Your Questions About Money Making Schemes For Kids

John asks…

Identity Theft…Should I proceed with subpoena?

Financial Planner stole my identity…?
Several years ago my financial planner was putting together my portfolio which included some stocks, annuities etc. that my parents were going to give me as a gift. Well, my father was out of the country and he told me that he wanted to be present when All of these gifts were switched from his name to mine. I fully understood and told the planner we’d need to wait. Well, when my father returned in 3 weeks I received a call from him and he was extremely upset. He asked how I had taken nearly $75,000 from his stock/annuity accounts without respecting his wishes to be present.

I had no answer and I called my planner to ask him. Only to find that she said that she just went ahead and took care of it as she had my fathers information (bank numbers/passwords and SSN).

Well, my father was furious but he calmed down and it was excused.

Now to 2009…….my husband and I have decided to divorce and to be honest, it’s getting quite ugly as we are not agreeing on asset distribution. Well, the other day I was going through some financials with the paralegal at my lawyers office and there is a large sum of money (about $50,000) that is unaccounted for. I was sure that the planner (yes, we both still use her) had just moved it and it would all make sense. Then I called a credit card company only to find out that the account (in my name) had been canceled. OK, now something is wrong.

Well, I have our cell phones in my name (5 of them- me and my husband and 3 kids). All are in MY name and I called to see if we had gone over on our plan (thanks to the kids) and I learned that my bill was about $35 less than normal. This made no sense so I looked further and the person at the cell company explained that “I” had called in last month and asked to have one of the phones (husbands) placed into a new account and that I had lost rights to this phone. The representative explained that the call was recorded and it could be proven. Well, I knew exactly what had happened. They were able to tell me the date and time when “I” had called in and guess who my husband was with at that exact time/date…yep, our financial planner who I had watched first hand lie to multiple banks and even an insurance company claiming to be someone she was not. Don’t misunderstand, I saw nothing wrong with what he was doing as it was usually just her calling claiming to be me at my request since I didn’t want to go throught the hassles. Now, it’s painfully obvious that she is steering my husband throughout this divorce behind my back.

Is it worth my time to subpoena for this digitally recorded phone call which I feel 100% certain will show who the real “ME” is using my personal data (SSN etc.). No, in the big scheme of things losing this number is no biggie, however, it is obvious to me that this once trusted friend (professional) sees where she can benefit most by aiding my husband throughout this divorce process and she’s willing to do this to make it happen.

I don’t want her in trouble with the law as I just don’t operate that way. However, if my lawyer gets this record and it’s clearly her, what are the different scenarios that could happen?

It is possible that it’s my daughter and if that’s the case then I’ll just laugh but if it’s someone outside of my family I have a very big problem with that.

Thank you in advance!


Nagesh answers:

In a messy divorce, you need to do what is best for you and your children. And that means you subpoena that digitally recorded phone call and any records that will help to show that either your husband or your financial planner or both helped to squirrel away any of your personal or marital assets. Whether or not the financial planner gets in trouble with the law is not your problem. You need to take care of yourself right now. Go get the best lawyer you can find and then go after the pair of them. And if you can prove that the financial planner helped hide your assets from you or just plain took them, then you have her prosecuted to the hilt…and then sue for damages! Good luck!

Addendum: And see if you can reopen the fact that she took money from your father’s account without his explicit permission. And please don’t underestimate what this woman has done as gifts are generally speaking the property of the person who received them and they are not usually marital property. So don’t let either this woman or your husband steal your property from you!

George asks…

Is it true that Obama lies About Healthcare?

None of the things that Obama is saying about Obamacare are honest, although most of them are technically true if parsed out.

His idea that Obamacare is not for the illegals. Technically that might be true. But every illegal has 3 or 4 kids — and the kids are all born here, thus citizens, thus covered by Obamacare. Also the 12 million illegals are going to be put on a “path to citizenship” (says Obama). So what does that mean? It means, once they have their citizenship path papers filled out and filed they qualify for Obamacare (as future citizens).

Obama is a crook. He’s not honest. He avoids lying, so you have the be a lawyer to see how dishonest he is, since the things that he says are technically true.

The Joint Session of Congress was convened by Obama — it was not a Constitutionally mandated Joint Session (like the State of the Union).

So if Obama comes and makes a very dishonest presentation, it’s not so terrible if somebody calls him out for it.

Obama’s idea that the public option will be paid for by premiums paid to it by the policyholders is true, but highly dishonest.

Those premiums would be reimbursed through “refundable tax credits”. Those are checks the Treasury sends out to people who pay no Federal taxes — they are freebie checks — free money. So let’s see the 40 million pay the premiums, then get free money equal to the premiums from the Treasury. Sounds to me like the Treasury is really paying for the public option.

I’m a lawyer, so I can tell when a technically true statement is actually a highly dishonest misrepresentation of the facts.

Obamacare is a scheme to transfer a massive amount of wealth from the middle class to the ACORN folks. Massive wealth transfer.

Socialism practiced by Eldridge Cleaver, Saul Alinski, Bill Ayers, or Bobby Seale would not be much different from what Messrs Obama, Emanuel, and Alexrod are bringing us.

Nagesh answers:

Joe Wilson was correct. God bless you Joe. I love you man.

Mary asks…

Financial Planner stole my identity…?

Several years ago my financial planner was putting together my portfolio which included some stocks, annuities etc. that my parents were going to give me as a gift. Well, my father was out of the country and he told me that he wanted to be present when All of these gifts were switched from his name to mine. I fully understood and told the planner we’d need to wait. Well, when my father returned in 3 weeks I received a call from him and he was extremely upset. He asked how I had taken nearly $75,000 from his stock/annuity accounts without respecting his wishes to be present.

I had no answer and I called my planner to ask him. Only to find that she said that she just went ahead and took care of it as she had my fathers information (bank numbers/passwords and SSN).

Well, my father was furious but he calmed down and it was excused.

Now to 2009…….my husband and I have decided to divorce and to be honest, it’s getting quite ugly as we are not agreeing on asset distribution. Well, the other day I was going through some financials with the paralegal at my lawyers office and there is a large sum of money (about $50,000) that is unaccounted for. I was sure that the planner (yes, we both still use her) had just moved it and it would all make sense. Then I called a credit card company only to find out that the account (in my name) had been canceled. OK, now something is wrong.

Well, I have our cell phones in my name (5 of them- me and my husband and 3 kids). All are in MY name and I called to see if we had gone over on our plan (thanks to the kids) and I learned that my bill was about $35 less than normal. This made no sense so I looked further and the person at the cell company explained that “I” had called in last month and asked to have one of the phones (husbands) placed into a new account and that I had lost rights to this phone. The representative explained that the call was recorded and it could be proven. Well, I knew exactly what had happened. They were able to tell me the date and time when “I” had called in and guess who my husband was with at that exact time/date…yep, our financial planner who I had watched first hand lie to multiple banks and even an insurance company claiming to be someone she was not. Don’t misunderstand, I saw nothing wrong with what he was doing as it was usually just her calling claiming to be me at my request since I didn’t want to go throught the hassles. Now, it’s painfully obvious that she is steering my husband throughout this divorce behind my back.

Is it worth my time to subpoena for this digitally recorded phone call which I feel 100% certain will show who the real “ME” is using my personal data (SSN etc.). No, in the big scheme of things losing this number is no biggie, however, it is obvious to me that this once trusted friend (professional) sees where she can benefit most by aiding my husband throughout this divorce process and she’s willing to do this to make it happen.

