Your Questions About Earn Money Quick And Easy

Susan asks…

How can i make easy money , quick?

Im only 15 nd

Nagesh answers:

I’ll answer the question.

Deal drugs or any other illegal activity that earns a lot of revenue.

Thats how to make fast money but i’m not saying do it..

If there was a legal way then wouldn’t everyone be doing it?

Daniel asks…

what can a 12 year old boy to earn money in queen creek az? (rural, but developing quickly)?

what can i do to earn money in the summer her in the QC in the summer?

Nagesh answers:

Mowing lawns is a quick easy (and legal) way to earn cash. Even find odd end jobs to do for money like cleaning windows, or even babysitting.

Since you are 12 you are limited to the things you are allowed to do since you can’t legally earn money yet. But there should be people in your neighborhood who wouldn’t mind employing someone your age to do some errands.

Joseph asks…


what is the quickest easiest way to EARN money…. i dont want to steal it ofcourse…. but im planing on buying 2 things…. that are…. accouple of hundred dollars…… les paul guitar and Xbox 360 to be exact….. so whats the easies way to earn money…..?

Nagesh answers:

You won’t like the answer, but the quickest way is to do errands for someone else, maybe a neighbour. Pet-sit, pet-walk, baby-sit, clean up garbage, etc. They’ll pay you cash and you won’t have to wait three weeks to get a direct-deposit paycheque, etc.

Although…hmm…not sure how old you are, but I’d think about maybe investing that xbox money instead of buying the xbox….. Start learning about stocks now.


Betty asks…

I need some easy ways that i could earn some money.?

Nagesh answers:

I don’t mean to simply contravene, but what’s truly time-proven is that working for your money will limit your money-making potential greatly. If you’re looking for a quick buck, a part-time job may be what you need. I’d like you to know about more rewarding options, though.

Rather than working for your money, you can try to create something that will work for YOU and bring in money. I’m not sure what you mean by “easy ways” exactly, but I do know that having to continually work to get any money is not particularly easy. There’s some work that you do continually for which you get paid once. There’s other work you do once for which you continually get paid.

Blogging is an example of something that pays you continually. You write an article once, and from that point on people can come look at it. Pair that with ad revenue (Google AdSense for example) and you get a tiny bit of money for it. It’s a slow start, but it builds upon itself. Want a “raise?” Write more blogs to bring in more people and bring people back for more ad revenue.

There are many opportunities like that, many more than before thanks to the Internet. Be creative in looking for ways to provide value to other people. If you can give other people something they want, you can find a way to extract value from it yourself. This is true business: everybody wins.

On the other hand, if you don’t get a good answer here, consider asking another question with more information about your situation or consider giving additional details.

Jenny asks…

fable 2 quick and easy money?

is there a fast way to get money in fable 2 I need to buy castle fairfax and brightwood tower.

Nagesh answers:

The best way is to put the money you earn by working into real estate and rent out the properties. Businesses return better incomes and soon you will be rich enough to buy Brightwood Tower and later the Castle.

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Monday, October 6th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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