Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

Donna asks…

How can me and my friend start up a webcam business?

Me and my friend have decided to begin a business in Adult Entertainment through Web Cam. My cousin is a web designer who is hoping to help us begin this venture, but he said he needs to know how the software works (We’re starting with only 2 webcams, but are hoping to expand in the future).

If anyone has any understanding of how this would work, I would be exceedingly grateful.

Note: Only serious responses, please.

Nagesh answers:

Webcam business allows you to earn from 60 USD per hour with one model. … In our days model’s rate per minute for private show start from 2 USD. …
If your performers don’t have internet or webcam or she can not have a totally …. Have my own site, because there will be many studios working with me and it will bring me .
You want to make webcam business and earn some big money online? Earn easy money from home or office as a Webcam Video Chat owner. Our software allows you to earn from 60 USD per hour with one model. Some of top models have made over 20.000 USD a month!

Mark asks…

What do you do to make extra money at home?

Is it possible without being scammed?
Should I declare the internet industry absolutely useless for this kind of stuff?
How do I know I’m not getting scammed?
Thanks 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Note that while there are lots of LEGITIMATE ways to make money from the internet, none of them are easy. There is simply no free lunch even in the internet.

Interestingly, internet is actually a good place to learn something new and get paid for it. This way you can acquire skills and knowledge without going through costly formal education (although you still need formal education for certification).

If you like to learn new things, you can start by reading these articles.
Basically what you have to do is learning something, write an article summarizing about what you learn and submit the articles into some website.

You may even use the power of some internet forums to boost your income just like written in this article:

Basically, you will need more than one website if you want to earn something decent. You can’t earn anything using only any

single website. For example, you might want to start writing articles in this website:

John asks…

Do you know of any LEGITIMATE websites that you can earn money from your computer?

Today was my last day of work and now Ill be on no pay maternity leave. I know how hard its going to be with my boyfriend supporting the three of us. Please give me any information you can about work at home sites?? I want to be home with our baby for quite some time, but we literally cant afford to do so.

Nagesh answers:

Does anyone use the option to search in yahoo answers? This question was already asked a million times.
And this goes also for all those who prefer to say that this is a lie and say that is not working,simply because they register in a a scam or haven’t enough patience to do some bucks.Anybody who was in one of these sites by at least 2 or 3 months knows that it is slowly but safe, and you do not get rich or anything like that, just transform the minutes lost in the PC , into profit.

In fact, I did not want to know anything about this.But then I realized that all the time lost waiting for loadings in the pc, and just click on an ad, I will continue doing something else, I don’t spend time reading advertising (like changing channels on the TV commercials) So I decided to register in those sites.And the truth is not so much you earn, but enough to just minutes a day (that We waste in loadings) to make some extra bucks, it paid enough for the internet bill and to have a Rapidshare and Megaupload acount.Also to buy needless things in the net.It’s not much, but 50 or 100 dollars extra cash per month is an aid (some earn more than that). But, you need patience, a lot of patience because it takes several months to reach that number (if not the whole world would do), but once You got referrals,it’s all much easier.
And be careful with those scams (those that offer get rich without effort, or pay more than 0.1/0.2 cents per click or have to gather a lot to do extraction, are all FRUD), but some always paid.You must remember that there is no easy money, though this is not at all difficult, it can be tiring routine as always (even if only 5 min) but you get used to not mind and you see it still your stuff always in the pc and give clicks through these pages whenever you decide, askMe any questions that you like,I Help.Good Luck

PS: If you want to test a few months go to these places:
(in order of importance)
It works for Me.

PD2: This is not spam if it is used to answer a question, and I only complete the information provided.


The first is 1DOllar PTC: This page is a form catching (by calling in some way) to “trap us.”
One is excited to see that day has more than 600 ads to click and view ads for almost 60 of which are worth much $ 5 if $ 5 (USD).
And well worth the ads and there is a very high minimum payout or cashout.
The minimum amount in principle (and they will say that “in principle”) is $ 5000. Not so bad a thought in a couple of days at most a week and doing most of the 600 ads will reach the minimum amount.
But when one approaches (even reach) the amount mentioned above, the gunmen 1dolla PTC you change the minimum amount of $ 25,000, $ 25,000 if it was to start less than 5 times $ 5000.
When I reached the $ 4000 I changed the minimum to $ 25,000
This PTC is more or less the same as PTC 1Dollar but unless you get to click ads (about 60) and therefore the minimum is a little lower.
But the point is that f@ck you in the same way.
And last but not least is the case of fraudulent BIGMoney PTC.
If BIGMoney but for them.
The issue is that They screw you in the same way as shown above, seem to have been made by the same person ,are similar in their operation, and graphics on how to deceive.
Also got:
And this is one of the lists of Scam PTC biggest I found: http / / / hub / ptcscams
Many pages that are legal publicitate others who are advertising Scam.That is because anyone can publicitate in these pages, because they are not responsible for the pages you pay for publicitate.So do not believe if you saw an advertisement for another PTC ,
That is a decent and legal.

In summary, there are hundreds of scams, but some are good.The best you can do is to research well before recorded in these sites.

How to recognize SCAM:
1) offer large gains money. Some of these are ridiculous amounts of money, eg $ 100 per click and daily gains of several thousand dollars, while other sites offer more discrete quantities of money, like $ 1 or $ 0.05 and $ 0.20 per click.
Firms would be paying under $ 0.02 per click, usually only pay $ 0.01.

2) The price of advertising (advertising) is cheaper than what it actually. For example, 500 clicks at $ 0.5/click to a minimum value of $ 0.50, which relidad should cost $ 2.5. A site with a large loss can not be maintained, can not exist. In these cases, there are two options: the administrator o

Michael asks…

Can someone tell me a legitimate work at home opportunity with little or no investment?

I’ve been burned before and really can’t afford to keep losing money. If possible, I’d like to start earning this weekend, I’ve got so many bills and would like to start paying some of them off. Thanks:)!!

Nagesh answers:

My husband and I started our home based business over six years ago. We both work out of our home around our children’s school and sports activities. We got involved in an International telecommunications service provider that was started back in 1993. It’s a 15 year old, world wide company that’s in numerous countries. It’s the largest direct selling telecommunications service provider in the world. With headquarters in Farmington Hills, Michigan, Charlotte, Amsterdam, Sydney and Montreal.
They have been featured in several magazines like USA Today, Success, Fortune etc. Inc 500 rated them the 22nd fastest growing company in revenue in it’s first five years. They are registered with the BBB as well.
They market in services people use every day and pay for anyway. Services like Local and Long Distance telephones, Internet, Digital, video phones, Satellite TV, and all the major cellular phone companies like T-Mobile, Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, Nextell, Altell etc with the latest plans and most popular equipment. You help put them on a new 2 year contract plan or upgrading and extending an existing contracts through all the major cellular phone providers. You also help them save money on all their other telecommunication needs as well as Satellite TV. Every single month these people pay their bills, you make a percentage over and over again each month.
How many people do you know, or know of around the world that uses one or more of these services or products? . A lot of money involved in this industry.

