Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Uk

James asks…

Gaming partnership help please?

Okay so I have a gaming channel that’s 6 months old and I’ve barely used it. I get a random e-mail from YouTube telling me I can monetize my videos; I only have 20 subscribers so I know I can’t apply to partnership just yet.

My question is – does YouTube still accept gaming channels into their partnership scheme? I’ve heard a lot of rumours going around that they don’t accept people anymore because of the new law that the American’s tried to pass through about copyright. I am in the UK and doing gaming videos is one of my goals to start making money [like PeteDorr and other gamers]. I know how the copyright system works – no music and only show gameplay videos if they intend to help others throughout the game etc etc meaning I can’t just only have gameplay videos. Once I get my capture card I will make reviews, collections and helpful gameplay videos.

TLDR; Does YouTube still accept gaming channels as part of their partnership scheme. I will not only include gameplay, I will do some other original things and possibly webcam videos.
@Daniel – wow, really? How can we tell when they’ve actually given us an opportunity to have partnership? Also, I am aware of other gamers getting money from their partnership still but I’m talking about new channels applying after the copyright law thing, which is really really recent. I’m wanting to know anyone that has gotten partnership after this. Thank you for your great answer

Nagesh answers:

As a fellow gaming channel, let me break this down.
I, too, have little subscribers. YouTube put out the Adsense message to everyone with videos. DO NOT DO IT. It is not a partnership. Yes, it will monetize your videos but ones that have any kind of copyrighted content, even gameplay, will be DELETED. Even I, who does commentaries and griefing and stuff, is subject to it.
@TLDR: I’m fairly certain they do, as people like Obviously Jesus has a partnership. Don’t bother applying before 1k subs though.

Helen asks…

The BNP Policy statements – the Economy?

I am confused about the BNP, their policies and exactly what they stand for now.
The following has been cut and paste from the BNP website – I have not messed with it, it’s as it is in their policy statement:

“ECONOMY – British workers first!
Globalisation, with its export of jobs to the Third World, is bringing ruin and unemployment to British industries and the communities that depend on them. Accordingly, the BNP calls for the selective exclusion of foreign-made goods from British markets and the reduction of foreign imports. We will ensure that our manufactured goods are, wherever possible, produced in British factories, employing British workers. When this is done, unemployment in this country will be brought to an end, and secure, well-paid employment will flourish, at last getting our people back to work and ending the waste and injustice of having more than 4 million people in a hidden army of the unemployed concealed by Labour’s statistical fiddles. We further believe that British industry, commerce, land and other economic and natural assets belong in the final analysis to the British nation and people. To that end we will restore our economy and land to British ownership. We also call for preference in the job market to be given to native Britons. We will take active steps to break up the socially, economically and politically damaging monopolies now being established by the supermarket giants. Finally we will seek to give British workers a stake in the success and prosperity of the enterprises whose profits their labour creates by encouraging worker shareholder and co-operative schemes

RIGHT OK – so they’re saying that we need to stop most foreign imports and stop the manufacture of British Goods overseas – Why do they think that we don’t have to compete in the Global Economy? We need to encourage our exports – we need to trade globally to make money, but if we cut our imports and manufacturing plants overseas, it will cause massive problems. Overseas markets have to like the British and find our products and services competitive before they will buy them. We can’t be an insular island on our own. We’ve been global for many many years.
And why do they think that this will provide all the unemployed in the UK with jobs? LOL. There are many that don’t WANT to work. What would happen to the NHS for a start?
What do they mean about owning our natural resources? Didn’t our oil get sold off some years ago? I don’t understand this at all.
As for preference in the job market being given to NATIVE BRITONS – do they mean white people? Why don’t they clarify what they mean….
Surely these policies would absolutely destroy any chance of us clawing our way out of this recession.
Their policies are a bit thin, it has to be said.
Your views please?
Sorry this is so long – as you can see I’m not an Economist, but this is the sort of manifesto that a 14 year old would come up with…..
If they clarified what they mean and how it would work, I would be satisfied with a certain level of intelligence. Do you have to become a member before they will tell you what they mean and how it will work?

Nagesh answers:

Fantasists, the lot of them.

I await the BNP supporters answers with interest

HA!!! You thumb me down, but you cant answer!! LOSERS

Susan asks…

Where do they get these idiots from in these polls?

Pay as you throw ! ! !

We have a serious issue with people just stuffing our bins with rubbish so I and neighbours would be paying for iother peoples rubbish being stuffed in our bins.

How idiotic is the scheme in any case? Well it certainly makes me wonder how these moron get into these jobs that decide on implementing them, all in the name of screwing the tax payer out of more money.

So this is the acid test I suppose, would you like to pay as you throw? Do you feel that it is a good idea? I certainly don’t nor do I welcome such a stupid idea based on the fact that our waste bins are in a public and communal area so I and other residents would be facing charges for waste that isn’t ours.

The number of times I have caught people just dumping stuff into my bin I have lost count. But this problem has obviously just done an A380 and gone straight over these idiots heads that all feel that its a good idea.
Are you daft? Chains, their is no way to chain up the bins we have. as well as that, it would mean getting up at arounf 5.30 – 6am on a friday just to unlock the thing to allow it to be emptied by said waste service.
Yes, the idea is flawed, seriously flawed.
It is always the “Home owners” that are sucked into these polls and test areas, never the majority areas that are council homes, flats, etc. So it is often seen as a good idea by those who CAN pay…

And thats a point, flats and low rise accomodation who have communal bins, how thr ‘F’ would that work?

I remember when wheelie bins came out that were smaller than the average bin to force people into wasting less, one of the neighbours would take his rubbish out with him and stuff it into the public bins.

If they want us to produce less waste, they are going about it back to dront as usual, they need to deal with the companys that make and produce packaging that is an over kill, excess packaging is where the problem lies, it is something that we have had no say in but we have to pay again. This excess packaging accounts on average for 25-30% of the items cost… so when we dispose of it, how much will that make the total cost of that item?
Anyone care to complain to the current government?

We should fill their inbox up with the reasons why it is a flawed and ill thought out plan.
They say that the Council Tax bill you recieve will have been reduced in relation to your waste, in reality local councils starved of cash would simply add this loss on to something else.

I have lived under 4 different councils and in each council the same happend, a reduction in one area was met by an increase, oddly enough in another… So who are they trying to kid?

Will the government listen, it is doubtful.

You can tell them here: about how you fee because these starw polls that they use are never representational of the “Average” person, they in reality only represent the NIMBYs of this world who are able to cough up, have a high disposable income and never contain elements of “Our” society that have a voice but never get heard.
@17pdr, LMAO, QUOTE: “I think those who think its a good idea are singleton musli munchers in Cheam.”

I know the place, used to have a job driving around london delivering to council depots…

Bin men have it very easy here too, the “NEW” rules are that IF the “Wheelie Bin Lid” does not “Close”, they do not have to empty it… instead at extra cost, the council employ a sub contractor to empty all those bins and they only get emptied if you complain…

Another example of public miney being wasted.
In some cases I don’t really think its bin men getting lazier rather that its employers in general expecting more for less, the bigger the round that they have to complete dictates how much time they have to deal with each bin and hence these petty scenarios like here in Notts, if you bin lid isn’t closed they won’t empty it.

Fly tipping I agree will increase but thats because lots of councils count things like domestic appliances as commercial waste and expect you to pay for its disposal and if you turn up in a van, your automatically treated as commercial waste regardless, no if’s not but’s your expected to charge and that leads to fly tipping.

Fly tipping when I was young was unheard of because you could go to you local tip and dump your unwanted and even the council guy would often help if the item was big or bulky, now H & S and insurance constraints forbid it.

This unfortunately is the American Business model that we have imposed on us, pay, pay, pay and pay again.

Nagesh answers:

Haha, i thought you meant the idiots in “polls & surveys” on this site. OOOPS

Ken asks…

Would you vote for me?

Hi all,

Policies I’ve thought of so far include (in no particular order and have been “refined” from another question I posted yesterday):

1) Tougher child benefit schemes, so that it’s only available to people whom have permanent residence in the UK. I’m under the impression pretty much anyone can claim this – even if their children do not reside in this country. Child benefit should remain “as is” now, if you are married, but should have a “reducing quota” if you’re single and are still having children. For example, a single person with 1 child, gets full benefits. 2 children, gets 100% for the first child, perhaps 75% for the second. Third child gets harsher – Perhaps 75/50/25. Also! Single parents should not be able to claim a property so easily. Spending should be increased on sex education and preventative pregnancy measures.

