Your Questions About Earn Money Quickly Uk

John asks…

What are the best cities for jobs in UK?

I’m planning to work in UK during summer but I don’t know where to go. I’d like to work in a job related to the public service, such as barman, cooker, receptionist in hotels and any other similar job. I don’t mind if I don’t earn a lot of money whenever I can manage to live there because what I want is to stay there to improve my language skills. The only important thing is that I need to find the job quickly.
Thanks in advance for your answers!=)

Nagesh answers:

London obviously is where most jobs are, but also most of the competition. Try the coast of the English Channel, Devon, and even Cornwall, Wales for a challenge in language, or if you do not fear both a language challenge and a Climate shock, try Scotland (this is not England !!! But still the UK). Edinburgh is the main town, but think Aberdeen, Inverness (the loch Ness), or even tehe elusive yet so butiful Eastern isles. All the best. An American could be of some use if he can switch is Bourbon for pure malt 😉

David asks…

How quickly is your credit score updated? (UK)?

Basically, I have some finance out for £2000, which I have the money to pay off.

When I got the money to pay the finance off, but without paying the finance off, I tried to take out another finance loan for £1800. I was declined finance.

I’ve never missed a payment before, have no negative history, but I don’t earn all that much – about £8k a year – but I have no outgoings at all. As the amount is less than my previous finance and no circumstances have changed, I can only assume it’s because I’ve got 2k finance already out.

So when I pay the existing 2k financing off tomorrow, how long will it take for the credit checkers to see that it has been paid off? Will I be able to re-apply a couple of hours later or days, months? etc. etc.

Anybody from that sector / with any knowledge have any idea?

Many thanks.

Nagesh answers:

By your creditor – the instant they get your payment your credit is updated.
BUT.. It takes about 45 to 60 days for credit reports to update

A reputable lender can help you with this.
Make your payment, allow it to clear, and have the lender call the other company that the bill has been paid in full.

Better idea: Make it a goal to live life without loans
Nothing, absolutely nothing is better in life than to live debt free

Nancy asks…

When will the next lot of riots be in UK?

When will the next lot of riots be in UK?
Let’s face it; they’ll happen.

What do other Y/A users think the cause will be of the next lot of riots?

Do you think they’ll be in London or another city (usually Bristol is hit; Coventry is another possibility)?

Do you think they’ll go on for as long as the last lot, or just fizzle out quickly like the ones in June, or go on for even longer than the August lot?

I think it’ll be either students in November, when their grants and loans have all been spent (thank God I’m taking a gap year to earn some money before uni so that I am not reliant on loans), or it’ll be Islamic sharia militants or Christian fanatics in March when the legalisation of gay marriage is debated in parliament.
PS: I am not spamming, and I am not encouraging riots; I am, however, cynical enough to realise that more civil unrest will likely occur. I want a genuine, intellectual, discussion on the current state of affairs in our ‘society’.

Oh, and I welcome the input of foreigners into the discussion. Do any Americans or British expats in the US think that our sporadic riots will become as bad as the flash mobs of Detroit that my ‘e’ friend told me about??

Oh…. and I realise that it’s a provocative issue, though can we all be civilised? I always judge best answer, and my questions never go to vote. I really don’t like abusive trolls, whether it’s to me or another respondant to the question; it’s very easy to be a tough guy when deindividuated behind a compuer screen in your dining room. It’s also very easy to fail best answer when you do that :).

Nagesh answers:

The other answerers need to be euthanised terribly :).

Um, possibly when another african out west gets shot as he tries to own the body of a white lady :).

Mark asks…

Should we just bite the bullet and cut most of the benefits in the UK ?

I mean, we’ve had the riots, seen what they have to offer. What say we now beef up with paramilitary police and cut all benefits apart from sick pay, job seekers allowance and the old age pension. In other words just keep the benefits payed for by National Insurance, benefits you can only have if you have earned them by working. Get rid of Social Security, Housing Benefit etc.. Oh no say the lefties, how unfair !! Well, tough. I have been to countries like the Philippines and Chile where if you don’t work you don’t eat. You live in the shanty town and you get up early to scrabble around to get by. In Chile people sell stuff on the buses from dawn till dusk. In the Philippines people compete to collect the rubbish to sell so they can eat. I know a girl in the Philippines who earns on average £2.50 a day working 12 hours a day 6 days a week in the sardine processing factory. No sick pay, no holiday pay, no job security. If she loses her job no help from the government. She is a dignified and charming person. Contrast that with the Social Security louts in this country, fuelled up on cheap lager and terrorising decent pensioners etc on their sink estates. I know, I have seen it when I lived on a council estate. How abruptly would their behaviour change with no free money and a punitive police force. Very quickly !! Believe me, in countries like the Philippines and Chile people are terrified of the police and with good reason. Hate to say it but that is the only way to bring Britain back from the brink. Brace yerselves for shanty towns, they’re coming anyway when the countries finances collapse under the weight of benefit payments we just can’t fund.
Whoops, I forgot. Cut the foreign aid and prosecute some bankers as well. Can’t deal with the bottom without taking the top echelon to task as well !! Just can’t see how Fred the Shred and the rest of ’em skipped away scot free.
Tin God….sorry but this brave new world is coming whether we like it or not. Politicians should be more honest, better than waiting for the chaos of the country’s finances collapsing.
Fritya56…..pardon me sir, Manila was the second most bombed city in WW2. Not a lot of people know that, know your history. The Philippines went through hell at the hands of the Japanese.
Mr Growe….pardon me but I think you will find that Chile does not have a serious drug and crime problem….but you might find Britain has !!!

