Your Questions About Make Money Quickly And Legally

Jenny asks…

How to protect assests of elderly ? HELP!?

MY grandfather owns his home and has savings. after a gas leak…grandmother is now in a nursing home at $300/day and his future living situation is up in the air.(still in hospital) perhaps will also have to be in nursing home, maybe in home care. grandmother sole named in will and mentally not there…..medicaid won’t pay till all assets drained. at $600/day it will only take a year and a half to lose a life time’s savings. is there any way legally to get grandmother to be separated from assets? so it doesn’t all go so quickly for them….they have potentially 8-10 years left…it would be sad to be reduced to social security checks in such a short time…NO ONE in our family is out for THEIR money..we just want to make right decision. Any help is appreciated…they live in NJ if that matters.

Nagesh answers:

Honey you need to seek out a good elder law attorney and I would not sell the house if you do you will have to use that money up as well.
Has Grandma been found incompetent yet If not you may be able to get her to quick clam deed you the property to you. That way you could rent it and then you could have income to pay for care.
Was Grandma or Grandpa Regular Military severed war time service if so they could be entitled to aide and attendance benefits this not only cover the veteran but the spouse for care in Nursing homes assisted livings and home care.
I work in homecare and help people everyday setting up care inn the home. You really need to watch out as Medicare has a 3 year look back on the money so becareful or you can mess this up and they will use every dime and your folks will soon be without.
Hope this helps Diane

Check out

Sandra asks…

Best way to buy this house? Personal loan? Business Loan? Elderly family members want it gone!?

An elderly friend of the family is looking to sell their home for 130k. They purchased it back in the 50’s for 60k. It is in need of EVERYTHING…new roof, flooring, kitchen, drywall *currently paneling* but it has ALOT of potential, sits on a wooded lot and surrounding homes are selling for around 200k. I doubt anyone would get approved for a FHA loan for it. They own the home outright. The house has been sitting for sale for over 2 years since it is in need of updates and renovation.

I am looking to turn this into an investment opportunity for myself and them. Ive had several contractors in, and they estimate around 30-40k would fix up the home nicely to sell for around 200k.The current owners have NO credit. My husband and I have credit around 650-720’s. Our combined income is around 70k/year.

1) Can I apply for a ‘personal loan’ (instead of a mortgage loan) to fix up the house (even though the note is not in our name). if we would need the note, is it transferable to us until we get the loan/repairs are made WITHOUT tax implications for either of us?

2) Can I apply for a ‘business loan’ for 40-50k making an LLC for ‘home renovations’, keep the house in their name, renovate, sell, and pay back the business loan ?

2) Should they ‘sell’ us the home for say, 50k and have THEM pay all the repairs from the ‘sale’ and then reimburst them when I would sell the house? *tax implications?*

They are looking to sell the house sooner than later since theyre in their 80’s, want to use the money for living/traveling (they live with family now so they dont rent or own another home) but with the conditions its in now.. its going to continue to sit.

I would be asking for 15% of the sale price of the home in return for handling the contractors, design plan, marketing/selling aspect once its complete so its win win for each of us- we just need to know the best way to legally(and quickly) get up the 40-50k to make the renovations.

Any/All input appreciated !!

P.s Worst case scenario if the house ‘doesnt sell’ for the 200+k we’d like it to, asking 180 (current listing price plus cost of renovation) would STILL be a steal in this neighborhood.

Nagesh answers:

In todays real estate market things can and do go bad in a hurry. If you can’t afford to buy it outright or with a good mortgage and complete the renovations, you should pass on the deal.

Steven asks…

sex?????no she force me do it.?

my brother and sister’s,after all u encourage,here are the things i did,that sister that told me god said and whatever that i am her husband,i find so difficult to believe,but in order not to disappoint her,or make her unhappy and backslid
from the faith,i goth married to her,but we separated just after one month o=
f marriage,cos she does things i never asept of her,to the estend of her troll back at me the ring i gave her on wedding day,cos after the marriage,i was financially broke then,i cant even regain it,but she said she cant stay in the house with=
me,cos there is no money to live with her as house wife,
precise she has taking some money from my ministry account and open for here self a shop,well after all this i was frustrated and ask myself,how can a cChristansister changed in all her character just after noticing that the man is complaining of financial break dawn dawn and all she can think is that she should quickly gather little money that her hand touches and establish herself?? well she is out of my life now.i have the woman that i have=
been dreaming about all my life,she is now with two kid,for me.what do u s=
aid,i need some one to tell me what he or she feels in this situation please,cos i just have the happiness i have been longing for immediately i am with a woman as husband and wife.
with this woman i am living with now.although not legally marry her,the one=
i legally married,i never found happiness in my life like this one i have
got now.PLESA ENCOURAGE.HAVE I DONE SOME THING WRONG?in all i regnice god in all my doing.

Nagesh answers:

Dude I couldn’t read past the 3rd line your English is just so bad.

Carol asks…

for those of you who did’t click on my link?

The Truth


The Truth Contact Public About Me


Ok, so I’ve heard so many people tell me that illegal immigrants are evil criminals who do nothing but steal and commit acts of violence. Well, I’m here to tell you not to believe any of that crap. The truth is, most illegal immigrants come to the united states in order to achieve a better life. Most of them live in poor families and cannot support themselves in Mexico, so they flee to the United States for help.

Most illegal immigrants are said to disrespect our laws and pay no mind to them whatsoever and that it can be seen in the way the come by the millions illegally into the United States. The truth of this is all they know is that America is a beautiful utopia in which they can achieve many things and earn money. They don’t see how breaking the law can even compare with saving their family from poverty and possible death and starvation.

I’m not sure how many people reading this are religious, but for those that believe know that God gave the world to us as a present. Every inch of the land belongs to all of us and we all deserve rights to the world as it’s the gift from God. No human has the right to tell another human that a chunk of the world is “theirs.” I realize that some sort if boundary is definitely necessary, but our strict immigration laws make it extremely difficult and time-consuming for an immigrant to come in legally. Know that these people are desperate and need saving soon. If you were a desperate Mexican living in a poor neighborhood with a poor family to support it would seem a lot better to just cross into the United States than go through the wait and effort to get into the United States.

I hear so many Americans now days talk about how illegal immigrants need to “get off their land” because it is theirs and they deserve it. Well, I know this may seem a little harsh, but if you were born into this land, you do not deserve it anymore than an illegal immigrant. Why? Because you did nothing to get into this land but be born. Immigrants are required to go through long acceptance processes in order to obtain citizenship. I believe tests, the knowledge of the English language and history of America are also necessary to get into the U.S. All most Americans had to do to obtain citizenship was to be born. That’s it. Once, my school history teacher made my whole class take a citizenship test to see if we knew what immigrants where required to know and most of the class was stunned. We needed to make it open book in order to complete the test! Immigrants are required to study these facts.

My point of the whole paragraph above was to point out that if being born within the U.S. is the only requirement to become a citizen, then what makes anyone think we deserve America? The only ones that deserve it are the ones who work for our country. The ones who stand up and do something. The ones who give without taking and give back to the community. Our ancestors deserved this country. The least we as Americans can do is to allow others to experience America as well. We need to help them gain citizenship and make immigration laws less of a strain. Not one person deserves America, we all deserve it as a whole. The illegal immigrants are just here to lend a helping hand and to live better lives. Please, do not deny them of this.

Now, I know many people try to say that the whole issue of immigration is all racist white people. This is very wrong. Although many people do get very racist when involving this issue (ex: all wetbacks need to get out!!). It is a sad day when things like this turn into a racist issue. It starts off with legitimate arguments, but then quickly turns ugly. If you visit “Yahoo! Answers” on the Immigration page, you will see much racism in one little forum page. I’m not saying all people against illegal immigration are racist, but I definitely see it every day. Notice how the KKK and are very anti-illegal immigrant. Please do not let their train of thought catch on. Racism leads to no good at all.

Many immigrants just want a piece of what America has to offer. They fight hard to get into this great land. Why stop people from achieving their happiness? Is it not an inalienable right to have the pursuit of happiness? They are merely pursuing their happiness. No one’s rights are being denied when these people enter the United States.

The great thing about illegal immigrants is that they put millions of dollars into the economy. Most offer cheap labor for work you would probably not do yourself. They do this because they have lived in poverty and are willing to work for virtually no pay in order to just get a little money to live. These people are not greedy. A large number of illegal immigrants can be found building houses, doing yard work, cleaning houses, washing clothes, picking fruit, taking the role of janitor at schools, and much more. Illegal immigrants are good for the economy.