I also created a blog on my 360 page on home based business opportunities. Your more then welcome to take a look. There are over half a dozen different ones to look at for some ideas.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at

Jenny asks…

How do I find a BBB approved work-at-home business that has adequate but not alot of pay because I am on SSI?

and cannot make alot of money or devote alot of time ?
Not my own business but a business I can work for……..

Nagesh answers:

There are many opportunities of working at home and earning through internet. If you wish to learn earning through internet while working at home, feel free to add me as your contact at yahoo answers and at 360 also. You will learn a lot. It is against yahoo answers guidelines to provide referral links here at YA. Most of the genuine earning opportunities on the net are free and they don’t ask for any money to be paid for that.

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Tuesday, April 30th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes From Home

Sandy asks…

Are there companies that advertise property for home owners who want to sell on their own without a broker?

For example: The service would make flyers and pass it out in neighborhoods or even advertise in the newspaper and include the seller’s home number in the ad. If services like this exists, who are some of them? Also, how is this legal?

Nagesh answers:

Yes, there are several of them, and you can find them on the web. (Normally the “Do-it-yourself” companies charge a fee up-front of anywhere from $500 – $1500, and this does not include any commission for the buyer’s agent.)

That being said, one of the things you should do if you’re going to sell your own property is have a quick talk with your lawyer. Ask him/her if he/she is familiar with real estate law and real estate contracts.

Lots of folks do well selling property on their own, but remember that potential buyers will want to get a lower price because you aren’t having to pay an agent.

Additionally, there are folks that look for “For Sale By Owner” properties because they know that the seller doesn’t have that much experience in selling and may not recognize some of the pitfalls. One favorite scheme I’ve seen is to tie up the property with a sales contract, then hold things up (with various excuses) for months.

If the market then takes an upturn, the “buyer” completes the deal on the now-underpriced property and flips it. If the market drops, the “buyer” backs out, and under most state’s rules, there is little that the seller can do to even keep the earnest money.

Real estate commissions in my area run between 4.5 and 7 percent, depending on the property (bare land can go as high as 10 percent – it’s a lot more work and the prices are lower). Most of the time, folks find that it’s worth it to pay the commission, but some folks make out well on their own. Remember, however, that in any transaction where there is that much money and value, there are unscrupulous people trying to take advantage.

If you do eventually sign on with an agent (and most FSBOs do), I recommend that you interview several and ask about their qualifications.

DON’T just go with the one that quotes the highest price, as there is a tactic in this industry called “buying the listing” where the agent quotes a high price, gets you to sign a long listing agreement, then gets you to lower the price because “the market changed” or “the feedback I’m getting from buyers is that we’re priced too high”.

Sometimes those things actually happen, but if one agent gives you a price significantly higher than any other, it’s a warning sign.

Lizzie asks…

Are there any proven and ligitimate work at home opportunities out there?

I’m looking for a legitimate work at home business or opportunity that isnt a scam. I would like to stay home with my new baby and earn $$. Does anyone know of anything that isnt a scam?! Self experience would be very helpful.

Nagesh answers:

I can tell you about what I did to make money from home. I have two children and really didn’t want to work outside of the home, but having some extra money was something that I wanted. I decided to do some reading.

Gracious, are there ever some get rich quick schemes out there. I read about all of them over the course of two months. Nothing I saw really intrigued me until I read about Site Build It.

What is that all about?

Creating your own web site. My site is about resume writing. I know a lot about it and I have worked in the field before (for years), so writing about it is almost second nature.

I’ll list my web site below and if you want more information, click on the “My Passion” button on my site or click on the “Contact Us” button and ask me any questions you want.

Some people who have their own sites make a whole lot more than I do. I happen to have created a web site in a very competitive field. My next site will be more focused on a tighter niche as those tend to make a lot more money.

Anyway, it has worked for thousands of people and it’s now working for me.

I’ll include one other link so that you can read about other people’s stories. One young lady started building her site when she was a teenager and has completely financed her way through college with just one web site.

My site won’t do that anytime soon, but I like what I have built so far. 🙂

Good luck with whatever you choose to do.

Sandra asks…

Are there are real, legitimate work-from-home programs out there?

I need to supplement my income. I heard of all these work-fromhome business. “Oh Look, I made a gazillion dollars just last week by doing nothing!” And I know that most are probably snake-oil. Does anyone know of any that aren’t? Because I’m not opposed to doing REAL work on my computer for a real business that sends me a real paycheck, just so long as I can do it during my downtime from my FT job and, preferably, in my PJS.

Nagesh answers:

They’re all just pyramid scheme variations. If you get in early, you may make a little money. After that, you’re screwed

Charles asks…

What would Ms.Martha and Donald Trump say the quickiest and easiest home based business are to start? ?

and how would they go about starting a top ten home based business in ones home in todays world with not much captital to start one? in these rough times.and what tips and information could they say to all that would be quite useful so no one goes belly up?? what business would they start in today tough world? all advice would be greatly helpful Ms.Martha Stewart and Mr.Donald Trumps..all advice would be greatly apprecated.thank you so kindly.

Nagesh answers:

Trump would most certainly tell you the real estate business is the best choice. All you need is an office from which to conduct your business -or even your kitchen table will work. If money’s short, then rent your garage out, or build a garage and rent that out. You’d be surprised how many people make good money renting garages -and how many people are looking to rent them. Or get together with some other investors and buy a distressed property, fix it up, and rent that out.

Otherwise, consider the moving business. Trust me, plenty of people WILL be moving. Get an old pick up or van, or even a trailer, and advertise to move furniture, haul trash, etc. A friend of mine turned an easy 3 bills a week moving couches, appliances, etc, for people. Cash money, very little investment. If the load is too much or too big for you, arrange with someone who has the muscle and equipment to do the job -and collect a commission.

Martha’s advice would probably be similar.

Neither would tell you to fall for the various cams and schemes -such as data entry at home or selling “methods” to others.

Paid surveys? Forget it. I DID paid surveys and the pay is very little and not very often. I think I made about $10 a month and spent HUNDREDS of hours.

Helen asks…

How can I make my new home once again feel peaceful?

I am a few days away from closing on my first home and sadly one of the homeowners took their life inside the home last night. The house itself has every quality I’ve wanted in a home and it’s been a long search. I’m hesitant of moving in due to any negativity, or in short, the actually cause and means of the death. What are ways I can bring peace to myself and to my home to make it again feel new and positive??

Nagesh answers:

1. Do what you need to do for you.

Everyone has personal needs, whether it’s going to the gym after work or taking some alone time on Saturday morning. If someone asks you to do something and your instinct is to honor you own need, do that. I’m not saying you can’t make sacrifices sometimes, but it’s important to make a habit of taking care of yourself. (More on this: 10 Ways to Balance Self Interest & Sacrifice).

Someone once told me people are like glasses of water. If you don’t do what you have to do to keep your glass full, you’ll need to take it from someone else–which leaves them half full. Fill your own glass so you can feel whole and complete in your relationships.

2. Give people the benefit of the doubt.

It’s tempting to doubt people. To assume your boyfriend meant to hurt you by not inviting you out with his friends, or your friend meant to make you feel inadequate by flaunting her money. People who care about you want you to feel happy, even if sometimes they get too wrapped up in their own problems to show it well.