I don’t want her in trouble with the law as I just don’t operate that way. However, if my lawyer gets this record and it’s clearly her, what are the different scenarios that could happen?

It is possible that it’s my daughter and if that’s the case then I’ll just laugh but if it’s someone outside of my family I have a very big problem with that.

Thank you in advance!


Nagesh answers:

You have a lawyer so he/she should be handling this, not you. You are too personally invested in this matter to make decisions about this. It’s possible that you husband had a friend call the phone company (he certainly knows your SS#). He could also have cancelled your credit card just to be vindictive. You have no proof at this time that your financial planner is causing you these problems. However, if you no longer trust the woman, then pull your money out of her control because you don’t need any additional grief at this time. Check with your lawyer.

Donna asks…

What’s the deal with chavs?

Okay my friend who Iv’e known since I was a kid wasn’t much of a chav before now she’s Jeremy Kyle worthy but I still like being around her and giving her advise..
Her sister bragged to a 36 year old crackhead who she only just met at a house party lying that her “hard” dad cut up a man and hid him in a closet.
she only had a labrador with was lovely and good with her kids for barely a day and said she wanted to get rid of it because it wasn’t vicious enough and she wanted a pitbull instead she always seems amazed when male chavs show her how big and muscley their pets are and what “hard” breeds they are mixed it with (even though she has three 23 years of age I might add so she should really be getting a family dog)
i was buying baby clothes with and for my friend who is 16 and pregnant..and she wants the most expensive and hideous stuff she has no money no job what-so-ever yet she wants all the brand ones with huge ass logos going across them and if I picked up something nice and non tacky she’d say she wern’t dressing her baby in that.
My friend is 4 months pregnant and drinks cider everyday! I tell her the effects it would have on the baby but she don’t care, she’s even seen a baby with alcohol syndrome really bad.She keeps going back to her baby’s dad and he beats her…she also sleeps around while she’s pregnant.And constantly takes the p*ss that i’m 17 and a virgin (I live in a chav infested area and I’d be damned if I’d sleep with any of those fools!) she speaks and types like a retard and then says it makes up time even though she usually adds letters.When she decorates her house it doesn’t even have a colour scheme i mean i’m not rich i’m broke too but everything in my humble aboad matches she have a red couch with a vagina or leaf print and her tv has no signal how can you watch a fuzzy tv you’d get pissed off and fix it.She always gets in fights everyday over the most pathetic stuff she said she’s never speaking her sister again because she drank her coke…..and she punched her in the face 0.o she finally got a decent lad and broke up with him because he was a virgin obviously she likes H.I.V ridden chavs.
Also they idolize Tupac Eminem and scarface….even though Tupac is of christian themes and tells you to treat other people with equality and respect eminem tells you about the horrors of the hood and not to be like him and scarface wasn’t supposed to glamourized crime but to hight the fact that “gangstars” and criminals lives usually come to a tagic end.
before the grammar police check my paragraph i might add that iv’e lost my glasses and it’s four in the morning and i’m knackered

Nagesh answers:

“Chav infested area!” that made me laugh! I know exactly what you’re talking about. I think she’s probably like this because she wants to fit in with those people around her and aspires to be accepted. She sees Kerry Katona, pitbulls and other human pigdog breeds (like Jordan) as role models. I guess I’d try not to judge her too much as she has the right to be how she wants, as I do, as you do, but to give her baby alcohol baby syndrome and sentence it to 70 years on earth with special needs and unhappiness just due to her 9months of selfishness does seem wrong.

Jenny asks…

Why do people sit here and say the Mexicans are taking our jobs?

Seen a few people on tv talking about this. I am tired of hearing it and seeing it! Now first off about the whole taking our jobs, well 17 year old Ashely wants her first job to be at Abercrombie and Fitch, not working in a hot ass 100 degree field in Michigan in the summer she wants the place in the mall. Mexicans are not knocking at the doors of the GAP to get hired in there, they take the jobs like picking all of your veggies and fruits, if I drove by in the summer past one of the fields and seen a bunch of white and black folks out there pickin, i would be like WTF?! Yea and guess what i will never see that, becuase that isnt a desired job. So i wish for a day all the mexicans would say “Hey! ok we are taking your jobs?, and you want them back soooo bad, then you go pick in the fields and see how long you last.” Mexicans are hard workers, they dont come here to take anything, I have seen some trying to make it across that border, its heart breaking to see a husband who cares about his wife and kids, getting caught in the desert by the border patrol, their little ones crying. Most and i cannot say all are trying to give there families a life that they didnt have or wouldn’t have being in mexico, mexico is pretty bad right now, actually very bad, people get kidnapped and held for ransom or killed! if you lived there you would do everything in your power to get your family out before its too late. So please before you sit there and bitch about the jobs they are taking, will you just think about it, you would do the jobs they did for any amount of money at least majority of people wouldnt. They do it to feed their families, they are human too, Oh and one more thing i was just reading something someone said about mexicans depleting our system of money and healthcare, ummm, load of shit. You know the ones who are depleting our system? The numerous people on welfare and shouldnt be! AMERICANS! I have seen all too much of americans using the welfare system so they dont have to work, either by claiming they are disabled or they just keep having one child after another, they i mean AMERICANS are the ones depleting our system and you can thank Obama for that also, very much a supporter of people not working and being on welfare. We are supposed to welcome people here with open arms. Remember this “We are the land of Opportunity” well since we Americans are only taking the opportunity to scheme our own system, the Mexicans are taking the opportunity to get some much needed jobs that will help them establish their family.
yes that why here when i said : “Most and i cannot say all are trying to give there families a life that they didnt have or wouldn’t have being in mexico, mexico is pretty bad right now” Well little do you know the news makes it like Mexico is the leader in drugs and smuggling, LOL on just my black alone there are 14 drug houses! Dont get me started about Drug cartels in Mexico

Nagesh answers:

Hello Tracy,

Myself and most of my friends and colleagues have mortgages, car, credit card debt et al to worry about. Should we get laid off work, a 6 – 8 dollar an hour job is not going to save our sorry posteriors anyway. Most people here in my country will not work for such low wages and temporary jobs with little or no social benefits so whining about Mexicans is really a moot point. Many of these establishments would be out of business without them.


Michael Kelly

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Saturday, August 25th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Now

Sharon asks…

How can I earn fast cash online?

I applied to soo many jobs.None are hiring. As of now im studying to be a fire fighter this year. But i need a job bad but none are hiring or anything and don’t know what to do.Is there any online sites I can go to get fast money.please. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Make a free blog at blogger about something you are good at or truly interested in, and than put adsense on it, bring people to your blog, each time your ads get clicked you’ll earn money. I can assure that you will love working on it. If you want more info let me know.

Michael asks…

How to make money online?

Everywhere I look, it says “make money online fast“, “mom earns $10000”, etc. And whenever you click on those advertisements, it says “here is how to make money fast, AND THAT’S IT!!!! It doesn’t tell you HOW to make money online, it tells you that it is GOING to tell you how to make money online, and it NEVER DOES!!!!!!!! Does anybody know how I actually can make money online? AdSense is a good way, but I’m only a kid, and I only know the basics of website-making. (my website is Whenever I look, I always see that people are making insane money with AdSense. Can AdSense really earn you a lot of money? I want to earn about 25,000 for a car when I turn 18. I’m 12 right now. Could I possibly earn that much online in about 6 years? Is there any way other than AdSense to REALLY earn money online? Please don’t tell me to babysit or mow lawns, I’m too lazy to do that. If AdSense REALLY is the only way to make a lot of money online, then could somebody give me some good website topics?- a website that would be easy to make and would attract a lot of people so they would click on the advertisements? Thank you SO MUCH!!!

