Your Questions About Fast Money Online For Free

Mandy asks…

how can i make money online for free?

i found several GPT sites and i now make $400 a month from those i want to know other ways to make money online TONIGHT FOR FREE, don’t give me any affiliate marketing bull or anything that takes time/money to start, if you know any good fast paying survey sites for free or anything like that let me know, if you want some good gpt sites let me know cjoecke (aim) and i can send you the links

Nagesh answers:

You have most likely seen or heard about this project on TV programs such as 20/20 and Oprah, or you may have read about it in the Wall Street Journal. If not, here it is below – revealed to you in step-by-step detail. This program is by no means new. However, thanks to Pay Pal and the Internet, the investment is now virtually ZERO! And what’s more, the entire process is FASTER, EASIER, and MORE LUCRATIVE than it has EVER been!

How to Turn $6 into $15,000 in 30 Days with Pay Pal

Let’s get started, just follow the instructions exactly as set out below and then prepare yourself for a HUGE influx of cash over the next 30 days! Here’s what you need to do. . .

STEP 1 – Setting up your FREE Premier or Business Pay Pal Account

It’s extremely safe and very easy to set up a FREE Pay Pal account! Copy and paste this to the address bar (notice the secure “https” within the link)

Be sure to sign up for a free PREMIER or BUSINESS account in order to receive credit card payments from other people.

STEP 2 – Sending PayPal money “It is an undeniable law of the universe that we must first give in order to receive.”

Now all you have to do is send $1.00 by way of PayPal to each of the six email addresses listed below.


Subject should be *$1 empire * (this keeps the program 100% legal. Your message should say Add me to your mailing list.

Remember, all of this is ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! You are creating a service!

If you have any doubts, please refer to Title 18 Sec.1302 & 1241 of the United States Postal laws.

STEP 3 – Adding Your Email Address

After you send your six $1.00 payments, it’s your turn to add your email address to the list!

Take the 1) email off the list that you see above, move the other addresses up one (6 becomes 5 & 5 becomes 4, etc) then put YOUR email address (the one used in your PayPal account) as 6) on the list.

STEP 4 – The Pure Joy of Receiving PayPal Money!

You are now ready to post your copy of this message, to at least 200 newsgroups, message boards, etc. (I think there are close to 32,000 groups)

Copy this entire letter on your computer and paste it into Notepad file to add your email
to the list. Save your new Notepad file as a .txt file.

Ken asks…

How to make money online for free?

i want to know of a free legit site where i can make lots of money in a little time period with no credit card and get paid in paypal fast is this possible

Nagesh answers:

The best program is through friendfinder, there is no fees or up front investments, its free to become an affiliate. You can track your stats in real time and they pay you $1.00 for everybody who signs up for a FREE account and even more for each person that pays for an account. You cant beat that. The link to sign up is

I make over $1000 a month and not that I’m all set up, I only put a few hours a month into it, you can make allot more if you put more time into it. And, they dont make you pay anything up front.

Charles asks…

how to make money online for free?

i need to make money fast online from home, ive zero income, anything would be a great help.

Nagesh answers:

There are a lot of methods on how to make money online.. There are some free there are some costing.. Blogging offering a service, and one of the best method how to make money online is to sell products or services I recently found a website that you can buy and sell products/items for free you don’t have to pay any advertising fees

you must be creative on how to buy and sell products online, its really works like a charm. I am personally doing this.. Buy a cheap but quality products and sell it online. You can sell your old things.. After you earned you can invest and make more money online.. I hope it will helps you..

Good Luck! 🙂

Nancy asks…

best site to make money online free?

what are soem good sites that are real where i can make cash online and have it in hand later on? alot of the sites i have been to want a start up fee, Google Adsense dosent work good for me.. what is something that is totally free and that i could make cash fast

Nagesh answers:

I’ve got the perfect site for you.

It’s free to join and you don’t need a credit card like most other sites. You don’t need to refer a single person in order to receive any of your prizes/payments. And most importantly, it’s not a SCAM and I can prove it. But you can get paid by check, you can have the money sent instantly to your PayPal account, E-Gold account, Alert account, Liberty Reserve account, or you can spend your points that you earn to buy anything you want on Amazon.

A few ways that you can earn by completing offers, surveys, playing games or referring other people. But most of the offers are quick, very easy to do, and 100% Free.

If you sign up following these 5 steps you will automatically start off with $3.00

1. Copy/Paste
2. Click on the banner that says, “It’s Fun and Free Sign Up.”
3. Fill out the information with your valid name/address/email etc. (So that way they know where & who to ship your prizes/payments. Once you’re done they’ll send you an email that you’ll need to confirm in order to participate.
4. Go to “Account” and click on “Phone Verification.” You will get a voice message with the code. Wrote down the code on a piece of paper.
5. Go back to “Phone Verification” and type in the code in the box and hit submit.

And if you want some proof that other members of the website are actually receiving their prizes, then check out my blog. Http://

Donna asks…

is there any FREE website that i can make FREE money online?

hey! i’m 12 years old and i’m saving up for a new phone & i need to get the phone quick fast & in a hurry; well is there any free websites that kids can make money off of? and it has to be free sign up & when you get the money you WANT have to pay it back. please help me asap!
well im turning 13 next month & i no there’s some website. and no need for the additude. below me

Nagesh answers:

You are asking for free money and/or an interest-free, unsecured loan. Get serious! If there were such a thing, wouldn’t everybody be after it? And then where would all of this free money be coming from?

Let’s go back to basics: to get something of value, (1.) you have somebody give it to you or (2.) you work for it or (3.) you take it from somebody else. If you have no benefactors and you don’t want to go to jail, you get a job. At the age of 12, that might be tough.

Which brings us to the core of my advice: you can’t always get what you want. If you can’t get it, you do without. That’s it.

