Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Online

Nancy asks…

How do I make money online using the spiderweb system?

I am only 16 and after seeing a load of adds saying I could make money online quickly I was a little skeptical however i decided to look on youtube to see if it was true. A lot of videos supported to idea that it does work however none of them offered a sensible place to start and how it all works. What I want to know it firstly, Can i do it at only 16 and secondly if I can. how can I. I don’t want to spend much time doing it, I just fancy making some money in the Summer Holidays.

Nagesh answers:

One of the best methods for making money on the internet is to place
google adsense on your blog or homepage.

If you want to learn how to get more traffic to your website, then study this site.

Jenny asks…

Hi, I am fourteen and I need some cash quickly for a date. How can I really make money online fast?

I only have one chance to impress her and I’m broke. Please Help!!!!!!

Nagesh answers:

Sell something on eBay!

David asks…

I need to make some money online really, really quickly-legally! Any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

You could sell some things in a yard sale or to a pawn shop type store (like Cash Converters).

Or you could do some work for neighbors like wash cars, walk dogs, mow lawns (if it’s warm where you live), shovel snow (if it’s snowy where you live), etc.

There really aren’t a LOT of ways to make money really quickly and legally… Even illegally.

EDIT: There is the obvious rout… Get a job. But that might take a bit longer to actually find a place that’ll hire you. And when you get a job, you have to wait for your paycheck, unless you get a job under-the-table. But that is technically illegal.

Richard asks…

Does anyone have any websites or methods to help me make money online?

I need money fairly quickly. Please no referrals unless your site actually works. Thanks in advance!

Nagesh answers:

Don’t waste your time – there is no such place that you can make money quickly online unless you are a spammer or scammer of other innocent people wanting to make quick money online.!!!!!!

Thomas asks…

I am i need of money quickly, but i want to do it online?

what are the best ways to make money, online without spending the first dime. It doesnt matter how long it takes to make money because i have tried many and i dont get paid. I am in a financial crisis, someone please help me.
Thx in advance
i am doing babysitting so in order to do some work, i need it to be online.
Also can they pay through PayPal because i dont know if hey will send a cheque to Indonesia

Nagesh answers:



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Monday, June 25th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money

Daniel asks…

I need good ideas to make money?

Please no online money making junk.

I came up with a few ideas babysitting, house cleaning, then i thought about selling something i love to do… Selling fish there is a lake by my house and if i catch fish make a good ad and go house to house selling fish that i kept frozen in my freezer. I’ll clean them and gut them. And freeze them in bags and sell them by the pound. What do you guys think?

Nagesh answers:

Check out this link for some legit ideas to make some extra cash:

If you like fishing you should check out the worm idea on that site.

Jenny asks…

How do you make money off blogs? any ideas on making money off the internet?

I know some people get paid to write articles, make reviews, sell things. But I want to know how to start. Where do I find online article writing jobs? or blog writing? I want to start, but I dont know how to proceed. Thanks. How much do you get paid writing articles?

Nagesh answers:

There are several ways to make money off the internet. My personal favourite is affiliate marketing but that is just one way.

If you are running a blog the idea is also to run promotions for other peoples products and by referring them to a site such as Amazon then you will get a commission if they buy. There are also sites that will pay you if the visitor volunteers details such as an e-mail address so that they can then send them information.

There are numerous different ways of monetising a website. Putting Google ads on is yet another possibility.

Now to your original question “How do you make money off blogs?” The idea is that to make sales you obviously have to have visitors. These visitors have to be interested in what you have to say if you want them to be regular visitors and you have to offer them what they are looking for if you want to turn them into customers.

To get visitors in the first place you need to have an internet presence that will show up on the search engines.
Just as an example say you were running a website on photography. If people put “photography” into google search then millions of sites would show up (922,000,000 to be precise) and the chances of yours being found would be minute.
However if you included a page on your site describing photography for pensioners then there are actually only 2 sites on google UK that have exactly that term in their title. A lot more show up if you put photography for pensioners but put it in “” and only 2 do. Now you have leverage to get to top of google. No good of course if nobody is searching for that term (Google statistics tells me that no one is) but you get the idea.

You would then describe photographic books aimed at older people (there are some out there) and direct them to Amazon where they could buy them. Each page on your blog would be targeted at a different small part of the market where you have a far better chance of being found.

Google like to see fresh useful content too so by regularly updating your blog and encouraging comment and interaction then you improve your ranking. There is far more to it than that of course but I think I have rambled on enough.

Donald asks…

What are some good ideas to make money?

I’m 14 and looking for a way to make a little extra money.

Nagesh answers:

Sell unwanted things or any thing that you don’t use at home. You can do freelancing kind of job online.

Sharon asks…

good ideas to make money on the internet with webpages?

I WANT TO learn how to create a webpage and make money!

Nagesh answers:

You can create a website and use Google’s Adsense to help you advertise:

David asks…

I need ideas to make money for feeding my pet?

During the summer, I mow my neighbors lawn, and I always buy my dog’s dogfood in that time. However, during this season, my parents always end up feeding my dog. It doesn’t seem fair. There is no snow to shovel, so that is not an option, but I need ideas for making enough money to feed my dog on my own- my parents COULD pay, but it just seems wrong to me. I am old enough to take care of it myself…

I need something that does not require much time- even though I’m homeschooled, I still spend hours each day doing school. I have the same hours as school kids, so please think about that when answering.

Thank You in advance…

Nagesh answers:

Well there a number of different things you can do depending on your age. If your old enough to work, I recomend you work at some place close to you. You dont have to work much, just work maybe a couple hours on the weekend or so. If you dont want to go out and get a job then I suggest you sell stuff on E-bay. If you dont know what E-Bay is, it is an online auction/marketplace that makes it very easy to buy and sell almost anything. I make alot of money on E-Bay by buying items such as Legos at garage sales and selling them online. For example, I bought a $10 pirate ship at a yard sale and sold it for $297.00 on ebay. Buy in bulk, and then sell the Legos pieces individualy. You can also sell clothes on ebay. Visit your local thrift shop or garage sale and try to buy name brand clothes. Wash them, iron them, and then sell them for more money online. I hope this helps and Im glad to see that you are responsible enough to want to take care of your own dog rather then let your parents pay for it. Maintain this same type of maturity and attitude and you will go far in life.

