Your Questions About Money Making Schemes

Daniel asks…

How can I make money using google adsense? No ads please to money making schemes.?

How can I make money using google adsense? No ads please to money making schemes . I made a little bit of money adding a google search box to my site. it took me about 3 months to make $100 dollars how can I make more money?

Nagesh answers:

Making money with Google Adsense is not that easy as many people think. You need to be consistent in updating your website or blog whatever you use.

Because to make money you need people to visit your website and that to happen you either need to advertise your website using Pay per click program like adwords/yahoo network or you need traffic from search engines. If your website don’t have visitors then no body is going to click on your ads.

So create your site on good niche (Keyword) that should be low competitive with higher number of searches and write 30-40 good quality articles with 2-3% keyword density around that niche. Update your website weekly or if possible daily.

Use all number of allowable ads on your each pages, track the result. Optimize the Adsense ads according to your website color. I hope this will help you and if you want more info in depth then…..

Joseph asks…

What were the money making schemes Henry Hill and other gangsters used to make a living?

I just want to know because I am writing a paper about the subject

Nagesh answers:

They hijacked lorries and their cargoes. They offer “protection” to company’s in return for a payment. Dealing in narcotics. They bought into company’s then used that company’s bank account to buy produce then they let the company go bankrupt which leaves their suppliers with a lot of unpaid bills. They commited arson to receive an insurance pay out.

Helen asks…

does anyone know any good money making schemes?

im saving up to buy a moped but my part time job doesnt pay very well. thanks x

Nagesh answers:

The best scheme is working hard at your job.

Nancy asks…

Money making schemes?

is it possible to make money from currency exchange?

Nagesh answers:

Currency exchange is SPECULATION
that is Gambling … You can do it if you have enough spare change to risk on it.
But if you loose, you have to be able to take the loss, don’t “invest” the GROCERY MONEY!

George asks…

Psychics, are you making a material mistake, going broke trying to make money?

Concerning yourselves too much with money making schemes
to “see” the people around you that can bring you Fortune and Fame?

Anthony Silva

Nagesh answers:

No, I do very well thank you.

I find it is spiritually empowering to charge money for my spiritual services such as psychic readings. Money is simply a form of exchange. Exchange for our time, training, and service is necessary and important, particularly in the society and age we live in.

Here’s my advice to help good psychics, tarot readers and astrologers to become professionals. Http://

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Tuesday, August 14th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast For Kids

Chris asks…

How can I make money as a kid?

Im in 6th grade and im wanting to buy a pair of vans for $40-$55 and plus i want video games and that kind of stuff so does anyone know how to make money fast? P.S. I usually only get 20$ a month for allowance.

Nagesh answers:

Okay Please don’t take offense to this, but to make it easy, I’m going to do step by step instructions on how to get babysitting jobs right at your computer.

1. Go to craigslist and make an account

2. Post a add under community/childcare or pet care be sure to make it sound like you can babysit very well, I say i will take attentive care of your child while you are away. Be sure to put your cell-phone number, not your home phone, but if you don’t have a cell than home phone is fine

3. Make lots and lots of posters about your babysitting and use all the tips i said in step 2. Put them around places not near a highway, place them on posts around neighborhoods where people like to walk.

4. Bike or walk around until you see a women/man who has children and give them a “flyer” and ask if they need a babysitter. ( I got 2 jobs this way)

5. BE SURE TO BE ASSERTIVE!! Ask for an amount of money and STICK TO IT! If they don’t want to pay you that much then tell them by. You DO NOT want to look like a kid that people can take advantage of.

I made a crapload of money doing this. Thank you goodbye

Sandra asks…

How to make money fast for kids?

I’m am 12 and I really need money. My parents don’t let me go somewhere by myself and they don’t let me go to my
friend house. And plus they don’t let me get paid for chores

Nagesh answers:

Start an errand and odd job service in your neighborhood. Print up flyers and hand them out to your neighbors. If business picks up, hire some of your friends to help you.

Lizzie asks…

what are some jobs you can do in the winter to get fast money (for kids)?

i really want a dsi off ebay but it costs $88 itself. i only have $5 and it will only be on ebay for 5 days including today. it rarely snows here so shoveling snow is off my list, and i need money FAST… any suggestions????
i just looked on ebay and there was one for 110 dollars, and is up for 28 days so that gives me more hope to get the money, please HELP! 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Shovel and salt driveways. Try the oppressor of a lemonade standand sell hot chocolate but out doesn’t sound very profitable

Betty asks…

How to get Money (For Kids)?

