Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Online

Robert asks…

How can I make money quickly?

I’m 13, I just want some extra cash (who doesn’t?), and I’m willing to do anything legal that won’t get me too far from home. What’s the deal with the “make money online” thing, anyone have details on that?
Also, is there a way for me to promote my crafts that I could sell from home (I can knit well enough and I like to draw, and I am really good at photoshopping but I have no color printer) without buying a domain?
And please, “lemonade stand” or “selling gum at school” are bogus…


Nagesh answers:

Try babysitting.

Betty asks…

How To Make Money Online Quickly?

i need to make money online tonight is there a really quick way to do so

Nagesh answers:

Hi Jay,

Typically when it comes to making money online, it doesn’t happen in one night. Not to say it’s not possible, but it surely is not likely or very realistic.

Making money online is all about solving a problem for someone. If you can solve someone’s problem, then you can make money online. Example, if you know a way to get rid of acne very quickly, I bet there would be a ton of people that would want to know. You could put it together in a course or product and make a lot of money.

Once you have the right product/website all you need is traffic. There’s a lot of ways to get traffic to your website as well as make money. I’ve done a review of a company that I’ve been making thousands with since April. You can see my review on the Global Success Club here:

Good luck,


Sandy asks…

How can children make money quickly online?

Nagesh answers:

Children can make money quickly by maybe a lemonade stand, or walking, cleaning or grooming a dog. Alternatively, make your own kind of business and sell the stuff around the house you don’t need. When its really hot, buy a case of water take it to school and sell it. In addition, wash cars and windows.

John asks…

Looking for a way to make money online quickly and easily and looking for a way to get NX.?

Hey guys!

I’m a “kid” who’s old enough for surveys, etc… (Just for future reference).

So, here’s the deal.
I got to a school district where the majority or it is rich. However, I am not part of the wealthy majority. So, our school is going on a bunch of field trips, totaling in a whopping +$2,500 dollars. So, my parents are letting me go on all these trips, but they made a deal. No Christmas presents for me…
So that means I can do anything I want, to EARN the money. Because I’m just meet the standards, I can do surveys, etc…

So what I need is…
A quick and easy way I can make money (at least 200 bucks)
And, If possible, a quick and easy way to get at least $10 worth of NX.
And if possible, I would love to have the money by Christmas.
Just by seeing the just response, thanks for opening up my mind a little. Just wondering if there is like a thing where I can make money fast enough. I’m not looking for the guide to “Get Rich Quick”.

Nagesh answers:

I really hate to say this, but what makes you think that anyone is going to suggest something to you to earn money? If there was a quick and easy way to make at least $200 bucks, people would be doing it and keeping it quiet so that their revenue source didn’t dry up. Who would encourage the competition?

The only thing I can think of are the old standbys: Babysitting, yard work, doing chores for neighbors, and like that. Good luck to you.

Michael asks…

how to make money online quickly?

Nagesh answers:

This website has been voted the #1 work from home site on the web & has a 26 video course on how to make money online, it’s free to watch & you don’t need to sign up to anything. Http://

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Thursday, October 4th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quickly

Sandra asks…

what is a good way to earn money quickly? – i really want to go on holiday but cant afford it :(?

i havent been away abroad for ten years…. this is mainly due to the fact that my family doesnt have a lot of spare money for things like holidays… but this year i’d really like to go and visit my grandparents in spain. i dont need a lot of money, as i dont have to pay for accomodation, but i do need about £200. what is an effective quick way to get money (nothing illegal lol) Thank-you! x

Nagesh answers:

Sell belongings that are valuable.

Mary asks…

How can i earn money quickly is there any leaflet dropping jobs?

Nagesh answers:

Congratulations!!! You are the millionth person this week asking this question. There are none. They are all get rich quick scams to take your money.

Mandy asks…

What’s the best way for a 15 year old to earn money quickly?

Anything but babysitting…

Nagesh answers:

Online surveys

Steven asks…

Myspace Mobsters- How do YOU earn money quickly?

This game is totally awesome but I don’t seem to be getting anywhere. Any suggestions on how to earn more money?
Add me

Nagesh answers:

Yeah, i buy lotsa property and do lotsa missions and fight people to take their money, lol =]

Donna asks…

how can i earn some money quickly 4 my summer holz???

hiya……..just wondering if anyone has any tips on how i can earn money quickly for the summer cos i’m going away for 6 weeks and dont have enough saved up :S its too late to get a job now so if u have any other ideas plzzz let me know. thanks guys :]

Nagesh answers:


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Wednesday, October 3rd, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money At Home

Michael asks…

Can anyone tell me of an easy great work at home internet business that will make you tons of money and FAST!

I am looking for a simple quick and easy way to make money online NOT chump change im talking big money something that is REAL , and succesful and doesnt cost an arm and a leg and im not talking about selling stuff or spending dreadful hours online trying to fill out surveys i want something i can just basically set and forget something that does the talking and selling for me i have been looking for an online job for a while and i’ve had no luck! So if you know of any GREAT online business that you have gained wealth and success with please let me know.. THANKS

Nagesh answers:

If you are looking for a set and forget system check out this site reviews online business opportunities and posts the ones that work on there site. Once you sign up for one of the programs go to the traffic page and sign up for all the traffic programs listed this will start bringing you traffic almost instantly. I’m not sure if you will get rick from this but I make pretty good money every month.

