Your Questions About Earn Money Quick

Lisa asks…

how can i earn money quick?

i am 13 years old and my school has a trip to go skiing but my parents cant afford it. i need to pay £900 by october any ideas how i can earn money quick? (i cant get a job at a restaurant, sell stuff, look after pets or babysit)
For Use Your Noodle: Ummmm i think you’ll find i nevr sed 2k i sed £900 and i can make it easy if i get a tenner a day. I don’t need to go skiing, i want to so i think u shuld get your facts right. ok?

Nagesh answers:

Cut grass, sweep porches, sell old toys and good clothes you cannot wear, clean garages, turn in recyles, shop for neighbors that can’t go to store for milk bread and quick trips wash cars. And that is a lot of money for a sking trip, where the heck are you going if you don’t get to go you will have a lot of company at home, not many at this time can afford it.

James asks…

how to earn money quick?

Nagesh answers:





You can also Earn Money Upload file & Sharing them on Forum, blog, etc.


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Robert asks…

quick ways to earn money

my family and i have just discovered that one of our horses has a zist near his brain and need surgery that could cost up to £2000.
this has caused a large amount of stress for us because it will take a long time to pay off that amount of money
it would be a big help to earn that money doing various things

has anyone got any good ideas..? thank you

Nagesh answers:

This site has good reviews for making money online:

This site pays you cashback when you shop and you get £10 free when you sign up:

This site pays you each time you make a search on yahoo, it’s not much but at the end of the year it can add up to a couple hundred pounds:

This site pays you to leave your internet on:

You can get a free website and get paid through advertisements on the site here:

Sign up to adsense here:

Theres loads of ways to make money online, those are just a few.

Michael asks…

quick ways to earn money??

im almost 15 and cant get a job anywhere! i need to come up with $500 as soon as possible [the reason is private so please dont ask why]. any advice? what can i do for some money? and i cant mow cuz around here people do that themselves and refuse offers. and babysitting jobs are really hard to get around here too. any advice? i need some help please!

Nagesh answers:


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Donna asks…

What are some good ways to earn money quick?!?

I can’t get a job. Or work. Or go around
Town (safety). Does anyone have a GOOD plan me and my parents/guardians could work out so I’d get paid when doing stuff??

Nagesh answers:

I’m in the same boat as you, so it’s really hard for me to give you great advice without sounding mundane and unhelpful. I’ve been in deep thought about making bank as well. I suppose you can do provide a service in your town/city and charge people for cleaning, babysitting, fixing items, etc. The fast food, marketing/sales, and retail industries are also looking for people to hire in this season. If you have a video/digital camera, you could record videos for money via YouTube Partnerships and other sites or earn money with photography.

You could also try to start a very small business, make that and your pockets grow, and hustle your way through if you have any ideas or entrepreneurial tactics. It’s all about budgeting, luck, connections, ambition, and creativity. Ask around for jobs and try to network to get what you want. For the most part, it’s all about “who you know”.

You can easily sell ads/commercials via AdSense or AdBrite with a Blogger or your own free website that supports it. If you are under 18, ask your parents to help you set up your AdSense/AdBrite accounts. If you have a specific skill or interest, you could also try to get by when applying your talents into what you like or are good at.

Nowadays we live in have a booming population with low amounts of money. It’s a tough economy and time for most people now. College education is expensive and does not guarantee you employment. If you plan on going, make sure you major in a field with more job opens like medical and engineering. Do not pick majors like Art, Psychology, Gender Studies, Poetry, and other crap as those field usually offer very few jobs. Avoid taking out huge loans (unless it’s medical, law, pharmacy, or graduate school).

The supply and demand for jobs are not very proportionate at all. You’ll be considered fortunate to earn at least $40,000/yr nowadays. Thousands of times I’ve written down ways and ideas to earn money quickly, but unless you are a celebrity, prostitute, drug dealer, robber/thief, mobster, rich or well-to-do, or just lucky, you most likely won’t see any kind of quick money to be honest. Therefore, we have to do our best to survive.

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Saturday, May 10th, 2014 Money Making Schemes

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