Your Questions About Fast Money Online Surveys

Jenny asks…

How can i make money online, fast, at age 15?

ok. so i am 15. i need to earn money but online. 🙂
any ideas. free.
oh and no survey things. hate those.
thankkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkks.! 🙂

Nagesh answers:

It all depends on what skills you have. What you need is a variety of things to try out, and find what fits for YOU.

Michael asks…

Part time 2nd Job ideas for extra money? Online surveys?

I work as a housekeeper from 7:30-3:30 4-5 days a week but still dont make enough money! Its a very fast paced, physical draning job so most days I like to just sit down and relax when I get home. Is there any LEGIT online survey sites that dont make you pay anything to join? I am not interested in starting a business online or creating a website or anything like that. I’v heard of a sign poster where you drive around and stick signs in the road and get paid per sign, or envelope stuffers that get paid per envelope stuffed, and even a company that will pay if they can advertise on your car..are these real? Anybody know of anything like that because they would all be a possibility! Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Oprah has proved that with $6 dollars, a free
paypal account and 30 minutes of your time, you can make between
$30,000 – $50,000. Paypal has even verified this Scheme is 100%
I gave it a try, I figured at least 6 people would respond out of the MILLIONS of people that use the internet.

You should give it a try too!

I was browsing through some interesting ads and came across an article that said you could make thousands dollars within weeks with only an initial investment of $6.00!
From PayPal:
“Dear Member, it has come to our attention that there
is a PayPal scheme floating around at the moment you
may have heard or seen the $6 scheme. You may have
even taken part in it well we have been asked a lot of
questions about this scheme the answer is yes it does
work and yes it is safe to use providing you follow the
rules it is legal and has made a big hit on the internet
this year. If you would like to take part in this scheme
or would like a bit more information then please see the
attached file that was kindly donated to us. Thank you for
using PayPal!”

It said that you send $1.00 though paypal to each of the emails on the list.

You then place your own email address in the bottom of the list at ..6, and post the article in at least 200 news groups.

So after thinking about it, I went ahead trying it.

I figured what have I got to lose except $6.00 small dollars.

I was a little skeptical and a little worried about the legal aspects of it.

It follows the same regulations as the “mailed chainletters, which according to the U.S. Post Office (1-800-725-2161) is indeed legal!

Then I invested the measly $6.00.


Within days, I started getting money in my paypal account!

And it just kept coming in.

This is now my fourth week and I have made a total of just over $24,641.00 and it’s still coming in.

It’s well worth $6.00.


You must have a verified paypal account.

If you do not have an account you can go to……
And get a free account.

I would suggest signing up for a business account because it does not limit you to the amount of money you can receive.

And trust me you WILL be receiving more than $500.00 a month!

Like I said before In order to place the initial $6 into your account, you will have to verify your bank account with paypal (which may take a few days).


Send, through paypal, $1.00 to each email on the below list. Make the subject of the payment “Email List” and in the comments, write “PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR EMAIL LIST.” What you are doing is creating a service by this and best of all you are not giving your address to anyone … THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL!

The email list:








Now take the #1 email off the list that you see above, move the other addresses up(6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc) and add YOUR email
address (the one used on the paypal account) as number 6 on the list.


Change anything you need to, but try to keep this article as close to original.Post your amended article to at least 200 newsgroups, message board. (I think there are close to 32,000)
All you need is 200, but remember, the more you post, the more money you make.

You log on to any search engine like,,, then you search with subject like millionaire message board or money making message board or employment message board or money making discussions or money making forum or business message board etc.

Remember, all of this is ABSOLUTELY LEGAL.
If you have any doubts, please refer to Title 18 Sec. 1302 & 1241 of

Nancy asks…

how do i make money fast online?

is that at all possible? ive tried those survey websites and they DONT WORK for me. i never get any money after all the hours i put into answering their surveys. so please dont tell me to do surveys. and dont tell me to get a job ive already got that too. just fast cash on the side

Nagesh answers:

Well u can have a online extra income in this site in the Affiliate Partners area, in the rigth corner, u can do it from u´r home just working 20 or 30 minutes per day and make lagal money really easy. (good luck)

Sandra asks…

How can iearn a good amount of money online fast?

Hi! so i am going to move in to and apartment with my mom in like 2 months. im 13 and i need money fast! i don’t have time to babysit or work an actual job, so im thinking if i do it online. where can i would earn a good amount of money? I really want to bye some cool stuff for my new room but my mom doesn’t have enough money to get me all this new stuff. I feel like i am at the age where i can earn my OWN money so my mom doesn’t have to pay for all of my stuff. i feel a little guilty. But good news! i get 10 dollars a week from my dad and i think i might ask my grandma for a little money (not a lot). Anyways what online site can i go to and do surveys for free and actually get real money? i need this. Please please please help me!


Nagesh answers:

You should really try making an ebay account and try selling some of the used stuff you dont need around the house. Or maybe you could go on one of those survey sites and do a bunch of offers and get some money. But that one takes so much time! Its like an hour long survey and you only get 5 cents. But you should definitely try selling on ebay or even cragslist.

William asks…

What free online surveys help you make the most money by check?

Need money fast

Nagesh answers:

Ever wanted to earn money online but always got fooled by those scammers who sell bad ebooks or those users who ask for money upfront and then never reply? For this only reason I want to like you to a website where the owner shares all ways of making money online. Did you know that you can make money playing games or clicking ads? Then visit for for more info

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Monday, June 4th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money For Teenagers

Donna asks…

How can I make a little money for a teenager?

Notice I didn’t say fast and easy. I will work for the money. I need some ways to make some to buy myself some clothes and to finally pay for a lunch at school instead of taking barely anything. i have a lot of brothers and sisters so my parents don’t buy me a lot. I just don’t want to have to rely on them anymore. how do I set up a dog walking business if it is snowing outside? I’m 13 and need money making ideas. Thank you everyone!

