Your Questions About Fast Money Making Rs

Lizzie asks…

i have recently become a member on rs how do i make alot of money?????????????????????????????????????????????

hi ppl i am a runescape member and i wanted to know how to make fast money( like 1Mper hour?or more!or something like that)plz help my levels are below

Combat lvl:65
Attack Lvl:54
Strength lvl:55
Def lvl:53
all other lvls are just 1
i have just subscribed to membership (like 3 mins ago)so im completely new!i know nothing about being a member!plz help! i will give you best answer and rate you!plz i will also rate all your other questions plz!

Nagesh answers:

Kill chaos druids!!!!!! Thare lvl 13 and thay drop herbs u can get 50+k a batch

add me on rs for help on whare to find nd stuff gandy1991

William asks…

How do I get quick money on runescape?

On the massive online adventure game, runescape, i’ve been on it for ages but can’t get any rs money and i need it to buy full dragon armour as i am a member.Can someone please tell me how to make lots of money fast please?

Nagesh answers:

I know this sounds noobish but pick about 1000 flax then turn it all into bowstring then sellit for double the flax then do it untill you have the right amount

Lisa asks…

i need money on runescape but i need the fastest ways to make money?

i need money on rs but i also need the fastest way to make it

Nagesh answers:

You can mine iron, and sell each ore for 100 gp.. OR you can mine iron, smelt it into an iron bar and sell the bars for 250 each! Runescape members are always buying iron bars 😉

Mary asks…

Runescape Money Making-Woodcutting Or Fishing-Fastest-More Money!?

Well, I am coming back to Runescape and I am ganna make Money before I start Leveling, I got to Level 15 Combat and now I am ganna get a Money making Skill up to at least 80 so I can make Money in Rs when ever I want, and I want either Woodcutting or Fishing but I don’t know which makes more Money right now, and I will start Leveling my Combat up once I get the Skill up, which Skill Levels the fastest and which Sells for more? Why? Explain.

Thanks a lot and thanks for your time!


Nagesh answers:

I’d say fishing is faster because there is no reload period, but there’s the other danger of the food burning. Woodcutting I wouldn’t do because the competition is level 3s that have a bot do it for them, so you’d be pretty much boned. Mining and smithing is a good alternative though.

Sandy asks…

Runescape money making methods?

hey guys i just wanted to ask wat the FASTEST most FASTEST way to make money on rs. plz no skilling ideas, ashes, dragons, or limpwurt roots. I am level 97 and my att str and def are 78… ty

Nagesh answers:

Fastest doesn’t mean, ‘you can make 10 million gold in 5 minutes’.

ALL runescape gold making methods take time, and more importantly, patience.

My brother also says that there aren’t many ‘fast’ methods if you discard skilling, ashes, dragons or limpwurts. There’s really only PVP in the wilderness.

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Saturday, January 12th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

Maria asks…

How does my 13 year old daughter open her own sewing boutique for kids?

My daughter has her own sewing machine and she is really good at sewing. She wants to earn money in the summer so she wants to sew kids clothes is this a good idea? She can charge people about 30 dollars per garment. She wants to do it at home over the summer.

Nagesh answers:

Like another person suggested, EBay would be a good start if your daughter is responsible enough to follow through with a sale and get the garment(s) in the mail in a speedy manner. Check out the fees and the percentage charges for the Ebay services which will cut into her profits.

However, I believe if your daughter stays locally, she has a better chance on being known in your area. As she grows, and word of mouth spreads, she can easily get custom jobs from clients. So, if she can first put some of her clothing in a local store on consignment, that would get her foot in the door. Particularly if she is considering making clothing a steady source of income.

Who knows, maybe she can do the Ebay AND sell garments locally.

That is what I would encourage her to do if I were you.

In order to get $30.00 per garment, I would recommend that she sell them at a location (whether it be the internet or on consignment in a local store front) which commands that price point.

I am a seamstress and have been since I was 12 years old. Here I am, 38 years later, and have turned my seamstress talents into my lively hood. You see, it can be done. I am proof. Your daughter is young and this sounds like a summertime project while school is out; however, never dismiss this talent she has. Encourage her to learn more and support her interest in sewing. You will be so proud of her once she commands the respect she deserves.

Sandy asks…

What are ways for a 16 year old to earn money?

I already asked around for jobs, but i didnt get any, so i want to know if there are other alternatives to get some extra money. One of the things i do is collect the pop and beer cans in my house and sell them, but that’s about it.
And keep in mind this is Norway where i live, so it’s harder to get a job at my age and i cant do things outdoor because of the rain.

Nagesh answers:

There are many opportunities of working at home and earning through internet. If you wish to learn earning through internet while working at home, feel free to add me as your contact at yahoo answers and at 360 also. You will learn a lot. It is against yahoo answers guidelines to provide referral links here at YA. Most of the genuine earning opportunities on the net are free and they don’t ask for any money to be paid for that.

Chris asks…

how can i earn money to the computer online or offline and tell me only best and easy ways. additional if i ha?

how can i earn money to the computer online or offline and tell me only best and easy ways. additional if i have own web site whenever how can earn.

Nagesh answers:

Whether you want to finish off that credit card debt, buy that luxury car, need cash urgently to pay the school fees of your children, or just want to quit your day job and get financial security in life, this website would be of help to you. In this site we will see how you can easily earn, whatever state of life you are in and whatever your skill sets are. This site also has guides exclusively for entrepreneurs and also those who are looking for good investment opportunities. Everyone in this world deserves to get wealth and happiness; one just needs to apply their mind and remain focused; hard-work coupled with honesty will surely help you achieve this goal. In this guide you can find ways to get some cash in your wallet or bank account.
Work From Home; Cottage Industry; You can manufacture, package and sell items right from your home without much investment. There is always a market for niche physical goods like designer candles, custom perfume soaps or even a uniquely designed cake. Try to make FMCG (fast moving consumer goods) products because they sell pretty much fast and expanding the business is also easier. SOHO; Nowadays the internet, mobile phones and other forms of communications has made it possible to sit at your house and run a virtual office. Some examples are running a virtual outsourcing center, data entry work, being a virtual assistant to someone and also stuff like phone/email based customer support.

