Your Questions About Get Money Fast Online

Charles asks…

get some money safely online and fast?

i wana buy a wii but all the sites that clam that they are safe i dont trust them.

what are some sites that you have used and havent back stabed you? or riped you off?

Nagesh answers:

Great Business Oppurtunity here!

It is a GDI program. You get a 7 day trial for free.. And then after the 7 days you pay 10 dollars per month to gdi and they give you a website for that price.. And what they do is starting monday and ending sunday (one calender week) you get 100 dollars for ever 5 people you sign up under you.. If you get 10 people to sign up that same week.. You get 200..and so on.. Plus you get 1 dollar every month for each person in you sign up and that increases every single month! This is a great program if you know some friends who have been wanting to make money online and have tried the survey sites cuz believe me i have and this is nothing compared to that kind of site! But if you are interested email me, personally at

Mark asks…

Anyone know a way to make money really fast?

I am planning a trip to Rwanda with my friend. I am currently 16 years old. I feel bad asking my parents to pay for the whole thing, for it is quite pricey and they do a lot for me. I don’t know if I trust online money. I go to school forty five minutes away, making it difficult to get a job. I babysit from time to time, but I do not know how to go about getting more jobs.
Anyone know any way I could earn some money relatively quickly?

Nagesh answers:

Yea this is the forum to get truley honest answers from a bunch of stangers.

I we knew how would we be answering questions? Or tell you?

Come on get a real question

Mary asks…

fast way to get money? please?

an seriously. online money fast. does anyone have any ideas or whatever?

Nagesh answers:

Fast money is usually lost as quickly as it is gained. It’s a fact of human behavior. Impulsivity usually leads to negative consequences, such as dire financial problems

I have found no reputable and legal way to get rich quick.

I don’t know why you need money fast, so I’m at a disadvantage. I will suggest getting a part-time job delivering for Dominos in the evening, followed by a part-time night job at UPS. Then deliver newspapers on the way home and whatever else you can think of.

You will be tired. You will not be broke.

John asks…

How to Make Money Online…?

have a full-time job, but yesterday my paycheck got lost in the mail. Plus, because of budget cuts, the company is not giving any raises this year and no one is allowed overtime. I need a way to supplement my income, but my demanding hours won’t give me time for a second job.

In the meantime, I’m looking for a way to make extra money. I have extensive writing experience and I’m very adept with the internet, internet marketing, social media, etc. Where and how can I make money online fast? (Serious answers only please–no MLM, surveys, etc.)


Nagesh answers:

Can’t say much whether it works or not but from my experience I have seen so many people regret wasting a lot of money online yet still can’t earn any money online. And the one that has made money online from my observation has been online for a long time before ever make good money and most of them are already somebody in the offline world. The had full time job before but couldn’t stand to work 9-5 jobs anymore so they tried to find something online.

Basically I can say if you want to earn money online you need to have some of kind of expertise and credibility because I also found that most people buy from people they trust. And even more so now than before. Credibility and trustworthy is very critical online. Just take a look at you. How long would you take to make the decision to make a purchase? Do you really believe strangers giving you some answer to your questions right away.

Most people don’t even realise this. They took time to make a purchase but when they sell something they expect people to buy from them the first time those people came across their website. So please understand the reality of internet first and you will know how to make online. And it would be a little bit easier if you really have the desire. Hope that helps a bit.

Joseph asks…

How to make money online?

I need to make money and fast I haven’t been able to get a job and if I don’t find a way to get money soon my 5 month old and I will be homeless. I need to find a way to make some money online and fast none of this 100,000 points to make $10 thing or pay now to become a member and make millions either. Please I need help if you are doing something at home with crafts and it doesn’t cost money let me know I live in NM. Once again please help I need a home for my daughter and me.

Nagesh answers:

can i trust u,if i can then while not send me a mail on and we talk more about this.

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Sunday, October 14th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money In College

Daniel asks…

What is a good way to make good, quick money?

I currently live out in the middle of nowhere, Cottageville, SC, to be exact, and I work for a grocery store that only pays me minimum wage, $7.25. I have been working there for 8 months now and was promised a raise after 3 months that I am yet to see. Everyday that I work I do not take breaks at all and if I do, it is only for 10-15 seconds to drink something and I go straight back to finishing what it was that I was working on. My paychecks are anywhere from $80-$200, depending on how busy we are for that week. I only make enough to buy food, pay rent to my parents for living with them, and pay for gas for the rest of the week, then I am broke again. I do not own a vehicle, but have my girlfriend drive me to and from work because I totalled my vehicle two years ago and haven’t been able to purchase one since. I have been to college for a semester and passed all my classes, but could not finish due to financial issues and no job. With that in mind, does anyone know a way for me to LEGALLY make more money on the side, or even having me quit my job to make more money? Please, i really need some suggestions because I am trying to get back on my feet.

