Your Questions About Earn Money Quickly Uk

George asks…

Household income and university (UK)?

So, as you know, the amount of money we’re given in the form of grants and all that is calculated using our household income, but I’m really confused by this. Basically, I plan on taking a gap year next year, and during that year I plan on working full-time for about six months or so to fund an extended holiday and buy a car.

The thing is, this will only be for six months, and any money I raise during those six months will be blown away pretty quickly. Will this affect how much I get in the form of bursaries and all that? I heard that household income was calculated using the gross income of a household from the previous year, and I’m worried that I might make it appear that our household is earning more than it really will be in the year this becomes applicable to me by taking a gap year.

I’m not trying to cheat the system, I’m just trying to avoid screwing myself out of money I’d otherwise be entitled to by taking a holiday. There’s also the double whammy of the increase in tution fees planned for 2012, but that’s another question for another time.

Nagesh answers:

You havnt stated how much your parents earn, and if theyre single or married etc…
There’s thresholds for these things, so i cant really tell you, youd have to give more info but i doubt you want to put personal things on Y!A.

Why dont you try this website,4680089&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL

Chris asks…

Gap year/exchange/working holiday help for 18-year-old female australian, please?!?

Last year I completed my Year 12 High School Certificate, finishing within the top 10% of my state. Upon receiving a placement in the University of my choice, I chose to defer my course for a year so I could earn a bit of money for my studies and travel. For that reason, I have quite recently decided that I actually need to become more organised and decide, quite quickly, what I would like to do before I go back to the rigours of fulltime study. That is why I am here – to become more actively involved with the community, hoping to learn and gain an understanding of the world in which I live in.

With a particular interest in the UK, Denmark and China, it is my particular aim to gain unique experiences with the assistance of you lovely people! As you could imagine, I am quite lost, and I have no idea where to start!

So, what I require is some major help – have you done a similar thing in terms of volunteering or working abroad? Could you tell me about your experiences? Are there any websites/groups/books you suggest that I have a look at? How much money should I have? Is there cheaper accomodation for longer stays, if I want to live in London for a few weeks?
Of course, these are some suggestions for what you may be able to say.


Nagesh answers:

Hey Ana –

Sounds like a lovely thing to do for a year. Depending on what you want to do, going abroad for a year can be a really good thing. I live in Denmark, and as far as opportunities here go, I can’t really say what is available, other than being an au pair for a year. But, I would suggest you check out the forums at, and search for working experiences in the different forum topics. There’s a fairly decent community there, with lots of good information.

As for other info, I can say that Denmark is quite expensive, especially if you’re on your own. So you would want to have a good savings built up to help support you. Also, if you wanted to come to DK, any knowledge of the language you can pick up beforehand can only help. Yes, people speak English here, but Danish is preferred. 🙂 For other information, check out (if you type it in that way, it will give you the english pages for the site), it’s full of good info for folks looking to come to the country.

Best of luck to you, wherever you end up 😀

William asks…

What can you say about immigration or racism without being accused of having an agenda?

A few moments ago I posted a true story about being called a racist by an asian taxi driver. I asked a straight question and the first answer I got said that this was a tale with an agenda.

Well guess what, it isn’t. It was a true story. But it does make me think about the mentality of this country. It seems to me that you can say what you like about anyone, so long as they are not of foreign origin.

I don’t care what colour a persons skin is, I don’t care what their nationality is, I don’t have a view on any of these people who live in the UK and abide by our laws and try to integrate.

I do care about anyone including the standard issue white british citizen who views the state as a means to get whatever they want without contributing in any way.

To be honest I am a bit more galled by those who come to this country from abroad because they will have contributed nothing to the pot, but do take a disproportionate amount out.

I should be able to express this view without being called a racist or a nationalist or a fascist or any of the other names that I truly do not identify with.

We are the lowest paid and highest taxed country in Europe, we have a massive percentage of people who live in this country and use its resources without contributing. We have economic migrants, now I don’t condemn anyone for wanting a better life, but why is the UK so uniquely attractive.