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Saturday, November 3rd, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Ideas For Kids

Ken asks…

what are some easy fundraising ideas to make money?

well i’ve been trying to make money for a new play set with a group of my friends (about 7-8 girls)
we’ve tried a couple bake sales and held some games to play. the last bake sale failed and the games were sorta successful but we didn’t make a lot of money fast enough. we need to make about $1,000-1,500 and we have 300 right now. we need to meet our goal by september 10th.
so, i need a fast way to make money. and we’re cooperating with a bunch of immature preteen/teenage boys and kids 5th grade and under.
btw, if it matters we’re all about 14-15 years
hahahaahah. i’m not taking any donations, honey XD
thanks for the paragraph, tho.

Nagesh answers:

Go to Easy Fundraising Ideas and take a look at the wide variety of fundraisers there.

There are lots that cost nothing to start and others that offer up to 90% profit.

Sandy asks…

what can a 13 yr old do to get money? fast at least?

well, i’m thirteen and i’m tired of asking my parents for money and every time I ask them they say “NO!!” & i’m tired of taking that as an answer. I wanna make my own money. I get five dollars a week for allowance but that’s not enough and I eat in the cafeteria and our lunch cost 1 dollar so that =’s to nothing by the end of the week. My parents are in a tight budget and I just want them to keep their money and make mine but it’s so hard. I can’t really make lunch for me cause theirs no snacks, sandwiches in my house. Only on certain times, but barely. I’m not thinking of making foods and start selling it in school, I mean .. i’m in high school, no one is going to buy food. I want to try selling my old clothes but who’s going to buy it? My friends? nope, they won’t cause my old clothes are from way way way back then. I don’t have a cell but MAYBE, i’ll soon have one. I don’t have an Ipod and I do want an Ipod. I want lots of things but I know you can’t always get what you want but this time I wanna EARN what I want. I’m too young to get a job. I can’t mow the loan cause I live in an apartment. I do my chores but I don’t get paid for it. I’ve been barely going to the mall and my friends have been wanting me to go BADLY, but mostly my answer is “NO” and the reason I said no is cause I don’t have money or some other reason. So, clearly .. I just want to get ideas on how a 13 yr. old like me can get money and lots of money and at least in a fast way.

I cannot baby sit cause there’s no people I know who
will let me baby sit their children/child and i’m really
not that good with kids & PLEASE answer it with
respect not something stupid and idiotic or sarcastic.
or anything that just sounds crazy.

Nagesh answers:

Try to sell stuff that you no longer use

Lizzie asks…

thinking about making money around the neighborhood?

well christmas is comin up and i need some money fast
since my parents dont have enough money
im thinking i could go to the neigbors for money for doin some ‘tasks’
cept problem is i dont really know most my neighbors
and it would feel awkward goin to them for money
i guess you could say im a little shy (mostly to most adults)
so any ideas
oh and what tasks should i do
idk about babysittin cuz im guy
but im short and im not scary looking and but im 15
but im not like cruel to kids(i think haha)
and not ‘shoveling snow’ because i live in florida! but it is really cold here
and if flyers were the answer to making money from people instead of just coming to random person

Nagesh answers:

I am going to watch my neighbor’s dog this weekend for some extra x-mas money. Maybe you could do that, a lot of people are going out of town this week and next week for the holidays. Maybe they have animals you could feed and play with while they are gone?

Just a thought!

Donald asks…

fast ways to make money for my california trip.?

Okay so I’m going to California in September and I had babysat some kids and I’m almost at 300$ in total and i need 400 something dollers for my plane then my mom paying for the hotel . im paying for my own flight. and we are going to be in california for 4 nights and 5 day we are leaving at 10:00pm .

so i need some ideas . Im only 13 1/2 so I need some ideas. I think i might be babysitting over the summer but . ya.! so i need more thanks.


we are going to be in Malibu.(:

Nagesh answers:

Sell stuff on eBay

Nancy asks…

sister and me needs money fast for a laptop?

we live in a base in Germany Mannheim so if we have a yard sell we all have to do it at the same time please no one tell me to make money for her and i will not go on EBAY or babysit for her money she cleaned the house all ready and got payed 5 dollars that was a rip off . .. . well there is not a lot of things a 9 year old can do to make money does any one have a idea fat easy money for her laptop

the school lets kids use the laptops but are mom and dad have to pay 79 dollars a month just to use it so this problem is also me to
xxhisxxhe did you even read it i take it as a no

Nagesh answers:

When we were children, my brother had a few homes he would go to every week to mow their lawn.

We would go door-to-door with a rake in the autumn or a shovel in the winter, and then get paid to rake leaves / shovel snow. If someone said “No thank you”, we would get them to reconsider by reminding them of the labour involved, how heavy the snow is, and how sore they would be for many days afterward, and that if they paid us to do the work, they would have more time for themselves. 🙂

We also used to go collecting beer bottles & wine bottles from the places where the teenagers would go to party (in the park, in the ravine, under the bridge at the creek, etc), then take them back to the store to collect the deposit money.

We would buy ice skates from garage sales in the summer, and spend the autumn putting shoe polish on them. Then in the winter, we would sell the nice-looking skates to the skate-exchange and get 5 to 10 times what we paid.

Maybe you & your sister can clean homes together?

Walk dogs? Feed fish or cats when people are away on vacation?

You live on a base… Maybe someone would pay you to polish their boots / buckles, or perhaps iron their uniform?

Or maybe lonely senior citizens would pay a few dollars to keep them company, playing checkers & card games with them? Or maybe they’d like their mail read to them if their eyes are going bad?

Maybe you could take in some laundry???

Think about what you *LIKE* to do, and then find a way to get paid for it 🙂

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Friday, November 2nd, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes From Home

Charles asks…

Working from Home Ideas Thanks?