Drop Shipping
Sell scripts & Web Apps
Start an online business
For Students & Working Professionals;Take Tuitions – become a tutor; If you are a college grad or if you are pursuing a post graduate degree, you can earn by teaching other students (juniors) or helping them do their homework. Look around your neighborhood for those who might be interested in your teaching services. Nowadays there are also websites through which you can teach a student over the internet and get paid on an hourly basis.

Without Investment; Some amount of startup capital is usually required to start a business so that you earn even more than what you currently are getting. However do not worry if you are not in a position to get this seed capital. There are many ways to get funded or bootstrapped by starting with almost nothing. And also remember that this initial seed fund is required just when you are starting; you can use the profits or income from your new venture to invest even more in other businesses. Do some freelancing jobs, odd part time jobs or even make a garage sale of unwanted things in your house like old textbooks. If you are not in a day job, try getting a day job, because it is crucial for survival (especially if you are in a desparate situation). Nowadays the power of the internet has enabled everyone to earn sitting at home; some of the ready to go jobs that you can do if you have access to the internet are writing articles, being a virtual assistant or providing a variety of services, like in Fiverr. Use this cash to start a new venture on a shoe string budget and then gradually expand the offerings or service.

Start a consulting service; Not all professions require a formal education to be successful or to work in a legitimate way. Try learning a new method, way or skill and then use your knowledge to provide advice & consulting services to others for which you can charge a fee. Some of the examples of skills which you can learn and impart are: fitness, sports & games and even things like astrology. The list is endless, you just have to find one which you are interested in and whic you can learn in a short period of time.

There is no dearth to the number of oppurtunities to make money online or offline in the World; for a moment push away all negative and pessimistic thoughts like ‘can i’, ‘oh I have already tried that’ from your mind. Think for a moment how it would feel if you were financially well settled with all your debts cleared and enough cash to buy anything you desire, six months to 12 months down the line. Now how about spending the next three days of your life researching on a good method to make your dream come true? It is well worth the time spent on this because the next three days will be the ones which is going to change your life. Allocate sometime this weekend to do this research and I am sure that you are already on your way to success if you do it. Thank you.

Thomas asks…

how can i make legitimate money from home?

i want to know if its worth trying to make money through the internet. can anyone advise me?

Nagesh answers:

No matter what people tell you, there is no magic trick to earning money at home, online, or on the internet.

However, there is a trick to earning money that not everyone is aware of. And while it’s not magic, it’s definitely worth exploring.

Everybody has something they’re good at, or enjoy enough that they can be good at with practice. The Internet is simply another medium for reaching more clients. Some things sell better on the internet, and some don’t.

Find something you’re good at, that you can do better than others, and sell that service or product, and you will make decent money from home.

While a lot of that is obvious, it is amazing to find people still discovering new talents with one of these work at home programs. None of these will make you wealthy if you’re not already a natural at it, but a lot of them let someone try something new that they haven’t tried before.

Just remember, they’re in the business to make money off you, not the other way around. I’d be vary about these companies and whether they can really offer an opportunity for you, and not otherwise.

Hope this helps,

Donna asks…

Need to find a product easy to manufacture at home, to sell through the Internet?

I need to find a product easy to manufacture at home (ideally, with a low or medium initial investment), to be sold through the Internet… and to be delivered by post… Any ideas?
Thank you!

Nagesh answers:

I don’t think there are easy money for no hard work. Perhaps you can setup a website and to earn money through google adsense.

Besides, here is a specialized webpage containing 10 methods making money online and doing small business online.


maybe that will help you or give you some bright idea.

Best Wishes && Good Luck!

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Friday, January 11th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes From Home

Mary asks…

Please Help Me! extra money $?

i really need money so bad to pay off my father’s debts. he is old now and i cannot see him in this condition. Please help me anyway possible.Willing to do anything possible to get him out of this crisis. can anyone help me in making some extra cash working from home? any idea? but please make sure they are not like a million fake schemes, that we find online.

Nagesh answers:

Get a job

Thomas asks…

Please Help Me! extra money $?

i really need money so bad to pay off my father’s debts. he is old now and i cannot see him in this condition. Please help me anyway possible.Willing to do anything possible to get him out of this crisis. can anyone help me in making some extra cash working from home? any idea? but please make sure they are not like a million fake schemes, that we find online.

Nagesh answers:

I’ve earned plenty of extra money from doing online work-surveys, offers, and refferals. My site explains it briefly in one paragraph, with the link.


Nancy asks…

Please Help Me! extra money $?

i really need money so bad to pay off my father’s debts. he is old now and i cannot see him in this condition. Please help me anyway possible.Willing to do anything possible to get him out of this crisis. can anyone help me in making some extra cash working from home? any idea? but please make sure they are not like a million fake schemes, that we find online.

Nagesh answers:

Working from home: childcare, babysitting,pet sitting, yard work, party planner, Tupperware, Avon,toy selling parties,dog walking, probably some other things close to home. Helping the seniors with house cleaning, shopping, ods and ends…and so forth….hang in there and remind your dad not to go out spending when he does not need to. Good luck to you and you can always pray and he is and will be standing there next to you in your time of need. Don’t ever forget him in your time of need…….him first, him last. He is dependable, humans are not.

Jenny asks…

internet marketing problems?

I asked a question earlier and was politely told it was a bit broad.I was also told,not so politely that I was broke because I bought every scheme out there.(Which I didn’t) I am on Social Security and I need to make money from home.I have a website that’s up and running.I just need to get traffic to it,paying traffic,that’s not going to cost a whole lot if anything.
I have another website that I’m getting “training” for but once I saw how the training was going to be I stopped paying them.I really need to get the other website up and running but I’m techie stupid and not sure what else I need to do.I also need to know some free traffic tricks.Can anyone help me? I am a manual labor kind of person but I can’t do that kind of work any more due to my husband’s health.I can’t leave him alone for long because he has heart trouble.Please no rude remarks I already know how stupid I am,my husband tells me every day.Thank you and

Nagesh answers:

I read your last question after it was resolved. My advice is a little more specific. I would have taken a look at your site had you posted your URL. There are two roads I know well where you can build an online business. I know this because I have used both methods successfully. However, I am sorry to say there are costs involved which I know might put you off but realistically you are probably going to waste a lot more time and money if you do not find a solution. I purchased a wonderful ebook many marketers know and love and profit from called The Super Affiliate Handbook. Do a search for reviews on it before you go to the sales page of this book. It is an excellent manual that is regularly updated and full of practical advice that if followed will work.