The downside to illegal immigrants is that they cannot pay taxes because they are not legal so they, unfortunately, also take from the economy. That is where amnesty comes in. This is a pardon from the government to the illegal immigrants for their “crime” of crossing the border in order for them to become legal citizens. Doing this would set them free from their fear of getting deported and will also enable them to pay taxes so they will only give to the community. There has been amnesty before and nothing bad happened last time so we can be sure for the same thing to happen again.

A lot of focus has been put on illegal immigrants lately and this makes no sense. These people are here to live and work in America and we want them out? America needs to focus on more important issues. The people who complain about illegal immigrants committing crimes forget that citizens, too, commit way more crimes than illegal immigrants do. Why not focus on those?

In my opinion, the best thing that can be done is to give citizenship to the hard-working beneficial illegal immigrants and deport the takers. Deport only the bad and keep the good. Also, to make the immigration process a lot smoother and more efficient. Besides, while most of us worry about the illegal immigrants already in the country, many other things are happening right behind our backs. Let’s focus on the real criminals and not just some people coming to the U.S. to work.

(e-mail me please and send me more ideas for this site)
the above is a copy of what that link lead to for those of you who were too scared to click it or just didn’t click it at all
the wueastion remains the same: what do you think? agree or disagree? why?

Nagesh answers:

I completely agree with you.Desperation is what makes people from all over the world come here,though its true that people from mexico have it a bit easier because of geography.But everyone has the same struggles to endure here.What i don’t understand is why most on here talk about illegal mexicans and then claim its not a racist thing.What about illegal irish,chinese and russian immigrants?What about the talk of protecting the border with canada? All i hear is mexico mexico mexico.During the marches there were flags from el salvador,guatemala and many other latin america countries but it seemed that many on here just remember the mexican one.As far as the massive deportation goes I say go for it.Why not start with every american here whom isn’t 100% native american.Because wether you want to admitt it or not all of you are descendants of anchor babies.and yet your ancestors made the trip here regardless of the vast ocean seperating you and not one of you bothered to “fix” your own country but yet are quick to judge others.

Mary asks…

I need to know my rights as the person at blame in an accicdent.?

I was driving down the road when I had to make a sudden stop, it happened very quickly, now I slammed on the breaks and slid into the rear end of this mans car. To begin with this car doesn’t even look like it should be on the road. I dented his bumper. There is not alot of damage to the car that I caused. I gave him my insurance and license. Which I have had only for a month now. He called me that night asking for $1500 if we didn’t want to go through insurance. Which I don’t cause I would be paying thousands as apose to hundreds. I went over to give him the money and his mother is saying that she doesn’t want to sign a release nor take my money because what if three days from now he wont be able to work. This man will not go to the doctor. So how do I know that he can’t work? What I am saying now is I will give him $1500, or go through insurance and that way he wont get anything. Can I legally say no to giving him money for injuries if he does not prove that he cannot work by showing my something from his doctor?

Nagesh answers:

GO THROUGH YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY. They are running a scam on you. There is nothing from preventing them to blackmail you further. Your insurance will not raise that much. It is is your fault because you slid into him but did you get a police report? Chances are he does not have insurance. Without a police report, your insurance will bully him and most likely the case will be dropped.

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Thursday, July 5th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money Fast

David asks…

how can I make quick money in one day?

I am trying to make money to buy some stuff and i need a quick way to make some money fast!!

Nagesh answers:

InboxDollars pays members to read emails, take surveys online, play games, and go shopping! Clic Here

More than 5 million users is the best way to earn some extra money fast and legally.

Mark asks…

Does anyone know legal quick ways to make money?

I need fast money for a retainers fee for my lawyer(custody case)

Nagesh answers:

I make extra money writing for these these web sites:

Write How-To articles eHow:

Write articles for Associated Content:…

Write for BrightHub:…

Another fun way to make a few bucks is by answering questions on Mahalo Answers:

Another good resource is Work At Home

Sandra asks…

what are quick ways for 12 year olds to make cash fast?

my daughter is wanting to make money to buy a bike and needs a bike by mid april! any ways that she could make alot of money fast?

Nagesh answers:

Buy and sell things on craigslist!

Susan asks…

We live paycheck to paycheck, what is an easy way to make fast money?

We live paycheck to paycheck, luckily I am really good with money but we never have any extra money to do what we want every now and then, any advice? Is there a quick way to make some fast money besides donating plasma?
We do not have any luxuries like cable tv. We have one vehicle. We are getting ready to have a garage sale the beginning of September.

Nagesh answers:

Cancel cable TV
yard sale

Steven asks…

Whats the best way to make fast Money?

I need money and I want lot’s of money quick, Like at least
5000.00 in a week. Please no scams, just a quick way to make Cash, Alot of bills coming in, so if who have the magic answer to this secret let me know, on the other hand if you did
you most likely would not be wasting your time answering this question, but you never know!

Nagesh answers:

There is no way to make lots of money quick, you must be determined and work hard and then you can make tons of money online.

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Wednesday, July 4th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes

William asks…

Runescape Combat Level Training and Money making schemes?

Basically, I am a combat level 21.
I need something new to train on.
And something to get my levels up.

My levels are:
Attack – 10
Strength – 10
Defence – 9 (aiming at 10)
Ranged – 5
Prayer – 15
Magic – 28
HP – 14
Mining – 10
Smithing – 29
Fishing – 8
Cooking – 4
Crafting – 3
Woodcutting – 15

Thats it really for the bigish ones.
If you also have any information on money making schemes, please include that too!
Thanks. (:
(P.S – post the website you got it off, if you got it off a website please? cheers. )

Nagesh answers:

I’d say the best way is to wood cut
make your woodcutting level 60 and cut yews.
Thats the easiest way to make money you make a lot
the only downsides are that it’s boring and it’s hard to find good cutting areas

if you want to train i suggest you fight barbarians

if you don’t want to woodcut then get your combat level to about 35 then fight hillgiants
this way you can train and then you can sell the bigbones they drop for loads of cash

merchanting is also a good option

Richard asks…

Money Making?

What it true a few years ago there was a money making scheme called the pyramid how does it work

Nagesh answers:

I went to a pyramid scheme seminar once, they are intesting to go to just to see how the people run then. The people who run them are really good sales people. They will tell you this is a once in a life time chance, don’t be a loser and miss out. Its really the hard sell. They don’t want you to leave the room without signing up.

I just kept repeating i was not interested until they got bored in the end. But people lost thousands including the person who introduced me.

James asks…

Internet money making schemes, have you done one that actually made you money?

Nagesh answers:

They do not make you money. Any of them. Period. Sorry. They make the person selling them money, not you.

Betty asks…

has anyone ever had a good experience with those advertised money making schemes?

Nagesh answers:

Those programs are either outright scams, programs that work but produce very little or no income for the risk taker or produce a few hundred dollars a month if you work your azz off and put in enough effort that you could work two full time jobs instead.

Charles asks…

Teenage Money making schemes?

i’m fourteen and need to make money, what are the best ways to do this?

Nagesh answers:

You could try…

Associtated Content (.com), it pays you for your articles so if you have a few essays saved up or something you can sell those.

Rating music at and get money for it.

You can also make a fair amount of money writing reviews for websites and taking surveys. I think you can make around $4 for the reviews and an average of $3-$7 a survey. Check this blog for more info and payment proof. Http://

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Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Jobs

Laura asks…

What are some jobs for kids so that they can make money fast?

My little sister is 11 and she needs to make some money for a fair, she needs $16 and she doesnt know how to get money, our mom cant lend us any and no one else has any that we can ask, what can she do to get money?

Nagesh answers:

Wash cars, just knock on peoples doors and simply ask “would you like your car(s) washed”. I’d go with her though, she isn’t old enough to be wandering the streets by herself.

Goodluck, I’m sure you will make that in an hour if you put your mind to it!

Ruth asks…

fun jobs that are guaranteed to make money fast?

please help!
i highly apprechate it!
long term jobs!
like a chef, professer, ect.

Nagesh answers:

I’m looking for the same thing..I’ll let you know if I ever find it. Doesn’t seem likely, though.

Richard asks…

Jobs & Money fast ???

Im going crazy looking for a job and have no money to start my own business.
Does anyone know any fast ways to make money beside things around my neighborhood ??? something that really works????

