Your Questions About Fast Money Online Paypal

Lizzie asks…

making money online free?

I know that this is impossible, doesn’t exist, a scam, needs time, and never works, so don’t tell me that.

But I really need a website which gives paypal money worldwide for doing REAL surveys or reviewing/writing something, and I’m not talking about $20.000, I just want 50-100 for amazon, without paying a cent, and I prefer it fast.

Please note that I do no live in USA, so, many ways don’t work like treasure trouper or swag bucks, also, if banks aren’t so hard to reach here, I wouldn’t even need online ways, because I’m not poor, and I can fill my card instantly.


Nagesh answers:

You know this but that’s impossible, it doesn’t exist, it’s a scam, it needs time, and it never works. 🙁

If there were truly fast, guaranteed money then I’m guessing we’d have engineered a way for it to grow on trees by now.

Sandy asks…

is their a faster way to transfer money from a bank account to paypal? it says 6-8 business days UGH?

i wnana get something online but it says it takes 6-8 business days to transfer money from a bank to paypal

is their a faster way? if i go tot he bank can they make ti faster?


btw i dont have a credit card thats why im doing it this way

Nagesh answers:

Nope, not really. Just wait. Sorry

Mandy asks…

Im looking for a job onling that i could earn money thru my paypal account are there any?

i need an online job that my earning con go on my paypal account.p.s. IM a fast typer if thats helps?

Nagesh answers:

Do not use payuppal they are very crooked. If you read the user agreement you will see they do what they want when they want, unconscionable contract comes to mind. Use google checkout the employees are professionals. I dont see why people sell on fee bay ,i sell on craigs list its free and you keep all the money!!

Donna asks…

help! i need money in paypal?

iw ant to buy a joypad online cause the one i had got broken but i need 20 dollars more in my paypal to afford the wireless logitech one that i been looking for! how can i make money fast!! help please!

Nagesh answers:

If you don’t make money wthin 24 hours, get paid $100.

PayPal, AlertPay, or Check. Your choice.

Just sign up, and you will be on your way to making BUCKS!

This is a RISK-FREE offer, sign up now to find out more.


Betty asks…

how to make money online, without investment?

i want work online without any investment and fast and convinient, only interms of rupees, no paypal account

Nagesh answers:

Get a real job

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Sunday, May 19th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For Teenagers

Mary asks…

How To Shut This Hell-hole Down Quickly?

I am a full time manager for a illegitimate gas station owned by a “Ghandi”. I am not using the racial slur lightly and I am not a bigot. He is a penny-hoarding, cheapskate, backstabbing shyster who uses his lack of the English language to excuse himself out of any reasonable debate or attempts at negotiation to better my job and work environment. The only reason I am still working for him is because of my obligation to money; like everyone else I need it to survive and there isn’t much out there. His illegitimate methods have left me with no recourse. I cannot receive unemployment and look for another job because he did not record my payroll and taxes in a manner consistent enough to prove that I have worked for him longer than 6 months (I am bordering on 10 months). He pays me very, very poorly. The only other 2 employees both make only 25 cents less than me and they don’t have even 5% of the extra responsibilities that I have. Any hour over the 40th hour (eg. hour 41 and on) are paid “under the table” cash at a rate less than my regular pay (state and federal mandates at least 1.5x rate of pay for over time). Training time for myself and all other employees goes mostly unpaid (completely unpaid on my part). I am expected to uphold unorthodox methods of operation when it comes to running the store and hiring potential employees. I am not allowed to hire women. I am not allowed to hire young men (teenagers 18 to 22). Smokers are not to be hired nor are people with young children or show signs of potential drug use. As for how the business operates. Employees hours are trimmed to reflect the hours of the stores operation. Employee hours are not allowed to overlap; in the event that they do the employees must arrange between themselves how to distribute the overlapping hours. All employees are on an “on call” status and will receive no special pay and may even expect no pay for the extra labor they did unless they are the only employee present. I am expected to perform responsibilities that involve transportation and the depositing of the money earned by the store on a twice weekly basis ( the owner lives out of the area and cannot come more than once a week). This added responsibility came with no raise, special pay, or added security to the store. I receive no pay while transporting the money or while spending time in the bank dealing with the tellers and etc. Any shortages found in the drawer or the counted cash is expected to be paid back by the employee. In the event of theft I can become involved (my exclusive access to the safe) as a suspect and at times I have had to pay for half of the stolen money. I am expected to fabricate the results of paper work regulated by the state. As for the store itself. It is a 8 pump gas station. Customers cannot walk in they instead do their dealings at the window where a tray and box system is installed coupled with an intercom system and non bullet proof glass. The one door (violation of fire code; there needs 2 be at least one alternative exit in the event of a fire) is also not bullet proof. Shutters cover the main window and door at night. There is no central air; an AC in the one boarded up window provides little relief in the summer and small pathetic space heaters provide the only comfort in the winter. There is no proper ventilation, fumes from ignorant people who refuse to turn their vehicles off regularly enters the small “shack” (literally 8×12 foot room with 8 foot ceilings) and suffuses the air with enough fumes to make myself and other employees develop headaches and become lightheaded. There is no security system, and no panic button.

There is much much more but I don’t want this to be a TL;DR. So what is the fastest way I can
1.) Attempt to negotiate. I am planning on: going on strike, using my good relationship with the customers to reduce business volume until he complies.
2.) If he does not comply I will report him to the local news (a pretty juicy story IMO), report him to numerous agencies, and sue him for back pay.

Now my question is: Anything legal I should know of? Any bits of info that can either help me win the negotiation or shut him down that others see and know of that I do not will be immensely helpful.

***Please Note the Gas Station is Located in the State of Connecticut***

Nagesh answers:

Contact the Connecticut Department of Labor and law enforcement and report this to them, they may be able do something about this business. Also, the owner is in violation of federal and state laws, pertaining to civil rights, employment, etc.

Joseph asks…


I have a Language Arts Essay; Can someone PLEASE edit it!
Thank you Thank You, 10 pts! THANKS.
When was the last time you were hungry, and didn’t have a great amount of time to eat? Did you stop at a fast food restaurant? You most likely answered yes. North American’s are consuming triple the amount of fast food than in previous years for many reasons. People should not be consuming fast food on a regular basis. It is bad for your health, in numerous ways. It isn’t fresh; it’s fattening, and loaded with calories. Its normally deep fried, or reheated. So, why do so many North Americans consume it so regularly? It’s cheap, convenient, and advertised well.

People may be choosing to eat fast food because it is relatively cheaper than preparing a home cooked meal. Fast food restaurants such as McDonalds, Burger King, Harvey’s and more, offer meal deals. Fast food is a lot cheaper than food from a grocery store for singles or teenagers because it is cheaper to buy a meal deal (drink, burger, fries) for around 4-6 dollars than it is for you to purchase food at the grocery store (pasta sauce, noodles, drink) for about 12-15 dollars. But, if you are feeding more than 2 people it is cheaper to buy food from a grocery store.

Some people have all the money in the world, but not all the time. Prioritizing your time to buy fresh food instead of fast food is one thing, but having the time to purchase, then prepare your food is another. Fast food is purchased because, in the time it takes you to purchase food from a grocery store you could have purchased a meal from a drive through and been done. But, if you purchase food you still have to bring it home, unload it into your household, and prepare it. The reality is that not everyone has enough time to eat home cooked meals all the time. But, it is possible if you put forth a reasonable amount of effort.

Animated clowns, kings, or girls with red hair, to name a few, are what appeal to children. Younger kids see advertisements with humorous clowns playing with kids, and then enjoying a happy meal and then they want to have a happy meal. The same affect works with the other logos of fast food chains. If the cartoon characters don’t make you want to enjoy the food, the visual advertisements might. Fast food chains advertise food in a variety of ways. Commercials, billboards, signs or posters showcase a perfect burger, or crispy fries. People are hired to make the food look perfect. Individually gluing poppy seeds onto the burger buns, painting the lettuce, airbrushing the fries, or making sure the soda looks great. All so that you will see the picture of the product, and expect to receive what you have been shown. The pictures of a Big Mac or Whopper may look like they are fresh, plump and juicy. But you would be surprised to find a reheated patty, limp lettuce, maybe even a bun that isn’t fresh. What you see isn’t always what you get.

North American’s are consuming triple the amount of fast food than in previous years for many reasons, heres some ideas to cut down on your fast food intake. If you buy fast food because it is cheap, I encourage you to purchase food from the grocery store. If you have extra leftovers, keep them! They work great as lunch or dinner the next day, and it ends up saving you more! If you do not have enough time to prepare your food, try preparing some of it in the morning, so that you can quickly finish up the rest in the evening without wasting too much time. And, if you are craving the picture perfect burger, think twice. Make sure you understand you will not be likely receiving the same perfect burger than was in the advertisement People should not be consuming fast food on a regular basis. It is fine to eat once in a while, but it shouldn’t be eaten often.

