Your Questions About Earn Money Quickly

Thomas asks…

SKYRIM ?…How do I earn money quickly? And where can I buy the cheapest houses to store my items?

Okay I need to make some money quickly so that I can buy a house to store my items! Where can I buy the cheapest houses to store my items in?(Close to Whiterun and Windhelm are preferred) Please help and share your ways of getting money!!:D

Nagesh answers:

Make tons of leather and iron armor and sell it right away. You’ll increase your smithing skill quickly too!

But just complete some quests, pick up all the loot you see, and sell the loot. Money builds up really quickly just by completing quests. Also, check every burial urn, dead body, or drauger you see. Most of them have 5-10 gold on them, and that adds up really quickly.

You can also make some potions of speechcraft to help get better prices. The Amulet of Zenthar (I can’t remember the spelling) will help too. Make sure you increase a few perks in speech craft.

Lizzie asks…

How to earn money quickly?

How can you earn money quickly when you’re 15 and can’t get a job.

Nagesh answers:

When you say “quickly” I take that as today, right now.
I tell my kids exactly what I am going to tell you and they actually do it.

Grab a trash bag and start walking. Pick up all the aluminum cans you see as you go. You will not have any trouble selling them. They are paying pretty good right now. Look in the phone book or on the internet for scrap dealers in your area to buy them. Ask you neighbors for their cans as well.

Also ask neighbors if there is anything you can do for them to earn a dollar. Everyone has something they need done, just give them a price they cannot refuse. Such as; mow their grass, take out the trash, sweep the driveway. Do it cheap like for a dollar, two or three dollars. Whatever they will give you. Small amounts add up! Use your imagination and create jobs for yourself.

What about in your own house? Parents or anyone. Ask to do something to earn a dime, quarter, dollar whatever. My youngest will grab a vacuum and start cleaning the carpet then ask for a dollar. How can I say no when she did something to earn it and without being asked to do it?

You build wealth one dollar at a time!

Just use your imagination, you will find ways to get what you want. Help people with things they need at a price they can afford and you will stay busy.

***If you are to proud or lazy to do these types of things, then you don’t deserve the money or anything it can buy.

Most fast food places will hire at 15 but you have to work for two or three weeks to get a pay check.

Carol asks…

How to earn money quickly without having any funds or credit card and am a Fiji CItizen but i want to earn US$

Nagesh answers:

Hi, Most of the websites providing earning opportunities are scams. They get the work done but dont pay. You will just waste your time in searching all these sites. But let me tell you the real one. The one and only answer to your question is , it has become the most popular site in few days and has been trusted by near about 100000 persons. There is NO FEES for registration and no age limit. Payment by cheque or transfer. I worked for 1-1/5 month only and earned a handsome amount 🙂 Happy earning. Dont waste your time in other sites. Pl let me know if u have any personal queries. – Thanks

Sharon asks…

How can I earn money quickly on Millsberry?

I tried the cookies cheat, don’t work. I have a yard sale where everything is cheaper than it is sold for in the shops, so come along and you might find something for you! Usernames are:


Nagesh answers:

Nice yard sale!


Ways to get MILLSBUCKS

1. Millsberry Arcade

Play most of the games in the Arcade and you will be guarranteed to recieve 10,000 mb a day! Play different games and win trophies, for Arcade tips go to the Arcade section of this website.

2. Yard Sales

Sell uneeded items from your stuff to your Yard Sale. Advertise your Yard Sale in the Millsberry Gazette as often as possible. Though advertising costs money, it will pay off. You can also advertise your Yard Sale in this forum.

3. Poll Cheat

In the Millsberry Gazette, every week there is a new poll offering you 500 mb. Take the poll and when finished, clear your cookies and cache (go to Tools -> Clear Private data -> Clear Cookies and Cache) though how to clear your private data may vary with different computers. Look for the key word “Clear cookies and cache”. When your private data has cleared you should be able to vote again. Repeat as many times as desired.

4. Contests

Go to the “contests” catergory of this forum. Get involved in the contests and games for your chance to win money, prizes and points. You can also host your own contest or game, and you do not neccesarily have to give out rewards.

5. Colhurst Tunnels

If you go to the Colhurst Tunnels, you can dig up antiques which you can then sell in your Yard Sale. Each level lets you dig up more valuable antiques. For more information look in the Tips & Tricks part of this forum.

6. Millsberry Mercantile Bank

Try to put all your money you have in the bank. If you have a lot of millsbucks kept in the bank you can collect more interest every day. If you have around 10 million millsbucks in the bank you can collect around 2,500 mb every day.

That website has absolutely every cheat and trick on Millsberry, everything I know so look through there for useful hints and cheats.

Also you can advertise your yard sale if you make an account here:

You can also discuss cheats and things.

Good luck!

Mark asks…

What is the best way to earn money quickly in elder scrolls oblivion?

Nagesh answers:

Go to caves, kill bandits, loot their corpses, sell items–also when you have the money to buy all alchemy equipment make and sell potions, most ingredients will make restore fatigue, and also this will raise your alchemy , then later you’ll be able to make feather potions, which will help you carry more loot to sell

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Tuesday, August 21st, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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