Your Questions About Earn Money Quick Online

George asks…

Money online fast?????

okay i been putting apps in all over town but i need money quick. Im trying to buy this car that around 4000 dollars and every cent i make counts. I only have a month to come up w/the money so any way to make money online quick? i use cashcrate already and have earn a few hundred w/that but any other sites like that that will just send a check to your house and you dont have to pay for anything?

Nagesh answers:

I’m a research assistant at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University and we run online studies that are paid!

You’ll get $20-50 gift cards to major retailers or $10/hour depending on the study length, and this can be easily done at your computer in your spare time.

Sign up at: for notifications of upcoming studies.

Good luck!

Mandy asks…

How can I make money online? Not through ‘quick fix’ scams?

I want to make money online, since becoming a parent I want to give my children the best in life and get out of the ‘rut’ that people in northern working class towns find themselves in. I did start selling little bits and bobs on ebay, but never really made a lot of money and now it is just impossible to make money on there as it is really over populated!

I want a way I can make money online, but not one of these things where either you get scammed or you scam other people because thats not me. I’m not afraid of hard work and dont expect to get rich quick, but currently there is a massive lack of jobs, and not to mention the money I’d earn working a job, would simply go out on childcare anyway. My boyfriend currently supports us but I’d like to make something myself as we have very little at the moment.

If you have any ideas please let me know, or if you think the internet is now just an area of overcrowded sellers please also tell me your opinion!

Nagesh answers:


I like your attitude – it’s a good foundation to start your own business. You’re right, there are too many scams out there, and I like that you’re not up to become one of them. On the other hand, working on the internet is great when having children. It’s the perfect venture to work around their needs and times.

What to do I can’t and don’t want to tell you, because if you want to be successful long-term it should really be “yours”, and nobody can tell you what that could be. You have to feel it in your heart.

However, there are a few things to consider:
– Be aware that it may take months or even years until you will be able to make a living (the time frame is dependent on so many different things, mainly on you). Therefore you will need patience and enough money for the time before.
– Yes, the internet is overcrowded, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t find your niche. But you want to choose wisely, otherwise you can waste a lot of time, energy and money.
– My personal experience and my experience in my work as a business coach is that it’s easier to find the perfect niche when you know your personal purpose. When you can build a business that is aligned with your purpose you will not have much competition (if at all).
– If you already know your purpose, and if you’re a fast learner and talented marketer you can start building your internet business fast and start making money within a few months. If this is completely new for you, that means that you have a long learning curve, I would recommend to find a part-time job while building your online business. The reason is that it’s never good to come from a point of desperation, and those business owners tend to fail almost always.

Hope this helps. I was a single mom and business owner as well. Therefore you have my empathy.

Good luck 🙂

Donald asks…

I NEED $200!! How can I get that quick?!?

i broke my phone & i didnt have insurance on it so i have to buy a new one. i want a smartphone & they’re $200 in my company (virgin mobile) I really need to earn this money quick i HATE not having a phone..its been a week now that i’ve been phoneless :'(
i cant get a job because i have strict parents that dont let me out of the house. is there like a way i can earn money online QUICKLY or something? i’m only 15 by the way. PLEASE HELP!

Nagesh answers:

Buy a small non smartphone or go without

Helen asks…

What is the quick, easy and free way to earn money online?

I’m unemployed and recently been screwed over by a company i worked at for 6 years. i want to go into business for myself but i really don’t want to sell crap to people. also i would like to do something that really didn’t require hours and hours of work. i know i’m asking alot and maybe its impossible but i’m just curious about my options.

Nagesh answers:

If something like this existed, everybody would be doing it.

Chris asks…

Any quick ways to earn money?

I’m 17, i can’t find a job anywhere, i don’t wanna do online surverys and stuff what other quick ways are there to earn money?

Nagesh answers:

I have actually been asking this question for a few weeks and spent a good portion of those weeks searching the internet for the answers.

The one site i found that does not require a penny to join, at no point do you have to take a penny out of your own pocket was

Its a great site so far and depending on how you work it you can make decent money now or great money later, whichever you need at the moment.

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Thursday, December 13th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Real Money Making Schemes

Laura asks…

a REAL job in Dallas, TX area.?

I am so tired of people posting fake jobs of moneymaking-scheme jobs on job boards. There should be a law.

I am looking for a REAL job!

-non commissioned based.
-Store management experience
-some college (3 yrs)
-Dallas metro
-Superior Customer Service Skills
-35k-40k per year.
-overtime welcome
-highly career motivated

Thanks for reading. Help if you can.

Nagesh answers: is one of the best job websites out there!

Carol asks…

Are there women that pay guys to impregnate them?

I’ve seen a movie where a man cooks up a crazy moneymaking scheme. He goes to straight women and gay women who badly want babies and tell them he will imprenate them for 1000 dollars. They all agree to it and the man is rich. If a man was to try this in real life, would he get arrested for prostitution(sort of)? They are not paying for sex, they’re paying to have a baby.

Would that a foolish idea? Could he legally do this?