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Sunday, June 24th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast And Free

Lizzie asks…

I need money, please help me?

I really need money fast, where can i get free money, it’s not fair how the celebraties have so much money or oprah have this billions while I can barely afford to buy ramen noodles for dinner, anyway are there any rich people out there willing to give me money? If 50,000 people gives me a dollar each that would be really good, it’s not hard at all in their pocket while at the same time it’s enough for me and my family. Thank you

Nagesh answers:

I am with ya on this one dude… I need some christmas cash too!!!

If people offer how about floating a little my way?


Michael asks…

what are some cheats for the sims2 delux and teen style on pc?

what are some cheats if u only have the sims2 delux and teen stiyle and bon voyage?

What is the mother hood cheat

How to get money fast

Cheats for free money and free things

Nagesh answers:

Snooty Sims has a cheats page where they list them by expansion pack.

Daniel asks…

How to make money online?

You can easily bring in a lot of legitimate cash completing free offers on GPT sites. GPT (Get Paid To) websites are a good and easy way to make fast and free money online. A good site to learn about them is

Nagesh answers:

Be wary of any scheme that claims quick returns, most legitimate schemes require quite a bit of input to get any return. Anything that costs you money should be avoided or at least considered very carefully. A LOT of illegal schemes are promoted on the internet since it is difficult to legislate against internet fraud (pyramid schemes – if you don’t know what they are look them up…)
For legitimate steady income ideas please visit the ‘make money online’ section of my website here:
Lots of different schemes are discussed in detail with some hints and tips thrown in – hope you find this link useful

Ruth asks…

where do u get FREE maplestory cheats and hacks,like instant level up and money fast?FREEEEE!!!!!?

i need a maple story cheat or hack that is free and easy to download like instant level up or money fast or auto-click hack

Nagesh answers:


Gms sniff out hackers ike a bloodhound…..

John asks…

where can I get free goverment money for free without having to buy the kit?

single mom needs help with christmas and bills so I need cash fast. But I don’t want to have to pay for the info on how to get the money.

Nagesh answers:

There is NO SUCH THING as “free government money”. The people who claim that you can get money from the government are scammers trying to get you to pay their fees. Don’t do it.

The only *legitimate* government grant available to citizens is the Pell Grant, which helps pay for colletge tuition. There are NO grants to help anyone buy Christmas presents.

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Saturday, June 23rd, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quickly Uk

Thomas asks…

How to earn money as a fifteen year old quickly over the course of just one day or so?

How could I earn money as a fifteen year old easily in the UK, I have said frequently that I am planning for a trip to South Africa in July 2011 which I do not want to withdraw from and I can’t as the flights are booked,it’s a school trip. However, I need to earn some money for it, quickly, and would like to spend tommorow earning solid hard cash quickly but how? Is there anything I could do similar to Adsense or Swagbucks for the UK but with a lot more money involved, I’m talking quite big cash at the moment, however, I have been planning to raise this money for a quite a while but stuff’s got in the way but I want to start earning it quickly, is there any type of cheap business I could do on the Sunday that I could start up in a day and earn a lot of money doing? And if so, could I have some practical tips in how to start up? Help me! Anything! I can’t get a job I am uninsured in the UK however is there any way I could raise a damn load of cash. There’s nothing I could sell on eBay, I’m not selling my electronics its not worth it.

Nagesh answers:

Simple answer is no I’m afraid, there is nothing you can do to earn money quickly, the UK is in a recession hadn’t you noticed? That means people are afraid they might lose their job therefore they stop spending. You won’t make a fortune on Ebay quickly anyway, it takes time to build up a reputation, new Ebayers are avoided like the plague.

John asks…

how can a 13 year old earn money quickly in the uk?

i live in coleshill in warwickshire. so i was wondering how earn i could earn money.

Nagesh answers:

When it comes to finding ways to earn money, consider a Denver (Colorado, USA) woman that lost her upper management job. She started a simple business picking up dog droppings that led to earnings of over $75,000 a year, working outside, setting her own hours, and could be done using a bicycle as transportation. It is also something a child age 10 and up can do alone, an adult can do, or a whole family can do together. This article describes how.

In this economy, you need to think outside box. Companies are refusing to take applications from the unemployed resulting in many giving up.

Lizzie asks…

I’m running out of money quickly, how can I earn more to live up-to my expectation? Expense is too high in uk?

Living cost is too high in uk, no matter how much I control I’m getting out of money. Pls give an idea to survive here.

Nagesh answers:

Move to united states,

our soldiers pay for a GREAT way of life

Ken asks…

How can i earn money quickly (im 13)?

i wish to go on a holiday to the UK around late august and early september this year. i already am saving up money by not spending any of my allowance, but its definitely not enough to get me to the UK by then. lemonade stands are out, because theres been a lot of wet weather. i live in an apartment, so i can’t do any garden jobs for neighbours, and my parents refuse to pay me for doing odd chores because they think i should learn to save independently!! please help!! 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Hey when i was on your age i had the same problem to earn money:( now i am 25 and i have found sites online where you can earn money in 4 days i have made $570 and it is not hard working only 15-30 min a day so here you go try it out

1: go to the link
2: you maybe have to complete a survey just do it
3: signup
4: start earn $100 or more a day

ps a survey only takes 1-2 min i am sure you have time for that

Jenny asks…


Just to say, I live in the UK So We dont excatly have lemonade stands, Or pet/baby sitting.
Or Lawn Mowing as the weather Is rubbish here, I need help, What can I Do?
Thanks 🙂
Also I’m 13 😀 Forgot to mention, So I Can’t excatly get a REAL job 😀

Nagesh answers:

– If you live in a part of the country with a lot of pools, being a Pool caretaker can be a great job for you.
– Sell a bunch of stuff (clothes, furniture, etc..) on CraigsList and at Half Priced Books (books, CDs).
– You can clean peoples homes or Wash Windows.
– Garage Cleaning Service.
– Mail Pick-Up Service: When people travel, people need someone to pick up their mail
and newspapers.
– Deliver newspapers.
– Selling Ice Cream
– Sell something homemade (cookies, cakes, paintings)
– Do chores for old people (groceries or vacuuming)
– Become someone’s tutor (math, science, reading, spelling)
– If you have a particular hobby such as painting, dancing, jewelery making or photography, you can start taking hobby classes for the same. Or alternately, you can sell your drawings or jewelery or photographs in exhibitions.
– Household chores.
– Iron clothes.
– Ask all my neighbors if they needed any hired help for odd jobs.
– Wash cars.