Charles asks…

What is the quickest way to make extra money (LEGALLY!) without having to get a second job?

I work fulltime…I hate it..but it pays the mortgage and provides healthcare. My hubby is semi retired and has a part time job. Even when he had his full time job we were always a little short. We made a few adjustments after he retired from him job due to stress.
I’ve tried every “work at home” thing most of them were scams…please no MLMs!! Did them all!!! Do you guys know of anything creative I can do from home to make some extra money? I can’t get a part time job since I have kids and I’m already tired at the end of the day! Thanks!!

Nagesh answers:

I was in this almost same dilemma and I started selling stuff on ebay. I started with stuff in my basement and closet, then moved on to the garage and started selling “junque” (high class junk) for friends and family for a commission. The best part is once I got started I got into a routine, usually worked at my computer one or two nights a week and one LONG evening of packaging stuff and standing at the post office. Hope that helps.

John asks…

How can I save money or make more money?

I hate it, I’m living from paycheck to paycheck. My husband works in roofing, and he gets paid every week as long as it’s not snowing, raining or extremely windy; and I get paid every two weeks. But we can’t seem to save money. We want to remodel our house, but at the rate we’re going that’s never going to happen. I’m tempted to do one of those “get rich quick” schemes. Is there a way to make extra money at home? and How can I save money? HELP!!!

Nagesh answers:

Do you have a budget? A budget makes saving easier. Think to yourself, do i want that or do i want a new kitchen? Stop spending on unessesary things.

Joseph asks…

Dose anyone know how to earn legitimate money at home part time in the evening.?

I dont want the typical get rich quick scheme that floods the internet. There has to be someone that has a legitimate way to make extra income.

Nagesh answers:

You can apply for freelance writing, bookkeeping, software, transcription, online tuition or customer service work at home jobs. These companies do not require any fee and pay well . List of companies(with websites) offering genuine work at home jobs is available at . Many of these companies have been in business for several years

Steven asks…

ways for me to make money at home?

im 13 and bored at home and i need some money to take a flight to Rome and im wondering if theirs some thing i could do to make quick money any websites or anything like my friend sell fertilizer but he lives on a farm and i live in the city any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

EBay!!! Or cut some yards bro

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Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast And Free

James asks…

What website pays you to do surveys to get money that is free and not a scam.?

I need a fast way to get money. And please, please, please don’t tell me about a website that is a scam.
Oh and say whether you have an account on that website yourself.
Thanks so much!!!!

Nagesh answers:

None of them are not a scam. And what makes you think your opinion about anything is worth any money. NEWSFLASH!!!…this country is in a recession……ergo….EVERYONE needs a fast way to get money. Get a job?

Ken asks…

can u get free money or free clintz faster then tornaments?

u can. i know cheats how to do it. but if u want to no the cheat somebody has to give me kolos for 200 clintz or lamar cr for 200 clintz. that is what u have to pay me my name is carlito4 on urbanrivals im in the-hunters its a guild and so give me kolos or lamar cr for 200 clintz and i will give u the cheat

Nagesh answers:

What the hell are you taking about?

Lizzie asks…

How to make runescape money fast!?

Ok i cut yews which ar pretty good money, but is their any thing faster and better for free players? also any body got accounts they dont want?

Nagesh answers:

If you have a high enough fishing level, you can also catch lobbies and sell them, easy money. I’d suggest clearing your inventory of everything except the lobster cage, catch a bunch of them, either cook/sell them raw (whichever is worth more i forgot), go to the bank and exchange them for bank notes so that you can stack them, then keep catching more until you have a lot and sell them all for a nice pile of gold 🙂 good luck

Richard asks…

i want to make money online doing surveys or playing games but….?

I want to do surverys or playing and reviewing games online or anything that i can do for free to make money on, as my gf lives in Leicester an i never get 2 see her so i want to make money so i can start seeing her more.

I am 16 and i would need the money or prizes delivered straight to my door, i just need a SIMPLE FREE! programme were i can earn money FAST! for FREE!.

There must be a programme out there for me, if you know the programme i’m looking for, PLEASE!!!!!!! tell me, cause it would change my life FOREVER!

Nagesh answers:

There are many ways to make money online. I offer you to try all of them. Follow the link and start learning how to start making money for free

Chris asks…

How do I raise money in a fast way?

Whats a way to raise a lot of money in a month? (with out nasty comments) my fiance is going to be in a-school on my b-day and he gets weekends free so I wanted to go to chicago on my 18th b-day and surprise him and hang out w/ him but i have no money and i had to quit my job cause i was being sexually harassed and couldn’t take it anymore. and i’ve put in applications EVERYWHERE but my town is very small so there isn’t many places to work. i need ideas on how to get money fast so i can spend a weekend in chicago…any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Yard Sale
Ebay sales
Baby sitting
Pet sitting
House sitting
Weekend car washing with friends

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Monday, October 1st, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Scams

Paul asks…

Make Money Online, earn online fast?