I’m 11 years old and i need money fast..PLease No Internet Surveys and stuff like that! i just need quick money for a cool nerf gun! >=] and my parents wont give me any alouwens (spelling fail)

Nagesh answers:

Wow…no allowance? Welcome to the way I grew up over 50 years ago. IF you wanted something for yourself you went out and EARNED the money for it.

Three words…Professional Pooper Scooper. People will actually PAY you to pick up their dog’s poop. The supplies needed to get started is low-cost (a roll or two of plastic pooper scooper bags, some paper sacks or small plastic trash bags, and some flyers to advertise with).

I would probably ask $7.50 for the back yard and offer a “Front and Back Yard Special” for $10-. Only accept CASH.

George asks…

How can a kid get money FAST?!?

I’m 13 and want a new 3DS. I can’t wait until my birthday, my parents are in a tight spot and can’t give me the money (even if I worked for it). I don’t like doing work like mowing lawns, etc. If I try to get money online I have to complete offers and get close to no money. How can I get quick, safe, easy $300 or so?
I’m basically on my own and I’m hoping to do online stuff that really work and you don’t have to do offers and give out so much information about yourself. Is there any contests to enter? Help!!!
I’m an artist. What I mean is I’m really good at art. Are there any contests that I can enter for lots of money? That are close to ending so I don’t have to wait a long time?

Nagesh answers:

What! I guess Ive been behind on technology last DS I remember was the DSi. You can walk dogs, Take a CPR class and start babysitting.

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Monday, August 13th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online

Donald asks…

How to make fast money online?

I lost my job last week and need some extra money to tide me over for a while. Any suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

Earn income working very little hours…

You can choose when you want you work!

Training is given so no need for experience…


William asks…

Is there any REAL way to make fast money online?

I lost my job due to medical reasons back in May. Since then I haven’t worked or been able too. I’m going to see a doctor that will be able to treat me but my insurance wont cover her. its going to be 100-200$ a month for a few months. Since i’m unable to actually get a job right now, is there any way i can make a few 100 online?

Nagesh answers:

Sign up in this site:

You view advertisements and get paid for it.

Paul asks…

How can a fourteen-year old make money fast online without doing surveys?

My b_day is coming up and i want a lotta stuff and i need some extra money but how?

Nagesh answers:

I checked out the website that someone else gave as an answer:

It looks like a scam to me. Half of the website doesn’t work and not professional looking. And for pete’s sake, they’re terms and conditions don’t even come up either. I wouldn’t give them any information.

Unfortunately to answer your question, making lots of money fast in anything not without putting in lots of effort. Maybe you can sell stuff on ebay?

Donna asks…

How do i make money online fast and free?

Hey all i have to find a way to make 15 bucks to pay for another month of my favorate online game. Can someone give me some ways to make 15.00 online without spending money to get it turned back on?

Nagesh answers:

Well there is no fine way but like there is this site, you can do data entry jobs there and see how much you can make

Thomas asks…

How to make money online fast and easy?

I am looking for a way to make money online as soon as possible. I am in need of money for my debts and could really use a way to make money without having to go through the stress of learning codes and other nonsense.

Nagesh answers:

Looking for a way to make money as soon as possible then you should try I joined yesterday and I am very happy. You get your own branded website company and a whole bunch of products when you join. Things that cover your cost of traffic for the rest of your life. Plus you get a 10,000 clickbank ebook store to sell ebooks with a click of your mouse. Plus there are live monitors that close the deal for you. No where else does that. I love this company. You should try them they are definitely worth it..

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Sunday, August 12th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes That Work

Laura asks…

any actually make money at home things that work websites?????

you know the little scheme like things were you do something on computer and make money if so websites and requirements and if its free that would really be a plus just asking now thanks

Nagesh answers:

“If a company requires initial payment from you in order to work for them, they are not legitimate.”

There are a few legitimate data entry companies but are not hiring and have large waiting lists (1-2yrs). The majority of data entry jobs you seen online are scams. A real company will want you to have skills inc fast typing, may want you to know MS Excel, and will usually ask that you have high speed internet. Once in a long while you may found one online on a job website but thats rare.