Hope these ideas will help!

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Friday, June 22nd, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For College Students

Lizzie asks…

Any healthy way to make Ramen noodles?

I know they’re terrible for you, but they’re quick to make & cheap (which is important since I’m a college student & don’t have much money these days)

Is there any way to maybe draw down some of the sat / sodium content, and more importantly add some protein in there for cheap?

Nagesh answers:

To knock down the sodium content and make cheap meals with ramen that last a while you can make ramen chicken noodle soup. Buy cheap chicken (usually leg quarters) and some inexpensive veggies (frozen work best) Cover the chicken in a pan with water and the seasoning packets from three packs ramen. Boil it all together, (remove the meat from the bones after it is well cooked, chop it up and add it back to the pot) then add your noodles and veggies, boil a couple more minutes until everything is tender and enjoy.
(this was my staple when I had to live on like 20 bucks a month for food!)

For a much quicker solution, just scramble an egg and drizzle it into the water as your ramen is boiling on the stove, leave a bit more liquid than usual and eat it as egg drop soup.

Donna asks…

Does anyone know any REAL WAY to make money online?

I’m a college student who needs to find a REAL WAY to make real money on the internet. I’ve been through every scam already wheather it’s Cash Gifting, EDC, Online Surveys, or any other “Get Rich Quick Scheme”. The Other Problem is I don’t want to pay or invest in anything, those or usually scams right off the back. I have alot of bills to pay so I’m looking for something that pays $500-$1000 weekly. I know there are not many answers out there because of all the scams but anybody got any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Welcome to Yahoo Answers Marty. I see that you registered yesterday 🙂

There are lots of people here who will recommend you some scams or non-effective ways. It gets frustrating over time.

However, there are some legitimate opportunities out there that will bring you money. There are lots of companies and lots of people out there who are willing to give you their money if you give them what they want. Have you heard about niche marketing. What about affiliate marketing? You might want to see their definitions on Wikipedia.

However, if you want to start with those two it’s better to learn HOW to make money with them and not just learn the WHAT.

Here’s a free site that will teach you how to do that and it’s for beginners:

This is a challenge starting on 1st August 2008. The goal is to make your first $10 online (without any money investment, 10$ out of nothing).
Why 10$? Because most people don’t make even their first 5$ online and if you can make 10 bucks, you can then easily make much more! 100, 1000 or even a million!

Get Rich Quick schemes are scams. Investment sites don’t work also. I personally don’t believe in any sites that require you to give them money in order to start. There’s lots of scams out there so…beware

Hope this helped.

Nancy asks…

What is the quickest way to make $2000 that is not a job?

I am a college student so I don’t have time for a job or the means to commute. My goal is to have the money in two months. Also, I don’t want to fill out online surveys. I would prefer something that is interesting. My skills are academics and programming. Any ideas?
I plan to buy a laptop.

Nagesh answers:

1. Invest $1 million at 5% for 2 weeks.
2. Get a JOB!

You obviously have no “real world” persepctive. Nobody’s going to drop 2 grand in your lap — unless you’re a lap dancer…

Joseph asks…

What to get for anniversary with out any money?

Our six month anniversary is about a week away and my boyfriend is taking me to a hotel and buying me a present, I feel awful thought because I am totally broke. I am a college student without a job. Is there anything I can get him that would mean just as much as if I bought him something expensive? He says he doens’t care if I don’t get him anything but it bothers me. Anyone know anything I can get him, or a quick way to make some money?

Nagesh answers:

You could make him something, a card perhaps. Or tell him that for your anniversary present you are giving yourself to him to do whatever he wants to you, be his sex slave for the night, I would like that anyways, so I am sure he would to unless he is gay

Chris asks…

College students! Is this website LEGIT?

The article is describes how a college student can make money but it’s number 1, Project Payday, that throws me off… is it a scam or legit? Also is the website with the article on how college students can make money even legit also?

Thanks ahead of time.

Nagesh answers:

So glad you asked!

Project Payday seems like a scam. I have “Web of Trust (WOT)” as an add-on on Firefox and when I clicked on the link, it warned me that Project Payday’s site had a “poor reputation,” deeming it unsafe.

The website seems legitimate as some of the ways they listed on how college students could make money is valid (i.e. Ebay, freelance writing, etc.), but I would be weary of taking surveys for cash.

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Thursday, June 21st, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Paypal

Jenny asks…

How to make money online for free…i really need help?

hi everyone im in a bad debt problem and im trying to find a real site online. not where you have to pay to join or sell anything or reffer anyone…also something that money can be put into your paypal fast. no surveys!!! I know this is a stupid to ask but i have no choice right now. if anyone could help me out i would really be greatful.

Thanks from adam

Nagesh answers:

Making money online is a whole new way of earning fast cash. I think that anyone can start earning, no matter how old you are and where you are from. I’ve started by reading and it’s a great resource. It’s totally free to use and absorb the information, good luck!

Donald asks…

What is a fast way to make money on internet?

Hellos I am wants more money lols
i wish for money to be given to paypal
where is best web site for making money online?

Nagesh answers:

The truth is there is no limit to the number of home-based

business opportunities. Sure, you can’…,t open a full fledged store

or something, but pretty darn close.

If you like clothing, you could get into selling clothing (I

don’t recommend it though). If you like… Languages, you could

start a blog about languages.

George asks…

How can i make money online?

Hi im 13 years old and i need to find a way to make money to put on paypal. I plan on using this money to get a runescape membership. I want a easy fast way to make money thanks.

Nagesh answers:

Hi there, there are sites that 13 yo can earn money from, believe me
i have lots of PTC and PTS sites online which helps you to earn money fast. If you are really interested, pls kindly contact me via email, which can be seen in my profile. Just send me an email notification, that will do. I will help u with my very best.