Nagesh answers:

If its not illegal then it should be! But shit 1000 is not going to make up for the 18 years of child support cheques per child, which would be roughly around 200+ per child per month for 18 years…… So when you think about it, thats pretty dumb idea really.

Maria asks…

Late night money making informercials, Legitimate or Scams?

When you turn on the television really late at night/ early in the morning there are a ton of late night informercials geared towards promoting systems that can make people money. Has anyone tried these money making plans or have any feedback on these late night shows. To me, they all come off as pyramid schemes, but Ive never tried them so I really dont know. Has anyone had any real success with them? -Thanks-

Nagesh answers:

First of all, pyramid schemes are illegal so these companies wouldn’t be in business if they were doing a pyramid scheme.
The dollar amounts that some of them claim can be had are best case sinarios. However, they are legit and can make you money. The catch is that you have to at least have average intelligence and do lots and lots of homework. You have to be willing to make a few mistakes before you get it right.

Susan asks…

Why does the website address on this commercial keep changing?

There is one commercial that I always see on tv for some kind of moneymaking scheme. The thing is, that everytime I see the commercial, there is a different web address at the bottom.

The variations are kind of like this (i’ve substituted ‘WebSitename’ for the real name of the company):

Whats the deal?

Nagesh answers:

Isnt that like… I noticed that too.

Robert asks…

what should i invest my money in?

in savings accounts, checking accounts, stocks, bonds – what? id like to have the least risk, and most profits as possible obviously but am willing to take risks to make some good returns or interest. id like to cut the middle men out so i dont have to pay fees – such as with stocks and mutual funds, but id also like to make better returns than treasury bonds and savings or CD accounts. the only other thing i can think of doing is penny stocks – but theres no real money making potential there – i believe and also i dont want to be a victim of a “pump and dump” scheme since im just starting our. i have about 150$ to start with but may have 200 soon – im just looking to start out and see if i can make any good money

Nagesh answers:

Put your money in the bank. Then when you have $1,000, buy Vanguard’s Star fund – VGSTX.

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Wednesday, December 12th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For Kids

Mary asks…

Whats a quick easy way for a kid to make a lot of money.?

I am in desperate need of money I need $800 dollars by the end of this month and I don’t know how to get it. I’m a junior in high school and believe me I need this money. Any suggestions.

Nagesh answers:

Theres always money in selling drugs

Donald asks…

a way for a kid under 16 to make quick money?

i need some money quick to buy my parents a christmas present but i dont have any money

Nagesh answers:

2 weeks and I already made over $50!!!

Lisa asks…

Is there a way for a ten year old kid to make quick money? Doesn’t need to be easy.?

Like I said, I would like some quick money. I’m very good at working hard, so I wouldn’t mind. Please help! 🙂

Nagesh answers:

This is the first kid i’ve seen post that isn’t looking for easy money… Who isn’t afraid of work. Very cool.

Mow grass, wash cars, clean houses, baby sit, house sit, pet sit, rake leaves, shovel snow.. Wash windows… Carry groceries for old people….

The ideas are endless… Put a flier around your neighborhood… Start with people who know you.

Carol asks…

How to make money quick (teens)?

Hi, I am 15 years old and i’m trying to go on a trip to Ontario in the summer it will cost around 600$ (round trip) Im trying to find good, and safe ways to make some quick money.

I already babysit two kids and which helps me out but, its not on a regular basis.
Also, I do plan to sell snow cones during the summer, but for now since its pretty much spring I dont know how I can get any money. Btw i barely get allowance even though i do clean the kitchen, ect.. everyday.

Any ideas? Pleaseeeee help me out. 10 pts best answer.

Nagesh answers:

Well I’m not a teen but I was at one point so I do have some ideas for you

Put up some posters for your babysitting services to get more clients

Advertise to play games and entertain kids at Birthday Parties (Dress like a princess or a wizard or a clown) Parents are always looking for extra help at their children’s birthday parties.

Post signs in your area for Spring Cleanup services. You could help people plant their gardens, make flower beds or help with yard cleanup. (Lots of people would pay for that kind of service)

Have a yard sale..offer to coordinate the whole thing if your family will donate things to you for sale (Your mom will probably be thrilled to be able to get rid of some old junk)

Offer a dog walking service in the evenings and on weekends

Offer a pet sitting service for people wanting to go away on vacation

Take a cake making course and offer your services to friends and family

Bottle returns are one way to make some quick cash too, ask all your friends and family members to keep their bottles for you, then go collect them and bring them in for a refund.

You could also sell items you no longer want or need on a site such as Kijiji or Craigslists (Depending on where you are)

Hope some of these ideas help! Good luck!

Linda asks…

What are some great ways fora kid for make money quick ?

Hi am in 5th grade . Want to get a job something really creative. Here of the things that didn’t work so please don’t type them.
Babysitting, Pet everything, house everything ,it is winter. I can’t sell lemonade.
A bunch of other stuff
Something really unique
Thank you so much ( sorry if i was being a bit pushy)

Nagesh answers:

Try making things and selling them on

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Tuesday, December 11th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast In Runescape

Joseph asks…

what is the fastest way to make money on runescape?