If you do an advanced search on yahoo, you will find previous answers, sometimes the info on these is good as the info they gave is likely to have been verified if the answer was voted as ‘Best’.

Sandy asks…

Is having children a good way to make money?

Times are hard, nobody can deny that. I was just wondering whether having children is a good money making scheme. I know tons of girls teenage or early twenties who have had one or more children and are being paid for it, they dont even have to work or anything they just stay at home with the baby and the goverment gives them money.
Yes, people say that you loose money but i dont see it happening to anyone, they are better off than they were before
Adam are you single, you sound like good father material.

Maybe my friends are selling drugs or themselves then because they are affording more expensive clothes and more free time etc than they did before

Nagesh answers:

Honestly, if you have no money to start with, then yes – having a few kids and getting more government assistance does result in you having more money in the end. But the amount you get is absolutely not a reason to have kids; get a job and work and when you’re ready have kids and you’ll be much further ahead financially.

And you’ll have your pride in tact.

Donna asks…

Are the Government making it harder for people to find work?

I personally think they are. I am currently unemployed living on my Mums sofa. Because I don’t have kids and classed as single there is literally no help for me. The Jobs market is very poor at the moment because a lot of Jobs are either part time or Temp work paying minimum wage. Now the coalition Government are doing this stupid, pointless apprentice schemes paying below the national minimum wage, Which companies are exploiting for cheap labour. Most of them Jobs are not really apprentice jobs. they are normal Jobs that any 1 can do.

They keep taking peoples Jobs away and not creating new ones. The theme seems to be low pay, Part time, temp work and its even got to the stage where you could end up earning less than £6.08 an hour because of these stupid apprentice schemes which companies are really making people work for cheap labour.

For a person who is unemployed and trying to make something of themselves its very difficult and I don’t think the current Government is the answer.

To sum it up – No money, very little prospect, no stability because of the way things are at the moment in the Job market.
@ Kathy and Jimmy – Not all unemployed people are bums. There are a lot of people out there that would love a Job and a routine. and the theory of get a part time Job and work your way up is far from reality because in this day and age that sort of scenario is becoming more uncommon. (Not impossible)
Also yeah take a part time Job if offered one I agree its better than no Job.

Nagesh answers:

Conservative governments favour big business by trying to keep the price of labour as low as possible. Keeping unemployment high means that the supply of labour outstrips the demand, forcing the price down.

Conservative governments have consistently used high unemployment as policy, to prevent the working man using the price of his labour to eat into their business profits.

Michael asks…

Why don’t Google Adwords allow all clickbank ads?

I have seen the making money schemes and they proved it alot that the program worked. I wanted to promote it on Adwords. But if Adwords doesn’t allow it, why is it against their policy? Is it because all the money making affiliates site on Clickbanks is a scam?

Nagesh answers:

Either they proved it a lot, or thy’re a scam. Which is it? Or is it just your English?? Just because someone talks and talks and talks on a website does not mean credibility or that they proved anything. What are you talking about??

Maria asks…

Why are Christians unmoving while living in a watershed moment?

You really have to be so narrow-minded that your ears touch, to overlook the overwhelming holes in your bible, and the flood of real (KNOWLEDGE) thats there in your (PUBLIC) library, because burning books just isnt an option anymore. Do you really think that the scientific work done by great people is the work of SATAN. Religions are the biggest money making schemes of all times, and I am reminded of the saying that a sucker is born every second. Now just think about the sheep that sent money to the Christian Jim’s, Jim Jones, Jim Baker, Jimmy Swaggert. The world is flat, the sun revolves around the earth. Folks I’ve witnessed christians get their arses handed to them because they have (NO) intellectual property, this is turning into a tragic comedy.

Nagesh answers:

YOU ARE SO RIGHT. Dude i’ve been looking for an answer this impressive. I’ve opened several questions on the same type of thing.
spread the word
i’ve advertised this question at many places. You really know whats up. Go to my question and bust it wide open. I can’t believe someone said what you said so well.

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Saturday, August 11th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Runescape

Jenny asks…

How can i make money on runescape FAST as a member?