Nagesh answers:



Sharon asks…

Ways for a teenager to make money?

Hello! Okay, so I was looking for some more ideas to make money. I want to make some because I really like the clothes at Hollister but its SO expensive! I was thinking of washing cars… I already help my parents clean the house, I don’t let them pay me for doing it because they are my parents so they shouldn’t have to[=

I’m under 16 so I can’t get an actual job.

So yeaaaah.

Nagesh answers:

Babysitting, working for an uncle or relative in an office or somewhere. Dog walking, window washing, offering massages/pedicure/manicures to relatives or friend’s parents…There are lots of possibilities.

Nancy asks…

What are some creative ideas for a 14 year old to make money?

what is something fun and creative that a teenager could do to make money? besides the average babysitting or lawn mowing thing lol. like anything entrepreneur-like or out of the box?

Nagesh answers:

What are some of your hobby’s Megan? Do you like to make jewelry or do you sew and make any kind of bags (like grocery kind). You could make things and then sell them on Ebay or other auction sites. You will probably need help setting up accounts from your parents since you are under 18, but put on that thinking cap and I bet you’ll have an “ah ha” idea that could make some money for you.

Good for you for trying to make your own money! You should be proud of yourself. Best of luck to you.

Lisa asks…

Ways for teenagers to make money?

Im 13 years old and I want to save up some money. Any ideas? I don’t want the traditional ideas such as lemonade stand, mow yards, etc.

Nagesh answers:

Hi!!!! Im 13 tooo, and i took the red cross babysitting course and am a babysitter! U wouldnt believe how much u make wen ur certified with cpr and stuff lik that, i make 10$ per hr!!!!! I save so much money! Sometimes, me and my sistr or best friend babysit together and split the money because its more fun to have someone with u. Heres the website for red cross…i reely recomend taking it to be prepaired and make more money…good luck!


Sandy asks…

how to make money as a teenager?

I’m 13 yrs old and I’m babysitting at the moment for families in my local country area, but I’m not making enough money. Im looking for ideas to make more money without the ideas of: washing cars & dog walking. Any ideas? Please Comment, Thanks!

Nagesh answers:


You could start a blog and write about stuff that’s interesting to other teens, then promote products or put adsense on your site.

If you could get enough people going to your website, you could make some extra cash.

Good luck.

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Sunday, June 3rd, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Uk

Donna asks…

with all this revolution going on in india am i fair to say that in another 15 years to come?

India will be just like any western country… as divorce is up … and women are plotting to make as much money as they can quickly… That the social fabric of india will collapse and the safety of the house and family will disappear and multi marriages and divorces will become a normal thing like in weatern societies? and that children from broken marriages will become peodophiles and criminals and that just like western societies crime will increase dramatically.Like western societies governments will have problems funding lavish life styles for their politicians and a new revoluton will start? just like the one waiting to happen in the uk and america… and other western countries?

Nagesh answers:

Hi there !
Yeah..though sounds scary …..looks like we are “advancing towards” such a future….
But whether the future generations will be
so ” sincere” and “devoted” to start another revolution/mutiny in our society ? I doubt it…….maybe whatever is said in our holy books like Quran, Bible, and Ramayana, may happen…
Some thing like a “revelation” ? A “Divine assistance ” in the form of “another prophet”? “another Lord Krishna” ? “another Jesus” ? May come to our earthlings assistance ? Another miracle will happen and the vicious cycle will go on and on….
Let us assume like that…..and relax..

Best wishes !

Richard asks…

Is this possible?? a free ps3 for the uk residents only. have a look

They will probably have to stop doing these promotions as word spreads how easy it is to so take advantage of it whilst there is still time!

Follow these steps to get yourself a free PS3 for just a little bit of time and effort. 100% legitimate.

STEP 1: Follow the above link( copy and paste)

STEP 2: Register. This costs nothing and you don’t even have to go on with the offer after this if you don’t want to.

STEP 3: Now you get a number of offers from different companies – You need to complete one of these offers. This will activate your account and give you a credit so when you have enough referrals you can claim your item, without completing the offer you will not be able to receive it.

I would suggest using the Lovefilm free trail offer as you don’t need to pay. Just remember to cancel the trail before 21 days if you don’t want to stay a member. (NOTE: pick 10 dvd titles then wait for 1 dvd to be dispatched then then cancel your membership when you receive the dvd, just simply posting it back in the pre-paid envelope. This will mean that you will complete the offer without having to pay a thing.

STEP 4: Refer people. I would recommend making an Ebay page like this you will then get your referrals very quickly. A friend of mine managed to get 10 in just two days with this page layout so I am giving it a go too, got nothing to lose! You only need 13 referrals for a PS3. Lets all enjoy getting free PS3’s whilst the offer lasts!

Still not convinced?

Watch this feature on the BBC Newsnight program as it explains exactly how these companies make their money and how they can afford to give away these items:

Nagesh answers:

Hahahaha nice “Question”

Still I’m a fellow referral searcher. I got my self a free mini mac in this way, it takes some work but is well worth it. I found this site really useful when getting mine, it has some good tips on there and explains the concept well.

Lisa asks…

How do I raise finance quickly?

During the summer we completed the purchase of a new home. Our existing home which is in move in condition in a great area and being marketed at a competitive price has failed to sell because of the time of year and for no other reason. We are now committed to buy the other home however the sub prime mortgage market has collapsed in the meantime meaning that raising the bridging finance is proving next to impossible. We have 3 weeks to raise 150,000 pounds (I am in the UK). Our IFA is working hard to find a suitable mortgage product but the changing market conditions are making this very hard. We have no rich relatives. The issue is mostly that we were going to borrow on the 200K+ equity on our existing home self cert to do the bridge but the loan to value available has been dropped dramatically as lenders play safe, leaving us stuck with a problem in the meantime. Help! What is the quickest way to raise this money?
Can I just emphasise that I am in the UK, so need a loan in sterling. Also anyone who replies offering finance but without a phone number and website and some means of verifying themselves will be ignored.