This is the Amazing True Story of a Woman

Secondly look at this all-in-one solution and I do mean all in one. Hosting, marketing, brainstorming and excellent keyword research and domain included. It costs currently US$299 per year. I know that might sound expensive but please take a look before thinking about the price. There is a monthly payment option and it is a brilliant solution for small business online. Spend some time at these sites and evaluate them for yourself.


The links are non affiliate so I’m not making a penny from you clicking on them. They are simple links to homepages.

Other than that you must promote your existing site online and off. Use social media sites like facebook and youtube. Without seeing your site I cannot say anything more specific.

Oh, and if you were stupid you wouldn’t be asking questions.

Linda asks…

what Kind of work can a SAHM do?

I need a way to make money, there are no jobs where I live, I dont have a car and my lisence is suspended for not paying a insurance ticket. Is there any real work I can do from home without having to pay for some scheme? I have two small children and I live in a small mobile home so babysitting is not a option. there is nothing within walking distance that is hiring. and I cant move because I cant afford it.

Nagesh answers:

I have to apologize in advance. I don not have a solve all solution for your needs. I can tell you this. Building your own business may be a great option. However, it takes much work and is far from a get rich quick scheme. If you would like to see some examples from some other work at home moms (WAHM), you can visit
SiteSell is a web hosting company that assists in building online businesses. I personally have used their services and you can see an example of my site through my profile.


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Thursday, January 10th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Paypal

Sandy asks…

Make money online for teens?

I need some money in my paypal acc. My friend got 1000 bucks from hosting modded mw2 lobbies for xbox. I need something like that where I can get money into my paypal fast thanks!

Nagesh answers:

For the 99,687th time…
The Internet is not some magical cash machine.
There are NO online jobs. No data entry. No surveys. No clicks. Nothing. Anywhere. Really.

Ruth asks…

How to access money…bank account and paypal.. So I can buy stuff fast?

A friend of mine goes online and buys stuff using his paypal account and it automatically takes money out of his bank account. How can I do this, “he says he forgot”.
Anyways, My Paypal is linked with my Bank Account. But I have to deposit money into the paypal from my bank in order for me to use paypal(and it takes 2 weeks) for the bank to verify and transfer…
2weeks is A long time…Can anyone help?

not sure which section this goes in :o)

Nagesh answers:

If you have a bank account and credit/debit card linked to the PayPal then you get the feature of “instant transfer” which automatically transfers the money from your bank account. I believe what is occurring now is an “eCheck” and they take several days to process. Once you have the cards and bank account linked up you will be given the choice to do an eCheck or instant transfer. The default is usually instant transfer though.

You are able to do the instant transfer because if your bank account is empty or doesn’t have the correct funds it will use your credit card as a “back up” resource. I guess they’re fooled by my debit card acting as a credit card, and that’s why it works for me.

William asks…

How to get money fast and easy?

I want to buy items from item mall in Requiem-online mmorpg
but i havent got money on paypal and visa or master card credit card.
How to get money on paypal easy ???? Like
Minimum 0.75$ per day

Nagesh answers:

Http:// Its what I do and it’s worked out pretty well. What you have to do is complete surveys and offers for companies that want the public’s opinion. No payment from you is ever required, not to sign up, not EVER.

The sites don’t get paid directly from you, but when you complete an offer or survey, they also get paid a small portion of what you earned yourself. For example, if you complete a survey about computers let’s say, you would earn maybe $2 and the web site itself would recieve $0.50 from the company also for getting you to complete the survey. These surveys take little time at all, most taking up less than even 1 or 2 minutes of your time.

They don’t need any information other than your name, email address and your home address. Yup, that is all. No credit card information, no banking information, nothing like that. All they require is your name and address so that your cheque can be sent to your home every month.

Personally I have been a member of these websites, along with thousands of other satisfied users, for approximately 1.5 years now and have earned well over $8600 by working in my spare time. This web site has been great to me, also the members and administrator are very friendly, and are always there to help you with a question or problem you may be having. I give you my word that they pay.

Michael asks…

I need money fast, like within the next 24-48 hours, know any ways I can put quick cash in my paypal account?


Nagesh answers:

Simply not possible, especially with a holiday.

Need to go to Plan B

Donald asks…

What’s the best way to gain money online?

The fastest and most trusted way to gain money online.
Also it must be via paypal.

Nagesh answers:

By making your own website that offers a service that people are willing to pay for.
Most of these “make money quick” schemes are usually scams.

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Wednesday, January 9th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Uk

George asks…

part buy/part rent apartments..sharehold?? are they a good offer for those that cannot afford to buy a place?

with my savings i cannot afford to put a deposit on a apartment, my friend recommended me a part buy/part rent scheme for first time buyers who can buy percentage of the flat.
an example of a flat im interested in is:
it also says that in time i can buy more percentages of the property as i save money to afford it till i own 100% of the property.
is that a good idea?
im looking for a stable family place with my husband, were renting out now and we thought it wouldnt make a difference if we bought this place.

Nagesh answers:

Yes, they can be a very good idea – a great way to get on the housing ladder and avoid paying exorbitant amounts of rent.

But, if you can’t afford a deposit for a mortgage then you may still encounter problems with part buy/part rent and shared ownership or staircasing. You’ll still need to take a mortgage out for the share you’re initially buying, which will necessitate funds for a deposit, albeit a smaller one than if you were buying outright. You’ll also need to come up with about £5,000 to cover the cost of administration, solicitor’s and surveyor’s fees, plus because many shared ownership properties are on new private developments or in purpose-built blocks, you have to be careful of hidden service charges which you’ll be obliged to pay as a leaseholder, and depending on the precise development you could be looking at an extra couple of hundred pounds added to your monthly outgoings. My first flat was on a private estate and I paid £2,200 a year to cover things like maintainence, repairs, seasonal repainting of all the communal interiors and fences, rubbish collection, security and other sundries.
You generally need to have an income of about £22,000 before you’ll be considered for shared ownership by most agents.