I have given up work and am making money from other means. So far I have been teaching English to foreign students, winning competitions, overhauling people’s CVs, and ironing for old ladies 😀

I wondered if anyone else had any ideas on how to make some cash through innovative schemes such as the above Your help is greatly appreciated

Nagesh answers:

Deliver leaflets for the local take aways deliver the free ads in your area do course work for others spend your time doing things you enjoy and keep it varied

how about typing mediacl reports being a PA to someone you dont need to be in room to organise someones appointments how about tele sales from

Daniel asks…

Ideas for jobs from home?

I have come back to my hometown to live for a few months while I take care of some family business. I am finding myself with extra time on my hands and could always use the extra cash being that I am having a baby in January. I’m not sure when I’m going back home so are there any jobs I could do from home in my own time?
Are any of these internet get-rich-quick schemes worth it?
I don’t want to pay money to make money.
Any ideas on how to make a buck in my spare time?

Nagesh answers:

Write a blog or video blog on how to cope with a baby. Or some thing similar it is fun and you will probably get a lot of new friends. But the way to make money out of it is advertising and selling related products. I can send you a link to bay’s r us and you can sell their products on you page. Etc. It also has wall mart and iTunes etc. And some big names. You can just refer their products.
Email and ill send you the link if you want

John asks…

do working from home schemes that cost nothing realy excist?

i was looking through the internet for a job and came across loads of jobs that can make you thousands in months do these things really exist or are they all cons i would never do them has anyone else done one and got really stung lost a lot of money
buying a lottery ticket seems a better option lol i would never do anything like them schemes anyway if it was that easy every one would do it 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Ive been suckered out of an small amount of money
theres better ways out there to make an honest buck.

Linda asks…

Small business at home ?

I want to start a small business from home that isn’t any sort of make money online scheme I have no interest whatsoever in them as they do not work need genuine ideas please as I really wanna make this work

Nagesh answers:

A consulting business such as
Nuclear waste disposal consulting
Medical Consulting
Legal consulting

In other words: You need some sort of skill to make money from home.

Ruth asks…

A part time job that I can do from home?

I am looking for a part time job that I can do from home.

What I am NOT looking for is one of those get rich quick schemes, and what I am NOT looking for is one that I have to pay a fee of any type for.

What I am looking for is something that I can do in my spare time – devote like 10-15 hours a week, and make like an extra $100 to $200 a week in. Nothing fancy, and not looking to make a ton of money, just something for a extra couple of bucks a month….

Is there any jobs like this still out there – like stuffing envelopes or such?

Nagesh answers:

They are all scams, I suggest you to better stay away from this BS.

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Thursday, November 1st, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

Donna asks…

which are the genuine sites paying promptly for e.mail reading, surfing webs, clicking ads, etc?

i am a retired employee and am engaged in helping rural poor children to pursue their education for which i want to earn money through internet, using the computer in my home. i want to know genuine sites which really pay for e.mail reading, clicking ads, surfing ads and filling up surveys with a low or no payout level

Nagesh answers:

Those kind of things suck. I have personally tried litterally hundreds and they don’t work. But if you’d like to earn real money working from home check out this website password: crown

Robert asks…

i want a part time job at home through internet ?

so that i could earn some money

Nagesh answers:

Check out It’s an honest site. It’s a good part time job. You get paid with paypal. There is no cost to join or use the site.
Good luck.

Thomas asks…

i want to know the sites name which is having job from home on internet?

actually i teach abacus at home.but this will be only on in my spare time i want to do some job which is from home on internet and zero the most i can spend is 2 or 3 hours on internet.i want to earn money.i cannot come and attend meetings of the bussiness bcoz i will have abacus meetings.and frankly speeking i dont want to attend anymeeting any thing i can do should be through plz tell me. thank u

Nagesh answers:

Get the information from this guide

Nancy asks…

earn from home computers and internet: i have question only, please answer me…?

i want a good answer for my question. that
i want a address (site name, mobile no:) for do a work by my computer (internet) for part time.
i joined more no: sites but all are advertising and took my money with out give an good to me. so i want real oopertunity for earn through my computer.
if you have any related information, please mail to my address. my mail id is
please mail me
thanking you..

Nagesh answers:

U can earn thru internet only if u r resident of usa, uk, canada or australia. R u resident of any of these countries.

Betty asks…

Is there any genuine home based job?

I am interested to earn money in my spare time from home through internet. I am in search of some genuine web sites that pay honestly after work. If any one knows such sites please inform me.

Nagesh answers:

There are very few.Most of them are scam.Never pay any money to get an online job.

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Wednesday, October 31st, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick Online

Helen asks…

Where can I earn money online?

I am currently looking for work, but I’m sure you all know how that goes. So with no income and a thousand things to pay for, I need to find another way to make money while I continue my job hunt. I have seen many websites that claim to give large payouts for little to no experience working a few hours a day. I know that is complete crap, but it seems that is all I can find. I did find a few survey websites that were legit, the only problem was that they didn’t compensate in money, they just gave stupid little prizes that are completely useless to me. I’m not looking for any get rich quick schemes, I just want to make a little extra cash to help out while I try to find an actual job. Does anyone know anything that might help?

Nagesh answers:

For the 516,395th time…
The Internet is not some magical cash machine.
There are NO online jobs. No data entry. No surveys. No nothing.
You will not find them in your house.
You will not find them with your mouse.
You will not find them here or there.
You will not find them anywhere

James asks…

payperpost? need to earn quick money…?

