or liquor for $5.

Lizzie asks…

Music Tour Fundraisers!!!?

I need some solid ideas for fundraising that would bring in lots of money fast so that I can go on my schools music tour to LA next year. I have a job but im not allowed to spend that money on tour because its for uni. My parents will consider letting me go if there is no doubt that i can raise my $5,000 because they cant afford to help me out if i cant. I have ten months before tour but i need to have a solid plan in place. I need to also make sure I have time for school and for my other work.
I have the option to pay in chunks which would be about $200-300 every three weeks then approximately a $600 balance at the end. Please help- I need some really good, profitable, quick and easy diy fundraising projects, or ideas about community helpers that can donate money or give me a grant, or someone who may be able to sponsor me for at least a portion of it. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Try by getting a free fundraising kit from various websites. It’s a great way to learn more about the fundraising options they offer. With the right information and the right tools they can help you make your next fundraiser a success.

All fundraising groups are going to have to sell their items to generate money. Everyone starts with selling to mom and dad then moves on to friends. The more successful the campaign means the more people you will actually have to talk to. Here are a collection of sales tips you can use to help you while you are raising funds.

– Have fun and enjoy what you are doing. It is not necessary to have a canned speech and perform it by memory. You can talk to people and have fun with your campaign, the donors will pick up on this and sales will increase.
– Be honest while making the rounds for sales. You are a representative of your school group.
– People do not want to be told what to do. Your job is to make people feel good about donating to your school group.
– When you get a no, don’t take it personally. The donors are not saying they don’t like you; they just may not care for the product or have the money available at the time.
– For people who are nervous about selling a little preparation is key. By practicing your sales talk it will bring confidence. Again the goal is not to recite something word for word but to talk about your fundraising campaign with confidence. It might sound a little funny but try role-playing if selling is an issue with you. Spend time with people rehearsing just talking and getting past an objection or two.
– Avoid hard selling. There is no need to be pushy while fundraising. People like to help out and also enjoy buying. You may even be able to offer them the chance to show up to school to check out the new equipment, or the new uniforms for the baseball team. By being friendly and a good representative you just might pick up new volunteers along the way.
– If possible get a booth or a table in a high traffic area. Places like malls or local events. This will get you lots of traffic and potential donors that you can approach.

These sales tips are good for whatever sales you might find yourself in. You might even consider these tips good advice for talking to people and relating. Remember interacting with people will serve you better than just about any learned skill taught. A little preparation with these tips will insure that your fundraising campaign is both fun and profitable.

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Friday, April 19th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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