Nagesh answers:

1. Sell your unwanted and unneeded items on Ebay and Craigslist
2. Sell your unwanted gold (there’s dealers everywhere right now)
3. Mow laws
4. Babysit
5. Pet-sit and/or dog walk
6. Look in the paper and Craigslist for a job or extra job
7. Clean cars
8. Do you have a talent? Give lessons
9. Sell your books on Amazon
10. Have a yard sale
11. Sell Avon, Tupperware, Creative Memories, or some other home catalog product.
12. Shovel snow
13. Wash windows
14. Have a bake sale
15. Bring clothing to a consignment shop
16. Paper route

Jenny asks…

How college student make money?

I am 22 years old college student. I do not have a job and recently I have almost COMPLETELY run out of money. I am quite embarrassed by this. I just quit my job. Since I’ve been unemployed I’ve excelled dramatically in school. I have time to network and to be involved. I do wish to stay unemployed and spend my time to focus in school.

Are there any quick ways to make money? How did you survive in college? Any strategies? Tips to manage money?
I do not want to take out a loan or ask my parents for money. I come from a low income family. I receive financial aid. I commute.

Thank you for your help

Nagesh answers:

I am ALMOST graduating but I remember applying for any job near by my place on my freshman year. I used almost all advertisements I see, there’s kijiji, google, ads on billboards in school as well. I remember making $200 for one day just by walking my neighbours dogs, and I mean DOGS with S. If you are desperate enough, you’ll get a job no matter what it is.

John asks…

i need a fast and easy way to make quick money?

i live in austin, tx i am a college student who cant find a job anywhere because they do not want to work with my school schedule or they are full i just need extra money in my pocket legitimate ways any suggestions

Nagesh answers:

…it’s not MY fault you don’t want to flip burgers at burger-world??……you’re a spoiled princess !!

Steven asks…

What is a quick way to make alot of money?

I need to come up with 1400 dollars for college in less than a month. What is a really fast way i can make alot of money?

No stripping or selling drugs/my body

Nagesh answers:

Student loans or grants perhaps?

Richard asks…

Ways to make some quick cash? Suggestions anyone?

I’m 13 and im looking for a quick and easy way to make some money.. I have done a little bit of babysitting… i want to have a savings account, and have enough money in it to buy a car when i get my permit and license. Also college..? Only 13, but time flies.. PLEASE HELP(:

Nagesh answers:

Hate to break it to you, but there are no “quick and easy” way to make money. You either have to work really hard or get really lucky. If you’ve done babysitting before, you should probably look into that a bit more. Maybe you could build a reputation as a reliable baby sitter, and that way, you can charge more money. Good luck.

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Saturday, October 13th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Uk

Donna asks…

Pay per mile proposed schemes? Your views…..?

It has just been on the news that pay per mile will probably happen. They stopped several people in a town centre to tell them how much money they would need to pay for their current journey and it was extorinate – one family driving from Bristol to York would have to pay £46!!! I live in the midlands, the public transport is awful – my 15 minute drive to work takes over an hour on the bus!
I am sure some people will say we need to do this to save the environment – but we only live on a tiny island – can you see Mr Bush introducing a similar scheme to America – or China stopping their output of C02. Even if there wasn’t a single person in the UK, global warming would still happen at practically the same rate. It is clearly just another tax to line the politicians pockets. Why don’t they just ban 4x4s and high emitting cars instead. Make there a limit on how much a car can emit on all new models released. Eventually older cars would be phased out.

Nagesh answers:

I think it is a really awful idea invented by a ‘seat polisher’ with nothing better to do than to think of another way to get money out of the great British public. I’m not surprised at anything any more. Yesterday I heard that we all should be MADE to sing and read stories to our children! We even have a Social Exclusion minister for ***** sake. (four letter word in plural beginning with eff). The trouble is that we take everything that’s thrown at us without protest. I wouldn’t be surprised to see the issue of ration books soon where we will only be allowed a certain type and quantity of food each week (BECAUSE WE ARE ALL TOO FAT)! ’nuff said.

Ruth asks…

What do the classical contributors make of the parlous state of orchestras around the world?

I am surprised that this hasn’t been asked yet on this board (or perhaps it has and I missed it?), but I have been reading with increasing dismay about many leading orchestras going to the wall or in serious trouble.

In the USA, the Honolulu, New Mexico and Syracuse orchestras are no more, the Philadelphia Orchestra has filed for bankruptcy protection, the Detroit Symphony Orchestra has been almost ruined by strikes and many other leading orchestras are in deep financial trouble. In the USA there is no state subsidy for the arts.