Sometimes they may be hurtful and mean it–let’s not pretend we’re all angels. But that won’t be the norm. It will likely be when they’re hurting and don’t know what to do with it. Odds are they’ll feel bad and apologize later. If you want to get good will, share it by seeing the best in the people you love. When you assume the best you often inspire it.

3. Look at yourself for the problem first.

When you feel unhappy with yourself, it’s easy to find something wrong in a relationship. If you blame another person for what you’re feeling, the solution is on them. But this is actually faulty logic. For starters, it gives them all the control. And secondly, it usually doesn’t solve the problem since you didn’t actually address the root cause.

Next time you feel the need to blame someone for your feelings–something they did or should have done–ask yourself if there’s something else going on. You may find there’s something underlying: something you did or should have done for you. Take responsibility for the problem and you have power to create a solution.

4. Be mindful of projecting.

In psychology, projecting refers to denying your own traits and then ascribing them to the outside world or other people. For example, if you’re not a loyal and trusting friend, you may assume your friends are all out to get you. It’s a defense mechanism that allows you to avoid the discomfort of acknowledging your weaknesses. There’s no faster way to put a rift in your relationships.

This comes back to down to self awareness, and it’s hard work. Acknowledging your flaws isn’t fun; but if you don’t, you’ll continue seeing them in everyone around you. And you’ll continue to hurt. Next time you see something negative in someone else, ask yourself if it’s true for you. It might not be–but if it is, identifying it can help create peace in that relationship.

5. Choose your battles.

Everyone knows someone who makes everything a fight. If you question them about something, you can expect an argument. If you comment on something they did, you’ll probably get yelled at. Even a compliment could create a confrontation. Some people just like to fight–maybe to channel negativity they’re carrying around about the world or themselves.

On the one hand, you have to tell people when there’s something bothering you. That’s the only way to address problems. On the other hand, you don’t have to let everything bother you. When I’m not sure if I need to bring something up, I ask myself these few questions:

Does this happen often and leave me feeling bad?
Does this really matter in the grand scheme of things?
Can I empathize with their feelings instead of dwelling on my insecurity?

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Monday, April 29th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Now

Linda asks…

I am looking for an online and fast way to get my teaching degree… any suggestions?

I live in Texas, and I want to teach elementary grades like second and third. I support myself and don’t have transportation on a daily basis. I have been working and saving up money for 2 and a half years now. I need suggestions for online courses that are cheaper and faster if they exist. Also I want the degree to be accredited… any suggestions would be extremely helpful!

Nagesh answers:

There is no online, nor fast.

Student teaching cannot be done online. WGU is the closest I have heard to being online as it is a blended program, but it certainly is not cheap. Your cheapest bet is your state college system – education is primarily a states issue and your state universities all have programs for working adults.

The reason for there being “no fast”, is that your state dictates the scope of your training and all programs must complete this to get you certified.

Lizzie asks…

How do I make money fast?

I need a good way to make pocket cash?
I’m 17 and I NEED money for extra clothing, my girl, new laptop, a car, driver’s education class, and more stuff, and I am broke right now.

I thought about filling out online surveys but I woudn’t make much money anyways like that.

I don’t have time for a job, plus a job that I would get at some store or restaurant wouldn’t give much cash.

I NEED SOME EFFECTIVE WAY to make quick cash.
(I thought of ebay but it’s really hard to pull off)


Nagesh answers:

Offer to mow neighbor’s lawns. Offer to do their yardwork.

Ruth asks…

Online money????????????????

I have used a camera($1800) that i want to buy, but im broke, i sell blank skateboard decks but business sux rite now, any tips for money fast

Please dont answer with
1. Sell drugs
2. no scammer websites
3. No pimping out my sister
4. only seriuos answers

Nagesh answers:

Just sell drugs, pimp out your sister, and fall for scammer websites.

Alternatively, you could make an extra bit of cash at http://cash (minus the space) . You go through surveys and do them, and you don’t need to pay anything at all. You can earn $50-$500 a week if you’re good at it. I can guarantee you, as honest as that is, and you probably won’t believe me – but I’ve made plenty of money off this.

Steven asks…

Where can I borrow money from? I tried online, but all I’m getting are lots of emails of preapproved cards!

And besides that, I’m also getting lots of emails from “banks” telling me that they are not lenders, but will find a lender for me. It turns out they are giving away my email and now my inbox is flooded with offers. I checked the emails and it is filled with “not a lender, but we’ll find you one” offers! I need to borrow money fast. Please help!

Nagesh answers:

I would go to your bank first to get a personal loan. If you do not have a bank account- get one. You will be hard pressed to find a bank or any institution that will lend you money if you have zero credit. Also- you don’t say what type of loan you need/how much money/why. So here goes
Car loan- try to get a loan from one of the car dealers’ lenders
Student loan- pick one of the pre-approved banks/institutions on your school list
Business and personal loans- go to your bank or go to another bank- but go in person
Unfortunately, sometimes the old fashioned way is the best way- meaning go in person to financial institutions who are FDIC insured.

Robert asks…

how to make money online?

well i was a footballer a i dont have a club right now so i need to make some money fast the bills are come fast

Nagesh answers:

Everyone looks for a hardworking, industrious and skilled person. Beginning from to repair a chair to old neighbor to
With Ebay
with Squiddo
With Amazon
With Twitter
Hand made Jewelry
Real Estate
With your tube
With Cick Bank
Selling E-books
Travel Writer
New domains for sale
FlippingExpired domains
A website host reseller
and so on
But the best money you make with your own business

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Sunday, April 28th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money On The Side

Mandy asks…

looking for good ideas to make money on the side. any ideas?

ive been looking into dropshipping but im a little skeptical on that.

Nagesh answers:

Honest reliable drop shipper is an oxymoron. You will not be buying at wholesale, but close to retail and make no money.

Robert asks…

Good ways to make money on the side? Small business ideas?

All answers much appreciated 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Find an unmet need that is also something you like to do. Complete a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis and write a business plan to prove that the business idea is workable. Go to or for instructions on how to write a business plan and sample business plans.

Lisa asks…

Any ideas on how to make money in spare time?

I currently have a career that allows me some free time. I am in the medical field and am on call for much of that “free time”, so I’m looking for ways to make a little extra side money from home or without set hours. Has anyone tried data entry from home or anything like that?

Nagesh answers:

The data entry game is mostly a scam.

The part time extra income is on everyone’s mind. Ebay is probably the best online income generator. This is because one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.

Go to Ebay, and just search at the categories and do a search for a product. You just have to learn how to find stuff. Just think, your c,loset, garage, attic or cellar could be your products. Then you branch out to neighbors and yard sales. Flea markets are next. The only thing to set a price for profit for products that have sold on Ebay (you can see what has sold recently on Ebay). Add some shipping and handling (buyer pays) and Ebay will collect the money and send it to you.


Mary asks…

ideas to make some more money on the side?

i am 19 years old and living on my own in the state of F.L. i work at mcdonalds and struggle to pay my rent monthly. i have a roommate but he lost his job and is currently unemployed. I am trying to go to school but i cant speed up that process i just have to wait until i can afford it as far as the in-student fee elegibility.

Just need some ideas on how to make a lil extra money

i am going for my CDL because even though a bus driver isnt the most ideal job to most it makes more (alot) more than mcdonalds and when i become one i wont struggle as much as i am now.

