Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

Sharon asks…

What do i need to start a niche empire business or affiliate marketing?

I was wondering that after searching through the internet. I was thinking about going into niche sites or affiliate marketing. I am starting out as a beginner in that field but i need to know. How much money do i need for them and i’m not good at creating content. Which course that would be the best or suitable or beginners. I plan to build websites to make money but i don’t know where to start.

Nagesh answers:

I like many other people, was laid off and lost my job that i loved when the recession first hit a few years ago. I got involved with affiliate marketing and have not looked back since. I now make much more money than I did with my old job and work fewer hours now. Although it DID take quite a bit of upfront work however. Here are a few things that I now use to help me earn a healthy full time income from home. Hope they help
This is a system that is free to start and requires no recruiting other people and honestly takes about 5 minutes a day. It wont make you much money for the first few months but after a little a while if you follow their advice will really start to add up.

I am involved with this affiliate marketing company and have made a decent amount of money earning from several income streams simultaneously

one more affiliate program to check out would also be this one:

Best of luck to you either way. These are all great affiliate programs to get involved with.

Laura asks…

How to earn money through internet?

How to earn money using internet

Nagesh answers:

You can only obtain legitimate work from home positions from brick and mortar companies.

You want to send your resume out to companies hiring for positions you are qualified for, but include in your resume that you have a home office and you wish to work remotely. Include how you have your home office set up and what equipment you already have in order for you to perform your job.

These jobs are just going to advertised as jobs, they would not promote them as “work at home” because they would hear from too many unqualified people.

Mandy asks…

Where to find work-from-home jobs over the net?.?

I have gone through websites giving jobs like filling forms, data entry. But they require an investment. I fear they might be fake. Is there any trust worthy company?. They say u can earn a lot through internet. How far true it is?

Nagesh answers:

There are some that are legit and trust worthy. I have been working from home with a great company that has been in business for a little over twenty years and have been members in good standing with the BBB ever since they opened their doors. They were also awarded the BBB’s Hall of Fame award at the end of 2005. I don’t have to host parties, stock, sell or deliver products. I don’t even have to worry about collecting any money. If you would like more info you can check out my web sites and click on “Get More Info”

Ken asks…

Could I work at home without a social security number?

I’m planning to work at home(sideline)through internet businesses like writing papers online and make a money. However, I’m handling a Dependent visa through my mom who has an H1 visa (working visa) in the US. They said that you can’t work with your dependent visa only but it’s based online. So is it possible?

Nagesh answers:

Any money you earn is reported to the Government through 1099’s from whoever you do work for. So YES you need a ssn and you need to file taxes yearly along with paying what you owe.

Thomas asks…

What genuine avenues are there to make a living from home using the interntet?

I’m interested in working from home to make a living, using my computer. We’ve all heard the scams and pyramid schemes. What genuine possibilities exist?

Nagesh answers:

The Web offers tremendous opportunities for those who know how to harness it. You hear of stories of people who earn thousands if not millions of dollars from doing business on Web. While there are many scams (same way in the traditional business world), there are various ways you can legitimately make money on the Web.

Here are the GENUINE ways you can earn a living from your home using the Internet:

1. Sell products on the Web – Big boys like Amazon or Lillian Vernon online catalog or smaller businesses like or all sell products on the Web.

You can either sell: (a) through your own storefront through your own website or applications such as Yahoo Stores; or (b) sell through online auctions like eBay

2. Information Delivery. Others such as or create content and monetize their content in a number of ways:

a. Advertising – From the article “How to Generate Advertising Revenues for Your Web Site” , there are several ways you can earn money from advertising:

1. Join an advertising network. Advertising networks are organizations that aggregate Web sites that offer advertising space, and sell banner ads (and other advertising options) across them. Traffic requirement is often a minimum of 5,000 monthly impressions, although many do not accept sites hosted by free page services.

Burst Media
Fastclick (ValueClick). Http:// Http://
Tribal Fusion

2. Participate in contextual advertising networks. Contextual advertising are text ads delivered based on the content of the web page using an automated system.

Google Adsense
Yahoo! Publishing Network (currently in beta and available to US publishers only)
Quigo Adsonar
Commission Junction Evolution

3. Sell advertising for your site directly. This is admittedly a more difficult route for a small business site wanting to earn advertising revenues. But hey, as they say: “no pain, no gain!”

b. Affiliate Programs – you sell other people’s products that your audience may be interested in; and you get a certain commission after the desired action was done (whether a sale, a lead, subscription to email newsletter, or however this is defined)

c. Paid online content. or Supporters forum all require paid subscription before accessing the information

d. Content licensing and syndication. Some publishers such as the Associated Press get paid every time their content is published elsewhere

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Friday, February 1st, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Uk

Ruth asks…

How could I earn money from creating a website?

If i started a web site offering advice on health issues, how could i earn money from it?

im just not sure how people get money from things like this.

Nagesh answers:

You could add Google adwords which would give you a few pennies each time someone clicks through them – you might earn from a few pounds to several hundred per month. Of course, your own site needs to be highly ranked in Google to get any appreciable traffic and therefore enough click-throughs to make it worthwhile.

Then, you can sell goods through an affiliate scheme, which is where people see the product on your site, click a ‘buy’ button and they’re then transferred to the affiliate supplier site to make the purchase – you get a percentage of the sale amount, say 5-10%. It’s only worth trying to sell things that are directly relevant to your site, though. You can sign up for an affiliate account at

Here’s an example of the above in practice at one of my affiliate sites where I sell shoes and include Google adwords

Lisa asks…

Given the credit crunch and falling markets is now a good time to start a pension?

I live in the UK and am looking to start a UK pension. With the markets so low is it a good time to start a pension right now?

Nagesh answers:

I would reiterate an earlier answer and say that it is ALWAYS the right time to start a pension. Over the full term of the pension, the ups and downs should really iron themselves out.
If you are over twenty, then you should consider a pension, most UK employers are now obliged to offer a pension scheme that can easily be transferred when you change jobs (stakeholder pension). Many employers actually contribute to the scheme too – if this is the case, then YES – it’s a no-brainer, take advantage of any company scheme that offers to contribute to your pension (the company I work for contributes 7% of my income, and I contribute another 7%). Even if they don’t contribute, it should be very easy for your employer to arrange your contributions and take care of the tax issues.
The only circumstances where you don’t need to think about a pension is if you are working on a casual basis or likely to earn vast amounts that will enable you to make your own financial arrangements for your future.
My final bit of advice is this: don’t go half-measures – if you decide to do this, make a real go of it to make sure you end up with a decent income. If you just ‘dabble’ and don’t really put a significant amount in, then you will have wasted all your money. Consider this, if you DON’T put money aside for your pension, what will happen? The state will provide you with income support up to a set level. If you only put a small amount into your pension, you may find that all you have done is to take the onus off the state to look after you, and you may well have only provided enough to just keep you above the level where the state was going to support you anyhow! So…either do it properly or don’t bother – that’s my philospohy!