In Europe, many smaller German orchestras have disappeared or have merged and in the Netherlands, some of the most prestigious musical organisations are in danger of going bust without their traditional state subsidies (or huge cuts in them). In Europe, state subsidy is normal (to varying degrees) for orchestras.

It seems neither system is working right now, so what’s the answer? Of course, many orchestras would survive on playing the classical pops time after time with freelance players drafted in as necessary (some very major orchestras in the UK have always used freelance rather than contracted musicians), but what service does that give to music? How would living composers get their new works played? How would we get to hear fine music that didn’t draw-in the crowds? Not very ‘creative’, is it?

When times get tough, the arts are always the first target for cuts. Yet orchestras’ budgets are TINY in the great scheme of things. The annual bonus awarded to a top banking executive in the City of London would keep a chamber orchestra in the UK going for about 2 years. How can this be right (don’t think that the money-grabbing banker is going to part with any of his wad to support music – he won’t!)? So, in reality, these swingeing and crippling cuts make very little difference to the national debt whatsoever, yet politicians always focus on orchestras and opera companies first. Could it be that the cynical politicians are relying on the (erroneous) public perception that the arts are a huge drain on the economy? And don’t forget that orchestras put BACK a lot of money into the coffers through taxes and tourism.

So, good people, what’s the way forward?

Nagesh answers:

In Germany, and by extension, to most of the other major continental european countries, this has a definite starting point: Arts and Culture policies after the Great War ( WWI). Music somehow held on during the brief respite until WWII, but afterwards the re-building of cities took precedence over art of any kind. My older colleagues ( now retired or dead) told stories of how the whole city of Aachen contributed to rebuilding the opera house after it too was damaged severely in bombing raids. Visitors often paid in coal or foodstuffs.
With the re-establishment of a more-or-less normal standard of living in the late 50s and 60s, Government started neglecting the educational aspects of music and culture. Perhaps because they had grown up without? Perhaps it just didn’t seem relevant enough to the business world.
With the reunion in 1989 to East Germany,( which even most conservative economists say was chivvied along too quickly and unrealistically) many of the “New” german communities found their cultural establishments strapped for the subsidized funds no longer available, and were forced into mergers. From about 150 opera houses and orchestras throughout the country, we are down to about 100 to date, an our nation-wide orchestral union regularly sends out messages to rally around one or another opera theater/orchestra at the edge of existence.
The last couple of years’ economic disaster has taken its toll here as well. Wages are frozen, many perks have been cut, never to return ( dry cleaning for your tuxedo!, string money for the whole string section, fender-bender repairs for brass, reeds for the winds).
Our orchestra just last night taped a piece for the benefit for the colleagues in Holland ( within spitting distance for us)to help out their desperate situation.
More and more orchestras are fishing for sponsors and other private measures. That means more work, mind you, as these groups expect their very own set of concerts for no extra pay, of course.
I think, until music and arts are firmly re-established in a country’s/culture’s educational concept, the whole idea of participation and support will continue to languish. If one thing positive can be said about our global links through the net, it can be this: classical music is also being broadcast more than before. Granted, YouTube doesn’t include some of the treasures that many of you may have at home, but more than the Top 10 is available!
Don’t despair, friends, but continue to make music.

William asks…

Could UK lawyers comment on the legality of a law?

Since April 2008 it has been necessary for shorthold tenancy landlords to either take out an insurance policy to protect a tenants deposit or to send the deposit to the Deposit Protection Service. It is the landlord, not the tenant, who has the right to choose one of these methods.

The Deposit Protection Service is free, financed by interest from the deposits. One of the 2 insurance options is expensive and the other is very expensive so most small lanlords will opt for the free service.

Until this law the landlord and tenant had the right to agree thet the deposit would be retained by the landlord as a bond to cover repairs or non payment of rent so if no such expenses occurred the tenant could have the rent back on the day he moved out and it was immediately available to be used for his next home.

Now the tenant has to wait 10 days and a request for the deposit has to be sent by the landlord and tenant to the DPS if there is no dispute. In the meantime some tenants will have to borrow for their next deposit.

Is it not the case that the deposit is at all times the property of the tenant and so the government and the law have no right to interfere with how he wishes to use it and who he wants to hold it as long as the purpose is not illegal?

If this is the case then could making the use of the scheme compulsory be overturned by appeal to a High Court or a European Court as the law deprives the tenant of the right to do what he wants with his own money?

I am aware that the intention is to protect tenants money but I question whether it is legal to force tenants to accept the scheme when it should be the tenants right to decide.

Nagesh answers:

I had not heard of this law, but I agree that I don’t like it. I doubt that the High court would strike it down, though. It seems to me to be a legal – if ill-advised – regulation of a business transaction.