How much do I get paid on payperpost and how does it go?
I need to earn around $400 to $410 by the end of this month or the next. Is it possible for me to find a job online, to help me achieve that?
I been caught up in a scam in ebay and I have to pay the fee which is like $410 or so…
I’m only 18 and can’t afford the money and a good real job so somebody…
please help me find a online job!!!
I do graphic designing…and I also like to write alot
somebody…please answer cuz I really need to pay all these fees

Nagesh answers:

You might try the links posted and i wish you luch — but believe you would be better off just networking your self out out as a graphic designer!!!

Susan asks…

What do you think is the FASTEST, QUICKEST, LEGAL way to earn money?

I have asked this question before and olt of people told be about survyes you can take online and earn money, do you know any of these sites? And do they actually work? Also any other ideas would be helpful.

Nagesh answers:

Hello, there are so many blogs which teach you how to make money online
Here are some of them – Free advices about making money – Make 250$ monthly tutorial – Make money with RunDownBux and in other ways – Make 10$ a day tutorial + a guide how to earn with PTCBrigade

Chris asks…

Best online money making program?? guaranted quick earning, 100% safe??

Nagesh answers:

Hi. After years of trial and error and wasted time and money learning how to make money online I have finally learned one thing – adult websites are by far the fastest and easiest way to quickly begin earning online.

If you are serious about an adult website you either need to provide your own content or team up with a good affiliate program. Since you’re asking this – I will assume you don’t have content 😉 I use a web cam site with a well known, established affiliate program to generate about $750 – $1200 per month every month quickly and easily. I get paid every single week and earn up to $80 for every FREE member I refer to my site. You also get a $50 CASH bonus just for signing up. You don’t have to pay anything to get started and my program is staffed 24/7 with affiliate support reps to ensure you know how to make money. I currently convert better than 1 in 150 unique visitors, so I know for a fact this is a great web cam affiliate program. Check out my blog for more info – look for the “Adult Webmasters Wanted” page on the upper right hand side of the page. Good luck!

Sharon asks…

Which is the best way to earn money for USA people?

I will be in USA in the month of June. I have heard that there are many offers for USA people.Like surveys etc.
Note:I’m looking for online jobs.for quick money

Nagesh answers:

Not all of them are scams like some people here keeps on repeating. I have a few friends with no qualifications who work from home that do quite well you know ,,..,, but nobody is throwing money away, if you are good to do work to earn money then you are also good to do some researching on your own behalf!!

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Tuesday, October 30th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes From Home

Daniel asks…

Legitimate Work from home business with no large investment.?

I’m a recent college of business graduate, and I can’t seem to find work. I have a child and am in desperate need of finances. Does anyone have a business they are doing that IS NOT A SCAM, PYRAMID SCHEME, OR REQUIRES A LARGE INVESTMENT? I don’t have much money so nothing with huge investments. I’m looking for something that I can start making money in very QUICKLY. How much are you making? How long did it take you to make it?

Nagesh answers:

I like your name, although I don’t know why exactly; it’s probably the double “p” sound.

You should consider reading this blog; the woman running it tries out different programs then reports on whether they actually work and how much the average person can expect to make, as well as revealing what programs are scams.


It may or may not have the kind of thing you are looking for; but on the plus side it will let you about some scams to avoid 🙂

Also – stay away from Google Profit Systems – it’s a SCAM; (exposed on the site above; the guy went to court and everything.)

PS – As to my personal income and how long it took me, I got two products she reviewed, the games to money one and the neopets one, using both it took a week and I made $460, then it went up from there, now I make about $800 a week, but I don’t do anything else.

Charles asks…

Does any one know of any legitimate companies that ..?

Anyone know of any legitimate jobs/money making schemes online, that you can do from home? I am looking for some ways to earn a bit of cash to help me move, I need some online ways of earning money in the evenings and since I am normally on my laptop, I thought that might be a good start but most these websites look like scams to me!?

Any one know of any serious companies where you can start earning straight away?

Nagesh answers:

All online jobs are a scam and any sites asking you to pay to join to make money are scams. However it is possible to make money online without spending any money. It won’t make you rich and it is not a job, but generally the more you do online and the more time you spend online the more you can make.

The main way many people make money online is through their own website or webpages. Of course, if you’ve no clue how to make a website that is not the best option, but there are still other options based on that. The first is to sell online. Ebay is one option. The other is to use a site where you can get paid for writing content such as articles or reviews. One great site for this is Squidoo which is really easy to use. Check out my links below for help on ebay and Squidoo.

Help on ebay:
Getting started on Squidoo:

The next option is to write reviews online. For this Ciao and Dooyoo are very useful sites. You can write one review, place it on both sites and get paid for it. You can write reviews on pretty much anything you can think of; DVDs, games, music, clothes, websites, shops and more.

For more info: and

Another good way to make a bit of extra cash is through surveys. The surveys are free to do and range from watching a short video clip, to registering on a site, to completing a survey on a certain topic. There are plenty of easy surveys to do that don’t require giving out a lot of personal details (if that’s something that worries you).

For more info:
My proof that it works:

As well as surveys there is also another site that gives you cash (or items) simply for using their google powered search engine. You can also play games, watch videos and complete the dailies (e.g. Answering a poll) and get paid for it.

For more info:

All these sites are 100% free to join and use! Some even give you a bonus just for joining. How they work is by advertisers paying them for advertising their product/services and the sites all give a percentage of that money to you.

There are of course many other websites; some good and some scams. So to make sure you don’t get scammed check out the this site,

Sharon asks…

Pleae help i need a job working from home asap?

Ive looked all over the damn net and none of it makes sense to me i no there our loadsa sites out there sayin u can earn loads each week ive put money into these schemes and they really dont work ive invested £200 of my cash to try get earning but its rubbish i need an honest company paying me to do honest work i dont want any of them rubbish schemes that in the end make you outta pocket!