Donald asks…

My husband is strting a small buisness can anyone guide us to any good sites with information?

Hi My husband is starting anew business and we need to ensure that we cover everything from tax to insurance.
We are based in the UK, Britain so need the British tax laws ect.
Can anyone guide us to some good websites which will give us some information on how much tax we need to pay or insurance costs-etc.

Also where to get some quality booking books which don’t cost too much.

Nagesh answers:

You will need to get yourself sorted with an accountant.
They are usually best placed to give you the lowdown on what you have to pay.
If you going to be VAT registered check out the Flat rate vat scheme on the HMRC site. It will save a lot of time and probably make you more money.
It really depends on whether he is going to go Ltd. , SE, Partnership etc. All subject to different rules.
Unfortunately in this country the tax man will screw you over whatever you try and do.
They have recently removed the 1st £10,000 tax free rule on corporation tax and raised the rate. Another stealth tax to take a further £2000 off each honest small business.
I’ll go now ‘cos I’m starting to sound bitter and twisted.
Good luck with the venture!

Joseph asks…

What would happen if everyone choose to only get books from the library?

How would the authors make their money?

Nagesh answers:

Well the libraries would still have to buy books – and for popular books they’d have to buy multiple copies.

In addition, there is (in the UK at least) something called the Public Lending Right, by which scheme authors get a (small) honorarium each time one of their works is borrowed.

Susan asks…

Is it legal for organisations to print out names and addresses on sheets of labels without asking permission?

Like many people I keep getting sheets of labels from Guide Dogs, Cancer, Red Cross etc. asking for money and enclosing unwanted items. Like most people I have chosen my own favourite charities and stick to them. I keep sending them back unopened to no avail. Surely it is wrong to print names and addresses without owner’s permission for this?

Nagesh answers:

No, they don’t need explicit permission for individual mailings. If your details are a matter of public record – for instance, if you appear on the edited electoral register – then organisations can process your information and use it for the purpose of direct mail.

You might want to find out about the Mailing Preference Service ( which will reduce the extent to which your data is used for this purpose; you should also be careful to ensure that you tick or untick the correct boxes next time your local council sends you electoral registration information.

The other thing to look out for is the small print and tiny tickboxes whenever you sign up for something – for instance, if you join a clubcard scheme at your local bookshop, make sure that you look out for the opt-out (or opt-in) somewhere on the form which prohibits the store from sharing your details with other companies and organisations which may offer “products and services in which you may be interested” (or similar). Most stores exist within a large corporate group and once you let your address slip through the net all the related businesses can legally direct-mail you.

MPS will help, but be vigilant about what you do with your details.

(If it all fails, a good strategy to make you feel better is to save up your junk mail and reply envelopes and then swap them around, sending one business’s junk mail to another business in their own pre-paid envelope! It costs the receiving company though, so best not to do it with charities – you can’t blame them for trying).

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Thursday, January 31st, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Canada

Betty asks…

My friend’s parents kicked her out and she moved to canada cant find a job and needs one FAST what can she do?

now i can only talk to her online and shes running out of money, she cant speak french, does anyone have ideas on what she can do? I really wanna help her, please!
wheres avon, can i have the details on that? numbers? what she would have to do?

Nagesh answers:

She should post her resume on job sites like monster and craig’s list. If she’s in desperate need of money she should get an entry level job as a store clerk or waitress until she can get back on her feet… Most industries in Canada speak English so i don’t think that her ability to speak French should affect her that much…

Nancy asks…

help ! marriage fraud in canada?

i’m going to try and keep my question short .

in april 2009 i went and got married in the philippines , stayed 4 weeks and went back home .
due to problems with her attitude and her wanting money for support and her spending too fast on who knows ( she can’t justify it ) i froze , i was shocked with her attitude , so i stop sending money for a while .

i had trouble doing the sponsorship paper work due to lack of time and i could not get cic on the phone ( always busy for weeks and months ) so long delays due to that .

the relationship was difficult due to many things , the main one was money and her expectations .
and some relatives ( her male cousin trying to get my help to find him a job in canada ).

this is a long story so i’ll skip to the present , the process took from september 22 ,2010 to july 26 2011 when they issued the visa by mail .

she arrived in canada september 12 2011 , i picked her up at the airport and took her home .

the problem is she avoided being intimate and after a few days she did not want me to touch her at all and did not want to talk to me .

her english is ok but not great , but she understands english perfectly .
anyways she spent her time playing games on the computer and chatting with her friends and cousin who work in hong kong and dubai as domestics .

the first thing she did when she got here is she wanted to find a job , so i was willing to try and help her with that , but she asked me where is toronto , i told her it’s 300 miles away from where we live .

she was making contacts with her cousin online with people in toronto to find her a job there , when i saw this i asked her what are you doing making contacts with people in toronto .

she said she will find a job anywhere , so the relationship is a fraud as she came here just to get a job.

in addition to this she never unpacked her bags , she does not clean the dishes and house work .
she cooks her own and eats what i cook if she wants it .

she no longer wants to stay with me and now she wants me to buy her an air ticket back home to the philippines .

i’m laid off work right now waiting to be recalled and i don’t have cash to buy a ticket .
a ticket is about $1,000.00 one way to the philippines .

i called an immigration lawyer in ottawa and told them my problem , they said it’s obviously marriage fraud , so i sent them an e-mail describing my situation and the lawyer transmitted this information to canada border services and they said they will investigate by contacting me shortly .

i spent 3 years of my life and well over $20,000.00 on this marriage and she does this to me .
help i need some good advice .
i really love her and wish she would stay , but she is not interested except to find a job or go back home , things she says and do don’t make sense , so talking is not an option , though i have tried often to make her reconsider .

Nagesh answers:

It defintely appears a case of marriage fraud. I feel you should site down with her and clarify things once for all to be sure.

Canada Immigration is taking such issues very seriously and has opened a tip line to report such cases. I suggest report this case to tipline at using the approriate link

Jenny asks…

Needing information on immigrating to Canada….?