Thanks for the tips

Nagesh answers:

Sign up for fiverr and offer what you can do for $5 or become a freelancer. You can be making $100 or more depending on what you’re offering. Goodluck!

Linda asks…

How can I make money on the side?

I have a job but want to make some extra cash… Any ideas/suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

Given below activities helps you to earn money part-time.

1) babysitting
2) pet sitting
3) dog walking
4) delivering newspapers
5) landscaping and yard work
6) household chores
7) tutoring

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Saturday, April 27th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast Online

Lisa asks…

A quick and easy way to make money online?

I am 18 and need to make some money fast. I need to make 20+ dollars a month. I’m not looking for huge sums of money like thousands of dollars. It has to be legal too.

Right now I am doing GPT but sometimes offers do not approve and its frustrating.

is there any other way or system that’s free and legal? thank you.

Nagesh answers:


This will get you what you want and more, providing you can afford a $6 investment, and have some friends that are interested in making some nice easy cash. I love the program.

I’m curious to see what you think

I would love to know what you think

Donald asks…

How do I panhandle online with success?

I need money fast. And in an article I read you can panhandle online and some people will actually give in.
Any ideas on how to beg for money online?

Nagesh answers:

I hope fervently this is not the new spam….

*ponders with horror*

Steven asks…

How can i make some good money fast?

I really need to make some money fast, So dose any body have any Ideals, want to work on the inertnet and make a lot of money, because my girl friend needs a new pair of shoe’s

Nagesh answers:

A lot of businesses are going online to boost their sales and it is a fact, that you also need some online marketing strategies to be able to do that. Of course, competition can also be tough online and the better strategies that the business employs, the better they can also boost their sales and profits. In your end, knowing good strategies in internet marketing and giving good results for your clients in terms of online advertising and boosting their online presence can be a good venture to make money online.

Mandy asks…

How can a young couple make enough money to get their own apartment?

My boyfriend and i are soon to be 18. I dont have a good living situation at home and i would like to get our own place. I am still in high school and he is planning to get his GED. We are in desperate need of some good advice on how to make good money fast so we can achieve our dream. We dont know what steps we should take in order to get where we so badly need to be. If anyone has any advice we would sincerely appreciate it.

Nagesh answers:

You can earn money online, I though it the best way, because you don’t need big investment.

Paul asks…

How to make money online LEGIT?

I need to know how to make money online so bad because I really want a alienware laptop? Please give me a link of a site that has a legit way to make money online.

Nagesh answers:

If you are looking for something ethical and interesting as wel-l, i must tell you, long term steady income require some

patience and dedication.. Fast and easy money are mostly scams..they ask for upfront payment and guarantee that you’ll cover

it in days.. But then they disappear..
If you can write well there are a number of genuine options for you.

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Friday, April 26th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For 13 Year Olds

Robert asks…

Easy way for a 13 year old to make money fast?

Im planning on going to a convention, but i need a fast and easy to make money for it. got any ideas? :C

Nagesh answers:

Babysitting!!! I think that is the fastest way!!!

Mandy asks…

Cool ways for 13 year olds to make money?

Okay so here’s the sitch: I want to raise money for a competition my sister and I both want to do. I can’t shovel snow, because I live where it doesn’t snow often. I CAN babysit, but I need help finding jobs in my neighborhood. I can’t do a lemonade stand, because it’ll freeze! It’s dumb, it doesn’t snow, but it gets to below freezing! So how can I make money fast, or find babysitting jobs?! (Sorry if it’s in the wrong category)
I don’t have anything to sell, either. My parents just had a yard sale.
I am already certified by Safe Sitter, since March

Nagesh answers:

Im 13 and i babysit for my neighbor at first i think they were hesitant about it but i gave them a “one free babysitting session” coupon and they used it, now i babysit regularly for them, you can also put up flyers in public places, community centers, school, church, ect. Other ways to make money…. Last summer i walked our neighbors dogs and got a lotta money. Not lemonade stand why not hot chocolate? You can buy powder mixes at costco or probably grocery stores, just add hot water!
If you said its to raise money for a good cause, you could have a bake sale or make crafts and tell people its for a fundraiser. I hope this was helpful to you and i hope you and your sister can make enough money for the competition!

——- Rachel, a 13 yearold

Ken asks…

Fast ways for a 13 year old to make money?

I need help

Nagesh answers:

Help around the house and your parents might pay you or you can help some neighbors and maybe they’ll pay you

Lizzie asks…

What are ways for a 13 year old to make money?

I already know about chores, selling things, picking up leaves, ect. What is something different and fast to make some extra money?

Nagesh answers:

… If there’s something that’s easy and fast, I don’t think I would want to tell you. I would be doing it myself. 😛

Seriously though, I’ve heard of people who rented out their belongings to friends at school such as CDs or comic books. You can collect bottles and cans and recycle them at the machines. If you are great at playing video games, you may be able to win some money if you win a video game tournament. You can also search for scholarships that you may qualify for… They do exist for Jr. High students.

Real jobs will require your parents’ consent and support. You can try out for TV commercials, kid’s shows (like Power Rangers), or movies as an extra. Other things you might do include participating in focus groups or marketing surveys.

Anyway… Why do you need some extra money? The easiest way is still to beg.

Linda asks…

What is an fast or easy way 4 a 13 year old to make money?

i need money in 2 weeks because i have to buy x-mas presents for a lot of people but my parents dont have money…thx
no online jobs thx

Nagesh answers:

If you don’t mind hard work, you could advertise in your neighborhood to pull weeds, wash cars, was windows, etc.

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Thursday, April 25th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money

Ruth asks…

Easy and quick ways to make money at a charity night?

My daughter is holding a charity night for abused children next week. Someone has let her down at the last minute so we are now looking for easy ways to raise money on the night.
Thanks in advance

Nagesh answers:

Sell cookies, hot dogs, etc.

David asks…

Quick ways to make money for university?

Thinking about going back to uni next year, need some tips on how to make more spare cash for books, they are really expensive!

Nagesh answers:

Have a sort out of your old stuff and have a Boot sale or Ebay.

Its quite hard finding part time jobs or full time ones for that matter.But Christmas is coming and you maybe able to find some temporary seasonal work.A lot of places are starting to look for people,I think a lot applications are on line now but it may still be worth trawling the high street for retail or bar work.

All the best

Richard asks…

Any easy, quick ways to make money?

I’m 15-years-old and I’m trying to raise money for a horse, but I need some ideas!! Does anybody have any unique craft ideas? What about other ways to make money? Please, no websites that you get money for taking surveys. Thanks!
People, stop waisting your time by telling me of sites where to make money online! I’m not doing it, okay?! So, please (see, I even asked nicely) stop.

Nagesh answers:

If you live around the stables where they have horses you can help out around the stables. That way you can get to be around the horses too. So it works out both ways. You might end up having to shovel poo but that’s all part of having a horse. If you work at the stables you might get to ride horses without actually owning one.

Robert asks…

Quick ways to make money when you can’t get a job?

I need new cloths. Nothing fits me anymore because I just had a growth spurt. My parents can’t afford to buy me all new cloths so I want to buy them myself. The problem is, I don’t have any money! I’ve thought about doing chores but I can’t with all the homework I get and I’m too young for a job I really need this because I’m running out of cloths that fit me the way their supposed to. How can I make money?!?!

