Your Questions About Earn Money Quick

Linda asks…

How can I earn quick money?

I don’t wanna bother my parents with money for concert tickets. So I was thinking I’ll earn some dosh on my own. How can I do that. Serious answers.

Nagesh answers:

Try applying for some local jobs around your area. Do you have any skills or talents, ie like fixing cars and stuff that you may be able to do for people to earn cash?

Mark asks…

how to earn money quick for a 12 year old to buy a iphone?

I need $200 quick to buy a iphone
any one have ideas i cant sell lemonade i olny make $10 and im to old
cant babysit and cant wash cars

Nagesh answers:

Yo you really should try the paper route. I don’t think you need it so quickly. With the paper route you can wait about 2 months tops and you will have enough money to buy your Iscam. I was able to afford things until I joined the paper route. So try it.

Richard asks…

What is a good quick way to earn money for christmas?

I cant work ..Im pregnant and just need quick money for christmas.

Nagesh answers:

Best way to make easy money, check out Craig’s and enter the city where you live. You can look under events, writing, creative, etc. I’m sure there’s something in there for you to do. Check it out!

Mandy asks…

How to earn money quick if yaa only a kid? :)?

i need taa earn a bit of money i cant get a job or beg for it,and i want a game BADLY,
any suggestions 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Okay- I’m 13, so I have some ideas!
1. Chores around the house in exchange for cash
2. Babysitting
3. Idk about your orthodontist if you have one- but mine is trading money for candy, so you should check your orthodontist to see if they do the same 🙂

Hope it helped.

Sandra asks…

How to earn money quick?

I have to pay for part of my dress for homecoming/makeup but i’m broke and homecoming is next week. i dont have any babysitting jobs coming up and my mom wont pay me for doing chores any ideas to earn money quickly?

Nagesh answers:

Please be careful of these scams that are suggested. I always suggest you make yourself a professional looking flyer that says what you would be willing to do for money: babysitting, washing windows, pet sitting, house sitting, lawn work, shopping. And distribute in your neighborhood. You don’t need any get rich quick schemes. They never work, but are only for desperate people.

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Friday, February 8th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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