Nagesh answers:

Check out my website, it shows you how you can be making $22,300 a month within 100 days, NO LIE. If you don’t believe me check my website out. You will learn how to do it for free. This isn’t a scam. It is 100% legit and hundreds of people are having huge success with it already, and it has only been out for 4 days! You will need a credit card to pay for the two websites you sign up to make the money, but you learn everything you need to before that happens, so you can check it out, and if you like it then just buy a visa gift card for $25, that is all you will need to start making $22,300 a year. It’s insane, believe me.


Thanks for checking it out.

Daniel asks…

I NEED to make money NOW and FAST ?!?

I need to make money NOW before I go crazy and start doing illegal things that I REALLY DO NOT want to do :/ . I NEED the money to get simple things like school clothes and stuff.. I don’t want the money for non sense. How can I make money ? I am 15. . Any online sites I can make REAL money off of? PLEASE HELP ME PLLLEEEAAASSSSE !

Nagesh answers:

Actually there are ways to make money online… Making a blog might bring in some money however your blog must be worth to read… Posting your videos on youtube is a good way to earn money but like the blog your videos must be worth to watch so you get a lot of clicks.. Another way is to sell something on ebay. It doesn’t matter what.. There will be people that are willing to pay for something that you consider as crap.. If you are creative and have programming skills you should create apps for the iphone or for android devices… Lot of people quit their job because the money they are making off apps are more than enough… But your app has to be really unique…
I dont actually know in what kind situation you are but maybe you should look for a job… And what about your parents?

Donna asks…

how can a 14 year old get money, fast?

i need money now! but i cant get money online bacause my mom wont let me. i cant make a garage/yard sale cause i live in an apartment. i cant sell stuff cause i got nothing to sell. i cant ask my family for money cause we are in a very tight budget. soo i need help.! please please help me..

Nagesh answers:

You could always cut grass.

Paul asks…

How can I invest this money online?

I’ve been saving money and I have $1000 now, I want to go into business online. What are good ways that I can make money besides clickbank and using adsense. I’m not looking for massive profit fast, just possibly 200 – 400 dollars per month.

Nagesh answers:

You really should not be investing it online, you will just get ripped off.

There are NO investments where you can make 200 a month off of 1000, that is a 240% rate of return, it simply will not happen. Making 10% a YEAR is a decent investment.

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Friday, August 24th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making

Charles asks…

How do I make fast money?

I am ten years old and I need a way to make fast money to buy smackdown vs raw 2010.
youre probably thinking ‘this kids way to young to worry about making money‘ but you
dont realize how bad i want this game. i also dont want to wait six months to get 36.99 so please
help me fast.

Nagesh answers:

Go around your neighborhood and wash cars for 7 bucks a pop.

Thomas asks…

Anyone interested in making money fast from home?

I have two programs that I use everyday that make me decent amounts of spending money. If your interested in the details send me your email and I will send more info. After that you can get started the very same day making money, with an investment as low as $3 or as much as $10

Nagesh answers:

I think this is an ad? Mmmmm

Helen asks…

whats a fast easy money making way on runescape (members server) ?

i have about 15 days of membership left and i want to make money in them.

Nagesh answers:

I would buy all the feathers u can then go outside the grand exchange and cut down trees use a knife and make the logs into arrow staffs and when u have a good amount equil to the amount of feathers u have go get ur feathers from the grand exchange and use the arrow staffs with the feathers to make head less arrow u can make about 200k per hour by doing this hope u helped add me on runescape username: hjdfg123

Chris asks…

ok im in college and am dead broke and have no way of paying, any good legitimate fast ways of making money?

I dont have time to work, all my time is in school

I need a fast legitimate way to make some money online or something, but steady not just a one time making money deal

Nagesh answers:

This younger generation never ceases to amaze me.

YOUR PARENTS went to school full time… Walked two miles in the snow… Uphill… Both ways… Worked two jobs… For 35 years and never missed a day all while rasing you.

Rob a bank!

David asks…

In neopets, what are the best games for making money fast…I mean making 1000np in lyk 2 minutes?

I think these games are good for making money fast in order of speed:
Hannah and the Ice Caves (lvl 30)
Snow wars 2
Rink Runner
Cellblock (1st few levels)
Itchy Invasion
Evil Fuzzles from beyond the star
Turmac roll

Nagesh answers:

I would add:
defender trainer
& dubloon disaster

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Thursday, August 23rd, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Free

William asks…

please let me know if this is scam or not?

What this position entails: You will post classified ads, such as sales ads, employment ads or real estate ads in your local newspapers and magazines. Our company is located in Germany and prices for newspaper ads are almost double for foreign citizens/companies, this is the main reason we need your services in the US for the specified position, Newspaper Advertiser. You must spend max. 2-4 hours weekly, in your spare time. You do NOT need special skills or degrees. The position is very easy and can be done by anyone without the necessity to leave current job! It’s as easy as placing an ad in a newspaper. This work does not require any money out-of-pocket from you. We will provide the money to post in newspapers. Once you have received the money and the ad content necessary for the postings from us, all you have to do is place the ads from home by calling newspapers’ toll free numbers or by using their online services. There will be 4-10 ads placed weekly, for each ad you post you are paid with $100, you will deduct your share from money we send you to post the ads. For example, if we need to place an ad that costs $500 we will send you $600, you pay $500 to newspaper or website that places the ad and you remain same day with $100 commission. This is possible because for a foreign company the same ad costs around $900-$1100. Almost all of our ads are employment ads from various European companies that want to have ads in the US. We may also have some ads from US companies wanting to advertise in European newspapers. Requirements:- Internet access OR the ability to check your email daily- You must be over 20 years old- 2-3 hours free during the week (mainly in the evening / non-business hours) for communication; You will enjoy working independently from home in a way that meets your scheduling needs. You can earn a full-time income in as little as 2-3 hours/week.This is an excellent way to supplement your current income. It is possible to work for us for a few hours daily and increase your income by up to $800 weekly. If you have any questions about an assignment, you will generally receive a response from us within the same day, often within few minutes. NO account SETUP fees or fees of any kind are required for this work. To start the job today please reply with the information below: First name, Last name:Full Street Address – NO PO Boxes please:City, State, Postal Zip Code:Two E-mail addresses:Phone#: We will select papers from the US where the classified ads will be placed and send you the funds to post. You need to place the ads in max. 48 hours after you receive the money from us! This is the only condition we ask. How you are paid for your services: As specified above, there will be 4-10 employment ads placed weekly. For each ad you post, you are paid $100. You will deduct your share from money we send you to post the ads. After a satisfactory 30-day trial period, we will establish a long-term contract with you. You will be registered as our employee and we’ll pay taxes every time you will place an ad. You will then receive a 1099 form at the end of each year from us. Although the requirements for this position are very simple and all terms are clear, please do not apply for this job if you are not responsible. Your agreement will be considered a US binding contract, so we expect you to follow through on your commitment to our requirements. Thank you

Nagesh answers:

Let me tell the best way to know if something is a scam. If they ask you for any money especially in another country…….. Yes my friend is scam.any money ahead before you get any if you get into a buissness is to make money not to give away and it is add but they know the people that needs money it easier to rip off. Just remember DO NOT SEND MONEY UNLESS THEY MAKE YOU MONEY. And if you send it has to be less than what they gave you. But I am sure that is a scam but if you are not convinced try at out but: SEND NO MONEY good luck.