Get in touch with your local council who can direct you to their housing options advisor, who’ll be able to give more precise professional help. Also visit Homebuy, the government’s official website for shared ownership properties, and Housing Options, the London area agent for Homebuy:

Betty asks…

What’s the Law against Implication to sell?

I’m very unskilled when it comes to researching the UK laws- there is one I want to know about that I don’t know how to find…
Is there a law against informing a person that they must now pay you more money on another scheme UNLESS you tell them otherwise? Or, in that matter, refusing to let the person not pay you and back out?
Or, to make more sense…
We were sent a rather sharp letter from our school about how now there will be available a second (and more expensive) lunch hall for the older girls- and that it was being taken that all the girls would take advantage of it unless they request otherwise.
I know that several girls declined and said that they would rather stay on the packed lunch scheme that they were already on- but they were told that they were not allowed to do so.
Is this allowed?

Nagesh answers:

Just tell your parents and let them sort it.

Michael asks…

Housing Benefit / Problem Tenant?

I’d like some advice on a problem tenant I have.

He has been served with a Section 21 (notice to quit) as due to financial difficulty the property is being sold. This was originally issued in May (at which point he stopped paying rent) and due to expire in July but, due to an error on my part and having to be re-issued, now expires on 21 Sept.

Upon receipt of the latest notice and letter he wrongly filed court proceedings against me claiming his deposit wasn’t in a government backed scheme – I sent them proof that it was and that I’d written to him enclosing details and this was thrown out of court. I then received a letter on the following Monday stating that if I were to pay him £5,500 by 10am on the Wednesday, he’d vacate by Friday. Needless to say, I didn’t.

I have now learned that he has been claiming housing benefit (or LLA as it’s now called) since commencement of his tenancy in December, though he stopped paying me in May. Is there any way I can claim this money via the local housing authority as he currently owes £1,500 – money I really can’t afford to lose. Do you think the local authority would be interested?

As a UK tax payer, this is really making my blood boil.

Any info would be HUGELY appreciated!

Nagesh answers:

Why, oh why, isn’t the housing benefit automatically paid to the landlord. It’s obvious the dodgy tenants aren’t going to use this money to pay their rent, and leave the landlord with a mortgage to pay and no rent coming in. I can quite see why your blood is boiling. Report this situation to your local council housing benefit office – this is obvious fraud as your tenant has received the money to pay his rent and used it for his own benefit. You wont be able to claim anything back as he’s already had the money but you can put a spanner in his works by reporting him and getting his benefit stopped. You should have reported this as soon as he stopped paying the rent as you are obliged to report any changes in circumstances. There’s no bigger change than he’s using the money for himself. Cheeky sod – he’s one tenant you will be glad to be rid of. I sympathise.

Charles asks…

How is there MORE property crime in the UK than the US?

I’ve read that incidences of burglary, pick-pocketing, auto theft and vandalism are all higher in the UK than the US. How can this be? It’s not like Britons are starving or have to steal food or medicine. They have substantial social welfare programs, for food, housing medicine, education, etc., compared to the US. Homelessness is not the issue it is in the US.

I hope I don’t get a “Well in the US when someone breaks into your house, you can pull out your Smith and Wesson” type of response.

Nagesh answers:

Lies, damned lies and statistics.

Why compare Britain and America? Why not America and Canada? They have more guns than Americans and far, far fewer murders. They have state handouts and medical care for all and they have far fewer of the social ills of their neighbour. And what on earth makes you think that Britain has a generous system of handouts anyway? The disparity between rich and poor here is equivalent to a third world nation. Why not compare it with Sweden or Japan, that both have generous welfare systems and lower crime rates, low drug addiction, low teenage pregnancies, fewer people in prison, etc., etc. It is an empirical fact that more equal societies are healthier societies with far greater levels of trust and co operation. Every serious scientific study in this field shows that when wealth is more evenly distributed, everyone is happier.

Why have you focused on property crime, when it is clear that America has a far higher proportion of violent crime? Is it really higher here, or are the statistics masked, in that those who commit violence against another to gain their property in America are put into another category? Is mugging a violent crime or a property crime over there? Perhaps there is such a disparity because in America they are more inclined to hurt you to get what they want.

Don’t paint this picture of Britain being a nation of generous handouts, it’s just not true. Over here, if your children have an income, it is taken off your benefits. You can get by on the amount of money offered if you only eat twice a day, do not run a car, do not go out socially, keep the heating off for most of the day (even in winter), cut your own hair, and spend less than £100 a year on clothes and shoes. Forget it if you want to decorate, buy new furniture or take holidays. Anyone on benefits that can do more than this is working illegally and/or stealing.

I would like to know what kind of food programmes you are talking about, as the only thing I know about is meals on wheels for the disabled/elderly who can’t get out to buy their own food or are unable to cook. If you are able bodied, money for food comes out of your benefits. A quick look at the Shelter website gives a clear picture of the state of our Government’s housing programme, which is woefully inadequate. It would not be such a problem if Thatcher’s government hadn’t sold off social housing in their ‘right to buy’ scheme. Now there is a chronic shortage of suitable housing for the disadvantaged, and 860,000 empty properties here that can’t be sold in a collapsed housing market. Scotland doesn’t have as much of a homelessness problem as England, but then if you are out on the streets in winter there, you would freeze to death anyway. Problem solved.

In America, the vast majority of the homeless are Vietnam veterans with psychological problems, a testament to American mental health services, and of a nation that is quite prepared to forget the people who served their country and are now on the scrapheap. All too many of the people in American prisons should really be under mental health treatment, but they find execution chambers much more cost effective. In Britain the NHS is very good, it covers everybody and costs 7% of the nation’s GDP. In America their system costs 15% of their GDP and over 43 million are not covered. (The Wal Mart company costs the American taxpayer $1.5 billion in the provision of Medicaid and food welfare programmes to its employees.) The working poor of America have to either go without medical care they can’t afford, or rely on British charities (that were designed to bring medical assistance to third world countries) to get the care they need. I’m very happy with the choice and service I get from my local NHS area health authority.