John asks…

Will Kentucky make the NCAA tourney in 09?

Me and my boss have a bet going that Kentucky will not make the tourney in 2009 but he (being from Kentucky {obviously}) swears that they will on his mother’s life. So the question is posed will they make the tournament this year. Will they make it just on collegiate prestige or will the NCAA see that this would be looked upon with frowns as the people know their bid was just a money scheme? Or do you honestly think UK has a real chance at winning? I don’t think it is possible and he continues to say they will make it just because they are Kentucky “We are KENTUCKY and you are not!” is his continous statement, he thinks they will get in on prestige. You decide and give me more ammo or bust on this hot debate

Nagesh answers:

I am a huge KY fan myself and an ex-college player in the state of KY, so I have a bit of knowledge.

Unless they go to the finals of the SEC tourney they will not make it in. It really depends on which team shows up for the SEC tourney. If they are clicking with Patterson and Meeks, they can get to the finals.

Final predicition: They are to inconsistent under the helm of the worst hire in KY coaching history. No tourney this year, and this deeply hurts as a fan. Until they get rid of Gillispie, they will continue to fall. He’s a great recruiter but a horrible general of coaching. Why would one of the most historic teams in the country hire a coach who had absolutely no resume!!! The guy went to one sweet sixteen in his life. Seriously?

Betty asks…

Will Kentucky make the NCAA Tourney in 2009?

Me and my boss have a bet going that Kentucky will not make the tourney in 2009 but he (being from Kentucky {obviously}) swears that they will on his mother’s life. So the question is posed will they make the tournament this year. Will they make it just on collegiate prestige or will the NCAA see that this would be looked upon with frowns as the people know their bid was just a money scheme? Or do you honestly think UK has a real chance at winning? You decide and give me more ammo or bust on this hot debate>>!

Nagesh answers:

They have a chance if pitt unc and Connecticut players all die tonight.

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Friday, October 12th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Real Money Making Schemes

George asks…

Does anybody know any real get rich schemes?

Please tell how to have financial freedom without a degree.Is their really any legit ways to make money on the enternet?

Nagesh answers:

Only if you have no ethics. Most are schemes where you get others to join you. … You get three ppl under you.. They each get 3 ppl, etc. You have been recruited by one that needs at least 3 ppl under him.

These schemes all flounder about 6 levels down. Go get a degree in some sort of nursing if you want financial freedom… Even one in Funeral Services will work. Stay away from Internet schemes.

James asks…

Why do these Amway etc. dumbasses trick their friends?

My co-worker is one of those people who jump from money making scheme to scheme and he just tricked us making us think we were getting together for Christmas. Then when we get there sure enough his “business associate” breaking out some videophone for sale. What a crock. That man needs to give it up with those damn schemes. Get a real job!

Nagesh answers:

Your co-worker shouldn’t have to “trick” people to seeing a business opportunity. That’s poor ethics in any situation. But not all of it is bad. Depends on the people involved, you just might meet some really positive people, and I hope you do. Personal growth is not a bad thing. You don’t have to jump for every “get rich quick scheme” like your friend, but it can’t hurt to see what is out there. Donald Trump says it’s beneficial, and good business to have some kind of association with those types of thinkers.

Nancy asks…

I Need HELP!!! I cant find any REAL GOOD answers?

I know there isn’t many out there but coul anyone tell me of a website that i can make real money, not any get rich scheme, or any thing that i have to pay for, i want something free that really I can really make money from and i know im being specific on this but i dont want to have to wait a month to get my money either.PLEASE HELP!!!- oh yeah and im 17 years old…..

Nagesh answers:

The reason there are no good answers is because there ARE NO GOOD ANSWERS. If you want to earn money you WORK at it and earn it yourself! If any of those schemes actually worked then why isn’t EVERYONE rich by now??

Ruth asks…

Is there anyone here who got verifiably rich buying one of those late night infomercial packages (real estate?

or tiny tiny ads or making money schemes. Tell me what and how you did it

Nagesh answers:

Well, perhaps the people who sell those packages are the ones who got rich with their help. But not by using what they sell, but by selling what they sell. See, if what they sell really works, why share the secret? Just use it and become multi-zillionaire. Whenever they show that guy who makes 40K a month but used to be broke, there is always a fine print that says “Results Are not Typical, your results may vary”.
There are probably more people winning lottery every day, than becoming rich by using that crap. My opinion is that if want to become rich quickly, think of something very very original, if you can’t than just work hard, be determined and you will be rich. You will be surprised how many quiet millionairs are there in each middle class neighborhood and no one even knows about it. By the way, those are not even the people with the collest cars. The guy with the coolest car may actually be up to his ears in debt.

David asks…

Desperately Need Real Help. No Ads Please?

