Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

Chris asks…

I want to do easy data entry work beside my job for extra incom to live a happy life.?

I have been serving in a private bank for 5 days in a week for 8 hrs. So I have a lot of time to earn extra money. I heard it is possible to earn money through online. So how it is possible give me the right solutions.

Nagesh answers:

Unless you have very specific skills, such as graphic design, web design, computer programming or sell on eBay, there are no real internet work at home jobs. On line jobs are just another urban myth. You will just be bombarded with all kinds of work at home scams such as envelope stuffing, data entry, home assembly, medical transcription, reading e mails, surveys, etc.

Mandy asks…

How we could earn through online data entry ?

I had listen it from different resources that there are possibilities to earn money while just doing data entry at home office or any where ?
Could anyone tell me HOW ? and which sources are reliable to work with ?

Nagesh answers:

For the 99,000th time…
The Internet is not some magical cash machine.
There are NO online jobs. No data entry. No surveys. No clicks. Nothing. Anywhere. Really.

Joseph asks…

Is fooling people the only way to succeed in internet business opportunities?

I have been told that if there are people who earn money by internet bussines opportunities, it is because they are good at fooling people.
So, are all those internet business opportunities a scam? What’s your opinion?

Nagesh answers:


Lion in Sahara has a goal, what that my be is not always that obvious , well one day he my want to have nice fresh meal, next day perhaps a drink of some clean water, the day after maybe a little sleep his next goal my be find a mate. Can you see the point in lion’s life he has a set of goals first to catch a prey, secondly kill the unfortunate catch and the last goal be happy with full belly. The lion has no choice in the matter the goal setting is in its genes without the goal in his make up there would be no success or even life for lion.

Humans have progressed beyond hunting for food in bush, or Sahara. But in food hutting there is a goal would you agree. So the in periods gone by the goals were somewhat simplistic, but never the less it has it massage for modern counterparts. Human progress from simply hunting and food gathering was accomplished not without a desire to survive and of course have easier and more prosperous life.

The human progress in education, technology, medical discoveries, engineering or travel to space has it’s seeds planted, to be firstly having vision and a goal without it anything would never happen.

What is a goal?
Goal is an objective, a purpose, aim, point or endeavor. The goal has to be set in understandable and achievable time. Action taken to bring the dream into being is part of system in thinking and process. The goal has first be established and acted upon. Without goals millions of people wonder through life without even realizing that they don’t have any goals to aspire to and still wonder why an earth they are poor. Food is one of many essential mineral or a fuel of life’s goal setting is important on equal terms.

Individual need to focus on where they want to be in five years time that in it self will stimulate goal setting as it is possible their situation will improve in five years time. A psychological barrier needs to be overcome with possible gain in future. There isn’t any point looking back to our past pains, because that is something we all want to escape especially if that past has not brought us any success.

Like any large corporation needs to have a plan and plan ahead, by setting up objectives or a goal. Those large corporations plan well ahead with their objectives, fro 5, 10, 15 years. They visualize the future in clear precise manner.

You are as individual need to think plan like large corporations, visualize your future where would you like to be in next five or ten years.
Set clear answer in all your departments work or business, home department, social department.

1)Work & business Department 5 years from now
What income do you desire in ten years?
What level of responsibility do you look for?
What prestige does seek from your work or business?

2)Home Department 5 years from now
What level of standard do you aspire to?
What kind of residence do you want to provide for yourself and your family?
What kind and where will be your next vacation?
What level of income will you give away to charity?

3)Social department 5 years from now
What kind of friends do you desire to have?
What social groups do want to join with?
What community position do you look to hold?
What worthwhile cause do you want to be champion of?

Al of us has a dream some are bigger then others, of what we really want to do. But few of us actually capitulate to a dream or desire instead to surrender to dreams we instead murder it here are the reason whey the dream is put into waste been.