Hope to hear from you soon.

James asks…

Where can I order fast food online that accepts paypal? (England)?

I’ve got about 30 bucks on my paypal, and hardly anything on my card. So I’m struggling to order a takeaway because it will take 2 days to transfer the money and i’m hungry now lol.

No where seems to accept paypal payments.

Can anyone think of any where?

Nagesh answers:

It wont help now but you should get a debit card for your paypal account that way you have instant access to your money and dont have to wait 2-9 business days for YOUR money to appear in your account.

William asks…

What is the best website to make money online?

im 15 and i really want to make money online and get paid through paypal, i don’t want to recieve anything in the mail either. what is the fastest site? i need to make some money for a new game.

Nagesh answers:

If you interested to work at home using the internet, check out this site

The requirement are good english and having good internet access

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Wednesday, June 20th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making

Mark asks…

How can i make fast money in WoW?

Hello. I would like you to share your knowledge in making money with me. How can I do fast money to get my damn epic flying mount, and the other cool things that I’m drooling at?!?

My professions are: Mining – 450 and i`m thinking to start growing Jewelcrafting, cuz i heard it’s a nice source of money. Thank you.

Nagesh answers:

Money is like the easiest thing to get in WoW… Just do as many dailies as you can a day. Jewlcrafting is good money but only if you spend the time to get all the recipes but it is incredibly easy to level. Enchanting is costly to level and maybe able to earn you money if you get on the ball and pay attention to the enchants that people want.

I’d stick with doing dailies

Mary asks…

What are the fastest money making items to sell on ebay?


Nagesh answers:

There are a few ways to make decent money off eBay.

One simple way is to check garage sales every week and look for items dirt cheap that you can sell for more on eBay.

You could also drop ship for manufacturers, but there is more risk involved in that.

Check out

for more tips

Lizzie asks…

I need to know a practical and legal way of making fast money.?

I live in Las Vegas and I have just lost my job. If anyone knows a way that is legal, safe, and practical that I can make some money or if anyone has any job opportunities please let me know. PLEASE no stripper suggestions or anything degrating. I am a 23 year old with clerical and customer service experience.

Nagesh answers:

I have jobs
Drop me a line to send you the requirements

George asks…

Any fast ways of making money online?

I really need money fast, like by sunday. Please help =]

Nagesh answers:

I started programming in high school. Then I got a BS in Computer Science from a major university’s engineering school. I went back to school and spent a couple of years getting a Masters degree in Computer Science, plus I took some graduate business and economics courses. Now I am making tons of money online.

Ruth asks…

LoZ Twilight princess, fast money making?

I’m playing Legend of zelda twilight princess on Nintendo gamecube, and I need to make a good amount of money to repair the cannon.

what’s a fast way of doing this?

Nagesh answers:

Theres soooo many chests w. A ton of money in dungeons. Just go back to those and open any chests you may have missed.

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Tuesday, June 19th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes In India

Jenny asks…

Is this a scam? And how do debit cards work?

A lady on the phone told my mom’s friend that she was from India. And that she had billions in 5 accounts across the world or something. She said that the government was going to take it unless she gives it away to people in need. A week ago my mom sent name, addresses, and emails (about 15), because her friend told her about it. she said that everyone was going to get 500 a week for a year though email or something. Now thankfully I got on the phone with the lady because my mom can’t speak much english, I’m little suspicious because I heard about pyrimid schemes. And how sometimes the person at the top of the pyrimid makes up abunch of different account so that all the money will flow to them. Now , if she didn’t want the government to take the money, why would she need us when she could make up different accounts? She said we needed to have a debit card to put the money in. I’m also wondering if it’s possible to overdraft a debit card? Now I’m only 13, so I don’t know much about credit cards, but I thought you could only take out money if you have money already in the card, and you can’t have a negative account if you use a debit card. Can you please explain how this works too?

Nagesh answers:

It is an old con

Once you give these people your card details they take all your money out of your account

You get nothing you just loose. 00

Donald asks…

please guide me in choosing a topic – THANKS IN ADVANCE?

I have a competetion in IBM ,and these r d following project topics.Pls choose me the best.
1 7th All India School Education Survey (AISES)
2 Anganawadi Information Management and Impact Analysis System
3 Animal husbandry – Cattle development
4 Anti Money Laundering System
5 Cash assistance to infirm and aged persons
6 Comprehensive Agriculture Information Thru Kiosk
7 Core Banking – Consumer & Corporate
8 CRM for Airlines Industry
10 Disease surveillance system
11 Dispensary Management System
12 District Collectorate Office – Information integration
13 E-Bazar
14 E-indenting
15 eTicketing
16 Fair Price Shops
17 Generic Project Management Portal
18 Gram Panchayat Budget Management System
19 Insurance System
20 Make your wish
21 Medicine Informatics
22 Mention your own project scenario
23 Schemes Database
24 Tourism Management Solution
25 University Admission System
26 Vehicle Identification
Let me knw the reason too

Nagesh answers:

You didnt mention which type of competition you are having
is it debate or speech or any other

choosing the topic depends on what is your strong field and
on what topic can you do your homework

whatever it is it is you who has to step up to an audience and speak . It is the matter on which you can handle so it is upto you to choose the best topic

Richard asks…

Great Mind Challenge IBM 2007. Please help me to choose a project. Project is based on database management.?

These are the topics available.
1 .7th All India School Education Survey (AISES)
2 Anganawadi Information Management and Impact Analysis System
3 Animal husbandry – Cattle development
4 Anti Money Laundering System
5 Cash assistance to infirm and aged persons
6 Comprehensive Agriculture Information Thru Kiosk
7 Core Banking – Consumer & Corporate
8 CRM for Airlines Industry
10 Disease surveillance system
11 Dispensary Management System
12 District Collectorate Office – Information integration
13 E-Bazar
14 E-indenting
15 eTicketing
16 Fair Price Shops
17 Generic Project Management Portal
18 Gram Panchayat Budget Management System
19 Insurance System
20 Make your wish
21 Medicine Informatics
22 Mention your own project scenario
23 Schemes Database
24 Tourism Management Solution
25 University Admission System
26 Vehicle Identification
give me the reason for ur choice. these scenarios r available in

Nagesh answers:

Medicine Informations I think would be one of the easiest to manage in a DB, or Vehicle Identification. I deal with MySQL Databases in PHP, so those are the two that I would chose.