Ken asks…

i dont know if this is a scam or a job?

About Position: You need to post classified ads, such as sales ads, employment ads or real estate ads in your local newspapers and magazines. Our company is located in Germany. Prices for Newspaper Ads are almost double for foreign citizens/companies, this is the main reason we need your services in the US for the specified position, Newspaper Advertiser. You will spend max. 2-4 hours weekly, in your spare time. You do NOT need special skills or degrees. The position is very easy and can be done by anyone without the necessity to leave your current job! It’s as easy as placing an ad in a newspaper.

This work does not require any money out-of-pocket from you. We will provide the money to post in newspapers. Once you have received the money and the ad content necessary for the postings from us, all you have to do is place the ads from home by calling newspapers’ toll free numbers or by using their online services. There will be 4-10 ads placed weekly, for each ad you post you are paid with $100, you will deduct your share from money we send you to post the ads. For example, if we need to place an ad that costs $500 we will send you $600, you pay $500 to newspaper or website that places the ad and you remain same day with $100 commission. This is possible because for a foreign company the same ad costs around $900-$1100.

Almost all of our ads are employment ads from various European companies that want to have ads in the US. We may also have some ads from US companies wanting to advertise in European newspapers.

– Reliable internet access OR the ability to check your email daily
– You must be over 20 years old
– 2-3 hours free during the week (mainly in the evening / non-business hours) for communication;

You will enjoy working independently from home in a way that meets your scheduling needs. You can earn a full-time income in as little as 2-3 hours/week.This is an excellent way to supplement your current income. It is possible to work for us for a few hours daily and increase your income by up to $800 weekly. If you have any questions about an assignment, you will generally receive a response from us within the same day, often within few minutes. NO account SETUP fees or fees of any kind are required for this work.

To start the job today please reply with the information below:

First name, Last name:
Full Street Address – NO PO Boxes please:
City, State, Postal Zip Code:
Two E-mail addresses:

We will select papers from the US where the classified ads will be placed and send you the funds to post. You need to place the ads in max. 48 hours after you receive the money from us! This is the only condition we ask. How you are paid for your services: As specified above, there will be 4-10 employment ads placed weekly. For each ad you post, you are paid $100. You will deduct your share from money we send you to post the ads. After a satisfactory 30-day trial period, we will establish a long-term contract with you. You will be registered as our employee and we’ll pay taxes every time you will place an ad. You will then receive a 1099 form at the end of each year from us. Although the requirements for this position are very simple and all terms are clear, please do not apply for this job if you are not responsible. Your agreement will be considered a US binding contract, so we expect you to follow through on your commitment to our requirements.

Thank you

Nagesh answers:

I am I00% sure it is a scam. It does not cost more to run an ad if you are a non-resident. They will send you a “cashier check” which is counterfeit (that is why they give you only 48 hours) and you will be out of pocket for that not to mention the hours you have worked. Because the are overseas, you will not be able to take any legal action.Also the amount of hours required varies from one paragraph to another. Beware of foreign companies offering you big money to work at home. Another clue is they want your personal info even before you have been chosen.
Some helpful tips may be found here:

If it sounds to be too good to be true, it usually a fraud!

Daniel asks…

Is this a scam? Business On-Line Financial Agent?

I’ve been searching for a job lately. Well, i posted my resume in various places and now i have come up with this. The problem is, it sounds too good to be true and i dont know why they would think i am qualified for a Financial Agent position? This is the message i recieved:
We have reviewed your resume at website Career Builder and are eager to inform you that we are ready to offer you a vacant position of the “Financial Agent”.

We looked through your skills and became sure that you correspond to our requirements. The position of the money agent will require from you a half-day activity.
Your work will consist in transferring money among our clients.

Job scheme will comprise the following:
1. You receive a cheque by mail.
2. Than you cash check
3. You transfer the money to our clients

Your earning will be 8 % of the amount of each check.
Additionally we are going to effect you $ 1500as your salary at the end of each month.
Required skills to start this job:
Internet and e-mail skills; Experience in online work;
– Prior customer service experience is a good benefit;
– Honesty, responsibility and promptness in operations;
– Good communications skills

General requirements:
Internet and e-mail skills; Experience in online work;
– Prior customer service experience is a good benefit;
– Honesty, responsibility and promptness in operations;
– Good communications skills
– Effective interaction with customers;
– Ability to create good administrative reporting;

– Willingness to take the responsibility to set up and achieve goals;
– Prior customer service experience is a good benefit;

This job will allow you to:
Internet and e-mail skills; Experience in online work;
– Prior customer service experience is a good benefit;
– Honesty, responsibility and promptness in operations;
– Good communications skills
– Effective interaction with customers;
– Ability to create good administrative reporting;

– Willingness to take the responsibility to set up and achieve goals;
– Prior customer service experience is a good benefit;
– Efficiently work at home;
– Get additional free time;

In addition we will be able to offer you USD $ 2‚500 as a monthly payment after completion of the trial period. In case you are interested in the position, please answer this message.
We will contact you within *2 working days.


Should i believe this?

Nagesh answers:

What is wrong with people these days! Of course it is a scam I got the same thing and already Rhona S is trying to scam us when were already talking about a scam. Check it out they became a yahoo member after you posted this question. I feel dirty!

Richard asks…

Ok maybe I’ll need to clarify this ‘scam’.?

Job offer

We have reviewed your resume at website and are eager to inform you that we are ready to offer you a vacant position of the “Financial Agent”.YTNk ZTg

Nj li

We looked through your skills and became sure that you correspond to our requirements.ODA3 MTRk

The position of the money agent will require from you a half-day activity.
Your work will consist in transferring money among our clients.

Job scheme will comprise the following:Nm Qx

1. You get a check by mail.ZTJ lZm

2. Than you cash itMjd jZj

3. You transfer the money to our clientsOT g4

Your earning will be 8 % of the amount of each check.NzEy OTZk

Additionally we are going to effect you $ 1500 as your salary at the end of each month.OT UzN

Required skills to start this job:OWRi YzNi

– Honesty, responsibility and promptness in operations;YmM zNTJ

– Prior customer service experience is a good benefit;MTY0 Mz

Internet and e-mail skills; Experience in online work;NT M3Z

– Good communications skillsZDI0 MmY4

Njli NjM

This job will allow you to:
Njl iNj

– Develop high selfrespect and esteem. MGFk ZTU0

– Get additional free time; MG FkZT

– Get financial independence working only 3- 5 hours per day; MGFk ZTU

General requirements:
Njl iNjM

– Ability to create good administrative reporting; YjRj ZT

Internet and e-mail skills; Experience in online work; Yj Rj

– Effective interaction with customers; YmY zN2F

– Willingness to take the responsibility to set up and achieve goals;Yz Zl

In addition we will be able to offer you $ 2500 as a monthly payment after completion of the trial period.ZmVi OWU

In case you are interested in the position, please answer this message. We will get in touch with you within 2 working days.NDJ iN

what do you guys think? big time scam so watch out guys!!!

Nagesh answers:

So they send you this check. You deposit it and send of a check to them. Then two weeks later you discover that their check has bounced. What job offer does this?

Jenny asks…

Can I Know the way of earning from home legally?is someone working in Bangalore through internet?