Nagesh answers:

First paragraph: “North Americans” has no apostraphe.
A better way to phrase this sentence: “People should not be consuming fast food on a regular basis. It is bad for your health…” IS
“People should not be consuming fast food on a regular basis, it is bad for their health…”

Last paragraph: North Americans has no apostraphe.

The rest looks good 😀

Charles asks…

Need opinions on a situation… teenage pregnancy?

I’m a senior in my last semester of high school, and its recently come to my attention that a classmate of mine is pregnant and was kicked out of her house. I never liked her very much. She’s always using my friends for money, dumping guys as fast as she picks them up, and causing drama.

My mom got very involved when she found out this girl needed a place to stay, and although I don’t really get along with her, I said she could stay with us in our overcrowded house for a night while we found a shelter or church. She found a friend to stay with the next day.

Now, a week later she’s apparently been kicked out of her friend’s house. My mother is very upset, but I refuse to let her stay here another night. My mom’s pulling every guilt trip she can try on me, but the way I see it is (however selfish and horrible this might be..) its not my problem. She’s responsible for her own actions, so she needs to deal with them now.

I don’t understand how people can give leniency to teenagers who make the decision to get pregnant. I mean, if someone gets caught doing or selling heroin, they go to jail. Nobody feels bad for them. They made the decision to do drugs, now they pay for it. I’m a teenager. I have a uterus. I can physically get pregnant now, but I’ve made the decision to wait until I have condoms to have sex, or wait until I’m financially and emotionally able to deal with the possible consequences: a child.

Yeah, this girl is in a ‘bad situation’ but there are a lot of people in ‘bad situations.’ if you really really really want to have sex, but you don’t have a job, or any money to buy condoms, you have to wait to have sex until you get them. Yeah, it sucks. I feel sorry for you. You’re in a ‘bad situation.’ But you have a choice. You can not have sex.

Does anyone else think its about time we admit who’s fault it is here? We can blame the parents for not helping take care of their pregnant child. We can blame teachers for not stressing the importance of protection. We can blame her friends who won’t take care of her, give her money, and baby her. Or we can blame the person at fault: the teenage girl who had sex without protection.

I know I’m going to get a variety of answers, feel free to say whatever you want.
Thank you for all of your opinions. I talked it over with one of our friends and came to the conclusion that she is indeed using us.

Tonight she’s going partying with all of her friends and drinking instead of finding a place to stay. She just drove by my house in a loud car and my neighbor (one of our mutual friends- how we met each other actually) got in and told me all this. She’s a credible source.

I think you guys are right in caring about the baby, but she’s asking my mom for money to abort. Of course my pushover mom pulled her aside and said yes while I gawked.

Nagesh answers:

Yeah, her problems are her problems. It is her fault that she is in the situation she is in.

I don’t think the fact that you don’t like her very well is helping the situation. Say what you want about her, but if you were delt the hand that she’s been given in life, you could very well be in her shoes. Consider yourself lucky to not be where she is. I’m not saying you should feel sorry for her, because really, she could have done better. At the same time, you need to have a little empathy. Do you know what her home life is like? Do you know how her parents have treated her? Probablly not. Not everybody has great parents.

If you are wanting your mom to reconsider taking her in again, you need to tell her that this girl will probablly only use you guys. She might even steal from you. And be gone the next week.

On the other hand, you could do the right thing. If you and your mom have the space available, and can financially afford to help her out, you should. But, only under certain conditions. You could set rules like, she has to finish high school, and get a decent job, so when the baby gets here, she’ll be able to take care of it and provide for herself and the baby. So, you could do the right thing, and offer her a place to stay, but only if she does the right thing by getting her life on track now that she has a baby on the way. God will thank you for helping someone in need.

It’s all up to you and your mom coming together on this one. If you are totally against it, you need to tell her it won’t work out, because you and this girl will never be able to get along. She will end up leaving anyway because she knows you don’t want her there.

Daniel asks…

is my essay good or horrible? lol honest answers and tips are welcome?

“The media controls our lives”. This statement goes around the world having people wonder if it’s true or false. There are millions of different influences haunting a lot of people to do certain things, act certain ways and to buy certain clothes. Although some don’t give in to the television advertisements, most give in to fashion. I mean, who is going to want to walk down the street in something that nobody likes? And, who is going to want to walk down the street looking bigger than the average weight because they’re afraid of being called fat?

Most girls and some guys want to fit in, which is where modelling comes in.
Companies hire so many beautiful young girls to walk down a runway and show of the latest trends, but what they don’t realise is how much of an impact it is putting on the teenagers who want to be pretty and popular
The media portrays celebrities and models all in the same way. They make them seem flawless and beautiful, skinny and tanned. Every picture is air brushed yet people want to be exactly like what they see in the magazines. Girls everywhere strive to be what is impossible-they go to all out to try to look like that girl on the cover of the magazine which then leads to eating disorders, extreme diets and can cause diseases such as bulimia and anorexia. Girls who are heavier, taller, have acne or a big nose should still be happy with the way they are-however the media puts them in a position where they feel they are not good enough, and need to change for everyone, which is wrong.

Now, not only is the media causing young girls to be anorexic and bulimic but its also causing obesity through out the world.

The fast food restaurant McDonald’s is not only causing obesity but also wrecking lives. Obesity is a condition which stems from eating fatty foods. This condition can affect anyone. People are dying from being obese everyday, and more and more people are gaining large amounts of weight each year. People who have a love for junk food are constantly being targeted along with children because of the television advertisements and the toys that are given away along with the happy meal at McDonald’s. They usually target the children with these toys by putting them all over TV and hoping that the children whinge and wine until their parents take them out to buy this little plastic figurine. They work it all out to bring more customers in to eat this food to make more money because in the end, they don’t care how healthy we are. They just care about how much money they are going to make from us. Everyone knows of this restaurant and if not then you’re considered a freak. Everyone loves this restaurant and once again, if you don’t, you’re considered a freak. People who buy McDonald’s at least once a week gain weight but they still go back to eating it because some say “the taste is irresistible”

This amount of evidence would point out that it’s obvious what the media is actually doing to this world. The world controls the thoughts and emotions of every individual in one way or another. It causes people to be labeled an outcast because they have a different style and opinion. Life is tough. Even though it’s your life and you control it, the media is still powerful and can cause death and suicide. Hopefully one day people will realize everyone’s flaws and accept them for who they are. After all, nobody’s perfect

Nagesh answers:

Its got a nice light tone, not too serious and its shows personality. The only thing is the structure is a bit weird in some parts. Your intro doesn’t really include enough about what you’re going to discuss – theres no thesis statement. And an essay shouldn’t really have a one sentence paragraph (Now, not only is the media causing young girls to be anorexic and bulimic but its also causing obesity through out the world.) – you should probably put that at the end of the first paragraph.

But thats just obvious stuff… Its really well written. Good job. 🙂

John asks…

is my essay good or bad any tips?

“The media controls our lives”. This statement goes around the world having people wonder if it’s true or false. There are millions of different influences haunting a lot of people to do certain things, act certain ways and to buy certain clothes.
Although some don’t give in to the television advertisements, most give in to fashion. I mean, who is going to walk down the street in something that nobody likes?
Then again, who is going to want to walk down the street looking bigger than the average weight because they’re afraid of being called fat?
Most girls and some guys want to fit in, which is where modelling comes in.
Companies hire so many beautiful young girls to walk down a runway and show of the latest trends, but what they don’t realise is how much of an impact it is putting on the teenagers who want to be pretty and popular
The media portrays celebrities and models all in the same way. They make them seem flawless and beautiful, skinny and tanned. Every picture is air brushed yet, normal people want to be exactly like what they see in the magazines. Girls everywhere strive to be what is impossible-they go to extremes to try to look like that girl on the cover of the magazine which then leads to eating disorders, extreme diets and can cause diseases such as bulimia and anorexia.
Girls who are heavier, taller, have acne or a big nose should still be happy with the way they are-however modelling puts them in a position where they feel they are not good enough, and need to change for everyone, which is wrong.
Now, not only is the media causing things like anorexia and bulimia but it is also causing things like obesity.
The fast food restaurant McDonald’s is not only causing obesity but also wrecking lives. Obesity is a disease which stems from eating fatty foods. This disease can affect anyone. People are dying from being obese everyday, and more and more people are gaining large amounts of weight each year. People who have a love for junk food are constantly being targeted along with children because of the television advertisements and the toys that are given away along with the happy meal at McDonald’s.
They usually target the children with these toys by putting them all over TV and hoping that the kid’s whinge and wine until their parents take them out to buy this little plastic figurine. They work it all out to bring more customers in to eat this food to make more money because in the end, they don’t care how healthy we are. They just care about how much money they are going to make from us.
Everyone knows of this restaurant and if not then you’re considered a freak. Everyone loves this restaurant and once again, if you don’t, you’re considered a freak. People who buy McDonald’s at least once a week gain weight but they still go back to eating it because some say “the taste is irresistible”

This amount of evidence would point out that it’s obvious what the media is actually doing to this world. Society controls the thoughts and emotions of every individual in one way or another. It provides stereotypes and what is considered the normal and if you don’t fit into that category you’re instantly labeled an outcast. Life is tough. Even though it’s your life and you control it, the media is still powerful and can cause death and suicide. Hopefully one day people will realize everyone’s flaws and accept them for who they are. After all, nobody’s perfect.