Nagesh answers:

1. If you want to make comparisons using very accurate data, get quotes from different lenders or brokers on the same day. Mortgage quotes change daily. At times, they even change several times in one day.

2. When you compare terms, compare mortgage quotes for similar lock periods. A lock period is the specific span of time that guarantees implementation of a certain rate. As a rule of thumb, longer lock periods have higher rates. Lock periods are generally offered in increments, like 15, 30, or 60 days.

3. Compare mortgage quotes that have the same points, such as zero or one. In the mortgage business, a point is the term given to a rate. Three points, for example, means three percent. Mortgage quotes follow a tiered pricing. This gives you the opportunity to buy the rate and bring it up or down. How? It’s very simple. To make the points decrease, increase the mortgage rate. To make the points increase, reduce the rate.

4. In the quote you ask for, ask that the quote loan be separated from associates fees. Property taxes, home insurance, and pre-paid interest are not lender’s fees. What falls under lender’s fees are the following: standard title, appraisal fees, and processing or underwriting charges.

5. Compare mortgage quotes of the same type. There are many types of mortgages. There is a buy-to-let mortgage. Then, there are also self-build mortgage, right-to-buy mortgage, and reverse mortgage. The terms of your mortgage could change along with the type.

Lizzie asks…

If all non-Muslims boycotted all Muslim businesses -how long would it take to make them change their ways.?

To paraphrase-money is the root of all religion-if you choose to purchase your goods from non-Muslim stores,things would change very quickly in the UK.
Oh contraire -When it is a question of money, everybody is of the same religion.
Just Pakistani Muslim stores.

Nagesh answers:

It would make the Muslims even stronger knowing the God is the provider….. Not creation.


Paul asks…

Please help me understand drug addiction?

Sorry if this is a bit long, I will try and explain this as best I can…

My partner’s brother is now in his mid 60’s and is a drug addict. He has been in prison for drug dealing both in the UK and abroad on and off serving approx 10-15 years. He doesn’t drug deal any more but is addicted to them. I am not sure what he is taking, but I think it is Coke and Heroine. He hears voices and shakes uncontrollably, all the time, he has no pride in his appearance and has lost most of his teeth and basically looks a mess.

In his prime he was a very handsome man, he had property, fast cars, a beautiful wife and son. According to my partner, he was incredibly arrogant and rather than work for it like the rest of it, he chose a different path by selling drugs and making alot of money quickly. Well he’s lost everything. He lives with his mother who is in her 80’s. He sleeps during the day and every 2-3 days buys more drugs – we are assuming with money he is getting from benefits (he has not worked since his last stint in prison 12 years ago), OR that his mother gives him some of her pension.

He keeps saying he is going to, as he puts, it “turn a corner” and that he is close to giving up, but these are just empty words. My partner confronted him and said, OK if you’re going to give up, give me a time limit, well of course he couldn’t do that.

is it too late? Can we help him? If so, what can we do if he won’t help himself?

Nagesh answers:


Well, your partner’s brother sounds like he’s sure had his difficulties with addiction. I think it’s good that you and your partner want to understand better, and I will try and explain addiction the best I can.

First off, addiction is believed to be a chronic disease that gets worse with time. Even medical doctors now acknowledge that drug addicts have different brain chemistry (this wasn’t able to be proven until modern technology could show it). So the first and foremost thing to keep in mind is that a drug addict who is using drugs or drinking is not going to be thinking or acting like a “normal” person would. Their brain is literally wired to need and seek out drugs. He probably feels the urge to use as soon as he wakes up in the morning, and it’s probably at the forefront of his mind until he goes to sleep. If he is using heroin, this only complicates things, as he would be physically addicted to heroin as well. So if he doesn’t use, he gets very sick. So he feels the need to use both emotionally and physically to try and feel okay. Of course, this changes once an addict is detoxed and has been sober for a period of time, but there is still that “addiction wiring” in their brain. This is why it’s suggested that a drug addict remain completely abstinent from all drugs and alcohol to maintain sobriety.

Secondly, those empty promises he gives you probably mean something to him, but his addiction basically takes over and he is unable to stop, even if he wants to. Many addicts find that they have to reach a horrible place, also called “hitting rock bottom”, before they can stop. Most “normal” people would think that going to prison or getting arrested or losing all your money or houses or cars would be a rock bottom, but to a drug addict–those are just things. The important rock bottom a drug addict has to hit is an EMOTIONAL bottom. That is, they could still have a million dollars and a nice house, wife, cars, etc. But if they FEEL like they are done, then that is where change can happen. This is why you see so many addicts lose it all but keep using drugs. Because they haven’t reached that place of despair inside.

So, negative consequences do not mean much to an addict. This is one of the criteria in the definition of addiction: “Addicts continue to use despite negative consequences.” So punishing or threatening an addict will not make them stop using. This is why so many addicts go to prison but use drugs again within a day or two of getting out. Punishment means nothing in active addiction.

To answer your questions: No, it is not too late. I know many people who have gotten clean and sober in their 60s, 70s, and even 80s. I met a man once at an AA meeting who was 30 days sober and he was 87 years old. He said he was a drunk his whole life, lost it all–house, wife, kids, grandkids, etc.–and that he had made peace with that. But he just wanted to be sober before he died. I also had several clients in treatment who were well into their 60s and 70s. They can still get clean.