How can i make runescape $$$ FAST as a member? I dont want to merch and dont want to take forever…

Nagesh answers:

Kill green dragons in chaos tunnels and use games necklace to bank at wilderness volcano.

Mandy asks…

How to make good and fast money on runescape?

I want to make good and fast money on runescape but I do not want to kill green dragons. are there any other ways to make money fast. my username for runescape is zero1181 if you need to see my skills.

Nagesh answers:

Ok if you want to learn how to make money in runescape I am your solution!


When i started merchanting I had 2k and in 2 Weeks i got it up to 108k and i loged in only once a day for not even 2 min. How did i do it? I’ll tell you:

1) First what you need to do is go to the GE (grand exchange) and purchase as many feathers as you can buy BUT BUY THEM AT LOWEST PRICE ONLY!!!! (curently thats only 5 gp)

2) Log in the next day (or at least 12 hours after you atempted to buy the feathers) and your offer should be made and you will have alot of feathers! YAY!!!!! But now you will have to sell them at 6gp each that gives you 1 gp for every feather…that may not seem like much but once you do it you will realize how much the profit is (ALOT!!!!!!!!!!)

here are some more ways to get some mula:…

Sandra asks…

how to lvl up fast and make money in runescape?

i need to know ways to lvl up fast in runescape while making money a the same time
mine is devo496

Nagesh answers:

That depends on your level right now. If you’re under level 10, fight goblins, as they don’t do much damage, and drop runes and coins and bones. The bones sell really well in the grand exchange.

If you’re level 30 or so, fight Hill Giants, they drop runes, gems, armor, money and big bones. Big bones sell for somewhere around 300 each. They also drop limpwarts, which also sell for good cash in the Grand Exchange. Every time I sell them, they go really fast.

Theres a great money making guide in the runescape forums, under skills called Money Tips Here, and it’s written by a mod, so they know what they’re talking about.

Add me in game, I’ll get you more ideas. My user name is My Cuppa Joe. (I like coffee! LOL)

Richard asks…

How can i make fast money on runescape classic.?

I started playing RSCangel (rs classic private server) and i dont know how i can make money fast.
I started playing rscangel a rs classic private server and i want to know how i can make money fast.(this isnt real rsc its rscangel but its very similar if not exactly like rsc).

Nagesh answers:

I fish since my fishing lvl’s 65 so I harpoon swordfish. I get about 5k~6k each time I fill my inventory

Donald asks…

How do i make fast money on runescape?

I am combat level 66. With skills of Attack:58 Strength:42 Defense:60 Range:31 Magic:53. I am wondering what is a good combat way to make money fast. I also have other skills that might be useful. Woodcutting:30 Hunting:51. I am member btw.
I am not dancing for money. I actually give money away to dancers. AND I AM DEFINITELY NOT BOLTING
Botting i mean

Nagesh answers:

Buy all the items you can from the chest in the basement in Lumby Castle, including pie pans & cake tins.

Buy fishing items in Catherby, seaweed, pineapples, raw rabbit, knives, etc. In Catherby.

Buy water filled vials, meat, knives, etc. In Ardy.

Get sand from Bert in Yanille. Buy chocolate & other items in Yanille, Buy food for pets & hunting items in Yanille.

Catch & sell fish.

In Varrock, buy elemental runes & sell ’em.

Sell all this stuff on the GE.

Buy Battlestaves & sell those. Good $.

Do as many quests as you possibly can.

Mine pure ess & sell that.

Oooh-catch swamp lizards SE of Canifis-great $!

Use a blessed silver sickle in the swamp to sprout mushroom thingys & sell those for a lot.

: )

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Friday, August 10th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

Michael asks…

how to earn through internet on home?

hi my name is Nikhlesh I am looking for net jobs like data-entry, ad posting job survey etc. I have spend approximate Rs 5000 in money making program but i didn’t get anything. plz help me to find out a best net job

Nagesh answers:

I have joined many programs over the years, some are scams and some are not.

People are so skeptical now and with good reason but it takes
common sense and willingness to actually think and work.

Choose a topic you enjoy and do searches for free affiliate programs
in that niche. Build a website or blog around that topic using
the proper keywords and the keywords that will actually get
you attention from users looking for the info you are offering.

Do not choose your domain name or subdomain name without doing your keyword research first. If you choose a keyword phrase to name it, your chances of showing up in the first few pages of search results improves greatly.