Are you tried of being scammed if yes I am here to tell you all about an honest earning that does not scam people, it is free and have payment proof

Nagesh answers:

You can apply for freelance writing, bookkeeping, software, transcription, online tuition or customer service work at home jobs. These companies do not require any fee and pay well .

Robert asks…

Is There any legit ways to earn money online fast and easy and free?

ive been looking everywhere and all the sites that i find are all scams so please if anyone has found a site that isnt a scam culd u plz answer (hacking is always welcome too 🙂

Nagesh answers:

There are so many blogs about making money online at blogger. 5 minute search gave me this result – Get money for listening to radio and reviewing music – Make 250$ monthly tutorial – Make 10$ a day tutorial + a guide how to earn with PTCBrigade – Free advices about making money – Make money with RunDownBux and in other ways

John asks…

This website says that you could make money online fast. Is it true?

Here’s the link: My mother said that this is just a scam. Anyone ever tried it before? I need answers!
Plz do not answer if u never tried it before! Not all websites has scams! They are just hard to find!

Nagesh answers:

It’s a scam. No legitimate business charges you to make money. This site you have to pay first before you can even create an account.

Scam, scam, scam. Btw, they all are. If you want to make money there are no online sites that aren’t scams.

Carol asks…

How to make quick money (online)?

So there’s this concert that I really want to go to in a month and I need to pay for it but I don’t have much money. I was thinking about signing up to do online surveys but don’t know of a good scam-free site. Please help me figure out how to earn money fast!
If you have any other tips on making money besides surveys please tell me!

Nagesh answers:

Now, It’s easy to make money online and its you can make it easily with good program or guide. There are lots of scam program on Internet, so you have to take care of it.

You can try Affiliate Marketing, Products selling or more according to your skill. With help of guide you can get skill to make money online.

Charles asks…

How can i make fast money?

i am 14. where can i either get a job, do something i dont kno. PLEASE NO ONLINE SCAMS. and nothing really online. thanks

Nagesh answers:

You could rake leaves, shovel snow, deliver newspapers, babysit, do odd jobs for neighbors. Then, in a year or two you’ll be old enough to get working papers and work a real part time job.

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Sunday, September 30th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes For Kids

Ken asks…

For those who have played a fair amount of tennis in their lives with a wooden racquet, is it the same game?

It has been said by mostly retired pro tennis player like McEnroe, for example, that with the new racquets in use today, tennis isn’t really the same game. I learned and played most of my tennis with wood racquets. Now that my son is getting into tennis, I’ve started playing again, and this time with the new lightweight non-wood racquets.

When I was playing with my son yesterday, I had the funny feeling in the middle of a rally that I really wasn’t playing “tennis” anymore. I was aware that I was putting spin on the ball and hitting backhands like I never used to be able to when I played with a wooden racquet. It’s just easier and almost seems too easy, which is where the problem comes in.

For a moment or two, I almost felt like I was playing some kind of hybrid sport that was a cross between tennis and badminton, for example. I mean the racket I was using was so light, I became aware that I was “wristing” a lot of shots, i.e., just hitting them with a flick of the wrist, and actually making good shots that way, and with an old wood racquet, I doubt I would have even been able to get such a shot over the net.

I believe, if my memory serves, that the string tension is also higher on the new racquets than it was on the wood ones, so the net (no pun intended) effect reminded me more of playing badminton than the type of tennis I grew up playing

After all, with a badminton racket, you use your wrist a lot and just flick shots over the net. Anyway, when I had this sudden perception I was playing what seemed like badminton/tennis, I actually got a little depressed. (BTW, if somebody decided tennis as it is played now is indeed a different sport and wanted to rename it, what might they call it: “tennisminton” or how ’bout “badtennis”? Hmmm…)

Anyway, while having these mid-rally musings while playing with my son the other day, I just lost a little of the thrill of the game and started wondering if it was still a challenging sport compared to the way it used to be. I mean, with all the running, etc. it’s still a good, sweaty game which helps burn off the calories, but is it just a tad too easy? It seems like a lot more people play the sport than used to also, because of the new racquet technology which enables you to punch the ball more easily and get by with less than solid technique, etc.

My eight year old, of course, who is just learning the sport and can already hit the ball almost as well as some beginning adults I’ve seen , had no idea what was going through my head as we were playing. I didn’t tell him what was on my mind, because he really likes the game and I wouldn’t want to put any type of damper on his enthusiasm.

I’ve already mentioned to him at one point or another that they only had wood racquets when I started playing tennis, and he just kind of reacts the same way as when I tell him they didn’t have PCs when I was a kid or cell phones for that matter… like it’s only marginally interesting but not very important in the grand scheme of things.

Today, I found myself going on eBay and checking out wood rackets that people are selling. I even found some supposedly brand new Wilson Jack Kramer autographs that some company still had stored in their warehouse somewhere and were selling, unstrung, for 125 bucks or something. I always wanted one of those when I was younger, but don’t know if I want to put down a chunk of money like that with the additional money for having it strung. Then I even began wondering if anybody knows how to string wooden rackets anymore?!

In my own defense, for those who think I’m just an anachronism who should keep such thoughts to myself, I know I’m not totally alone in this old tennis racquet quandary… apparently McEnroe suggested at one point that players go back to using wood racquets, and I read the other day that Sampras said when he started teaching his son how to play, he was going to have him use a wood racquet to learn good groundstrokes and placement, etc.

