Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

Donna asks…

How can me and my friend start up a webcam business?

Me and my friend have decided to begin a business in Adult Entertainment through Web Cam. My cousin is a web designer who is hoping to help us begin this venture, but he said he needs to know how the software works (We’re starting with only 2 webcams, but are hoping to expand in the future).

If anyone has any understanding of how this would work, I would be exceedingly grateful.

Note: Only serious responses, please.

Nagesh answers:

Webcam business allows you to earn from 60 USD per hour with one model. … In our days model’s rate per minute for private show start from 2 USD. …
If your performers don’t have internet or webcam or she can not have a totally …. Have my own site, because there will be many studios working with me and it will bring me .
You want to make webcam business and earn some big money online? Earn easy money from home or office as a Webcam Video Chat owner. Our software allows you to earn from 60 USD per hour with one model. Some of top models have made over 20.000 USD a month!

Mark asks…

What do you do to make extra money at home?

Is it possible without being scammed?
Should I declare the internet industry absolutely useless for this kind of stuff?
How do I know I’m not getting scammed?
Thanks 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Note that while there are lots of LEGITIMATE ways to make money from the internet, none of them are easy. There is simply no free lunch even in the internet.

Interestingly, internet is actually a good place to learn something new and get paid for it. This way you can acquire skills and knowledge without going through costly formal education (although you still need formal education for certification).

If you like to learn new things, you can start by reading these articles.
Basically what you have to do is learning something, write an article summarizing about what you learn and submit the articles into some website.

You may even use the power of some internet forums to boost your income just like written in this article:

Basically, you will need more than one website if you want to earn something decent. You can’t earn anything using only any

single website. For example, you might want to start writing articles in this website:

John asks…

Do you know of any LEGITIMATE websites that you can earn money from your computer?

Today was my last day of work and now Ill be on no pay maternity leave. I know how hard its going to be with my boyfriend supporting the three of us. Please give me any information you can about work at home sites?? I want to be home with our baby for quite some time, but we literally cant afford to do so.

Nagesh answers:

Does anyone use the option to search in yahoo answers? This question was already asked a million times.
And this goes also for all those who prefer to say that this is a lie and say that is not working,simply because they register in a a scam or haven’t enough patience to do some bucks.Anybody who was in one of these sites by at least 2 or 3 months knows that it is slowly but safe, and you do not get rich or anything like that, just transform the minutes lost in the PC , into profit.

In fact, I did not want to know anything about this.But then I realized that all the time lost waiting for loadings in the pc, and just click on an ad, I will continue doing something else, I don’t spend time reading advertising (like changing channels on the TV commercials) So I decided to register in those sites.And the truth is not so much you earn, but enough to just minutes a day (that We waste in loadings) to make some extra bucks, it paid enough for the internet bill and to have a Rapidshare and Megaupload acount.Also to buy needless things in the net.It’s not much, but 50 or 100 dollars extra cash per month is an aid (some earn more than that). But, you need patience, a lot of patience because it takes several months to reach that number (if not the whole world would do), but once You got referrals,it’s all much easier.
And be careful with those scams (those that offer get rich without effort, or pay more than 0.1/0.2 cents per click or have to gather a lot to do extraction, are all FRUD), but some always paid.You must remember that there is no easy money, though this is not at all difficult, it can be tiring routine as always (even if only 5 min) but you get used to not mind and you see it still your stuff always in the pc and give clicks through these pages whenever you decide, askMe any questions that you like,I Help.Good Luck

PS: If you want to test a few months go to these places:
(in order of importance)
It works for Me.

PD2: This is not spam if it is used to answer a question, and I only complete the information provided.