Nagesh answers:

You’ve said it yourself and answered your own question…

Absent a job, you are buying ANYTHING. Clothing you is your parents’ job. I doubt very seriously they are going to make you wear undersized clothes ESPECIALLY if you have hit puberty. This sounds more to me like there are cloths that you WANT to buy, but your parents wont let you have….

Laura asks…

What are some ways to make quick money without degrading myself?

Serious Answers Only:

im a senior in highschool.
i have no money for tuition.
no car.
no apartment.
i’ve decided to go to a junior.
but i want a car so i barely come home.
my mom is driving me nuts.
i cant stand it.
someone help?

Nagesh answers:

Do what i do: Go to second hand/junk shops, buy collectables and sell them on ebay at three times what you paid for it. You’ll need a good eye for what is collectable and desirable, and a bit of money for initially buying the items.

Or else, just apply for jobs in your area- maybe the local convenience store or DVD rental store? Any job, even if it is only on Saturdays, will help your financial situation and will be a good thing on your resume. I started working when i was nearly 15 and I’m glad I did.

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Wednesday, April 24th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quickly

Joseph asks…

is there any website which we can earn money in one month i want to earn money quickly please help me?

can i earn 20 to 50$ in one month is there any genuine site please help me to earn money

Nagesh answers:

There are many ways to go about making money online.

If you view my website or blog you can get some ideas and sites to earn from.

My contact info is on the front page of my website, so feel free to contact me anytime if you have any questions or need help.

Helen asks…

What is the easiest way to earn money?

Im 13 and i want to buy a new phone. my parents wont pay for it so i have to. so i was wondering how to to earn money quickly so i can pay for my phone and the monthly payments.

Nagesh answers:

Just save half of your lunch money everyday. If you get $5 a day for lunch, only spend $3 and drink water. If you want a $500 iphone then it will take you 250 days to get it. That’s less than a year. And plans are usually $40ish, you can make that much in a month. Problem solved until you get a job when you’re older

Ken asks…

How can i earn money quickly?

Hi, so im 15, and i desperatly want a chihuahua puppy. Im trying to convince my parents, and ive told them id pay for it myself. Only problem is that they’re like £950. How can i earn some money realllly quickly. I have like £36 already. 🙂 thanks.

Nagesh answers:

You can walk dogs in your neighborhood. Dog sitting is a great way to gain money and also excpirence . Babysitting can be a great to earn money. Also if you have a hobby work to turn it into a trade such as jewlry making, knitting, 3d origami. Plus dont forget about costs such as leash, collar, food, bowls, crate, toys, bed/blanket, medical expenses, dewormer, puppy pads, flea/tick prevention, also things like obedience training may be needed. Good luck

Chris asks…

What should I do when I am having money problems?

I’m fifteen years old and been having a bit of trouble with money in the past and need to earn money quickly. Anyone got any ways forward?
I like in the UK and am not allowed a job.

Nagesh answers:

You should resolve the problem you do have with money before thinking of making extra money. If you are disciplined in your spending no amount of money you make will be sufficient for you. You will learn tips of money making at

Lizzie asks…

What are some good ways to make money fast?

I have no money at all and I really want to save up to get new beauty items and maybe a few shirts and stuff like that. I’m having a hard time but i’m not in a crisis were I have to pay my bills or anything i’m just looking to make some money. So does anyone have any ideas on how to earn money quickly ?

Nagesh answers:

Well you could harvest yourself out to 50 fat chicks for 100 dollars a piece.

OR or harvest yourself out to 5 REALLY fat chicks for 1000 dollars a piece.

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Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Legally

William asks…

Yank living in Australia. 8-1/2 weeks preg with Oz citizen father. I’m on 457. Can I become AU citizen?

I’m 40 years old and on a 457 visa, but waiting for DeFacto application to be approved until after my 1st baby born due to having to wait on chest x-ray requirements. The father is Australian and British citizen and from I am from North America. Relationship not going well after a second go. I let him charm me back into a relationship and now the reality has set in and I am afraid of my mental and physical well being (due to extreme stress and anxiety that lead to depression with medication the first time we were together and consequently is now, funny enough, back AGAIN!) I NOW refuse to live together as a couple due to my partners mental abuse to me (a pattern in all of his relationships) One afternoon, his friends shook their finger at me and said” I heard you were dancing with the devil again” and warned me to stay away from my partner as he strings along women and mentally breaks them down, verbally abuses and screws up all the women he dates They all leave the relationship in a devastated state. His best friends (our friends) respect me as I have known them (some longer than my partner) and told me to remember it was NOT ME, but HIM that was f***** up and to walk away while I still could. After this conversation, I left on holiday for 10 days and came back to my original senses (like the first time) and was going to break it off, but found out after my holiday and the day I was going to break everything off with my partner that I was pregnant!

I am really confused. I really want this baby, but do not want him to be a part of the process anymore. In his abusive anger, he had several times discussed our pregnancy as his regret and a mistake and we should consider the “other” option. The thing I forgot to mention above was that getting pregnant was his WHOLE idea from the beginning!!!!! He did not stop thinking about it for months and tricked me into it one night. I know now it was his way of trying to make us a complete couple again. He lives in a fantasy movie. Now he is Blackmailing me into saying that if we can not live as a couple in bringing up a child together like a married couple, then he thinks we need to and I need to leave Australia. Also, now he says that I tricked him into going defacto!!!!!!! EVERYTHING WAS HIS IDEA!!! I need help and my head is spinning with hormones and my second depressive episode EVER!!! (Both depressive episodes due to the same guy at the same timing in the relationship-certainly a pattern here!)

What I want?-I want this baby, but do not really want his involvement. He will cause the same mental abuse to our child. He is toxic to all relationships and he hates is own father! (as he is repeating the same patterns of his father)

Do I leave Australia and have the baby in my own country and try to legally keep the father out of our lives and save me and my baby’s lifetime of abuse, legal fees, time, money, unhappiness and custody struggles?

I am 40 years old with no children and my partner is 47 with 3 careless previous abortions/miscarriages. Biologically, time is not running in my favor, but only took me one month to get pregnant the first time. I am strong mentally and physically woman that looks younger than I am. I run marathons, have a successful IT career, have an awesome support of family and friends back in the UK and am one of those people that can easily do anything I put my mind to. I have not doubt that I can do this on my own and KNOW that my child would be better off without his cheating, deceitful biological father involved. But I am quickly finding out that the father’s blackmails have turned into legal discussions behind my back. He is threatening to serve me with legal papers and to call my mother if I do not agree to make a final decision with him by the end for the week and spill the news before I have a chance to discuss with my family. My family is EXTREMELY religious and need to hear this from me face to face when I am home next month and I need to handle this situation very carefully. My parents do not need to hear this from someone they have never met ever before and especially over the phone.!!!!
I am looking for an agressive family custody law specialist here in Australia or in the United States if anyone has any recommendations. Mine and my babies life-long health depends on it. If I have to abort, then it would be better on both me and my child than to have to live with the results of his mental abuse and emotional blockage that the father is not willing to acknowledge or begin to explore and for us to have to only pass down to another generation! The buck stops here one way or another!!!

