Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

John asks…

How do you be a successful hobo/drifter?

As in work at a Job. Save up money and go to the next town? Where would you sleep? Since hotels would be way to expensive?

Nagesh answers:

Historically, many people have been forced into becoming hobos because of circumstances where jobs are so scarce that they have no choice but to travel from place to place in search of work. There are many theories of the origin of the word hobo (see Wikipedia’s entry, listed in the Sources and Citations), ranging from a contraction of the words “Hoe Boys” to one of the words “Homeward Bound”. In any case, the American Heritage Dictionary defines a hobo as “one who wanders from place to place without a permanent home or a means of livelihood.” But the dawn of the Internet and increased dissatisfaction with the 9 to 5 routine have led more and more people to wonder if earning a living while on the road is a viable alternative to the daily grind. If you’re thinking about becoming an opportunistic and resourceful transient worker, keeping your costs low, your responsibilities simple, and your freedom intact, here are the questions you’ll need to ask yourself, and the preparations you’ll need to make.

Remember the differences between hobos, tramps, and bums: hobos’ are people who travel and look for work, tramps are people who travel and don’t look for work, bums are people who neither travel nor look for work.

Farm hand – If you’ve ever thought about being a farmhand there are places all over the world that offer housing, food, a stipend, and experience, in exchange for getting your hands dirty. You can follow harvest seasons around the country or maybe around the globe.

Take stock of your skills and experience. Historically, hobos have made a living through manual labor, but that doesn’t always have to be the case. Any skill that is in wide demand and does not require an extended time commitment can be useful to a hobo. As long as you can advertise your services and earn people’s trust (ideally through references), you can do anything.

Establish Plan B. This is a serious, life-altering decision. Don’t abandon everything suddenly and disappear. You need something to come back to if your life on the road doesn’t work out. Make sure all your debts are paid and responsibilities are handled before departure. If possible, have some savings set aside before you go, that you can access while you’re on the road, if need be. Emergencies happen, and they cost money.

Be prepared. You may like the romantic idea of leaving with nothing but the clothes on your back and whatever is in your wallet, but that is a sure-fire recipe for disaster. You must assume that you will be sleeping, cooking, traveling, and essentially living outdoors, unless you decide to drive a car

Make a list of connections. Look at maps of the areas in which you’ll be traveling, and determine whether or not there’s anyone you know, directly or indirectly, who lives there. Ask your Aunt Sally if your great uncle Billy still lives in that cabin in the woods. Ask your friend if his cousin still works at the car dealership in Utah. Most important of all, ask them if it’s okay if you can get in touch with those people in case of an emergency. Some people might offer to make arrangements so that you can actually visit, which is always nice. (Just be a good house guest!)

Make an itinerary based on the type of work you plan to do, the connections you have in place, and the places you’d like to see. Do as much research as you can beforehand. Make a list of places you can stay, eat, shower, camp, etc. It’s also wise to look up churches and shelters and any services that are offered to the homeless. The more prepared you are, the more you’ll enjoy your travels.

(continued at the following):

Laura asks…

When you start up a new business?

Like in that story yahoo just put out, Where do people come up with half a million dollars of their own money in this days woes? I fail to understand how a normal person like me can start a new business with NO money. Let alone 500,000.00. I will never see in my lifetime, even a hundredth of that.

Nagesh answers:

If you are looking to start a new business with low start up you might want to check this website out. This business allows you to work from home on the internet in your spare time. You don’t need to carry any products or service your customers as it is all done for you. You can make a lot of money in your spare time if you put some effort into it. This site is great because it truly walks you through step by step videos on how to start your business. You will never be left to wonder what to do next to start and grow your business and earn the income you are looking for. Check out the website it might just be the opportunity you are looking for.

I wish you luck!

David asks…

In Business, How can one recognize a pyramid scheme?

I have this friend who is part of an organization that enegages in selling brand products through the internet and getting paid in a comission fashion. He invited me to this meeting to learn how to become part of the business deal. However, I wonder if this is a pyramid scheme. Since I need to attend to a meeting, no further information was or has been provided. However, I just need somebody to teach/assist me in how to spot pyramid schemes.

Thanks in advance.

Nagesh answers:

That particular tactic is typical for Amway or their newer on-line company, Quixtar. If this is the case it would obviously not be considered a pyramid scheme because they have been in business for over 50 years.