Nagesh answers:

Find positions at hotels and restaurants. Professionals make $25-$40 and hour + tips. Find a class through ( or take a course online for $50 at (

Potential Earning Power: an extra $375 a week

2. Personal Trainer
If you are a natural health and fitness buff, whip others into shape for extra cash.You and others will stay fit while you profit. Get certified at (

Potential Earning Power:$ 220 a week

3. Bookkeeper
Local businesses just starting out may need a person to track payments, deposits, and budgets. For example a new day care center.

Potential Earning Power: $600-$1000 a month


Mowing, gardening, trimming bushes, gutter cleaning, and sweeping. It’s a common way to make money especially during summer. To find gigs search ( and (

Potential Earning Power: $200 a week

5. Tutoring

Assist kids, teen, and college students in their studies. Use ( to find areas you can tap into to find work. Take a course at (… To find jobs try ( or (

Potential Earning Power: $375 a week to $200

6. Lifeguard

Hang by the pool and get paid.Become certified at ( or (

Potential Earning Power: $140 a week

7. Website Creator

Design sites for local businesses and non-profit organizations.Charge a good amount per project.

Potential Earning Power: $800-$1200 a month

8.House Cleaner

Clean homes for local college students or busy families. Determine the needs before you give a price. Post an AD on Craigslist or the local Newspaper.

Potential Earning Power: $500- $1500

Jenny asks…

what descent jobs can I make good money fast without a degree?

Nagesh answers:

Work somewhere you can make tips as well..
That’s always a plus on top of your pay rate.

Lisa asks…

How can a friend of mine make fast money at the age of 13?

My freind and i really need to make money! Considering we cant get jobs * to young * but i need to make fast money. If i do chores around the house my mom will give like 2 dollars or something and that isnt enough! Please some one….How can me and a freinds that 13 make fast money?!?!?!

Nagesh answers:

Offer to mow peoples lawns (you can get 15 bucks a lawn if not more), and stuff like that, or buy a bunch of candy bars worth of 30 bucks, like 30 cents each, and sell em at school for a dollar each, youll soon have 90 bucks, people do it, and don tlisten to your first answerer, all his answers are the same and hes just advertising some bull crap. Dont listen to him.

P.s. Dont lsiten to any of them, stupid advertisers. And theyre all scams

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Monday, July 2nd, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Real Money Making Schemes

Richard asks…

Is there any real way to make real money on-line?

A job, not a scheme. I need to work from home.

Nagesh answers:

I’m an online adjunct professor – LOVE my job! Quite legit! Need a master’s degree and an area of expertise to apply.

Helen asks…

Why do you think Glenn Beck played the God card at his 8/28 ?

A. To be a church in the eyes of the IRS, to not pay taxes
B. Going after the big money by using God as his new money making scheme
C for real and is going use all of the money raised to help society
D. ?

Nagesh answers:

To give the libs something to whine about!!! And looky,…it is working!!!

Betty asks…

What do you think of my money making scheme?

Make up a new religion. Base it off of the bible so that people are sure to think it is real based on the age of the religion. Tell people that god came to me and gave me extra information about the bible. Publish 50 page “addition” to the bible. When fools hear this they will go nuts. Take a small initial investment and start a church. require 10% of the followers income to stay a member. If I am lucky the members will become brainwashed enough to let me sleep with their wives. Pocket 95% of the income 5% goes to upgrades/repairs.
I forgot to mention that i would tell the followers that by not doing what i say they are destine to spend eternity in hell.

Nagesh answers:

I think it would never work

Sandra asks…

Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ Who has the scoop on these wise guys? a money making scheme or legit?

According to the ICGJC, everything you’ve been taught is a lie. The real Jews are black.

The true Hebrews of the Bible—from the 12 tribes of Jacob’s sons, on through the generations to Jesus and those who came after—all had skin as dark as the earth. Some of the tribes traveled to the New World, by boat, where they are now represented by the native peoples of the Caribbean and North and South America. Others fled from the Roman army and settled in Africa, where they would one day be sold as slaves by the nations whose lands they had occupied.

Nagesh answers:

I’ve seen these guys on public TV. I just keep on going with my surfing.

Mary asks…

How can I make a real, consistent amount of money?

Is there any legitimate way to make a large amount of money? (Like 50k+ a year) Don’t say get a job, I already have one. Don’t say go to school, I’m already going. I’m open to any and all possibilities. I am very smart and very hard working. Any ideas are much appreciated but please no internet ponzi schemes or nonsense get rich from doing surveys sites. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

If you are IN school AND working, then there is no way to make an extra $50k /yr – when would you even have time to do anything?

You are dreaming

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Sunday, July 1st, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Real Money Making Schemes Online

Ruth asks…

Does anyone know where I can do real work for real money online?

I don’t want to fill out a bunch of crap for other people or fill out IFWs or surveys. Well, maybe surveys..but…I dont want to do a bunch of affiliate work. Ive done the ebay thing but I really dont mind working for someone else. Does anyone know of REAL work you can do for a REAL company out there? Clock in at 6pm work till 8pm and make $4 an hour or something. Just looking for some OTHER ideas that are not “start your own business” or “get rich quick” scheme. (I consider making $5,000 a week a get rich quick scheme.”

Not sure what Im looking for…but if anyone has any ideas…that would be awesome!

Nagesh answers:

If you have a specific skillset you can utilize it at If you don’t have a skillset you can do the rush hour traffic thing with a sign and a street corner…hell you probably bank 50 an hour, if you can handle the ego shock of standing on the corner begging for money LOL.

Charles asks…

are there any REAL online jobs?

ok, I realize that asking this question is just begging to be bombarded by spam….BUT seriously, stay-at-home-mommies, have any of you found a REAL way to make money online? I’m not talking about those “affiliate programs” or pyramid schemes where the whole point is just to get other people to join so you can make money off them. But aren’t there any legitmate jobs online? I have a 2year old and a 6month old and money is so tight right now but I really want to stay home with them. what about assembling crafts at home? is that a scam somehow too?

Nagesh answers:


Being a stay at home mom myself, A site I found helpful is – It is a free site that has a good directory of companies that hire telecommuters. There are several things you can do from home. Like at home customer care representative, transcription, writer, proofreader, editor, blogger, telemarketing from home, mystery shopping, virtual assistant, and freelance projects. You can check out info on a company at message board which has a wise work at home community. Remember to never pay to get a job or any type of fee upfront. Good luck!

George asks…

How do I make money online without putting in my own money? I need to buy a car….?

As in… PAY 50 DOLLARS BLAH BLAH YOU WILL GET 1000 scams, I don’t want those. I’m apart of a site that is getting me money but I make about 20 dollars a week or less from it and I’d like to generate more income. I’m going to school (college) in May and it’s soon to be Feb and I’d like to make some money to buy a car that just can get me around, I’m not looking for anything fancy. My parents can’t help me, and I can’t get a job out there in the real world due to.. well.. NO CAR. How do I make decent money online? I’m not looking for a scam, or quick rich scheme. Maybe there’s some online jobs out there that I don’t know about? Does anyone know any? Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

Nagesh answers:

You have to actually produce something in order to create an income.
Anything else is only a SCAM!

Just think, if these PIE-IN-THE-SKY
Internet “opportunities” actually did pay,
we ALL could be doing it and make so much money as to be able to pay off the national debt!

NOT HAPPENING! These “internet money makers” are myths,
or to put it another way LIES and FRAUD!

Do NOT give these clowns any money

Jenny asks…

Honestly, is there money to be made in affiliate marketing, or is it just pyramid schemes & other frauds?

I am just beginning to research affiliate marketing, like Click Bank, and need to know the truth. Is it just another scheme, pyramid or other in nature?

The numbers the various companies give seam very far fetched, as if a genie granted someone a single wish. I mean $1,000 a day? Seriously?

And each version of the marketing comes with quotes from “users” who claim to have made money? Couldn’t anyone just lie and say they earned money? I mean, how do I know the “real” folks saying the program made them money weren’t paid to promote the very company claiming to make you money.

So far, the few options i have explored have all turned out to be shams or unethical, or had subscription costs. For example, there was one regarding buying ticket master tickets and reselling them. That is scalping, an unethical business where there are dime a dozen scalpers already online.

Not to mention all of the emails I now receive trying to promote a product/program to make money online. I’m being bombarded with lies that I need to “act now” or i’ll miss out. Then there are the “webinars” that are there to make the author, strictly, of the webinar money. Do they actual give me anything useful? Why are there webinars in the first place?

All of these unanswered questions have left a bad taste in my mouth. I just want the truth! Can there be legit money made online w/o scamming, lying, selling cheap merchandise, or roping in unsuspected victim into throwing away money in something that isn’t even a physical object?