I am an engineering student.I can work daily 1to2hrs or weekly 4hrs from home.I am in urjent need of money so i require help to complete my education successfully.I want to use my free time.I want details of earning money. please help me out

Nagesh answers:

Try some online jobs, where you don’t have to pay upfront money. Online data entry is an excellent career to consider if you want to work at home. The equipment needed for this type of job is very minimal. You only need a computer with an Internet connection, a table and a comfortable chair. Data entry duties include the inputting of correspondence, reports, and spreadsheets into a home computer and then transmitting that data using the Internet. Work at home data entry personnel may also proofread text, edit information, and maintain databases. Data entry jobs usually offer flexible scheduling, allowing people to work when they want to and as little or as much as they want to. Some of the growing fields for work at home data entry include medical and legal transcription, medical coding and litigation coding.


This type of work is becoming so popular that many fraudulent websites have emerged offering data entry jobs, which promise huge profits. The best way to find a legitimate data entry job is visit a reputable career website. You are more likely to find a genuine work at home job using these websites.


There are several freelance websites that post freelance data entry jobs. Avoid responding to ads that do not list a company name or contact information. There are many reputable freelance work forums that can provide you with work at home data entry job listings. The forums are usually free to join and provide trustworthy information. Once you have found an advertisement for a work at home data entry job, check out the company by visiting their website. You can also do an online search using the company name and visit the Better Business Bureau website to see if they have been listed as a fraudulent company.

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Wednesday, August 22nd, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quickly

Thomas asks…

SKYRIM ?…How do I earn money quickly? And where can I buy the cheapest houses to store my items?

Okay I need to make some money quickly so that I can buy a house to store my items! Where can I buy the cheapest houses to store my items in?(Close to Whiterun and Windhelm are preferred) Please help and share your ways of getting money!!:D

Nagesh answers:

Make tons of leather and iron armor and sell it right away. You’ll increase your smithing skill quickly too!

But just complete some quests, pick up all the loot you see, and sell the loot. Money builds up really quickly just by completing quests. Also, check every burial urn, dead body, or drauger you see. Most of them have 5-10 gold on them, and that adds up really quickly.

You can also make some potions of speechcraft to help get better prices. The Amulet of Zenthar (I can’t remember the spelling) will help too. Make sure you increase a few perks in speech craft.

Lizzie asks…

How to earn money quickly?

How can you earn money quickly when you’re 15 and can’t get a job.

Nagesh answers:

When you say “quickly” I take that as today, right now.
I tell my kids exactly what I am going to tell you and they actually do it.

Grab a trash bag and start walking. Pick up all the aluminum cans you see as you go. You will not have any trouble selling them. They are paying pretty good right now. Look in the phone book or on the internet for scrap dealers in your area to buy them. Ask you neighbors for their cans as well.

Also ask neighbors if there is anything you can do for them to earn a dollar. Everyone has something they need done, just give them a price they cannot refuse. Such as; mow their grass, take out the trash, sweep the driveway. Do it cheap like for a dollar, two or three dollars. Whatever they will give you. Small amounts add up! Use your imagination and create jobs for yourself.

What about in your own house? Parents or anyone. Ask to do something to earn a dime, quarter, dollar whatever. My youngest will grab a vacuum and start cleaning the carpet then ask for a dollar. How can I say no when she did something to earn it and without being asked to do it?

You build wealth one dollar at a time!

Just use your imagination, you will find ways to get what you want. Help people with things they need at a price they can afford and you will stay busy.

***If you are to proud or lazy to do these types of things, then you don’t deserve the money or anything it can buy.

Most fast food places will hire at 15 but you have to work for two or three weeks to get a pay check.

Carol asks…

How to earn money quickly without having any funds or credit card and am a Fiji CItizen but i want to earn US$

Nagesh answers:

Hi, Most of the websites providing earning opportunities are scams. They get the work done but dont pay. You will just waste your time in searching all these sites. But let me tell you the real one. The one and only answer to your question is , it has become the most popular site in few days and has been trusted by near about 100000 persons. There is NO FEES for registration and no age limit. Payment by cheque or transfer. I worked for 1-1/5 month only and earned a handsome amount 🙂 Happy earning. Dont waste your time in other sites. Pl let me know if u have any personal queries. – Thanks

Sharon asks…

How can I earn money quickly on Millsberry?

I tried the cookies cheat, don’t work. I have a yard sale where everything is cheaper than it is sold for in the shops, so come along and you might find something for you! Usernames are:


Nagesh answers:

Nice yard sale!


Ways to get MILLSBUCKS

1. Millsberry Arcade

Play most of the games in the Arcade and you will be guarranteed to recieve 10,000 mb a day! Play different games and win trophies, for Arcade tips go to the Arcade section of this website.

2. Yard Sales

Sell uneeded items from your stuff to your Yard Sale. Advertise your Yard Sale in the Millsberry Gazette as often as possible. Though advertising costs money, it will pay off. You can also advertise your Yard Sale in this forum.

3. Poll Cheat

In the Millsberry Gazette, every week there is a new poll offering you 500 mb. Take the poll and when finished, clear your cookies and cache (go to Tools -> Clear Private data -> Clear Cookies and Cache) though how to clear your private data may vary with different computers. Look for the key word “Clear cookies and cache”. When your private data has cleared you should be able to vote again. Repeat as many times as desired.

4. Contests

Go to the “contests” catergory of this forum. Get involved in the contests and games for your chance to win money, prizes and points. You can also host your own contest or game, and you do not neccesarily have to give out rewards.

5. Colhurst Tunnels

If you go to the Colhurst Tunnels, you can dig up antiques which you can then sell in your Yard Sale. Each level lets you dig up more valuable antiques. For more information look in the Tips & Tricks part of this forum.

6. Millsberry Mercantile Bank

Try to put all your money you have in the bank. If you have a lot of millsbucks kept in the bank you can collect more interest every day. If you have around 10 million millsbucks in the bank you can collect around 2,500 mb every day.

That website has absolutely every cheat and trick on Millsberry, everything I know so look through there for useful hints and cheats.

Also you can advertise your yard sale if you make an account here:

You can also discuss cheats and things.

Good luck!

Mark asks…

What is the best way to earn money quickly in elder scrolls oblivion?

Nagesh answers:

Go to caves, kill bandits, loot their corpses, sell items–also when you have the money to buy all alchemy equipment make and sell potions, most ingredients will make restore fatigue, and also this will raise your alchemy , then later you’ll be able to make feather potions, which will help you carry more loot to sell

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Tuesday, August 21st, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money In Runescape

Donald asks…

How can I make money in Runescape?

Im a lvl. 63 and a member.
can someone tell me any ways to get money quick?

Nagesh answers:

Non Members: if you have a lvl of 40 crafting and 40 mining i should mine gold ores in crafting guild and bring them to the bank in Fallador, Gold ores are good to sell. You get 500 each

Member: go to Camelot an pick up Flax and bring to your bank,
Flax is very easy to get, you get 83 each

now that youre still member i would pick Flax.

Hope i helped.

William asks…

What is the best way to make money in runescape?

My levels are
attk 48
str 44
def 45
mining 62
woodcutting 48
fishing 35
cooking 40

plz help me . really need quick money.
p.s. wat lvl do u think i need to kill dragons??
mike R as u said check the g.e. iknow but do u really think i can kill a baby dragon. combat lvl 56 i am.

Nagesh answers:

Lmao its simple.

For p2p: kill goblins and things and do level 1 treasure trails

for f2p: woodcutting is the best way to make money in free worlds. Cut willows to 65-70 wc (this will take a day or two) and from ther just cut yews which sell for alot on g.e. They sell easily.