Are there any Christian people with means that would help with money troubles? want to change our life, maintain our dignity and get out of debt legally. Need to learn about budgeting. Are there any philanthropists that would help with a hand up? I am not interested in money making schemes. Anyone willing to train an unskilled, nervous ex-housewife? Just want a good quality of life. Am Extremely afraid… Please consider us home missions.

Nagesh answers:

I am a minister and also work with families in financial planning. Just let me know how I can help.

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Thursday, October 11th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Paypal

Linda asks…

Is there a fast way to send money online to the Philippines/Cameroon via paypal?

Is there any way that is fast and simple? PayPal direct send is too complicated. Thanks.
Sorry Cowo6, we used to use Xoom religiously, along with PayPal, but they stopped dealing with anyone outside the USA; plus, they stopped using PayPal. So we have moved on from them.

Nagesh answers:

Here ya go:

Ruth asks…

Hi how to earn fast free money online for example 20$ ?

I wish to buy something and earn easy money. Not a large of money if you can. Just 25$, paypal on my account. 🙂

Nagesh answers:

You can make $20-$35 in 5 days if you follow instructions and links in this free website it’s not hard all.

Sandra asks…

Online making money for paypal?

I need a fast way to make money that the money made can be easily transferred to paypal from the cite.

Nagesh answers:

Those that are saying you can make money with no work are liars and their program is a waste of time. Work for your money, sell your services on freelancing websites.

Thomas asks…

I need some paypal money?

I have like $3 in my paypal. i got it by downloading some apps to my iphone for trial. but i need around $100. How can i earn money online that pays me by paypal? something legit and fast. I dont need alotta money, just about $100
thats the problem. im just 15 and i dont hav a bank acc…
maybe some website that allows me to earn money online?

Nagesh answers:

Paypal is linked to your bank account; you can just pay for things with paypal and the money will come from your bank account. So all you need is $100 in your bank account…

EDIT – if you don’t have a linked account, there’s no quick way to do it. There are lots of sites where you can do questionnaires for money – but the most I’ve seen is 20p each, so you’re going to have to do a lot to make $100

Sandy asks…

Do you know any method to earn money online and transfer them to a PayPal account ?

I’ve been trying a lot of PTC websites such as neobux, clixsense, buxboss, buxmerang, buxibank etc for online money making. But it takes months to earn $1.00 (even with 20+ referrals). Most of the ads add about $0.001 per click. These sites won’t allow us transfer the earnings until it hits a minimum payout value which takes about 1000 click to reach this, no matter how low this is. And I couldn’t transfer anything to the PayPal account yet. And I want to know whether these sites are just scams.

So I’ve been looking for faster way of earning money online. Do you know any trust-able websites for this ? such as surveys, online typing etc. I tried also.

At least a way of transferring these online “earnings” to a PayPal account.(instantly or at least within a week or two)…. Thanks!!

Nagesh answers:

All of the tasks you describe PTC, surveys, data entry are “bottom of the barrel” work prone to fraud.

Micro task sites like or Job Boy pay with PayPal. Last time I used they were to soon restore paypal as one of the worker payment methods.

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Wednesday, October 10th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Rs

Paul asks…

runescape fast way of making money investing?

i play rs alot so i no the best way the fast way and the esey way
and the best way is uncorn hoerns member’s
best way non mem is mining
fast is cowhids outside of lummey
esey way is investing the trade was born with the new up grad
and a databace for player to tell the pric of an obgect and the price cangis so if u see willow log for 18gp and oke for 26 invest in the willow because you need mor xp for willow then you do for oke if u need mor halp add me username;d.m.m.b and i will halp u out

Nagesh answers:

No, the best way is to spend all of your money on flax at the Grand Exchange. Then go to lumbridge castle and spin it into bow strings. Go upstairs, bank bow strings, withdraw flax, repeat.

By the end, you will have doubled your money.

Linda asks…

how to make runescape money the fastest way?

before i merchant (i’m not even sure if thats the best way to make money anymore on rs anyway), i need to find a way to make fast cash.

usually i kill ankous or fish (90 strength, 90 fishing), and make 150k-200k per hour. which is ok i guess.

anyone know any other fast ways to make money? i dont have very good skills besides those 2, so anything really. like what to merchant and stuff like that

Nagesh answers:

Find cckmaster69 he can give you a couple hundred mill each hour

Susan asks…

What is the fastest way 2 make a lot of rs money??

Nagesh answers:

Wtf is rs money?

John asks…

money on runescape?

how do i make money fast on rs

Nagesh answers:

Well now that merchanting has gone, theres a easier faster way to make money…its just that people such as the guy that posted before me gave up before trying out anything new.

Its called investing, buy low at the grand exchange and sell high.