Of course McEnroe is only a few years younger than I, not sure how old Sampras is, but at least you can’t just accuse them of being know-nothing geezers, because I’m sure they could still whip the butts of anybody who happens to be reading this right now, (unless there are some top-seeded pros who like to check into Yahoo! Answers/ Tennis every once in awhile to find out what we’re saying about them (?) )

Anyway, if anybody found this posting interesting enough to have read this far, I’d welcome any comments on this whole issue of wood vs. high tech racquets and whether the game of tennis is really “too easy” now, or just different, or indeed, whether any of this even matters to anybody but John McEnroe, Pete Sampras, and myself (at least I’m in good company, right?)
Lots of really interesting and informative answers here. Definitely getting my money‘s worth….*smile*

Nagesh answers:

Things change with time, when players like Laver 34 example used wooden racquet’s their opponents were aslo using wooden Racquet. It was not as if 1 guy was using a metallic racquet and the other 1 was using a wooden one. Simmilarly now when the racquet technology has improved it has improved for every 1. I dont see why its such a big issue things have evolved in all games.

Jenny asks…

What do these lyrics mean?

[Ol’ Dirty Bastard]
Man man look at the sky
All the stars man the stars is beautiful tonight
Look at em

Ghetto supastar that is what you are
Comin from afar reachin for the stars
Run away with me to another place
We can rely on each other uh huh
From one corner to another uh huh

[Pras Michel]
Some got hopes and dreams
We got ways and mean
The supreme dream team always up with the scheme
From hub caps to sellin raps, name your theme
My rise to the top, floatin on this cream
Who the hell wanna stop me, I hated those who doubt
A million refugees with unlimited warranties
Black Ceaser, datin top divas
Diplomatic legalese, no time for a visa
I just begun, I’ma shoot them one by one
Got five sides to me somethin like a pentagon
Strike with the forces of King Solomon
Lettin bygone be bygone and so on and so on
I’ma teach these cats, how to live in the ghetto
Keepin it retro-spective from the get go
Lay low, let my mind shine like a halo
P-p-p-politic with ghetto senators on the d-low

Ghetto supastar, that is what you are
Comin from afar, reachin for the stars
Run away with me, to another place
We can rely on each other, uh huh
From one corner to another, uh huh

[Ol’ Dirty Bastard]
My eyes is sore, bein the senator
Behind closed doors hittin truths to the seafloor
The rich don’t know, ignore, this tug of war
While the kids are poor open new and better drug stores
So I became hardcore, couldn’t take it no more
I’ma reveal everythin change the law
I find myself, walkin the streets
Tryin to find what’s really goin on in these streets

[Pras Michel]
Now every dog got his day, needless to say
When the chief away, that’s when them cats wanna play
I told you, messin around you fools like Cassius Clay
Stretch my heater make you do a pass de bourree
Kick your balls like Pele, pick em doin ballet
Peak like Dante, broader than Broadway
Get applaud like a madator, cry yellin ole
Who the hell wanna see me, from B.K. to Cali

Ghetto supastar, that is what you are
Comin from afar, reachin for the stars
Run away with me, to another place
We can rely on each other, uh huh
From one corner to another, uh huh

[Pras Michel]
Just when you thought it was safe in a common place
Showcase your finest is losin fast in the horse race
Two face, gettin defaced out, like Scarface
Throw your roll money let me put on my screw face

[Ol’ Dirty Bastard]
And I’m paranoid at the things I said
Wonderin what’s the penalty from day to day
I’m hangin out, partying with girls that never die
See I was pickin on the small fries, my campaign tellin lies
I was just spreadin my love, didn’t know my love
Was the one holdin the gun and the glove
But it’s all good as long as it’s understood
Let’s all together now, in the hood

Ghetto supastar, that is what you are
Comin from afar, reachin for the stars
Run away with me, to another place
We can rely on each other, uh huh
From one corner to another, uh huh

[Pras Michel]
All stars

Ghetto supastar, that is what you are
Comin from afar, reachin for the stars
Run away with me, to another place
We can rely on each other, uh huh
From one corner to another, uh huh

Nagesh answers:

I think it about reaching for your dreams and be famous no matter where your from

John asks…

RHH: Rate this verse?

I wrote this trying to emulate the style of Gang Starr, I used similar rhyme schemes and it’s to be said with similar inflection and flow.

You want wealth?
Here’s your wealth
You’re in good physical and mental health.
It’s funny the problems that arise from writing a rhyme.
And discovering the sublime in 4:4 time
As a new kid on the scene, still not in his prime.
I’m not stressing though,
Cus I’m just being me, trying to learn and grow
And I’ve learned that happiness comes in many ways
Be it family, women, friends or praise.
But neither happiness nor wealth can truly amaze
Be it covered it thorns, or sugarcoated and glazed.
What would you sacrifice for people to remember your name?
I guess its just the price of fame.
MJ learned it the hard way
That it’s hard to make the public see it our way
In his case, the price was his life
Pressured to perform, how’s that for strife?
Today’s lesson, as a wise man once said
Fyck it. That wise man’s dead.
Learn to grow, listen to the unsaid
Read the unread,
The poorest man is the richest, while the rich are really poor.
But as the years go by, both are equally obscure
And I don’t mean to sleuth
God strike me down if im ever uncouth
But here’s the honest truth.
We all haves eyes bigger than our stomachs and a sweet tooth.
And I know its cliché
But money never bought happiness anyway
Sorry, I didn’t check the category….