Short Tutorial

You can get a domain @

Easy free website builder and Excellent free domain or subdomain
website hosting. You can just use a subdomain from them if you do not want to purchase a domain now.

It’s a supersimple, fun and powerful way to share your interests, build
your online identity and credibility, and connect with new readers and
friends. It’s all free, and you could even earn a royalty for charity
or yourself.

If you do not want to build a website or blog, you can also write
classifieds using the keyword phrases and post to free classified

Join free (no website needed).
Many excellent products you can promote and
earn a commission. Just about any subject you
can think of, they have a product.

Products you can sell for free and get 100% Commission

Good Luck!

Susan asks…

Earn money from home?

work from home, data entry jobs, easy typing job, online surveys job, part time job, Work From Home, Money Making Website, work at home, earn form home, Part Time Jobs, home business, business opportunity, Money Through Internet, Best Online

Nagesh answers:

The best way to earn money from home is to find a business that pays you for affiliate sales as well as provides residual income. It has to have a product to sell that people want, and and good coaching. Check out my blog to learn more

Betty asks…

As a pastor who is on a full time pastoral job, what are possible avenues through which I can earn good money?

I chose to the the pastoral work on a full time basis. Yet, my present income is not sufficient for me, as I am married, and my wife is studying in a higher institution and I pay her bills. I wish to know how I could work from home through the internet, to earn some reasonable amount of money at my own convinient pace, without being physically attached to any company.

I am a published author and enjoys reading and writing so much.

Nagesh answers:

·Hey, today there are many ways in which you can work from home and work online part/full time on your computer and earn extra money without being duped by frauds and scams–

Online data entry,
Medical/general transcription,
write articles,
Translation and proof reading,
sell on eBay,
make a website,
take surveys..

And much much more..and all of these options do not need any kind of investment ever!!!



More details at-

Charles asks…

Does anybody know how can I earn money from home on the internet?

Hi. I currently have a long term illness and cannot get out to work. I would like to earn some money working from home, possibly on the internet. I have spent hours trawling through internet websites looking for work from home jobs, but they all seem to be a scam. Asking for me to pay money to them for details of the work etc.. I would love a genuine, part time or full time job at home doing anything. I have tried selling things on Ebay, but now have nothing left to sell. I am desperate to work and I don’t mind what I do as long as I’m working. I live in the UK.
Any help and advice would be very much appreciated.
Thank you

Nagesh answers:

The first thing to consider is that if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Jobs don’t ask for money… “opportunities” do. Jobs ask for your social security number because they have to deduct taxes or send you a 1099 form. The down side is that getting your SS number also opens you up to identity theft. With that in mind, you may proceed in your search. The ONLY legitimate work from home situations that you should consider is either checked out with the Better Business Bureau or your own business in which you know that the financial and legal issues are covered. Business is a legal venture … Make sure you’re protected and safe.

Mark asks…

how could i get the perfect link for home business or online business?

i want to earn money through internet so what are the links for good online business

Nagesh answers:


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Thursday, August 9th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes

Paul asks…

Needs money making schemes?

im 14 and i need some money making schemes, i have to save up for a decent laptop and i have to make at least 300 pounds so it gonna be tricky but i have to get it by the time im in year 11 which is sept next year 🙂 soo any ideas

Nagesh answers:

Candle making is the simplest & most profitable job u can do it in the home & can easily learn it on the you tube .

Richard asks…

Easy money making schemes uk..?

does anyone know any?? prefure idea’s without use of Internet

Nagesh answers:

Window cleaner….cheap startup costs and with a bit of time and effort you can make £20 per hour.

William asks…

Is Christianity a money-making scheme? Please read my explanation, I think Christianity is a big fraud?

So in the Bible somewhere it says you HAVE to go to church. Church REQUIRES you to pay 10% to be considered a pure or good Christian. This has been going on for centuries too!

Just a thought that popped in my head.

Nagesh answers:

Nowhere in the Bible does it say you HAVE to give to the church, nor does it REQUIRE you to pay 10%. How much you tithe or do not tithe also has nothing to do with your measure as a Christian.


Steven asks…

Is Feng Shui just a money making scheme or is there truth to it?