Nagesh answers:

Hi friend try this job.. Http:// is a really a good way of making money online being at home.There is no need to pay at front.Just basic knowledge of internet is enough.Further it is much much better than online paid surveys & data entry..Just try it out there is nothing to lose since u r not going to pay..

Nancy asks…

Is Global Warming Just a Scheme to Make Money?

Richard Branson gained press time by declaring that he would give over $3 Billion dollars to fight “Global Warming”.

This cause an uproar of glee among believers as that wanted all business men now to donate some of their profits to help fight the good fight, and Branson’s gift reinforced the view that global warming is real.

Now it known that Branson’s gift was just a publicity stunt to increase his corporations profits. His offer helped market his company, helped boost sales and increased profits. He never really cared about the environment.

Global warming is a multi billion dollar business. Algore has made millions from both his movie AND his holdings in Occidental Petroleum while flying his corporate jet to events telling people they are evil because they drive an SUV.

Why would Wal-Mart care what light bulb you used in your home unless they helped write the laws that made you buy new bulbs that cost 10 times what the old ones cost?

When will believers acknowledge that there are many in their ranks that are using them as a tool in order that they can have fat profits?

When will anyone say that “global warming” is just a scheme for some to make money?

Nagesh answers:

I agree with every little thing you said. Its like religion trying to scare to belive the world is about to end today.

Maria asks…

Has anyone found any legitimate work from home jobs….u know where you dont?

have to buy a kit, or order a product….etc.


I’m not looking for some get rich quick scheme. Just to make a little extra money.

Surveys don’t seem to work because u have to order the product and pay for it….

Nagesh answers:

We are looking for some enthusiastic people to make some Home Video Clips to advertise a few websites.

You can post your clips on

If you get picked you can make money per video or per viewing it gets on Video Sharing Sites.

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Monday, October 29th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money At Home

Ruth asks…

is there any legit quick ways to make money online or other???

trying to make some cash i dont care if its online or at home but i need to figure out something please tell me there is hope! w.o investing my own money in, perferbly something online, writing articles or something?

Nagesh answers:

“legit quick ways to make money online”<——Can we say "scambait" boys and girls????

Charles asks…

I am a teenager and want to make quick money: Help?

Hey, I am fifteen years old, and am looking for a quick way to make money, because I really want an iPod Classic for all my music, and I only have 75 bucks.
Remember, I have no credit card or bank account, so I cannot really do many online surveys or things like that.
Also, in my neighborhood, I can’t really do yard work, because the owner of the neighborhood hires a company to mow the lawn, rake, put down pine straw, shovel, and do other yard work.. So that’s out of the question.
So I am pretty much lost. I don’t wanna babysit or do anything weird like that.. because I’m a guy… and most of the people in my neighborhood are old and won’t even communicate with any human beings besides their 2 friends Harriet and Betsy and their husband with Alzheimer’s. So I can’t work for them.
I will most likely have to end up selling stuff at school, or doing work outside of my neighborhood, which is extremely inconvenient because my parents don’t get home from work until 6:30PM, and then we have supper as a family, and I do homework and go to bed after SOMETIMES hanging with friends for a bit. So the best case scenario, or the preferred target of the ideas I am looking for, should be at my school, I think.
Any good ideas?
Thanks ahead of time.

Nagesh answers:

Honestly, sellin weed is a good way.

Donna asks…

Is there any legit work at home jobs?

I am not looking for a get rich quick set up. I simply want a legit way to make money working from home. I have looked and looked and done my research on everything that sounded too good to be true. And everything I’ve come across us just that- too good to be true. Where should I go!

Nagesh answers:

When looking for a legitimate work from home job, you should always check work from home forums such as Sites like these will allow you to network with others who are currently working from home and find out which sites are scams vs legitimate. By searching this forum, I have found tha,, and Hilton Hotels hire telecommuters to work from home. There are many others as well.

Sharon asks…

how can i make money online?

does anyody know of any websites that are free to jin where i can earn money quick frm home? i hae inbox dollars send earnings etc but it just takes way too long to get up the money to request payment anyone know of any entry level work at home jobs where i can work using the internet?

Nagesh answers:

For the 99,687th time…
The Internet is not some magical cash machine.
There are NO online jobs. No data entry. No surveys. No clicks. Nothing. Anywhere. Really.

Mary asks…

ways to make easy money?

i had an idea of dog sitting but i just need some help if this is accurate or not or if i need to add other things into this. im 19 and im recieving a low income on unemploment like 80 weekely and my fiance is driving 88 miles per day and we are living pay check to paycheck, we have a wedding dec 5th 2011 and i just need some ideas of making some quick money..

here is my add for pet sitting tell me things i need or what i dont need. help is wanted thanks.

Im doing an at home pet sitting in the city of gold canyon Arizona my hours will be 6am-5pm weekdays. Big dogs, little dogs are welcome as long as they have a good attitude towards others.there will be no home boarding and dogs must have all shot records. will watch up to 5 dogs daily. I will be working from home, my house is clean with a huge fenced back yard. I have two dogs of my own . One is a lab and one is a small Maltese and they love to play with others.
prices will vary:

Small & medium dogs $20.00 a day

big dogs $35.00 a day

give me a call …………………….
tell me what you think or give me some of your ideas for makin extra money

Nagesh answers:

Do you have the space for a dedicated office that won’.’t be used for another purpose? If not, your house will quickly

become engulfed by your business. Make sure your spouse/partner is fully in support of it.
Make sure that when work hours are

happening that the TV stays off and you have no distractions. If you have kids and cannot afford to put them in full time

daycare, look into “mommy days out” type programs that some of the churches offer. It is not as expensive as full daycare but

it gives you time to organize and get work done.

If you are not someone that is a self starter and does not mind approaching people about your business, then go to work for

someone else! Don’t depend on your spouse/partner if they have a full time job to help you.