As for education, I wish the British Government would just leave the system alone, stop fiddling with it and let teachers get on with teaching. The American system is hardly one that we would want to follow. Targets and testing is cheapening the whole learning experience, and the results are children that are never taught how to think for themselves. Some of them look at a bunch of statistics and never ask ‘is this true or have these figures been manipulated’? Hmmm…..

Susan asks…

How do I set up a wholesale buying relationship with an importer of cheap foreign products?

I am starting my own retail business. Where would I find such a person? What’s the best way to make such contacts through the web?
Thank You

Nagesh answers:

Depends on what type of products you’re interested in importing. Your best bet is to read as many blogs on importing as you can find – start with:

Be careful and realize that a lot of advertised money-making schemes are scams – so don’t give any website personal information about yourself until you’ve done your research and are certain they’re legitimate.
Here’s an article on about how to start an import/export business:

Google can be your friend in searching the web while participating in blogs and business
networks can help you identify people you’d like to connect with for a business relationship.
Using Google, you’ll find sites like: for manufacturers in India, for Chinese wholesalers,
and for businesses in Pakistan.

You could also try and for networking opportunities.

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Tuesday, January 8th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick Online

Robert asks…

i really want a sugar glider and have to make $750. what are some quick and easy ways to earn this?

I am not old enough to babysit and I want nothing saying ways to earn money online. My mom said no to Ebay and Craig’s List.

Nagesh answers:

Get a kitten from the animal shelter instead.
They don’t stink as bad as those sugar gliders.
Remember: You will also have to pay about $300 for a cage.

Laura asks…

What are some online money making options similar to opinion surveys?

I’ve taken online opinion surveys in the past for some quick cash, but i was wondering if there were any alternatives?
I’m looking for anything you can do online to earn gift cards (or money would be fine too, if that’s possible),
preferibly something easy/repetitive. thanks =D

Nagesh answers:

Some of paid surveys require paid membership while some other free surveys are paying so low.
If you need quick cash, perhaps being an affiliate or selling your service are the better option. However, beware of scammers.

James asks…


Ok so I’ve been researching for quite a time now and have yet to find a legit place to earn money. I’ve heard of cashcrate and I don’t like it or any of the “get paid to take surveys” sites. I want a place that I can start earning money fairly quick (doesn’t have to be a lot of money right away) and I would like to eventually be able to earn $200+ a week. Also if you say Adsense or make a website I don’t know how to so a video link would be nice. PLEASE anybody help I’m desperate.

Nagesh answers:

There are plenty of places that guarantee payment if you do work according to your specifications before you take on a project. I would strongly recommend you check out the blog in the source below – it has a couple of links on the right hand side that let you register to those sites that guarantee payment.

Be careful about doing any work on the internet…. There are a lot of scams. There are a LOT of types of jobs that you can do from data entry to coding to designing and photoshop… And $200 a week is very doable. I earn that much every 2 weeks and I work part time and have no skills literally lol

If you have any questions, you can email me or leave a comment on that site 🙂

Ruth asks…

Quick way a 14 year old can earn money?!?

Is there any quick way a 14 year old can earn money, i already have a paper round but i don’t get payed very much, and because summer is coming up i want to buy loads of new clothes and my parents are made of money. I’ve asked around for jobs etc and i live in the UK. So if you now anything, like online or wherever, please tell me. Thank you x

Nagesh answers:

Get a truck. Troll your neighborhood for cast-off and unwanted, but sellable items. Bring the items home. Clean them up. Take pictures of them. Place ads on in your area. Include the pictures, a good description, and your phone number.

If the items you have found are in demand, your phone will begin ringing almost as soon as you place the craigslist ads.

I have done this for the past two years and I have been making $200 per week. The best sellers:
Living room furniture, lamps, desks, lawn equipment (working or not. I sold a broken Honda mower for $30), snow boards ($30), power equipment (I found an Emglo air compressor and sold it for $90), luggage (average price $7 to $15 for 4-wheelers), etc.

Yesterday I sold a recliner sofa ($60), a 61-inch Flat Screen TV ($40), and a golf putting practice machine ($10). And today, somebody wants to buy the Tama Drumset I found. They are willing to pay $150.
Personal success at this venture

Paul asks…

what is the quickest way to earn a load of money other than a job or anything online?

Nagesh answers:

Your question reminds me of what happened 11 months ago while i was searching for answer to your question. The answer to it is straight you need ‘No Sale System’. Goto my blog through the link below copy/past if not clickable

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Monday, January 7th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Online

Sharon asks…

How can a 13 year old quickly make a medium or large amount of money online?

I’m a 13 year old boy, and i’m crazy about baseball. I would like to just make some money on my own to show my parents that i’m responsible. I would like an online job where it has something to do with like Major League Baseball. It could be anywhere from writing about the highlights of the games, about the top players in their league, or just writing the score results of the game. It would be much appreciated if someone could give me a website to visit. Please and thank you.

Nagesh answers:

The internet is not the answer for a 13 year old kid; probably not something you’d like to hear but the truth. Im 19 and I wouldn’t even resort to the internet for money; I don’t trust it. There are tons of scams on the internet that will take advantage of you; either by not paying you or using your personal information. They have to have your name, address, etc and if its legitamite they have to have your SIN#. I don’t believe doing this will show your parents you are responsible; they might actually get mad at you for giving our your personal information online. Perhaps ask them what they thing about it and they can probably help you find a legitamite website.
You could go help out at your local baseball diamond, or store, or do choirs for the neighbours (you could make a lot of cash for honest work!) you could mow their lawn, pluck their weeds or walk their dogs, or you could have a garage sale. All things that protect your identity and you know that will actually pay you.
Best answer is discuss some options with your parents; they think you are responsible for coming to them and asking them advice on how to make good honest money! Just asking them will score you some points!

Lisa asks…

How to make $120 quickly?????? (12 years old)?