Please be honest with me here. I’m attempting to create income so me and my girl can make a living, enough to get by w/o too much discomfort, while we are both in school. I do not need to be patronized with false information, just so a yahoo answers user can bump/promote a company.

Thank you much!

Nagesh answers:

Yes, there is money to be made with affiliate marketing. I don’t make $1,000 per day, but it is a great supplemental income at this point. And, it is still growing.

I would stay away from Clickbank products, especially if you are not willing to invest in them yourself. Start a blog and begin with products and service you use yourself and can give an honest review of. Try Amazon, Commission Junction, ShareASale and Google Affiliate Network. All of these places have high quality merchants, products and services. You also don’t have to worry about the payment stipulations that Clickbank has in place before you can receive your cash.

Linda asks…

How do I make money online with starting my own online business or website?

IM NOT looking for a get rich quick scheme, even though that would be great. Im looking for a way to just make more money. I’ve been doing tons and tons of research online by just typing it into google and keep getting hundreds of site that want me to pay either a one time fee or monthly for data entry or working for some other website or bidding on projects to work on.. And it’s all scams.. They say they aren’t get rich quick things but everything they say about money is a damn good amount of money and it doesn’t seem real. I even check some of them that look really good on better business bureau and they don’t even show up.. So what im looking for is either detailed instrustion based on personal experience or a web site that’s real.

Nagesh answers:


The best thing to do is have your own website. With your own site there are many legitimate opportunities to make money online through both adsense and affiliate offers.

It will cost you about $40 for your own host. The host gives you your own domain name and all the tools you need to create your website. I suggest WordPress to create the site because its very easy to use and very much respected by search engines.

Next you apply to several affiliate agencies such as, and others. They give you an id and the ads to put on your website. When people click your ads and make a purchase, you recieve a commission. Some commissions are as much as $100.

I help people get started with this and I dont charge to help. You can contact me for more info.

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Saturday, June 30th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Real Money Making Schemes

Donna asks…

Are colleges like the University of Phoenix and DeVry real colleges, or are they just money-making schemes?

Nagesh answers:

DeVry actually used to be a decent though modest Technical College — DeVry Institute. The several DeVry campuses offered respectable TAC/ABET-accredited degrees in Engineering Technology and related fields such as Technology Management.
Then another Management group took over and saw the pot of gold that “for-profit” schools came to be, due to expanded and largely unregulated expansion of federal student loan guarantees. Today, DeVry’s reputation is circling the toilet bowl (though it still offers good Engineering Technology degrees).

As far as I can tell, U of Phoenix was sleazy right from the start. Teachers who work there (called “instructors” or “Facilitators” not professors), humiliate themselves.

Sandra asks…

Can someone PLEASE tell me if this money-making scheme is real?

There’s the link; it looks real to me…but I’m worried it’s not. I know that most of these are scams, but just read it, and look at the comments – there’s even photos of people’s checks.


Nagesh answers:

Lol, me again.
I’m going to say scam for 2 reasons. 1. If it worked, everyone would do it. I know there seems to be proof, but the company could have faked those. 2. When I pressed the back button, a box came up saying “do you want to navigate away form this page” etc etc, anything with that sort of thing, I would naturally be suspicious of XxX

Jenny asks…

Has anyone ever heard of I’m wondering if its real or a money making scheme?

Nagesh answers:

Im a student full time and pay for my loans with a part time job, and with google and adsense. Actually i don’t relly need to be workin now cuz this makes me lots of money but i feel lazy u know, if i don’t…
google and adsense

Paul asks…

DO anybody know any real money making sites, I’m talking about real sites thatcan make real money or business?

all everybody do is scheme, con, cheat,slick,etc…are there any honest people left in the world anywhere? Come on somebody get real !!!

Nagesh answers:

Well I hope what me and my mom are going to be doing will start to make us some money.It doing online stores. It cost 199.00 but they let us buy a website for life for 48 dollars. We have to pay 24.99 for hosting it for us . You have to pick what you want to sell and then get busy. If you leave me your email and it works for us I can give you info.

Mary asks…

Any real opportunities to make money with Google Adwords or similar?

I know 99% of the programs and schemes are scams obviously that offer ridiculous incomes.

I’m just wondering if even like, making $50-$100 a month off of Adwords is a plausible/legitimate possibility and if there’s any resources on how to get started with it.

Nagesh answers:

Yep, there are real opportunities and the best of it: you don’t need anyone.

I have my company’s marketing exclusively on Ad Words.

You need to learn how ad-words works, if you don’t know it yet.

Then, you pick a couple of good affiliate program (there are thousands), you can look up at or other sites like that, and advertise the programs on ad-words.

You’ll probably have to take sometime to learn what works better, what pays better, etc., but pretty soon you’ll be earning commissions.

Nothing that will make you a Bill Gates, but you can easily make a couple of hundreds or even thousands.

Godspeed !

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Friday, June 29th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes For Kids

Susan asks…

working at home / money advice?

hey guys,
recently ive been laid off, and my only income has been coming from welfare checks and some paid survey earnings from that survey vault website. but its not enough, and i fear my kids are feeling it worse than i am because Christmas is coming up and there aren’t any jobs around my area (a huge company in my area has had all its employees recently laid off and so all the spare jobs have gone to them)

now im not going to be a douche and ask you to donate or anything, i understand im not the only one feeling the effects of the recession,
id rather earn it myself, is there any sites that actually make me some extra money from home? (i don’t mind if there’s a small sign up fee but as long as it makes me some money like SV)

please don’t post scams or pyramid schemes, im feeling trapped here and ive been losing sleep over weather or not i can provide for my family anymore, and i really cant afford to lose money over scams.

thank you in advance.

Nagesh answers:

I’m an at home mom and made extra cash by selling stuff on ebay. A lot of stuff i had around my house that i never used sold, and made the extra cash I wanted. I basically only had to work once a week, and that was shipping out the items.
If you have a skill, you can also advertise on for exchange for cash or trade. I see a lot of handy man ads in my area.
Years ago I also joined a company called melaleuca. But to you this might be considered a pyramid scheme. The products sold were awesome, I just didnt have the charisma to go out and sell the items.
But I wish you luck. These are hard times.

George asks…

REUTWERK old politics are nails in a coffin on an economic level?OR CAN WE PAY FOR OUR KIDS IN AFRICA TO WEB?

Yahoo’s Page and the news today on Web and Africa, leaves nothing to be desired in make up. In my days Shell, and a big business tax scheme Kept mr. Mandela imprisoned for a long time. Resolutions by a common attitude to worship money instead of Nature. WE feel responsible when we always were a Greenpeace person. Colonel Gadaffi, stands to be promoted for his:”Every Child in the World a computer to take part in Internet and Existence in its Promiss.” Happiness works best in a free accessible info and solvent Web, which should not be held back in its creativity to employ, hence the Pegasus in deployment< it happenedhonestly may not>be a senate< for debate in an active warzone> shell & makro< obliterated all resolutions taken against "apartheid">>>SLAVE OWNERS without any say in “GOODWILL”>like the stalemate Iraqna today<leaving it"s PRIME MINISTER (MARTIN LUTHER KING TYPE) unable< to perform liberations and retributions awarded to his station (home)o

Nagesh answers:

Hmm, where to start….um…well…um, ah…hmm. Ok, uh, I guess I can start with “we” can not pay for our kids in Africa to web. Plain and simple. The old politics are bad. The new ones are too.

Let me say, I think you would be a world class spammer for Emails. Thats some good stuff, really. It would go right through my spamwatch program. You have a future in emails…thats my prediction.

Oh yeah, and Please vote for the best answer!

Mandy asks…

How would you evaluate this and handle the situation? (quite detailed)?

My partner’s mother has been stuck with this marketing scheme for years and haven’t gotten anything stable out of it. Their family used to be quite wealthy until the grandmother did something unthinkable to their money and eventually they all went down the drain financially (the grandmother already passed away). All the kids (including my partner) now have their own jobs and the dad is retired.

The thing is the mom is rarely ever there. She’s already of age but is obsessed with the idea that she’s somehow going to strike gold with these bunch of people she “works with” trying to get “huge commissions”, An aunt did get lucky with a similar scheme but I think that makes her obsession even worse. It’s been like this with her for around 5 years according to family members. She keeps telling them promises, but along the way asks her children (2 of them already have families of their own) money for phone credit, for transport, etc. At first they would give in but now they sometimes only give money for phone credit in case of emergency.