Is this good?
i realize this is in the polls & surveys section, just thought it would get more people to recognize it..
and also for my evidence is using a collage of anorexic models and fat people with mcdonalds ok?

Nagesh answers:

This statement goes around the world having people wonder if it’s true or false. – what does this sentence even mean?

There are millions of different influences haunting a lot of people to do certain things, act certain ways and to buy certain clothes. – haunting? Really?

Although some don’t give in to the television advertisements, most give in to fashion. – not true in a global sense, you may want to clarify your stats here…
I mean, who is going to walk down the street in something that nobody likes? – me for one. And probably your teacher. This rhetorical question does not further your point – you had already made that clear in the prior sentence, it is just a waste of words (and serves to infuriate part of your audience)

Then again, who is going to want to walk down the street looking bigger than the average weight because they’re afraid of being called fat? “Then again” implies that you are reversing your prior staement – i dont see how you have donethat here. This rhetorical question does not raise any issues to do with media. AND not every one is afraid of being called fat.

Most girls and some guys want to fit in, which is where modelling comes in.- WHAT?!

Companies hire so many beautiful young girls to walk down a runway and show of – just got to stop you here – the word you are looking for is off, not of –

the latest trends, but what they don’t realise is how much of an impact it is putting on the teenagers who want to be pretty and popular – how many runway shows have YOU been to? My guess is none. It’s the MEDIA presentation of these shows as desirable etc etc that you need to comment on.

The media portrays celebrities and models all in the same way. They make them seem flawless and beautiful, skinny and tanned. Every picture is air brushed yet,- this is actually not bad! Well done!

Normal people want to be exactly like what they see in the magazines. – what the hell are “normal people” do you mean teenagers? Anorexics? Consumers? Maccas customers? BE SPECIFIC

Girls everywhere strive to be what is impossible-they go to extremes to try to look like that girl on the cover of the magazine which then leads to eating disorders, extreme diets and can cause diseases such as bulimia and anorexia.
-and what does the MEDIA have to do with this? All i can see from this statement is that all girls are unrealistic and shallow…

Girls who are heavier, taller, have acne or a big nose should still be happy with the way they are-however modelling puts them in a position where they feel they are not good enough, and need to change for everyone, which is wrong. – maybe… Perhaps try replacing the word “modelling” with MEDIA, and discussing HOW they put girls in this position

Now, not only is the media causing things like anorexia and bulimia but it is also causing things like obesity.- wtf? If i eat media i will get fat? This needs to be re-worded.

The fast food restaurant McDonald’s is not only causing obesity but also wrecking lives. – how? You can’t make this staement without clarificationand evidence.

Obesity is a disease which stems from eating fatty foods. – obesity is not a disease – it is sometimes a symptom of a diseas but is NEVER in itself a disease…

People are dying from being obese everyday, and more and more people are gaining large amounts of weight each year. – no people are dying from complications in health which is exascerbated and sometimes cause by obesity, obesity itself does not kill you. – give stats for this.

Ok – i’m going to stop there – you need to go throught this sentence by sentence and ask youself these questions – does this sentence have anything to do with my topic? Can i prove this sentence? Have i provided evidence for this sentence? Have i linked this sentence to my topic?
– i hope that i haven’t been too harsh – you odo have a lot of work ahead of you though…

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Saturday, May 18th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Legally

Paul asks…

What EXACTLY constitutes filing a I-601 or I-212?

I have a situation that I need an answer to as it has got me Almost drove crazy.I am a USC and married to a foreign national and we filed I-130 and then I-485 at the beginning of this year and all went well with that process. To make a long story short, we had the interview 5 months later which was a nightmare. The officers were rude and all but accused us of not having a bona-fide marriage. I became very discouraged and quite upset during the interview as they were very intimidating and sorry to say I requested that the application be withdrawn as my pride got in the way. I am sorry now that I did that after much hard work and hard earned money gone and wished that I could have that day back again as I would not have given up under the pressure. We went back to my husband`s country and we want to re-apply for his Visa. Our marriage is as bona-fide as they get and will be together “till death do us part”. My husband and I are trying to get things together to restart the Visa process. At the time of our interview we had just moved (1 month prior) and submitted the change of address form BUT I am expecting since I withdrew the petition, they did not even process the new address in the system. So, we did not receive the notice of denial at our new address BUT did receive a notification thru the USCIS website that the I- 485 was denied as we knew was gonna occur. I called the 1-800 number as per the instructions on the email that states that if you have not received this notice within 30 days of the August 14, 2008, please call customer service at 1-800-375-5283 for further assistance. I did just that and they mailed a copy to the new address and my sister then sent me a copy of the denial notice that states (as we knew already) the reason for the denial was that I withdrew the application and that a hearing would be available and we could re-apply or if my husband was willing to depart the US at his own expense, then please contact that office with the details of the planned departure date. The problem is that we left the US before we received this notice and so my question is are we going to face any hurdles or do we have to file an I-212 even though he was here legally the entire time and then left shortly after the application was withdrawn as not to be out of status. I have read several websites on the I-212 and I am not so sure at this point of what is correct. I read on one site that I-212 Waivers are Hardship waivers for legal entry into the United States following deportation or removal proceedings, or following a voluntary departure from an unlawful presence in the United States. Since my husband was not unlawfully present…. this would not apply correct? He was Legal the entire time that he was in the USA and when I withdrew the application, we left quickly in order to prevent him being out of status. I just want to be able to put my weary mind at ease and proceed ONCE AGAIN, this time to the end and I need some advice from someone who knows. Many Thanks in advance
So the I-212 would not apply correct? In reference to your statement about lying during the next interview, there was not any lying during the first interview…. We have a bona-fide marriage and have been married for 1 year and 2 months. So I am not sure of where that statement came from “If you have a lick of sense” which we do. It probably doesnt seem that way considering how I reacted at the Interview. It was not what they said it was how they said it and like I said before, I wish that I could do things over again with a clear mind. I am aware of the DCF filing and am not sure of which way to go, either the K3, CR1 or DCF. Right now I am still kicking myself as I am fully confident that we would have been fine as our marriage is real and therefore we have nothing to hide. What are the reasons for needing an I-601 Waiver Exactly…. I am still not sure.
Many thanks in advance!

Nagesh answers:

I-212 is for a deported alien to request permission to reenter the USA.
I-601 is for a waiver of inadmissibility.

Your husband was not deported and as of now you have no reason to believe he’s inadmissible.

I assume you’re living LEGALLY with him, in his country and NOT just there on a tourist visa. If this is the case, and let me be clear, you MUST be living with him in his country NOT as a tourist…. You should file an I-130 for your husband with the US embassy.

This is called Direct Consular Filing and it’s only available for US citizens who actually reside outside the United States. If you are there on a tourist visa you CANNOT use direct consular filing. You MUST use the USCIS system and process the I-130 inside the United States just like you did the first time.

If you have a lick of sense you will NOT lie about anything regarding the first time you filed the I-130. They will eventually have the entire record at the embassy and if they catch you or your husband telling lies he’ll never be able to come to the United States. Be totally truthful.

You will not know if he’s inadmissible until a final determination is made on your petition. If they reject him as inadmissible then you’ll move forward with the I-601 at that time.

I highly recommend you use a US based immigration attorney to assist you with the preparation of the I-601, if needed. This is not amateur, do-it-yourself stuff. I recommend any attorney who is a member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association…..


**********He’s your husband, K-3 and CR-1 are the only two visas you can sponsor him for. You use the I-129F for the K-3 and the I-130 for the CR-1. If you use the K-3 you’ll find yourself right back in the USCIS office again because he’ll need to adjust his status…. K-3 is a non-immigrant visa.

The CR-1 is an immigrant visa. After two years of marriage he’ll file I-751 to remove the conditions. It may, or may not, require an interview. If you file for CR-1, but you’ve been married more than two years on the day he enters the USA then it becomes a IR-1 with no conditions and no I-751 after two years. They’ll mail the Green Card to him in few months.

DCF is not a visa. DCF is a method of getting either the K-3 or CR-1 / IR-1.

Once the embassy issues the CR-1 you have 6 months to actually use it. You’ve been married more than a year already. It will take at least 6 months to get the visa and you can wait another 6 months to use it.