Susan asks…

what are some examples of large “Schemes” or “Ventures” created by the British in history?

African colonies? (Sir Winston Churchill even helped in the raping of South Africa? or what was that venture about?)

what about India or Opium wars with China or other large scale schemes or Ventures for making large scale power plays on whole countries..where many are working for little and making lots of money or things for a few people?

WAS WORLD WAR 2 THE SAME REALLY? Churchill was wanting to take the head for this “Venture” personally? how so?


Nagesh answers:

A scheme has the connotation of something illegal or at least questionable while a venture has the connotation of a legal enterprise.
One of the best example of a venture would be the British East India Company. I’m not sure if the Opium Wars could be classified as either a venture or schemes, as they were actions taken by the British government to insure the continuation of trade.

Chris asks…

What do you do if you find your doctor has been over charging your insurance company?

I see a psychiatrist for a service called “medication management.” This means I see him for a stable condition for about 6-10 minutes and he writes me prescriptions. It does not pay well–around $70 negotiated insurance rate including my $25 copay.

I get quarterly statements from Medicare. I discovered my doctor has been charging the much more expensive service of 45-50 minutes psychotherapy plus medicine and evaluation. He bills $250 for this. Insurance pays a lower negotiated rate, but still higher than the cheap and easy medication management rate.

I feel this might constitute medicare insurance fraud because I’m not being provided with the services he charges for. There are only 2 doctors in the area where I live. Both are from India, and both seem to have this policy of over charging for visits. They see 4-5 people an hour, but are charging for hour visits…it doesn’t add up.

I did confront one of them about it. Instead of admitting fault, and offering an apology for ripping me and the government off, she told me to go find another doctor. I was so nice to her. I gave her the opportunity to make it right, and I’m a pretty understanding guy. She didn’t take me up on the chance to offer me time to make up for the time she charged for but didn’t provide. So I went over to this other doctor, and her’s doing the same thing.

I’m frustrated because I am not getting better service…and I’m frustrated that they are using tax payer dollars as some kind of “easy money” scheme..
@Flower I pay a couple hundred dollars a month for medicare and part D. I had much lower cost insurance when I worked–and it was better. Where I come from stealing money and ripping the government and customers off is very very bad. Its dishonest. Its manipulative. It is “milking” the system to make it worthwhile for those collecting money. I would say that I wouldn’t have a problem if my psychiatrist would actually listen to my problems for an hour before hastily writing prescriptions, but he doesn’t. Therefore he should not be paid for services not rendered.

I hope you aren’t a doctor engaging in these types of abusive insurance practices.

Nagesh answers:

By your description it does sound like it could very well be fraud. Report it to Medicare; they’ll check into it and if found to be substantiated you could possibly get a small reward.

Here is the website with information:

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Monday, June 18th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money From Home

Carol asks…

I am looking for ways to make quick money from home, any ideas?

I really need something that works. I have signed up for a bunch of things but nothing seems to be working out please help.

Nagesh answers:

There is no quick way to make money. If there was, it’s a scam. But you can have a garage sale and make some quick money doing that.

John asks…

Stay at home mommy wants to make money from home…Any ideas ?

I am from Canada and I am a stay at home mom, and I need to try and earn a bit of money online for the extra expenses. So I am looking for legit websites and info on them. Thanks in advance.

Nagesh answers:

Careful! There’s a spammer running around Yahoo! With a similar story to yours, it’s a scam so please don’t fall for it; they’re either trying to get you to send money, or collect information that can be used to steal your identity. Also, someone may accidently report you thinking you’re the spammer.

Betty asks…

How can I make money from home (not necessarily online)?

I’m looking for a way to make money from home, just ideas such as buying cheap furniture, refurbishing it, and selling it. Just any ideas you have would be great.

Nagesh answers:

Nothing wrong with the Furniture idea at all. As long as you have the room and tools. You don’t have to buy furniture, you offer repair work instead.
Otherwise, try mowing your neighbors lawns.
Wash neighbors cars.
Take Pet Dogs for walkies.
Some Christmas Card printers let people take home cards to sort, fold and count.
That’s enough, otherwise you might put me out of a job.

Cheers from DOWNUNDER

James asks…

i need to make money from home any ideas?

i need to make money and i cant get out of the house i wish i could but for the next few months it wont be possible
if you have any ideas i would really appreciate it

Nagesh answers:

I do things like data entry, surveys, sell items on “auction sites”…What I like is when I first started, I wasn’t making much money but then the money started to get better (with less work lol)…To try to be helpful check out the link that I got from a previous answer..

Lisa asks…

Ideas for using the internet to make money from home?

I use shopping sites like ‘pigsback’ to earn points and sometimes fill in marketing surveys at present. I am going to be laid up after an operation for while soon and wonder what I could do to earn some cash. Any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Try there’s no sign up fees or anything. You get paid to do offers and you get a small percentage of the money you use at some sites offered on it. You get paid on the first of each month once you’ve reached $50.

Its a good site, i’ve made quite a bit of money off it now. Refer your friends as well and you can both make some money. =P

you’ll need a paypal account and the higher paying offers need a credit card for the free trial so just do the free trial and cancel with like 2-3 days left. You won’t lose any money, and you’ll still get paid for the offer. =D

please use my referal link, this way we can both make money. Yay!! =P just click on the “sign up” button on the top right.

It won’t make you rich instantly, but if you refer your friends, you can make a bit of money.

