Your Questions About Earn Money Quick And Easy

Joseph asks…

How can i make quick easy money ?

i need money any ideas

Nagesh answers:

Earn it – get a job. There’s no ‘get rich quick’ way that’s legal.

John asks…

How can i earn quick money!?!?

i need like 300 in like a week. i cant get a job. long story but it really doesnt matter why lol what should i do? :/ im 18 and still in high school

Nagesh answers:

Have a friend over 18 take some of your belongings like your laptop
and your gameboy or xbox and your remote contrl cars,and some other higher end big bucks items you already own then have
them pawn your collections of items worth over 800 bucks and ask to
borrow close to the amount you need your gonna need three times as much in goods of what you need so if your looking to borrow 300
your gonna need to pawn ove a thousand of goods find your old guitar
and a computer ot laptop and your home game systems and your about at that amount for sure. A home stereo system with speakers like a home stereo sony system dont expect 300 bucks for a home
hyundia car stereo cause they aint gonna give you no 300 bucks
in these hard times your gonna have to cough up at least thre to five times the amount of cash in value to get those hard bucks. Pawning is the fastest and can be the most attractive way to get fast cash
just pick up what you pawn or the 300 will cost you all the other
items worth a whole lot more than the origin 300 bucks and youll loose
alll the items to pawn if you leave them in there without keeping to the pawn ticket instructions to the T letter. Dont miss one payment
and you can never be late by one minue on a pawn cause they can
keep your chit for the minorist of default. Beter check check and recheck the pawn guys rules to the letter. If you mess up and arelate
better early two days paying than late by one minute cause they can by court ruling keep all your stuff and youd be lost in court besides the costs of lawyer to recover anything. Pawning is a last resort for money
try using the same collarteral with a family member before a pawn shop
cause your not of age to pawn anything yet for 300 bucks in the south
its pretty ommon to pawn a cars pink slip for that kind of money
for the month or two hoping for some over time to make the pawn pay off faster. Or getting a second job short term or a gig that pays real
money cashola green so you can drive your car and still have the
guy hold the pink until you pay off the bond pawn chit. They give you
15 to 60 days to pay back the loan and charge between 25 and 50 percent interest per 30 days of pawn so a 300 pwn could cost you
450 500 to pay back in two months. Which is very possible to pay back on a second job or a good sales of some stuff on a weekend
garage sale with a second job its easy to do for most willing to
try for what they need fast cash for. If there is a will there is always a way. Money is not the problem getting more and more money go without something for the same time frame like dont pay your insurance and buy el cheapo insurance for a couple months
the savings right there can be your 300 bucks without working nothing.
Insurance is required but its not required you pay top premium dollar
to say farmers or stae farm or the hartford you can go with like the general or geico for a trial period of three months get a deal
pay 56 a month I pay 200 a month regular for 3 cars well two cars and a truck and with the general or eastwood is only 54 a month instead
so I get the same coverage from eastwood save 150 a month
for two months and thats 300 for xmas spending and thats my
xmas money for that season plus a couple days overtime weekends
then Im in the 1 thou o so spending which makes for three or four really nice presents for the wife and kids maybe mom and dad too.
Thats if you keep each person in the 150 to 200 per person.
Thats a garmin for dad mom a nice gold pendant and the wife a
good set of pearls and games for the kids like a xbox they share
and a few games each. Works. Rtry
it. Use the stop the paper cut off the cell phone full features
get a pager for three months 19 bucks a month unlimited pages.
Savings of over 150 bucks fr three months. Cut the paper another
30 bucks for three months cut the starbucks coffee once a day five days a week saves 20 bucks a week for 12 weeks thats 240 bucks
I make my coffee in a caraffe and carry it like when I worked in the
mills take your lunch for a couple months and your going to save 300
in one month of eating out lunchs cause a lunch out at the local
mom and pop lunch counter greasey spoon is between 6-10 bucks
on the average usa eatery five days a week at 6 bucks a day30
bucks a week timmes 12 weeks the time to pay off the loan
equals another savings of $360 bucks in lunchs at 6 bucks a day
I know not every lunch I ever eat costs 6 bucks so these amounts are
accounting at the lest dollar amounts not the highest amounts of 10 bucks some people pay 20 bucks a day at least three times a week
for a lucheon or retirement lucheon which you might have three or four of those special higher cost lunches in those three months.
Which can add heaviest to the savings if you bring your lunch to work
for the time it takes to pay off the loaned money and et your pink back.
Heck four weekends just garage selling some extra stuff around the home stead can lighte

Lizzie asks…

i need to earn money – QUICK!?

hey guuuyyysss ,
please help me?

right, so im 13years old an im goin swimming with my friends on weds but my mum cant pay for it because she lost her credit card and is waiting for her new one to come through.

so i need to earn like £10 in one day.

any suggestions?

thanks, georgia-♥.
sorry i know this is in the wrong category

Nagesh answers:

Sell some of your old stuff. GARAGE SALE. LOL 🙂 Seriously. That’s the easiest way for a 13 year old.

Work around your school, in my school, kids get paid to work at the library and at the cafeteria.
Your neighborhood is a good place too. Babysit, water someone’s plants, walk their dog. I don’t suggest you mow their lawns. That machine is scary.
Relatives and friends. Work part time for a relative, since jobs can be easier to get with them. Ask your friends, it might be embarrassing.. But they’ll be open to help if they’re friends.

Mary asks…

Any quick and easy money making ideas???

I need $1,495!!! I already have $354.77. I’m 11 and I babysit. I need the money by next summer or if possible this summer!!! Any ideas???

Nagesh answers:

You can try earning some extra cash using “Get Paid To” websites.

The one I’m a member of is free to join and use and basically what you do is fill out free surveys and offers. The pay around $.25-5.00+ depending on which one you do, and each survey and offer takes 5mins or less to complete. There are hundreds of them to do and they add more all the time as well.

The minimum payout for the site is $10, this is easibly reachable within the first couple hours of so in participating in the website. On average people probably earn around an extra $50-100 a month. However, there are a lot of people on the site that do make over $1000+ a month.

If you’d like to see proof of payments and read more about the site you can visit my lens.

Donald asks…

I really need tips to earning money Plz 🙂 Easy ten points!!!?

Ok. I need A LOT of money. My friend and I want to go on a trip and need about 3,200. I would like to earn it fast, but i can have about 6 months- a year. I really need this. Thats for both of us to go, 1600 for me. Are there any tips to earn money? Im not old enough yet to get a job but anythiing else is ok. PLEASE!!! and thank you 🙂 if you have a question leave the link and ill answer it.
My teacher mentioned a program where if you need money for something important camps, field trips, ect.. then after you volunteer they will write you a check. does anyone know what the name of this is?
No no no. It is a trip, but its to a camp WITH COUNSELORS! Im not traveling by myself.

Nagesh answers:

How about jobs for family, like babysitting – walking dogs – anything. If you are eager to go, then you should start taking odd jobs as much as you can that don’t interfere with school to help you get the money you need. Talk to friends your same age and ask what they do to earn quick cash. Maybe selling old books on amazon or ebay, or ask your parents for some good ideas they may have. Good luck!

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Wednesday, July 9th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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