Your Questions About Earn Money Quickly

Maria asks…

How Could A 12/13 Year Old Earn Money Quickly?

I need to earn some money in about a month. I cant do car wash’s, mow lawns, tidy up other peoples houses or anything like that. I’v been thinking of ebay but i’ve got nothing to sell. Any Sugestions?

Nagesh answers:

Lemonade stands, walk dogs, babysit, ask for an allowance.

Daniel asks…

How do i earn money quickly?

I am saving up for harvest moon and i have all the tips i can get but its just so unfair. I dont have enough money 2 buy it. I’m selling stuff on ebay but people arent buying it for high prices. I need 30 – 40 £’s for it. Can any1 help me out for a good website where i can sell things for relly high prices and people will buy them. Please!

Nagesh answers:

Sell absolutely everything on ebay or gem.

Richard asks…

How to earn money quickly?

I’m saving for a new phone, and would prefer to get it quickly, as my old phone doesn’t work anymore.
I would like to know some good ways to earn money.
I mow lawns, but that doesn’t pull in much.
Babysitting is out of the question, there’s a daycare service right down the street that all the parents send their kids to.
I’m selling my old iPod, and selling some books online.
Can you think of other ways to earn some $?
I’m 14, btw.

Nagesh answers:

You have come to the right place for advice like this. Im not as old as you but i am a genius at this stuff. You should make an ebay account and sell some unwanted stuff. But make sure you pay the selling fees (only like 40 cents). Also, ask your parents without asking. Just sigh and say “ive been working so hard, but i just cant get the money”and have a disappointed look on your face. Another option would be to walk dogs. Print flyers and stuff them in mail boxes. It works. One more thing youi can do is really effective……..don’t buy unneccessary things!!!! Dont buy that new wii game that just came out or those new boots (unless your shoes are literally falling apart).

Betty asks…

What are some ways to earn some money quickly?

Need a few ways to legitimately earn some money quickly. In a bind and need some extra cash. Any suggestions?!

Nagesh answers:

Well, you said legitimately so I assume you mean online. Okay, anyways I earn A LOT of money just by taking surveys and stuff online. It’s really easy. I found other websites you can earn money on besides taking surveys. It’s great.[: I made a website of all the great sites I use and have ACTUALLY been paid by..
So maybe you’d like to check it out..
My site is..
It’s all free and you never have to pay.

Paul asks…

How to earn money quickly and honestly.?

How I can earn a lot of income by doing some simple job online. I want to work honestly regularly.
Give some home job.

Nagesh answers:

You can only obtain legitimate work from home positions from brick and mortar companies.

You want to send your resume out to companies hiring for positions you are qualified for, but include in your resume that you have a home office and you wish to work remotely. Include how you have your home office set up and what equipment you already have in order for you to perform your job.

These jobs are just going to advertised as jobs, they would not promote them as “work at home” because they would hear from too many unqualified people.

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Monday, May 21st, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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