I am a member and have all the money making levels at high enogh areas that i can or extremly close to being able to mine, cut ext anything so just give me the number 1 proven way to make the most money in runescape.

Nagesh answers:

Runescape gives major viruses. It destroyed my computer twice. I’m good with computers and i have antivirus, i have spybot, i run scans, and everything else. You shouldn’t play it =/.

William asks…

i need a complete breakout of what is the most efficient and fastest way to make money in runescape for f2p?

please dont tell me to go get a life, cause i dont play this game like crazy, but i need a good way to make money, the fastest way!

Nagesh answers:

1. If you can go to the mining guild, use this. Go down (in falador) and mine coal and bank in the south fally bank. Sell them all at mid price at the GE

2. If you can fish for lobsters, use this. Get 300 gp and a lobster cage. Go to karamja, take the boat from port sarim. Fish but dont cook and sell them at the GE

3. If you can cut yews, use this. Go to melzar’s maze and look for the yew trees. Cut them and tleport back to falador if you can or just run/walk to draynor. Sell them at the GE

4. If you cant do any of the above, this is an easy one. Go to anywhere there are cows (preferably the gnome copter place near lumbridge) Get cowhides and sell them because a lot of people will want to buy them to raise their crafting levels.

Michael asks…

What is a GOOD way to make fast money in runescape.?

Ok here’s the deal. I’m level 98 with all combat skills in the mid 70’s except for range which is lower. My hunt level is 80 which is how I make money at the moment. Currently I can make around 1m per hour, which is ok, but I hunt implings so it gets really boring. I have around 15m cash, and probably 4-5m in armour, rares, etc. The most I’ve made in one hour was 2.3m, and thats catching every dragon, ninja, and magpie I saw.

I want something thats less boring, but also be able to make as much or more than I do now because I only play 1-2 hours a day. If your suggestion doesn’t make 1m or more per hour, please do not post.

Also for the people who always post and say “runescape is gay,” or the “dumbest game ever,” I could care less what you think because I like playing it and thats all that matters really so please keep your stupid comments in your little pea brains.

All other helpful comments are welcome, and thanks.

Nagesh answers:

Well im pure f2p, so i dont know how to make money in members. But you could go to tip it. They have some good guides.

Mandy asks…

how do you make money in runescape fast ? (as a nonmem )?

ive been playing for like 6 years now .
back in the day it was so easy to make money cuz you can sell anything for a ridiculous price .
i have been a member twice but i got sick of paying .
i need a fast way to make money while i am a non member .
thanks for the tip on the wine i never thought of it . i shall do that ! but wouldnt it get expensive with buying all the law runes and stuff ?
and yes,
i know runescape is lame .
why do you think i stopped buying mem .
im just bored and feel like making a bunch of money so i can buy dragon when i get mem back and go show off like a stingy jerk .

Nagesh answers:

Go to the zamorock monks temple and use telnetic grab on the wine of zamorock it sells fot 600 to 800 coins a peice and they respawn quickly u can just grab them but the monks will attack you then when u kill them u can take them but i would just use telnetic grab u get 25 k a trip with a full invintory but i usually bank them at falador

Mary asks…

How can I make fast money in runescape?

I have 500k only please help i want to wear saradomin any ways to help.

Nagesh answers:

I would wait right now since the price of sara is up atm.
Besides that… There are a ton of ways to earn money:

as a free player:
-woodcutting would be best; yews
-if you’re good with G.E then merch[ant] [ie. Armour, food, jewelry, treasure trail rewards-ones obtainable as a f2p]
-Fist of Guthix; get fog tokens up & exchange for armour [ie. Rune boots, berserkers, etc & use up charges then sell]
-Wouldn’t do any kills as a f2p since the drops are crud, but if you want to then hill giants would be the best choice for the big bones & limp roots.

As a member:
-kill drags. Preferably green drags-drops green dragon hide & drag. Bones; found by east of clan wars.. Use a games necklace to tele to bank by wildy volcano & watch out for revs!
-chopping magic trees[100 odd logs/hr=120k cash]
-Ankous[150k worth of runes in an hr.]
-druidic mages-drops grimy ranarr[10k per]; found down by varrock dungeon find a less crowded world or in taverley but that route takes longer
-merch just about anything.
-fishing especially if you are eligible to enter the fishing guild, fish sharks & lobs… Swordfish are good xp but too much tuna.

Hope this helped & good luck! :]

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Monday, December 10th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly

Donna asks…

How do I make money quickly?

I am a 13 year old girl. I need to make some money quickly to buy a $4500 for a new dirtbike. I already babysit 4-5 days a week. I make $10 a week doing lawn work and washing my mom’s car. I make 20 a month cleaning my sisters car. I just need some ideas other than cleaning, babysitting, dog sitting, and lemonade stands.

Nagesh answers:

Start an errand and odd job service in your neighborhood. Print up flyers and hand them out to your neighbors. If business picks up, hire some of your friends to help you.

Joseph asks…

What is the best way to make money quickly in runescape?