2) Cuts in spending on NEW religious buildings – and to spend that money elsewhere on prolong existing religious buildings (we have enough already I think!).

3) Introduction of a new tax (I think would need to be quite high) on overseas transactions – so that anyone sending money away from the UK, are taxed for it (on the transactions value), thus our treasury retains a higher percentage of that money for public spending.

4) More regular, but “online” Prime Ministers Questions. Why give MP’s a reason to spend hundreds of thousands of pounds of tax payers money on temporary or permanent residence in London, when technology will allow us to do everything we need to do, from our very own homes / constituancies? We abolish “MP allowances” completely and lower MP salaries as they will have no reason to claim such high salaries when they’re confined to their own localities. This will save the taxpayer up to 20 million pounds per year in MP salaries and perhaps that much again in the abolishment of MP allowances.

5) Reduce the number of councillors in all constituancies. I live in Nottingham and our councillors do absolutely nothing for us – a huge waste of tax payers money.

6) Get out of the EU – We should be free to make our own laws, trades and legislation. I appreciate that this may not be a popular one, but in order to get the harder punishments on criminals and gain control of our borders, laws and legislations, it’s an absolute neccessity. This will also save the tax payer up to 40 million pounds per DAY.

7) Human rights should be ammended so that (convicted 100% sure) criminals lose a majority of their rights.

8) Prisons should be made into harsher environments and not the hotels that they are now. The “fear” of going to prison should (alone) be enough to deter people from committing crime.

9) Consider re-introducing the death sentence. This would only be used in severe cases – rapists, murderers, paedophiles etc. Why are we paying money to keep these people alive and safe?

10) Massive increases on spending on the NHS and pensions. NO changes to minimum wage. A valid point was made in a previous post that a lot of NHS spending is on the higher earners in the NHS – such as consultants etc. This needs to be made more widespread to nurses and junior doctors. Salaries of grades should be given “caps” and “responsibility” of the people that earn these high salaries should be clearly defined. The same person also noted that minimum wages should be greatly increased. I, however greatly oppose this. Small businesses are making people redundant day-by-day and one of the main reasons for this is that their overheads (primarily salaries) are a great stress on the business finances – especially during these hard-times. If the minimum wage were to continue increasing now, it would bring about more redundancies and the end of thousands more small businesses. Minimum wage must be held “as is” for the short-term.

11) Trade Unions should have less power. We saw recently how a trade unions demands did more worse than good with the oil workers strike at Total.

12) Immediate withdrawal of all troops from Iraq – reparations to be paid over time to the re-building of Iraq (thanks to the warmonger of an ex-PM of ours!)

13) More funding to border control / customs etc.

14) This kinda overlaps point 7, but people whom preach hatred among religious groups should be thrown out of a plane with an empty / unpacked parachute strapped to their back in their own country.

15) Long-term unemployed (2 years) whom are fit to work, should have all benefits immediately stopped – and will not be eligible to apply for unemployment benefit again for another 3 years. Conditions can be applied to this so that (for example) someone whom was made redundant, may have a longer period of time to find a job. Someone whom left their job of their own accord will be entitled to less time. Enforcement of stricter rules on this would save the taxpayer billions!!!

16) Police to have paperwork reduced. Consider the possiblity of having “criminal bounties” for police officers arresti
just noticed it’s not pasted all in… here’s the rest:

16) Police to have paperwork reduced. Consider the possiblity of having “criminal bounties” for police officers arresting wanted / suspected criminals.

17) Social services to have paperwork reduced, and should be given more authority towards the protection of children.

18) Increased pay for lower ranked members of the armed forces.

19) Equality amongst British people. Seems rather unfair that (for example) English tax payers are not entitled to some medicines for free from the NHS. Also, English students are not entitled to free university fees (I personally think that students should pay these fees so I’m in favour of the English way of doing this).

Nagesh answers:


And one of the reasons is limiting the power of the unions. They helped the workers in the Total dispute.

Betty asks…

How would you rate this personal statement for accountancy course at university?

Money makes the world go around, and this is certainly true to a great extent. In recent times we have been faced with the US sub-prime mortgage fiasco which threatens to bring world finance markets and economies to their knees. However, one could argue that had there been sound understanding of the US financial market and a tighter control on the availability of credit, then this problem could have easily been avoided. One subsidiary effect of the financial problems in the US is the problems it is causing the UK housing market. With banks no longer being so overzealous to hand out loans, consumers are unable to afford the sky-high property prices. This sharp fall in demand has resulted in the UK housing market moving closer and closer towards a crash. I want to do a degree in Accounting and Finance to further my understanding of the subject which I find deeply interesting due to its imperative nature, its complexity and also because it is a subject which is continuously changing.

My A-level subjects reflect my broad range of skills, knowledge and also support my desired degree choice. Mathematics at A-level has developed my problem solving skills and has allowed me to explore data analysis techniques, which will be valuable during the quantitative analysis modules of an Accounting and Finance degree. Economics has furthered my understanding of the wider implications of changes in the economic climate of one country and I have also built upon my ability to analyse and evaluate in-depth case studies, which is essential when examining accounts and world markets in detail. Computing has given me skills, which will without a doubt be especially useful to me whilst at university and in a financial services occupation, which is heavily reliant on computer systems. Chemistry requires one to analyse results and information and come to a reasoned conclusion. This skill will facilitate me with the analytical modules in an Accounting and Finance degree.

During my academic career so far, my skills and my academic interests have coincided. Accounting and Finance is a subject, which requires one to be meticulous in their reasoning and have the ability to solve complex problems. I have demonstrated my ability to solve complex problems by obtaining a Silver Certificate in the UK Senior Mathematical Challenge, which puts me in the top 7-13% in the UK. I have represented my school many times at Chess and I was awarded a school Chess tie for my commitment. My perseverance at Chess resulted in me reaching the Gigafinals of the British Land Chess Challenge after successfully negotiating my way through the initial qualifying and Megafinal rounds. The ability to communicate confidently is useful for all university courses and indeed for your career. I have developed this skill by obtaining a Grade 8 in Public Speaking from LAMDA. Sport is something that I am passionate about, whether it be playing or watching it. I have had the privilege of representing my schools under 16 Rugby team and also the Eton Fives team. Through persistence at Eton Fives, I was able to win the under 15 Plate at the H.S.B.C Eton Fives Schools Championship. For my dedication to both Rugby and Eton Fives, I was awarded a Senior Half Colours tie. My involvement in school sports has given me the ability to work well in a team and has also been fundamental to my growth in maturity. My simultaneous participation in the Duke of Edinburgh Silver award, the Millennium Volunteers scheme, the voluntary work I have been involved in at Oxfam over the past 3 years and my numerous other extra-curricular activities has enhanced my time management skills, which I feel will be beneficial for me whilst at university.

I believe that I am hardworking, unrelenting in the pursuit of my goals, confident in my own ability, have good time management skills and also the potential to achieve in the future.

Nagesh answers:

Your first paragraph seems a little unnecessary. I understand that you want to show the admissions officer you know your stuff, but blurting out information he/she probably already knows is not the way to do this. It’s a PERSONAL statement, not an academic comment on the financial market and property prices. The admissions officer wants to know about YOU, and what you’ve done to make yourself capable of completing a degree course. Perhaps you could talk about various books, articles or academic/financial journals you’ve read on the topic, and when you’ve got involved in various issues which are related to your course choice.

Your second paragraph is good. You may want to talk more about your skills, even if they are a little more generalised and not specific to your chosen course.

In your third paragraph, replace ‘your’ with ‘my’ where you talk about the importance of communication. Always talk about yourself as not to disassociate yourself from the statement. You’re also quite chit chatty here. Cut back on this as much as possible. Examples are ‘successfully negotiating my way through’ and ‘whether it be playing or watching it’. Just say you reached the gigafinals, you don’t need to talk about other rounds previous. Also, just say you have a passion for sport and give examples, you don’t need to be so explicit. When you’re too chatty or explicit like this, you waste valuable space which should be filled with reasons why you’re a good choice over the other applicants. For example, you could expand quite a bit on your volunteering; universities love to hear about voluntary work.

Your final statement is fine. Depending on what kind of university you’re applying to, you may want to talk more about social issues such as your hobbies. If you’re applying to places very high up on the league tables (Oxbridge, LSE, UCL, Warwick) then you’ll probably be fine with what you have.

I hope this helps and good luck for the future!