Given your track record with USCIS, if I were you, I’d go for CR-1 and make sure the marriage was 2 years old at the time he enters the USA so it turns into an IR-1. You’ll never need to visit a USCIS office again.

For the I-601, there are thousands of reasons an alien can be inadmissible. You won’t know if your first round of dealings with USCIS triggered one of them until you try to get the K-3 or CR-1. It’s impossible for anybody to tell you what his status is right now regarding this matter.

Helen asks…

Is my imprudent speed ticket worth fighting?

My wife and I were coming back to Massachusetts from Maine today on I95 at the tail end of a nasty snow storm. An hour or so earlier there was a 51 car pile up on I93 (about 50 miles away). I was trying to keep my car in the tracks of the cars in front of me and had to switch to the left lane to get into a better track at one point when the lane I was in became too slushy. That’s when I lost it and the car spun out, breaking in the passenger’s side bumper against a snow bank and leaving my wife’s car effectively stuck.

A few minutes after I called AAA a Maine state trooper showed up to make sure everything was ok. Minutes later what appeared to be his supervisor arrived on the scene demanding my license and registration. He made a big stink because my registration only had my insurance company’s name on it and for some reason he needed my actual policy number. I explained to him that what I gave him was what the state of Massachusetts had given me and that unfortunately I couldn’t recall the actual policy number. He then said I’d have to call him with the information.

About a half hour later the wrecker drove up and the officer came back with a ticket for imprudent speed. I told him that this was all because I had changed lanes in an attempt to get out of a large slush pool and onto visible pavement and that speed had nothing to do with it. The officer quickly retorted that since there were no other cars in view that had spun out, I was clearly in the wrong. At this point I knew all the pearls of wisdom gathered from years on the debate team couldn’t help me, so I accepted the ticket and carried on with my day.

Should I fight this ticket? I really wasn’t going faster than any other cars and the pileup on I93 (a fact I was ignorant of at the time) seems to lend itself well to my argument. Secondly, the only identifiable witnesses to the spin out are myself and my wife. Can an officer legally issue a ticket if she/he didn’t see the conditions under which the accident occurred? The ticket was only for $119 and my issue truly isn’t the money. Not to be cliché, it’s the principle…and the time. Driving up to Maine to fight this would be an utter waste of my day.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Nagesh answers:

The cost to travel and time would be more than $119. Don’t know what this will do to your insurance though. My vote is let it go.

Chris asks…

Disputing child support in Florida if the child is not yours…?

Ok I’ll try to explain the situation with as much detail as I can. I have a friend who married a young woman 5 years ago. The marriage more or less fizzled in two years. He tried to get a divorce but financially he could not get a divorce as quickly as he had wanted. In that time, the woman got pregnant with twins. My friend met the father of the babies and even knows his name. When she had the babies, she called my friend and told him he had to be named on the birth certificates as they were still legally married. (Before I go on Question 1: is it true a husband HAS to be placed on the birth certificate if he does not claim the baby? I know paternity can be established through marriage but what if they were not together at the time?) Unfortunately for him he kind of didn’t think much about this. Less than a year later, he received a notice that was served to him by local police that he was being ordered to pay child support. He filled out the necessary paperwork to dispute the order however from what he is learning now, he did not fill out the forms correctly (file with clerk of court and pay a fee) he mailed the forms in. There were emails going back and forth between him and his “wife” regarding the child support in which she acknowledges that he is not the father and there was a mistake. She then emailed him and told him that there is a court hearing coming up which he does not have to show up for and the order will be dismissed. He did not agree with this and demanded she tell him the court date. He was not served with the court date in any way and he did not know of any court hearing. To make a long story possibly longer (LOL), he missed the court date and was ordered to pay child support. Payments were deducted from his paycheck within a month. He is not trying to dispute the child support order in court (he has an attorney and everything). My question is, with all the background history, does he have enough proof to stop the child support payments in court? I understand he will need a paternity test which his attorney is currently petitioning the court for. A far fetched question that he is hoping for, will the state pay him back in restitution or pay him his money back? Again he tried to dispute the child support, he has proof of mailing in the forms, before the order was in full effect. Granted he missed the court hearing but he was not notified appropriately regarding the court hearing. Hope this is enough information. I appreciate any and all of your answers and advice…
I understand that the child support order will be dropped but is it true he will be paid back in restitution for the child support already paid? This is what his attorney is telling him

Nagesh answers:

He has the legal right to paternity testing through the court. Once the court sees that the children aren’t his, it will be dropped.

John asks…

How about another side of euthanasia in The US?

This is an answer I gave to a question about the subject — a question which was “Deleted by Customer Care”. Who knows why? Most of the answers mirrored the question in that they took a party political stance. I’m posting here to provide my own real-life experience.

“Fair warning. My mother had the misfortune to be diagnosed with metastacized breast cancer in Oregon in 1993 when (rebounding from the Rajneeshee embarrassment) the PC folks there were anxious to put themselves back at the top the liberal charts and tried to legalize euthanasia. They did, but the State initiative was quickly squelched by the Federal government — or the Supreme Court. So much for reactionary logic as well.

Nevertheless, it seemed with the news that every kook in the care professions was drawn to Portland like so many vultures. Oregon did in fact pass a landmark hospice bill, but included a better-than-good provision. If two doctors signed a paper which stated the patient had less than six months to live, the law provide for practically unlimited funding to privately-run hospice facilities. Comfort care only if that was desired, family counseling, etc. Fair enough. But there was added a clause whereby (intending to protect the dignity of those with AIDS), once the patient was admitted to hospice, even the caregivers were forbidden by law to know the person’s actual diagnosis. Like I said: better than good.

Through this loophole, my sister — who is an attorney, set in motion a plan to expedite our mother’s death. When my mother’s primary doctor was taken away to have a bone-marrow transplant himself, my mother had a catastrophic episode of internal bleeding. I was there when she refused a what was thought to be a life-saving transfusion. My sister then stepped in, having the hospice papers signed by the doctor’s associate who had no reason to suspect my sister’s motives. She then fired the oncologist (who believed my mothers’s prognosis was for two years or more). “What can she tell us except that our mother is dying?”, said my sister to me nonchalantly, “It’s a waste of money.” Papers in hand, she then proceeded to give an utterly false description of my mother’s condition to the hospice administration, backing it up with a “donation” which consisted of the entire contents of my mother’s bank account.

The hospice swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. Informed by my sister that our mother had “less than two weeks to live”, I came back from Paris where I lived to find her bound to a bed, and drugged around the clock with Demerol. It took weeks to undo this, and to begin an investigation which revealed my sister’s own story about our mother’s condition. This included a fictitious tumor that threatened my mother’s spine (so that she “had” to be kept prone and immobile), as well as an equally fictitious “diagnosis” of Alzheimer’s which covered any objections my mother might try to make. Three more months to remove my sister’s Power of Attorney, which she had gained with a bedside masquerade of daughterly fealty just like the one which fooled the hospice administration and my mother’s new doctor. During this time my mother was deprived of care, and of the medication she desperately needed.

Once the Power of Attorney was removed and her plan was stopped, my sister disappeared — not even attending the funeral three years later. She even tried to legally block the memorial service. I have not seen her or spoken to her since. My mother did have a full remission once I got her medication (Tomoxifen) restored, and eventually walked out of that place. In fact the administration began trying to throw her out the day the “donation” ran out. She spent her last three years in any number of facilities — even reaching Level 1 Adult Foster Care for a while. But in each one she suffered varying degrees of neglect or abuse, eventually dying in 1996 — not from cancer, but from the after-effects of a botched and unauthorized hysterectomy. I stayed throughout those years, just to protect her life from those whose duty as they saw it was to send people ‘To the Other Side’ as they like to put it. Under the circumstances, it was an absolutely necessary ‘sabbatical’ that incidentally cost me my own home and career.

My point is this. It was all so wrong and unnecessary, and all caused by the awful hysteria that can grow around the ill, especially the terminally ill. To be sure, my sister was and is insane. But only in an atmosphere lacking in moral direction and civil standards could her plans have taken root or allowed to grow unchecked as they did. During the years I spent in Portland at my mother’s side I saw more than dozens, many more than than dozens who suffered similarly outrageous abuse — often intentional abuse from those who were mandated and licensed to care for them.
Euthanasia is perhaps a good and reasonable thing — but only in a society which is advanced and responsible enough to integrate it. It seems to work well, for instance, in Holland. But there, social conscience is an integral part of the culture — a far cry from the United States where we cannot even provide for basic public needs such as education, everyday health care, or deal with fundamental social issues such as race, prostitution, mental illness, and drug abuse.