I have a level 85 account with fairly good stats all around and the ability to up them easily. I have about 5.5m hard cash, but want more. What is the best way to make millions quickly? I’d like to get a billion.

Nagesh answers:

OK this is going to sound stupid but i made 15m in a weekend with it. Basically go to the Grand Exchange and buy a crapload of fire runes at 3gp each. Once you get a lot of them, go to Aubury in his rune shop in west Varrok and sell them all to him. They sell for 5gp each. You can sell over 3k of them an hour, which equates to 540k an hour. No skills required, and it’s f2p. Enjoy ur cash.

Sharon asks…

how to make money quickly as a 10 year old without going out in public?

I need to know how to make money fast. But i don’t want to go out in public to

Nagesh answers:

Start your business with just $10 in AutoXten or Ad2million. Find more info. By visiting ATA-SKYBIZ – A Channel I’ve designed for you to dig out the most affordable, even FREE, simple, legitimate and powerful online residual income opportunities.Start your ladder to success immediately. Time is GOLD!

Laura asks…

What can I do to make money quickly?

I am not over 16 years of age, which has been complicating things.
I need…want $200 as quickly as possible.
I am not willing to risk my money by sending it to the casino with my parents.
I am not a dog person.
I am very busy most of the time.
I am reasonably crafty, intelligent, and logical.
I would rather not enter a sweepstakes a jillion times.

See my dilemma? Please help if you have any ideas.

Nagesh answers:

Baby sitting or mowing lawns for neighbors. That is about all you can do until you are 16.

Michael asks…

How do you make money quickly?

I really want to earn enough money to buy something but I am too young (14) to get a actual job. What can I do to earn money?
Please leave your sensible answers here.

Nagesh answers:

Start an errand and odd job service in your neighborhood. Print up flyers and hand them out to your neighbors.

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Sunday, December 9th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes From Home

Donald asks…

A good job to do remotely while living in another country?

My goal is to live in another country and make money from a job in the US. I have a Bachelors degree in Business Management and International Studies and my background is in Sales. I am 26.

What would be good job options while living in another country and working remotely?

I think any job that allows you to work remotely would work. I would be willing to learn a new vocation to make it happen. Anything that makes decent money ($40k+) and no lame work at home schemes, Multi-Level Marketing MLM schemes.

Any ideas would be appreciated!


Nagesh answers:

Sound ideal. A few such jobs that I’ve heard of are:

**Technology support or programming — Would require a field change for you, but not impossible
**Consulting in the local country — would require travel back to the US, but I’d imagine you can spend a good amount of time in the country of choice.
**Writing — be a columnist for a magazine or website. You can make money if you’re successful, but might be hard to break into the field.

You mention working remotely — but wouldn’t the situation be the same if you were an expat? With your business background and sales experience, you could probably get a job at an international company or financial services firm. They could place you in a country like India or Belgium or Brazil or Indonesia on an expat package. You’d live quite nicely.

Good luck!

John asks…

Is there a better business opportunity than this one?

I am looking to start a home based business and I have been searching for just the right one to promote. I found a business that sells Noni juice at that seems perfect, but I just want to make sure if there is something better out there.

What I do know is that:

• I do not want to take surveys to make money
• I am not interested in MLM or Network Marketing businesses
• I want to stay away from the get rich schemes

Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Nagesh answers:

Unlike what “psychic-j” or “Mexico4me” says about By My Noni being just another MLM company, I believe the technical name is 2-tier Affiliate marketing that is entirely different than a MLM company that “Mexico4Me is involved with. I can’t comment on “Psychic-J web site because honestly it had way too much text to read through so a clicked out.

What you should look for in a product is the price and ingredients. I believe from the clues Mexico4Me left in his message is that he is peddling “Himalayan Goji”. So if you take a look at their price of $186 for four bottles you would think you are getting an excellent product, but take a look at the ingredients:

Reconstituted goji juice from whole Lycium barbarum fruit, grape juice concentrate, pear juice concentrate, apple juice concentrate, pear puree and natural flavor, with sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate added to maintain freshness.

When you see the word “reconstituted” on a product label that means they add water to it. The amazing thing about this product is that they add preservatives to the juice. Unlike at Tru Noni and their product is 100% pure at half the price.

MLM companies tend to have outrageous pricing and the product ingredients tend to be sub standard.

After looking at Buy My Noni’s web site and Tru Noni I would say it is an excellent opportunity for you.

Mandy asks…

How can I work out money issues with my boyfriend?

My boyfriend and I have been together for three and a half years, living together for one and a half years. Lately I have been thinking a lot about some issues we are having and how to overcome them before we decide to possibly take things to the next level.

I make about twice as much money as him. I knew this moving in together and it did not seem like an issue. I made sure I found us an apartment that we could both afford and we split the bills 50/50. He then said he was having financial problems and was wondering if we could change it to 60/40. I said that was fine because I would rather him have enough money for us to one day buy a home and have a good future together.

Then he started skimping on his monthly payments to me for rent, utilities, and other payments (we financed our TV, couch, and bed). He said he had other debts to pay from money he borrowed from his mother and brother. I told him he would have to pay me back and I started keeping a log of what he owes.