Nagesh answers:

It’s a good comment on today and much of society’s attitudes.
8.5 / 10 from me.

Mary asks…

I would like to break up my bro with his gold digging girlfriend?

My brother has a girlfriend who is not only a bitch but also a gold digger who thrives in attention seeking scheme.

I am not perfect but this girl is not even trying.

She finished college about a year ago. Before then she had dumped my brother because he could not provide the life he wanted. He had to travel about 300km to go and visit her and then she would refuse to see him because she was with another guy.

Then he got a well paying job and she came begging him for another chance. She started complaining that he does not spend as much time with him because he was allways at work. Mark you she has never attempted to look for a job and does not subsidise the expenses. All her costs and general expenses are up to my brother. Being stranded he quit his job and started his own business to be with her. She even made her the receptionist.

Then she went again saying that the job she had paid like a house help and that undermined. She came to work late and spent all the money from the business. When they had a problem paying the bills she quit the job and got another guy.

my brother was at it again to get her back. He got funding from well wishers and the business and the business started thriving. Now she is back and wants another chance and wants my brother to give her kids in addition to marrying her in a grand wedding.

I would like my brother to get a girl who appreciates his efforts and will be with him through thick and thin. This girl has to go before he starts to make demands that will run down my brother’s business.

How do I go about it?

Nagesh answers:

Your Brother, I assume, already knows what this girl is like. He knows everything you have just written, however, you cannot get involved. This is supposed to be happening, and he’ll figure it out in time.. Soon after he’ll be stronger than ever, and not end up with someone worse off. If you get involved, he will not only have dislike towards you, but also lack of respect in you.. And, he’ll probably end up with someone else that’s worse than that, because he never would have learned.

My mother is like the woman you’ve explained above – I don’t live with her, but she’s done a lot worse off than what you’ve explained above, a lot worse. However, my dad says he would never take back what he has done, even though he hates her, because she gave him me & my brother.

Tell your brother what you think, in a subtle way but don’t make it overbearing for him, he’ll take what you say into consideration.
Let love and life take its course, it’ll save future pain for you and your brother if you let it be.

Mark asks…

Afraid my daughter will turn into…?

My daughter is thirteen years old, but she’s so completely different from all the other young teens I see and I don’t know if it’s for the better or worse. She has no social life, and never sees any of her friends out of school even when I suggest it. She spent her entire winter break up to this point “scam baiting”, purposefully getting scam on her email and creating a bunch of fake identities to trick them. She even sent some of them viruses, but I told her not to do that and she says she stopped. She has no femininity and never brushes her hair unless I force her to.

She’s really smart I know that, she is very interested in Einstein’s theories of relativity and is trying to disprove them. She doesn’t take math at school because the middle school has no courses for her, she has to study independently on the internet. She’s the only student doing that. When she was younger I tried to get teachers to let her skip grades, but her lack of social skills prevented this. She also talks about politics with my husband’s friends whenever they come over, and she understands how the government works and has her own ideas.

She’s so deceptive, though. I don’t mean that she lies, but she loves to hack and hacked into the school’s computer system last year and almost got expelled. As I said before she tricks scammers, gives them viruses, sometimes giving them each other’s email address and playing them against each other. She tells me excitedly about all the fake accounts she makes for some website, and manipulates whatever is going on there, just for fun. When she was younger (4th grade), she got in trouble for causing trouble around the school and setting up circumstances so that a few “bullies” would be blamed and it almost worked. She even made a bunch of fake notes and everything. She doesn’t think she’s doing anything wrong.

Once, at McDonalds, after studying the menu, she came up with a whole scheme about how you can get back more money than you spent if you have a few accomplices, and you all buy things but return different things and so forth. She likes going to supermarkets because she finds out capitalistic society “interesting”, how they place the milk in the back so that you’ll pass by more merchandise and buy more and how gift cards are just borrowing money from you without interest.

She’s not a bad kid, she has a very strong sense of justice and is idealistic. But I’m really worried about how she lacks social skills and doesn’t care for friends, and enjoys lying and manipulation so much. I’m afraid she’s going to grow up to be some illegal hacker or something, or some “evil mastermind”. I know that sounds ridiculous, but I have no other way to put it. She’s only thirteen, shouldn’t she be giggling with her girl friends, not doing, well, what she does?

Should I be worried about her, or let her do what she does? Could she possibly grow up to be a criminal? Should I try to get her to be more normal? What would be the best for her?
She doesn’t write the viruses herself. A lot of the spammers send her attachments with viruses, and she knows how to rename them without opening them and send them to different scammers. At least, that’s how she explains it. I don’t really know how it works.

Nagesh answers:

Look lady or guy, you’re kid is awesome. She’s really smart and uses it in creative ways. If I were you, I’d let her do her own thing. It sounds like she is well aware of how far she can go with stuff. She sounds like she knows her surroundings well. You want her to go get a manicure and talk about boys. A lot of girls aren’t like that. You’re daughter is special and don’t do anything to change her.