Undertaking euthanasia in the United Sates as it is today is like giving a child a book of matches or a loaded gun. Believe me. I’ve seen it, and I know what I’m talking about. And by the way: those who see this issue as a matter of party politics only show just how little they understand about the issue itself. Real lives are at stake.
midnight: The next facility wanted to give her enough sedatives to “let her” pass on. As you say, it was hard to make the decision. My mother, just out of the catastrophic surgery where she walked in “healthy” (the surgeon’s words) and emerged with heart failure, kidney failure, double pneumonia and acute perotinitis, could only repeat “Help me!” through dried lips caked bloody scabs as they kept her on the edge of death from dehydration to attempt to quell the pneumonia. She had gotten that from inhaling liquids through lack of supervision after the surgery.

Did I mention the feeding tube in her Vena Cava?
At any rate, the “recovery clinic” advocated sedating her to death. I sat beside her bed and begged her to say WHAT she wanted for help.

Finally, she uttered, “Help me to wake up!” the next day was bedside care, spent wetting her lips with ice cubes. I cancelled the sedatives against all counsel — told she would “scrape her skin off” rolling with pain.
Instead, she finally took a spoonful of ice cream. It was a miracle. But the night nurse told me at the desk, “You have no idea the pain you are causing. Someday you will pay.” I went to the original care facility where she had been one year before — prior to the hospice, and begged them to intervene. Believe it or not, their chief physician and head administrator went with me that night to the “rehabilitation unit” where she supposed to die, in civilian clothes pretending to be relatives. After examining her, and the doctor’s OK, I signed the transfer papers that the administrator had brought with her, we put my mother into a wheelchair and stole out to my car, taking her to the other facility.

Two weeks later she was ambulatory again. We went back to the place with her walking and eating a bag of popcorn. The nursing staff was quite unhappy at our showing off, but two of the volunteer candy-stripers came up and told me crying, how they had prayed that she would somehow get out.

Nagesh answers:

I can feel your pain. As the one who had to make the decision for both of my parents, I know how difficult it is . In my Mother’s case, I had to make the decision to take her off of life support and I lived in a different state. After calling in another doctor and in my heart and soul knowing my Mom wasn’t going to live long, telling her so her wishes would be honored, I know that I am at peace with my decision. In my Dad’s case the hospital killed him and in particular one doctor who didn’t call me until after he decided my Dad should be released from th hospital against the advice of two doctors, including his primary care doctor. My God, I could tell he was dehydrated and couldn’t even stand up to get dressed. He was 82 but was playing volleyball just a few days before this. I was driving him home from my sisters, as he was vomiting his own feces. He was taken to the hospital and had emergency surgery in which the doctor explained that his bowel was twisted and he successfully untwisted it in surgery. My Dad came out of the surgery and had an oxygen mask on but was awake and pretty alert . He did not indicate severe pain. I went back up to see him and he never spoke again. They just put him on a large dose of morphine and basically drugged him up for no reason. After that they switched my Dad to Ativan that was given through the glass bottles instead of the plastic bags. I went day after day and he never spoke again and just lay there with no sign of life. I asked as the spokesperson for the family, for an EEG and was refused. He was pronounced dead after the day before the doctor in charge told me he was very much alive and they were going to wean him off the liquid Ativan and he would be fine. I was in total shock and disbelief. His death was pronounced with septicemia, aspiration pneumonia (they had him lying down all the time) bowel obstruction which was said to be successful and finally renal failure. Before I could get to the hospital , as I was the last to be called and wanted an autopsy done, they got to my younger sister to get her to have his body taken to the funeral home. They has taken him there already before I got there and I was furious. The sister they asked was in a very bad state of mind and couldn’t make the decisions. I am not a type of person to sue but this was gross negligence. When I contacted a lawyer and told the story they said it was the most gross negligence case they had heard of. I keep a journal of all that was said and done and also held a meeting with a doctor with family members, where it was decided to not take extraordinary measures, like cracking open his chest to “save” him. The lawyers said the word “but” and I knew what was coming and said, “Let me guess, due to his age, you won’t spend the money to go after a hospital .” They said I was correct and I also said that they didn’t place value on his life because of his age. Never mind that my Dad was a WWII and Korean War veteran and highly decorated with even receiving the Silver Star. His family always lived into their late 90’s to over 100 yrs. Old. I was outraged by this all. They didn’t place any value on his life due to his age, even though we are free in this country thanks to him and other vets and 3 straight years of combat. I had to also make the decision to put him on life support and then to take him off. I know I made the right decision but he didn’t have to die. They drugged him up so much and he died.
Sorry , this is lengthy but how can we begin to tell our horrible stories and keep it short?
Your sister was obviously not the person to be able to make decisions in the best interest of your Mother. I am so sorry. The health system is a business and often times uncaring.
I may not have their degree but I know much information on health issues and can never live in peace with what the hospital did.
I am happy that your Mom was strong enough to utter the words you needed to hear. It seems that it is easier to drug the elderly until they can’t talk or move than to help the patient. What a septic society we live in. They assume they know what is best but they don’t. They just can’t be bothered. I am glad you got to see your Mom eat again and I know how you feel. They often don’t even know or care whether the patient is in pain or not. They took the easy way out. It wasn’t easy for the family and will never give us peace of mind.
I don’t believe in euthanasia, as I am a Christian and believe that it is God’s will when we go. I am honored to know someone like you who stepped in and help her live again, if even for a short while. Who knows our loved ones better than us? Sorry for your loss but at least you had one doctor willing to help and thank God for that and the time she had. At a time when our family should have been close, we were torn apart. I can sleep with my decisions amd I doubt those doctors that were responsible for my Dad dying, are losing any sleep over it. The hospital just sits there

Thomas asks…

Disputing child support order in the State of Florida…?

Ok I’ll try to explain the situation with as much detail as I can. I have a friend who married a young woman 5 years ago. The marriage more or less fizzled in two years. He tried to get a divorce but financially he could not get a divorce as quickly as he had wanted. In that time, the woman got pregnant with twins. My friend met the father of the babies and even knows his name. When she had the babies, she called my friend and told him he had to be named on the birth certificates as they were still legally married. (Before I go on Question 1: is it true a husband HAS to be placed on the birth certificate if he does not claim the baby? I know paternity can be established through marriage but what if they were not together at the time?) Unfortunately for him he kind of didn’t think much about this. Less than a year later, he received a notice that was served to him by local police that he was being ordered to pay child support. He filled out the necessary paperwork to dispute the order however from what he is learning now, he did not fill out the forms correctly (file with clerk of court and pay a fee) he mailed the forms in. There were emails going back and forth between him and his “wife” regarding the child support in which she acknowledges that he is not the father and there was a mistake. She then emailed him and told him that there is a court hearing coming up which he does not have to show up for and the order will be dismissed. He did not agree with this and demanded she tell him the court date. He was not served with the court date in any way and he did not know of any court hearing. To make a long story possibly longer (LOL), he missed the court date and was ordered to pay child support. Payments were deducted from his paycheck within a month. He is not trying to dispute the child support order in court (he has an attorney and everything). My question is, with all the background history, does he have enough proof to stop the child support payments in court? I understand he will need a paternity test which his attorney is currently petitioning the court for. A far fetched question that he is hoping for, will the state pay him back in restitution or pay him his money back? Again he tried to dispute the child support, he has proof of mailing in the forms, before the order was in full effect. Granted he missed the court hearing but he was not notified appropriately regarding the court hearing. Hope this is enough information. I appreciate any and all of your answers and advice…
He has met with his attorney and not that this is a public defender or legal aid, the court did refer him to this attorney. He has to pay a total of $5000 for his services which I think isn’t too bad (correct me if I’m wrong). With that said, he’s getting what he’s paying for. The attorney is never really available and is in a rush. I have advised him to correspond with his attorney by email or set up an appointment with his paralegal or even get some information from his paralegal. These are not his questions but my own.
Also the biggest quesiton is, will he get resititution for the child support he has already paid? I highly doubt it but it seems like this is the BS his attorney is feeding him.

Nagesh answers:

A little long to read, so he should study these?

To learn a father’s rights, join Dads House in Yahoo Groups. It’s free to join, access all materials, and you associate with other fathers going through, and have already gone through, the same issues. We have an Educational Manual that teaches everything that needs to be known in addressing your legal issues. Mention your question here when asked why you want to join, as well as your state?

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Friday, May 17th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money In The Summer

Steven asks…

How to Make Money In the Summer, any Ideas?

Ok, I am thirteen and i live in just a little “city” (it is officially called a city, but it still seems like a town) and i am looking for ways to make money. I am trying to save up for a good laptop. I am having a really hard time finding ideas. I already do chores i get paid .25 for each one. not a lot. I have a possible job at cleaning the neighborhood pool for $20 a week, but unfortunatly, the pool is broken. Please Help and SUBSCRIBE!!!
thank you 🙂
p.s. i live in a kind of secluded neighborhood.

Nagesh answers:

Why do all kids want a laptop?!