Now whenever I bring up the money he owes, he gets very defensive. He says I make so much more money than him and I shouldn’t be upset over a couple hundred dollars. In the grand scheme of things, I shouldn’t be; however, it is starting to take a toll on me financially. I may make more money than him; however, I have a LOT more student loans and a higher car payment so after crunching numbers recently I realized after expenses we are making about the same.

I feel like I got myself into a slippery slope because he keeps slowing cutting back every month on how much he is giving me. I feel so angry towards him now every time he goes out with his friends or spends money on frivolous things. How can I discuss this money issue with him without getting him or myself upset?

Nagesh answers:

You need to settle this now before it goes any further.

And i’m going to put this out there — it could very possibly come to you moving out, if he’s going to continue to be so irresponsible with his money and bills.

Sit him down, show him all the bills, show him what he owes you. And ask him what you two can come up with to get everything on the straight and narrow again. If you’re fine with sticking with the 60/40 arrangement, great. Then work out paying you back. Maybe so much can go to you every paycheck until it’s payed back.

If he’s unwilling to come to a compromise to settle these issues now, then you better just cut your losses and leave…before these problems get worse. If he proves to you that he’s not interested in helping out and keeping up his responsibility (which is what he’s already been doing), do you really want a life with him? Do you really want to take on more responsibilities with him?

Richard asks…

how long till i can leave this abusive guy?

i want to leave an abusive relationship (tried with help from womens aid and all that) they made matters worse. I dont trust the police.

I have to do this by myself. I have to leave or die, i cant live like this anymore, he is to mean and i am always in the wrong. If i point out that i am right, he makes me feel guilty. I have never hurt him, just shouted.
I am going to set up a website (free one so he cant trace it) and join loads of affilaite schemes and make money that way. (they dont pay much and i have to hide the money some how) but he doesnt let me on comp when he is here, but he has realised i am better on comp than him, so wants to cut it off.
I have no link to anyone (i havent been out of the house for 3 yrs, no phone cos he checks the bills) This is the only way i can do it
How long will it take me roughly, so i can at least dream of the day?
What do i need to organise?

Please help, he will be home soon.
i have no family and no friends (they died when i was young and we moved from friends)
i went to a womans refuge, but he came there and as for police, they are not helpful where we come from, they like an easy life. I wish i could show you what life is like for me to prove this is the truth.

Nagesh answers:

Sorry – but this doesn’t sound real. This is the 21st century, no-body needs to live like this anymore. Get a job, and move on.

Lisa asks…

Please Help Me! extra money $?

i really need money so bad to pay off my father’s debts. he is old now and i cannot see him in this condition. Please help me anyway possible.Willing to do anything possible to get him out of this crisis. can anyone help me in making some extra cash working from home? any idea? but please make sure they are not like a million fake schemes, that we find online.

Nagesh answers:

The potential for income with Arbonne (a health and wellness company) is incredible, but it takes a great deal of work and discipline to success, but thousands of men and women do it every day. PM me through Yahoo if you’d like to know more.

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Saturday, December 8th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Canada

Michael asks…

laptop for college, pc or mac?

Hello, I know i have asked this already but I would like more suggestions/ideas/opinions.

I am about to start university and I’m considering buying the new macbook pro’s which are pretty expensive. I really like the macbook pro’s also. However, i don’t know if it will be a good idea. I want to study Network engineering or information/technology systems in university. I also want to learn how to build my own computers. I will be using the computer for gaming, school work, music and movies, and possibly programming if i take computer science. Should i buy a macbook pro or a pc? Also if you have windows on a mac, will windows work just like windows on a pc?

The Macbook pros here cost $4,000, i know it might not be worth it but i really want a macbook. It has 4GB ram and a 2.54ghz processor(yes i know i can get much better for the amount of money im going to spend) I will still need windows for somethings like windows 07, games(world of warcraft, crysis, halo.) Will gaming and programming work well on windows on a pc, or will it work the same? Also if i use on windows on a mac, will i be able to use the pc mouses(right click)? And finally if i have windows on a mac, will i be able to use the devices/software from college on my mac?
ays left to answer.

I live on an island “Bermuda” in the Atlantic ocean, and will be going to college in the USA, Canada, or the UK. So the option of me buying a desktop is out of the question.

Ordering a laptop online wouldn’t work for me as they won’t ship laptops to Bermuda. Also an HP(2gb ram, 2.0 ghz processor would cost around $2,400.) So the mac which has 2more gb’s of ram and a fast processor would be $1600 more expensive.

Nagesh answers:

That sounds extremely expensive, I would just buy them from wherever you end up going (UK,Canada, or USA). As for Mac vs. PC, you can get by with a PC easily so there is no point in spending a ridiculous amount of money.

Gaming works better on PC’s, as for programming most programming languages will be Mac compatible, but all programming languages are definitely PC compatible. Most colleges will now have Mac friendly versions of software, but if you don’t feel like paying for some software and want to pirate it, it is easier to get it for PC.

I would get a PC and buy it from wherever you go to college, as you will get a better deal.