Before I ask my questions, here’s a little bit of background info.

I live in Florida, where I work an hourly manager position (recently officially promoted but doing the work for at least 3/4 of a year) at Burger King Corp. My boyfriend lives in Newfoundland, where he’s going to school and working for a privately owned construction business. We’re both 23, a few months apart. We met each other a year or so ago on an online forum site. We eventually decided to date, and last May I got my passport and went up to visit him. We’re trying to plan for me to come up sometime again when he gets a break between classes.

We’ve both decided that we want to be together, and that it would be better for both of us if I moved up there. We’ve become discouraged, however, because every time we start to do research on the immigration process, we run into dead ends, such as he doesn’t work in a position that makes enough money to sponsor me as a conjugal partner, or that getting married won’t automatically make me a citizen.

I have the number for the Human Resources representative for my job, to speak to her about getting an international transfer, but at the moment her and I are playing phone tag because she’s on her rounds to the stores to make sure every thing’s running smoothly, but regardless I’d like to be more informed before I talk to her about anything.

There’s also the option of me getting a student visa, but I’m in the dark about that as well, especially since I dropped out of college in a manner of speaking and don’t have near enough money for tuition, etc.

My questions are, what would be the best method for me to move there and apply for permanent residency? Will having a manager position, be it hourly, at a corporate fast food restaurant increase my chances of being approved for a work visa? I’ve been through thousands of websites, so I’d prefer straight-up answers to simply links to websites, but any and all information and advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

It doesn’t work like that. You cannot work or enter Canada with the intention of working without a visa.You do not have a job that is transferable to Canada as there are already people who can do that job living there, especially in Newfoundland where there is significant unemployment.

Otherwise, you have to apply to immigrate. Permanent residence is the first part of immigration leading to citizenship.The wait list is about two years.

You are not conjugal partners, living together, so that won’t work. You haven’t spent enough time together to marry and be sponsored that way. Student fees in Canada are much higher for international students.

Stay in Florida, save up and spend some more holidays in N’fld (try one in January) to get to know each other.

Daniel asks…

Moms, what would you do in my situation? Is this enough to call CPS?

Hi all, I know this woman, she’s 30 years old, has a boyfriend and 2 kids. She’s also having an affair with someone online, and went to meet this person during one of her kids bdays. She says im too judgmental with her and I guess this might be true but she isn’t very.. Well.. Here’s her situation.

She doesn’t have a job. Shes on disability from the government because she has fetal alcohol syndrome. Her boyfriend works 1 day out of the week. She started sleeping with people for money because he didn’t want to work more than 1 day out of the week and she said what he would bring in wouldn’t be worth losing her disability over. If he makes more than 500 a month, she loses her check, of about 900. If he went full time, he’d be making around 1300 a paycheck after taxes.

Fast food is very expensive in canada and she doesn’t like to cook so she eats out a lot. My kid has an entire mcdonalds toy collection just from her kids happy meals. For a family of 4 at mcdonalds, if they all got a combo meal, it would come around 30$ Our subways also don’t have the 5$ footlong meals.. Actually its about 30$ for 2 footlongs here. Just to give you an estimate on Canadian prices.

I tried to sit her down and talk to her about things and she freaked out at me. I’m just trying to watch out for her (Mainly her kids) What should I do? Should I encourage her or should I try to keep making her see reason? If she didnt have kids, I’d shrug it off.. But they’re 2 and 3 and the 3 year old already has 4 cavities and the 2 year olds front teeth are rotting and everyone takes her kids for the holidays because she doesn’t give them any. I don’t think its a valid enough reason to call CPS, especially since I can’t prove she’s sleeping with strangers, aside from the nudes on the website shes posted on. She’s had them called on her once before because she was ignoring the 3 year old because she was playing world of warcraft and the 3 year old was actually in the laundry room eating tide.

So basically, all I have is they live in a very dirty environment, they’ve got bugs from being so dirty. She actually got thrown out of her last place for being so dirty. They don’t grocery shop, because they always eat out. The mom is sleeping with people for money but I can’t prove it.. The kids dont go hungry, they always have pop and fast food and milk. Can she get away with this?
I live in prince george, BC
Our KFC just got mashed potatoes!! l=

Nagesh answers:

Without being this person’s friend you seem to know a lot about their personal life. I am guessing that you aren’t their friend, otherwise you wouldn’t advertise their personal life online in a negative way.

About the government check and working– 1,300 dollars is more than 900 dollars therefore that doesn’t add up to making any logical sense. I have no respect for people living off of the government when having the ability to not. Since you speak to her, try explaining that she could work at fast food and get a discount and he could work and all together they’d make more money than a handout of 900 dollars.

It isn’t your business but if you are her friend then be one and help her instead of only talking to her. Give her the opportunity to improve. If she doesn’t and you decide not to help then yes, call a service that will take over the situation. That will save you from having to help or being a friend to anyone.

It seems that you know a lot about her and her life, even very personal matters that have no standing on her parenting skills or lack thereof. Sleeping with a stranger or strangers means nothing other than a lack of sexual morals for herself. You then made it clear that she does it to provide. One reason rules out the other you gave for her doings.

If you want to be a friend don’t go behind her back and try to actually help them all. If you don’t want to be a friend and don’t want to help then step back and pick up the phone. But then you wouldn’t have anything to write about on the Internet about other people’s lives. I understand your problem.

My biggest concern when reading this is that the person doesn’t have a real friend and that those children deserve a better situation. Either help a person and be a friend or make a call. Also take notice and do some research. Not all children that end up in foster homes have better lives. Interview people that have gone through the system. These children probably want their mother. My opinion is to be a friend and help that mother. Maybe by having a friend she’ll learn to trust your advice, accept your help and gain more self respect which will shine through and be a life long lesson that her children will learn. Be someone that inspires her and not another problem of hers.

If you want to help the children then help them. They’d forever appreciate you helping them as a family. Try that first and if it doesn’t work then do try harder.

How would you know the child was eating laundry detergent? Where you there and didn’t help? This entire question seems made up but if it’s real then I really hope you become a real friend instead of that family’s problem. They need individual help and help as a family. Maybe a good person could find help from others who are too willing to help them. They need support from a supportive community that will keep them together, not separate them.

Sandra asks…

I can’t get a job…?