If you’re clever you can predict what will rise, and make millions every day, all by setting up at the grand exchange. Its kinda like merchanting, but you don’t have to put any effort into buying or selling lol….so you can see how that would be faster and easier.

And if thats not your cup of tea…

This sounds wierd. But it works. Go to edgeville and kill men in the room north of the bank. They drop loads of herbs which are good money, but also frequent level 1 clues, which are really easy, but can give u items worth up to 1 mil (like a sara cloak for example)

That would be my advice for you,

Good luck.

Sandy asks…

how can i make money on a lvl 73 rs acc non mem?

im lvl73 61 atk 63 str 54 def 69 woodcut 56 fishing buy i and just been hacked how can i make 1mill+ fast?

Nagesh answers:

You can go to dranor dungen or the barb. Stronghold and beat up the higher levels there…. You can mine gold, and cut rubies and then make jewlery or amulets… One real easy way to get 40×27 is to wear a tiara of lets say… Earth. Then go to the earth shrine with your entire inventory filled with tiaras. When you get the the center thingy, click on your tiara and then click on the center rock thingy and make them into earth tiaras. I havent playd in a long time so i dont remember things exactly but it is similar to that.

Actually…. The best thing for YOU to do is to go to kajamara…. I think thats wat its called. Well, go to the port sarim and take the boat with the fine of 30gp. Then go to the fishing dock there and fish for lobsters. And then sell em, you dont hav to cook em. You can also go to the dungeon near the valcano and get gp from em. Or you can mine gold there and sell em.

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Tuesday, October 9th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

Laura asks…

I have PC In my home, I want earn money using my INTERNET Conn.?

I want to use my Internet COnnection using PC. In a Simple way Can any One give me details how can I do so. What is Blogger? I have gone through the website, but could not understand the actual meaning. Please help me in this resp.

Nagesh answers:

Well i can help u in that

if u really want, and yes without investment

i am member of few sites which pay u for taking up surveys and reading their mails

and if u want to earn u can get registered with the following links

and send me yur id so that i can send u a survey site invite, well i am using it for long and its helping me in making money

best of luck to u

James asks…

From where can I get online jobs working at home?

I want to earn money through Internet and by doing basic works like data entry and typing, just to improve my income so as to adjust my family deficits. please help me by mentioning few web sites.

Nagesh answers:

You have to go to my free ad at google base. I have nearly 10 awesome sites and a tutorial to make even more. I made 64$ this weekend working just 30minutes a day
This does work, it’s FREE money. Just do surveys and register at free web sites

Richard asks…

i have computer with internet connected, can i work and earn for my bread and butter from home ??? pls reply?

i want to work from home through internet and make some money for living… is there any job i can get ?

Nagesh answers:


I can suggest a way on how to earn EXTRA.

If you’re interested in reading ads, or should I say opening online ads, check out and

Nancy asks…

I want to work from home through internet. Can anyone suggest right wesite . so that i can work?

i want to work from home .can any one help me.

i need money .so i want to work from home.

plz suggest me a site which i can earn money

Nagesh answers:

I have done a lot of research on this .. All of them are fake… If u seriously looking for something.. Only reliable site is adsense by ggogle and for which u need to have your own website… Apart from this what u can do is online tutoring and helping them wth their assignments.. This can be done for almost any subject and this way you enhances ur knowledge as well as get paid.

Anyways, if u find something good apart from the above then do le me know… I have done typing and converting work also twice with two difft companies… But they never pay u anything…

William asks…

how to earn money easliy?

how to earn money form home easily through internet any body knows.

Nagesh answers:

You could do surveys try ,
they are my favorites

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Monday, October 8th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes

Susan asks…

Worlds Finest Chocolate money making scheme?

Not to sound bogus but I want to buy chocolate to make money. I want to buy something like this:
but it says I have to buy 8 packs! thats a lot of money -.- I only want to buy a pack to sell at school. Is there any way i can buy one box 50ct?

Nagesh answers:

If the site says that the minimum order is 8 packs, well, that’s the lowest amount you can buy from them.

Another way to get candy in larger quantities such as a 50 count box is to buy them at a warehouse store like Costco. If your parents or someone you know has a membership at a store like that, see if they will purchase the large box for you using their card, and you will pay for it. (You pay for it BEFORE they buy it, not after you attempt to sell the product.)
You may not have really thought about this. So here it is. WHY would kids at your school want to buy candy from you? There are vending machines, probably. If not, there are nearby stores. Candy is widely available. The only reason people would want to buy candy from YOU is if there is no other option available or if you have really low prices.

The thing is that you can’t have really low prices, can you? Because if you have really low prices, that means you won’t make hardly any profit !!