Goodluck with school.

Susan asks…

Can you please answer these somewhat hockey questions?

1.In 1900, the goal net was introduced to the game of hockey. Can you imagine how fast the game would be if there was still not a net…and if players shot a puck and it went in as a goal and play continued….as the puck ricochets off the back boards? Longest poorly worded question ever?

2.In 1914, the Toronto Blueshirts of the NHA win Toronto’s 1st Stanley Cup. If I went on the streets of Toronto, in front of the HHOF, and sold Toronto Blueshirts hockey sweaters for $60 a pop….how many do you think I would sell in an hour?

3.In 1929, Offsides was introduced. I know as kids we played games without offsides rules….but could you imagine watching a professional game without offsides. I think that might even be more interesting than the Winter Classic. If they televised a game without offsides or icing by two NHL teams, would you tune in or fall asleep?

4.In 1946, Babe Pratt became the 1st NHL player to get suspended for gambling on NHL games. Have you ever betted on a NHL game for money?

5.In 1956, the USSR enters a hockey team in the Olympics and they win the gold. Rumor has it, their conditioning at the time was the reason for their success (nutrition, diet, and exercise)….which was something that the U.S. and Canada were not incorporating into their routine. What do you think would be the best exercise for a hockey player that does not involve ice or equipment?

BQ: I received an online offer to get a free St. Louis blues baseball hat in the mail. I was totally stoked until I proceeded to “check out”, and they wanted $8 for shipping. I do not hate the Blues nor do I love them. I would love their hat for free, but $8 is pushing it. Would you pay $8 for a St. Louis Blues hat?

Nagesh answers:

1. I’m having trouble envisioning how goal determinations would be made without nets… Maybe nature of the game would change so dramatically that score values as we know them would be out the window. You’d have scores like San Jose: green; St. Louis: Alan Thicke. (San Jose obviously wins in this instance).

2. I’m willing to bet that you’d be likely to encounter at least a couple of people every day who would know about the Blueshirts. I’m going to go with .15-.25 sweaters per hour.

3. Fall asleep. I like scoring, don’t get me wrong (take that how you will), but it’s not as big of a deal when you’re in the middle of the proverbial cherry orchard.

4. Hell no. Gambling is for idiots and people who have WAY more money than they could possibly use. I don’t get the thrill of putting up my hard-earned money for a contest over which I have zero control. If we’re talking about a “friendly wager” situation between friends, I’d much prefer to use barter-able commodities (particularly beer).

5. Squats and power cleans to build explosive power; running/ cardio for endurance.

BQ–If I were a Blues fan, I’d go for it, since the $8 shipping charge is less than the face value of the new hat (I’m assuming). But I’m not a Blues fan, so no.

Charles asks…

How can a 13 year old kid make fast money online in canada toronto?

hey im a 13 yr old boy and ive been researching for days “how to make online money as kid” but have not found anything useful or helpful i tried cashcrate and it did NOT pay me ugh im so pissed can anyone tell me how to make money to get a GODDAM ipod and phone? thx in advance guys i live in toronto canada btw

Nagesh answers:

Ahhhhh kid…only if it was that easy we would all be doing it..oh wait if we all did it then money would be worthless… Think about that.

James asks…

I don’t have a US account. I want to transfer money from Canada to US.what would be the fastest/cheapest way?

I am going there on a job visa. I can’t open an account online (no SSN yet). I would aopen an account once I get there and would need the money almost instantaneously talking of about 10K….
Please don’t say cash!!

Nagesh answers:

Citizens Bank International will allow you to open an account without a social. I don’t know if you can get access to one, but maybe this will help

David asks…

What is an online course I should do?

I live in saskatchewan canada and i need to take an online course of my choice for a spare i have in school. I can take any high school level course. I highly doubt that theres courses for my likes which is guns, fishing, hockey, making lots of money, fast vehicles, hunting. Basicly all the manly redneck things. if you have any ideas of stuff that a redneck could use, please give some ideas and i will give best answer to the best answer

Nagesh answers:

If you are interested in making lots of money, you could take a course in matematics, accounting, or economics. You would also need computer skills for that, mastering the programs like excel is good.

If you like fast vehicles you could take some mechanics course, or maybe electricity.

I would say pick a course that is useful so you can afford to do all your hobbies. You don’t really need to study them in school, because you will probably study them anyway. Take the opportunity to learn something that you are NOT that good at, as you will have a chance to ask for help on how to learn it. Maybe sound boring, but is practical! Good luck!

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Friday, December 7th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Online

Ken asks…

Are there any legitimate online jobs?

I have seen the get rich quick schemes, that’s not what I am looking for. I want something that I can do from home, and make money. Any ideas? Thank you!

Nagesh answers:

Yes. — Most of the people are thinking that online jobs are nothing but “get-rich-quick” These “get-rich-quick” opportunities are becoming easy weapon in the hands of the scamsters to cheat gullible internet users. I have seen many advertisements like this: Pay $50 and get daily $250 for working part time. (Guys, is the money growing on the branches or what? These are all designed to fool and deceive innocent people of their hard-earned money).