I want to get more money for back to school shopping and I already have $380 that I’ve been saving up for the past year, but I don’t want to spend it all with nothing left. So I want to make something around $500. I know the typical babysitting and chores, but there aren’t many kids around my neighborhood, except for really young ones like 1-2 years old. If I wash my parent’s cars, I can probably make $15-20, so I’m going to do that later. I do have a bunch of those japanese erasers, but my mom doesn’t want me to sell all of them, but I can still make like $50 from the ones that I don’t keep. Are there any other different ways to make money quickly? Online websites that aren’t a scam? Thanks! 🙂

Nagesh answers:

With a parents help, you probly could sell some things or like some of your old clothes on ebay.

Michael asks…

Are there any places online where u can actually make money? Please help me!?

Any places online i can really make any money quickly? i need to buy groceries for my family this week…

Nagesh answers:

Ever wanted to make money online but always got fooled by those liars who sell useless ebooks or those users who ask for money upfront and then never reply? That’s why I want to like you to a website where the owner shares all ways of making money online. Did you know that you can make money playing games or clicking ads? Then visit for more information

Sandy asks…

how to make moneY?

how to make easy money quickly, online or outdoors?

Nagesh answers:

…get a job.

Mark asks…

Seriously, I need to make a lot of money online. Has anyone come up with something scam free I can use quickly?

Hey, John put down the mirror and watch what I discover. I asked this question in ten different places.

Nagesh answers:

You can try They hire people to work from home answering questions but the pay is kind of bad so how much you make depends on how many questions you can do in an hour or whatever. You can go to and click on become a guide.
You can also check for a list of actual companies that hire employees or independent contractors to work from home. Some of them pay pretty well.

Good luck!!!

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Sunday, January 6th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For Kids

Ruth asks…

what is the best way for a 13 year old kid to make money fast?

I keep looking and searching for ways to make money but all they come up nwith is like lemonade stands and stuff like that to me thats not enough money ive tried that but it doesnt work anyone have good ways to make money?

P. S. im saving up for a trip to san diego and an ipod touch please help!!!
i need money and its the rainy season ive tried babysitting but everyone has asked if ive gone through this class and i havn’t and i don’t kno when the next one is i can’t mow lawns yet and my parents wont let me do pet sitting ive tried all the online stuff and nothing works for free and my parents won’t let me pay i can’t get an allowance either can someone please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nagesh answers:

And chores.
Good luck.

Jenny asks…

What Are Some Fast and Easy Ways for a Teen to Make Money?

I need some quick cash to buy some last – minute Christmas gifts!
But, I’m broke as a joke!
Don’t tell me to get a job .
Don’t tell me to start babysitting .
Don’t tell me to walk a dog .
It’s all been said before, and I hate dogs, real jobs, and kids .


Nagesh answers:

You sound like a brat. In the current economic situation, I doubt you will find money just laying around for you to pick up.

Maria asks…

How to make money fast by 12/20/08 (its 11/21/08)?

Im only 13 and have no way to get money but chores. Its winter so no outside stuff, and there are no little kids in my neighborhood.So far i have 172 and i want to make at least 250 for christmas presents. My parents are so great and i want to get them great gifts. (my money didn’t come from them) and they don’t know that im doing this. So is there anything else i can do?

Nagesh answers:

Survey money>>>>>>>>>>you would be waiting till next xmas to be paid…

Have you asked your neighbours if you could clear there gardens of leaves etc as many elderly ppl like to look at a nice autumn garden but cant manage it ..
Im sure when they learn why you want to collect money they may be willing to help you… Might even pay you to run errands like shopping for milk etc…

How about offering to do extra chores at home or wash your parents car instead of them getting it washed at the carwash…

Good luck

Sharon asks…

Ways to make money?

I want to buy a L.L.Bean Bookbag for school, and a new Coach Bag. I think I’m just going to get the Coach off of Ebay. How can I make money to buy these things? The bookbag costs about 45$ and the Coach, probably about 180$. I need some ways to make money fast! Most people don’t want me to babysit their kids because I’m only 13 myself. I can’t have a real job like in a store… so what can I do? My parents won’t buy it because they just started a new business and are kind of tight with money right now. I want all of this before August 18th and all of it has to be shipped to my house which takes like 4 days. So that leaves me about 2 weeks? Help me find easy things to do to make money in 2 weeks!!!! I only have 5 dollars right now. I know, sad. But it’s a start! Thank you!!!! I am taking in any advice! :]

Nagesh answers:

Babysitting always works and doing chores around the house maybe you can get money from your folk for doing that..hopefully you can buy it good luck!

John asks…

Any way to make money fast?

Kay Kay, I really need to buy clothes and I know my
parents would not give me the money because
a) my dad just got me a sidekick lx
b) my mother got me a gift card to a&f.
but the clothes I want are from abercrombie kids! not a&f.
urghhhhh* it’s the holiday so I can’t charge kids for making me
do their homework. rawr.

Nagesh answers:

Have a yardsell

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Saturday, January 5th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For Teenagers

Robert asks…

how to make money for a teenager pease help?

i am going to quebec on a school trip and want o know of some quick easy ways to make money, not A LOT bit enough to go shopping for clothes or something
i dont really have enpought time to do a whole paper route, but like a survey link would be good, but anything else you want to suggust would be great


p.s. i am 13 and a girl so a 14 + survey wont work

p.s.s. i dont have my mind set on a survey


Nagesh answers:

Try the following:
– Babysitting
– Baking cookies and selling them
– Offer to neighborhood moms to decorate parties for younger kids
– Dog walking & grooming
– Offer to neighborhood moms to create play dates for their kids with craft time

Lizzie asks…

How to earn money quickly as a teenager?

I am a fifteen year old living in the UK at the moment and I am planning to go to South Africa in July 2011 on an RE trip, it should be really good, however, it is very expensive, and I’m finding it hard trying to find the money paid for it however I’m already registered for it. I was wondering if anyone knew any way I could earn some quick money?

I can’t get a part time job as I’m not 16

However do you think there’s any sort of business I could start up to earn more money? I was planning car washing but is there anyway on a practical level I can make that work and I have nothing to sell, maybe something I could do over the Internet? Anything!