I just finished high school, and have plenty of volunteer experience although I have no work experience (which I’m trying to get). I really need money before university this fall. I live in Winnipeg, Canada, and I’m having trouble finding a job! This is what I’ve tried so far:
– Submitting applications and my resume in person to retail stores, fast food restaurants, etc. (both places I do and do not want to work)
– Submitting applications online
– E-mailing my resume to employers along with a cover letter
– Calling employers to follow up on my applications
I’m not even picky about where I work (as long as it doesn’t require a lot of physical labour), and I’ve made it clear on my resumes and cover letters that I have a lot of availability, volunteer experience, people skills, time management skills, and self motivation skills, among other things.
I’ve even tried applying to places I thought would be unpopular for people to apply such as grocery stores.
I’ve been trying to get a job for plenty of months now. I literally apply to about 10 jobs a week. What am I doing wrong or what could I do better?

Nagesh answers:

I really wish I could help you. I’m going through the same thing. Badly need a job but things just seem so complicated :(. I have an interview in a few days so I’m tryna stay hopefully about that. I applied to that online so I dont think its a waste of time.

Maybe you’re going wrong in filling out your application forms? I filled out an application form online once and showed it too my cousins. She told it was completely wrong and I wouldnt get the job lol. Why? Cos I didnt link my experience (I have no experience either, part from my volunteer stuff) to the relevant job I’m applying for. So make sre you do that! If you’re not already. Cos that can let you down. My cousin knows cos shes applied to loads of jobs in her lifetime. She was able to help me, so hopefully I can help you 🙂 lol

So yep, try doing that if you’re not already! Also try libraries and stuff like that? You might get in there? Libraries look for people to read to children and stuff so maybe you might find something there?

Also, when you go to hand in your resumes to stores personally, make sure you’re well dressed. Some people really do judge you by what you wear so make sure you dress smartly! Trousers, jackets, blazer, cardigans, minimum make-up, no bright coloured things.. Minimum jewelerry. And make sure your hairs in good condition too. As well as your nails lol.

I’ve been doing loads of research and came across these stuff so thought I should pass it along to you too 🙂

Where there is will, there is a way and I’m sure you’ll find a job real soon! Good Luck! 🙂

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Wednesday, January 30th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes From Home

Chris asks…

leaving home?

i’ve lived at home and i’m 27. due to stress i am unable to work and i have no social life. ifeel that living at home is now doing bad for me and despite stress and finicial reasons i am daring to it. exspect my mum will then be living alone and i feel a pressure that she does not want me to go despite saying otherwise. it’s my right to go but feel that there is resentment from her and others that i should not be doing it. i hope to get housing benefit and get into this get back into work scheme where they cut down my income support if i am getting a part time job. people tell me that i live of mum and the goverment so i thought of doing the get back work scheme. there is no other way i can get myself better then what ia m doing and what if i cannot hold up a job and keep letting people down and then keep losing job after job. how can i get better if i am doing the very thing that is making ill. how can claim money o f the goverment and not be riping them off? please help.

Nagesh answers:

I think it is your right to leave home. Your mother will be saddened when you leave.. But she will also be happy that her child is leaving to make a success. Of course, you should not leave home until you find somewhere to live that will make you happy. And you should probably be close to your mom so yall can visit each other frequently.

What you could do is go to career techincal college. You can get financial aid to pay for your classes. And then you can do something you love. If you are doing something that you love for a living… Then you probably won’t lose your job. Don’t worry about letting people down either. The only person you should worry about letting down is yourself!!

And as long as you are doing something to help make your community better… Whether that be cleaning up litter or making your neighbors smile or donating your time to help others out…. Then you are not ripping the government off by getting money.

I hope I helped you somewhat. Good luck!

Richard asks…

leaving home?

i’ve lived at home and i’m 27. due to stress i am unable to work and i have no social life. ifeel that living at home is now doing bad for me and despite stress and finicial reasons i am daring to it. exspect my mum will then be living alone and i feel a pressure that she does not want me to go despite saying otherwise. it’s my right to go but feel that there is resentment from her and others that i should not be doing it. i hope to get housing benefit and get into this get back into work scheme where they cut down my income support if i am getting a part time job. people tell me that i live of mum and the goverment so i thought of doing the get back work scheme. there is no other way i can get myself better then what ia m doing and what if i cannot hold up a job and keep letting people down and then keep losing job after job. how can i get better if i am doing the very thing that is making ill. how can claim money o f the goverment and not be riping them off? please help.

Nagesh answers:

Get the part time job first!
Live at home.
Then, see if you can handle full time while living at home.
Then, working full time, you can afford shared accommodation, paying your own bills, away from Mom.
Visit Mom once a week if you are nearby!
As a mom, a once a week visit from adult children is adequate!
This will give you a sense of freedom and self worth!
You will be self supporting and the government will not come into play.
You can do it!
Give it a try!

Ken asks…

Does onyone know of a TRUE investment free internet job???

I am looking to take in some extra money from home. But all I can find are schemes that want you to make a monetary investment to get a start up package. Has anyone here found a job that can be done on the internet from home. Like say typing, sales, paid fundraising??? I am up for just about anything… except e-sex!!! NO WAY!

Nagesh answers:

LOL!! I would hope you wouldn’t do any type of “sex” for money. This would make you an “e-prostitute”!