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Friday, November 23rd, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes For Free

Nancy asks…

Anyone know where to get a free internet phone number?

I have a few domains registered and at Godaddy they force you to either enter all of your REAL information when registering, or pay them to make it private (otherwise they’ll take your domains from you). Apparently they are “forced” to do this by ICANN. Whatever, it sounds like another money making scheme to me.

Personally I don’t like the idea of my REAL phone number available for anyone on the net to look up (spammers, axe murderers, serial killers and scumbags especially, they’re all the same to me) simply by looking up my domain name.

I was thinking that maybe there is a service out there that gives you a real phone number that I could use, that would hide my real one, for free. I know Skype is one that can give a number, but it’s almost $20 a month. It’d be cheaper to just pay Godaddy their extra cash to hide it. Does anyone know of a FREE service?


Nagesh answers:

I think aol has one

David asks…

I am looking for a free autosurf traffic exchange with a 1:1 ratio & only unique views in return.?

I am not looking for a money making autosurf scheme, just a traffic exchange with the ability to autosurf.

Nagesh answers:

Hello, its not autosurf, but thes are some solid ways on how to get traffic to your website.

1.Write and submit articles :). It is a classic, but it works. This will be indefinite traffic stuck in the search engines for you. Write quality unique articles, not articles that are rehashed or provide no insight to readers, which is a huge problem these days.
2.Write and submit press releases, think prweb after you do one.
3.Write and ping blog entries. Always make sure to link back to your website with your blog posts. Try making multiple blogs and have them all link back to one main site.
4.Make sure your website is listed in DMOZ:
5.Advertise your website in the appropriate categories at Craigslist. Try posting your ads in the most populated cities in the world.
6.If a niche related forum that you frequently visit allows signatures, then make sure to add your website url in there.
7.Make sure to view related products on You can try and take some customers from your competitors here by providing your own url if the product is similar.
8.Review websites in your niche on Alexa to try to take some of their traffic by including a reference back to your site.
9.Review some related products on epinion.
10.If you purchase a product that you actually like, then feel free to give an individual respect when respect is due and leave a testimonial. You should be able to get some traffic from that website if your testimonial is left with a url.
11.Whenever you send an email to someone, always add your website url as a signature.
12.Keep updating content on your websites/blogs… try at least once per week.
13.Tag blog posts at social bookmarking sites, especially at
14.Add photos to your blog with appropriate keywords.
15.Tag blog photos at Flickr.
16.Politely ask your readers to subscribe to your rss feeds.
17.Try coining your own term. Might want to trademark it if you smell that it will become popular.
18.Encourage readers to comment on your blogs.
19.Include translation for your websites/blogs, especially in Chinese.
20.Do not be boring, write about something that a wide select of people would want to know about.
21.Make sure to edit your writing (unlike what im doing :D).
22.Comment on other related blogs.
23.Make a custom 404-error page for your website. You can provide a link back to your main website or even try to monetize it by offering a related affiliate program within your niche.
24.Sponsor a charity, most charities will link back to your website, and you are also doing a good deed :).
25.Sell an item on eBay as a charity auction. Most charities will link back to both your auction and your main website.
26.Start a publicity campaign, do something that individuals in your niche will take note of.
27.Brand your website with a logo and a slogan/catch phrase. Think IBM.
28.Hold a crazy contest that people in your niche will talk about. This will equal more links and traffic to your website.
29.Build a tool that individuals in your niche will love and enjoy. Then give it away for free. If the tool is helpful, then you will get quality one-way links to your website.
30.Contact small newsletters sources offline and submit articles to them.
31.Become friends with editors of an offline publication.
32.Give speeches offline. Start small and local. Also, do not forget to participate in toastmasters meetings in your area.
33.Have a GREAT product. All of the marketing/advertising in the world will do you NO good if your product is sub par.
34.Make something innovative. If you are selling information, what makes your content something you cannot get from the local bookstore, Barnes and noble or even eBay for that matter?
35.Is your product groundbreaking? Will you leave individuals with no choice but to talk about your product or service?
36.Are you selling something that wide groups of people want to know about but there is limited/scarce knowledge?
37.Write good content, if your writing is good then people will share it with their friends. In addition, webmasters will use it as content on their website with a reference back to your article, or at least they should.
38.Spark emotions. If you get people emotional about something then they will most likely talk about it.
39.Get a custom t-shirt made with your website url on it, and wear it often.
40.Build a list of subscribers. Your list is like a golden asset to you if utilized correctly.
41.Write tip articles, such as “Ten easy tips to blank-blank-blank.”
42.Buy traffic from the search engines by utilizing one of their PPC campaigns.
43.Open up a myspace account and find targeted friends so that you can promote your services to them. Do not spam people, myspace is cracking down on spammers and are starting to sue people.
44.Solicit a link from your local chamber of commerce.

Jenny asks…

How much money do mobile phone retailers get for connecting a new customer to a phone network (t-mob, 02,etc)?

Hi, i was thinking about starting my own mobile phone store and was wondering how much money a store like this would make for connecting customers to phone networks.

I am curious because of all the ’12 months free line rental’ cashback schemes and ‘free games consoles’ i see stores promoting (mainly online), the connection fee must be pretty good of they can do such offers right?

Thanks in advance guys!

Nagesh answers:

It would depend on the the tariff and network choice… It can vary from £90 per connection to literally hundreds of pounds… Then established companies get “Box Bonuses” on average of £50 per phone sold so there can be a lot of money to be made and this is how they are able to offer these promotions…. What you will also find is that most of the companies offering the free gifts are mail order so have little overheads compared to stores…. But In my opinion, there is no point in trying to establish yourself in this market unless you are moving from a well established company and you “Aquire” a database… The competition in this market is very cut throat and only the well established survive.. There is also the opportunity for a lot of fraud in this market place and unless you are very very careful the money you could be forced to pay back can outway the profit in the first place!!!!

John asks…

Someone to talk to about divorce.?

For about a year now I’ve been seeing a woman who has been separated from her husband for some time. However, her husband has been having a lot of issues with the separation, and continues to call or e-mail her on a regular basis, usually attempting to guilt-trip her or subtly / directly attack her. I don’t want to get into details about why they separated (Hint: He wasn’t a nice man), but needless to say his constant presence is really taking a toll on our relationship.

We’re hoping to move to Boston together in a year or so, and she really wants to have the divorce finalized before then. However, she’s worried that trying to move things with an official divorce forward will lead to an extreme, possibly violent reaction from her husband. I am also a little fearful of this. Before officially filing, she wants to speak to some sort of counselor, but when either of us has looked for one, all we can really find are shady looking crack-pot websites or blatant moneymaking schemes. Does anyone know of a nice, preferably free service such as a number or website/forum we could use to discuss these problems with a professional?

Thanks, and apologize for being a bit long winded.

Nagesh answers:

She can request a temporary RO when she files for divorce. She can also then send him a letter of she wishes to be contacted going forward. Like he can only contact her between the hours of 10am and 9pm via phone.

Lizzie asks…

Mindblowing opportunity, in which V r making money sorry minting would u like to?mail me

The opportunity which gives you lot more to your life
ISO Certified company
Purely par time, in your free time
your doing Business with MNC with a low investment
you are starting your business for your dream money name …..
working (par time) with top people like regional manager of P&G and more and more ….
High money, recognition ….
No time limit, no quotas, no targets and no sales…..
No levels, no confusing percentages, no complicated multi-level schemes, direct and indirect same commissions
Commissions calculated weekly (cheques) are paid out weekly.
Income for two generations (you can protect your next generation)(so that you can nominate the money.)
No geographical boundaries. It’s a Global business
Legal earnings (your paid after deducting the tax and form16 will be provided quarterly basis)
Act now and
Start a business which will fulfill all your needs
Earn minimum income of Rs.11,500 per day.
Maximum of Rs.5,75,000 Per Week

Nagesh answers:

Join me also in that

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Thursday, November 22nd, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For College Students

Charles asks…

Online Business?? Please help a struggling college student!?

I am a 19 year old college student with a bit of a problem :/

Problem: I work a full time job at a warehouse, where everyday I seem to be breaking my back just to pay the bills. I get home very tired and feel like my school work suffers. I support myself and rent a single room, pay for gas, food etc. just like everyone else.