Nagesh answers:

Time and again this question was asked and a proper replay was given, please check the answer about 7 days ago.

Mandy asks…

Help. How can I make a tutu?

My daughter is having her 15th birthday party, she goes ice skating at a skating rink every year for her party, this year shes bringing two friends, and her. We are going to make tutus, and they are going to wear crowns, have wands, and fairy wings liek the little gir stuff. Get me? Well I am looking for cheap crowns, wings, and tutus. However, recently i Decided to make the tutus. Does anyone know a quick way to make tutus, for teenagers, without sewing? r know where i can find them, i looked claires, libby lu, ebay, dance stores, but heir tutus are a lot of money or they are not the kind we want, which are cute not ballet ones. Thank you!

Nagesh answers:

Sounds cute! Here is a pretty easy way to make tutus:
1. Purchase tulle at a craft/fabric store. They usually have a few colors. You may want to get some ribbon, also, if you don’t have any.
2. Lay pieces on top of each other until you have the thickness you want for each tutu. Fold this in fourths. (half then half again)
3. Round off the outer corner. (If you were to open it, it would be a circle). Make an inner circle cutting off the inner point. This circle should be a bit larger than the girls’ waists.
4. Use a hole punch or scissors to make little holes or slits around the inner circle. Thread ribbon through long enough to tie it on. (If you don’t want to tie it, you can just use elastic and tie a knot instead.)
5. Decorate! You can set layers of tulle on an old waterproof tablecloth and cover it with Elmer’s glue and glitter to make it sparkle. (I’m not sure how well it would stay, especially ice skating, but it’s worth a try!) You can use a hot glue gun to attach sequins or fake flowers. (Get creative…)

*You may have to experiment with the fullness, length, and decoration to get the look you want, but this is a pretty general way to start off.*
If you want to do pretty much nothing for this instead, you can always just make a flat tutu by wrapping tulle around and securing with a belt!
Have funnnnn!!!!!

Susan asks…

Im a teenager? How can I make 80 bucks by the end of the week?

Christmas just came I know :P. I did get some money from relatives. But this year I didnt get a lot because of mainly giftcards, and actualy item gifts people got me. My parents are making me use the money I already have towards something (I just ordered it too). And theres also this really important thing Ive needed for the past few months thats like 80$. I need money quick. Im turning 15, and no I CANNOT WAIT FOR MY BIRTHDAY. Its in a lil over a month but this is something I need NOW. My mom is less likely to give me alowwance or chore money. And lucky for me a huge blizzard just hit, so I can go snow shoveling. But I need other suggestions because I doubt people will tip me $25. Can you estimate how much my neighbors. And Im weak so is there a certain easy way to shovel (if possible?) And I have back and neck issues. ? Lol. I cant wash the car. I cant mowe lawns. I cant babysit either. Help =/

Happy Holidays

Nagesh answers:


That is 8 bags of scrunched aluminum cans. Plus bottles and plastic for extra money!


Chris asks…

Anyone know any quick ways for a teenager to make a fairly large amount of money quickly?

I’ll need about 25 Kenyan shillings, I’m 15 and in school.

Nagesh answers:

I don’t know what kind of jobs teenagers can do in Kenya but in England you can do loads of things to get money like:
Paper round
Washing parents/friends cars
walking dogs

I hope these ideas help and you get you money!

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Friday, January 4th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money Fast For Kids

Donna asks…

Thinking about fostering kids 0-3 yrs what do u think? fast! – read all-?

Okay, so im 11 and i got my parents to think about becoming foster parents cuz i prayed about it, and i feel that our family would be ready, and that we would all really enjoy it, and its a good cause and i love kids and we could def care for another little kiddo runnin around the house lol. so right now ( they’re not foster parents.. yet.. hopfully. lol ) its just me 11 yr old girl and my little broski ( brotherr. lol ) age 9. i love my broski.. sure i tease him and i play wrestle with him, but he knows i love him and i know he loves me. its all good. i have 2 parents mom and dad, thought id add that cuz u jst cant kno nowadays, and we have a 3 bedroom house, my broski’s room, my room, and downstairs my parents room, but every night i sleep in my broski’s room cuz.. well, hes 9 and scares easily so.. u get the picture. so theres 2 beds in my bro’s room, his and mine, and then in my room, theres my bed. so basically i have 2 beds, one in my room and one in my bro’s room. so with fostering rules are: boys in one room, girls in another. so if the foster kid was a boy he’d sleep in my bro’s room and if the foster kid was a girl she’d sleep in my room and we’d move the other matress into my room and id stay with her in my room. and we have enough space: my bro’s closet is full of old clothes so i’d help him clean it out of course, and half of my closet in my room is my stuff, other half is my dad’s. he dosent use his closet in his room cuz he just hasnt moved the stuff, but he will if this ends up rlly happening 😀 .. and we know most of the rules:

1- Boys and girls sleep in seperate rooms.
2- Foster kids CANNOT be homeschooled.
3- You have to be able to afford the child your fostering without the help of the allowance.( so they know your not using the kid to get the allowance money.)
4- You have to pass health/cleanliness inspections, fire safety inspections etc..
5- You have to have the room for the child’s clothes toys etc.
6- You have to have enough beds.
7- Have to go through all the training/classes
8- Have to be able to let go.. no matter how much it’ll hurt. </3 ( extremley hard for EVERYONE. admit it lol.. but its do-able. :/ )

Any other rules/requirments? help would be veryy appreciatedd. thnx <3
P.S. No hater zone pleasee, srry if i cant spell EVERYTHING right, im 11. lol and this isn't me just bein like hey i got a random idea! lol this is something my little broski and my mom, and (not so much my dad, hes got a bad cold, so hes been resting/working. ) so we think we're ready. and today in the car my mom said "why would you want to share mommy and daddy with another kid?” i said “because, its not like u wont still be our mom and dad, and u will still love us just as much, and its not like you’ll just leave us behind in the dust to make sure the foster kid is perfectly happy or anything, sure the foster kid will be getting a lot of attention, especially at first, but a lot of the attention the foster child will be getting will be from us too.. its worth it mom. where do kids even go if they cant get foster homes?” she said “i guess they go to an orphanage sorta thing.?” i was like “okay, see, look at it this way: our family could save a kid from going into a lonley orphanage.” she was like “i know honey. trust me. i know.” = end of conversation.
And yeaa, it does sound like its just what i want, like its all about me, and my opinion. but thats not how it really is.. my mom actually kinda does want to i guess, and so does my broski. i was just putting down what i knew for sure: my own opinions/thoughts on it.