They ALL have already tried talking to her about this. I think these people she hangs out with are such bad influence. What has happened in the last 5 years? She doesn’t even show up on Christmas, birthdays, and other events such as the birth of one of her children’s baby (her “job” is requires her to travel out of town). The sad part is she graduated with a medical degree – she says she’s already too old to get back to her old job, which actually pays her decent and has more stability and doesn’t force her to constantly ask for “petty cash” from family members.

From my observation it seems she’s resenting the fact that the family used to be very wealthy and now have to live like most other people. She’s holding on to an “invisible” promise her co-workers/superiors appear to have sucked her into. I think the longer she’s out of town, all the more the “need” for her to “finish the job”, whatever it is. She sometimes does text her son very emotional messages like i love you very much and i miss you and your dad so much. It makes him so sad and hopeless to help her.

What would you do in this situation to help?
@ No Real Help, You’re right about people having the right to live their life. I even feel like we have the same views on that, as I usually keep to myself most of the time. It’s just…let’s not forget she gets financially dependent on family members. If your mother suddenly texts you “please it’s important, send me phone credit” (where I’m from you can actually send credit to someone’s account), how do you deal with that? As she IS part of the family, appears to have a psychological issue and does deserve our love (she was never the abusive mother, she just became very misguided) me and my partner can’t just leave her like that. I guess I’m just trying to find out if anyone has a suggestion on how to reach her somehow and bring her back to reality. It’s really like dealing with an addicted gambler…

Nagesh answers:

I would leave her alone, but maybe stop sharing petty cash and encourage son to do the same. Explain ” we’re having a budget strain sorry we can’t help this time” you might also add ” I know of a jobs website you could use to find a steady income if you want i’ll help you look”. Only add that if she asks for money. If she refuses just tell her you were trying to help the best you can. She might be addicted to the fun of the company she’s playing with but family shouldn’t pay for it. Ignore the holiday absences, if she wanted to be there she would be! So don’t coddle her with messages of how she was missed on christmas etc.. In fact don’t even ask her if she had a good time, don’t get a gift. This is a passive aggressive technique she’s trying to use here so ignore it completely. But do continue to invite her, if she can’t make it don’t ask why, just say ” thanks for the notice I have more planning to do.” Don’t get any sore feelings from her, because she seems pretty gutsy and emotionless to be asking for money, then acting so cold. Best to let her go her own way.

Jenny asks…

Are we right to be upset at Daughter/Sister – are we seeing this clearly?

My sister “Jill” is 43, divorced, and has two kids. She also hasn’t had a job in over a decade. She has bounced from one get rich scheme to another and dabbled in everything from multi level marketing, voice over work, writing screen plays (more on this later), selling inspirational bracelets etc. She is smart, beautiful and possesses significant computer skills. Jill can, and has, turned a buck with part time web design. However, she has refused to seek a typical 9-5 paying job that would allow her financial independence.

She spends the majority of her day on the internet reading about politics while she and her children live with family members and boyfriends, never paying rent. Every time she’s approached about finding a paying job, she insists she already has one (see above, quick rich schemes). She would then further comment that she refuses to be like the rest of us “sheep” who slog to lifeless 9-5’s each day. She was better than that.

Jill does not have the education required to stride into the corporate world instantly making six figures. Consequently, she refuses to take her place at her 10-$15/hour reality station and then climb the ladder because in her mind this would mean she was now, “classified” as a working girl and not an any day millionaire in the making. This tiny bit of reality is NOT acceptable to her as she often refers to people she deems less than her as “trailer trash.” This is sadly humorous in that she couldn’t afford the trailer to become a member of what she considers the “trash” community. That is until Grandma passed away at 93 years of age.

My 93 year old Grandmother passed away a year ago. All of her grandchildren were close with her but my sister, “Jill”, was the closest. She was my Grandmothers only Granddaughter and for the most part, Grandma was unaware of Jill’s view on work.

When Grandma was 92, she was lucid and sharp as a tack. When Grandma was 92.5, her mental condition began to deteriorate rapidly. Something Jill would often comment on. Jill visited Grandma at age 92.5 and became the executrix of her estate as well as the paid upon death benefactor of her sizeable bank accounts and CD’s. The family would like to give Jill the benefit of the doubt that her visit to Grandma during her decline was innocent. However, given the pictures of the Mercedes Benzes’, BMW’s and ocean front homes Jill would hang above her home computer, it was clear Jill has expensive tastes but refused to take a job to fulfill them.

At age 92, pre-Jill meeting, Grandma had her will revised to gift some of her cousins as well as adjusting percentages of the estate to be given out to her three children and grandchildren. The will stated that Jill would get equal amounts as the other grandchildren but would also receive grandma’s jewelry. This would be a generous sum but far from life changing. When Grandma passed, Jill took it all. Jill and I have a mother who is wheel chair bound and on a fixed income. Mother wasn’t given a dime of her own Mothers estate (no one was).

Jill’s justification was that Grandma must have wanted her to have everything because she was the paid upon death benefactor on the accounts. The family’s position is that this was done because Jill was just made the executrix of the estate and to avoid probate and unnecessary legal fees. Furthermore, Jill was the only one who had the time and incentive to make the big “push” on grandma in her declining moments. It appeared that she made Grandma her job. In fact, right after Jill ran out of the money Grandma had previously given her, she moved in with me. Again. A day after she moved in I received a call from Grandma who was angry with me because Jill had told her that I “begged” her to move in with me. Grandma wanted Jill to move near her and help take care of her. Grandma was just starting to get wise to Jill and demanded that while Jill was in town, she had to get a job. Jill refused and told Grandma I needed her company as I just went through a divorce. Of course, this was a lie.

After Grandmothers death and when Jill’s intentions became clear, my Mother and I let Jill know, in crystal clear terms, what we thought of her actions. To be truthful, we were angry and we said some very unkind things. The frustration of her get rich schemes, “living in our basements” and refusal to get a job and now taking Grandma’s estate boiled over. More than anything, we were devastated that Jill would stoop so low. After our harsh words, Jill quickly gathered her daughter and quickly moved out.

We have not heard from her in a year. We discovered through the internet (facebook…friend of a friend of a friend) that her young daughter was just diagnosed with a brain tumor. The family tried to make contact with her through her ex-husband and she stated if any of the family members show up at her door, she would call the police??? (note, we don’t even know where she lives). Last week, her daughter had brain surgery and

Nagesh answers:

Yes, I would be upset at her. It sounds like she schemed to drain the estate legally despite the grandmother’s wishes and last will. She essentially stole the money from you and the other family members. And despite her pretending to be innocent, she knows full well what she did. I would let her know that you expect to be paid the proper amount and then write her off.

Too bad about her daughter. When she becomes an adult you can apologize and explain that you would have offered support during her illness if the mother had not intervened.

As far as the free rent and work ethic are concerned, let it go. Those are her choices and you actually aided her by letting her get away with it in your home. Forget about it.

Life is too short to hold on to grudges like this. It happened. It’s over. Get on with your life.

Laura asks…

Would I be considered high risk for depression during pregnancy and after birth?

Not pregnant at the moment, but plan to try for a baby in the next few years to come, just as so many girls do.
I suffered from depression from the age of 12 and it got really severe age 13-16. I hated myself and self-harmed and let men abuse me because I didn’t think anyone wanted me anyway. I was bullied badly at one school I went to. I stopped going to school because of how people there made me feel and got into the wrong crowd – started smoking, drinking at 13 and then onto drugs at 14.
I fell pregnant when I was a few months off 15 and I couldn’t cope with the idea and tried to pretend it wasn’t happening. I then miscarried and still haven’t quite gotten over it 3 years later.
I got help from psychologists and a youth support scheme after a lot of effort into making them realise that them telling me they couldn’t help me due to money reasons even though they thought I needed it. I got into a really good school, restarted gcse’s and it changed my life because they understood me eventually and supported me through everything, including self-harm and breakdowns. Also having school work to focus on gave me something to be motivated about. I left school with 13 A*-B gcse’s which I am SO proud of myself for.
My depression hasn’t been so bad lately – amazingly due to simply being on a certain type contraceptive pill – apparently my hormone levels must have been pretty screwed. I had been on antidepressants when I was younger but stopped them abruptly and I’m determined to stay off them unless it’s crucially needed. I also got more chances to socialise by living away from home and where there were other young people and adults who were always willing to talk. Home stress was also a major factor to the depression.
So obviously, once I do choose to have a baby, being pregnant I wouldn’t be able to take the pill that has changed my moods.
So I’m worried I would end up getting bed with depression again. And it’s not in my nature to say I don’t want kids because whatever my age, I guess I could be at risk of depression during pregnancy and subsequently postnatal depression.
Do you think the doctor and a midwife would consider me as high risk for depression?