Question: Is there some way I can make money online that pays decent and is NOT a scam? I have a lot of internet experience, I can type 60wpm. I learn very quickly and
I DO expect to actually work for my money, just….. online

This seems better for me so I can have more time to study. And I am not looking for some get rich quick scheme, I only need to make around 1000$ a month to cover necessities

I have seen these “drop shipping” and “data entry” jobs and “online businesses” and
I just don’t know what’s right for me

Online Business?? Please help a struggling college student!

Nagesh answers:

Well, you could check out that SMC thing Tom Bosley from Happy Days is spokesperson for….

But why not just start you own little business. Go the entrepreneurial route.

If you’re good a typing and have a strong command of word processor and publishing programs on your computer, start a publishing service. Nothing big or fancy. Resumes, newsletters, maybe even offer typing services to other college students on research papers.

All that would take is a little advertising on campus or setting up a little website for advertising and contact purposes. Start-up expenses shouldn’t be too demanding for your budget.

Another option is offering freelance clerical/secretarial assistance to businesses. Again a website would help.

You might also check your local small business bureau on any requirements you’d have to meet to operate as a sole-proprietor business.

Hope that helps.

P.S. – Though your goal of $1,000 may seem excessive to some answerers, don’t let their voices become splinters of doubt in your mind.

Here’s a little exercise that might help:

Set your goals. Envision yourself already having accomplished them (really put yourself into that moment in your mind). Then, as if looking back from that perspective on the process, imagine how you got there. What path did you take to get there? What pitfalls do you imagine having happened that you overcame.

Then, (like Nike says) just do it.

Good luck.

Lisa asks…

Interested in stocks but not sure about the return?

Hey guys,
A little about myself. I’m 21, college student working part time for a real estate company as a web developer and was looking into other money solutions and I thought about Stocks. Though I’m financially stable right now, I’m still not the biggest on money (and jargon) so I don’t even know how to look at stocks. Dont know what bonds are, and I dont know how to get started, but I’d like to invest if all possible.

Truthfully, I’m not looking for a “get rich quick program” or anything but I want to maximize my dollar so I can fund something else like my music and other things I’m getting into. I dont make much right now, but I currently can do that on my check and if all possible, and if stocks are the way to make a decent return, then I’ll pay for them. But what will I get back? When will I get it back? Am I in the right position to properly invest in things like this?

Nagesh answers:

I love the stock market if its going up or down …

If you use $5000 & buy 500 shares @ $10/share & it goes to $11 than you just made 10% thats $500 &this happens all day everyday!!!

Or if you think a stock will go don in value just “short” the stock so when the price goes down in value u make money!

Once you sell you can withdraw your money in about 3-6days depending on your broker & how fast it takes for your fund to clear

but 1st you need to take acouple months to do alotttttt of research about the market & how stocks really work & find some stocks to watch to see how they about any news that might help or hurt the stock & test your knowledge

open a practice account & practice trading/investing with play money

you can study, get examples, & open a practice account all at

even if your good at your practice account remember investing with your REAL MONEY is alot different because emotions get involved


Laura asks…

What are some quick/easy ways to make money?

I’m a college student, sophomore. 19 years old and have been looking for a part-time job since I was 16. Had a job about 6-8 months ago and it only lasted 2 weeks because I was not ‘fit’ for the job apparently. It was a food place. I recently got a job at McDonalds, haven’t started yet, but I’m scared this will fall through as well. (I’m only working one day this week.)
My bf just got a job and started right away and has been working everyday. I’m so jealous. I want to make some money fast because I want to move out as soon as possible. I don’t want it to drag.
What can I do to make money as soon as possible?

Nagesh answers:

Register at a convinent store?

Helen asks…

Whats an easy way to make $2,000?

I’m a high school student that has high grades & this month i received two letters in the mail to go to New York City this summer for one week to study medicine. The program is AMAZING. It’s my dream to attend it. Even though this is an excellent program, it costs over $2,000 & it’s pretty pricey considering my mother is a single mother of two. When i graduate, I was to attend a college in NYC to study sports medicine & orthopedics. Do you know a simple, quick way to raise money that doesn’t involve getting a job?

Nagesh answers:

Reselling things, a loan, a garage/yard sale, maybe offer to teach people a skill you have (like if you are good at math, know a second language, or canplay an insturment). Or maybe offer a service (babysitting, cleaning, etc.). Good luck

Susan asks…

This pig of a co-worker of mine…?

There’s a ‘boy’ who is 26 years old from Hong Kong that I work with – sit right next to in fact. Here’s a quick briefing on how he interacts with me and his background. He came to the US during high school and attended high school in NY. He moved to California to go to college and majored in Business Administration. Before working where he is now, he sold items he and his wife bought for cheap through Hong Kong stores and had shipped here from friends and then sold them on ebay. On his statement of purpose for the MBA program he applied to, he called selling products on ebay his own ‘enterprise’ that he co-founded with a friend :/ He has a younger brother and sister who seem ok, albeit the brother is a Justin Bieber type Asian. This co-worker of mine married a girl when she was 18 – initally it was for him to be able to stay in the country since she is a US citizen and he was done with his degree. It is 2 years later almost, and they are separated because she cheated on him numerous times, and he likes to visit whorehouses since he can’t find a ‘slutty girl’ good enough for him apparently. Btw, he is obsessed with slutty looking girls as he refers to them and is almost all he talks about at work and is constantly showing me pictures of girls and pointing out girls around campus. He is up for his permanent green card in a few months, but now that he’s separated from his wife and living in his own $500/month shared house bedroom, if he gets called for an interview, he is offering to pay his wife to lie for him and pretend their marriage is still good so he can keep his green card. So already he has committed 2 crimes – a pretentious marriage and engaging in sex with paid professionals. Another thing – he applied to the job he currently holds so he could get a mostly paid for MBA degree. The university he works for pays for some of the tuition and now that he has a green card, he got student loans to cover the rest. But if he got fired from this job, he would lose that tuition benefit. To be frank, he really sucks at his job – we both have the same title, but his productivity and integrity is -500% below mine. The supervisor here is super nice, and knows how much of a loser/slacker this guy is, but yet when raise time came around, we got the same salary raise. This is not the way the world should work. When it comes to work etiquette, he talks on the phone all day long in Cantonese talking about slutty girls with his guy friends, talking about going to bars to hit on women, etc. I’m sure this would fall under some kind of sexual harassment category. Besides the incessant chatting, he brings the integrity of our work down by miscalculating numbers, evaluating a lot of the work incorrectly, among many other things – he has been here for almost 2 years now, and is the only one in the office who ‘doesn’t get it’ – the supervisor and myself have asked him to constantly remember to do ‘this’ and ‘that’, but nothing has changed. His attitude towards the job is so poor and selfish. He once spoke to me of trying to find ways to make money by accepting bribes from students to change their grades, etc. He offers to give me things in liu of me reporting to the supervisor the mistakes in his work reported to me by clients of ours. The fact that he is still at this job, very recently got the same pay raise as I just baffles me…….I need some explanation as to why this person has not been fired yet – I want the supervisor to see what I see….please help!
Oh and also, he has no tact for other people he doesn’t like – he constantly comments about others and how he hates “the n word” and other people we work with…

Nagesh answers:

Whew! Is right!
But is there a question here?

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Wednesday, November 21st, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For College Students

Laura asks…

in an abusive home environment…need advice?

I am an 18 yr old female living with my parents. My parents were terribly abusive to me physically when I was younger and the abuse continues verbally as I have gotten older. I have 3 younger siblings who are also very badly emotionally and verbally abused. They are not as physically abusive as they use to be as they fear I will call the cops. But the emotional abuse prevails as they know the police cant really do anything about verbal abuse which really sucks.

My dilemma is this. Today my father was being brutal with my 7 yr old sister and I stuck up for her because I love her obviously and dont wanna see her go thru the same things I did. My father told me to “mind my own business” and that hes the “parent” but I would not. I continued to defend her and told him to stop what he was doing. He told me he was going to kick me out if I didnt stay out of it but I could not sit back and watch what he was doing. I continued to defend her and get on his case about how he is and how he is a bad father. He then said that he “had it with me” and was going to kick me out (again). He has already kicked me out twice once when i was 14 and another time just a few months ago.

I am at my wits end. There is no love in the home and Ive been wanting to leave since I was 6 or 7 years old. Trust me I would leave if I could but Im a full time college student with no money saved up, and only have a part time job. I attend a community college so I have to live at home and im new to the area so i dont really have any friends that I can stay with. I also do not have a car as my parents refused to teach my how to drive. I am not sure if he is going to kick me out again…but I do not have a place to go and do not want to beg my parents to let me stay.