In any scenario, YOU have to buy the candy first. So you start off at MINUS $30, say. It’s only when you sell ALL OF IT for MORE than $30 that you make a profit. So say it takes you two weeks to sell all of those 30 candy bars for a grand total sales revenue of $40. Your profit is $10. And you’ve had to buy it, market it, not eat it yourself, etc. All for $10 profit in two weeks. Not really much of a profit margin or a viable way to make even a little money. The reality? Most kids will laugh. They will want free candy from you.

Richard asks…

How do I make lots of money with the least possible effort?

All moneymaking schemes are encouraged, including wacky and hairbrained ones.

Nagesh answers:

You must be a real loser to be on the net and expect some one to tell you how . Why would they tell a loser who goes on a net forum anything ? If you think they would I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale with toll booths and oceanfront property in Phoenix – buy now before the big one .

Steven asks…

Was IDOL 2008 just a con and a money making scheme for the orginisers?

Nagesh answers:

Off course. Their never getting a phone call or text out of me,

Thomas asks…

Why won’t you ever listen when his says your money making scheme won’t work?

Nagesh answers:

I never listen to men, it’s a matter of principle

Jenny asks…

Is there a way to make money on eBay quickly, without investing a lot of money?

No phoney moneymaking schemes, please!

Nagesh answers:

You can resell eBooks (PDF) for pratically nothing. You can also see if you can become a reseller for like Kodak, Fuji… And so on, companies. They may let you pay as you buy… I do it, it is great money… It pays my bills and my real job pays for my fun 🙂

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Sunday, October 7th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For 13 Year Olds

Robert asks…

What are some really fast, easy, ways for a 13-year old to make money that isn’t old enough to get a job yet?

I’m too young to get a job; and raking leaves and snow is out of the question. Any suggestions?!?!?

Nagesh answers:

Well, this blog recommends a site which I’m now using and am finding it’s pretty great!

The blog has a link to the site on it so you should go check it out!! You only have to be 13 or older to sign up, which means that even if you’re a teen like me, you can still use it!

Good Luck!
Hope I Helped =]

Sandra asks…

Whats a good way to make money fast for a 13 year old during school?

I have tried:
Doing homework
Selling gum
Selling gummy bears

Nagesh answers:

Save money. Think twice before spending it. 🙂

Donald asks…

What are ways for a 13 and 14 year old to make FAST money!!!?

So my friend and I just need 7.70 and we need to know how to make it really fast between today and tomorrow.
so yeah.. thanks.

Nagesh answers:

Geez $7.70? Just ask your parents. If they dont give it to you, go mow some lawns or clean up lawns. You would make more then $7! The other day i paid a man $20 just to mow my front yard, and it’s not big by any means, and the grass was not big either.

Lisa asks…

What is a good way for a 13 year old to make lots of money fast?

I don’t want a paper route, mowing lawns, doing chores, walking dogs or baby sitting, but something like an online website to sell things or something. Also, maybe a contest that a 13 year old can enter to win money.

Nagesh answers: or make a website that has ads

Betty asks…

Ways a 12-13 year old can make money, and fast!!?

I need $55 and fast. I want two pairs of skinny jeans WICKED bad from pac sun. they are neon! :0 babysitting is out of the question(sadly) I’m a girl so i don’t mow lawns. i cannot just ask my parent for money, i already own them 15 bucks, EACH! Need a very good solution and fast. I don’t have any elderly neighbors so i cant do like helping things for them. I already made up a chore chart today with the chore and the amount of money. no body owns dogs around so dog walking is out of the question. a little while ago i tried putting flyers in neighbors mailboxes for shoveling and raking, at a very low price even, but no one called. 🙁 i really need help. I WILL be picking a best answer so try your hardest PLEASEE! what if you were in my shoes, o and don’t say any internet survey stuff like that, I’ve been thinking about E-bay but idk, all that i have to sell are sum old clothes (Abercrombie and Hollister mostly) so if you could please help asap, that would be GREAT!! 🙂 thankss!
also, if there are any places you know that have other hot pink skinny jeans but for cheaper, that would be great!!! thanks!
the ones from pacsun are like 2 for 55
sadley, there is no paper route, but if there was that would be a great idea! thanks though

Nagesh answers:

I do not shop at hot topic at all and I don’t wear skinny jeans but when I was in the mall, I did see neon pink skinny jeans. I know what jeans your talking about from pac sun. I doubt they are cheaper than pac sun though.

Ok now for the ways to get money. Is there a “Plato’s Closet” near you? They buy your old clothes that are in good shape like abecrombie, american eagle, no boundaries, things like that. I sell my clothes to them all the time and get quick cash. (They don’t give you too much money though) Here’s their link…

More ideas…

Craigslist! I love craigslist.

How about have a yard sale? I’m sure you can find a bunch of random crap that you could use to sell. Including clothes if you don’t have a Plato’s Closet near you.