1)Self deprecation many people say I want to represent my country in football but say I don’t like to train or like the coach.
2)Security – I am secured where I am which jus about trashes your goal.
3)Competition – the field is already so overcrowded.
4)Parental Dictation – You have heard hundreds of people say to young people I want to become a plumber but the parents say they would like their children to do this.
5)Family responsibility – The attitude well I have the family now and I can’t change now.

It is quite amazing the more successful a person is the easier it is for them to work on regular basis for more then 40 hours per week. The successful person has the energy fueled by the goal. The bigger the goal in the eyes, the more they see, and more energy one has. The point is this; the energy increase, multiplies when goal is set and work toward the goal. It is quite amazing the goal entrenched deep in your mind you will receive to energy to drive toward your accomplishment.

What not to do in 30 days improvements guide.
What not to do?
1)Putting things off till tomorrow
2)Negative language
3)Watching television for more then 60 minutes per day.

Obtain those habits.
1)Examine your appearance each and every morning.
2)Plan your day’s work a day before.
3)Complement people on every opportunity.

Increase value in your work place
1)Do a better jog for your employer

Richard asks…

I want to earn money at home through online, that should be emai suport or chat support. please help me?

I have already internet connection and i am technically fit.

Nagesh answers:

I am an affiliate for a web hosting company. We’re geared towards taking websites into local businesses. Since more people are buying online, it gives them the opportunity to take advantage of that market. I make about 5-8 sales per week. I cant give you exact commission but my average per week is about $400. On a bad week it could be $200.

This program is kinda make money online.

It doesn’t cost anything to sign up, and you don’t “have to” buy a product.

But if you work hard in your spear time, or make it full time, you can make some serious cash. Payments are made via Paypal.

It cant hurt to check it out.
The link is below.

Maria asks…

What jobs can I do as a stay at home mom?

Hi! I am going to be a first time mom. I am planning on staying home for awhile. Does anyone have an idea what I can do at home to earn money?

Nagesh answers:

The biggest problem with a home based job is exactly what it says it is a job, but is more likely to be low paid and with no certainty of continuous employment, with those uncertainties and the tax disadvantages I could never recommend a home based job.

If however you wish to create an income from home, then a home based business is ideal. The biggest advantages are working hours that you can set to suit yourself, the opportunity to leverage time through the efforts of others, and significant tax advantages.

There are hundreds of possible businesses, but a business requires some capital to start up so I would recommend looking for one that requires less than $500 to start, but remember it is your business and it will only be successful if you are prepared to put some amount of continuous effort into it. It will take some time to build and get an income flowing, so I would study all opportunities very closely and see if your choice has any bonus schemes which can act as cash flow as the main income stream grows.

With most businesses it will take 2-4 weeks before the first income may be received, but that is normal, in fact most home based jobs will only pay monthly. But with a business the income should increase quickly as the weeks progress, in fact it is possible to be earning a significant extra income within 6 months and be financially free in 2-4 years.

Some 9 years ago I got involved with a company in the second largest industry in the world – Telecommunications. What impressed me with this company was the attitude of the owners, they were already in a position where they could have retired, but they decided that they had a company that could grow and help very many people throughout the world to realise their financial dreams.
This company now operates in 19 countries on 3 continents and expects to be opening up another 50 countries over the next few years. They have been featured in many publications like USA Today, Success from Home Magazine (twice), Fortune, and Inc 500 rated then the 22nd fastest growing company in the USA after their first 5 years, not only that but the 2nd most profitable.
Recently the multi-billionaire Donald Trump endorsed the opportunity, calling it probably the best available in the world today.

The services the company offers are local and long distance calling, subscription/line rental, Internet, Digital, Voip with video phones, Satellite TV and cell phone services with all the major cell phone providers. Now everybody knows plenty of other people who use these services in their homes every day, and this opportunity allows you to save people money on these services, but at the same time it allows you to earn a percentage of the monthly billing of all the people who are saving money on the services you recommended, you have created a residual based income, you get paid every month for as long as the customer continues to use the service. This can be a very profitable business as the industry turns over approximately one Trillion dollars annually.

If you would like any more information feel free to email me.


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Friday, December 14th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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