I was looking up some escort services online I was thinking about becoming an escort which disgusts me but I feel I have no choice. If its my only way to buy a decent car fast, put a down payment on an apartment and pay my other bills I feel this is what I should do. I know people say there are other ways to make money but at this age with no degree there really isnt. There is no other job I can think of that will allow me to save up enuff money for a car and an apartment in less than a month. If someone else has any other ideas please feel free to share but I feel this is the only thing i can do and feel i am out of options. Shelters will not take me because shelters only house people for a short amount of time only a few days maybe a few weeks but i need something permanent. I need to get out of my household. And I cant go to the police or to battered womens shelters because nobody cares about emotional abuse. My parents are brutal and malicious people. We moved from nyc to the middle of nowhere not close to a bus or anything. To punish me they tell me they will not drive me to work or school even though they know there is no other way I can get to school or work being that they never taught me to drive and I dont live near a bus stop. Im sick of them holding things over my head. I want to be independent and not worry about not being able to go to school and get my education just because I got into an argument with my parents for example. Trust me ive tried everything. I dont know what to do but I really dont want to be an escort so people please give me some advice.

Nagesh answers:

Call child services for the sake of your siblings. They could at least answer any questions you have, and ask them about free councelling for yourself.

DO NOT BECOME AN ESCORT FOR ANY REASON!!! There is nothing good about it and you can only sink lower from it. You will be exposed to drugs, DISEASE that will ruin your life for a lifetime, and scum of the earth that will leave you for dead because they are cracked up and want to use you for less then a peice of meat. You won’t find your prince charming in that setting. Nothing good will become of it. If you ask any escort if they would do it again, they will tell you “hell no!”. THe worst idea they ever had.

You are young and have the world by the tail whether you know it or not. I would HIGHLY recommend any councelling you can get for free. I would also HIGHLY recommend you go to college. DO NOT worry about the expense. We all get loans and borrow money for school, we all start off with school debt. We all start off the same. You wil be able to pay them off easy once you get out of school and work. It will only take a few years. There is no better way to advance quality of life then with a world class education. That is an Obama quote. Go to one of the school’s financial aid office. THey will be able to tell you what grants and scholarships are availble to you (both are free money). Borrow money by taking loans. Goverment loans are good and that office can fix you up. Work part time if you need to. College is such a great atmosphere.

Remember, the only thing you can control is yourself. Start off right, you are in full control. Respect yourself and never resort to anything you will regret, because you will regret it for a lifetime. It may seem like you are in a rutt, but you really have an opportunity to begin a great life, meet some great guys in college, experience school and parties, and start yourself off right.

There is nothing better then showing someone your success over theirs. Show your dad how much better you can do then him. Show him how low he is from your success.

I wish you luck. You are growing up and beginning the next phase of your life….as a lady!

Joseph asks…

Is stripping worth the money?

I’m just wanting some feedback from anyone who has been an exotic dancer. I’m debating on whether or not to start stripping.. I have a lot of debt and student loans that I really need to pay off and I have a child to take care of as well. I also have to pay my way through college, and if I don’t figure out something soon, I won’t be able to continue. I wouldn’t be doing it for attention and I definitely would not engage in any sexual activities. I’m just looking for a way to make good, fast money and I’m wondering if stripping is a good way to do that and if its worth it. Pros and Cons? Any advice would help, thanks!

Nagesh answers:

I don’t see anything wrong with it if you are comfortable doing it. I hear that you can make good money and good tips, but I don’t know, I never have done it.

Obviously the pros is making lots of money for just taking your clothes off. The cons are you have to take your clothes off in front of strangers, and if you have any problems with doing that or feel like it is immoral or just do not feel comfortable doing that then you shouldn’t.

Good Luck.

Ken asks…

Where to work? (College student needs a summer job REAL BAD)?

So I usually work in some sort of retail place (Target, makeup stores, etc) but for some reason NONE of them are hiring nearby! I really need some way to make money until I go to spain in September and im getting desperate. I am trying to think of somewhere that is hiring often- like a dunkin donuts, panera, mcds even… What is the best place to work? have any of you worked at a fast food place? did you like it? why/why not?
sorry for such a long Q… i just never liked the idea of working in food service.. .
oh I forgot to mention-

I live in a pretty big city in Florida and it gets pretty hot here… my car is really an indiana car (where I go to school)- the a/c is terrible and its not very reliable when starting up.. delivery driving is an option but I am making it a last resort. Thanks though- it really does sound ideal… as a delivery driver is that all you do or are there other duties you have to perform? like prep/orders etc?
okay “jack”… did I say internship? OMG READ THE QUESTION YOU SPAMMER

Nagesh answers:

If you live in a smaller town, or know your way around well … Pizza delivery is a good source of extra income. They usually pay a little more then minimum wage, then you get like a $1 for each delivery guarenteed, and then whatever the people tip you on top of that. You get to sit in your car and listen to music half the night. Not the greatest job in the world, but it isn’t terrible…

Paul asks…


Good things happened to those that wait Nonsense good things go to those that chase. Nothing is going to come to you and waiting for money and depending on someone else to give you money is the guaranteed path to failure. I am going to teach you about something I’ve mastered the art of making money I will teach you how to make money fast and make it last! Now before you read forward I need you to say “Everything I know about money is wrong” Believe me when I tell you I know more “tricks” to making money I am not talking about the cereal. I strongly believe if you can count your money by hand it’s not enough. You can’t make money being a good guy and following rules you must bend the rules and twist the rules. Bill gates the wealthiest man in the world(and soon to be second) stole various ideas from the rival company of Microsoft Apple but bills had other effects to Microsoft not only does Microsoft have what apple but more. Bill gate is a marketing genius his products has all the effects of apple and more and are the same price. Which one would you buy its obvious? How could a guy who didn’t finish collage become the richest person in the world (and soon to be second). How could Shawn Carter (formally known as jay z) become extremely wealth once again a person who did not go to college and grew up poor he created something out of nothing. So how could people who did not graduate from college and even some junior high school dropouts become so wealthy? Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune. Also they have mastered and implemented these proven techniques and now I will share them with you. I will teach you how to successfully run a business. Here are some tips Create Something out of nothing, create a realistic business plan stick to it, Work Like A Slave Eat Like A King , Never stop looking for the best deals on products and buy low and sell high.

Something out of nothing

Fob a clothing company started in a basement but now is a multimillion dollar company. The people who created the clothing line didn’t have a lot of money but they took what they had and made something from nothing. The company was created by 5 neighbor friends living in queens New York the largest projects in the world. The company then became popular amongst queen New York and it became bigger. The 5 neighborhood friends who never thought they would grow this big did. How did they do this? They took what they had their expertise and made something out of it. If you are a great drawers draw and auction your pictures if you are a good writer sell your writings even if you have a basketball goal in your backyard charged to get on the court you will gain enough money eventually to extend your idea. If are a goodstudent and understand an subject you can teach offer to help a student in return of money. Once you gain enough you can even start your own tutoring company. Got a big screen get some movies charge people to come in your house to watch them. Go to a used bike store bikes cost about 5 dollars fix them up make them look better and they will sell for any more. Once you make a profit invest half of it back in your business. Is it snowing? Shove snow? Good with computers teach the elderly mow lawns, wash cars, baby sit, and as soon as you make enough money washing cars you can buy more supplies hire your staff and send them to different areas to wash. Let them keep 25 percent of the money they made and you take the rest, you can do the same for shoving snow mowing lawns etc. Once you gain enough money you can expand your small company always looking for ways to make money you must be an opportunist, you must be a persuading, if you want to be wealthy.

•Create An Idea
•Expand on it
• Hire employees(optional)
•Launch it
•Advertise (business cards)
•Go find costumers
•Sell your products
• Be polite To Consumers give them two business cards one for a friends and for themselves
• Business Plan

Create a business plan stick to it if you are not making profits from it create another one. As cannabis once said “A wise man sees failure as progress, a fool divorces his knowledge and misses the logic”. This philosophy is very important. First you must determine your objective. What are you trying to accomplish in your business what do you want to achieve? These are the questions you must ask. How will you achieve your objective? When will you achieve this? How will you make your company better than other similar company’s .Create a list of these things and then put it in an essay form get it copywriter and you have your business plan.