Nagesh answers:

Hi, I have a similar history to yours and I did find that pregnancy hormones made my emotions much stronger and more difficult to deal with than people who were more stable generally. Its like losing a layer of emotional skin – you feel very sensitive and vulnerable. However I have a healthy, happy little girl. I would suggest that you are already showing positive signs of being able to cope with the emotional roller coaster that is pregnancy because you are thinking ahead and being realistic about your difficulties. As you have already overcome many of your problems in a positive way you are also experienced at dealing with strong feelings.

I would suggest that you take extra precautions to look after yourself when you ready to get pregnant – don’t do it until you are in a relationship with a thoughtful supportive man (my husband was fantastic) and also make realistic plans about reducing work hours etc so that you do not feel overwhelmed by trying to work long hours whilst pregnant as well as all the domestic stuff. Make sure you get enough sleep when you are pregnant and also take gentle exercise every morning to boost your serotonin levels. If you can it would be idea to plan your pregnancy so that you give birth between april and september (If that is when weather is good where you are) but I realise this is difficult. Post natal depression has two parts;
1) The baby blues hormonal stage – the first two weeks – I cried a lot but in a cathartic way – this passes.
2) Reactive depression – this is when the routine and isolation of a new baby starts to get you down – plan for this by joining baby groups, arranging to have friends over and asking your partner to give you time off – I began to feel slightly depressed when my baby was about 3 months old and my husband then gave me time off from 6pm on a Friday night to midday on saturday and this was something to look forward to – I could go out with friends or just have a nice dinner with a bottle of wine and stay up late watching films knowing I did not have to get up in the night.

I think you should continue working on your depression and self awareness of it for a while longer and then prepare well. My sister in law suffered from severe depression – she was hospitalised several times and had ECT for it. She was in a bad way until she was about 25 and then she learned to get very proactive with it – when she felt it coming on she would put the baby in the pram and go out for long walks and she learnt to ward it off. She also asked for help when she needed it. Her baby had terrible irritating eczema and her husband was useless – she was seriously sleep deprived and in desperation went down to social services, said ‘I can’t do this anymore – you’ll have to take her away.’ and went outside and cried. This worked hugely in her favour – the social worker had been keeping an eye on her because of the severity of her depression before and her inability to recognise it coming on. WHen she did that the social worker told my sister in law that she now felt much more confident in her parenting skills because when she needed help she had asked for it. They were wonderful – chasing up the doctor to hurry up finding the cause of the baby’s exzema and getting her a childminder to give her an afternoon off twice a week where she could catch up on sleep of go out alone. Social services will always help you if you ask before a crisis hits.

You are still very young and have already overcome a lot. If you remain focused on becoming stronger and being healthy and responsible then there is no reason why you should not be particularly well qualified to deal with the emotional demands of pregnancy.

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Thursday, June 28th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For College Students

Daniel asks…

What would you grade this expostory essay i wrote should i shorten it?

Good things happened to those that wait Nonsense good things go to those that chase. Nothing is going to come to you and waiting for money and depending on someone else to give you money is the guaranteed path to failure. I am going to teach you about something I’ve mastered the art of making money I will teach you how to make money fast and make it last! Now before you read forward I need you to say “Everything I know about money is wrong” Believe me when I tell you I know more “tricks” to making money I am not talking about the cereal. I strongly believe if you can count your money by hand it’s not enough. You can’t make money being a good guy and following rules you must bend the rules and twist the rules. Bill gates the wealthiest man in the world(and soon to be second) stole various ideas from the rival company of Microsoft Apple but bills had other effects to Microsoft not only does Microsoft have what apple but more. Bill gate is a marketing genius his products has all the effects of apple and more and are the same price. Which one would you buy its obvious? How could a guy who didn’t finish collage become the richest person in the world (and soon to be second). How could Shawn Carter (formally known as jay z) become extremely wealth once again a person who did not go to college and grew up poor he created something out of nothing. So how could people who did not graduate from college and even some junior high school dropouts become so wealthy? Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune. Also they have mastered and implemented these proven techniques and now I will share them with you. I will teach you how to successfully run a business. Here are some tips Create Something out of nothing, create a realistic business plan stick to it, Work Like A Slave Eat Like A King , Never stop looking for the best deals on products and buy low and sell high.

Something out of nothing

Fob a clothing company started in a basement but now is a multimillion dollar company. The people who created the clothing line didn’t have a lot of money but they took what they had and made something from nothing. The company was created by 5 neighbor friends living in queens New York the largest projects in the world. The company then became popular amongst queen New York and it became bigger. The 5 neighborhood friends who never thought they would grow this big did. How did they do this? They took what they had their expertise and made something out of it. If you are a great drawers draw and auction your pictures if you are a good writer sell your writings even if you have a basketball goal in your backyard charged to get on the court you will gain enough money eventually to extend your idea. If are a goodstudent and understand an subject you can teach offer to help a student in return of money. Once you gain enough you can even start your own tutoring company. Got a big screen get some movies charge people to come in your house to watch them. Go to a used bike store bikes cost about 5 dollars fix them up make them look better and they will sell for any more. Once you make a profit invest half of it back in your business. Is it snowing? Shove snow? Good with computers teach the elderly mow lawns, wash cars, baby sit, and as soon as you make enough money washing cars you can buy more supplies hire your staff and send them to different areas to wash. Let them keep 25 percent of the money they made and you take the rest, you can do the same for shoving snow mowing lawns etc. Once you gain enough money you can expand your small company always looking for ways to make money you must be an opportunist, you must be a persuading, if you want to be wealthy.

•Create An Idea
•Expand on it
• Hire employees(optional)
•Launch it
•Advertise (business cards)
•Go find costumers
•Sell your products
• Be polite To Consumers give them two business cards one for a friends and for themselves
• Business Plan

Create a business plan stick to it if you are not making profits from it create another one. As cannabis once said “A wise man sees failure as progress, a fool divorces his knowledge and misses the logic”. This philosophy is very important. First you must determine your objective. What are you trying to accomplish in your business what do you want to achieve? These are the questions you must ask. How will you achieve your objective? When will you achieve this? How will you make your company better than other similar company’s .Create a list of these things and then put it in an essay form get it copywriter and you have your business plan.

•What is your objective
•How will you achieve this
•When will you achieve this
•Create A List
•Put it in a essay form
•Get it copy writer

Work like a slave eat like a king

Nothing will come to you, you must go out and get it this is serious good things go to those that wait is a lazy philosophy and it truly disgust me. Nobody can be successful unless he loves his work and put in work second place is the first losers place. In order to work like a slave you must work hard daily learn how to balance family school and other things with work. Read your competitors like a book constantly think of new ideas to receive more costumers everywhere you go bring out business cards .Go to the bookstore and place business cards in books that relate to your business. Put a banner on your car put it work and you will eat like a king.

•Put in work
•Eat like a king

Follow these proven methods and you will see results

Disclaimer: Note working constantly may lead to depression and tiredness

Nagesh answers:

D or so at this time but can be improved:
I think you are trying to stuff too many things into the essay so it doesn’t flow very well. Maybe do an outline on what you want to say first. It should flow but right now I can’t figure out what one paragraph has to do with the other let alone within each paragraph. For example, your fist paragraph starts about teaching people how to make money then you talk about Bill Gates and Shawn Carter dropping out of school, then other stuff.
Instead of doing a business 101 in an essay, pick the part you can elaborate on more. What stands out most when reading is creating a business out of an idea. Use that but stick to the subject without going off on other things or it sounds a bit “flighty”.

You need to make sure you have a period after each complete sentence. You are missing a bunch of comma’s.

Leave out personal opinions like “that disgusts me” and unproven accusations.

FYI: The cliche “Good things happened to those that wait” is a reference to patience – not sitting and doing nothing.

I think you can turn this into an A or B paper if you do an outline first, don’t try to cover too many things in a short essay, make your story connect from one point to the next, and stay focused on your topic. The point you keep coming back to is taking and idea or dream and make a business out of it. Stick to those examples because the other examples don’t hit that message.

Joseph asks…

Fastest way to earn money?

I am a college student and I’m in desperate need of extra money. I already have a job that I work 20-25 hours a week, but that isn’t enough. I have a lot of debts in which I have to pay off. I was wondering if there are any websites out there in which I can make money by just clicking on ads. Also, is there a way to earn money for your pay pal account. I’m not trying to steal, I just want legitimate ways to make a little extra money on the side.