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Sunday, June 17th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast Illegally

Mary asks…

Are these Handy Tips for Life funny or true

Lose weight quickly by eating raw pork or rancid tuna. The subsequent food poisoning/diarrhea will enable you to lose 12 pounds in only 2 days.
FINANCE TIP: Save on electricity by turning off all the lights in your house and walking around wearing a miner’s hat.
FINANCE TIP: Save on gasoline by pushing your car to your destination. Invariably passers-by will think you’ve broken down and help.
HOUSEHOLD TIP: Drill a one inch diameter hole in your refrigerator door. This will allow you to check that the light goes off when the door is closed.
HOUSEHOLD TIP: Old telephone directories make ideal personal address books. Simply cross out the names and address of people you don’t know.
INEXPENSIVE ENTERTAINMENT: At work, put decaf in the coffee maker for 3 weeks. Once everyone has gotten over their caffeine addictions, switch to espresso.
INEXPENSIVE ENTERTAINMENT: Buy a television set exactly like your neighbors. Then annoy them by standing outside their window and changing their channel using your identical remote control.
INEXPENSIVE ENTERTAINMENT: During rush hour, sit in your parked car and point a hair dryer at passing cars. See if they slow down.
INEXPENSIVE ENTERTAINMENT: Fool other drivers into thinking you have an expensive car phone by holding an old TV or video remote control up to your ear and occasionally swerving across the road.
INEXPENSIVE ENTERTAINMENT: Putting just the right amount of gin in your goldfish bowl makes the fishes’ eyes bulge and causes them to swim in an amusing manner.
INEXPENSIVE ENTERTAINMENT: When the money comes out the ATM, scream “I won!” “I won!” “3rd time this week!”
PARKING TICKETS: Avoid parking tickets by leaving your wipers turned to ‘fast wipe’ whenever you leave your car parked illegally.
PERSONAL HYGEINE: No time for a bath? Wrap yourself in masking tape and remove the dirt by simply peeling it off.
SAFETY TIP: Never attempt to fasten your shoe laces in a revolving supermarket door.
TRAVELING TIP: Avoid the need to pack bulky shampoo bottles, which can leak in your suitcase, by arranging for the whole family to have ‘skinhead’ haircuts a day or two before departure.
TRAVELING TIP: When out driving always turn left. Then, should you become lost, you can find your way home by reversing the procedure and always turning right.

Nagesh answers:

Ha ha ha.!!!
That is Brilliant Chris, the best one tonight.!!!
Cheers mate, still laughing here.!!

Thomas asks…

funny top tips?

Before attempting to remove stubborn stains from a garment, always
> circle the stain in permanent pen, so that when you remove the
> garment
> from the washing machine you can easily locate the area of the stain
> and check that it has gone.
> Don’t waste money buying expensive binoculars. Simply stand next to
> the object you wish to view.
> Always poo at work. Not only will you save money on toilet paper, but
> you’ll also be getting paid for it.
> Recreate the fun of a visit to a public swimming pool in your home by
> filling the bath with cold water, adding two bottles of bleach, then
> urinating into it, before jumping in.
> An empty aluminium cigar tube filled with angry wasps makes an
> inexpensive vibrator.
> Olympic athletes. Disguise the fact that you’ve taken steroids by
> running a bit slower.
> Smokers. Save on matches and lighters, by simply lighting your next
> fag from the butt of your last one.
> Vegetarians coming to dinner? Simply serve them a nice bit of steak
> or veal. Since they’re always going on about how tofu, Quorn, meat
> substitute etc ‘tastes exactly like the real thing’, they won’t know
> the difference.
> Invited by vegetarians for dinner? Point out that since you’d no
> doubt be made aware of their special dietary requirements, tell them
> about yours, and ask for a nice steak.
> High blood pressure sufferers. Simply cut yourself and bleed for a
> while, thus reducing the pressure in your veins.
> Heavy smokers. Don’t throw away those filters from the end of your
> cigarettes. Save them up and within a few years you’ll have enough to
> insulate your roof.
> Corsa drivers. Attach a lighted sparkler to the roof of your car
> before starting a long journey. You drive the things like dodgems
> anyway, so
> it may as well look like one.
> A mouse trap placed on top on of your alarm clock will prevent you
> from rolling over and going back to sleep.
> Fool next door into thinking you have more stairs than them by
> banging your feet twice on each stair.
> At supermarket checkouts a Toblerone box makes a handy ‘Next customer
> Please’ sign for dyslexic shoppers.
> Girls. Don’t worry about a nice dress for that important first date.
> All he’s interested in is seeing you starkers.
> Putting just the right amount of gin in your goldfish bowl makes the
> fishes’ eyes bulge and cause them to swim in an amusing manner.
> Avoid parking tickets by leaving your windscreen wipers turned to
> ‘fast wipe’ whenever you leave your car parked illegally.
> Housewives. I find the best way to get two bottles of washing-up
> liquid for the price of one is by putting one in your shopping
> trolley
> and the
> other in your coat pocket.
> Don’t invite drug addicts round for a meal on Boxing Day. They may
> find the offer of cold turkey embarrassing or offensive.

Nagesh answers:

Very very very funny. Lolollllollll

Daniel asks…

Who says Illegals Illegal immigrants not draining us will this change your minds?

It take a few minutes to read this. If reading is hard for you try a question easier.Reall full story at…
Being a P.K. (preacher’s kid) I feel I have an obligation to answer Rev. Robinson’s guest opinion, “The Immoral Minority: Anti-immigrants in America,” July 24. What don’t you understand about “illegal”? You obviously haven’t read and understood the economic drain on the taxpayer these illegals are causing.

Let’s suppose, for example, your entire congregation were illegals. Further, let’s imagine that when the offering plate were passed each one took out more than they contributed. How long would your church continue to exist?

That’s what is happening to this country we all love. Like the Roman Empire, it’s dying. No, it’s not just the illegals but also the moral degradation that you should be preaching against instead of defending someone you feel sorry for.

Before you label me a bigot and member of the immoral minority I will inform you that this bigot just came back from Haiti where I, and a few other medical bigots, treated several sick, black, and very poor brothers.

Immoral? I don’t think so. Minority? The next election will tell.


St. James City

Moral majority

In response to Rev. Robinson’s guest opinion, I would like to say that I for one am not anti-immigrant. I am anti-illegal immigrant. I believe that I am one of the Moral Majority (not Immoral Minority) as you put it. I am all for legal immigration, no matter who they may be.

My grandparents were immigrants. These immigrants came to this country legally. They learned English, studied hard and proudly received their citizenship. They got jobs, raised families and paid their own way. They were poor but too proud to ask for handouts. They did not expect Americans to learn their language. America became their country, not a place to collect money and send it back to their country.