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Saturday, September 29th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Jobs

John asks…

what a good money-making jobs for 17 year olds? ?

i mean like a decent amount of money! since we are pretty limited to 7.50 and hour, what jobs have better pay than others? any jobs other than retail and fast food?
ps. i didn’t say it had to be easy.

Nagesh answers:

You could be a waitress, or waiter. I’m 16, almost 17 and make close to 300 a week, just working 4 days a week, 5 hours in the evening. But you have to be a good worker and be able to keep your cool, cause things can get tense, and tables get annoyed, you just have to be able to make them feel like their kings and queens for the night, they get what they want, when they want it, to the best of yoru ability. But it’s a great paying job.

Betty asks…

How can I make money fast without a job?

I’m not old enough to get a real job and I need money in like a week or two. Me and my friend want to go to magic mountain soon and my parents won’t give me money to go -_-
We were thinking of doing a bake sale/lemonade stand. lol would that work? i just need ideas… and fast!
thanks so much!

Nagesh answers:

Hahaha I actually like the idea of a bakesale. If you have a popular spot in your town you could try hosting it around there. Like in NC in chapel hill we would go to Franklin Street on a friday night.

Sell all your old (unwanted) clothes and or electronics on craigslist, make sure to include good pictures.

Advertising your babysitting or petsitting services locally on craigslist to get more jobs (if you do either of those things)

Rate music for money at

You can take daily surveys at fusioncash. It’s free and easy to sign up. If you need more info you can check out

If you like to write you can sell peices of writing at associated content, then get paid on top of that based on how many people read your content.

Sell handmade jewelry or any craft really (including photography) at

David asks…

How do i make fast money without a job?

Im 13 years old and i want to make some money to buy things for school. i was wondering if i could get the money , but not be into a job where you have to be there every day for this much hours. A job like babysitting or something, or doing some online work. If you can help, thank you. I live in the East Bay

Nagesh answers:

When I was your age I made money by:

-mowing lawns and pulling weeds,
-walking people’s dogs,
-helping people pack for their move,
-feeding pets and letting them out to pee when people were away,
-working a paper route,
-helping elderly people with grocery shopping and other errands,
-cleaning people’s homes
-washing people’s cars
-asking people (friends and family) for their unwanted goods and holding yard sales
-selling crafts and homemade items (I sold picture frames, ashtrays I made, teddy bears I made and friendship bracelets)

Ask your parents and other family members to help get the word out for you. Get them to tell their coworkers, friends, family, people at church, acquaintances etc. That you are willing to work. Put out ads in grocery stores, pet stores, libraries, on-line, in the newspaper etc.

I earned all of my money (except the paper route) through family and friends and neighbors. I did a good job and people told their friends and family members about me so I made even more money. Look up on-line what people charge and are willing to pay for, for those services. Make sure you have permission from your parents and stay safe by making sure that your parents know where you are, and know the people you are working for.

Also, see if you can make any extra money from your parents by doing work around your house like washing the car, cleaning the gutters, mowing the lawn etc.

Chris asks…

How can i make money fast without getting a job?

Please help! I am looking for ways to make money fast. I do a little bit of surveys online but it is not fast enough. I am not old enough to get a real job. If anyone knows a fast way, that would be great!

Nagesh answers:

1. Sell your unwanted and unneeded items on Ebay and Craigslist
2. Sell your unwanted gold (there’s dealers everywhere right now)
3. Mow laws
4. Babysit
5. Pet-sit and/or dog walk
6. Look in the paper and Craigslist for a job or extra job
7. Clean cars
8. Do you have a talent? Give lessons
9. Sell your books on Amazon
10. Have a yard sale
11. Sell Avon, Tupperware, Creative Memories, or some other home catalog product.
12. Shovel snow
13. Wash windows
14. Have a bake sale
15. Bring clothing to a consignment shop

Jenny asks…

Whats the best way to make fast money?

Im looking to make money fast i have a job but its not enough and im looking to pay for some college so i need money bad is there away online or any kind of way to make money fat?

Nagesh answers:

Try this site;

you make from 60-4000 a month without ever spending a dime and via paypal or check!

Its paypal sponsered! Thats reliability my friend.

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Friday, September 28th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

Helen asks…

How to earn real money from google or any other valid brands?

im plannin to work from home… using my internet…. and want to earn money through internet… a valid website im looking for… cuz ive seen a lot of websites tht are fake

Nagesh answers:

Here are the main ways you can earn money from the Internet:

1. Sell products on the Web – You can either sell: (a) through your own storefront through your own website or applications such as Yahoo Stores; or (b) sell through online auctions like eBay

2. Information Delivery. Others such as create content and monetize their content in a number of ways:

a. Advertising – there are several ways you can earn money from advertising:

1. Join an advertising network. Advertising networks are organizations that aggregate Web sites that offer advertising space, and sell banner ads (and other advertising options) across them. Traffic requirement is often a minimum of 5,000 monthly impressions, although many do not accept sites hosted by free page services.

Burst Media

2. Participate in contextual advertising networks. Contextual advertising are text ads delivered based on the content of the web page using an automated system.