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Sunday, October 28th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For 12 Year Olds

Mandy asks…

HELP! I’m 12 years old and I need a way to make money as fast as possible!!!?

Alright…something you need to know about me. I am REALLY impatient. So, when I get an idea I want it right then. Well, I’m trying to save up for this laptop that’s $400 and nobody wants me to mow their lawn, or pet sit, or wash their car. So, I’m out of ideas on how to make money. Can you guys give me some ideas that can earn money pretty fast? I don’t want ANYTHING online, please!
Well…nothing like an online job…something like craigslist is okay…

Nagesh answers:

I started using an awesome site about a year ago. It is absolutely Free and I have made money so far! You should try it! It is the best and honest paying website ever. You don’t need to wait for days,weeks or even months for payments.
You receive payments instantly.

Sign Up Here for a FREE Account

Jenny asks…

what is a good way for a 12 or 13 year old to make money?

i need to get som muny fast but im only 12 so duz any1 hav sum ideas? and thats bsides mowing lawns
about how much could i make washin cars for a day
thnx a whole lot!!! i thought about washin cars a little but all this is awsome !!!

Nagesh answers:

You could wash cars. You’d need the supplies, but most I’m sure you could find laying around the house. (Bucket, rag, hose, sponge) However, you’ll probably spend about $10 on cleaning supplies.

Then just set up a sign in your front yard or see if you could find a neighborhood gas station (or local establishment that sees a lot of cars) that will allow you to use the back of their lot for it and charge $8 to $10 a car. If you get friends to help, say two additional people, you could bust out a car every 15 minutes.

If business is good, you could be doing 4 cars every hour. Thats about $40 hour, divided up by 3 people, you’re looking at $13 for an hours work.

This only looks good on paper though. Its definitely dependent on the kind of business you can pull.

You could also try selling some of the stuff you no longer use anymore. (Old toys, CDs, video games, movies.)

Or perhaps even the classic lemonade stand. Find a table and a chair, a pitcher for lemonade, and some plastic cups and sit outside with a lemonade stand sign and wait for people on a hot summer day. It’d cost you about $15 for the cups and the lemonade mix, but you’d be able to make tons of cups with $12 worth of mix. As long as you’re in an area with tons of foot traffic, you’re bound to make a decent profit.

If that isn’t to your liking, see if there is a local newspaper that needs to be delivered. A paperboy isn’t as common these days, but the jobs are definitely out there.

Maria asks…

How can I make money fast?

I am 12 years old and I want to earn money for a new ipod touch. The thing is I am afraid to go up to someone and ask them if they could pay me to clean or walk their dong or anything like that. Please help me find way to make at-least $200 fast! thanks! (:

Nagesh answers:

Go up to people and ask if they have a job you can do. That’s about all I can think of for your age

William asks…

What are some ways to make money besides robbing?

I am 12 years old and i am saving up for a trampoline to prove to my mom that i can pay for it myself and i need to earn $300 by june 10th i need a way to my money fast! Here are my hobbies: dancing, desighning clothes, baking……. And thats about it. plz help!!!!!!!

Nagesh answers:

You’re 12 years old. That’s way too mature to be dicking around on a trampoline. By an 8ball and party like a real man.

Charles asks…

Ways for a 12 Year old to Make Money?

Ok, i’m 12 years old, and need some job ideas for me so I can save up for a MacBook Air I want to get to make iDevice Apps. What are some jobs appropriate for a 12 year old? I don’t need the money relatively fast, I just want to someday earn enough money for a MacBook. I’m not one of those people who expect to get paid for doing nothing. I’ll work hard and earn my fair share.
Any suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

Check out
Here you can get the best training course how to make money online.

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Saturday, October 27th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Legally

Mandy asks…

How soon can my car be reposessed?

My payment was due on the 13th, but I haven’t been able to make the payment due to a family emergency. I am planning on making the payment on October 1st, when I get my annuity money, but until then I have no way to pay it. I have not ever been this late on my payment, but am worried that they will come take my car. How quickly after a missed payment can they repo my car legally? I live in Ohio.

Nagesh answers:

Each lender is different, but usually, you have to be about 90 days late on your payment for repo.

If you make your payment within 30 days of the due date, it probably won’t even make it in your credit report.

I would still call the lender and let them know that your payment is gonna be late.

Charles asks…

how should i go about (legally) fixing my school?

our school district is going through a period of “normalizing” and it’s completely ruining school for the entire district. over the past two years they have gone from offering 10 class periods, having an hour and a half long lunch, having open campus and having completely separate (and working) a days and b days, to having only 8 class periods, two separate 40 minute lunches (with half of your friends in the other lunch) closed campus to freshmen and sophomores, (and 40 minutes isn’t enough time to even go anywhere for lunch as a senior or junior anyway) and a messed up a/b/c day where you have some classes some days and all classes c days.
this awful schedule affects the entire district, and they make it worse and worse each year.
not a single student or teacher i have talked with is satisfied with this plan. from what I’ve learned from teachers, they even have to work an extra class for equal pay. they were about to fight it but the administration said they would have to teach the extra class even on the old schedule, which made them back down.
their “excuses” for changing the schedule to this are these: to lower traffic incidents that occur at lunch (which is going to happen more now that people are rushed for time) and that students didn’t buy from school lunches, which cost the school money (kinda their fault, not ours) among the usual “it’s better for your education” crap. how does offering TWO LESS CLASSES benefit us? that’s two credits over 4 years i could be losing.
Here’s what i can do:
i can organize a doubtless formidable inter-school alliance against this. if it catches on, theoretically it could include 50% of the student body of each school. that’s a formidable force.
we can contact the administration. though we have and they’ve never listened, a few thousand letters might make them change their mind.
we can organize parents. this one might be less than the students. but still, with maybe a thousand angry parents , we might get something done.
here’s what i need:
1. a method of organizing. i can start a facebook group i would imagine would gain membership quickly. but i don’t know how to gain support from everyone or organize petitions, boycotts etc.
2. i also need leadership. the elected school officers would do nicely if i can persuade them, but that might not be a possibility, so i need a group who can communicate and lead all three schools in the district.
3. i need to know what actions to take. I’m not necessarily a legal professional. i do know that there’s almost no chance we could get a major boycott in, but we can bluff one (though i doubt it will be necessary) but i don’t know what we should do or how we should negotiate etc.
4. finally, we want it now. we’ve endured this for 2 years now and it needs to stop. we don’t want to see it in 2 years when we graduate. we want it back.
thank you.
ok, i live in wyoming, which is the only state that’s completely loaded despite the recent depression we’ve had. so no, financial crisis is not the issue, we spend tons on education and that hasn’t stopped or slowed. besides, i see no financial benefit in these classes.
also i don’t mind change, but when it impairs mine and my classmates education capabilities, i fight back. i could live with 40 minute lunches and closed campus, but 2 less classes is not ok. those are just other things they messed up that i thought i’d mention.