Car wash! Since the weather is starting to get nicer, washing people’s cars would be a great way to get a few extra bucks.

Tell your mom you’ll clean the whole house for some money.

Or do them all 🙂
I hope I helped! Good luck!

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Saturday, October 6th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money For Teenagers

Mandy asks…

what are some simple ideas to make good fast money around my small town for a teenager?

Nagesh answers:

There is no way to make good fast money without skills that people will pay for. And even then, it still takes time and it’s no longer simple. The only way to make good fast money is to already have a lot of it and sit back and watch the interest/dividends roll in.

That said….what can you do?
Can you help stock shelves at a grocery store?
Can you do yardwork?
Can you wash cars?
Can you take care of kids?
Can you help people hauling trash etc?
Can you build things?
Can you fix computers?

George asks…

Easy ways for a teenager to make money?

Hi, I’m 15 and cannot yet become employed where I live. I was wondering if anyone had any good ideas for ways to make some money without doing the internet quizzes that never seem to work. Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

Although there are ways to make money online, most people are better off simply getting a job at their local McDonalds, Starbucks or Wal Mart.

If you are hell bent on finding a way to make money online however then you need to avoid:
– Anything that wants you to pay money
– Anything that promises you will get rich quick
– Anything that makes you uncomfortable

Those things tend to be scams.

If you have a bit of spare time you could try GPTHQ (a site like cashcrate but imho better because it pays more and has a paypal option) or, if you have a lot of time and a typing speed of 35 WPM with 99% accuracy you could try freelance writing.

Good luck – I hope this helps.

Stay clear of scams!

Thomas asks…

Any Ideas on how I can make money?

I’m 16 and I’d really like to make some money so I can take some financial stress of my mother. The only problem is, I have no idea how I would do that. I am, in fact, aware of the normal ways a teenager could make money (babysitting, mowing lawns, getting a job, etc.) but there are a few obstacles in the way.
1. I go to a college prep school that does not offer work permits to students and, even if they did, I have a considerable amount of homework and don’t have much time anyway.
2. I am the manager of an extremely active club on campus and head of the costumes department in our drama program eating up more of my “free” time.
3. I can’t work with kids. I know this from experience. I was a camp counselor for a summer and failed miserably. Babysitting is NOT an option.
4. I live in a semi-rich suburb of Los Angeles and just about everyone has a cleaning lady or gardener (so I can’t clean houses, mow lawns, or much else)

Does anyone have any ideas?
Thanks for the great idea Lina, but my school and the middle school offer free tutoring by NHS students for community service hours.
You know, as entertained I am by that answer, that’s not something anyone wants to see.
Maliboo: I have checked with the school district and I CAN get a permit if I go visit the public high school, set guidelines with them, check in with them once a month, etc. However, I honestly just don’t have time for a job involving regular shifts.
I’m mildly offended (although I’m sure you didn’t mean to) that you would ask if I waste my studying time texting or on Facebook because, unlike many lazy teens my age, I’m actually trying to figure out a way to work. I’m the manager of an active improvisational club in our school, the head costumer for the drama department, and I’m practically a shut in because I have no time for anything else.
My summer plans are already booked. I have to get surgery with a 6-week recovery time and I’m either going to CalArts for a month for an extremely prestigious pre-college theatre program or, if I don’t get in, I have an unpaid intership lined up at an authentic costume shop.
I am receiving financial aid. I have since I was 11

Nagesh answers:

Sounds like you’re in quite a crunch. Maybe you could tudor some teens with a subject you’re good in. Other than that… I’m not totally sure. Good luck though!

Sandy asks…

How can a teenager make money?

Hi. I’m a 15 year old girl looking to make some money to pay for things for my horses. Does anyone have any ideas of what i could do? In the spring I am going to look into working at a stable near my house, but I could use other ideas, too. Any thought is appreciated! Thanks.
Also, in the summer I grow a vegetable garden and sell my extra vegetables. That brings in a few bucks.

Nagesh answers:

Get a paper round in the UK the usual pay is about £30

do car washing for neighbors and charge £3 for small cars and charge higher for the bigger cars and vans

buy sweets cheap and sell them at school for double the price

save lunch money

carol sing at christmas

save birthday and christmas money

ask for pocket money

keep all spare change, it adds up!

Hope this helped 🙂

Chris asks…

Ways for a teenager to make money quickly?

I need to raise about two thousand dollars so that I can go to this student leadership thing in Washington D.C. this summer. My parents won’t let me get a job, and they won’t pay for the trip, so I need to find other ways to raise the money. Any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

It all depends on what skills you have. What you need is a variety of things to try out, and find what fits for YOU.

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Friday, October 5th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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