•What is your objective
•How will you achieve this
•When will you achieve this
•Create A List
•Put it in a essay form
•Get it copy writer

Work like a slave eat like a king

Nothing will come to you, you must go out and get it this is serious good things go to those that wait is a lazy philosophy and it truly disgust me. Nobody can be successful unless he loves his work and put in work second place is the first losers place. In order to work like a slave you must work hard daily learn how to balance family school and other things with work. Read your competitors like a book constantly think of new ideas to receive more costumers everywhere you go bring out business cards .Go to the bookstore and place business cards in books that relate to your business. Put a banner on your car put it work and you will eat like a king.

•Put in work
•Eat like a king

Follow these proven methods and you will see results

Disclaimer: Note working constantly may lead to depression and tiredness

Nagesh answers:

I just read the first paragraph, but if you continued on, I can see that you’d have many capitalization errors and punctuation. Starting with the first sentence with punctuation.

Good things happened to those that wait Nonsense good things go to those that chase.

It should be:
Good things happened to those that wait; Nonsense good things go to those that chase.


Good things happened to those that wait. Nonsense good things go to those that chase.

I saw capitalization error on “Jay Z”. Names are always capital. What grade are you in? I’m a freshman and I know this..

Chris asks…

Do I have to pay a speeding ticket I was issued when a speed limit sign was not posted?

I was entering a service road from the left after exiting the highway on the opposite side. Once I got onto the service road I never noticed any speed limit signs (not that I was looking for one) but I did notice the police officer who decided to pull out in front of me at the last minute. So, I decide to go around him. I did glance down to see how fast I was going before passing him and I know I was going well under 60 mph. Several yards further he switch lanes and got behind me (I knew he was up to something because we were the only two cars on the dark strip of road). Then of course his lights went on and I pulled over.

After asking for all my documents he asked if I knew how fast I was going I said no. Then he stated that I was going 55mph in a 40mph zone. I asked him where the sign stating this was and he pointed his flash light AHEAD of us (it was at night) and said that it “maybe” on up ahead somewhere after realizing there was none visible. I asked if there was one “back there” any where (pointing in the direction we just came from) and he said he wasn’t responsible for speed limit signs. Then told me to I could drive back around and see for myself. Neither one of us was rude but I was asking him questions because I was confused on why I got pulled over at first. He gave me the citation with all the info and I pulled off. Once I got to the end of the service road where the highway’s exit to the service road was(which was well over 35 yards ahead) there was a 40mph sign posted. I continued to make the u-turn to the other side and went ALL the way back down and started making my way back up to look for the speed limit sign. I did not see one. I went back the next day with my camera to take a few pictures/ videos just in case I may need them.

I do remember learning that if a neighborhood did not have posted signs then it’s safe to go 30mph at the max when uncertain and 60mph on a highway when uncertain. As far as service roads I have no idea.

As a college student I do NOT have money to waste on a speeding ticket which is the ONLY reason why I ask this. lol If I knew I was speeding especially after passing the cop I would just pay the ticket with no hesitation.
All though there were no signs posted when I first entered the service road and I have proof would it be a good idea to go to court or would it be a waste of time?

Nagesh answers:

Any time a cop ask you how fast you were going . Tell him you want the recipt from his device . Never tell them no . He pulled you over because you passed him up . I had one pull me over as i crossed a 4 way on a 4 lane . He came around the curbe and because the driver didnt pull over the cop pulled us over . It was a legal move . But to give ” just cause ” he said we were swerving . The only way to beat a cop is to know the law . So go back to the spot with a camora and find the speed post and take a photo . Make sure it was under 55 . But to say you dont know you are admiting to your own guilt . You as a driver are to know . The speed you are going is most important . Here is a good idea . Buy a GPS . It will tell you the speed limit on any road your on . So then you dont have to look like an idiot and say : i dont know!”

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Tuesday, November 20th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick

William asks…

How do i earn quick Money?

I live in a community where there is big houses.

I Really want this metroid game but i don’t seem i can borrow money from my fam.

Can someone tell me how i can earn 25-30 dollars maybe a little extra without doing a lemonade stand.

ps. Can someone explain to me how to advertise because there are no tree’s or Streetlights here.
Im 13 so i rezlly need help

Nagesh answers:

First ask your parents if you can start getting an allowance if you help around the house a little each week.

Go around to your neighbors, and ask them if they need any yard work done like pulling weeks, etc.

Thomas asks…

A good way to earn quick money?

I do a paper round, but I’m getting quite bad pay atm. I want to go see Muse in November, and my mate has offered to buy me tickets, and I don’t like owing money, so I want to get the money asap. Any suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

I make some extra money taking surveys.
I found a site that doesn’t try to charge you anything
or ask for a credit card. I have posted pictures of the payments I received, as proof.


Ruth asks…

What’s a quick way to earn money?

I want to buy a camera, but I have no money. Can anyone help me make some money quick?

Nagesh answers:

Wow….you’re just inviting spammers to answer (as above & now below!!)! You don’t mention your age either, which would help.

James asks…

How do I earn quick money?

I’m a 13 year old girl that’s trying to earn 70 bucks really quick. I know I could do chores and all that, but my parents are pretty cheep and I don’t think I can earn $70 in 1 month. I’m thinking about selling a bunch of the stuff I don’t use, but that’ll earn me around $25. HELP!

Nagesh answers:

If selling that stuff will get you $25, try and earn another $5 per week from your parents for extra chores. Then offer to babysit for a family friend or neighbor. If you can earn $10 each time you babysit and do that 3 times in a month, you would have a total of $75. Good Luck!

Linda asks…

What is the next best thing to do during the fasting month to earn quick money?

Aside from selling food and drinks (in the evening/night bazaars) and tailoring traditional attires? It seems like it is always the ‘slowest’ time of the year and the favorite phrase everybody get is ‘after Raya’…

What do you think?

Nagesh answers:

Sell gastric pills, minyak cap kapak etc….

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Monday, November 19th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Online

Steven asks…

How can you make extra money quickly using online method?

Nagesh answers:

Teenagers can offer to do some cleaning (garage, house, etc) or offer to run an errand (store, pharmacy, post office ) for a family member or neighbor. If the weather if good and you are older and have a musical talent (good), get a bucket and a guitar (or any other instrument, even voice), stand by the corner where there is a lot of foot traffic and do your thing.

James asks…

How to make some money online?

I want to make some money online, I’m not talking like big thousand dollars, just like $20 bucks at a time to my paypal account, now i’m thinking like survey site, if there are any paying ones that i can get money quickly with low minimum cash-out balances, or like researching or stuff like that. Links are much appreciated.

Nagesh answers:

The rule, as always, is to stay away from those that ask you to pay before you can get these surveys.

Legitimate market survey companies such as Pinecone Research recruit members based on demographic characteristics — e.g. Mothers of babies 0-12 years old — and will send surveys of products and services targeting this demographic group. Pinecone Research, however, pays only $5 per survey — you’re definitely not going to be rich with that. They can give you anywhere from 1-5 at most surveys in a month.

Other companies simply ask you to answer as many research as possible, and you don’t earn anything just the chance to win at a raffle (which I find lame).

Pinecone Research
Harris Poll Online
Survey Spot

Joseph asks…

How could I make money…quickly?

I’m 13, and I am graduating eighth grade this year. So… my school has many trips and stuff, and well I need to start saving to get spending money. My parents don’t give me money, and I only have about $60, but I need it for clothes shopping. And in may, I’m going to NYC prolly so I need to save. How could I get at LEAST $500?
I have an EBAY account, but I don’t know how the heck to use it. I know how to babysit, I hung flyer’s all over the neighborhood, but no one has called me, even if I have a red cross babysitting course certificate. What are some quick ways I can make money online, that aren’t spam and are guaranteed to work? I also really want to babysit, but NO ONE calls me :/
What should I do to get money quick, and at least get some money in a week?
Thanks, and please star. The more people that answer, the better! 🙂
P.S. Please tell me how I should design my babysitting flyer.
BTW the grad trips are in May and June.

Nagesh answers:

Become an AVON representant 🙂

George asks…

Ok, I was just wondering if there is any way to make money online for free?

now I don’t want any scam or fake sites, I just really want legit ways to make money fairly quickly, please help!! =]

Nagesh answers:

NO, They are all scams and spams.. Its better to stay away…

Charles asks…

How can I make decent money quickly?

I’m 17 and I already have a job at a shoestore, but they barely give me hours, 10 a week. I need money for various reasons. How can I legitimately make money besides a job? Perhaps online? Anything. Please help. Thank you. And please no schemes or gimmicks or anything like that.

Nagesh answers:

Check out this blog I found it has a few good ways to earn extra cash online for Free!