“Amazon” and “Pixprofit”. These two companies never ask for referrals. You will not find any single advertisement on their sites. They have enough work and need workers to do that work. I ensure that these sites are very genuine for work at home.

Michael asks…

Where can I find a website to buy that already has high traffic?

I am looking to make money from advertising on a website. I am willing to purchase one for a fair price. I do not want to start an online business, I want to take one over that is already making money.

I want a unique business that not everyone else has (i have seen what ebay has to offer)

serious answers only please, I don’t want the get rich quick schemes. Thanks
looking for a website that can make me a few hundred dollars per week, something that i can grow. i guess i should have been more specific.

Nagesh answers:

Here’s a list of website ranked in the top 1%
(ranked by

You’ll need to contact the one you’re interested
in and see if they want to sell. Many of these
folks have more than one site, in fact , some may
have twenty or more and need to focus their energy
on the most profitable ones.

Chris asks…

Online jobs??????????

Do you know of any online jobs that are just get rich quick schemes that I could actually make money with??
But not testing out products or something like that

Nagesh answers:

Have you ever considered a home business?

I have a successful Passion Parties business and a team of consultants that I train and support. It allows me to stay home with my family, I make good money, I love what I do, and I love helping other women. I work about 1-2 hrs a day Mon-Fri around my schedule, and do one or two party on a weekend night which takes up about 3-4 hours of my time. I average between $200-$400 in my pocket for each party I do. This is a really flexible way to earn extra income or start a new career. The best part is I can show you how to become a consultant at no cost to you! If you think it’s something that you would be interested in, and you’d like to learn more, I’d be happy to send you more information. Email me at:

If you’ve never heard of Passion Parties, here are two short videos from the Today Show and the Tyra Show that explains it in more detail. Http://

Laura asks…

Are these online jobs a scheme?

Okay i recently posted a question on how i can make money here at my house, and this one dude “Zaire” told me about Google, but i looked at some of his answers and he was saying the same thing again and again to other people. So idk if its like machine or something just telling people that stuff so they can go do it. Is it a scheme???/ And what about global gifting system, how does that work, and how do you make money on that? And is that a scheme??

Nagesh answers:

Global Gifting System, like the rest of the cash gifting programs, is organized crime.

Joining any such “gifting” system is inviting disaster, both legal and social, into your life. Think of the damage the pyramid schemes of the 1970s did to communities and family trust, and multiply it by ten thousand to see the kind of harm “gifting” does to the social fabric.

Mary asks…

can i find a job doing online work that doesn’t require upfront fees or costs?

I’m not looking for scams or a hoax or a get rich quIck scheme, I’m looking for a regular paying job that I DON’T HAVE TO INVEST IN. i’ll make you money if you make me money, however like a regular job offline employers never ask for upfront payment for you to be a employee in their company. I f there’s someone out there who can offer an honest paying job then plese e-mail me and I’ll respond promptly.

Nagesh answers:

You’re going to have to have some skills first.

Don’t trust answers here from strangers.

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Thursday, December 6th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Ideas For Kids

Robert asks…

How to make money fast(For kids)?

I know I’m young, I’m 11 years old and my family isn’t very rich… We’re not poor but we don’t have a lot of money right now. My mom can’t work over time anymore because her work can’t afford to pay her more for working overtime. My dad is starting to work overtime for more money but we still need money. Do you have any ideas? My mom already said no to car washing, babysitting, mowing lawns, bake sales, lemonade sales and Yard sale/Garage sale. She also said no petsitting. She said Pet grooming, Dog walking, and raking leaves are okay. She can’t give me an allowance or pay me for doing chores though. Any ideas for what I can do for money? Please don’t say all that stuff that everyone says like shoveling and bake sales, do something different than that.

Nagesh answers:

*Sorry, nothing is quick and easy in this economy. Out of work older adults, trying to support families during this recession, are now doing jobs normally done by younger folks. This is limiting the options for finding ways to earn money.

Lisa asks…

I’m Saving Up For A Nook, Then For College. Money Making Ideas?

Hi guys! I’ve just started high school, and I’m saving up for a Nook for my reading. I don’t have much more money to earn because I’ve been saving for a while, but I also want to earn spending money and money to put in my regular bank account and college fund for when I leave my parents house, which seems so close! Just 4 years! (I know it seems far but time just flies by :P) I live in a place with a lot of kids, however I’ll only be 14 in November.
Any great ways to earn money fast for people my age? THANK YOU!

Nagesh answers:

Well you could maybe get a job because where I live you can get your job papers from my school when you are 14 but I don’t know where you live and it all depends who is hiring and who will accept a 14 year old really not that many people will so yeah I’ll be 14 in 8 days wish me luck finding a job

Betty asks…

Does anyone know how to make money really fast as a kid?

I am saving up just for anything and only have like 30dollars. Please give me some easy and unique ideas preferably involving animals. And please don’t say dog walking or pet sitting because I need quick money! Help!!!

Nagesh answers:

Dog grooming can help. You can use head and shoulders to groom dogs [cats, too], and it really helps their coat. I use it on my dog, then use it on my hair, LML.