These people should fear immigration and the police, as they are criminals who steal our identity, use false driver’s licenses (if any) and false Social Security numbers. If I did these things, I would be in prison. I believe Rev. Robinson is part of the Immoral Minority.


Cape Coral

Foolish analogy

Rev. Robinson is “at it again.” His great concern for “illegals” shows his flawed thinking for people who come to our country illegally and who for the most part don’t care about our laws and our great nation. I am just as concerned about the misfortune of many people throughout the world, as is the good reverend. However, I do not condone anyone breaking our laws despite the circumstances they face.

It is a foolish analogy for Robinson to publically state it is “the difference between breaking the speed limit and stealing a car. Stealing a car is a crime, but driving a car too fast is a civil violation.” If you follow Robinson’s thinking it would be OK to rob a store or a bank because I or my family are hungry and poor. Our laws must be followed and not disregarded.

The majority of Americans care about people and their problems. Possibly the reverend should do something that he is good at if he really cares about people.

He should use his voice and efforts at attempting to reach the governments in Central and South America, and Mexico. He should encourage all the nations to help their citizens to solve their problems at home, making for a better life at home, without so many “forced to flee.”

Stirring up “us locals” is not the answer. There are many injustices in our world. Please remember we have too many U.S. citizens living with numerous problems, both emotional and financial. For those who want to make a difference there is always the Peace Corps, which is looking for caring volunteers.


Fort Myers

Robinson ranting

He’s back. The Rev. Robinson with more of his hate-speech, claiming America stole Texas from Mexico by force in 1849, along with such inane hyperbole of accusing us — or those who don’t agree with him — of demeaning “undocumented” workers, imprisoning them, and herding them like cattle.

The reverend states not having appropriate immigration papers is only a civil matter, not a felony crime. What part of illegal don’t you understand, reverend?

He drones on with, “If they’re hurt, they have the right to go to the E.R. and be treated without Immigration being called.” Of course, the reverend doesn’t mention that “us” bad people will pay the bill, in excessive costs passed on to “us” by the hospitals when we are admitted. We’re over-billed to compensate for the reverend’s poor undocumented workers getting their treatment free!

Nobody’s spared, in his rant-ing, including law enforcement, which he says doesn’t have the right to enter homes without a warrant, nor should the police try to scare these “undocumented” people into giving personal data! What gall!

I thank God for our police that, against all odds, are trying to break up the grow-houses, and the abuse of children in some of these houses that have 15 or more people living there — which is also against the law.

Call me silly, but my parents taught me to always obey the laws of my God and country. I guess the reverend has a different set of values.

I have a suggestion for him. Instead of blaming our government for “not spending billions on helping these people” do the Christian thing yourself by teaching them to fight in their homeland (your word not mine!) for better living conditions and wages.

(You sure like to scold and lecture “us” in a way that, in my humble opinion, is NOT very Christian, Reverend.)


North Fort Myers

Cubans not illegal

Foreign nationals have been complaining that the United States gives “unfair” preferential treatment to the Cuban immigrants coming by boat, frequently landing in my home town of Sanibel.

Can the complainers explain how we can be either “fair” or “unfair” to those who have absolutely no right to be here in the first place and to whom we do not owe any privilege to reside here? The Cubans are entitled to be here by law. The law which allows them to remain here if they reach land was enacted to accommodate special and peculiar circumstances which relate to Cuban nationals and only Cuban nationals.

We are still a sovereign nation, with every right in the world to enact laws and adopt practices, which are judged by Congress to be in our national interest. What is there about the word “illegal,” as in “illegal immigrants,” which some people don’t understand? So long as our law permits Cubans to reside here they are not illegal, and we have no obligation whatever to those who are.



Embargo useless

Welcome to the 21st century. We’ve been advocating the end of the Cuban embargo for years because the perceived threat that may have existed in the past is now just a toothless old dictator, who, as the former bully in the schoolyard, doesn’t even have a schoolyard anymore.

We deal with the Chinese on a daily basis (a communist dictatorship, by the way) and even gave them favored trade status some years ago, but still we boycott Castro and, by extension, the very same poor people that our elected officials are saying are repressed by the Castro regime.

Our patronization of the Cuban voting bloc is simply pathetic and shows how the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Such a minuscule percentage of the voters in this country, but they make enough noise so that the politicians, pandering for votes, will keep in place an embargo that never was effective to begin with.

Then we have the wet foot-dry foot fiasco, oops, law. Let’s encourage people to leave Cuban repression and poverty by crossing the Florida Strait on a raft. If you get to land, bingo, you’re a U.S. citizen, but if you get stopped at sea, bam, you get sent back so you can try again.

Boy, I couldn’t see the problem with that law until it occurred!

Illegal immigration immediately jumps to mind since these people are also being rewarded by this country for paying thousands of dollars to be smuggled illegally into this country or entering illegally on their own at great peril.

The Mexican government, which does virtually nothing to stem the exodus from their country, decries efforts on the part of this country to shore up its southern border with fences, cameras, agents or whatever other action we deem to take. Too bad! This is still, for the time being, the United States of America and it is the obligation and the sworn duty of our politicians to uphold the laws that protect the borders of this country.

If you are going to follow the advice of The News-Press editorial (“End special allowances for Cubans,” July 25) and contact the politicians on the Cuban issue, remind them illegal immigration is still a huge issue that they can’t seem to get a grip on and needs to dealt with. Urge them to do the right thing and enforce the existing laws that pertain to illegal immigration. There’s no reason to pass new laws if the ones on the books are not enforced.


Cape Coral

Illegals not welcome

I have a news flash for you, Reverend Robinson! Undocumented workers are criminals. They knowingly broke our laws to enter this country. Your reasoning is that they have done this to keep from starving. If someone is hungry and robs a food store, are they any less guilty of a crime?

Also, you present the argument that undocumented workers are “residents” of this country. I have to take offense to this as well. If someone breaks into your home, does that make them a resident of your house?

You quoted Scripture by saying, “We should care for immigrants among us.” I believe that Jesus also told the Romans to pay their taxes and obey their government. Neither of which undocumented workers do.