The things you can do to help would be: don’t enable him. Enabling means providing money, rides, clothing, food, etc. Enabling an addict in any way just makes it easier for them to use. They also will believe that they can continue to manipulate you–this is just how addicts think. It seems he is enabled by his mother, which is unfortunate, but very common with parents of addicts. They tend to feel guilty and can’t say “no” despite all of the bad things their (adult) child has done or is doing. Secondly, you can try to stage an intervention if you believe it might help. An intervention MUST be performed by an intervention specialist. They basically construct a plan to try and “bring” the addict’s rock bottom to him. Interventions are very popular here in the US, and we even have several reality TV shows which document interventions and addicts getting sober from them. The end of an intervention basically is an ultimatum: The addict either goes into rehab right this second, or there are a set of very specific therapeutic consequences (this is what the interventionist helps with). This might be a good choice if you can get his mother on board. She is his primary enabler, and if she continues to provide him with money and a roof over her head, he will most likely continue to use indefinitely.

There really is no way to force an addict to stop using. I think this has been made apparent by your partner’s brother’s case. The best advice I can give you would be to take care of yourself, and the same for your partner. There is a 12 step program called “Alanon” which is for the family and loved ones of alcoholics and addicts. It is an excellent anonymous free program just like Alcoholics Anonymous, except it’s for the family (who are not alcoholics). You might want to look into meetings in your area. Just do an internet search for “Alanon meetings” in your city. They have specific ways of helping to cope with having

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Saturday, June 2nd, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For 12 Year Olds

Maria asks…

what is a fast way for a 12 year old to earn money?

my 12 year old wants to earn money for a laptop,ipod,and a new cell phone. how can she make money fast? she also wants to save up for a house when she gets older do u have any good ideas for her to make easy money??

Nagesh answers:

Lawncare, gardening, raking leaves, shoveling snow, paper route, babysitting – that’s about it for 12 yr olds – child labor laws prevent much else until age 16

Mary asks…

What are some ways for a 12 year old girl to make money?

Things that are legal! She’s not allowed to sell her clothes or things like that. She can’t babysit yet. So some ideas. She wants Fast money.

Nagesh answers:

Hmm there are a lot of fun things to do. You can have a lemonade stand, a car wash with your friends, make beaded necklaces and bracelets and go to your neighbors to ask if they would like one for 25 cents, you can help around the house, help your mom or dad do something, mow the lawn, have bets (ex. If you have a bbal hoop you can say if i shoot 10 baskets in 2 min you give me a dollar or 2)
i hope that this helped

Sandra asks…

What is a GOOD way for 12 year old girls to earn money fast?

we need $22,0000 in 7 1/2 months (going to Japan to see studio ghibli), there are 3 of us, don’t say do chores or something stupid like that, we have considered making that hand made play-dough (cost less than clay) and selling stuff we make, don’t want to babysit, WHAT SHOULD WE DO?

Nagesh answers:

Sell stuff you make, offer to teach someone something (and charge a fee for your services), etc.

By the way, a highly trained, degreed professional typically earns around that ballpark in a full-time job, so it is rather unrealistic that you’ll make that much money in such a short time, at your age.

Carol asks…

what is the fastest way for a 12 year old to make money in egypt besides a job.?

like sell stuff.and how

Nagesh answers:

You can start a small business. Gather your friends and each put some capital to finance the purchase of goods. This can be anything; a good idea is selling american footballs because they arent sold anywhere in egypt. You can place ads in clubs, or anywhere around the city: street lights… Contact me when you start your business, so i can support you.

Sharon asks…

How can a 12 year old make money?

my daughter owns every one money. she needs $300 dollars fast. i will not allow her to do anything with the computer and since its spring, she needs to do something out side. she has a horse that is very special and she cant pay for the horse anymore but we will not sell him. hes very sick so we sent him to my sisters in Pennsylvania, but we still need to pay for the hay, vet bills, insurance and etc. i need very unique ways because im in lot of debt, so i cant do much. she needs to work her self and earn it and grow up. shes been telling me she went to her babysitting job when she doesn’t. so i need to mature her and get her to work. we have no old people on our block, so she cant do work for them. they re no dogs in my neighborhood either. i need unique ways. thank you.
i asked for no websites. some thing she can do outside. please thank you.

Nagesh answers:


So one way or another you need more money

You can make money online at

– Min age 13
– No credit card required
– Free forever
– 100% real

Copy and paste:

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Friday, June 1st, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet In India

James asks…

tell me something about my question?

I have read in news paper and some books to earn part time by blogging..
Please tell me how can i earn through the help of blogging. How can i make blogs as i have not much knowledge of Programming..
I want to create educational blogs and career blogs . Please provide me some sites on where i can crfeate blog and get to learn blogging.
Please tell me how can i earn part time by the help of Internet…..
As i am a student and i need money by doing part time…..

Please provide me information..
From Kanpur(U.P.) India

Nagesh answers:

Try this link. Http://

Lisa asks…

I want to earn by money transfer through internet banking facility of various banks in india. Please guid.?

Whether it will be illegal to different accounts from differnent banks in India and doing some business from money transfer facility provided through internet banking facility. If I have to take permission, then from whom?

Nagesh answers:

Banks do prescribe limits for transfer in a day. Internet banking is permitted. Make a ready made list of beneficiaries and transfer money within prescribed limits of time and money. Small commission charges are applicable. Have your PAN Card for a future reference

Sandra asks…

i think there is no way we can earn any money through internet.true isn’t it?

i guess internet jobs or online money making is all fake especially when you live in india right?

Nagesh answers:

For the 99,486th time…
The Internet is not some magical cash machine.
There are NO online jobs. No data entry. No surveys. No clicks. Nothing. Anywhere. Really.