Good luck

Paul asks…

What are the quickest and easiest ways to make money on runscape?

I need help i needd money on runescape and i need it badly what do you think i should do to get quick gp so i can get the cool armour and weapons and stuff so what do you think is the skill should i master to bring in the big bucks lol 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Ahh runescape almost brings tears to my eyes. I was easily one of the first thousand people to play it back maybe 6 years ago. I was 9 at the time, and loved the game I was addicted two years straight, I enjoyed it very much but be careful it can actually be almost life changing if your addicted. Getting to the point: ID SAY MINING! Mining mining mining! If your on a free acount definatley mining. Back in the day I used to mine coal tons of it maybe 300-400 after a few hours, then sell it for like 150 gps each, and make TONS! And if you continue doing this you’ll get alot of customers, and be selling alot of coal! And you’ll eventually have a mining level so high you can start coaling myth then addy then dare i say it rune! And we all know all those coals are worth big money. I suggest get a pic. Start mining copper or tin or whatever, and work your way up from there. You wont be dissapointed. Also, smithing is a handy skill to have so also smith bronze as well every once in a while. Try to keep your smithing level about 10-15 lower then mining to stay balanced. So maybe if your mining is 40 your smithing should be about 25, so you dont get behind on smithing. (just a suggestion). Because once you can mine myth and your smithing level is pretty good, you can practise smithing for a couple weeks and start SMITHING MYTH and selling it for TONS.. Anyway, thats my awnser.

Nancy asks…

what is the best way to make money in a members world and that is quick?

im a member and i want to buy a godsword and i fish sharks with 76 fishing its very slow and i need alot of them so please let me know on some fast and quick ways to make some cash in runescape

Nagesh answers:

Alright heres what you do, you want to invest in small items that are steady. My favorite to use are fire runes. Now for this method i strongly suggest you hit the grand exchange with at least 200k to get a noticeable profit. So heres what you do, you go to the grand exchange and buy as many fire runes as you can for 9gp, make sure you pay 9gp! So if you go in with 200k your buying about 22,000 runes. Now when your order comes in your gonna sell them, but sell for max 10gp each. It doesnt sound like much right only 1gp more. But you bought 22,000 runes so when they sell for 1 higher you just made a 22k profit. And as you make more money and can buy more, you make more profit.

Note: dont expect your order to come in (or sell) in a matter of minutes, its going to take hours most likely. I usually buy at night, sleep on it, wake up next mouring and sell what i bought. Repeat process.

Mark asks…

How can I make money quickly in Runescape (the free version)?

I am brand new to the game so I am unfamiliar with most of the controls. I wanted to know what is the best way to make quick money in the game. I know that the game revolves around making a lot of money, so does anyone have any suggestions? If you do please describe them in detail.
thanks everyone!

And Lynx, I will probably be on tomorrow and will definitely add you.

Nagesh answers:

Do rune myst. Quest then mine rune ess a lot sell for 56c per so mine 1000 or soo u got some good money

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Monday, August 20th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast From Home

James asks…

HELP! whats a good way a 15 year old can make money fast?

ive been invited to go to china with my boyfriend and his parents to meet all of his family

but the thing is i need to have atleast 1,500 dollars by the end of may

my boyfriends going to try to get a job to save money
and i would as well but unfortunantly theres no way i could get a ride anywhere until late at night

if theres anyway anyone knows to make money from home being 15 (even though there probably isnt)
or a good way to save up money .
or any ideas on what to do please tell me

pleasepleaseplease help me ! itd be so greatly apreciated.

Nagesh answers:

Babysit, Shovel snow, mow lawns, clean houses.

Donald asks…

I am a Father and Husband and I need a way to make additioanl income FAST from home. PLEASE HELP.?

I dont mind LOW start up costs. But PLEASE we are drowing here our home is in forclosure and we can’t pay any of our bills. PLEASE PLEASE do NOT send me info about something that can’t make me money FAST with little investment. We need $200 or more per week. PLEASE HELP ME! I have two little girls…please help.

Nagesh answers:

I’m sorry but you do not have a money problem and making more money will not fix the problem. A flat tire is NOT a “tire” problem, it is an “air” problem. If you can’t pay ANY of your bills and your house is in foreclosure then you don’t have a income problem, you have an expense problem. You have created too many bills to be paid with your current income and IF you find a solution to bring in another $200 a week then you will only delay the next “money” problem.
Face the fact that you are spending more then you make and THAT is a money “management” problem. Until you learn to control your expenses then your income will NEVER be enough. Bigger income just means MORE taxs, more expenses, and more debt.
If your house is in foreclosure then TALK to your lender and explain the situation. They do NOT want the house back and most lenders now are doing everything they can to keep the homeowner in the propety. I have seen banks FORGIVE ALL late payments, ALL late fees, and ALL interest charges to bring payments current AND lower the monthly payments by over 30%. Some are adding these fees on the backend of the loan and some lenders are just writing these costs off as a business loss.
Instead of looking for ways to make more income, take a realistic look at your monthly income and expenses and then get on the phone to the people who you owe money to and ASK them to help. Most lenders are more willing to work with you and get paid something sometime rather then writing everything off as a loss never to be recovered.
You CAN’T just refuse to answer the phone and hope it will go away. Put every bill down on paper and then cancel what you can, restructure with the ones who will work with you, and then learn to manage your income. Read a book called “Richest Man In Babylon” That story is EXACTLY what you are going thru.

Mark asks…

is there a real legit way to make money fast?

Like many people I’m need money. =/
and I’ve seen and heard so many way that you can make money either online or from home. But I really want to know if there is a way to make money without investing and that really works.
I do have a job and work hard for what I have, I honestly do not need bad comments so, if you don’t have an answer that could help please do not waste your time with bad or negative comments. Thanks to those who respond =)

Nagesh answers:

Well, you could try filling bags with ad flyers and deliver them. There’s a company that gives you about $2 for every bag you fill and deliver and it’s available pretty much anywhere in the United States or Canada (maybe the UK too, but I don’t know).

I deliver about 80 to 100 ad bags a week, which gives me about $600 to $800 at the end of the month. Each week, it usually takes me about an hour to stuff the bags and then another couple more to deliver them. So it works out pretty good.

The thing that makes these so good is that you can do this anytime of the day, early in the morning or even at night. You can watch the video and it’ll show you how everything works

You can also hire some kid to do all the hard work and you just collect the check at the end of the month 😉

Good luck, I hope that helps.

Paul asks…

Making money from home?

How can i make money from home without attracting negative people.

I tried selling mobile phones and stuff like that but i get problems and the people who come are not very nice people.

I tried to sell bmx bikes i make good money and they sell fast but i had a problem with a bmx dealer who got upset because i would not sell one of my bmx for peanuts.

Is there any way i could make enough money to live on by working from home. I feel happier at home ,safer & i dont have to go out in to the world and mix with people (i find it hard to trust people).

Nagesh answers:

I make money from home by filling out surveys and completing offers. I don’t like mixing with people either. :/
If you wanna try it, there’s a link to my top four sites on my profile. Good luck. :]]

Mary asks…

legal and illegal ways to make money fast?

i need 5,000 dollars in 3 months and need some ideas on how to get it. i need ideas that really work i dont want any of those stupid work from home internet scams. i also dont have any money to start out with. the only thing im not willing to do is prostitution. i also dont know anyone that has anything to do with drugs so i wouldnt know how to begin with that. what can i do? ill except all ideas no matter how far out there thay seem

Nagesh answers:


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Saturday, August 18th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly

Jenny asks…

What the most efficient way to make money quickly, other than a job?