Any and all advice, positive or negative is welcome!

Thank you very much for your assistance and advice in advance!!!!!

Nagesh answers:

Life’s not that complex. I didn’t really even bother reading through your statement too much because you know what? It doesn’t really matter what you do, you can’t control everything so just forget about all the BS and do what you feel is right and live with the consequences. Life wasn’t meant to be easy and it will never be as you planned! So if you think he is a looser and you want him out of your life then just do it. Your life won’t end, neither will your babies. If you wanna stay with him in Aus then that’s your choice too. Just stop trying to play out in your head how each scenario will work out and accept that no matter how you got where you are you can’t go back, and stop trying to make everything perfect. Do what’s best for YOU and if the baby is what’s best for you then do what’s best for the baby. Forget about him, if he cares about you he will work his way into your life!!!

Jenny asks…

How do I convince my sister and her boyfriend that the child NEEDS to stay with me?

I’ll try to make this as short as possible:

My sister’s boyfriend of 3ish years has a daughter who is 3 1/2. I’ve been around this child since she was born and she calls me aunt and my husband her uncle. When she was born her bio mom had full custody of her and jerked her dad back and forth about whether he could see her. When she was 1 1/2 her dad got full custody of her because her mother was literally abusive. She has no job, no car, no money, no house, NOTHING! She just mooches off of people and moves around to dirty house after dirty house. The child constantly had infections, cigarette burns, bruises, and was filthy head to toe. She never had a stable place to live or anybody to count on. After her dad got full custody we THOUGHT things would be ok. My sister and her boyfriend got an apartment and the mother more or less dropped out of the picture. Soon, though, they got evicted for not paying rent. They moved around between my dad and mom and the boyfriends family members. Again, the child didn’t have a stable place to live or even the same bed to sleep in every night. They at least don’t hurt the child and they keep her clean, but they don’t understand that a child that young NEEDS stability in her life. They just drag her around like she’s an accessory and then they want to call me for legal advice (I’m a law student) and parenting advice because the mother is causing issues or the child is peeing her pants, throwing fits, etc. They’ve frequently dropped her off to me to “babysit” for a few hours and she ends up staying with me for several days or even weeks!

My kids are 5 and 1 and she LOVES playing with her “cousins” as she calls them. My husband and I live in a 3 bedroom house in a VERY safe family oriented neighborhood. We don’t do any of the things that my sister and her boyfriend do (like house hopping and hanging out at random parties) Our children have a stable structured environment and when my niece is here she quickly adapts to the routine. She stops peeing her pants all the time and she stops throwing fits once she gets settled in our daily routine here. She’s upstairs right now having a dance party and playing dress up with my kids and she’s SO happy. She has her own mattress and rack of clothes at my house because she stays here so often and it makes her feel at home.

Recently the bio mother quite literally kidnapped the child and refused to give her back. She claimed the father was sexually abusing the child and we’ve all been through hell over the last 2 weeks fighting the CPS claims and going to court to get the child back. My sister finally had to stage a kidnapping to get the child away from her abusive mother before she fled the state with her! (They are friends with someone who the mother thinks she’s friends with. The friend got the mother to come to her house and then distracted her while the child played outside and my sister grabbed her. They drove away and hid her here)

So legally, they’ve done nothing wrong because the custodial parent placed the child with me for safekeeping so that the mother can’t kidnap her back and flee the state. I’m beyond stressed over this and it’s going to be SO hard for me to let them take her on Sunday. I can take care of her the way she needs. I can give her the stability she needs. I can enroll her in a GREAT preschool here in my community. I have been encouraging them to set her up with a counselor who can help her deal with all the stress she’s been under and the unhealthy lifestyle she’s had all her life, but I don’t know if they’re going to do it. My husband and I are seriously at the point where we’re considering going for custody of her because we are so attached to her and tired of seeing her jerked around like this, but we don’t want to create such a rift in the family. We don’t know what to do, but we KNOW that this little girl needs to stay where she’s safe with a structured and stable family to love her and take care of her the way she deserves!!!
I COULD take her to court and probably win, but I don’t want to do something so drastic and split my family like that.

Nagesh answers:

Since your a law student, do something “In court”. Jesus just take her for custody.

Robert asks…

Am I attention deficit? – looking for serious answers.?

I’m not sure exactly how many people ask this question, or how often it’s answered, but I’m going to ask it anyway and hope for a reasonable response.
As the headline states, I’m curious about me and ADD. I realize that before anyone can truly answer they’ll have to know a little bit about me first.
… I’m not even sure where to start: so I might as well start with the basics…
I’m a twenty year old female university student. I am currently unemployed and have really only worked at one place, and even that’ss kind of sticky. The place I’ve worked at I’ve been going back to and quitting from for about three years. First I’m hired for seasonal and they say I can stay on and then like two or three months later I quit because I’m bored and want a change of pace. But then no where else will hire me and I lose interest and stop looking and then when christmas comes around and I need more money, out of sure “lazyiness” I go back to the same place and they give me another job. I honestly don’t know how or why he keeps hiring me back. But he does…
And in school… that’s another sort of sticky story. Not for the lack of trying I fear I’ve been dubbed the “slacker” student by all my highschool teachers and university instructors. In fact I didn’t even graduate. My mom let me bail, I don’t know why but she did. I think if she pushed me more and helped me more I wouldn’t feel like I had to. I dropped out because I was doing so incredibly poor, every semester since grade 8 I failed at least one class, again, not the desired effect. I couldn’t stay focused. Every time someone opened their mouth about something pointless I would just zone out or doodle circles, or tap out a beat on my textbook. Homework had the same effect. I’d start doing it, and then… I don’t know… I’d stop, wander off somewhere. Or I’d put it off until the eleventh hour and stay up all night studying or writing if it was an important project/essay.
I don’t know what to do with my life… I fear I lack… something… motivation, I guess. Like I’m going nowhere. All my underachievements leave me with low self-esteem and just generally… well lets just say I don’t think highly of myself… and I have negative habits that reflect that.
My mother always tells me that she wishes I could put as much focus and attention in the things I like into school work, or relationships (I’ve had basically the same friends since elementary school and the only new friends that I have now have been gained through those friends. I don’t make friends easily. In fact I need to know you for at least four months before I’m even comfortable around you, let alone consider you my friend). And its true, when I’m in the zone, I’m there for awhile; for example I’ve stayed up for about 48 hours one time writing a story (I daydream alot, thats about the only thing I do well, and so just sort of do it infront of a computer and it all comes out).
I bounce around in conversations a lot. I could probably just have an entire conversation by myself, the amount of talking I contribute.
Thoughts come and go in my head and I fear that if I don’t get them out right when I have them then I’ll forget about them forever and when I try to recall them its so hard, I mean its like legally-blind-but-still-driving-at-night-through-fog-as-thick-as-pea-soup-hard. I feel like I need a more structured environment to succeed. I anger quickly, in fact that my initial response- not true – I get frusterated first, and then angry if it persists. Not as much as my brother, as he throws things across the room and breaks shit-expensive shit- i just bite things REALLY hard – usually whatever it is that frusterates me – remote controller, wii remote, calculator, iphone, laptop, NDS, my finger.
I lose a lot of thing, my wallet, my watch, my bag, the pencil I was JUST writing with. Its not that I lose them, I think it’s more I inadvertently put them down without realizing it and then when I need it again, I’m like “Oh shit, where the hell did that (insert lost item here) go? I Just had it!”
I can’t sleep until the room is completely black or as black as it’ll get – there can’t be any flashing lights or even any lights really, dull or bright. In fact I have to cover up my alarm clock with red numbers, which I bought because red light has the lowest frequency or w/e (not meaning to sound stupid), and still have to cover up the lights with a book.
And the last thing; my dreams are so darty; first I’ll be me, and then I’ll be me but a boy, and then I’ll be this other character, and the plot will change, and then the sky turns into an ocean, and then I watching like its a movie, and then I’m a bad guy, and then I’m me again but its a different plot then the beginning. I don’t compare drea
props to anyone who actually read and understood it all. I tried at the begining to organize it but it seemed so tedious so I just let it spill out.
also I’ve trouble falling asleep since I can remember; my brain just wont shut off. People tell me to try meditating or to stop thinking, but how do you just stop thinking?
I also transpose words or letters when I speak, like I wont say it backwards but Ill say it jumbled up.
And I have number dyslexia.