A home based “job” is not going to bring you a sufficient amount of income. You will only be paid minimum wage. Most companies don’t feel they need to pay anyone more then that because their gas cost is eliminated. What people don’t realize, what about your spouse? Do they still have to drive to work every day? Grocery shopping, outings, and things like that are still going to cost gas. If your married and you have a minimum waged job, pretty much your entire pay check will be going to your spouse’s gas tank with the gas prices these days. Then you still have the normal bills you need to pay each month as well, food, utilities, mortgage (rent for most people). Think about how much money you spend in that alone? If you need more income, I don’t see how a minimum wage home “job” is going to cut it then.
If you really want to work from home, and want to make a sufficient amount of income, then I suggest you start your own home based business. There are many different kinds of home based businesses to get involved in. Child Daycare Centers, Catering, Scrap Booking, Telecommunications, Candle Making, Travel agents, Tax Preparations, Health etc. Most home based business cost under $500 to start. Depending on what you want to get involved in doing. Home based businesses have the same income opportunity as a tradition store front business like a shoe store, Subway etc. With a Home Based Business, you don’t have all the over head expenses as you do with traditional businesses. Just about everything in your home, becomes a tax write off.
When you first start a business, their is no money made at first. You have to build it up. No matter what business you get involved in. The more effort you put into it and how hard your willing to work it, the faster you start making a sufficient amount of income. If you calculate the amount of hours you put into a regular job or a home “job” and the little you get paid, you would be better off starting a simple home based business, but make a lot more money and have more advantages.
In home based businesses, depending on which one you get involved in, it usually takes about 2 to 4 weeks to start making an average income. (about the same time frame as your first payroll period) Then as you keep working your business, 4 to 6 weeks to increase that income, and 3 to 6 months to be self sufficient. That is only if you put the time and effort into it. If you just say “I started a business” and don’t put any time or the effort needed in your business, then you won’t make an income.
Most people have full time jobs and run their business on the side. When their business reaches the income level they desire, they put their normal jobs down and continue with their business growing. Other’s dive into it head first and tackle it and get it going faster. Either way, you have the same opportunity to make a sufficient amount of income.
I don’t know what you enjoy doing, hobbies, interests etc, so I’m not sure which home based business to refer you over to. I can let you know what my husband and I have been involved in for over six years. For some more ideas you are more then welcome to take a look at my 360 page blog on home based business opportunities. There are over a half a dozen different ones to look at.
The business we chose to get involved in was more practical to us and something people used on a daily bases and wouldn’t know what they would do without. We didn’t have to worry about when money runs tight for them that they’d run to the nearest store and buy the items on sale, or have to cut back expenses and drop what I was providing some sort of service to make ends meet for them. We also wanted to make sure that they were registered with the BBB, who was involved with the company. They have also have been featured in several magazines like USA Today, Success, Fortune etc. Inc 500 also rated us the 22nd fastest growing company in our first five years. We are world wide with headquarters in in Farmington Hills Michigan, Carolina, Canada, Europe, Australia. So it’s a pretty good sized organization to be involved in.
We partnered up with a 15 year old world wide company that offers services that people use every day and pay for anyway. Services like Local and Long distance telephone services, Internet, digital, video, VOIP, Satellite TV, and all the major cellular phone providers like Verizon, T-mobile, Sprint, AT&T, Nextell, Alltel etc. As well.
How many people do you know, or know of around the world that uses one or more of these services? That’s another reason why we chose this business because everyone uses one or more. It’s a service that people are not going to give up on because money is tight. People are going to pay their utility bills before they purchase the top brand of soap when they can easily run to the dollar store and buy a package of 4 for a dollar instead of a bar for $2 sort of thing. You know what I mean? We save people money on services that they are already using and paying for, and offer them services that they don’t have, but would like to. As an example, say they have a local and long distance telephone service, they want Internet, I offer them the Internet as well as save them money on their local and long distance telephone service, they accept and then every single month these people pay these bills that they are going to anyway, every month we make a percentage. This is a very profitable business to get involved in. A lot of money involved in this industry!
If you’d like more information, your more then welcome to email me at anytime.

Nancy asks…

Get quick rich schemes.?

Why is every 4th post in small business a request for ways to make a lot of money with little or not work from home?

Are people really this lazy? Are people really this naive?

Nagesh answers:

Yes it would be wonderful if it was possible to get rich quick without to much effort, unfortunately apart from winning a lottery or using illegal tactics it is not possible.
However it is possible with a lot of effort to produce a substantial income within 2-4 years by having your own business, because that is what I have done.


William asks…

26 now…What should I do with my life?

So, back in November I did a very dumb thing. I finally had a “real” job, but it was so complicated and fast-paced that I nearly had a mental break down and quit. STUPID. At the time I thought, “Surely I’ll find another job soon”. Well, now it’s been months and I am still unemployed; I’m about to go out of my mind with shame and boredom. I desperately want to get back to work, but all I’m being offered are sales positions, pyramid schemes or work-at-home jobs. Not that people can’t make money those ways, but I’m looking for something with stable pay and long-term potential. In other words, a career. I have a degree from a few years ago, but it’s generic and most of the jobs on my resume are retail with some gaps in between. I’ve literally had recruiters tell me I’m pretty much not qualifed for anything. This bites. I’m beginning to feel depressed. What are your thoughts? Should I enlist in the army,navy, military, or air force to build character, education and job skills? I think this would be a very difficult adaptation, but I’m trying to change my life for the better. Please no rude comments.

Nagesh answers:

Maybe you should try to go back to school. Maybe a trade school. Pick a field that you may be interested in and go for it. Now you can get grants from the government to go to school. It’s a shame you just up and quit your previous job but when you get a job you have to try and stick it out. I’m 56 and been unemployed many times. I’ve been at my current job for 4 years as a Lead Computer Operator making a decent living. My first job in the computer field, I was there for 17 years until they sold the company and I had to scramble and find another job. With perseverance, I eventually found jobs. It took approximately 5 months to find my jobs and I have over 25 years experience doing what I do in the field of computers. Just don’t quit looking for work or else you’ll never find anything. You have to focus on what you really want to do and go after it. No matter what life hands you just go with the flow and things usually work out. Good luck to you!

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Tuesday, January 29th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quickly

Steven asks…

How do I earn money quickly and how do I buy stocks?

Nagesh answers:

As for buying stocks, an easy way is to open an account with an online broker, such as

Linda asks…

What can I do to earn money quickly?

I’m 16 and I need money to pay for stuff and would like to get my mom a good, mother’s day present. I tried selling stuff on craigslist, but no one is buying. It’s hard to look for a job at my age. Is there a website like craigslist where I can sell my stuff? Or anything that doesn’t involve doing fake internet scams. Help I need money fast! uggg

Nagesh answers:

I have been doing online surveys for around a year now & in searching for a decent guide, I have FINALLY found one that offers a detailed look into legit free paid online surveys here:

I believe this website will help you in your endeavors considering they have a whole section dedicated to teen survey sites. The video tutorials can help ease the process of entering into paid survey sites. They also have proof of payment pictures to show that these sites are not scams.

*the key is not to just sign up for one site and expect loads of riches, but to sign up for a few and have the smaller checks add up*

*if you ever have to pull out a credit card, its not worth it*

Donna asks…

How to earn some money quickly?

Hey, I need to earn some money quickly & easily! It’s coming up to Christmas and I need to buy presents for my family and I need quick a bit of money… Any ideas?x
Thank You for all the answers in advance<3
I'm only 13, I don't really have neighbours, there aren't trees near me. I don't drive.? Better answers please than the first 2 x Thanks

Nagesh answers:

You should have thought about this last month. Maybe you can do some yard work for people. It has been cold and leaves have fallena nd if their is snow where you live you can offer to shovel it for a few dollars. If you drive, you can offer to drive elderly people around for cash.