Google Adsense


3. Sell advertising for your site directly. This is admittedly a more difficult route for a small business site wanting to earn advertising revenues. But hey, as they say: “no pain, no gain!”

b. Affiliate Programs – you sell other people’s products that your audience may be interested in; and you get a certain commission after the desired action was done (whether a sale, a lead, subscription to email newsletter, or however this is defined)

Paid online content. or Supporters forum all require paid subscription before accessing the information

Linda asks…

how to earn online by working from home?

how to earn some money through internet by working at home ….

Nagesh answers:

Blogging is best way to earn money online.

Mark asks…

how can i earn money from home?any ideas?

I am unemployed at moment but i am an engineer(metering engineer) with quite some experience in my profession…i am trying to get some professional or any job…but till i get them it might take a week or a month or an year…..can anybody suggest is there any successful way i can earn some money from home(any amount)…through internet?

Nagesh answers:

If you know how to create drawings in AutoCAD as being an Engineer, there is plenty of work there. Create a Sample Portfolio of draings, approach/phone contacts local small engineering companies/ consultants/construction companies/small builders/ need drawings for city/county approval and ask for a job basis work, say for example, per drawing sheet, $200 or anything.

1) Approach at least 100 companies/consultant/contractors…at least.2-3 will turn to you and you start.

Repeat the same and in 3-6 months, you’ll be hiring people to handle the work. Sounds absurd, right! You’re wrong, its true.

2) Advertise in for CAD work in at least 5 cities. You’ll get reply. Do job while at home, send by email for correction. Correct the drawings, send by email. Ask for money to be deposited into your bank account directly. Check the bank account online to see the money into it. Send the final drawings to client.

3) Look for job while doing this if you feel its not you who can do this. Work for others, remains poor forever. And let them go to vacation to Hawai while you work for them or you sit home without job while they are in a cheaper vacation trip to Nepal to save the business capital for next boom. Choice is yours.

4) If you get the full time job, do this as side business, earn extra bucks for buying iPad2 for your daughter or buy vacation for the whole family. Sounds good! Don’t sit, just start right now!

Have you noticed that everything is happening on-line, isn’t an on-line business indeed?

See the result of your action after 30 days and remember me who gave you this funny idea without knowing you, over the internet! If you need more guidance, feel free to ask. I’ll try to help you.

Sandy asks…


i am surfing atleat for five hours daily. i wish to earn atleast a small
money through internet to meet electricity bill and internet service
bills. instead i am spending lot of money to the web sites who lure
me “earn from home” only to find they demand more and more money. any broad minded person give
me suggestion to solve my problem.

Nagesh answers:

Best, legal and safe way to earn on internet is by joining paid survey sites. Paid survey sites pay you for your opinion on various topics.
Don’t pay for any survey program to join. There are many free to join paid survey like survey savvy they pay more then 5 $ per survey. Always check for on which site you are registering is BBB (Better Business Bureaus) certified.
Global Test Market…
American Consumer Opinion
Survey Savvy…
Permission Research
Greenfield Online Surveys
Opinion Surveys……

You can check the website for more free survey list, affiliate programs and contextual ad program, get paid for reading email & surfing the web and more earning recourses.

Check the website for freelance work.

Sandra asks…

Is there any site on Internet where i can do work sitting at home and earn money? ?

per month 200$ are enough for me
I need lot of money to make . I have visited many website where they say that they give a lot of money but ultimately they r all frauds
they pay nothing. I stay in India
I can also teach maths , english,indian language through Internet to any students
If there is anywork relating to send E-mails
plz give me suggestion
plz for God’s sake give me genuine information
becoz it is a very sensitive issue
plz give me right infornations.
i will be very much grateful to them who will help me

Nagesh answers:

WOW!! Have you been on planet Earth for very long? If not, welcome!!

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Thursday, September 27th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For College Students

Betty asks…

Whats the best way for a busy college student to make a little money from home?

I’m pretty busy with college and my side photography job. But I need to find someway to make a little extra money in my spare time. Any ideas? I don’t want any get rich quick junk. I want real stuff that you’ve tried. I just need a little gas money each week. I’ve got a laptop so I was thinking something online would be great. Thanks for the help!

-Ben M.

Nagesh answers:

I found an online business that works for me. If you’d like the site just let me know.

Good luck!

Robert asks…

How can I raise money for haiti?

Im attending a small Sixth Form College in Birmingham, England, with a student population of around 150 students. It is a very well off school and many of the students have extremely rich families. I want to raise money to send to a charity involved in helping ther situation in haiti as i have lost many friends in the natural disaster along with many friends who have lost family and possesions. I need some quick way of making a lot of money. Suggestions i have come up with so far (please give me your input on these) are; holding an auction getting some of the rich parents and local businesses to donate good items to go into an auction, have a dinner with a respected wellknown person/people attending and giving a speach selling the tickets for a fair price, some sport event although i dont know what – im a competetive swimmer but im not too well connected so i couldnt raise alot of money by myself, a competition within the school, a comedy event or a music event – im sure through contacts i can arrange an event with a comedian or well known musician to do a gig for free which would raise alot of money. How could i get people involved/interested.. eg. publicity. I need quick responses as the hatian people need our help now. Thank you!