Personally, I have no problem with immigration. If a person wants to go through the proper channels to come to this country, and assimilate to our culture, they are more than welcome to a better life here. I think that the majority of Americans feel the exact same way.
Here is link
iam_sohappi please try to find easier question,this one went way over your head, Huh ?

Nagesh answers:

Anyone who is capable of reading should have understood your question. The pros live their lives by taking on other people’s problems, perhaps it’s time to take a long hard look at their own. Maybe it’s too frightening for them to face logic and understand what national destruction really means.

Maria asks…

What to do if your girlfriend’s family are so low it’s unreal?

My girlfriend is 18 and lives with her mum. She is only starting to realise what they are like and it is taking it’s toll on her and myself. Her mother is so selfish it is just sad. Myself and my girlfriend had been planning to move in together until she lied about a bunch of things to keep her under her own roof. We recently found out that was because if she did move out, money for her would stop. She allowed her brother to live in the house illegally and he has taken over everything. He drinks, smokes and even stands up and looks in my girlfriends bags when she has came back from a shop. When she was younger she was forced to live on a floor because her (mum) friends son needed a place to stay. She was ill when younger and had to get operations, the mother conned the system to get benefits which never went on my girlfriend. She left her proclaiming she “wanted to start a new life” with her new boyfriend, leaving my girlfriend at her drug dealer brothers home. Her job when she got out the hospital was cleaning and hoovering and looking after his children whilst being told “you aren’t to go to school”. It really gets me down that after all this my girlfriend is still even in contact with these people. This is only a small amount of what they are like. The mother even tried to take my credit card details to pay for some sort of online bingo thing, telling me it only cost a one off payment of £5 when this clearly wasn’t the case. She has befriended an elderly lady and has got her into debt by buying things in her name. Loads of letters come through the door all in different names. I’m trying my best to get her away but they have put her down so much in her life i think it is very hard for her to break free. What should i do?. What would you do?

Sorry for the spelling, had to type fast


Nagesh answers:

I think it’s about time your girlfriend start sticking up for herself and tell her family how she really feels. To be honest, it not really your place to tell them off (unless your girlfriend permits you to do so). The only thing you can explain to your girl all the cons of living there because her home environment seems to be so stressful and an obvious very broken family home that can’t be fixed anytime soon.

To me they seem like a bunch of leeches and users for all sort of reasons. Let her know she will benefit greatly moving in with you and hopefully she will. I bet when that happens, her folks will probably try to visit your place and start all kind of crap so don’t allow that to happen. I bet she loves them regardless what they put her through but she needs time away from them and only time will tell if her mom and brothers make a change for the better. I hope they will so they all can make amends but in the meantime, convince her all those reasons you’d mention is valid enough to leave.

She need to start a new life so help her now!

Sandy asks…

911 its allot to read but it would help me immensely. If I don’t come up with $425 in 2days I will be homeless?

I feel like an idiot but also like I’m meant to have allot of bad things happen to me! Its seems as if I’m cursed and have been cursed for the last 1-2 years. It all started 2 years ago when I got my cars stolen. I got another bucket and traded cars with a friend and since he was desperate for money he sold my car and took his back. Ive had good jobs in the past always real-estate, management etc etc but the last job I just fired from and I haven’t been able to find work. Well I found two jobs…. that pay good money yet there offices are so far and without a car or Valid CA driver’s license I cant buy (get a loan) a car and I don’t even have a car to drive illegally either (which Ive done). My boyfriend used to help me allot using his car but his family started getting mad and insisted his older married sister needs a 2ND car while there gone for work. Its allot more complicated than just that But I’m sure you get the gist.

I feel even worse now because I lowered myself to do this bikini contest that was full of drunk Internet nerds (not all were nerds- but most) who treated me differently and some SO MEAN. I’m used to being respected and dressed business like and after wearing a bikini in front of strangers I’m at a all time low. I’m not close to my family, well I only know my moms side and you can say there old old old fashioned there motto: fix your own mess, don’t tell me your problems your grown OR maybe it’s not a motto! maybe they just dont give a rats.

When I was 18 to 21 I was doing OK well really good for myself finanacailly, now I feel like I forgot how to take care of myself and I’m starting to have serious panic attacks and feel so over whelmed and sooooo scared. No one understands! I feel like Im loosing it and getting into a really wierd state of depression. My BF acts like its no big deal… He has lived at home his whole life! he’s been in the hole himself allot of different times and his parents always dug him out. He lost 100k in money had his car repo’d stole money from the fam business and just reacently crashed his fams new car and yet his life is still cozy. Now when he sees me he doesnt understand my pain. and just pats me on the head.

I just feel like there is no way out of this hole, I feel like I’m going no where fast. I don’t know what my options are anymore! I don’t know How I’m going to be able to pay my rent and bills without a car. All of the jobs Ive been offered are up north where the bus doesn’t even go. Not to mention Ive never been able to save a cent! wait I think I have 10 cents to my name. Last month my BF was able to cover the rent (we don’t live together) and this month he cant afford it… only half: $425. I had two things lined up that fell through! one wasn’t exactly legal and the other was the bikini contest… which I should have WON because I was the best looking and nice but they were going for: the most slutty and I couldn’t bring myself to be that way. Im starting to admire the girls that can strip and be prostitutes and make good money and they DON’T care! but I just cant be that way I would feel horrible! I cant bring myself to be that way! I cant get naked for money or do anything sexually for money– So I tried and I feel like I’m retarded or slow because I cant figure LIFE OUT! I really feel like I suck at it. Its weird because I have met so many people that say what a smart person I am, kind and special I am. But I just feel stupid and lame as hell. I don’t know how I can do this by myself.

Ive just had so many ups and downs and I’m great at giving others advice but not myself. Ive never met someone like me that has had a blessed with an adventurous life yet a really hard low rough situation type of life either. And yet here i am AGAIN! 2 days away from rent being do and I don’t have shit! no matter how many things I had lined up that fell through! I’m going to be evicted and I don’t know how to get out of this or what to do anymore.. I ran out of four leaf clovers A LONG time ago and I’m just stuck. Any Advice or ways I could make money in 4 days I MEAN 2DAYS?!?!?!

ANY Heartfelt advice would be deeply apprecaited.

Nagesh answers:

I’ll send u some.
Post info.

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Saturday, June 16th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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