Mandy asks…

in fable 2 how could i earn money quickly the glitch doesnt work anymore?

how can i make money??

Nagesh answers:

The best way to raise money is weapons trading.

-Go to any weapons dealer that is not in Fairfax Gardens.
-Make them Love or Fear or both to get a discount around 20%.
-If it is a shop or stall buy it when you can for an additional discount around 30%.
-Buy all the weapons you can.

-Now go to Fairfax gardens and find a walking weapons trader.
-These guys are all wealthy and pay you about 32% more than what a gun is worth.

So in the end you bought a weapon for half off and sell it for a third more. You can make a million in a little over an hour once shops start selling master weapons.

Paul asks…

What are the LEADS in Online Business and how should I be using the huge list of leads to earn money quickly?

Nagesh answers:

I did the work for you:
You’re welcome

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Monday, January 28th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money In Runescape

Daniel asks…

What is the quickest way to make money for full dragon armor in Runescape?

I’m looking for the best, and quickest way to make enough money in Runescape for full dragon armor. My skill levels are Attack: 59; Strength: 58; Defense: 58; Magic: 38; Range: 28; Fletching: 2; Woodcutting: 68; Runecrafting: 8; Crafting: 13; Cooking: 48; Mining: 28; Smithing: 33. My combat level is 71. Please give me the most effective way to make money quickly according to my current skill stats.

Nagesh answers:

To be honest your skills aren’t high enough to make a lot of money.

William asks…

Whats a good way to make money f2p on runescape?

Well i have a level 67 account of runescape and I was just wondering a quick way to make money, because I’ve literally just been walking around worlds looking for weird and quick ways to make money. I know you can make make a lot of money with skill but try to only answer with non high skills, as in 50 and below, because its easy to atleast get 50 anything, so guys my account name is Gandolf13342
so you can add me and please answer!

Nagesh answers:

Tbh f2p has no real good way of making money

Steven asks…

Whats a good way in Runescape to make money for members?

Just started playing it again 9haven’t played since 05 ish) But I just started playing again and I need a quick way to make money :s Here are my main skills.

Combat level 95
Strength 76
Attack 77
Defense 76
Hitpoints or Consitution: 77
Woodcutting: 84
Fletching 99
Prayer: 43
Summoning 20
Cook 63
If anyone can give me some tips on some quick cash because I’m saving up for claws or a Dfs Thanks Most detailed one, and is good gets best answer (I’m trying them first so I pick fairly)

Nagesh answers:

Honestly, Pking and Staking are the quickest methods if you know how to do it right.
But you’re levels aren’t balanced out properly and you would get wrecked by a pure so….
THE BEST WAY without killing other players so far that I know of would be getting 85 Dungeoneering
and killing frost dragons.

(Their bones are worth like 21k each. Full invent which is 28 would be approx 588k)

Jenny asks…

whats the quickest way to make money for dragon claws in runescape?

whats the qucikest way without a skill

Nagesh answers:

Do these three quests then buy steel bars and smith cannonballs till 1 m GP then merchant by joining a merching group

the three quests are dorics quest , knights sword , dwarf cannon

Ruth asks…

what do u think is the best way to make money in runescape?

plz tell me the best way to make money caz i need money real quick for full drag.

Nagesh answers:

Here is a pretty good money making guide broken down by free players and member skills.

Or various no skilling ways to make money on Runescape

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Sunday, January 27th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast Online

Mark asks…

What is the easiest way to make money online without getting scammed?

I am looking for ways to make money online without the hassle, and the possiblity of being scammed. I heard and saw bogus websites, those that ask for your credit card number and I’m not into all that. So, does anyone know of good legit ways to make money online pretty fast?

Nagesh answers:

Dont sign up for any site that asks you to pay money. For a list of my top 5 money making sites for making money online visit

Mary asks…

Any Way to make money online in Pune fast?

Even online jobs will do.

Nagesh answers:

Various money making ways and sites could be found here
These sites pay to post on forums

David asks…

What is a fast way to make money on Gaia Online?

Idcare is it’s a cheat or what.

Nagesh answers:

Get Alerts Get alerts for site announcements, PMs, and more.

Sign up for Alerts Invite A Friend Get Gold bringing your friends to Gaia.

Invite Your Friends Invest in Collectible Items Monthly Collectibles sell for big money in the Marketplace.

Buy Monthly Collectibles Browse The Site Keep connected to Gaia even when viewing other sites. It’s handy and gives you Gold for using it.

Download Gaia Toolbar Post on the Forums Get Gold payouts for posting on the forums!

Read the Forums Win Daily Prizes Click the Daily Chance for Gold and other prizes!

Surf Gaia for Your Daily Chance Play Games Casual games like Pinball, Fishing, and Word Bump offer Gold rewards.

Play Some Games Win Big in The Casino Earn tickets and tokens in Gold Mountain, then cash them in for prizes.

Visit Gold Mountain Watch for Rare Events Keep your eyes peeled for mysterious prize boxes with valuable rewards!

Keep Visiting Gaia for Your Chance Vote in the Arena Express your opinions and earn Gold by voting in the Arenas.

Visit the Arenas Write Comments Earn gold commenting on profiles.
View Your Friends Shake Things Up Look for hidden Gold under rocks and in trees in Gaia Towns.

Visit Towns Download the OMG Widget Earn Gold adding the Gaia Virtual Lounge to your Facebook or Bebo profiles.

Download the Widget Play The Market Buy exclusive Cash Shop items and sell for Gold in the Marketplace.

Visit the Cash Shop Sell Your Talent

play games

***anyone who gets caught cheating or giving passwords will be banned

***theres an unbanner but its not free

***when your aquarium’s health is 100% you will get rare items sometimes the items are worth 20K or higher

***sell ring in zomg (even the first second ring you get will worth 100K-300K

***when you comment that much,you’ll just get 1G for a comment

***theres also first posting bonus in forums

***start a mini shop (sell on marketplace,start a sketch shop,etc)

***every drawing in art sketch shop worth thousands

***claim daily chance

***claim something for special events

***share a secret or a magic tricks to friends for money

***tell them something your friends dont know for money (like how to solve a rubix cube)

***play booty grab in the aquarium

***add me if you like

gaia username
Punk the everliving

Sandy asks…

how can i make some money fast?