David asks…

Make extra money for summer trip 2013?

Next summer (2013), my best friend and I want to spend a couple weeks in Paris. We just decided this and have decided to start planning soon-ish. We are looking for ideas on how to make some extra money outside of work. We both have steady jobs, but are also college students, so time is limited. So if anyone has any ideas on how to make some extra money on the side, they would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

We are looking to expand our team of Personal Health & Wellness Coaches. We have helped our clients to lose over 4,200 lbs in our first two years of being in business. However, the obesity problem is so bad and things have grown so fast that we need help reaching all of the people who need our help to get healthy. This includes all states across USA.

It doesn’t matter what your background is, where you are from, or what shape you are personally in – we will train you on how to improve people’s lives while experiencing good health for yourself. What we are looking for are people who have a PASSION and DRIVE to help others. If this is you – you might be a good fit for our team.
As a wellness coach, you have the ability to earn between $500 – $3,000 extra income per month PART-TIME – without interfering with your current job. We also have full-time, career level opportunities available.

Ready to get started?
Please email your resume in care of Connie.
Include your Name, Email and Phone # in the body of the email and we will contact you within 24 hours.

Joseph asks…

How can i make money in the summer?

Me and my friend need a way to make money over the summer that doesn’t require a lot of startup money.I looked up ideas online but most of them were like this:

idea #7: wash cars

I need actual explanations on starting up and maintaining the money.

Nagesh answers:

Maybe a real job like McDonalds or washing dishes at a local resturaunt if you have a way to get there. Some old classics would be dog walking, mowing lawns, the tried and true lemonaid stand. How about doing laundry?

Once you decide what your going to do make up some flyers with your number on it and hang as many up as you can. Then you have to be good about answering your phone and returning calls.

You should set up a percentage of the money that you keep and the rest you save. Maybe 50/50 or 60/40. To get in the habbit of saving save all of the money you make the first time you do something. Open a bank account in your local town so you can deposit it before you spend it. Plus with interest youll get a couple extra cents out of it.

Good Luck!

Ruth asks…

fastest way to make money is the summer?

im 13 and i don’t have a workers permit yet and i was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how i can make money in the summer because i want to make money so i don’t have to keep asking my mom for money because she’s very tight on money right now so if anyone has any realistic ideas then that would be appreciated. thank you so much

Nagesh answers:

Im 14 and i want money too! Unfortunatley i cant have a job right now! Anyways babysit some kids if you like kids, walk the dog in your neighbourhood. Do something that you would enjoy doing and will do it to get money!

Hope this helped

Sandra asks…

How does a 13 year old girl make a decent amont of money in the summer?

Im 13 And i NEED money.Im tired of asking my parents for money so i want my own money to buy the stuff i want.So please give me GOOD IDEAS for me to make money.ONES THAT ACTUALY WORK ! 10 POINTS TO THE BEST ANWSER !!!

Nagesh answers:

◘ Baby-sitting
◘ Kool-aid/Lemonade stand.
◘ Mowing lawns.
◘ Do chores for your parents.
◘ Car washes with your friends.
◘ Clean up peoples yards.


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Thursday, May 16th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick Online

Lizzie asks…

Quick ways to earn money for an iPhone?

I was thinking about mowing my lawn for my father…but thats about it.
Im really a very….”sanitized” if i shall say, person. for example, i hate sweating, i hate bad smells, i hate bugs, etc etc… honestly, i really dont even want to mow my own lawn, but i gotta do what i gotta do.

things i really dont want to do or cant do is
-babysit [well theres so many daycares in my neighborhood i bet i wont get a job]
-dogsit [not many dogs in my neighborhood, and also most people barely go out anyways]
-get a real job [everywhere i look theres no openings until next year]
-mow lawns [ugh…never like the thought of it, plus some people in my neighborhood regularly do their own or already hires there personal lawn mower]
online surveys that pay [it takes too long, like months, and i dont think i have much time]

So yes i know that most people were going to use those answers. Does anyone have any other creative ideas???? Ive wanted an iPhone since the 1st generation, ive always been facinated by such a spectacular piece of technology of such as it’s self, and i would be..mind-blowned..if i was able to say “I own an iPhone”. I <3 iPhones!!!!

So please, please, PLEEEAASSSEE help me. [i honestly have like…2 or 3 weeks topsi already have $40 something..].

Nagesh answers:

Sell something you value less than the iPhone on Craigslist – things sell really fast on there if they are in demand. Suggestion: Check other prices on the same item you are going to sell (if any), then make yours, like, $2.00 less. Hehe (that’s from my old eBay selling days).

Maria asks…

plz tell me some quick money making sites?

i want to earn online but have wandered her & there plz help me reliably.

Nagesh answers:

Honest Suggestion/ advice, pls do not fall for such things.

The above line may sound boring and typical, but its a fact, Anything earned has more value that acquiring it by short cut.
Short cut funds wont give you what ppl call as “CONTENT” or “SATISFACTION”.

It is important to CHERISH SUCCESS, and this can happen only when GENUINE HARD WORK gets rewarded.

Have a great content life ahead!

Carol asks…

ONLINE Cash Earning Genuine websites…?

Any quick way earning BIG MONEY ONLINE… Any genuine Website. But no POKER Games please.. Something Moral. Thank you dear friends..

Nagesh answers:

Dear friend, I do understand what you are feeling right now… Because i was in the same situation as you before few months…on the internet you will find thousands of websites saying that they are the only genuine money making website.. But unfortunately its just a scam most of the time….

And remember website telling that you can make 25000+ in just one month of span that too, without any investments are always Scam…but fortunately i found one website that really gives money….initially you will only make around 1000-1500 per month but eventually within few moths you can make upto 6000+ per month…

For your assurance here is the prrof of payment given by them..


To join paste this URL in your browser..


Donald asks…

What are some survey websites I can use to earn quick cash?

My place of employment is closed until february and I am in dire need of extra cash and was wondering if anyone has tried any online surveys that you actually get money for completing? Even if it’s only a few dollars here and there.

Nagesh answers:

My favorite is fusion cash. I think this one makes you the most money and you receive payment the fastest. You can get the money direct deposited within 1-5 business day, you can get it via paypal, or you can receive a check.

Getting a check from any survey site usually takes about a month so I recommend papal or direct deposit although this is the only site that offers both.

At fusion cash you can make $3 for every referral you get that signs up and completes one offer. You make $3 a month for posting in the forum. You receive a $5 sign up bonus. You usually receive from .50 – 2.00 per every free offer you complete.

Free offers are basically signing up for free sites and giving them your spam email and your address but they never send you anything.

I personally recommend making an email just for these sites.

You can do the offers you pay for but I personally do not.

I have been doing these sites for about a year now and it definitely comes in handy because I am a stay at home mom.


The second I’ll recommend is This site is the easiest to do. You spin a wheel and make anywhere from .10 to winning the jackpot.

I also recommend Inbox dollars. This site pays you for free offers, surveys, and checking the emails they send you.


Jenny asks…

How to earn money online?

I wanna earn money online and make some extra pocket money. Any suggestions? Also, how do people earn money on twitter?

Nagesh answers:

Quick Way To Begin:

I would start by browsing the jobs on reputable sites, like Monster and Elance, or if you are skilled in specific

fields, such as writing, you should post and review freelance job offers at, or You can also

find jobs writing articles, doing websites, you name it.-.!. All from reputable sources, and all at no cost.

Good luck!

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Wednesday, May 15th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast And Free

Lizzie asks…

Is it way too cheap to keep soda cups from fast food chains in your car and get free refills?

I am a student and am always having cash flow problems. I keep soda cups from fast food chains in my car and get free refills to help save money. It saves me around $20 per month. Is it way too tacky to do this?

Nagesh answers:

No way! That’s a good idea. Just don’t get caught.

John asks…

How To Make Money Fast,?

Okay.. I read about these money survey websites.? if u fill in a survey you get paid,? is this really true or is it a spam.?

Can U Give me a few websites that are spam free and are 100% legal

Nagesh answers:

There are absolutely no online jobs or survey sites that are legitimate out there.

Certainly, none that you will get from this forum.

Try and Google the keywords, and MAYBE you will find something that can get you a pair of iphone earbuds after a month of surveys.

Robert asks…

What is the fastest way to get a free government grant?

I’ m looking for a fast way to get approved and actually get the grant quickly, i’ m not looking for the scams were they make you pay money to get it, i lost my job and have bills but no money also a free grant you don’t have to pay back thanks Heidi

Nagesh answers:

Contrary to popular belief, the government just doesn’t give away free money to people who need it. To pay bills, remodel their house, start a business, make a car handicapped accessible, put on a roof, or whatever else you can think of. The only REAL grant that is available for individuals is for someone to go to college and that money actually goes to the school. It is called a Pell grant and to apply is free and you do it at

Paul asks…

how to get my payer lvl fast in runescape for free player???? help help?

hi i have problem with my payer lvl in runescape!!!
i want to know how to get my payer lvl fast and don`t have to spend money.
i am a free player so ………………….