It’s not so much that I’m lazy, but I am curious as to what the most efficient way is. I have created a list of possible ways:

Open a youtube account and attract many views; youtube pays 1/3 of a cent per view after about the 500,000th
Buy a lot of properties and charge rent
Buy things wholesale and sell them on ebay
Start a free blog and earn money through google ad revenue
Something with computers…

Nagesh answers:

Hi Bruce,

I must commend you for the wisdom and quest to make additional money at your age. If going by the amount you wish to earn, it means you will either work or take on some challenges on the internet and make yourself the desired amount to sustain living.

However, i just came accross this website out there where this Multi Millionaire shared his secret of wealth. Infact the video alone is mind blowing and you can never be disappointed after listening and watching his video. Everything about his online money making is simple and even a lay man will understand it very well.

I have joined his coaching club and after following the step by step guide, i have started making money online. I gave myself target and with his skill and coaching i will make more than my target.

Here is his website Just click and read more about him and you will gain a lot from him. I was thinking that making money is vague but when i came across his mentoring, everything became easier. You will learn how to sell on ebay, affiliate marketing, free trials, CPA,etc. All the best.


Maria asks…

What are some legal ways to make money quickly?

And don’t say get a job I have a full-time job already just need to make a few extra dollars and don’t say get a second job or else I’ll have to ask you to take care of my disabled daughter.

Nagesh answers:

Can you write? There is plenty of work online for freelance writers, and for web-content writing, it doesn’t really take anything other than some time, and enough skills to put together content that makes sense.

Writing online is quite different than traditional writing, so your educational background doesn’t matter, at least in the majority of places. You can easily make minimum-wage or better doing it — I average $40/hour now, but I’ve been doing it for a while.

You can search Google for some help on this:

Or, you can grab this report:

for $9 which shows you how to get started & where to find jobs that’ll pay you, even as a new writer. Though, you can certainly find enough information online, without cost, so long as you’re willing to invest the hours & figure out how to separate the wheat from the chaff.

One of the sources in the report (that I linked to), allowed me to come up with $650 in 2 days so I could pay an unexpected bill this morning. The great thing about freelance writing, though, is that you can make money every single day, and get paid every single day, once you get a feel for things and know where to find the jobs.

For the record, though — I’m not trying to paint freelance writing as a hidden goldmine — it has some downsides, but it definitely has some perks as well.

Good luck, and hopefully this helps you out.

Lisa asks…

What are ways for a 13 year old to make money quickly?

I really want a laptop but my parents wont get me one. I need help making big cash quickly. Thnx!

Nagesh answers:

U r not allowed to do any job, but you can do baby sitting

James asks…

How can a 13 year old girl make money quickly?

I am 13 and I love to read. The scholastic book fair is near where I live for the next couple of weeks but I don’t have any money to buy books with. Any ideas?

(I have asthma really bad, too, so no lawn mowing or anything like that!)

Nagesh answers:

Apparently it’s not by using the search box to find the other ten thousand questions just like this one.

How can you make quick money?
Sell your things
Take out a loan
Do some work

Paul asks…

how can i make money quickly so i can go to the juggalo gathering?

I’m trying to go to the 2010 juggalo gathering with my boyfriend. Unfortunatley i only have $1 to my name(im 16) and i’m trying to make money quick so i can buy a ticket. Can anyone give me any advice?

Nagesh answers:

You can sell old things you don’t use anymore on craigslist. Or maybe babysit..

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Friday, August 17th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money For Kids

Lisa asks…

How do kids make money$$?

Ok im 13 and I need to make some money for christmass presents any ideas? I’m a little to young for a real job but pls help! Thank u:)

Nagesh answers:

Hey, I suggest u see for this.
I hope this will be resolving your problem you can also browse more for this on but i think you better look at what i suggested instead of wasting ur time.
Best of luck.

Chris asks…

kid-tween ideas to make money?

I’m looking for some easy ways to earn money, because I am saving up ! thanks :]

Nagesh answers:

Walk dogs, babysit, wash cars, mow lawns, yard sale, offer to do extra chores, if you live in a busy neighborhood you can even sell lemonade or cookies or brownies 😀

Ruth asks…

Money ideas for 3 kids.?

Me and my friends are trying to make a clubhouse or something and we need to know how much money we’ll need to make it. We have wood. tools and land to make it on but we just don’t have enough money to get nails and extra pieces of wood. We need ideas to make money, one of my friends is having a garage sail but me and my other friend have nothing to do. I was thinking about doing the old fashion lemonade stand, but i need something that would be easy and I wouldn’t have to spend anything on supplies and I already tried the lawn and house crap. I am not old enough to babysit, but i need something to do so I can make money for wood and nails. Please any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

10000000000000000000 dollars if you want it to be.

Charles asks…

Do you have kid money making ideas?

Hello, I’m an eleven year old girl who needs ideas for making money. I just moved into a new house, and this is my chance to make my room look really cute! Well, I’m in love with a Study and Loft bed from the most expensive store EVER……PBTEEN! (Which I have no idea why their prices are so high, girls my age look at that stuff, and feel bad because they can’t afford it, plus they are losing business because of how high the prices are!)

The economy is extremely low right now, and my family doesn’t have a lot of money. Plus, it requires a full size mattress, that isn’t included! I’m too young to babysit, too young to mow lawns, and all the common stuff. PLEASE, If you have any good ideas on how I can make money, please let me know! Thanks for listening!!

Nagesh answers:

Get your parents to do a paper route with you………..easiest money ever

Paul asks…

Ideas for a kid to make money for Christmas?

My little sister (14) wants to start making some money for christmas gifts for her friends. Any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Sure! Here are a few:
Knitting, Crocheting, or Sewing (you could do this for money or give what you make to your friends)
Ask your parents if they would give you an allowance for doing more chores.

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Thursday, August 16th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About How To Make Money Fast For 12 Year Olds

Sandra asks…

I need a mother’s help please and fast!!!!?

Okay so i am only 12 and not allowed to baby sit but i woke up this morning and my parents had a family emergency and the kids are going to be here all night because their mom is at college im their aunt. They are 5, 8, and 10 but, my friend stayed and she is nine with AD-HD and my other friend stayed who is twelve. I have about $20 bucks in my room and i need to buy everyone some dinner from the local Kroger. I want to buy some Mac and cheese, Bread less chicken, broccoli, and some corn on the cob. I’m probably going to pick up Mountain Dew. Do you think I should pick up some ice cream sandwiches and like chips for later because i found an extra ten dollars under my bed. It’s storming really bad right now so should i give everyone a coat and take a large umbrella and the 5 year old’s stroller so he won’t run out the busy road because it’s about a 20 minute walk. And could you guys please tell me how to cook the food (I’ll just microwave the broccoli and look on the back of the bag to see how long to put it on.) Should i make everyone get showers? (Idk the last time they showered) And if I have left over money should i pick them up some cheap tooth brushes? Do you think I should try and find some clothes for them too wear or wash the ones everyone has on.
I’m going to call my boyfriend to see if he can help me watch them until 9PM then he can go home (My 12 yr old friend said she will help to) I have to pick up dog food and cat food and bird food to. My friend told me she has an extra 5 dollars. Sorry about all the questions but i never baby sitted before especially being stuck in a situation like this. Im afraid to leave the kid’s alone when i walk the dogs though i love them like they are mine and would hate for anything to happen to them. Sp should i take them with me while i walk the dogs. Also what kind of shows do 7, 9, 5 and ten year olds like should i let them channel search? I have to get home before curfew after doing all this stuff! Thank you so much!!!
Please notice my parents aren’t breaking the law they will be back at one or 12 they’ve been gone for about 8 hrs so it’s not over 24 hrs and it won’t be over 24 hrs because my uncle got life flighted to col. oh and we live in West Virginia Col. is about a good 4 to 5 hrs away from us.