Nagesh answers:

Well first they have to get a license or something from the judge to be foster parents. Not to be mean or anything, but that little conversation you had with your mom doesn’t seem like she wants to be foster parents, I mean it just sounds like she is happy that you feel this way about it but it doesn’t actually sound like she want’s to be a foster parent. More kids, comes more responsibilty.

George asks…

How do you teach someone to handle their money?

My fiance is terrible with money. His mother did everything all wrong while he was growing up. (details on that at the end). We both lived with our parents when we met and just moved in together recently after getting engaged. I knew his spending was bad but I had no idea! He makes a lot less than I do and he spends way more. I only ask him to pay the phone bill an groceries since the house is in my name and he has car insurance and his cell phone to worry about. Half the time he can’t even handle that! He keeps coming about a penny away from overdrawing his account and he doesn’t even care. He always just expects things to work out (meaning he expects me to pay things or give him money if he runs out). I told him before we moved in together that I couldn’t afford to support us both and he said he understood but he won’t stop spending. He forgot to bring a change of clothes one day when he met me after work in town so he spent $55 on a new outfit after getting a million new things for christmas! He spent over $150 on himself in the first half of january and now he can’t afford groceries until his next paycheck. He understand that he can’t stay in the house if he doesn’t help me but he doesn’t understand how much his little gadgets and snacks actually cost. He blames it on his income. I’ve laid it all out and shown him what it all adds up to before and he still doesn’t get it. He just insists he can handle it then when I tell him we need groceries he suddenly can’t afford it. And when holidays come around he gets upset that he can’t afford a gift for me. I tell him all the time that he has no excuse and I’m not listening to his complaints because he wastes his money. How can I get through to him? I love him and want to marry him but I can’t be the only adult in the relationship.

About the mother:
She spends money faster than she makes it and taught her kids the same. Anything she can’t afford goes on her credit card. When he was 13 she made him get a job so that he could put a downpayment on a truck when he turned 16. Every paycheck she took $80 for the truck fund and let him keep $20. So the only money he saw from his paycheck was spending money. If he needed to use that money for something else his mother just didn’t give it to him and paid for whatever it was herself. When he turned 16 and picked the truck he wanted (which he could have paid in full) she wouldn’t let him get it because she thinks that only brand new vehicles are safe. She picked out a much more expensive one and bought it herself using his money for the downpayment meaning he owed her for the rest. Instead of letting him make monthly payments she would randomly come up to him demanding $500. She also didn’t let him have access to his bank account until he was 18 and wouldn’t take her name off of it until he was 19.

Nagesh answers:

You have to be more firm with him. Next time he cant afford to by groceries, show him once more, his income and outgoings. Next show him how much he has to spend in one month for himself, then break it down in to four weeks.
Firmly tell him, that this is his last chance. He only has 20???dollars a week to spend.
Now, he can spend it all in one week or save some for next week, but whatever happens he must not, repeat MUST NOT, spend more than 80??? Dollars per month on himself.
Give him, say, three months to prove himself, if he cant do it chuck him out. You cannot possible marry a person so selfish. If you do, you are telling him its ok to do this.
It may have been his mothers fault initially, but he’s a big boy now and must take responsiblity.

Linda asks…

Harvest Moon Animal Parade~Earning Money (I NEED HELP!!!)?

okay so i’ve been playing harvest moon my whole life and im in love with the series, and about 3 months ago i bought Harvest Moon Animal Parade for Wii… and im married to Luke and i want to upgrade my house again so i can have kids, and sadly, i really need some help finding easier ways to make money and get material/wood/stone faster…. Any ideas or tips? Thank you!!!! ~♫

Nagesh answers:

Well you might already be doing this… I don’t know, haha. But this is what I do – I always buy the most expensive seeds I can find at the beginning of each season (but make sure it’s the kind that regrow). I get 40-50 seeds, or as many as I need to fill up the entire planting area. It’s totally worth it in the end, plus they keep regrowing! I get rich pretty fast by doing that. Ummm and the best place to fish is near that bridge leading to the Horn Ranch area. If you can find that perfect spot, you’ll get a lot of money for the fish you catch there. Sorry that’s all I got. Hope I helped a little bit 🙂

Michael asks…

easy ways to make money online?

i’m 13 so getting a job is out of the question.
i’ve been trying to think of ways to get money fast. (my goal is $3000.)
are online surveys safe? if so, how much do you get per survey? i’ve been thinking about signing up for but i have no idea if it’s safe or not.. and the last thing i want is to mess up our paypal account.
if online surveys are NOT safe, what other ways can i make money? they have to be online, because, as i said, nobody around here would hire a 13 year old kid.. plus transportation would be a major problem.

Nagesh answers:

All the money making tricks, tools, e-books and courses available here:

Laura asks…

How to make 350-400 dollars relatively fast?

Ok, so here’s the story. I’m 12, in 7th grade and I need around 350 dollars relatively fast. I tried out for cheerleading and I made the squad but it costs 799 for spirit and not even compition. Its an outrageus amount of money! We’re not poor, but shelling out that much money will affect my family. I don’t want my parents to spend that much on me because i have a little brother and sister. I was going to try to get half the cost so it woulden’t be too much for my parents. Any ideas on how to make half of 800 dollars??

Btw, I’m not sure what category to put this under…

P.S. I’m already a babysitter and petsitter but don’t get much jobs because people think im a lot younger then i really am and dont want a “little kid” to watch their kids or pets..

Nagesh answers:

Bank, gun, mask. Easy money. LOL jk you should tell them how much it will mean to you and how you will try to pay them back. I usually works.

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Thursday, January 3rd, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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