The first is 1DOllar PTC: This page is a form catching (by calling in some way) to “trap us.”
One is excited to see that day has more than 600 ads to click and view ads for almost 60 of which are worth much $ 5 if $ 5 (USD).
And well worth the ads and there is a very high minimum payout or cashout.
The minimum amount in principle (and they will say that “in principle”) is $ 5000. Not so bad a thought in a couple of days at most a week and doing most of the 600 ads will reach the minimum amount.
But when one approaches (even reach) the amount mentioned above, the gunmen 1dolla PTC you change the minimum amount of $ 25,000, $ 25,000 if it was to start less than 5 times $ 5000.
When I reached the $ 4000 I changed the minimum to $ 25,000
This PTC is more or less the same as PTC 1Dollar but unless you get to click ads (about 60) and therefore the minimum is a little lower.
But the point is that f@ck you in the same way.
And last but not least is the case of fraudulent BIGMoney PTC.
If BIGMoney but for them.
The issue is that They screw you in the same way as shown above, seem to have been made by the same person ,are similar in their operation, and graphics on how to deceive.
Also got:
And this is one of the lists of Scam PTC biggest I found: http / / / hub / ptcscams
Many pages that are legal publicitate others who are advertising Scam.That is because anyone can publicitate in these pages, because they are not responsible for the pages you pay for publicitate.So do not believe if you saw an advertisement for another PTC ,
That is a decent and legal.

In summary, there are hundreds of scams, but some are good.The best you can do is to research well before recorded in these sites.

How to recognize SCAM:
1) offer large gains money. Some of these are ridiculous amounts of money, eg $ 100 per click and daily gains of several thousand dollars, while other sites offer more discrete quantities of money, like $ 1 or $ 0.05 and $ 0.20 per click.
Firms would be paying under $ 0.02 per click, usually only pay $ 0.01.

2) The price of advertising (advertising) is cheaper than what it actually. For example, 500 clicks at $ 0.5/click to a minimum value of $ 0.50, which relidad should cost $ 2.5. A site with a large loss can not be maintained, can not exist. In these cases, there are two options: the administrator o

Michael asks…

Can someone tell me a legitimate work at home opportunity with little or no investment?

I’ve been burned before and really can’t afford to keep losing money. If possible, I’d like to start earning this weekend, I’ve got so many bills and would like to start paying some of them off. Thanks:)!!

Nagesh answers:

My husband and I started our home based business over six years ago. We both work out of our home around our children’s school and sports activities. We got involved in an International telecommunications service provider that was started back in 1993. It’s a 15 year old, world wide company that’s in numerous countries. It’s the largest direct selling telecommunications service provider in the world. With headquarters in Farmington Hills, Michigan, Charlotte, Amsterdam, Sydney and Montreal.
They have been featured in several magazines like USA Today, Success, Fortune etc. Inc 500 rated them the 22nd fastest growing company in revenue in it’s first five years. They are registered with the BBB as well.
They market in services people use every day and pay for anyway. Services like Local and Long Distance telephones, Internet, Digital, video phones, Satellite TV, and all the major cellular phone companies like T-Mobile, Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, Nextell, Altell etc with the latest plans and most popular equipment. You help put them on a new 2 year contract plan or upgrading and extending an existing contracts through all the major cellular phone providers. You also help them save money on all their other telecommunication needs as well as Satellite TV. Every single month these people pay their bills, you make a percentage over and over again each month.
How many people do you know, or know of around the world that uses one or more of these services or products? . A lot of money involved in this industry.

I also created a blog on my 360 page on home based business opportunities. Your more then welcome to take a look. There are over half a dozen different ones to look at for some ideas.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at

Jenny asks…

How do I find a BBB approved work-at-home business that has adequate but not alot of pay because I am on SSI?

and cannot make alot of money or devote alot of time ?
Not my own business but a business I can work for……..

Nagesh answers:

There are many opportunities of working at home and earning through internet. If you wish to learn earning through internet while working at home, feel free to add me as your contact at yahoo answers and at 360 also. You will learn a lot. It is against yahoo answers guidelines to provide referral links here at YA. Most of the genuine earning opportunities on the net are free and they don’t ask for any money to be paid for that.

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Tuesday, April 30th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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