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Sunday, November 18th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Uk

Steven asks…

Anyone made themselves bankrupt? UK please?

I am considering making myself bankrupt because I am pregnant and due to go on maternity leave anyday now so all I will be living on is maternity pay. I am currently on a debt management scheme where I pay 100 quid a month (all my debts rolled into one) but thats the lowest repayment I can do a month. I currently rent a house with my partner and we share a car which he pays the monthly fee (we had to take out a loan for the car but he pays it back to his parents – they paid the loan off) on that. All our money goes on each month is rent/council tax/water/electricity/gas/loan/debt management/car insurance/fuel/food/contents insurance etc. We have literally hardly any money left over and this is only gonna get worse when I go on maternity. We could do the easy option and get a council house but I dont wanna scrounge. Would it be easier for me to make myself bankrupt so that will be 100 quid less a month I will have to pay and that will come in handy for the baby?

Nagesh answers:

Old question.

Richard asks…

How to safeguard money if EURO Fails?

Hey, Im an 18 year old guy from ireland.
Day after day, the liklihood of eurozone failure becomes more more inevitable. and it is very very worrying. I see news that British Banks are preparing for a total collapse of the Euro Currency.
All my savings are In Euro, Obvioulsy. and what would happen to a small country like Ireland if the single currency looks grim. seriously grim.
If the currency does fail, obvioulsy a new currency must be put in place. Two options for Ireland i see is its old currency Punts, or the UK currency Pounds.
I think going back to punts will be disastrous for us, as clearly we owe ridiculous amounts of money to the IMF, our currency would rapidly devalue, leaving the cost of goods and services extremly expensive for us. so clearly pound would leave us under a better security blanket. I see rapid inflation happening, like a 1920’s Germany.

Point is, if the Euro collapses, my savings more then likely is going to devalue, and not be protected as the truth is ireland has no money for protecting its savings, even though there is bank guarentee in place, the fact is, its going to make the whole problem worse if it uses the bank guarentee scheme.

I want to plan Now, and take action today protect my savings, obviously its not millions of euros, i wouldnt be getting advice here if it was, but I want my money safer, and worth something to international standards, if that makes sense.

What should I do with my savings ??
Convert it to US$, Aussie$, Yen?? british Pounds (doesnt seem so wise,) or invest in gold, ?? what should i really do ?? in your opinion???

Nagesh answers:

Buy gold or another commodity. The reason precious metal prices jump during recessions is that people are afraid of currency, so they put their money into metals.

Mary asks…

do many small businesses….such as landscapers, building sub contractors keep up with the stock market too?

as everything is dependant on how much money the people at the top are making isnt it? if they are not making lots of money in the ponzi scheme…how can the guy cutting the grass every week be paid ?



Nagesh answers:

It’s a good idea to invest (including save) some of what your business earns. Becoming a smart investor means learning how markets work.

Lizzie asks…

Q over deposit and douch landlord! uk only please!?

Ok so moved into house year ago, signed a tenancy agreement, no inventory, and just realised no deposit scheme sheet thing. Moved out, house was immaculate, no damage to anything. Douch landlord has told us that he’s keeping £120 for the fridge. Apparantly the fridge in the house isn’t the original fridge (it is) and apparantly they don’t need a signed inventory, they go off memory and they have pictures and a receipt. This is bull btw! In the contract it states ‘2.4, … And if any item on the inventory requires repair, replacing or cleaning pay for the same’ so my question is.
1. If we didn’t sign something that says our deposit is in scheme does that mean its illegally in a scheme? What can we do?
2. With no signed inventory, do they have a leg to stand on in regards to claiming money on a different fridge even though there is a working, original fridge in there??! Are we likely to win?

We took our last landlords to the TDS and won our deposit back so we know how it works, but these douches are adamant they are in the right so its making me doubt my knowlege on deposits and the dispute system!

Thank you so much in advance!

Zoe (ryanpst’s better half)

Nagesh answers:

I think you need legal help.

Linda asks…

Help! Bad Landlord? UK advice please!?

Me and my partner are renting a garden flat.We’ve been living here since 25th June this year although our paper work was all signed on 29th May, we were moving a long way and had to put rent down to cover June although we didn’t actually move in until 25th.

Anyway, after being here a few days we noticed our rather poorly built conservatory was leaking. I don’t think it was originally a conservatory i believe it was a green house as it’s got corrugated plastic roof. It was leaking down one beam on the inside of the roof and we had to put a pan down to catch the drips. We rang the Landlord loads and after a month he eventually sent a bloke out that was recommended to him. He turned out to be a cowboy and sprayed some of that ‘No More Gaps’ stuff in the corner of the room where he believed it was coming in. So we now have a great green blob in the corner of the room and it didn’t even work. It hasn’t stopped the water coming in it has merely allowed the water to travel down other beams and walls. So now we have to put several pans down. We also have a plug out there that doesn’t have an on/off switch so is constantly on, the water runs down this wall and we have had to put blu tack along the wall to steer the water away from the plug.

It is now December and our roof is still leaking. He came out last week (for the FIRST TIME since we moved in) with his financial advisor to look at the exterior of the property for some reason and didn’t even mention our roof. He did how ever have a moan at us about water marks on the carpet out there and said it was from our 2dogs (who are both house trained) and not the roof and that it was going to be expensive to replace after we leave! I’d like to say now that the carpet out there is very old and had a rip in it before we moved in, this is all covered in our inspection papers before we moved in and we all signed it. Which is good but i’m still worried that he might take some of our deposit for the carpet even though it already needed replacing before we moved in. He’s using the water marks as an excuse to keep our money to replace an already damaged carpet. We cannot help the watermarks – if we are at work and it rains no one is here to put the pans down. And we aren’t moving out anyway.

This morning we were looking through our Tenancy Agreement and in the ‘Landlord agrees to…’ bit it says he is responsible for the upkeep of the structure of the building. Which he hasn’t done and it’s now been over 6months. It also says that he keeps the deposit until we leave and doesn’t say anything about it being protected. We’ve found out that from April 2007 all deposits are to be legally protected by government approved, registered protection schemes. We have lived in other rented property before and we were told our deposit was protected and was given a certificate number so if we were to dispute with our Landlord for keeping any deposit we did it through the protection scheme. But since moving here we haven’t received anything telling us our deposit has been protected. So as that is now law does that make our Tenancy Agreement void because he hasn’t done what he is meant to do with the upkeep of the building and has broke the law by not having our deposit protected? We tried to ring his financial advisor on the number he has given us but the line just goes dead. The Landlord also hasn’t given us his personal address so how are we meant to write to him to report anything? If everything is done by phone there is no proof of what has been said. He has given us the address of his financial advisor but if the phone numbers a dud the address might be too.

Any help much appreciated x
Bog off charterman u useless waste of space. My question was for people who actually know what they are talking about. You obviously don’t or you wouldn’t be telling me to fix it. You wanna send me the money so it can be done? It’s not up to me to fix a frigging roof it is upto the landlord dumbass. Anyone with atleast a brain cell knows that tenants aren’t allowed to fix anything to do with the structure of the building as if it were done wrong i’d lose more than my deposit and will have another bill to put it right. Twat.

Nagesh answers:

Sounds as if you’ve got a badd’un here, after Christmas go to C.A.B….in the meanwhile take photographs of the water dripping and the pans etc. Assume that you deposit isn’t protected and effectively write it off as the landlord is likely to use the dogs as an excuse to keep it, keep a diary of every problem

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Saturday, November 17th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money In The Summer

Michael asks…

easy ways to make money for summer trip?

i was invited to go to Australia next summer as part of the People to People program, and i’d really love to go. the main, and really the only, problem is money. i play sports during the whole school year, and my parents won’t let me get a job on the weekends.
so basically, i need some ideas on how to get money? we’re not just talking hundreds of dollars, the trip’s probably like 6,000 bucks or so. i definitely need to start saving.
no stupid ideas please. thanks in advance! 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Hey congrats,
i was also invited to that program to ,but mine was in washington d.c.

Im also way younger than u because by law i cant get a job. Lol

u can start bye getting a weekend job. And on the side u can have small jobs like babysitting or dog walking

hope i helped>3

Mandy asks…

How to Make Summer Money? I’m 14?