Usually when people say Pyramid Scheme they are referring to an illegal business format where people earn money from large sign up fees or from huge purchases of a product (front loading). All large corporations are structured in a pyramid shape. That is they have a CEO or President and some Vice Presidents at the top and they have a lot more employees at the bottom. A company that allows you to earn money from the sale of normal (usable) quantities of products is probably a legitimate MLM company.

Today there are many legitimate “work from home” companies that are structured in this same shape where you would need to find other distributors to join your company. These are the best companies to invest in if you want to own your own business. They have low start-up cost and low risk but most have huge upside income potential. To choose one you should look for a product that you really like. Also, you should consider the experience level of the people that you are joining with. These businesses are simple but you will have a lot to learn in order to really make the big bucks. If you want to know more about some of these companies, I can make some recommendations. Write back to

Donald asks…

Where should I go to learn random useful things?

Sometimes I feel like dumb when I realize I know nothing about everyday things. For example I’m 21 and in college yet I know nothing about money (taxes, bills, credit, loans) or the other day, my roommate threw mothballs in our alleyway by our garbage cans because apparently racoons hate the smell and it keeps them from tearing the garbage apart. Is there like a website or book or something that you can learn about random useful stuff?

Nagesh answers:

FreeBase It’s about film, sports, politics, music, science and everything else all connected together. FreeBase contributors are collecting data from all over the internet to build a massive, collaboratively-edited database of cross-linked data. .

Http:// is an online community where you ask questions to the crowd and get back useful answers. It is for people who are looking for something more meaningful than they get from “popularity” based social networks. It’s a place to engage around asking, sharing, growing and learning. It’s where you get to question everything
Graspr is a social media and learning company building an interactive, online community that enables people to connect and share their life experiences and expertise with people who are seeking it. The community is built around topic-specific videos in a variety of interest categories, such as health & fitness, home & garden, crafts, sports, and many more
Yedda connect people who are looking for knowledge with the people who have the knowledge. Ask any question on any topic, and Yedda will search for people with the relevant interests and knowledge, and invite them to answer your question. Share your knowledge by answering other people, build your reputation and connect with likely minded people.

Squidoo is an online platform that makes it easy for anyone to build lenses on topics they are passionate about. These lenses help you find a unique, human perspective on things that interest you… Fast. Not only can Lensmasters spread their ideas, get recognized for their expertise, and send more traffic to their Web sites and blogs—they could also earn royalties.

Wolfram|Alpha’s long-term goal is to make all systematic knowledge immediately computable and accessible to everyone. It aims to collect and curate all objective data; implement every known model, method, and algorithm; and make it possible to compute whatever can be computed about anything.

Koofers provides an interactive community that serves the academic needs of college students through information sharing. Students benefit from collaboration with their peers and the experiences of former students. Many helpful services span the entire academic calendar from course selection through final exams, and include collaborative note taking, course & instructor ratings/grade distributions, and an online library for sharing past exams & study materials.

SpongeFish is the place to share and show off your personal knowledge and expertise, and learn from others. People come to SpongeFish to show what they know and win prizes.

MindBites is your place on the web to learn directly from other real people and share what you know with the world. A self-publishing platform and social marketplace for instructional content, MindBites enables people to share their unique knowledge, skills and passions through audio and video lessons, earning money for themselves or for charity.



Sandra asks…

Is there anyone here who is successful now who started with just an idea? How did you do it?

I have something in my mind (a baby product) to make it easier for mums & their bubs. But I just don’t know how to start and make it happen. I’m a stay at home mum at the moment who’s eager to earn big, while I stay home with my kids at the same time. I am willing to learn but just don’t have that much confidence to myself as I have been staying home for about 3 years now. I am wondering how did those ladies do it successfully in their business but at the same time be with their kids too. Please help!

Nagesh answers:

There is deffinatly money to be made from home/computer. But there are also MANY scams out there as well. Be careful. Anyone asking for money to help you get started is a fake. The only site that i know of that can help is it will deffinatly be a start for you, Just go to the site and email the admin to make you an account. Its free. When you finally login, it will give you many job entries in your area through the forum. Goodluck to you hun 🙂 And for the product idea, you can deffinatly get things rolling…i would deffinatly urge you NOT to buy a ‘copyright’ seen on tv or the internet though. I would contact a lawyer/attorney and ask them. Most of the buy now copyright protections are fake and will only use your idea later. Talk to an attorney about copyrighting your idea, and then start advertise for it (after its been made)

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Wednesday, July 3rd, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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