Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

Maria asks…

How does my 13 year old daughter open her own sewing boutique for kids?

My daughter has her own sewing machine and she is really good at sewing. She wants to earn money in the summer so she wants to sew kids clothes is this a good idea? She can charge people about 30 dollars per garment. She wants to do it at home over the summer.

Nagesh answers:

Like another person suggested, EBay would be a good start if your daughter is responsible enough to follow through with a sale and get the garment(s) in the mail in a speedy manner. Check out the fees and the percentage charges for the Ebay services which will cut into her profits.

However, I believe if your daughter stays locally, she has a better chance on being known in your area. As she grows, and word of mouth spreads, she can easily get custom jobs from clients. So, if she can first put some of her clothing in a local store on consignment, that would get her foot in the door. Particularly if she is considering making clothing a steady source of income.

Who knows, maybe she can do the Ebay AND sell garments locally.

That is what I would encourage her to do if I were you.

In order to get $30.00 per garment, I would recommend that she sell them at a location (whether it be the internet or on consignment in a local store front) which commands that price point.

I am a seamstress and have been since I was 12 years old. Here I am, 38 years later, and have turned my seamstress talents into my lively hood. You see, it can be done. I am proof. Your daughter is young and this sounds like a summertime project while school is out; however, never dismiss this talent she has. Encourage her to learn more and support her interest in sewing. You will be so proud of her once she commands the respect she deserves.

Sandy asks…

What are ways for a 16 year old to earn money?

I already asked around for jobs, but i didnt get any, so i want to know if there are other alternatives to get some extra money. One of the things i do is collect the pop and beer cans in my house and sell them, but that’s about it.
And keep in mind this is Norway where i live, so it’s harder to get a job at my age and i cant do things outdoor because of the rain.

Nagesh answers:

There are many opportunities of working at home and earning through internet. If you wish to learn earning through internet while working at home, feel free to add me as your contact at yahoo answers and at 360 also. You will learn a lot. It is against yahoo answers guidelines to provide referral links here at YA. Most of the genuine earning opportunities on the net are free and they don’t ask for any money to be paid for that.

Chris asks…

how can i earn money to the computer online or offline and tell me only best and easy ways. additional if i ha?

how can i earn money to the computer online or offline and tell me only best and easy ways. additional if i have own web site whenever how can earn.

Nagesh answers:

Whether you want to finish off that credit card debt, buy that luxury car, need cash urgently to pay the school fees of your children, or just want to quit your day job and get financial security in life, this website would be of help to you. In this site we will see how you can easily earn, whatever state of life you are in and whatever your skill sets are. This site also has guides exclusively for entrepreneurs and also those who are looking for good investment opportunities. Everyone in this world deserves to get wealth and happiness; one just needs to apply their mind and remain focused; hard-work coupled with honesty will surely help you achieve this goal. In this guide you can find ways to get some cash in your wallet or bank account.
Work From Home; Cottage Industry; You can manufacture, package and sell items right from your home without much investment. There is always a market for niche physical goods like designer candles, custom perfume soaps or even a uniquely designed cake. Try to make FMCG (fast moving consumer goods) products because they sell pretty much fast and expanding the business is also easier. SOHO; Nowadays the internet, mobile phones and other forms of communications has made it possible to sit at your house and run a virtual office. Some examples are running a virtual outsourcing center, data entry work, being a virtual assistant to someone and also stuff like phone/email based customer support.

Drop Shipping
Sell scripts & Web Apps
Start an online business
For Students & Working Professionals;Take Tuitions – become a tutor; If you are a college grad or if you are pursuing a post graduate degree, you can earn by teaching other students (juniors) or helping them do their homework. Look around your neighborhood for those who might be interested in your teaching services. Nowadays there are also websites through which you can teach a student over the internet and get paid on an hourly basis.

Without Investment; Some amount of startup capital is usually required to start a business so that you earn even more than what you currently are getting. However do not worry if you are not in a position to get this seed capital. There are many ways to get funded or bootstrapped by starting with almost nothing. And also remember that this initial seed fund is required just when you are starting; you can use the profits or income from your new venture to invest even more in other businesses. Do some freelancing jobs, odd part time jobs or even make a garage sale of unwanted things in your house like old textbooks. If you are not in a day job, try getting a day job, because it is crucial for survival (especially if you are in a desparate situation). Nowadays the power of the internet has enabled everyone to earn sitting at home; some of the ready to go jobs that you can do if you have access to the internet are writing articles, being a virtual assistant or providing a variety of services, like in Fiverr. Use this cash to start a new venture on a shoe string budget and then gradually expand the offerings or service.

Start a consulting service; Not all professions require a formal education to be successful or to work in a legitimate way. Try learning a new method, way or skill and then use your knowledge to provide advice & consulting services to others for which you can charge a fee. Some of the examples of skills which you can learn and impart are: fitness, sports & games and even things like astrology. The list is endless, you just have to find one which you are interested in and whic you can learn in a short period of time.

There is no dearth to the number of oppurtunities to make money online or offline in the World; for a moment push away all negative and pessimistic thoughts like ‘can i’, ‘oh I have already tried that’ from your mind. Think for a moment how it would feel if you were financially well settled with all your debts cleared and enough cash to buy anything you desire, six months to 12 months down the line. Now how about spending the next three days of your life researching on a good method to make your dream come true? It is well worth the time spent on this because the next three days will be the ones which is going to change your life. Allocate sometime this weekend to do this research and I am sure that you are already on your way to success if you do it. Thank you.

Thomas asks…

how can i make legitimate money from home?

i want to know if its worth trying to make money through the internet. can anyone advise me?

Nagesh answers:

No matter what people tell you, there is no magic trick to earning money at home, online, or on the internet.

However, there is a trick to earning money that not everyone is aware of. And while it’s not magic, it’s definitely worth exploring.

Everybody has something they’re good at, or enjoy enough that they can be good at with practice. The Internet is simply another medium for reaching more clients. Some things sell better on the internet, and some don’t.

Find something you’re good at, that you can do better than others, and sell that service or product, and you will make decent money from home.

While a lot of that is obvious, it is amazing to find people still discovering new talents with one of these work at home programs. None of these will make you wealthy if you’re not already a natural at it, but a lot of them let someone try something new that they haven’t tried before.

Just remember, they’re in the business to make money off you, not the other way around. I’d be vary about these companies and whether they can really offer an opportunity for you, and not otherwise.

Hope this helps,

Donna asks…

Need to find a product easy to manufacture at home, to sell through the Internet?

I need to find a product easy to manufacture at home (ideally, with a low or medium initial investment), to be sold through the Internet… and to be delivered by post… Any ideas?
Thank you!

Nagesh answers:

I don’t think there are easy money for no hard work. Perhaps you can setup a website and to earn money through google adsense.

Besides, here is a specialized webpage containing 10 methods making money online and doing small business online.


maybe that will help you or give you some bright idea.

Best Wishes && Good Luck!

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Friday, January 11th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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