Try building a website that gives animal support, and get PayPal donations. Use to build an easy to use website, and people can ask for Pet Care help, and you can answer the questions for CASH.

Nancy asks…

How are some ways for kids to make money? I want a dell laptop for $374. Is it a good brand? ?

If it isn’t a good brand name good ones. I have $120. But I need more money plus tax. Please answer me fast!!! I need tons of ideas!!!

Nagesh answers:

Well there is no easy way to get it quick if your young. However, you could try asking people around your neighbourhood if they have any chores you could do in return for cash (but ask your parents before doing this), or your parents may have some chores you could do for them in return for cash. Dells are a good make and one of the most known laptop makers so I am sure it will be of good quality. However, if you want it for gaming or other high end processes you want a computer. However, if its just for emails, web browsing and school work it will do the job.

Jenny asks…

How to make money fast (I’m a kid)?

Hi, I’m 14. My kitty chewed up my Mom’s and my own Apple power adapter/charger for our macbook pros. I have no money, and I need to make $80 so I can buy another one. And in the meanwhile, I won’t be able to use my laptop (for school work, etc, which is awful), so I need it fast. I can’t get a job job, and I can’t really go around ASKING people if I can babysit their kids. So any ideas? I’m broke.
And my laptop right now is on 1%

Nagesh answers:

Sell stuff, become an entrepreneur. There are kids out there who are already millionaires.

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Wednesday, December 5th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

Helen asks…

how to impress my neighbours – i want to show off?

i earn through internet & stay home full day as i need to be on internet
my neighbours think that i don’t do anything
i want to show my neighbours that i earn good, but without disclosing my actual work

i want to impress my neighbours

2-4 AC’s hanging on my differnt windows or
an Elevator in my house or
i need your suggestion

i have money to buy around 6-8 1.5 ton AC’s

Nagesh answers:

Running, biking ….for exercise or plant flowers, water every morning…enjoying & acting like you “actually” have much $ to retired …early.

{sigh} u really show off!!!!

John asks…

how to earn money through work at home job opportunitites without paying anything?

Hi, i wat to earn money while sitting at home through various work at home jobs, but most of the portals ask for membership fees, please let me are there any work at home jobs without membership fees.

Nagesh answers:

It’s relatively hard to do…with a lot of the scams for “work from home” jobs out there it’s hard to not fall into one of those traps. I don’t think it’s really that possible to earn an entire income working on the internet…I however, earn a little bit of spending money doing surveys. I only get about $20 a month or so…but I also work full-time and just do surveys about an hour a day at home each night.


The link above is the current program I’m trying out. Seems to be a lot of folks getting pretty good payouts and they have new surveys each day. Might be worth a shot to check out. Does not require a membership fee to join and is free as long as you do only the free surveys and not the trial offers.

William asks…

Can I earned some extra income from internet by data entry?

i want to earn through internet data entry.

Nagesh answers:

Its possible but be careful as data entry is the biggest area for scams in work from home jobs.

The ones that aren’t scams actually require work on your part – and if you’re in need of money soon then you’re likely to be sorely disappointed in any of those as well. Most of the legit opportunities out there take time to build – so if someone makes an outrageous claim of income it probably isn’t true ( and those that are true sure didn’t make that kind of money when they first began ).


Time & effort required – but do your own research on what is best for you, don’t take the advice of myself and others as gospel from this type of public forum.


I have other ideas that may help – one of them is an online opportunity but another is one that will require a little effort to market yourself – try some data entry for local businesses, many of them don’t have the time to do it in-house and will gladly pay someone else to do it. Professionals are a good place to start, lawyers, doctors, chiropractors, etc – they need their “in-house” folks doing other things rather than busy work.


Hope it helps!

Susan asks…

What motivates you to get up in the morning and enjoy the day?

I often wonder what motivated people in life. Apart from earning money, what makes you get through the day at work? For me it’s doing a good job and feeling proud of little things I do that makes a difference…and chatting with my friends at work…and spending the sneaky half hour on the internet! Oh and also looking forward to coming home to the gorgeous little house I’ve just bought, or planning drinks with the girls later!
Loving the responses. I’m a positive happy person, but when you’re single and working hard, you can lose track on reality sometimes….I will rememder your comments when it’s been a tough day. Thanks guys x

Nagesh answers:

My two beautiful girls! Their bright smiles and their little giggles, they motivate me to do the best I can do for them!

Nancy asks…

Could U please suggest me a suitable method to EARN FROM HOME THROUGH INTERNET . Can i have a reliable one?

Hy, im a MPHIL graduate in CHEMISTRY. Due to family reasons , i have to stay at home. But i dont want to waste my career, wish to earn from home through internet. Unfortunately i can’t find a reliable one, could u plz help me.

Nagesh answers:

Yeah , it’s great to know that you’re open for an opportunity online. I hope this will bring you to a better future.

Yes, although you have or haven’t known about make money online, you have to realize that make money online is real and lots of people have done this for years.

When starts out, you need low cost, low risk, high return proven online business which you can join.

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Tuesday, December 4th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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