Nagesh answers:

Work more hours or sell something.

There is no fast easy money, otherwise EVERYONE would be doing it.

What do you think, someone is REALLY going to PAY you to point,click, and type from the comfort of your home computer? Then you check your email that says ‘You’ve got money!’ from PayPal?


Money has always been exchanged for GOODS & SERVICES since the beginning of time. This isn’t rocket science.

John asks…

Help! I’m a college student not doing so well in school and I recently had a misdeamenor. How can I make $$?

No one will hire me, and i’ve been out of workl for 6 months. I believe the only way for me to make some real money if I start my own gig and start selling something or learn a skill/trade really fast. Any suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

The problem you have is that if you intend to stay in school, you should be putting your focus on that, and not on starting a business, which is extremely time-consuming and will increase your classroom problems. A misdemeanor is unfortunate, but usually will not keep you from getting a job. Unless you are in a really depressed town, I have to wonder why you can’t find a job. You may want to go to your school’s career center for some advice on what you are doing wrong.

Sandra asks…

Is it okay to buy frozen grilled meat? Or frozen beef patties?

I’m a college student living on my own.
I bought a pack of frozen Tyson’s Grilled chicken to eat with rice + steamed veggies + beans (that I cook).
I wonder if it’s better to buy cooked or frozen meat rather than buying all the meat + condiments + cooking it.

I’m looking for the cheapest and fastest way to make foods. I don’t have a lot of money to spend.

Nagesh answers:

It takes time to make the food and it will be the cheaper.
It takes money to make it fast.

You have to decide how much effort you want to put into the preparation.
You can make a simple reasonably meal from opening cans, but if you cost out the contents of the tin, they are expensive.
I would suggest a combination of both where you can cook some foods that will last several meals that can be dressed up a bit with additions.
Your Chicken with rice, veggies and beans started from scratch is time consuming but will last for 3-4 meals. Each extra meal could be dressed up, chili in one, curry in another etc

Charles asks…


Good things happened to those that wait Nonsense good things go to those that chase. Nothing is going to come to you and waiting for money and depending on someone else to give you money is the guaranteed path to failure. I am going to teach you about something I’ve mastered the art of making money I will teach you how to make money fast and make it last! Now before you read foreword I need you to say “Everything I understand money is wrong” Believe me when I tell you I know more “tricks” to making money I am not talking about the cereal. I strongly believe if you can count your money by hand it’s not enough. You cannot make money being a good guy and following rules you must bend the rules and twist the rules. Bill gates the wealthiest man in the world(and soon to be second) robbed various ideas from the rival company of Microsoft Apple other affects to not only have what apple has but to have more. Bill gate is a marketing genius his products have all the affects of apple and more and are the same price. Which one would you buy its obvious? How could a guy who did not finish collage become the richest person in the world (and soon to be second). How could Shawn Carter (formerly known as jay z) become extremely wealth once again a person who did not go to college and grew up poor he created something out of nothing. So how could people who did not graduate from college and even some junior high school dropouts become so wealthy? Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune. Also they have mastered and carried out these proven techniques and now I will share them with you. I will teach you how to successfully run a business. Here at the six tips Create Something out of nothing, create a realistic business plan stick to it, Work Like A Slave Eat Like A King , Never stop looking for the best deals on products and buy low and sell high.

Something out of nothing

Fob a clothing company started in a basement but now is a multimillion dollar company. The people who created the clothing line did not have a lot of money but they took what they had and made something from nothing. The company was created by five neighbor friends living in queens New York the largest projects in the world. The company then became popular amongst queen New York and it became bigger. The five neighborhood friends who never thought they would grow this big did. How did they do this? They took what they had their expertise and made something out of it. If you are a great drawers draw and auction your pictures if you are a good writers sell your writings even if you have a basketball goal in your backyard charged to get on the court you will gain enough money eventually to extend your idea. If you know how to can teach offer to help a student in return of money. Once you gain enough you can even start your own tutoring company. Got a big screen get some movies charge people to come in your house to watch them. Go to an used bike store bikes cost about five dollars fix them up make them look better and they will sell for any more. Once you make a profit, invests half of it back in your business. Is it snowing? Shove snow? Good with computers teach the elderly mow lawns, wash cars, baby sit, and as soon as you make enough money washing cars you can buy more supplies hire your staff and send them to different areas to wash. Let them keep 25 percent of the money they made and you take the rest, you can do the same for shoving snow mowing lawns etc. Once you gain enough money you can expand your small company always looking for ways to make money you must be an opportunist, you must be a convincing, if you want to be wealthy.

•Create A Idea
•Expand on it
• Hire employees(optional)
•Launch it
•Advertise (business cards)
•Go find costumers
•Sell your products
• Be polite To Consumers give them two business cards one for a friend and for themselves
• Business Plan

Create a business plan stick to it if you are not making profits from it creates another one. As cannabis once said “A wise man sees failure as progress, a fool divorces his knowledge and misses the logic”. This philosophy is very important. First you must determine your objective. What are you trying to accomplish in your business what do you want to achieve? These are the questions you must ask. How will you achieve your objective? When will you achieve this? How will you make your company better than other similar company’s .Create a list of these things and then put it in an essay form get it copywriter and you have your business plan.

•What is your objective
•How will you achieve this
•When will you achieve this
•Create A List
•Put it in an essay form
•Get it copy writer

Work like a slave, eats like a king

Nothing will come to you, you must go out and get it this is serious good things go to those that wait is a lazy philosophy and it truly disgust me. Nobody can be successful unless he loves his work and put in work second place is the first losers place. to work like a slave you must work hard daily learn how to balance family school and other things with work. Read your competitors like a book constantly think of new ideas to receive more costumers everywhere you go bring out business cards .Go to the bookstore and place business cards in books that relate to your business. Put a banner on your car put it work and you will eat like a king.

•Put in work
•Eat like a king

Follow these proven methods and you will see results

Disclaimer: Note working constantly may lead to depression and tiredness

Nagesh answers:

Ok forget it, I got bored.

Congrats on the 10pts to who ever has the patience to do this.

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Wednesday, June 27th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Free

Joseph asks…

Help! I’m so overwhelmed and slight have eye pain, should I take a little breather?

I’m a recent college grad with a temp job working as a seasonal manager for a leasing company that does temporary body art at Six Flags theme parks. So, the job isn’t year around and therefore I have been actively searching for another job (graphic design is my field) for like the past two weeks; sent out resumes to positions through creatives on call, and three major staffing agencies—no luck and it sucks. I’ve also been looking for internet jobs that are the real money making deal; no scams (started using 2 days ago and not making much money). So lately, every free waking minute I have, all I’ve been doing is job hunting non stop and finding ways to earn extra money online. I’m so stressed. I’ve been getting panic attacks and crying spells and have nightmares about my current job. When I’m not at work or sleeping, I just go straight to my laptop, hunting, and I sometimes forget to eat and my eyes start to burn and water. I also get headaches, an runny nose, and have stomach problems. I saw the Dark Knight movie with my friend yesterday and I felt guilty for going cause I felt I had to get back to job hunting. I got depressed and couldn’t focus on the movie. While hanging at my friends house tonight, I was literally glued to my laptop all night long and he tried to get me to sit down with him to watch a Cheech and Chong movie. When he tried to get my attention, I got p*ssed and started yelling at him and lashed out saying “not now I’m busy.” I then justified to him that I have to keep tweeking my resume and job hunt non stop, or else I’ll lose my mind. He thought I was taking the job seeking thing way too seriously and that kinda made me even more mad at him. I feel a little nauseous right now and my eyes kinda burn. So, do I possibly need to tone things down a little and take a breather? What does anyone else here think?

Nagesh answers:

Yes, you do need to tone it down a lot and take a breather because you are taking job hunting to an extreme.

Consider job hunting to be something that will take you two hours per night, and then give it a rest. Go out with friends, focus on your relationships, go out to a nice dinner, take in a movie, whatever it is just try to balance your life a bit as it can be very stressful looking for a job and getting prepared for the interview, going to the interview and all the rest of it.

Donna asks…

Help! I’m so overwhelmed and irritable, do I just need to take a breather?