Paul asks…

Do anybody in India has really earned any real money from jobs through net except Google & CJ?

Do anybody in India has really earned any real money from jobs through internet except Google & CJ?

Nagesh answers:

Yes i am earning abt 5000 per month from here.
although it promises a lot but in actuality u wont get that 2.5 m mark but still if u can get abt 10 – 15 k it is good enuf

This is easy form filling jobs. Work less than 1 hr daily. No investment. Please visit the website

Nancy asks…

I would like to make some income through internet?

I am an accountant with 8 years experience in India and Saudi Arabia.I had a heavy accident last year and cannot go back to Gulf now.I cannot join anywhere in India as my physical condition is still under weakness.I have good experience with computers and internet.Now I am in a bad financial condition as I spent a huge amount on my recovery.Though I am out of liquidity of money I have some assets,I earned before.I request you people to give some guidelines on earning some income through internet.So that I can help my wife to drive our family.I wish to know some genuine ways.And I am ready to do accounting entries through internet.Or anything you can suggest considering that I cannot walk properly but ready to sit as long as possible in front of a computer.

Nagesh answers:

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Social Media Marketing Company takes two steps for Social Media Optimization. The first step is related to the RSS (Really Simple Syndication) Feeds, sharing social news, introducing videos, images, PDF and presentation sharing. The second step is about Blog development, design, maintenance, promotion, group discussions and update on Social networks. Social Media Marketing Services distribute message through video, images and book marking websites.
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Create blog with RSS feed is also help for sharing message. These methods of Social Media Marketing Services are applied free of cost for marketing but search engine marketing requires to pay for adverting.

Social Media Optimization is mainly a part of Search Engine advertising but in real it goes behind a part of Search Engine Optimization. In Social Media Marketing services, traffic is coming from other sites instead of Search Engine. A best design website can get more traffic through Social Media Marketing Services.

In Social Media Marketing Services quality of any website is calculated through links of website whether inbound or outbound. Inbound link help to increase in Search Engine Ranking and online presence.
Getting back link from relevant website and blogs are also very useful in back links. A relevant content should be added in popular Social book marking sites for getting back link to your website. Social Media Marketing Services cover all these aspects.

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Thursday, May 31st, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick

Susan asks…

How can I earn quick money on Yoville?

I’m so poor on yoville and i really need more money quickly! Does anyone know what i can do to get some more money fast?

Nagesh answers:

Donate $$$ to the game, or get alot of friends to join your crew so you are paid more. Those are the only real options to make money faster.

Ken asks…

How to Earn Quick Money In Runescape?

I have a level 58 acc
with fishing and cooking higher than 55
and mining and smithing higher than 40
wc is 40
how can i make quick money?

Can you please answer as quick as possible because i’m
currently trying to get a rune kiteshield.

Nagesh answers:

Go fish lobster on karamja then cook it then sell it to grand exchange.The mine gold ore in karamja then sell it in grand exchange. Kill hill giants then get the item you see(exept nood items) then sell it in grand exchange.(I prefer only big bones, Limpwut Roots,nature runes,law runes, death runes, gems).

(best answer pls =D)

have fun playing.

George asks…

Is it a hoax? Health product companies and their distributors? Is it so easy to earn quick money at home?

just wanna express my point of views to some of health products companies run in my town and their fellow distributors. My brother joined in one of the above mentioned company as a part time job for several months. However, I suspected their honesty and the ways they are running their business in my town since they have not yet set up their branch office here. My brother has paid a certain amount for a membership in order to be employed and forced to purchase their health products to maintain his position. They clamed that the member’s only responsibilty is to work at home, promoting their company and lose-weight products online as a basis, as well as buying their products with a discount to earn the commission when selling out. I suppose that’s no point of buying your position with money and requesting your employees to put in a fortune only for a part time. Just wish some actions can be taken to prevent innocent teenagers from falling into this trap to earn quick money.

Nagesh answers:

It seems like this is a hoax.

I assume your brother joined the program so he could make money.

It is never advisable to pay up front with any money making scheme.

If they ask for money up front, then 99 percent certain it is a scam!

Lizzie asks…

How do I earn some quick money for a plane ticket?

Im hoping to earn money for a plane ticket

Nagesh answers:

Umm…get a job, those usually pay.

How old are you? If you’re 14 you should be able to get hired somewhere, if you’re younger than that don’t count on it, just wait until you can start earning money, maybe have a garage sale.

Charles asks…

How to earn lots of money quick?

Ok, we have hot temperatures. we all want a pool. We don’t want those little ole inflatable pools. We want one that are sturdy, and it starys there. not in ground, but something that you can close up every winter and reopen. How to earn money fast, without my parents money (allowence) or the internet. We also want to take a trip to indiana beach. Please help me and any tips about earning money

Nagesh answers:

What you are looking for are speculative and penny stocks. These are stocks that can grow rapidly over a short period of time. The thing is they are much harder to predict than the stable growers so what may be a great penny stock today could suffer monumental loss tomorrow. Another type of investment you may want to look at are HYIPs (High Yield Investment Programs). These generally pay around 3% per day on your principal giving you more profit than just about any stock out there! However they are risky as well.

For more info check out:

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Wednesday, May 30th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money In College

Nancy asks…

ways to make money for spring break!?

Im in college and like most college kids i don’t have a ton of money. I want to go to Cabo for spring break but i need some money quick. I need ideas for things like telecommuting or home work or just things i can do to make extra cash fast. i want to make about 600 bucks… any ideas???

Nagesh answers:

Make fliers offering to clean people’s homes or garages or do yard work or even babysitting.

Steven asks…

how can i make money for college?

hi i am in need of some money to help myself pay for college… i have a job already two actually to pay my bills but i cant make enough to pay for college tuition and such as well… i also cant get a cosigner for a loan, or any federal loans… im not looking for a get rich quick scam… i want a legitimate way either online or not to make enough money to pay for my college… any help??