Nagesh answers:

If you’re just starting out I recommend you try the chicken hut near Draynor to collect and bury bones.

Http:// – in this page is a table of different type of bones and the prayer EXP you get from them. If you do a bit of research you can find the best spots to retrieve these bones.

I have found that if you go directly north from Varrok, through the wilderness, there are patches of bones that will spawn very regularly without you having to kill anything. It’s worth checking it out.

If you liked this answer please rate me!

Helen asks…

How to make money fast…?

I really want to buy a PSP, but I don’t know how to get the money. I’m only 13, so I can’t do any job… My allowance is 6 euro’s a week. It’s summer vacation and I am free all day, 7 days a week. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Make babysitting flyers using the computer and put them in the library, people’s mailboxes, and grocery stores.

Drum up more business and keep a notebook to schedule when you do get a customer.

Culver’s minimum hiring age is 14 with a workers permit.

I called many stores because I am 14 looking for a job. This was the response they gave which makes me happy after looking for so long.

Find a local one go online and apply and go in store to apply or call and ask if they are hiring.

What I did was Google a bunch of business near my home and found their numbers using Google maps or their sites and I called and directly asked if they are hiring and what age do they hire at.

Try local grocery stores, pizza parlors, retail stores, fast food restaurants.

Check out my blog. It has tons of money making ideas, saving tips, ways to score freebies , and discounts. The link is under my profile.
You can create a blog too. You can generate money just ranting about your interests.

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Tuesday, May 14th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick

Betty asks…

How can I make my hair color darker with out using store bought stuff?

I want to go darker but I just dont have the money.
And If you have a idea for me to earn money quick please tell me

Nagesh answers:

Darken Light Hair
Brew strong dark black coffee or strong black tea.
Allow the mixture to completely cool before using.
Wash hair as you normally would and rinse. Turn off the water in the shower.
Poor the coffee or tea onto your light hair in the shower with a bowl underneath your head to catch the mixture.
Re-rinse with the coffee or tea until you achieve your desired color.
Wash and condition your hair.
Repeat this process once a month to maintain a natural-looking dark color.

Donald asks…

How can i earn more money for makeup?

I want more makeup but my parents dont have money! I am 13 and i want to know a way how i can earn money fast and quick WITHOUT having to babysit.

Nagesh answers:

Sell yourself out.

Mark asks…

How to earn money when your 13 QUICK?

I am trying to prove to my mom that I am responisable to buy my own stuff… Well I’m going to buy me an iPhone and I need to earn money QUICK like within a month would be nice to earn about 500$ haha my gma and gpa sometimes pay me to help…. And I could maybe ask my mom to pay me for chorse but other than that idk haha oh and we live out towards the country… So babysitting isn’t really an option


Nagesh answers:

Start an errand and odd job service for the elderly people in your neighborhood. Print up flyers on your PC and hand them out to your neighbors. If business picks up, hire some of your friends to help you.

Helen asks…

What Things Can Me An My Best Mate Do To Earn Money To Have A Shopping Spree?

Me&My friend want to have a shopping spreee so need to earn quite alot of money and we have like none atm,, what can we do? we was gonna buy soap flakes and make homemade soap but we dont know where or how to sell it? and do you have anything else we could make and sell? and how else could we earn money quick? we live in the UK xx Taah!;)x
And I Am Exactly 13 Tah!:S

Nagesh answers:

You need to be at least 13 to post questions – and you’re obviously quite a bit younger, so not old enough.

Michael asks…

How do I earn money quicker?

My class wants to go on a field trip to Canobie Lake Park, but we need money for the bus and all the other stuff. We only have about 4 weeks to make the money. We need about 1,200 dollars. I want a quick way to earn money.

Nagesh answers:

Do alot of fund raisers and events

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Tuesday, May 14th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money In Runescape

Lisa asks…

In Runescape, what is the Best way to make money (non member)?

could you tell me a quick and easy way to make money besides
* Fishing
* Woodcutting
Please because i need money, quick and easy =)

Nagesh answers:

Well woodcutting is good and so is fishing… There arent many other choices.. Well you can mine coal, merchant stuff (like tinderboxes and spades) or go pvp and hope for good drops. Other than that, there is no other ways.

Sharon asks…

Can anyone tell me the QUICKEST way to make money in RuneScape?

Nagesh answers:

You still play runescape?

I haven’t been on in like 10 years

Richard asks…

Quick way to level up on Runescape, and how to make money?

right now, in mining, im like a lvl 30, and construction, 19. is there a quicker way to level up my construction and mining? and whenever i get something expensive (3-13k), nobody i try to trade with gives me money for it! can someone help, or at least trade me??? i think i still have some pirate leggings (9k).
sometimes, i risk my person’s life to go out and kill unicorns, because their horns sell for 800gp a piece!! my combat levels 15, so REALLY low!! usually i mine coal and silver for money, then, of course, i die. and all my gp goes down the toilet, so thats another thing.

btw: im a member.

Nagesh answers:

Well first of all don’t sell things like pirate stuff u can buy from store somewhere -.-. And wc and fishing way better that mining

i cut yews 30k an hour and they sell really fast in g.e.

Or try sharks for mems lobbies for non mems

and if u try selling armor u won’t have tht many people buying unless it’s atleast rune. Nobody likes to use adamant

3-13k is nothing i got 400k on my poorest ac but i got a few mil total

Ruth asks…

make runescape money fast?

are there any ways to make quick money? (example: buy one ‘item’ from a store and sell that ‘item’ for more cost in grand exchange.)

Nagesh answers:

If you can mine Rune Essence sell it on GE and you’ll get some good money, I use to do that ALL the time and i got like 1315k. It helped me earn more money. Also you can do Jobs from citizens like from Lumbridge and Draynor. Also you have to have patience, and you got to work hard for it.
Also add me! M tomboy… Also i can help out more if you want. IF YOUR GONNA BEG DON’T THINK ABOUT ADDING. I do not like beggers.

Donald asks…

What is a good skill-related way to make money in Runescape?

I ran out of money, thanks to a pker. I need a solid, fairly quick method to use my skills to get enough money to start merchanting. So, what can I use?
I’m a freeplayer
60 mining
63 woodcutting
50 smithing
54 fishing
55 cooking
combat 72

Nagesh answers:

Sell willows and yews to people in draynor, mine coal to sell in falador, fish and cook lobsters to sell to other players. If these are your only high levels those are probably the best ways to make money, i especially like to use mining (mining lvl 73)

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Monday, May 13th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes From Home

Linda asks…

Where can I find jobs i can do from my home?

I have two small children (2 and 4) and I need a job I can do from home but everything I have come across has been a scam. Can someone please help me out.

Nagesh answers:

“A” Rating with the BBB

You will get lots of scammers answering here, please don’t fall prey. However, at the same time, please don’t listen to the people saying they are ALL SCAMS. They are not ALL scams, just MOST of them are!

I am a single mom of 2 girls who has tried over 15 opportunities in the course of 3 years so I have some great information for you on how to find a LEGIT way to work from home plus a list of top 10 work at home scams!

People are looking for work from home and the biggest problem is they don’t understand that there really are NO WORK AT HOME JOBS. You will not find hourly pay from home. You can look forever, you’ll never find it. The only way to earn an income from home is to find a legit home business.

Small home businesses have increased in the last 5 years by about 200%. People are really starting to realize that if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. The best home businesses to start are those with a proven plan in place like Avon or Mary Kay however if you are like me, you are not interested in pushing products.

Legitimate small home businesses should have a small costs involved but be careful, all the scams will be charging too so know the business. Talk to a REAL person and ask questions. Less than $500 to start is reasonable and I would stay away from those wanting $1000-$5000. It doesn’t cost that much to start a home business so you shouldn’t pay it. If you are coming across places that say free then I would RUN don’t walk the other way! They never are in the end.

After trying 15 things, I now work about 20-25 hours per week for a well known and respected company with amazing credentials. This company actually helps keep Americans Safe and Secure by offering Medical and Dental plans as well as things like roadside assistance, credit repair and National Child ID in partnership with the FBI. We also help Americans stay safe and save money! Americans have saved over 1 BILLION dollars with these plans.

I started with this company 3 years ago and started making $500 a month within only a few months. That income has increased now to around $900 a week. No, it’s not $10,000 a day like those scams advertise but this isn’t a get rich quick scheme. If that’s what you are looking for, look elsewhere! The best part is they have 401(k), direct deposit, life insurance and a family benefits package from day one.

There are NO products, NO hard selling or pushing, NO Bugging Friends and Family, NO cold calling, NO home parties and NO telemarketing! That was VERY important to me. The neat thing is there are other people on your team that you work with so you are never alone even though you’re at home.