I do believe getting rid of clutter matters but but don’t know if that is feng shUI

Nagesh answers:

Decluttering is certainly an aspect of feng shui. I think there is something to it outside of a cult following. You don’t really need to follow all the principles to get benefit from certain aspects. Simply rearranging furniture or changing a color scheme or adding some plants or a water feature can improve feng shui. When your environment is inviting and comfortable and conducive to harmony, it stands to reason life will work better.

Charles asks…

Psychics, are yu making a material mistake, going broke trying to make money?

Concerning yourselves too much with money making schemes
to “see” the people around you that can bring you Fortune and Fame?

Anthony Silva

Nagesh answers:

No, I do very well thankyou.

I find it is spiritually empowering to charge money for my spiritual services such as psychic readings. Money is simply a form of exchange. Exchange for our time, training, and service is necessary and important, particularly in the society and age we live in.

Here’s my advice to help good psychics, tarot readers and astrologers to become professionals. Http://

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Wednesday, August 8th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast Online

Donald asks…

How to make money online? what is the best way to make money online?

is there a best way to make money online? is there a fast way to make it? are they legitimate?

Nagesh answers:

They are all scams, I suggest you to better stay away from this BS.

Sandra asks…

how can i make money online, fast?

how can i make money online fast! and preff. a way where i do not have to spend money to earn it please 🙂

Nagesh answers:

CNN had an extensive report on this.
They found that more than 99% of these Work at Home sites were fraudulent.
They could not verify the other 1%.

If you feel you can beat these odds, I applaud your enthusiasm and determination.
Good luck in your endeavors….

Ken asks…

How to make money online fast?

I found some great ways to save and make only online at but I need some more information.

Nagesh answers:

The best program is through friendfinder, there is no fees or up front investments, its free to become an affiliate. You can track your stats in real time and they pay you $1.00 for everybody who signs up for a FREE account and even more for each person that pays for an account. You cant beat that. The link to sign up is

I make over $1000 a month and not that I’m all set up, I only put a few hours a month into it, you can make allot more if you put more time into it. And, they dont make you pay anything up front.

David asks…

how to make money online? what is the best way to make money online?

is there a best way to make money online? is there a fast way to make it? are they legitimate?

Nagesh answers:

I’ll pay you $15 via paypal for about 30-45 minutes of work.

Sign up here

All this first signup requires is your email address and you choose a password. Then email me and I’ll tell you exactly what to do. It’s real. I’ll show you how.

Ruth asks…

HELP! Is there any real fast ways to make money?

I’m trying to find a real way to make money online. surveys suck yes you make a little but none that i found have been worth the effort and they are to hard to keep up with. some one please help, teach me how. I’m a paramedic and God knows we don’t make much money. I really need something that works with little or no cash to start would be best.

Nagesh answers:

Go to antique stores or thrift stores and find old things of value and resell them on ebay. I was doing this last summer and I tripled my money.

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Tuesday, August 7th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Legally

Betty asks…

how can I make money legally quickly…not the lottery people, i know what you are thinking, thanks?

Nagesh answers:

My first piece of advice is to set your goals and make them realistic… “money” and “quickly” are far too vague to decipher what’s on your mind. Are you looking to make $25 or $5,000 and are you talking in a week, two weeks, month or what??? Only YOU can answer those questions. Money isn’t made quickly … It’s earned and worked for. Consider your own business using your skills and interests to find and fill a need for your customers whether that is with products, services or a combination of the two. Depending on your age, energy level, and all kinds of considerations you may wish to write a newsletter on topics of interest to you and your subscribers. You may want to start a painting or window washing service. Maybe you could sell yard sale finds on Ebay, Craig’s List or another site for auctions or fixed price sales. You could open a business doing bookkeeping for small or home businesses if accounting is your thing. Do you have any crafts you can make and sell … Tshirts? Ceramics? Jewelry??? There are so many things you can do but the answer has to come inside of yourself. If you don’t want to do something, don’t have the equipment for it, and mainly don’t have a market for it… It won’t fly. Be honest with yourself and the right spark will come and be contageous that you’ll have customers coming to you instead of spinning your wheels trying to find customers. Don’t wait for your ship to come in … Swim out to meet it!!!

Jenny asks…

how to make lots of money and quickly?

Whats the best way to make lots of moneylegally and no scams.

Nagesh answers:

Hard work.