Nagesh answers:

Ah – a Pandora’s box question – any ‘honest answering’ will get slaughtered with TD.!!

When a society offers a ‘far to generous benefit system’ for its peoples – its on a social-financial disaster course – as has happened in the UK – not including recent rioting events – that was all about ‘moronic black power/moronic white power/moronic immigration power’ ………nothing else.!! The days of having what a person can afford are long-gone – replaced by an attitude of………I’m entitled – no matter they can’t afford it.

The ‘abuse’ the benefit system receives every single day by its peoples proves the point. When a family can claim ‘in total’ (everything they claim for) sums of money to the tune of 5/6/7 £100 ‘each week’ and the ‘working taxpayers in the majority take home wages for a 40hr week equaling (min wage) in the region of £300 (or less) per week ….thats says it all.

Thats why ‘families’ on benefits wouldn’t even be bothered looking for jobs – they all in their ‘comfort-zone’ of the benefit protection system for their entire lifetime funded by the working taxpayers.

The single people fair much worse (those not living at home) – basic benefit payouts are minimal and they receive very little support from the system – BUT – what they get is free. !!

The do-gooders and the claimants of the benefit system have answered already – they not accepting anything that interferes with their benefit lifetime family lifestyle.

Stop all (supposed) aid – costing billions – means-test ‘all’ recipients of ‘any’ benefits – make the benefit receivers ‘sell these extra goodies’ that were bought via their benefit monies – 42″ TV’s – Computers all needing broadband connection charges etc + all their other ‘fancy’ techno items – ‘if their so broke as they claim’ – how else were/are these techno items afforded ?.

Nail ‘all’ these wrongdoers – whether they be Bankers/Investors/politicians or the public.

Yes – a fresh start is needed – too try and save ‘our’ country from falling further into the financial/social abyss – BUT – it won’t happen – the couldn’t’-careless-brigade’ (millions) will not allow any interference with their demanded benefit funded/supported comfort-zone – no matter ‘their’ not paying for it.!!

The 100’s of TD this answer gets – will be these benefit claimants defending their ground – using their benefit system supplied computers/broadband charges etc + some misguided ‘do-gooders’ out there.!!

Jenny asks…

How to earn money as a fifteen year old quickly over the course of just one day or so?

How could I earn money as a fifteen year old easily in the UK, I have said frequently that I am planning for a trip to South Africa in July 2011 which I do not want to withdraw from and I can’t as the flights are booked,it’s a school trip. However, I need to earn some money for it, quickly, and would like to spend today earning solid hard cash quickly but how? Is there anything I could do similar to Adsense or Swagbucks for the UK but with a lot more money involved, I’m talking quite big cash at the moment, however, I have been planning to raise this money for a quite a while but stuff’s got in the way but I want to start earning it quickly, is there any type of cheap business I could do on the Sunday that I could start up in a day and earn a lot of money doing? And if so, could I have some practical tips in how to start up? Help me! Anything! I can’t get a job I am uninsured in the UK however is there any way I could raise a damn load of cash. There’s nothing I could sell on eBay, I’m not selling my electronics its not worth it. It’s not a charity trip either, no spam, just sensible ideas please!

Nagesh answers:

If it were possible to earn serious money so quickly and easily, nobody anywhere would be in debt and we’d all be wealthy. The only way for you is to aim for smaller regular amounts and save hard. All the usual teenage ways of earning cash are good, babysitting, yard work, household chores for neighbours (window washing for instance), and if there is some chore they find distasteful or time-consuming, they may be happy to pay you to do it.

You can also ask for cash towards South Africa as birthday or Christmas presents, and if you get pocket money, save all or most of that too. Could you organise a fund-raising event – say a Hallowe’en party or treasure trail? You’d need prizes. A raffle for something decent in a busy pub at Christmas, or for a big Easter egg in the week before Easter? You need a permit to sell raffle tickets house to house or on the street, but not for in-house events.

You will need to earn money for a lot longer than just today, but if you are really keen to go, you will find ways to do it. I know some teenagers who tutor beginners on piano or guitar. They don’t earn as much as qualified teachers, but anything you earn helps towards your goal.

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Thursday, September 13th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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