Lets see, health care, education, money given out, accomodation given out all for free and a system that villifiys anyone with the nerve to try and sort it out.
It’s because our leaders (and I use that word very loosely), are afraid that they will offend people like the one who answered my question.

Not every criticism of immigrants is about the individuals, very often it is born of a desire to make people understand that this nation has limited resource, I don’t for one minute say that we should ban people from coming in, we should show compassion, but we cannot have one rule to suit all.

If you ran your household the way this country is run, you would be repossessed and bankrupt very quickly. We have to insist that people coming in will integrate, will aspire to become British Citizens, will learn our language, and will swear allegiance to the State, they must serve a purpose, and we have to insist that the rest of the world takes it’s fair share.

I can assure you that if we applied rules like the Australians do, there would be many fewer incidents of racial hatred.

As for our own spongers, what resource we do have should be used to help them get back into work. Or if there is no other option then to give them a roof and food. If they are not working and not paying into the system then I am sure forebear’s did. Nonetheless, their are endless menial tasks that we could get the unemployed to do in order to earn benefit, many of these jobs are the ones that most folk generally don’t want to do and so the positions are filled by EU citizens or immigrants.

Now I know that this is more of a rant than a question, but people like the one who answered my previous question are part of the problem we have.
Can I clarify the menail work for those on the dole bit. If we put people on the dole into jobs such as hospital cleaners or whatever, I am sure the pay (albeit minimum wage) would add up to more than the pittance they are currently handed by the state JSA being around £65 per week (I believe). They should be paid this plus any enhancements required to aid housing/child care etc.
Jobs are being lost daily, but we still employ thousands of people from all over Europe and the rest of the world in jobs that could be done by british citizens (of all backgrounds/colours/creeds). Better to work for a low wage than not to work for less.

Nagesh answers:

Amen/awomen…the issue is common here in the US also. A lot of people come here seeking something better, but then take advantage of benefits they never contributed into and that some of our own people don’t have the opportunity to use.

If you want something, work for it. If you want to take advantage of a program, you need to earn that right. The “something for nothing” mentality over here really angers a lot of folks who work hard and can barely get by…then they see others, who haven’t been in this country long, benefitting from handouts and social programs and getting by much more comfortably.

When someone’s down…by all means, lend them a hand…but make sure they do something in return for it.

Daniel asks…

Looking at moving to South of England to get work but the rents are so high-For a bedroom! let alone a flat?

If I plan to work in London (seems to be where the jobs are located) what area could I expect to find a 2 bedroom flat (self contained not a houseshare) at a max budget of 550-600 quid within acceptable commuting distance .I am in the catch 22 of failing to get job interviews due to the fact I have not relocated there yet but fearing the high living costs if I don’t get a decent job quite quickly. If that fails I will run out of money fast. I reckon the wages need to be high like 30k plus to even get a chance to establish oneself in the housing market if thats still possible in 2011 even with some savings . The average house prices & rents are killing – seems alot of people live in bedrooms sharing houses – what a rubbish way to live but there appears to be little choice unless you earn a fortune or had a foot in the market years ago. I am a UK national be the way but have lived abroad 8yrs .

Nagesh answers:

The Medway Towns in Kent have some 2 bed flats and terraced houses to rent at around £500 per month. For instance this 2 bedroom house in Gillingham at £495.


This is 5-10 minutes walk from the station which has trains to Victoria, St Pancras and London Bridge, with journeys taking 40 minutes or more. Allow £350 per month for a season ticket. This is a tolerable, but not desirable area, but you are not going to find a nice house until you can double the budget.

I would suggest getting the job sorted out before you move. Maybe you could stay in a B&B for a few weeks to get started.

Thomas asks…

I just received?