Nagesh answers:


Normally, I’d ask this privately, but you’ve blocked all private messages.

You say in multiple Answers you are a “doctor.” Are you in fact a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, and not a Physician or a Clinical Psychologist?
You appear to promote homeopathic remedies on your website How can this be explained??

James asks…

Calculating my own (UK) Tax Return. How easy is it?

I run my own small business from my ‘home’ in Northern Ireland (ie: UK) with no employees. I have been operating about seven years, and each year I pay to get my accounts done by a proper Chartered Accountant firm.

I don’t have a massive turn-over and don’t make a lot of profit, but it gives me a reasonable wage to live on. I need to cut a few costs during this credit crunch year or two. Can anyone please offer me useful advice on some of these points:

1. Is it reasonably simple to calculate your own accounts for the Inland Revenue? and thus not have to use an accountant? I obviously keep daily/weekly/monthly accounts (and do my own VAT returns quarterly) myself but my accountant puts everything together for ‘end of year accounts’ each year which he submits to the Inland Revenue before 31st January.

2. Is it reasonably simple to input/send your accounts/tax return in ONLINE? or is it more trouble than its worth?

3. Does the Inland Revenue/Tax ONLINE calculate your information quickly and easily or does it cause a lot of bother with then maybe having to send more information into them, additional phone calls, recalculations, etc?

My accountant always said my accounts I gave them each year (for them to calculate final accounts/tax/etc) were always very neat, tidy, accurate and efficient, so Im just wondering if I can save a few pounds (their BIG bill!) and do my own ‘return’ reasonably easily?

Basically, is it easy and hassle-free to attempt to do my own end of year CALCULATIONS and also the Tax Return ONLINE thus saving (a lot!) money….. OR is it just better to get my usual Accountant to do them (because maybe he has a better idea of what figures to accurately calculate, such as: personal use electric, business/personal petrol mileage, depreciation, etc). He calculates whatever he can legally for my personal/business use because I live and work from my house, and have only one vehicle, a van, which I use for business and personal use.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!!!

Nagesh answers:

You could probably do an acceptable to HMRC Tax Return yourself. It isn’t that complicated. The online calculation is immediate, and any repayment is made promptly.
But I wonder how you will cope with your expenses, etc, and whether your accountant saves you more money in tax than he charges for fees? Did he give you a copy of his calculations for last year? If so, how much of it would you have known what to claim?
Why not let him do it this year, but also do a calculation yourself? Find out how arrives at his figures if you don’t know from last year. Then compare.

Charles asks…

how can i let my anger go?

my boyfriend and I have been together for over two years now and we’ve lived together for about a year and a half. He is still married to his ex/wife and keeps blaming it on our money situation. He promises at income tax time to get a divorce. He never sticks up for me when his two children bad mouth me, and he never includes me on any decisions about them staying here or upraising, but I am good enough to watch them when he needs it. I am good enough to cook and clean up after them. He watches them when we aren’t supposed to have them, which is fine, but we have them every weekend, in the custody agreement, but we never have time for just us. We both work full time jobs during the week. I know this is what is to be expected when you date someone with kids, but when he starts adding extra days in like tonight, we have them two extra days now, on the only night that we actually have more than two hours together. I hold a lot of anger because the children’s mother is still legally tied to my boyfriend, she doesn’t work, she sucks off the child support and welfare, and even when she does have them on her time, his mother takes them A LOT. I just… I have a lot of anger towards this situation. I want my own family, my own start with him. I want him to make me more of a priority than he has been, and it seems like he just is in this comfortable zone of me being wifey. I dont know how to let all of this anger go. I love him, but I dont know how long I can take it cause I know it isn’t healthy. I’m sick of being a second class citizen in my own home. I think I have a fear that he may not love me as much as he loved her, because they were married very quickly after meeting and its been two years and he wont even get a divorce. I know this is scatter brained, but I’ve just been holding this all in. HELP ME. HOW CAN I JUST FEEL NORMAL AGAIN

Nagesh answers:

You want to feel normal again, to not feel like a second class citizen in your home, to be happy and appreciated and not used? Leave. There’s no easy way around this one…you are convenient when he needs you to be. It sounds like you give…give…give.., and all he does is take. Leaving might snap him into reality and he might realize what he’s loosing! Or…he may replace you with another sitter/ caretaker/ maid. Either way, you’ll know where you stand in his heart. It might be a painful experience, but at least a step will be taken. Maybe a step towards a happy life for you alone, or maybe the two of you. You won’t know until you make a move. It’s obvious he’s quite content with the current arrangement…why should he change anything? Don’t you want to feel appreciated and loved? Don’t you deserve that? Think about it…

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Monday, April 22nd, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Uk

George asks…

Is it worth installing solar panels to your house?

I am led to believe that with the government scheme it has become attractive to invest in solar panels for your house. The installation costs are around £12,000 and I believe you only gain after about 25 or 30 years. Does anyone know if there are any calculations on cost and money saved over this period of time? It is certainly a long term investment. I would like to see the calcualtions before I spend this kind of money! Can anyone help? Thanks

Nagesh answers:

UK reply

We have installed solar panels that we own so know how the system works, as long as you are in Southern England, the further south you are the more money you make. Ideal position is facing due South, but SW – SE is OK. We are SSW.

“Free” panels are just that. The house owner gets the “free” use of electricity generated so you can save on your electric bill.
However to fully benefit you have to be careful when you use electricity. For example if you use a washing machine / dishwasher / tumble dryer at night when the panels aren’t generating you don’t/can’t get free electricity! During a sunny day the panels might be generating 1kw but if you switch on a 2kw appliance you pay for the excess1kw needed to run the appliance.
So yes you will save some money on your electric bill but probably only 40% certainly not 100% of your bill.

The owner of the panels (i.e us!) is the one to benefit. We have a 4kWh system (biggest allowed under Government subsidy) and get paid +/-46p per kilowatt hour generated. This is guaranteed by the Government for 25 years!