*********also stop responding without reading the whole post, and if you argue against me, come up with good points.**********

Nagesh answers:

Sounds exactly what my high school schedule was like, and we all lived and managed to get our lunches LONG before 40 minutes. You really dont know what you are talking about…..and should actually try it out before you start to dissect it. No matter WHAT you do…its not going to change a thing. You have no voice in public school. So i suggest you just get use to the fact that things are changing, and probably changing for the better in my opinion.

Edit: no ones really arguing with you. So theres no “good points” to be made. I guess i just dont understand why these two less classes are so important….. You will get the credits you need to graduate so there shouldnt be a problem with this.

Ps: FYI yes i read your entire rant….

Jenny asks…

Can a divorce lawyer legally cut a deal with the opposing spouse for creating a more favorable outcome ?

Let’s say a man has $500000 in assets. The wife who wants a divorce isn’t clear on how much he actually has, but she knows she is entitled to half in her state if she goes through the court. She is being pressured by her attorney to come up with more money to pay her legal fees. Her attorney tells her to just sign an agreement entitling her to $100000 and the divorce will be final, but all along this attorney could have requested by order of the court that his fee be paid by the husband. The wife was not made aware of this possibility and the husband pays the attorney $100000 for making this deal happen. Is this fraud or malpractice? Or legal in any way? It seems like a bribe. I have a friend who feels this is what is going on in her divorce. Also can she be bound by an agreement to settle for an amount which is not yet determined? Like signing that she will accept a cash settlement and the amount will be determined after she signs (just to get the deal done quickly since she desperately needs living expense money at this point) Yes this actually almost happened. I just don’t know how this could be legal. Example..she says ok I’ll accept the settlement and signs. The next day the husband gives her 10000. What recourse would she have?

Nagesh answers:

If she signs it and later finds evidence that her lawyer acted on behalf of the opposing party in any way, not only is the agreement null and void, but her attorney can and should lose his license.

That said, she needs a private investigator and/or another attorney.

Thomas asks…

Why are we punishing the US Citizen Tax payers with higher debt than cutting a few expenses easily by?

Making a few adjustments that will save us and are legally our right to change. Before anyone goes on a ‘racist’ rant please note that I am Latina. With that alone I know I just discouraged those who wanted to quickly call me a racist. We can save the Tax Payers around $2.63B a year or $26.3B each decade, which helps any way you want to cut it. Which Programs and what changes are we talking about? Only two federally funded programs.
How much can we save? The numbers below are based only on Illegal immigrants using this system not US citizens who are the children of illegal immigrants.
Migrant and seasonal Head Start programs operate in 39 states and serve more than 30,000 illegal migrants and 3,000 children of seasonal farm workers. Migrant and seasonal Head Start programs serve children from 6 months to school age and also provide a variety of health and transportation services. This Federally funded program has an annual $6.8+ billion dollar budget at an average cost of $7,222 per child. Do the Math and that will come out to $238,326,000 in savings. Much less money that we, the Tax payers, will have to grind out and avoid our own default.
More than 15 percent of California’s students are children of illegal aliens, as are more than ten percent of the students in Arizona, Colorado, Illinois, Nevada, and Texas. More than five percent of the students are the children of illegal aliens in Florida, Georgia, Kansas, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah, and Washington.
Defenders of illegal aliens assert that the cost of educating illegal alien students is offset by the taxes paid by their parents, but study after study shows that immigrants cost taxpayers much more in public services used than they pay into the system via taxes. This is particularly true of illegal immigrants, who are disproportionately low-skilled and thus low-earning and are much more likely to be working in the underground economy or providing contractual services and not withholding taxes.
How much does public education to illegal immigrants cost us? The numbers below are based only on Illegal immigrants using this system not US citizens who are the children of illegal immigrants.Statistics from 2005 show that the costs for the entire US were $11,919.9M or Just under $12B. Let’s say on an extremely optimistic hypothetical number that Taxes from illegal immigrant’s offsets the cost by 80%, that would still leaves a balance of 20% or $2383.98M or just under $2.4B.
For those Bernie Sanders fans who claim that the Government is evil because they want to cut funds, Sen. Sanders fails each time to mention the facts above and just wants to keep spending other people’s money. So call me heartless or whatever but I know numbers and we have to save ours. Comments?

Nagesh answers:

That would be a good start.

Mark asks…

I need help! my girlfriends dad is abusive and hit her?

Please respond intelligently.

My girlfriend’s dad hit her the other day and this has happened before. he has hit her mom and her brothers and sisters as well. they can’t call the cops on him because he is over here on a work visa.

he get’s mad over nothing because he is bipolar and he flips out and get’s violent and say he is going to take them all back to turkey but then he doesn’t do it… I love her and I’m not going to give up on her. she is 19 so legally she could leave but she doesn’t want to leave her brother and sister and mom.