I am ten weeks pregnant and i am broke as hell. i need fast way to make some money online. all the links i go to either make no sence or u have to fill out a w2. and i dont want that. please help.

Nagesh answers:

I hope you know most of the money making sites on the web are scams, in fact a study found that 99% of them are. They couldn’t confirm the other 1%.

Carol asks…

Fastest way to make money online?

What is the fastest way to make money online?

Nagesh answers:

Making money online is legit and 100% true. I was skeptical about earning cash from home, but i’ve found a great resource for making money online, it’s called Feel free to read it, a lot of valuable FREE information inside.

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Saturday, January 26th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly And Legally

Richard asks…

How to make money as a teenager?

I need to make some money and want a job. The thing is im to young to have a job legally. But i have things that i need money for. No not a computer or a toy. Im restoring a truck and even though the truck is common and parts are cheap. The money i saved up for the project was quickly spent. I have done odd jobs like cutting grass and even did some automotive work. But in my small town there is nothing. My lawn cutting jobs have been taken by a 34 year old guy. My automotive work is done now by a neighbor of mine does it for free. I have no income and don’t want to eat into my savings. I am willing to work and don’t mind getting dirty or working long hours. So my question is do you guys have any tips on finding some jobs for teens?
that sounds great but i live in Florida =( I would love to shovel driveways.
I did start with a job and made decent money. But then these people took my jobs and i cant find any others. Believe me Ive looked everywhere but now with all the people being layed off none is looking for a kid to do anything=(.

The guy who took my job does it for free… He does it for free because he thinks i was a bad person and took it right from under me. Now his “free” mowing job sucks. He misses tons of spots. Mows over everything and doesn’t stop. Makes other people do the work. He also doesn’t mow for weeks!

I talked to the people about getting my job back but they love him because he is free……

Nagesh answers:


It’s free.You can start making money from home in the next few hours.No skills needed.

Ruth asks…

How To Achieve Fast Income?

Ok. Here’s the deal. I lost one of my jobs and made a pretty poor check at my other because I couldn’t enough hours in in time. So, I was wondering if anyone out there knows of a way I can get some money pretty quickly, and LEGALLY!!! I just have to make rent, two car payments, insurance, and the reg. bills… Thanks you guys if you have any suggestions I would greatly appreciate them. Thanks…

Nagesh answers:

The Best Referral Money Making Site !!!Look!!!

Just yesterday I talked about waiting for the first payments from within the next days. Today the payment is alread here! I just checked my statistics and there were the holy words “Payment sent”. After only 28 business days, meaning 2 days faster than expected, I received $158.62 in my Bank Via Alertpay account. It was a flawless process and I´m really happy.

For the next weeks I´ll try to buy some more referral packages until I make good daily money. I´ll use a great portion of my earnings for re-investing (provided that I make enough cash).

Guys I’m Not telling You,Your Going to be rich But you can Money money clicking for minutes a day… Http://

The Best Referral Money Making Site

Maria asks…

What would you do in this situation (moral dilemma)?

A couple years ago, I had an issue where someone had charged like 9,000 on my credit card and almost emptied my savings (in total they took like 13k) while I was out of the country for a semester. It took me years to get out of the mess I was in because of this, and I ended up having to settle with my credit card company pay 5,000 (4,000 of which I hadn’t charged).

My old roommate invited me to dinner tonight and admitted he took the money because he had a gambling addiction and debts to cover. He gave me a check for 4,000 and said he would pay me the full 13 over time. I didn’t tell him I forgave him or anything, and I was so pissed that I just made small talk and got out of there.

I don’t want to call the cops on this kid- he’s on a student visa (he’s a Canadian citizen), and I don’t want to get him deported or anything. Also he’s a law student with a fiancee in the US who plans on practicing in the US…if I go to the cops, even if the school decides to overlook the ethical violation, the ABA wouldn’t, and I don’t want to cause trouble for this kid when he sits for the bar. I know attorneys often handle large accounts and there’s no guarantee that he won’t embezzle from client in the future if he felt ok doing it to a friend in the future, but I really only care about getting my money as quickly as I can at this point.

But I’m really pissed- my financial papers are in a safe, so in order to get to it, he had to have stood over me one day while I was opening it and saw the combo, which meant he planned to do it at some point and my semester abroad was just the opportunity. I trust that he’ll pay me back though but I know it’s going to be a few hundred every month or something- probably the same as they would make him pay back if I took him to court anyway. Also, I had been building credit since I was 16, and now I’m lucky if I get a credit card with a $500 limit. Since I settled and everything I won’t fix my credit score even if I do take him to court.

I talked to my dad about it, and he said the guy is new in recovery and you don’t want to create more problems for him by bringing the law into it, plus it would just take longer to get paid back (to be fair- my dad is a psychiatrist who focuses on addiction medicine so I think he’s being too empathetic, but it makes sense). In all honesty though I don’t care about his recovery I just care about my money, and I don’t feel bad for that because he violated a HUGE trust when I extended him so much respect while he was living with me. Also, to add to this whole mess, my dad told me he was called by my roommate who asked for 3,000 dollars to cover his “health insurance”. He was paid back, but I was never told about this and it kind of pissed me off that he went to my parents instead of his own because I don’t even go to my parents for money anymore (his parents probably knew about his problem and wouldn’t give him money).

Am I making the right decision letting him pay me back? I’m going to get a contract written up to make sure it’s legally binding.
yeah he called my dad about the money a few years ago. Also, he’s paying the full 13k but I was really only down 9k after settling. We haven’t discussed interest yet but I told him I’d meet with him later to discuss terms and get a contract drawn up.

Nagesh answers:

If taking him to court is not going to help your credit at all then don’t worry about it. Continue with the having him pay you back thing because by him going to court, if he were arrested or sued he wouldn’t have the money to pay you back for quite a while. If you just want your money back, then definitley just wait because good things come to those who wait. If this man is truly sorry maybe you will get lucky and he will pay like interest or something…if he becomes a lawyer and makes enough to do that.

Steven asks…

Need some extra cash ?

Firstly if this doesnt work i will personally send you a doLlar to your paypal account just email me at

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“Well, what can I say?… THANK YOU SO MUCH! I sent 40 e-mail’s out

like you said and then I just forgot about the whole thing.

Nagesh answers:

Typical SPAM and FRAUD statements.

Donna asks…

How can I quickly and easily quit smoking?

Ive tried the lozenges, but that lasted about 6 hours before it was just like “nuh”.

Ive been smoking for 3 years, and just thinking about quitting smoking, makes me want a smoke.