Nagesh answers:

Make a free blog at blogger about something you are good at or truly interested in, and than put adsense on it, bring people to your blog, each time your ads get clicked you’ll earn money. I can assure that you will love working on it. If you want more info let me know.

Helen asks…

In college how to make money?

I am in community college and getting prepared to go to a 4 year university and really need help with how to make money i have a part time job right now and its not paying enough for me to go to school next year… Ive looked into scholarships but they all seem pretty much impossible to get… does anyone know of a way to make quick cash with out being a drug dealer or using a credit card?

Nagesh answers:

Did you fill out the FAFSA? That’s the free application for federal student aid. It doesn’t hurt to fill it out. You might qualify for a grant. If not, you’ll probably qualify for a student loan which is way way better than a credit card. As far as your credit score goes, student loan debt is considered ‘good debt’ as opposed to a credit card which is bad debt. If you go with a federal student loan you wouldn’t have to make payments untile 6 months after you graduate and some of the loans don’t accumulate interest until after you graduate. They’re fairly low interest. It’s at least something for you to consider.

Laura asks…

How can make quick, legal money without taking out a loan or selling things [because I have none]?

Let me tell you a little bit about myself, first of all….

I was raised as a foster child in a group home. I don’t have any parents to financially support me, and the only way that I receive money is through federal work study at my school. I can only work 5 hours a week, my pay is $8/hour, and I only get paid once a month. The only way that I’ve been able to get by, is because I’m in college and I am living in a dorm. My grades are really good, and I’m paying for my schooling through a full scholarship. Paying for books and all is not an issue for me right now.

I really want a job right now. I am going to save up this last check of mine, and pay for classes to get my license. That is already squared away. By the end of June, I will have my license.

My next step is getting a job…But I cannot get a job that’s near me. Nobody is hiring…I live in Columbia, SC and most jobs are driving distances away. I have some work experience, mostly in the food industry, but nothing fantastic. So I figure, I’ll have to get a car before I can get a job.

THAT is my problem…I need money to get a car, and a car to get me TO the money. I don’t know which one to get first. I was hoping you all could help me figure out a few things….like when or where there are car auctions, or maybe if there is a way to get a car for extremely cheap (since I did grow up as a foster child, maybe there is some kind of program out there that I do not yet know about?), what kind of insurance is cheapest (I heard about no fault insurance, but I have no idea what it really is or how much it costs), and possibly some tips to earn quick money. I was wondering if you knew of any particular online thing, or program out there, to get some extra cash, or whatever…

I’m desperate. I need to get my life together so that I can make it through school and get an education and actually CONTRIBUTE something to society. I know I have a lot of questions, and I’ll take whatever advice you can give me!

Thank you so much, and your help is very much appreciated!

Nagesh answers:

First up you dont need an ‘education’ to be able to contribute to society or be successful. Second, getting a job means making money for someone else!

You can do anything to make money! You just need to think a little different from the herd. For example, you can sell stuff on ebay, anyone can. One mans rubbish is another mans treasure, you just have to find the $ gap (what you get it for / gap / what you sell it for). Example:- I was given an old pair of B&W speakers with a blown driver, The tweeters alone are worth around ÂŁ40 inc fees, let alone the working bass drivers / crossovers / one good cabinet.

This is a simple example of being a middle man. Downside risk = near nothing / Upside risk = ????..Is it hard work? Perhaps, depending on what kind of person you are. Think about this, your prepared to work hard and spend money for the privledge of making money for someone else. How about investing some of that time and effort towards making money for yourself!

Check out this link

Its a video by some guy, hes a smart cooky though. He highlights the downside of our current schooling system.

Be free.


Daniel asks…

quick money? please help?

I’m in college I have a job but no hours this week, I am low on gas and I just need a really really quick way to make money before I run out. I just need enough to fill my tank until I can go back to work. My parents wont give me the gas money because they think I should earn it but Its so hard without getting the hours I used to.

Nagesh answers:

Sell something like video games, or take them to the pawn shop

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Tuesday, May 29th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Rs

Helen asks…

Can anyone give me a way of making money fast to be able to buy white beret and white ele’ blouse on Runescape?

I need a quick way of making money to be able to buy White beret and White ele’ blouse… My username for RS is Yemenia10100 im lvl 66 and i need help!!!! please respond as soon as possible or just add me on Runescape: Yemenia10100 and inform me ur from Yahoo-.- 🙂
Yh but if i flax and then make it into bowstrings its like….. gonna take forever!!!!!! i have like 54 flax in my bank though i tried it out… but how much would i need to like make a mill?????!!!!! help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!add me on RS too
R u serious??? Chaos Druids.. id die like in an instance i killl the dragons though!
Im a mem too
What r g dragons?

Nagesh answers:

Well there is no EASY way of making money but there are quick ways of doing so. One is to continue killing g dragons and looting there hide and bones. Since your lvl 66 just wear what ever armor you specialize in ex. Archer, mage, melee. Just bring a anti dragon sheild . In 1 week i made just about 1 mill and i only played 2 hours a day so in about 7-10 hours you can make a good profit. Or if nooby ways are your will then go to caramja and go into the cave then go into the members gated area and make sure you bring some lobby or shark and there is good money to be found there… I am lazaar lvl 113 so i just kill the black dragons and kill the calfite queen a bunch.

Betty asks…

whats a good way to train range in rs fast?

im atm at 64 ranged and im using a rune c’bow and topaz(e) and above. i heard that knives are very good for training but i dont want to waste money because i am very poor. can you also please recommend me a good way to make very fast money. i only have 160k and i want to buy good things =P thnx for the help

Nagesh answers:

Ur like totaly in the wrong section. TOTALY.