Frankly I think her mom should divorce her dad and take half the money but I dunno how that works since her mom and dad are Muslims I don’t think its halal to divorce. they are very afraid of him though and even my own mom is afraid of him because he has enough money that he could probably have me killed if he wanted.. I am dead serious about wanting to marry her and have children but I’m scared that he will try to hurt her.

everyone I talk to says I should just leave her alone. but I love her.. how can you leave the love of your life to be beaten by somebody. I don’t even know him but I’ve tried to learn as much as I can about him and how he thinks so he would like me but now he says he’s not gonna pay for her to go to college and instead make her move to turkey and live in the mountains… this is insane.

how can I save her, I’m not giving up…. She says if he makes her move to turkey she will kill herself.

I think she should secretly pack her shit. and run away with me. I want her to change her name to a boys name and marry her at a courthouse changing her last name to mine and very quickly erase her past identity so he cant find her.. I know she will miss her mom and sister but if she stays there either she will kill herself or he will continue to beat her and one day maybe kill her.. he has pushed her down the stairs and smashed her head into the wall before.


she lives far away and hew dad doesn’t know about me.

Nagesh answers:

I don’t care where this man is from, where he works or anything about him other than the FACT he IS an abuser! He could very badly hurt someone, cripple them for life or WORSE! Someone HAS to stop him & put an end to this for good! Who cares if he is here on a work visa?! Obviously, he doesn’t care about anyone else that’s for sure, so why should anyone even worry about him?! He would be better if he was sent back to his homeland & IF the others didn’t want to go, he couldn’t “make them” go. Your girlfriend could get a restraining order taken out on him & he would NOT be allowed anywhere near the home or have ANY communication with them. They could get a permanent Restraining Order against him & NEVER have to worry about him again. EVERYTHING would be taken care of thru the court system. I don’t know if she has any “marks” oh her from this last episode with him & your girlfriend, but if she does, she could go to the police & get that Restraining Order taken out immediately. She then would go thru her local Family Court where a Judge presides & she would have already told her “story” prior to going to court as she would be assigned to someone who would have her “case work”. I’ve been thru this, I KNOW how it works. She WOULD have the law on her side, there is NOTHING he could do about it to even fight it. IF the WHOLE FAMILY would just “band together”, ALL of them go to the police & tell their story it would all go thru Family Court & be settled there very quickly & easily. They honestly would have NOTHING to fear! Please talk to her about all this as she DOES have a way out, she CAN get protection & NOT have to worry about anything. I mean this in all seriousness. THIS IS her way out, the way out for ALL of them if only they would do it! I SO wish you the best, you’re more than welcome to email me if you’d like…:)

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Friday, October 26th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money Online

Lizzie asks…

How can I make money online free?

I love making money online as a member of, but need more ideas to make more money – free and legit only.

Nagesh answers:

Go to the link below it fun and free i got 30 bucks the other day! And u can get bonus bucks to..deff. Cool

Very fun and free!

Nancy asks…

ideas on making money online?

Hi, I would like to learn making money online. Any ideas where to start. I know making money online has been one of the best way to work at home. I would like to ask some ideas and tips on making money online. Thank you very much.

Nagesh answers:

Here are some sites that offer some really nice ideas on making money online.

Here you can find great ideas on how to make some extra cash or build your own home business online.

Make Money Online – The Internet Income Blog: Best Home Based – Best and Worst of Making Money Online. Category: General: Making Money Stuff. Wow. I can’t believe that it’s been a long while since I last posted something
Simple Ways to Make Money Online, Free stuff, sweepstakes and more – I do earn some money freelancing by making web pages for others and from … I did some research and I found some exciting online offers that earn me a extra income online.

Adsense Ads: Making Money Online – If not, it is one service that allows you to make money online. However, what questions or concerns do you have about making money using the Internet?

How to make money online & earn extra income
Making money online & other extra income ideas. … Making money online. Learn to make money. How to earn an extra income. Work at home …

Making Money Online: An Honest Opinion – This article will examine different money making models online to let you … In conclusion, choose a way of money making online that suits you and spend

Also try searching through google or yahoo about this. Try searching using this words: making money online, how to make money online, legitimate ways to make money online, earn free money online, earn money online or easy money online.

George asks…

How can I make money online?

Well, my family is pretty poor. They can’t afford some things I want. I want to make money online, so I could buy nice things :D.
I need some ideas how to make money online (detailed answers only). It would be best if I would make over 50$ a month. I am pretty good with computers, I draw pretty well. I am 16years old and I live in Lithuania if that matters.
And I guess I will need a bank account for that?

Nagesh answers:

There are TONS of people that want the money, but not very many that can actually envision themselves GETTING there. So it’s really not worth it to invest in mailing lists, or even newspaper ads. It’s all about person-to-person contact…,….
Booths at craft/art shows, fairs, and the like are good because people approach you wondering what you offer. If you can offer them something they are looking for, like money for vacations, get them to set that goal and you’re in!!
Good luck!

James asks…

my resolution this year is to make more money, preferably selling something online, any ideas?

i started building computers and selling them, but it is kinda hard to compete with the big daddys like HP and Dell.. so im looking for any other ways of making money, preferably online..
thanks in advance.

Nagesh answers:

Try affiliate sales.

Mary asks…

Best way to make money Online?

Only Legit ways, Your Top 5/10 ideas to make money online?

Nagesh answers:

Online jobs don’t exist. You can’t take the factory home. If you want to earn online money you need to work on your own. This is actually quite easy to do, but until ou know what you are doing you aren’t going to get any money.

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Thursday, October 25th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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