I was a bit apprehensive at first because a lot of companies are not legit but this company’s credentials FAR SURPASSED any other home business I had ever seen. SOME of their NATIONAL partners and credentials are National Association of Dental Plans, US Chamber of Commerce, Parent Magazine, US News and World Report and Dozens of Fortune 500 companies like Sears, Target and Walmart. Most importantly they are partnered with the FBI on one of their plans that helps American’s protect their children This company also has an “A” rating with the BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU!

My point is to tell you, YES! There actually are legit work at home options so press forward! You will find them eventually!

Definitely AVOID these top 10 work at home scams:

10. Craft Assembly
9. Medical Billing
8. Email/Rebate Processing
7. “A List of Companies Looking for Home workers!”
6. “Just pay for and take this class first” Then we’ll give or find you a job!
5. Envelope Stuffing
4. “Turn Your Computer Into a Money-Making Machine!”
3. Pyramid Schemes (this is NOT the same as Multi-Level Marketing MLM)
2. Chain Letters/Emails
1. Typing At Home / Data Entry (The biggest scam out there. 100% of them are scams!)

As for those of you who say: ”I want to work from home but I don’t want to have to pay for anything”. Well, that’s great! But it’s not realistic. Let’s be honest, there is no such thing as a free lunch. If it is a true honest legitimate home business, you need to expect to pay a little something. Mr. Walt Disney didn’t start the Disney empire “without paying for anything”. Neither did Mr. Sam Walton, owner of Wal-Mart.

Good luck in your search!

If you want to know more or chat with me click on my profile to the left!

Best Wishes to you!

Steven asks…

Does the Open Work Permit in Canada allows you to work as self-employed? How about home-based business?

My friend is thinking of being self-employed but can she do that if she have an open work permit? how about if she do a home based business while her permanent residency application is still in process? Does open work permit allows self-employed and home-based business or just self-employed and NOT business? Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

When she does become a PR, she has to show CIC that she did NOT apply for welfare or disability or anything like that – so she will need to show that she did make some money and had income of some kind.

Unless her business is online and already established, she would probably be safer waiting until she actually gets PR status before she starts a new home based or self-employed business.

Technically I think the open work permit means you have to work for someone else.

I have checked several pages on CIC and so far I see NO mention of any restrictions other than the following line –
However, your spouse or common-law partner may be eligible to apply for an “open” work permit that will allow her or him to accept any job with any employer

….any job with any employer….
This implies that they must work for an employer.

The following is MY experience of being on an open work permit.

When I was on an open work pemrit (I too was applying for PR status under family class like your friend) I didnt work for several months – I was volunteering to get Canadian experience.
When CIC called me to move my application further forward, it got held up because they said that volunteering was not acceptable and told me to get a paying job. So I had to go out and get a paying job.

Your friend may have the same trouble if she doesnt get a paying job.
She can do the home based or self employed job, part time or after she gets PR status.

She must also get a temporary SIN card (hers will start with a 9) and then when she gets a job, obviously she must pay taxes and CPP and EI.

If she is doing a home based or self employed job, she has to get a business license, get a business SIN card, pay her own taxes and she cannot pay into the pension fund (CPP) or EI schemes, although she can of course have her own savings.

I eventually did get my PR status, and am now eligible to apply for citizenship – but just cant afford to pay for that yet.

Hope this helps.

Ken asks…

What is the best legit at home mom job company out there?

I just moved to a different state and going to give birth next march. Now that I live so far away from family and friends I don’t want some random person taking care of my child, will anyone please help me by giving me links or advice on what the best and legit at home mom jobs there are out there? Thank you :>. P.S. My husband is working, I just want to help my family out :<

Nagesh answers:

Hey Tatiana,

congratulations on the new baby! I hope you’re enjoying the life in your new state. I believe you are a clever, hard working woman and you do know that internet is not a get-rich-quick scheme! It takes hard work to make serious money here, but it’s totally possible if you put in the efforts and if you are willing!

If you ever feel like a “Laptop Mom”, which is I believe the new generation of women workers, try to check out this link:

I hope that this answer helped, keep me posted on how it’s going 🙂

Nancy asks…

What jobs enable you to work from home?

What jobs can enable you to work from home that are good paying jobs?

Nagesh answers:

I just started working from home with a 15 year old company called AmeriPlan. AmeriPlan is the nations leading health benefits company, and assists the 46 million Americans who are either under or uninsured. This company is not a get rich quick scheme and it is a member of the U.S Chamber of Commerce. The company pays me daily for my work and provides me with benefits too. When I first started with AmeriPlan I was just looking to make some extra money, however now I plan to make career level income with this business. When you start an AmeriPlan business, it is your business and you make your own schedule. I love what I do and just wanted to share this experience with you!

You can visit for more information.


Jennifer Newman

Sandy asks…

how to write a book how to make 10 million dollars in 3 months ?

answers for Question how to make 10 million dollars in 3 months is to write a book , becoming a very good writer, then publish it.
and how to write this amazing book started?

Nagesh answers:

Forget about it . There is a limited amount of suckers for it number one and number two who you gonna get to publish it ? Please you need a reality check like so many on here looking for a quick way to make money with the minimum amount of work . Is it any wonder that China and India are kicking our as s cause they work and they work hard and long and they know how to save and invest and grow their money without resorting to dumb, hairbrain , and ignorant schemes like so many americans seem to do . Who really cares though my kids are all educated , we have a summer home on the cape , and a winter condo in Aspen and my wife and i both retire next year with huge 401ks and pensions so life is good in America if you work hard and educate youraself and play the game straight .

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Sunday, May 12th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Runescape

John asks…

how can i make good money fast in runescape?

Ok i haven’t played in a while but now i’m bac on it. I am level 87 and all of my skils are levels 45-70. i need help making money fast.

Nagesh answers:

Well during the time i played the best and quickest ways i found to make cash were to:

A. Go and hord up as much Rune Ess as you can get. When you get, say maybe 5k of it sell it. Now i actually doubled this with other things so i waited until i had around 100-150k before i sold which made me a rich guy, very quickly 🙂

B. You can do this along with A. Now for this one you need to have at least 60 Woodcutting so that you can chop yews. Just search around area’s you know to have them and cut until you have to bank. And i would suggest saving these guys until you have 5k. Also if you get to lvl 70 woodcutting from this you can go and cut mage tree’s (if member) and save those up until 2k.

C. Mine what ever you able to at your lvl. I’d suggest doing coal or addy since most people LOVE to buy those things. And if you can, find Rune mines and mine those things.

Susan asks…

How do I make money in RuneScape fast?

How can I make TONS of money in RuneScape? I’m a member, and I need some really good methods. Thanks and peace out.

Nagesh answers:

BLUE DRAGONS! 1,000 dragon bones and blue dragonhide is worth 8m and if you have alot of time in the day to play you can get 1,000 in a day. You can find them in the taverly dungeon east of falador. If you don’t have 70 agility you have to walk all the way around. Look up taverly dungeon guide on or it will show you how to get there. Depending on whethe you’re a warrior or ranger…if you’re a warrior i’d atleast be lvl 110 to fight them if you’re a ranger you can be any lvl range but over 70 is better because you kill them faster. And make sure you bring your antifire shield or they’ll mess you up! Also you will make alot of money from it if you dont get bored with it and go do something else. I have over 200m in cash and items so yea…it works.
Ms Toker

Betty asks…

How to make money fast on runescape?

I’m going to be a member this summer. Tips on how to make money?
I got a lv 61 with 79 range with 44 pray and 52 str, 1 def

Nagesh answers:

Merchanting / flipping
killing green dragons , or killing the bots in wildy which are killing the green dragons
killing grutworms (try to kill the ones that are level 90+)
farming, (toadflax, ranarr, snakeweed)
woodcutting magic trees
killing blue dragons
runecrafting nature runes
high alching certain items also makes profit, look it up on google

Helen asks…

what a great way making money in runescape for a nonmember?

i rly need a fast way making money u runescape with out dieing in the game and losing my items i had

Nagesh answers:

A way to make money fast is to get ur cooking and fishing lvl to 40. Then catch and cook lobsters. Sell them and u will make money fast. But it takes a long time to get lvls up.

Mark asks…

Runescape, fast lv up and money making help?

im lv 51 i have a 42 attack 45 strength and a 41 def. i need a faster way to make money i have 76k but all i do is mine coal and sell ity any tips?

Nagesh answers:

Stop mining and start fighting! Get a brass key and go south of Lumbridge there will be a very very very little house well its not really a house but a room and to open the door to it u need a brass key so get it and open and go down there will be moss or hill giants im not sure but kill them and collect big bones and you cvan sell them for 100 ea. And even in world 1 250 ea.

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Saturday, May 11th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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