Seriously, if there was a way we’d all be doing it already.

Chris asks…

13 year old looking for a way to make money, fast! – 10 points.?

I Need to make at least £200.00 by the end of the summer holidays(about 20 days) Quickly and legally.

Nagesh answers:

Babysitting, babysitting, mother’s helper-do the chores the mom can’t get to because she may have just had a baby, and she is overwhelmed, or just needs someone to watch a sibling child while she is busy with new born… sitting, feeding of pets while people vacation…light yard work or clean up… Washing vehicles inside and out….do you have interests you could teach little ones? My daughter is a ballet student and sometimes the director of her studio needs an assistant with like, little kid’s dance or creative movements. She also babysits for teachers who must bring their little ones to studio while they teach dance.
Good luck!

Lizzie asks…

How could I make 2000 quickly?!?

I need 2000 dollars, and I need it fast. I need it legally and I’m not over 18 so please don’t suggest anything stupid. I can’t take a loan because I’m underage and I have a job but I only make 20 dollars a day. I need the money quickly and I’m sure that there are ways I could make it, so can someone please help me…
kay, so a way illegally would bee..?

Nagesh answers:

Beg Mommy & Daddy. That’s the *only* way you’ll get it.

Sharon asks…

What are the most successful fundraisers for Marching Bands? any ideas?

We are a Band Booster Assoc. trying to raise money for a National Trip to Atlanta for our local H.S. Marching Band. Just looking for some creative ideas which can make a lot of money quickly but legally!! Ha Ha!!

Nagesh answers:

Well, in the comic strip “Funky Winkerbean,” the band sold turkeys!

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Monday, August 6th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast Online

Daniel asks…

how can i get money fast?

i need money but i dont like making money online how can i get money fast

Nagesh answers:

A job

Sharon asks…

How do I get small money fast ($50-$100/month)? Is online business an option? Please coach me?

I am looking for an easy online business from home. Which can generate small money of $50-$100 per month. Can you show me programs which can easily do that? Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

You can only obtain legitimate work from home positions from brick and mortar companies.

You want to send your resume out to companies hiring for positions you are qualified for, but include in your resume that you have a home office and you wish to work remotely. Include how you have your home office set up and what equipment you already have in order for you to perform your job.

These jobs are just going to advertised as jobs, they would not promote them as “work at home” because they would hear from too many unqualified people

Nancy asks…

what is the best way to make money on line fast?

I get so many emails about making alot on money online. what is the best one?

Nagesh answers:

Email me, If you have any question about what I am going to share with you, (just click on my “yahoo name). I spend about 12 hours a week making extra money doing the suggestion that I am about to give you..
(a) Sell items on the Internet. I started out by selling extra items that Ihad at home, now I go to yard sales, check out discount bins at stores, etc and resell them for a profit on the net.
(b) This is the easiest way (for me) to make extra money. Believe it or not, I make extra pocket change by “reading emails. I just click on a email link and wait for a timer to expire, close the link and move onto the next email. It is a simple as that.
(c) Another popular way is to start your own blog and or website. You can share your experience or expertise, provide information ,sell items etc. It may take and effort to make money from your blog or website, but try to design it properly and your site or blog will start to make you money. The Internet is a great form of extra income because the internet is open 24 hours a day and seven days a week…Hopefully, you will find my answer helpful!!! I will post the link that I used for most of my information below, the information is free

James asks…

is there any way to make a decent amount of money online???

is there a way i can make fast money doing something online…i dont want no stupid crap…im being completely serious i need to make some good money to get a car!!!!! fast!!

Nagesh answers:

I’ve visited and participated in various sites where people can make money and was most annoyed by how many of them used “employees” as spam mules. For example, Cash Crate requires its people to pass out their email addresses like they’re candy, and though people might make a couple of dollars here and there for their efforts, no one compensates them for the amount of spam their email (or alternately managed email) address receives.

If you’d like to read a list of options which includes spam-free sites like DeviantArt, Zenfolio, eHow, and so many others, please click on the link below.

Carol asks…

I need some money fast please help ?

Hi i need a drum set for school n my mom is makeing me buy one myself n im to young to get a job, so i need free ways to make money online

Nagesh answers:

Sell things around ur house on craigslist,ebayor etc

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Sunday, August 5th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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