But lucky for you i use to be a pure on that game and i was 99mage/range/str. Soo.. Best way are iron knives at firegiants or cannon at rockcrabs. You are one poor motherf*cker in that game.

Jenny asks…

How To Make Fast Money On Paypal?

I wanna Get RS memBership But I Had it For Like 5 years then left for 5 years and i want to get it but not spend another $300 on it and please help no anwsers like (get a Life or suck B##ls Poorbie

Nagesh answers:

Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. Http://

Charles asks…

how do i make money on rs if most of my stats r 1?

almost all my stats r 1. my str is 78,my hp 75,my atk is 62, my deff is 60, my mage is 26 (=P it sucks), my range is 74, and pretty much the skiller stats r 1. help me make fast cash fast =[

Nagesh answers:

Well… You could try killing stuff. Or you could try leveling your stats and then making money. There isn’t a good way to make money with low stats. Killing stuff is pretty much your best bet.

Mark asks…

What is a fast way to make money on runescape?

I would like something good not pick flax and spin it or kill black dragons. Keep in mind that I am only a level 65 member. Make sure it makes atleast 300K an hour. RS name: Aprentice34. Thank you

Nagesh answers:

Hey Sasquatch9799,

As you may know, or not, there’s quite a few ways on how you could make money in-rs. Most of the people make nature runes, or go to God Wars, but since you are level 65 you can’t really go to God Wars.

My suggestion for you would be to make nature runes really,
I suppose you could do “Lunar Diplomacy & Dream Mentor” quests, and then pick snape grass (this way would give you around 350-500K per hour, it’s quite boring though). You also need 72 magic in order to do snape grass method.

Nature runes making is quite easy to be honest, most of the people use “Graahk method”, but since you’re level 65 you probably don’t have high enough summoning level to do that (57 summoning). There’s only one way in which you could craft nature runes, which would be called “Abyss rc’ing”, you can find these guides here:

Snape grass:
Abyssal rcing:
White berry:
Chaos druids:

Sorry that I couldn’t provide better guides, but it’s because of your rather low combat level, anyway I hope that this was enough for you, best of luck! Should you need any other help, let me know.

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Monday, May 28th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes From Home

Linda asks…

Are there any legitimate part-time work from home opportunities?

or are they all scams. Don’t respond with your Amway or other MLM scheme. I want to hear from real people who are making money part time from home and I want to hear how they are doing it.

Nagesh answers:

Why not offer you services on a site like It’s a legitimate site with companies or individuals who want to outsource work and workers offering their services. It’s got good instructions on how you can market yourself and you can have a look around before deciding if you want to join or not. You don’t have to pay any money and it’s not a get rich quick site. People from all over the world offer their services but I think the majority are from USA.

Maria asks…

How do I set up an online store?

I have an idea for an online gift boutique and a lingerie store and was wondering how I go about getting it online. Does anyone else have one that could help me? (PLEASE NO SCAM OR MAKE MONEY FROM HOME SCHEMES – YOU WILL BE REPORTED)

Thanks Guys n Gals 🙂

Nagesh answers:

If you’re in England – visit your local Business Link, or log on to the web site – it (and they) have everything you need to start and grow your online business – and there may be some funding to help you.

Helen asks…

how can i make extra money working from home?

part time night work,No schemes

Nagesh answers:

The BEST way to find a regular job that lets you work from home is to use “telecommute” as a keyword in a regular job search such as hotjobs or monster. It IS easier though to find programs that let you have your own business than ones where you are actually an employee.

Having been in your situation a little while back I looked into a LOT of programs, some of which were scams (a good many), some of which paid but not enough to make it worth your time, and a very few that actually worked.

Be wary of programs that want you to pay a large start-up fee. Read thoroughly their terms of service and make sure they are going to be offering you a service worth that fee.

In resources I will list a few of the companies that I’ve found to actually pay worth the time I put into them. Keep in mind that not every program will work for you and be selective. Track the results you get from each program.

Good luck finding the one(s) that works best for you!

Steven asks…

make a ton of money from home w/o ever seeing any1?? ANYTHING that works for EVERY1?

Not a pyramid scheme, not a build a website, n no candles or 30 people @ my house…

Nagesh answers:

I’ve been doing some work with the past week, all the work is home based, data entry, transcription etc. The only thing is you’re competing against people from countries where the hourly rate of pay is a lot lower, so not sure if it would be worth it for you.

Also have a look at the jobs listed here, most are appicable to us,canada,europe, its quite good, thats where I found the above link.


Its been updated today to include some Craft type jobs which can be done from home, mainly re-distribution, but it possible to make good money from it if you work hard.

So many online jobs are out there. In fact, to do any online job, you need not want to invest anything. Make sure, you dont pay anything to get jobs online. It is just that need to pick the one that suits you the best. I hope this helps you and–>I believe you will find the online job that you love the most. Thanks

Betty asks…

Are these ‘money Trees/ pyramid schemes’?

I’ve seen these kind of Ads alot recently, all slightly different, but the same main message which is,
Make money from home by doing very little.
I’m pretty sure that the way it works is by telling people that they can make money by paying a small amount to recieve a ‘kit’ that basically tells them to promote themselves and get other people to by ‘kits’ off them. is this in fact whats known as a money tree??

even if its not truly a scam (like if you actually DO make money) it doesnt seem all that honest!!!

any thoughts appreciated

Nagesh answers:

Yes, this is a type of pyramid scheme. You would basically be making money off of your “recruits” (those you sell the kit to) who then supposedly use the kit to “recruit” more people. Hence the pyramid.

