Your Questions About Earn Money Quick And Easy

Richard asks…

i need to earn money quick, help would be appriciated…?

i wanna work abroad but also am a live wire and an easy communicator… wanna work in the public eye and wanna earn money….not the worst looker in the world so hopefully cando something… willin to try anything!!!!

Nagesh answers:

Karlos ^ that sounds good to me, I’ll have that number 🙂

Your best option is to look through the Job Centre website, And put in what you want! Look into travel companies, as this can pay well in the travel sector, Or look at seasonal work to see what it is like before commiting a whole lifetime to them.

The speed you want to earn though would require you to be in sales, this is the best paid proffession in the world, but then depends on what you sell. If you get a contract for a company to start next month chances are you do not get you’re commision til then.

Alternatively, a good get rich quick scheme is hold a couple of boot sales. This can equate to upto ÂŁ1000 getting rid of things you no longer require!

Good luck

Jenny asks…

Easy and quick way to raise money for Relay For Life/American Cancer Society?

I want to help raise money for Relay For Life and I want it to be easy and quick. Alot of other people are selling bracelets and having raffles–all in my school, becasue that is where the Relay is taking place. So if you have any good ideas for this that would be great.

Remember this money isn’t for me, I’m earning and raising money with my friends to help support the Relay For Life and the American Cancer Society.


Nagesh answers:

My schoolmates and I just particapted in a local relay and the team were selling some tri-color glow necklaces and bracelets, pretty bright stuff..they were selling bracelets for $1 a piece and necklace $2 a piece….they were fun to play with and a lot of kids were wearing them. One of my friends asked them where they got these because her birthday is coming up and they mentioned an online site called glow with us. Might worth checking out.

Mary asks…

what can i do for quick easy money in order for me to do an ffa project?

my name is onnie and iam wanting to join the magnolia ffa this year and raise me a pig. and inorder for me to do it i need at least $3,000.00 to raise it.
i need help raising money and earning money so that i can do it.
right now i have $20.00 so i am of on a bad start.
so could you please help me by telling me what i can do.
cause right now i am trying to get my parents to list my pc games and my guitar hero game on ebay so i can make a little more money.
i really need some help.
thank you.
well my pig will cost $150.00 and the feed cost atleast $25.00 per sack. then i have to pay for the equipment that i need like my show stick, my show outfits, my boots, my ffa dues, and my show fees and everything else that i will need along the way.
also i need the money by april 4, 2008.

Nagesh answers:

There is an online alternative. If you go to:

They present a sort of system where you can provide a little known personal service using your computer. It’s not anything like ebay or surveys and it’s not a scam either.

Maria asks…

HELP! Any tricks on how to get the most money quick and easy?

I’m really in debt and im not making my bills on time and as more and more time goes by the further and further i get beind on bills. Any fast cash ideas…good paying surveys that don’t require subscription or credit cards…or something i can do to earn some big bucks fast…im desperate!

Nagesh answers:

Hunker down. Get a second job, stop spending and call the companies you have debt with to work out an affordable payment plan. Finish school and get a good job and worth the amount of money you owe. If your bills are out of control sit down and set up a plan. Stick to it! Let your creditors know… Some of them will even help.

As for quick money…. Have you ever heard the saying “the harder you work the luckier you are…” its true. There are no quick gimmciks or schemes. Go to school, get a good degree, learn how to interview, and sell yourself. Your time is your most valuable asset and you are worth it. So, hunker down, have discipline, patience, and dilligence and you will get through.

Ken asks…

What is a quick easy way to earn fomey for a young teenager?

My son wants to take his cousin on a 14 day Princess cruise to Alaska next year and the fares are around $1600-$2000, and we are at a stumper for ideas on making the money. So any ideas would be great. Thanks

Nagesh answers:

Is your son’s cousin a girl? Is she cute? Could spell trouble…

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Monday, October 15th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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