Nagesh answers:

raffle tickets

David asks…

What is the quickest way for college bound student to save money for a year?

i go next fall, and i make $800 dollars every 2 weeks pay….

Nagesh answers:

That’s it….and put it into a savings account. Not the stock market. It sucks. Make sure you apply for a loan if you need. Don’t overload on classes if you have to work during the school year.

Maria asks…

Making money at home using Google Adsense?

hey guys,
I am a student who have been feeling so helpless
due to lack of financial support.

I’ve been affording my own tuition for community college that
I’ve been going last few years. But I am transfering this fall, and the tuition for this university, I just can’t afford by myself.
(I am an international student and pay as three times much as citizens or permanent residents pay….)
I have a single mom and our annual family income isn’t so decent.

Anyways, under this circumstances,
I just read this article posted on the website written above,
and I am now like “does that really even makes sense?”

I’ve been taught that there’s no quick and easy way to make money,
and you have to work honestly and earnestly to do so.

Well,, I searched for ‘Google Adsense’, and I am kind of getting idea
how it works but I am still doubtful because on wikipedia, it says that the google discontinued its service in October 2008 but the guys on that blog were saying like they’ve got this much check during months in 2009.

Well.. my writing is being messy,
wrapping it all up,

my questions are

1. Is that legitimate and honest way to make money if it ever does ?
I don’t wanna give it a try if it’s against federal or state law, just in case.

2. Is that service discontinued ?

3. then, is there another source for business opportunity that I can do at home? I’ve read on wikipedia that e-bay offers similar business opportunity. Anyone knows about this?

Thx for reading you all have a great life !

Nagesh answers:

Lots of these websites or programs that promise you to get rich quick using Adsense or anything else from Google are scams.
However, Adsense is for real. Really for real! You can earn via Adsense, you can even earn alot via Adsense. However, it does take lots of work, and some time and persistence.
The ebay thing that you mention is actually selling stuff, so you sell your old stuff, or buy new stuff to sell again. Disadvantage: it can cost you money, lots of money 🙂
You can start Adsense for free (or with a small amount of money if you wish), and you can find all the info you need for free on the internet.
As for the discontinued service from Adsense: it is their referral program which is discontinued, which was a small part of Adsense, and which never really worked well for me. The ads are still there, and I think are here to stay too 🙂
Good luck!

Sandy asks…

Caught Shoplifting. What will most likely happen now?

My boyfriend and I emptied a box of dishes out at Walmart tonight and filled it with 40 movies worth about 20 dollars each. The clerk dropped the box as she began to scan it and the movies spilt out. We needed the money b/c our bills are late, we’re college students with student aid and neither of us has families to support us. Our food stamps ended and we really needed a quick way to make cash while we wait for our 200 dollar monthly pay check. Our dog needs antibiotics we cant afford. He will get worse and die if we cant get them. Anyway, I walked away while Kevin stayed to occupy the employees. I drove home after thirty minutes when he didnt come out. He has a history of B and E. I need to know what is most likely going to happen to Kev. Im very scared and wish I knew how he is right now. What will happen to him now? It’s about 800 dollars. We never left the store. Does that help at all?

Nagesh answers:

If your intent was to walk out, they can still get you for shoplifting depending on where you live. Sometimes, though, it depends on if you suspect it and then leave for them to prosecute.

But WalMart has cameras everywhere, so they could have you BOTH on camera.

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Wednesday, September 26th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast And Easy

Lisa asks…

How can college students make fast, easy money?

I am a college student and wanted to know easy ways i could make money.

Nagesh answers:

You are barking up the wrong tree/. The only way to make fast easy money is to do something illegal. Do it the old fashion way by getting a job.

Donna asks…

Easy ways to get money fast and easy?

I am going to a Mac Miller concert with my friends and i need to make $70 or more fast or before april 11th. the tickets for 3 are $87 all together and we will need extra money for t-shirts and drinks and other stuff. please help! I’m 13 so i cant get a job.

Nagesh answers:

In st. Louis? I’m going too! And i would buy the tickets now before they go up. Try babysitting and asking neighbors if they need help with anything since your only 13. And i honestly can’t believe you being 13 are going to a college concert. Me and mu friends are 16 and I feel like we will stick out even

Mary asks…

what are some good ways to make money fast and easy?

Nagesh answers:

If you’re over 18, go donate some sperm or plasma! Not only would you get some cash but you’re doing it for a good cause.

Richard asks…

How can a kid make money fast and easy?

hey! I need a way to earn money preferably fast and easy. No, I can not and don’t want to do lemonade stands, babysitting or anything like that. No surveys either! Thanks in advance!
PLEASE no unappropriate things. I want real legitimate ways.

Nagesh answers:

I don’t know if your school has it, but you could work at your school library

George asks…

Quick, easy, safe ways to make money?

I’m kinda broke and need to save up for something so was wondering if anyone has some good ways to make money easy and fast

Nagesh answers:

Shovel snow
sell old things on ebay
put up christmas decorations
make easy ornaments here i have tried ALL of them. They totally work.
Walk dogs (They need to be walked in winter, too!)
The possibility’s are ENDLESS! Just be creative and do a little researching. Your sure to earn money!

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Tuesday, September 25th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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