ADD : 6F Finerose B/D, 315-3, Neong-Dong,
Kwangjin-Gu, Seoul, China.
tel. : +31 (0)31 638 69 06

Rep email :
Rep email :
Rep email :


Please permit me to write you irrespective of the fact we have not met
before. I got your contact through online networking hence I decided to
write you. We have a job opening for the position of a Payment

Would you like to work from your home and get paid weekly?

I would be very interested in offering you this part-time paying job in
which you could earn up to $4,000 a month in extra income.

The “Global Image Group Inc” is glad to greet you. The Global Image
(GIG) stock library is filled with almost 2 decades of very unique,
non-stock-looking images, as well as more traditional stock images that
repeatedly. We deal in sales of varieties of Images and have numerous
customers in the whole ofASIA, USA,CANADA AND EUROPE .

We are a new company with the main office in China and we work based on

Simplicity — Locate what you need quickly and easily
Efficiency — Images are double checked for relevance, quickly
in minimal time
Professionalism — Targeted, top quality images delivered to your desk

Due to the fast growing network of customers we are having difficulties
in meeting up with Payments receipt and balances. The Board of
executives now sat down to think of how best we can combat the problems
with the payments and we decided to recruite Trustworthy payment
Assistants to recieve payments and keep records.

Your primary task for now , as a representative of the company is to
coordinate payments from customers and help us with the payment
processing.You are not involved in any sales.
About 90 percent of our customers prefer to pay through Certified
or Money Orders drawn from the United States and direct wire transfers
to your bank account based on the amount involved. We have decided to
open this new contract -to-hire job position for solving this problem.

You will have to receive the money resources from our buyers and send
on system Transfer to China or to addressed place(s) within one day.
faster you work, the more money and resources to you receive and the
more earnings you will get.

We are offering 10% of each payment processed to our new Payment
Assistant from each carried out operation.
Transfer fees are also paid by us.


Work as our payment assistant in charge of collecting and processing
payments from the associates.

1. Receive payment from Clients(inform of money orders/checks).
2. Cash Payments at your Bank
3. Deduct 10%, which will be your percentage/pay on each payment
4. Forward balance after deduction of percentage/pay to any of the
offices you will be contacted to send payment to.(balance will be
forwarded via Western Union Money Transfer).


18 years or older.
Responsible, Reliable and Trustworthy
Available to work a minimum 3-4 hours per week.
Able to check and respond to emails often.
Easy telephone access

It is very legal (article 15.3) Employment Opportunity Act.The company
lawyer checked all legal provisions concerning any domestic or
international law against businesses or deals of domestic monetary
Doing this business is 100% safe and legal. I would be glad if you
my proposal for an opportunity to make up 10% of each transaction

Reply as soon as possible if you are interested for more details to
representative email below an d will be glad to get back to you within
24hrs and also add your mailing address to our Regional database and
forward it to our customers for them to send payments.

If you are interested, Endeavour to send your reply to:- and your prompt response will be highly

* Full Name: ………………………………………………….
* Full Street Address(not P.O Box): ……………………………
* City: ………………………………………………………
* State: ……………………………………………………..
* Zip code: …………………………………………………..
* Contact Phone number(s)Home: ………………
* Contact Phone number(s)Cell:
* Email: ……………………………………………………..
* Age: ……………………………………………………….
* Present
* Bank Name (Only if you feel free giving it

Yours Sincerely,
John Reels
Staffing and Recruiting Dept
For Global Image Group IncC

Disclaimer – This message is intended only for the use of the person to
whom it is addressed and may contain information that is confidential
and privileged under applicable laws. If you are not the intended
recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, review,dissemination,
disclosure or copying of this message and the information it contains
prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please delete
this e-mail and discard all its contents immediately.You are also
notified that any view, opinion,conclusion and other information in
message that do not relate to the official business of Global Image
Inc or its Group of Companies shall be understood as neither given nor
endorsed by Global Image Group Inc or any of the companies within the

What does this mean?? How can someone get your email?? is this some type of fraud?? please help

Nagesh answers:

SCAM – delete it!

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Thursday, March 15th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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