We all buy electricity from the Power Companies at 12-14p unit so it is a huge subsidy – which the rest of you are paying – not the Government – one reason why bills are so expensive now!

As a generalisation the capital cost was £12,000 but I expect to earn +/- £1600 year. To put another way although I still buy some electricity (at night time for example) and all gas in effect we will be getting all our energy “for free” and about £600 extra cash in hand!

We have gas heating (now only for space heating) but now heat our water electrically with combination of offpeak electricity at night (5p/unit) and from our panels during the day.

If you have the cash BUY YOUR OWN as the scheme is Government guaranteed for 25 years!
In investment terms it is a 8-12% TAX FREE return for 25 years – you can’t get anything like that anywhere else.

If you want more specific help email me and I can do the figures for your house and send some pictures of our installation, which took less than one day with minimal inconvenience.

Basically you have the panels on your roof, an inverter(converts the panels DC output to AC mains) in your loft, a conduit running down to your consumer unit and input meter. If it is carefully done all you can see is a conduit down your outside wall.

P.S. Even on dull days it still generates. Recently on a rainy grey overcast day we were still generating about 240w. So in January when it will be freezing with perhaps snow on the ground as long as the sun is shining we will be generating! It converts light to power – heat is not needed to make it work!

We have been running 8 weeks and generated 900kWh so far, that is about £400 to come from our Power Company!

Nancy asks…

How can i make money with my website?

I have a website that reviews other people’s website for free. How can I make money with it and how can I make more people to visit my website for free? My website had just been recently made and i’ve only recently reviewed 3 website. HELP

Nagesh answers:

To get more people to your site try these 10 low cost ways to promote your website

if you haven’t already i’d split your site into sections so you review all fishing websites in one section, motoring websites in another section and web hosting sites in another section, and so on. That way you can use targeted ads… I’d start off small with google ads or affiliate schemes such as and then once you build the site up and have a good flow of visitors to the site try approaching large firms who offer products/services to the people you are targeting

best of luck with it! Rebecca

Charles asks…

Whats the best on line credit card payment scheme that does not have a montly charge?

I cannot get the PayPay CC on-line payment system to work, so wonder if anyone knows of a good simple CC payment system that does NOT require a montly payment – ie a percentage is charged per transaction.
I just need to have a payment button on a web site that customers can click on and then make their payment.


Nagesh answers:

Don’t know what the problem is with Paypal (I presume that’s who you mean). We’ve used them for some time without any problems.

We did investigate Netbanx as an alternative because Paypal has a transaction limit of £650 unless the buyer has a Paypal account. Netbanx charges £20 a month or a percentage of your transactions, whichever is the larger amount. They seemed about the best bet and the delay in transferring money to your account was less than any of the other providers. They’re also based in the UK and it’s easy to talk to real people when you have questions!

Try persevering with Paypal as they’re the most economic solution.

Chris asks…

I am a stay at home mom considering divorce and want to go back to school.?

I am a remarried mother if 2 children who have special needs. Things are going down hill in my marriage and I want to go to college to support my children and myself. Any advice on making this happen and how to afford it is appreciated.

Nagesh answers:

You may need to consider studying with a college which has very flexible teaching time, such as the open university or night classes. That way you can keep a regular job and earn some money and then go to college at night.

Plus dont forget the child support from your now-husband. Your marriage may be going down the drain, but he probably still loves the children and wants to see them. Dont be afraid of asking him if you can work out how both of you can live your lives and get to see them/look after them in turns so you can still go to college and he can keep his job. Be prepared as part of the negotiation that if he does look after them a considerable amount that your share in child support will probably drop.

If you live in a country like the UK, you will be eligible to have a nurse look after your children for you quite a lot, or get money towards putting them in to a day centre where they can be looked after while you work.

Look in to any charitable or government run care schemes or community initiatives private/council run which would enable you to do what you need to do.

Donna asks…

What are the relative advantages of Geothermal heat pumps and Wind turbines? ?

If a heat-engine (Geothermal heat-pump) instead of a wind-turbine were installed instead of a wind-turbine, what difference would it make?
Chariotmender, . thank you for a comprehensive and informed answer.
If I’m allowed one supplementary question, please,
Then why aren’t we installing Geothermal heat pumps instead of windmills? -Or more accurately, I suppose, why are we building so many windmills instead of installing heat pumps in appropriate places?

Nagesh answers:


Clean. Geothermal power plants, like wind and solar power plants, do not have to burn fuels to manufacture steam to turn the turbines. Generating electricity with geothermal energy helps to conserve nonrenewable fossil fuels, and by decreasing the use of these fuels, we reduce emissions that harm our atmosphere. There is no smoky air around geothermal power plants — in fact some are built in the middle of farm crops and forests, and share land with cattle and local wildlife.

Easy on the land. The land area required for geothermal power plants is smaller per megawatt than for almost every other type of power plant. Geothermal installations don’t require damming of rivers or harvesting of forests — and there are no mine shafts, tunnels, open pits, waste heaps or oil spills.

Reliable. Geothermal power plants are designed to run 24 hours a day, all year. A geothermal power plant sits right on top of its fuel source. It is resistant to interruptions of power generation due to weather, natural disasters or political rifts that can interrupt transportation of fuels.

Flexible. Geothermal power plants can have modular designs, with additional units installed in increments when needed to fit growing demand for electricity.

Keeps £’s at Home. Money does not have to be exported to import fuel for geothermal power plants. Geothermal “fuel'” – like the sun and the wind – is always where the power plant is; economic benefits remain in the region and there are no fuel price shocks.

Helps Developing Countries Grow. Geothermal projects can offer all of the above benefits to help developing countries grow without pollution. And installations in remote locations can raise the standard of living and quality of life by bringing electricity to people far from “electrified” population centers.

Benefits of wind power

Apart from generating electricity without causing pollution, wind energy has numerous other advantages.

Widely distributed, indigenous supplies: More countries have sizeable wind power potential than have large resources of hydro-power or fossil fuel reserves.

Ideal for generating electricity at a local level: European wind schemes are typically in clusters of around 10 – 40 turbines, providing enough electricity for 4,000 to 16,000 households. Some countries such as Denmark and Germany also have a high proportion of single turbines. The electricity produced by these can be fed directly into the local distribution network, reducing power transmission losses. By contrast, the electricity from larger power stations has to be transmitted in high voltage power lines and travel long distances before it gets to the point of use.

Good for island communities: Wind energy systems on islands can be linked to diesel or solar systems to provide back-up when the wind is not blowing.

Low risk: The relatively small unit size of each individual wind turbine (or wind scheme) reduces the risk of technical failure or industrial action compared with larger generating units.

Energy diversity: It is sensible for any nation to have a balanced range of energy technology, rather than relying on one or two technologies or imported fuel. The energy mix among different European countries varies widely, with some countries more dependent on energy imports than others. The UK and Germany have a relatively diverse mix of fuels, whereas others are more dependent on oil (Spain and Greece), coal (Denmark) and nuclear (France and Belgium). Expanding the use of wind energy will increase energy diversity and improve the security of electricity supply. Energy diversity lessens the international political risks associated with fossil fuel reserves, the volatility of oil and gas prices, and the hazards associated with nuclear power.

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Sunday, April 21st, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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