Nagesh answers:

Seriously? Do you not have food in your house to feed them for the day? Your pets can wait.. Stay home so everyone is safe and 30$ wont go to far with human food AND pet food . Relax and they can wear the same clothes they have on..

Lisa asks…

Should I convert my tractor to 12 volt from 6 volt?

I have a 1953 Farmall Super C tri-cycle tractor with the Fast Hitch option. A somewhat rare option for that year. My grandpa gave me the tractor after he died, and I am trying to restore it. The generator is in bad condition, along with the old wiring. The tractor hasnt moved under its own power in about two years. The tractor has no lights (a idiot tried to restore it years ago, but did a $hitty job, making it worse off than before) and none of the gauges work. We put a switch instead of a key on it, and it has a new 6 volt coil. (thats how we got it moving two yeasr ago, but now it wont start no more) I figure a 12 volt system will make it easier to work on, but take away from its show look. (I dont plan on restoring it that much anyway, I dont have much money) It needs rebuilt, new gauges, new wiring, new genrator/alternator, and a new hydrulic pump.
What is your opinion on whether I should convert it? Dont say to scrap it because it was my grandpas before it was mine and he gone

Nagesh answers:

I would stay 6V because the parts are still available. If you convert to 12V then all electrical parts will have to be changed to 12V.Starter, gauges,coils,etc. If the budget is low for this project I think keeping it 6V will be a cheaper option.

Ken asks…

Did I make the right decision? Grieving and feeling guilty about euthanizing my best buddy?

My heart is really hurting right now because of the recent euthanization of my 4yr/8 month old mini schnauzer 2 days ago. such a happy boy and a big snuggler but, from a year old, I always knew he was different and not as normal as other dogs throughout my life. My mom got him for me because my other schnauzer was 12 yr old and mom did not know how much time I would have left with her so, I should say he was her replacement. My husband, family and I ALWAYS said we did not think he would live a long life because of his activity, habits and demeanor as a young pup. At 1 1/2 years old I wanted to stud him out and got bloodwork done (which was normal) he showed no interest in female dogs. He was uninterested, getting fat and not as active. I have two other dogs that kept him going but, I learned that I could not leave any food down even for our cats because he would eat everything. He was not very active even at a young age, my husband and I SPOIL our animals and would lift him up & down the stairs, bed, couch, and the back stairs (he got used to this until the day we let him go). He managed to get into food that we brought home from the vet a 20lb bag left in the kitchen and ate enough until we caught him, he got into halloween candy last year and ate it until we could catch him (we then bought the dog food storage containers). Our vet suggested a diet and he only ate a recommended quantity twice daily. He would lost weight and gain it back. About a year ago he started losing his vision. Our vet said that he could not see anything wrong with his eyes. I can tell you so much more about his problems but Overall, he has had problems with his vision, muscle tone, weakness, appetite for the past 2 1/2 years but, still a loving happy boy that mom and dad loved and treated as a special dog. He was our baby and we did not care if we had to give him extra attention. I brought him to the groomer last month and he came home with an ear infection.. I then brought him to the vet and he had lost weight too fast, I suggested getting bloodwork on him because I was suspicious of Diabetes, turns out he was in renal failure and anemic, the vet said he needed a blood transfusion, IV fluids, ultrasound of kidneys and a bunch of other tests that could pinpoint his diagnosis costing from $3000-$8000 and they could not determine if the outcome of the up-hill battle would work for my little guy. X-rays showed and enlarged heart and a murmur.. Around x-mas he would vomit here and there and showed no appetite turning his nose up to everything, (except roastbeef) that was not our dog and we knew something was going on in his once 34lb body to 22lb body. With his whole medical backround and the dog that I always saw and knew I did not see him going through so much distress, surviving. He to us always had a weakness to begin with and I did not want to put him through all the stress, anxiety, treatments, medications and so forth, just to progress his life without knowing if it was 2 weeks or 2 years. My other dogs do notice him not here and the mini schnauzer my mom bought him for me to replace is 16 and still with me, I feel lousy.. Did i do wrong by ending my lil guys’ life so, soon and not giving him a chance, financially we could not afford it but, I could have come up with the money working with friends and family to pay them back. From his past medical history and his problems, I did not want to put him through all that stress without knowing if the outcome would work. CRF is irreversible and my buddy had already lost partial vision, renal failure, anemia, with an enlarged heart, Did I do right by him? Your comments are well appreciated, my story is long and not all included as far as his complete health backround.. I don’t think his lil’ body could handle much more, I have been crying for days, no appetite and my husband is very sad as well.. I feel soooooooooo guilty but, know he was never a strong pup to begin with.. If I only got bloodwork sooner, I don’t know.. We gave him lots of chocolate before our decision and he was such a happy pup, the tranquilizer was not a full dose and it looked like he was convulsing and the vet apologized and said he thought that dose would be enough, the euthanization was quick but, very painful for us. Pleasant comments please..

Nagesh answers:

Sounds like your dog was in a lot of pain. You gave him so much love in his little life, so many wonderful things that many dogs never experience. Even with treatments, how much quality could his life have had after something like that? Instead of suffering through years, going to the vet all the time for injections, probes, and all kinds of scary stuff, he went to sleep surrounded by people who love him. For what it’s worth, I think you made the right decision.

I feel you, hon. I lost a dog in September. This dog was with me through some tough times, and literally saved my life twice. He was seven years old, and a car hit him. I cried for weeks, then went and rescued a new puppy who didn’t have a family to love him. That puppy has brought me so much joy, and while no one could ever replace my Einstein, I feel happy because now I’ve helped a dog who really needed it.
I hope this helped you. I’m so sorry for your loss.

Steven asks…

HOW TO Raise money for school?


I am 12 years old and going into 7th grade. I can’t go to the school where all my friends are, unless I cough up $12, 000.

How can I make like $5000 dollars fast. ($5000 because the school I will go to if I don’t go to that school is $7000)
actually the other school is $8000

Nagesh answers:

There is almost no possible way a 12 year old can do that. Some adults can’t even do that.
I am 15 and make a bit of money online.
Like survey sites and stuff.. If you look at my website, I listed all the good paying sites I use…
Everything is free to sign up, you never have to pay..

Sell your stuff you don’t need.
Walk dogs.
Mow laws.
Do chores for neighbors.
Plant flowers.
Clean up things.

Charles asks…

How to get a LOT of money?

im 12 and a half and next year(7th grade)my grade will go to natures classroom for a week long camping trip in the woods in CT.
But the trip costs 390$!!

I really want to go but my parents said if i can make 2504 they’ll pay the rest!!i already have 20 tho!

so how can i make m0ney FAST??
the trip is in october..

p.s-im already having a tag sale this weekend but im donating the money to my neghbor(A 5 yr old boy with brain cancer and tubersclosis and the $ from the TS is for his surgurey!

Nagesh answers:

Get a job?

People will hire you with parents’ permission

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Wednesday, August 15th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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