Starting July 1st through August 1st, my family is going on Vacation to the beach(to see other family, of course) and this is my summer before High School begins. I want to make a really good amount of money – I already babysit so I get a good amount from there, but still not enough. What are some really cool ideas I could do to make some money on the beach this summer? Please keep in mind that my family is really big on family time, and that I can’t get an actual job somewhere. I’m also not allowed to do anything online. It has to be me. The house we’re staying in IS right now the road from the beach.. anything I could do to make a little cash? I’m not very good at drawing or writing either.. but I’m pretty good at photography..

Nagesh answers:

If you’re in a beach area chances are many people have pools nearby that need to be cleaned.

Betty asks…

ways to make money over the summer?

im 13 yrs old so i cant get an actual job but i was wondering how to make money over the summer. i live in a neighborhood so i could mow lawns but im looking for other ideas to. any ideas would be appreciated

Nagesh answers:

Those employees who do telecommute, have worked at the office for several years and have EARNED the right to work from home.

Otherwise, since you refuse to go outdoors, you will need to look at starting your own home business, investing your own money, and paying your own taxes.

Robert asks…

How can i make money over the summer im 16????

I live in surrey and im 16 and have easy acess to the skytrain so i can go to vancouver, burnaby, Surrey , richmond and all the othe rplaces in between i have a job but i only get work 2 times a week and i need to save money for university next year any ideas or jobs that you know of????????

Nagesh answers:

“get a haircut and get a real job!!”

Sharon asks…

Ways to make money in the summer!?!?

i want to make some money this summer to save for university and to spend of course. =) i have a job but thats only for 1 day a week and i babysit 3 or 2 days a week but what are some other ways i could make money? what are some job ideas? (excluding getting an actual job). i am a tween/teen.

Nagesh answers:

Make babysitting flyers using the computer and put them in the library, people’s mailboxes, and grocery stores.

Drum up more business and keep a notebook to schedule when you do get a customer.

Culver’s minimum hiring age is 14 with a workers permit.

I called many stores because I am 14 looking for a job. This was the response they gave which makes me happy after looking for so long.

Find a local one go online and apply and go in store to apply or call and ask if they are hiring.

What I did was Google a bunch of business near my home and found their numbers using Google maps or their sites and I called and directly asked if they are hiring and what age do they hire at.

Try local grocery stores, pizza parlors, retail stores, fast food restaurants.

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Friday, November 16th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast

John asks…

How to make money fast for pet deposit?

I need to make money fast for the pet deposit at the apartments we live at. I cant get a regular job because my mom has cancer and is pregnant as well and I have to look after my brothers and sisters all the time. We also have no computer

Nagesh answers:

Start an errand service in your neighborhood. Print up flyers and hand them out to your neighbors.

George asks…

how to make money fast in the 7th grade?

I need money to buy new clothes and shoes. How do i get money fast?

Nagesh answers:

Yard sale
Summer job
Mow lawns
Clean neighbors houses
Lemonade stand (obvious)
Wash cars
Dog grooming
Shoveling snow
Paper route
Fix broken bikes
Good grades
Sell homemade snacks (brownies, lollipops, etc)

Hope I helped!

William asks…

How can i make money fast as a teen?

Alright, i know i can babysit or walk dogs. Those things that me and most of my friends do are unfortunately not at all lucrative. I need a relatively large amount of money fast and i would like to know if anybody has suggestions on how to get it. Why? because i would like to start saving up money for my future and to use in my daily life.

I only have two ideas: to design t-shirts and sell them at my sports events and to sell my stuff on e-bay.

Does anybody have any other ideas?

Thank you!!

Nagesh answers:

1.) start an internet site, it will cost 5-15$ (2.75-8.50£) at first but off you tell people at school soon they tell people. That could add to more people after that you get soliciting rights $ you could sell t-shirt, sport-wear, goggles, equipment/tools …etc
2.) start a band with you’re friends all you need is a guitarist & drummer, if you’re good you get recognized by volunteering at fund-raiders, school-sporting events. Then you might get paid to perform at a birthday-party or if you’re parents let you at a restaurant.

Charles asks…

How to get money fast in tiger woods 10?

Does anyone know if their is a way to get lots of money fast in Tiger Woods 10 for ps3 so that I can buy new clubs for my created player.

Nagesh answers:

Play in the regular tournaments, live tournaments, tournament challenge; you can also get more cash by breaking records and getting the trophy balls. There’s also hitting regulation in greens and hitting them close. Basically, lots of playing, and as the first guy said, go outside and be productive. It’s still summer, why are you inside playing video game golf?

Paul asks…

What is the best way to get money fast?

I need to move out and I have other things I need to pay off ASAP whT can I do to make money fast?

Nagesh answers:

If i were you i’d either get a job, or start selling weed….. I’d probably sell weed though cause you can easily make a weeks paycheck in one day!

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Thursday, November 15th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Now

John asks…

How to make a really successful blog? HELP!! Also are there any terrific money making solutions online?

I’m in need of money right now because I am in debt and really need a lot of money. I looked at blogging and it said that you can make tons of money with it. How do you get traffic and such. If any one else has any reeeeeeaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyy good money making solutions online please, please, please tell me and fast.

Nagesh answers:

Hi there,
I just found this web site, and It’s having prelunch! It’s got to be a revolution in the internet !!!!! You may wanna take a look at it, but you must hurry up! It’s FREE to join !

Joseph asks…

Should I wait to apply for fin. aid until I move to FL or do it online now?

I am moving from MI to FL in a month. I have not been to college here in a few years and I do not have money to pay for it there.Should I go directly to the office there or do it online now so it is faster? I am single with no kids and have had a steady fast food job all year.

Nagesh answers:

Maybe call some schools in the area in FL and ask them what they think would be the best way to apply and when. Proud of you! Go after that dream Woman!

Sandra asks…

How Do i Make money? (ONLINE)?

i am now, 14 i am very mature and i am very good at computers. I want to make 2.5 k For a TV
I will do anything ONLINE! anything. I JUST NEED MONEY FAST! Is there anyway that i can make money? please answer me.

Nagesh answers:

Notice the crap you’re getting because you asked this in the “Gambling” section?

You aren’t going to be much happier with my advice either, but at least I won’t try to talk you into throwing away money that you don’t have on some sort of on-line casino.

My advice is to stay in school and keep working hard. 2.5K just isn’t going to happen. The sort of garbage you’re going to get from a forum like Yahoo! Answers is going to be more casinos, and filling out surveys. If you end up doing surveys for money, you’ll spend hours and hours and hours, and you’ll get perhaps a dollar. You could do that from now until you’re 18 years old and you still won’t have made 2.5K.

Final point that you also won’t want to hear. I can’t help but say it, though. I don’t exactly have any sympathy for you. It’s not like you’re trying to help your parents pay the rent so you all don’t end up living on the street. You’re trying to raise 2.5K to buy a TV!!! You could get a cheap TV for possibly nothing if you asked around, but that doesn’t seem to be good enough. No – you want a $2.5K TV!!!

Sorry, man. No sympathy here. Again I’ll still tell you that you’re NOT really going to get much help here. Aside from people like me who are not sympathetic, you’ll only get vultures trying to get you to their casinos.

George asks…

im 14 years old, how can i make money now!?

I need money for a trip to NYC and i mean i dont wanna do any online website money thing where you fill out surveys. Thats a waste of my time! How can i make money fast????? Please help- no rude comments!

Nagesh answers:

If you really want to work from home, and want to make a sufficient amount of income, then I suggest you start your own home based business. There are many different kinds of home based businesses to get involved in. Child Daycare Centers, Catering, Scrap Booking, Telecommunications, Candle Making, Travel agents, Tax Preparations, Health etc. Most home based business cost under $500 to start. Depending on what you want to get involved in doing. Home based businesses have the same income opportunity as a tradition store front business like a shoe store, Subway etc. With a Home Based Business, you don’t have all the over head expenses as you do with traditional businesses. Just about everything in your home, becomes a tax write off.

Ruth asks…

How can i make money fast?

I am saving up for a mac laptop (1000$) and im not going to wait a long time. i dont have any money right now. I dont have anything to sell for 1000 dollars and i cant do anything online. Any ideas.

Nagesh answers:

I would suggest learning some new skills, such as to do with IT, computers & internet that means you could work remotely. Many companies offer the ability for employees to work from home too.

Another way to look at it is to see if you can use any of your hobbies / interests to earn money. An amateur photographer for example could start to make and sell prints… Or, if you are very knowledgable about something, you could start a business in that – selling from ebay,, or starting a website…

All the best… Biggest bit of advice – avoid those scams!

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Wednesday, November 14th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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