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Sunday, May 27th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Free

Laura asks…

any contests to earn extra money? for kids?

hi im a 12 year old girl and my mom is kinda struggling with money and i was just curious are there any free contests to enter that will pay you if you win? maybe like drawing or dog modeling or something. thx! also can it be please be on the internet or through mail if not then make sure its in california 🙂
that isnt a survey!!!!!!!!

Nagesh answers:

Take some of your stuff worth value to the pawn shop!

Sandra asks…

How can I make more money? stop being the average Joe?

I am 18 years old living in southport, Merseyside, ENGLAND and I want to know how I can make extra money.

I don’t just mean through the internet and I don’t want your SCAM websites… just to know how I can make more money in my free time outside my 40 hour Full-time job.

I don’t want to be earning just ÂŁ250 a week doing my job I want to earn that and earn on top of that as-well.

Nagesh answers:

Well the way i make money is through the internet free of charge click my link and join trust me its no scam if you have a look its click View and make money couldn’t be simpler any questions email me at

George asks…

Hello. Do you know of any free online money making ideas?

I have searched the internet for the longest: To no avail! Some very nice lady named Alicia has led me towards my goal, but I haden’t the opportunity to try what she has said! I just want for more people to share their experiences with me, so that I can have a more broad aproach to earning a decent income online!

I am a 17-year old student in high-school and I can’t find much that opens its doors to someone of my age range!

From every site that promises huge wealth and prosperity, you’ll find huge text, some pictures that were ripped from elsewhere, and some people who don’t know anything about the product or membership and are just doing it for the benifits!

I’m absolutely tired of the charade, I’m tired of the games, and I’m tired of trying to scan through scams!

Now for those who claim that financial prosperity is only a paymeny away, the thing I’ve been meaning to ask you is this: Do you have to pay your boss to receive a paycheck?

Didn’t think so!


Nagesh answers:

Don’t be fooleed about any quick rich scam!!

I recomend you learn, and get good tools for start.

So I don’t recomend you those books of $97, $150…

Because all of them is not for become rich, they are for becoming more rich than you are now. So if you are not rich now, forget them. All of them are based in huge opt in list (that in starts you don’t have), huge amount of visitors to your website (that in starts you don’t have)…

So if you are starting I recomend one package I’ve bought a month ago, and was a very good deal:

(this is not an affiliate link, so I recomend you honestly)

Nancy asks…

earning money?

i need money desperately,i want to know is there ne community which provides money, if i work for them through internet (i mean online job)..but there should not be ne intial money to be paid online..i want to start it with free .plz nebody knows such organisation who will provide money if i work for them online ( such as taking surveys, posting emails)…etc

Nagesh answers:

Earning money online is something that surfers of the cyber world always wants, but there are not much sites that really pays, a few sites that pays you money are here, i only suggest sites which are free of cost, so all the sites below are free to join,

1) This site pays you money for surfing the internet, you actually have to open the site, let the page load, and you start earning at the rate of 50 cents an hour, there are more methods of earning in the site, so start earning, best browser for this website is opera, opera works fine with this site, and mozila firefox is not accepted so don’t use mozila, and if you install the alexa toolbar, your earnings will increase more,
2) next site is a very good site, here you earn credits, and you can use that credit to get more traffic to your website, one must try this site, as the credits here is absolutely free, this is one of the best way to get free traffic to websites,
3) now am going to give you two survey sites, both are good, i strongly suggest the survey savvy, it’s one of the best in the internet today,
and the other site pays you for reading emails,
4) if you want to earn money by writing, write and earn, you don’t reruire to write correct, you just have to write a summary on any books, websites, etc. Http://
5) after all this you may require a paypal account, so get it free here,
6) another earning website,
7) finally this is my site, have some time for leasure also, right, just view pictures and profiles,
8) many jobs free to join are listed here,
there are a lot such sites that pays you heavily, i will give you those sites time to time,

Robert asks…

On-Line Gambling, like, do they cheat ?

I seem to notice, upon observation, the winning hands, are more likely to be those, of the people with most money! It is warped!

For what purpose, you might ask? To entice and lull the “BIG” winner at the “FREE SITES” into being the little loser, over and over again, at the “REAL MONEY” table, this is done by instilling a false confidence in ability, earned through imagined wealth at the “FREE TABLES” the ” TEACHING” and “LEARNING” sites and tables…

These sites, are nothing more then drug pushers, working with same bait and switch tactics as other schemers and low lifes…

They should they be banned?…

How can these sites be made fair or what ever?

We all see the “Glamorization” of the ” skill sport” of texas hold’em & tournament black jack on TV. teaching a new generation, ” “don’t work” learn and “play”

I have practiced, at cards, “for 50 yrs as of today”, your lucky to get a legit game in person, let alone over internet….
every answer makes a point. and I agree with some! I did recieve the biggest and most detailed answer from “” themselves and will forward it, to any who wish to see it!
I think the margin in Vegas is probably 3.5% but enough said.
there is reference to programs to beat on-line sites or slant outcomes, I wouldn’t know the statistics of altered odds..
gambling like taxes, makes it’s income from the average Joe, they don’t care who wins on the “play sites” just as long as the sucker thinks he’s a winner, and plays for real, yes I know it’s the rake “only” that they take in…” if you don’t make pennies, you’ll not have dollars”

as far as my reference to “drug pushers” it was only to imply, that drugs “may come free, til the user is hooked” not a winner, just hooked!

I’ve done well on-line, I take notice and observe well, I’m never in hurry and know when to bet…

My question, if it was read in it’s intirety, was to gain views, and for that, I thank you all….
oh, ya! the wife and I, have on occasion, played at the same table on site, beside each other while in the same, on the single IP address of my router…@ “pokerstars”

Nagesh answers:

This article, called ‘Is Online Poker Rigged?’ should answer some of your questions:

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Saturday, May 26th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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