The main reason I want to quit, is that I want to be an actor more then anything else in this world, and Ive been on multiple movie sets and the stress of wanting to have a smoke is so annoying. And I just think it would be so much more easier if I wasn’t smoking.

Im only 16, and the way I see it is, If I quit now before Im legally able to buy smokes, then I know that If I have an intense withdrawal, I cant go down the store and buy a pack.

Plus I like the idea of having money 😛

I don’t want to try the patches, or gum or any medication.

I was an idiot when I was 13 and should have listened to my mother instead of snickering when she said that one day I would have wished that I listened to her.

The only reason she started allowing me to smoke, is because she didn’t want me to go up to strangers to ask them to buy me a pack.

What have you done to help you quit smoking?

If you don’t smoke, don’t answer, because you don’t know what its like.

Thanks 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Oh hell i am like you… I haven’t stop however, some time of my life, i almost made it for 3 days not smoking.. Then as a celebration I tried again.. Then here I am again in the battlefield.

It’s true , just stop. Think of healthy things and not smoking . Be busy and happy.Look for other friends that could inspire you. Expect that you will get depressed. If you feel that, take a sleep, or take a bath. Eat candies.

And the most of all: Once you made it for at least 2 – 3 days, NEVER EVER try to SMOKE again FOREVER.

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Friday, January 25th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money On Ebay

Steven asks…

Can I use my credit cards to make money on ebay?

Is this a good idea?

To list some products on ebay for sale, and then buy them with my credit card, and then ship the item to the winner?

Nagesh answers:

I’m not sure how you would make any money doing this, and I don’t know what your credit card company would think of it. I do know that would be against eBay’s rules, and you can get in big trouble with them. I suggest you don’t try it.

Chris asks…

I am looking for ideas on things to sell on Ebay or other ways similar to making money at home.?

No surveys please, I’m looking to make real money not pennies. Does anyone have any ideas or does anyone here sell any items on Ebay? What is your experience with this business. I appreciate your thoughts.

Nagesh answers:

If you’re looking to make money from home, I’d recommend getting involved in the stock market. Research online brokerages, choose the one that best fits your needs, and get involved. Make secure investments and you’ll make money. There is infinite wealth for those willing to go out and get it, and it can be as easy as sitting down at your computer with a hot cup of tea and doing your research. The best investor is the one who can see a trend before it happens. And if you can master that, you can make money.

However, if that isn’t your cup of tea, eBay is a good way to make money off of the junk you don’t want. The most important thing is to be a trustworthy eBayer. If you buy something, pay for it right away. As soon as you get it, test it, and then leave feedback. When you sell something, make sure you ship it as soon as you get payment. Be a good eBayer and you will prosper (with a great feedback rating, I might add).

Ken asks…

How easy is it to make money on ebay?

I have some used accessories, bags and clothes that are still in good condition. A friend suggests that I sell them on ebay since I rarely wear them anymore. But I’ve never used ebay so I’m wondering if it’s a good idea. Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

Clothes are hard to sell on ebay unless they are designer names. You’ll have to do some research on ebay to find out if what you have is a big seller or not.

Lizzie asks…

How do I make money on ebay without using any of my money?

I have joined this ebay and want to begin making money out of it but I do not want to use my money to buy anything from there. I want the best way that can help me earn from ebay selling. Give me ideas please.

Nagesh answers:

So what do you have for sell? How old are you? And as an ebay PURCHASER no matter how badly I want you item at a unbelievable price I will not buy from someone who has less that 100 seller and purchaser ratings.

So idea build your reputation with nothing but 100% ratings starting with small stuff and moving up

Paul asks…

eBay:How To Make Money On eBay?

How do people make money on eBay? what does it take to make money? please list any ideas that can help a person to make money from eBay?

Nagesh answers:

You have to sell stuff obviously. Either your own stuff you don’t want or use anymore or you have to find things to sell. You might go to yard sales or charity stores and buy things and resell them. You would need to know, or learn, what is good to buy to on sell for a profit. What you might be able to fix up or clean and then on sell. Otherwise you make stuff yourself and sell it like jewelry or art or whatever.

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Thursday, January 24th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast And Free

James asks… get free bisnis oportunity,get money fast and no scam,?

Nagesh answers:

Dear if you really want make money fast & easy i suggest you check this soruce its very useful source i hope this source can help you

George asks…

What are some free websites that pay through checks.. and you can get your money pretty fast?

I have searched and actually registered and took some surveys but most have not worked.. I need something that pays with sending checks in the mail. Im afraid to give out my debit card number.. if anyone could help i would really appreciate it. there is no jobs to find i have put applications everywhere so i thought i would try and see if the online surveys or anything are to good to be true.

Nagesh answers:

The real ones can pay about 4 cents an hour.
I have heard that you have to accumulate $75 at these real sites to get your check. They will charge you about $10 to process and mail your check to you.
After a year of working full time, you could buy a Happy Meal.
This answer usually gets me about 10 thumbs down from the spammers that show scam sites on here. Hope you enjoy the truth.

Linda asks…

How can i make money faster? also anyone know any free advritizing sites?

i cant get a job yet. and no one is buying what im trying to sell. what should i do?!?!?!?!?!

Nagesh answers:

Craigslist or make your own website.

Robert asks…

How can i make money fast?

I am a 14 year old boy and i surf alot but i only have a longish board so i cant do much and my parents dont do anything for me so i need to make the money myself i need to make 700 dolars for a decent board and for the one i want,l. How can i make this money or were can i get a board for as little as possible or free?

Nagesh answers:

14 year old boy? I’m sure there are a lot of pervy old men in your city willing to pay you big bucks for your “services”. Either that or knock you out and hide you in the trunk of their car.

Good luck with that either way.

Richard asks…

Is there anywhere that does free delivery and decent prices for lingerie?

hi, ive been searching the web and everyone wants £X amount of money for free delivery and there all highly priced, i want somewhere i can buy the item not item(s) and still get free fast delivery and it not cost me a fortune ! anyone know the answer please help !!

Nagesh answers:

We have a fantastic online shop that sells Lingerie, we also sell alot more but you’ll have to take a look !! :):) we have all your needs and everyone who buys from us i know would reconnment us we also offer free UK delivery whether you spend £1 or £100 and its fast delivery normally 1 to 3 days 🙂

Leave a coment let every one know what you thought if you choose to buy from us :):)

many thanks
all links in source 🙂

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Wednesday, January 23rd, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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