I’m a recent college grad with a temp job working as a seasonal manager for a leasing company that does temporary body art at Six Flags theme parks. So, the job isn’t year around and therefore I have been actively searching for another job (graphic design is my field) for like the past two weeks; sent out resumes to positions through creatives on call, and three major staffing agencies—no luck and it sucks. I’ve also been looking for internet jobs that are the real money making deal; no scams (started using 2 days ago and not making much money). So lately, every free waking minute I have, all I’ve been doing is job hunting non stop and finding ways to earn extra money online. I’m so stressed. I’ve been getting panic attacks and crying spells and have nightmares about my current job. When I’m not at work or sleeping, I just go straight to my laptop, hunting, and I sometimes forget to eat and my eyes start to burn and water. I also get headaches, an runny nose, and have stomach problems. I saw the Dark Knight movie with my friend yesterday and I felt guilty for going cause I felt I had to get back to job hunting. I got depressed and couldn’t focus on the movie. While hanging at my friends house tonight, I was literally glued to my laptop all night long and he tried to get me to sit down with him to watch a Cheech and Chong movie. When he tried to get my attention, I got p*ssed and started yelling at him and lashed out saying “not now I’m busy.” I then justified to him that I have to keep tweeking my resume and job hunt non stop, or else I’ll lose my mind. He thought I was taking the job seeking thing way too seriously and that kinda made me even more mad at him. I feel a little nauseous right now and my eyes kinda burn. So, do I possibly need to tone things down a little and take a breather? What does anyone else here think?

Nagesh answers:

Yes…you may need to chill. Job hunting is kind of a hurry up and wait thing. Especially a professional job like yours. The only reason you have a resume is to get the interview. Once you are in the interview, you will most likely do well and get hired.

It also sounds like you are focused on the computer mostly to search. Are you trying professional magazines or actually visiting professional social events. I also used my Universities career counseling as a resource. Give them a call and they will help you because you are an alum.

You may need to take a less desirable position for the mean time to pay the bills. Try to enjoy it. You will have plenty of time to get stressed out. My buddy took a job at a video store for 5 years until he landed a killer job. He moon lighted in a bar band playing guitar. Girlfriend finished business school. She decided to enter into the McDonald’s leader ship program. Took a a little while to become a shift manager then landed a job with a large airline.

Have you tried They have search engines and advice. I figured out USA and got a job with federal government.

Good Luck

Paul asks…

Read this email. Is it a SCAM?

, Hi

Thank you for your interest in this position.

We are seeking a self motivated individual with the desire to work with online advertising. You will need a computer with Internet access, a valid e-mail account, and basic typing skills. The position involves processing typed responses from advertisements placed online. These responses vary in length according to each client that you work with. You will not be required to type any sort of negative or inappropriate material. You can consistently process an average of 5 orders per day, and make approximately $150-$500 a week. Further inquiries about processing will be explained in specific detail in the training materials. All transactions will be processed through your e-mail account. There is no contract to sign with this position, and the amount you choose to process is entirely up to you. As with any position, you must be able to respond to advertisements in a timely manner. The benefit of this position is to work from home around your own schedule.

Basic Internet knowledge
Good typing skills
Willingness to learn and set goals

You will be paid $10.00 to $20.00 for each order that you process. The amount of money you earn is entirely up to you, but please be advised that you will be responsible for keeping track of your earnings during tax season, as we do not take out any taxes or provide you with a 1099 form.

The training material you will receive will give you step-by-step instructions on how to get started. Once you receive your training materials, you may begin working immediately. There are no special software requirements for this position.

You will receive your payments through PayPal for each order that you process. These payments will be made electronically through (our Online Payment Company of choice). There is a ONE TIME non-refundable fee of $15.00 USD. This covers the cost of the training materials being sent to you. Once you process your first response, you will have made back this fee. This is just a small processing fee, protecting us from those who are not serious about doing this work. No business can cover administrative costs, wasted time or provide costly materials to everyone who inquires about this position. If this is not acceptable to you, or you cannot afford this cost, please disregard this e-mail. To ease any worry you may have, PayPal has a MONEY BACK GUARANTEE that if you pay for an item and do NOT receive it – they will refund your money. The training materials and information will be sent to your e-mail within 24 hours of payment, and you may begin working the very same day. If you do not have PayPal, you can go to to set up a free account. Send your payment through PayPal to the payment address for your training materials. After payment, you will receive your materials within 24 hours. If you do not, please e-mail me with your PayPal address so I can confirm receipt.

Sincerely, Al
THANXS EVERYONE. i wish it worked. but had a bad feeling =(

Nagesh answers:

Yes it is a scam. I would say that because no businesses use personal addresses such as

Thomas asks…

Do you think this job is a scam?

Hello _____,

First and foremost, thank you for your interest. If you have a high speed internet connection and valid email address you can do this job.

Job Outline
• Work from home or wherever you have internet access
Earn $250‐$500 per week
• Full training provided
• Completely legitimate with the American Business Standards for online work
• You set your own hours
• We will send everything you need to get started

• Computer with a valid email address
• Able to follow simple directions
• Good typing skills
• Basic computer and internet knowledge

This is a home‐based employment. Perfect for a stay at home mom or dad or anyone who has spare time to fill and wants to earn extra money from the comfort of home, making REAL MONEY. There are no surveys, cold calling strangers, blogs, or click banks. You will actually need to work with your computer, answering emails at least 4 hours a day helping other people. You set your own hours. Work is available all day, every day. Literally.

You will be processing applications online. All training is provided in our step by step easy to follow directions. This is a REAL home‐based job that gives you the opportunity to make $100 a day. This is not a “get rich quick” system.

The average person can make $300‐$500 per week. The amount you earn is up to you and how much time and effort you put forth. THIS IS SIMPLE DATA ENTRY. You are paid daily through your Secure Paypal account. If you do not have a Paypal account you can open one for FREE at

The training kit gives step by step directions on how to get started and how to improve your financial situation. Once you receive the training kit you can start work instantly. Truth be told… Training kits do not come cheap, in order for us to stay afloat and to guarantee some sort of revenue we do charge a one time fee for the training kit of $12 to be sent by Paypal to . It may seem a little fishy but you must understand that a mere 12 dollars is nothing compared to turn around rate that you will see when you start working for us… I hope you can understand this as to any applicants are a bit skeptical…

Thank you and I’ll keep in touch

Nagesh answers:

My guess is that the job is selling the same kit that you will receive for $12. It is a pyramid scheme.

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William asks… Is this site for real?

Received this e-mail from this e-mail address is this for real or scam/possible worm? Federal Bureau of Investigation
J. Edgar Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20535-0001, USA


We believe this notification meets you in a very good present state of mind and health. We the Federal bureau of investigation (FBI) Washington, DC in conjuction with some other relevant Investigation Agencies here in the United states of America have recently been informed through our Global intelligence monitoring network that you presently have a transaction going on with the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) as regards to your over-due contract payment which was fully endorsed in your favour accordingly.

It might interest you to know that we have taken out time in screening through this project as stipulated on our protocol of operation and have finally confirmed that your contract payment is 100% genuine and hitch free from all facet and of which you have the lawful right to claim your fund without any further delay.Having said all this, we will further advise that you go ahead in dealing with the Central Bank office accordingly as we will be monitoring all their services with you as well as your correspondence at all level.

In addendum, also be informed that we recently had a meeting with the Executive Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, in the person of Prof. Chukwuma Soludo along with some of the top officials of the Ministry regarding your case and they made us to understand that your file has been held in abase depending on when you personally come for the claim. They also told us that the only problem they are facing right now is that some unscrupulous element are using this project as an avenue to scam innocent people off their hard earned money by impersonating the Executive Governor and the Central Bank office.

We were also made to understand that a lady with name Mrs. Joan C. Bailey from OHIO has already contacted them and also presented to them all the necessary documentations evidencing your claim purported to have been signed personally by you prior to the release of your contract fund valued at about US$8,000,000.00 (Eight millionunited states dollars), but the Central Bank office did the wise thing by insisting on hearing from you personally before the go ahead on wiring your fund to the Bank informations which was forwarded to them by the above named Lady so that was the main reason why they contacted us so as to assist them in making the investigations.

They further informed us that we should warn our dear citizens who must have been informed of the contract payment which was awarded to them from the Central Bank of Nigeria, to be very careful prior to this irregularities so that they don’t fall victim to this ugly circumstance. And should incase you are already dealing with anybody or office claiming to be from the Central Bank of Nigeria, you are further advised to STOP further contact with them in your best interest and then contact immediately the real office of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) only with the below informations accordingly:


OFFICE ADDRESS: Central Bank of Nigeria,
Central Business District,
Cadastral Zone,
Abuja, Federal Capital Territory,

TEL: 234-802-058-7008


Nagesh answers:

You’re not serious.

This is the classic spam scam

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Tuesday, June 26th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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