Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Online

Carol asks…

Is State Bank of India backed by a United States Financial institution?

I make money online and I am expecting a payment,with direct deposit to my Indian bank account. Requirements are:
-The bank should be backed by US Financial Institution
-Accept ACH transfer

I know SBI accept ACH transfer, can you help solving the other part??

Nagesh answers:

I unfortunately believe that is the ‘catch-22’ of your ‘online job’. US financial institutions don’t back ANY Indians banks, as far as I am aware and from my research. You’re probably involved in a typical Indian ‘scheme’.
I live in the US. Obviously we can barely manage to back our OWN banks, much less banks located halfway around the world in foreign countries.

Laura asks…

What is the best way to treat emotional and compulsive spending habits?

Okay my major problem when I go shopping is that I buy things on an impulse and then when I get home I regret making the purchase. The thing is though everything that I tend to buy on impulse I can afford. These conditions really started to take effect when I begin making my own money and spending it. Is this suppose to be a natural feeling that people get when they shop? For example the other day I bought this nice watch from a department store. I looked at once and quickly bought it with out any question and it was on sale. When I got home though I had a major case of buyer’s remorse and returned the watch that day. Is there anyway to cure this condition?

Nagesh answers:

Stop shopping for a while. Look online but don’t buy. Save up for the things you want. Determine what you need vs what you want and in the grand scheme of things, is what you are going to buy really add to your life that much?

I use to cherish things I would buy on impulse also. I would decide to buy something when heading out, look at a couple of stores and just buy, sometimes with remorse. Then came my divorce. Nothing really makes you take stock of your “stuff” until it is listed on three pages in a divorce settlement and is being divided just based on value. It’s disheartening to sum up years of purchasing stuff to just a list that has no sentimentality in the eyes of the court. After many arguments and fights when dividing it all up, you just have to realize it’s just “Stuff”. I finally had to just let stuff go as I wanted to finalize the head and heartache. I knew I could always replace it, but I really took stock of if I truly needed to. I actually took the proceeds from my house and opened up my own business, which generates income for me to have a nice nest egg for the future.

Good luck and stay away from the stores!

Donna asks…

For which reason are various countries reluctant to make firm commitments to make deep reductions in?

Greenhouse gases?
A) They believe reducing greenhouse gases will reduce the standard of living in their countries.
B) Most of the emissions come from just a few rich nations.
C) They believe reducing greenhouse gases will not not make a difference on climate change.
D) all of the above

Nagesh answers:

None of the above.

A) No one really cares about the standard of living of the country as a whole. They care about their own standard of living. Since most governments are controlled by the rich, it is the standard of living of the rich that counts, not of all.

If replacing all the coal and oil with renewable energy were to make life immeasurably better for most of the population, the elites would still be against it as it reduces the power and wealth of the big coal and oil companies, the financial sector, etc.

In the U.S. The Republicans have consistently pursued policies that grow the economy more slowly than the Democrats.
But the Republican policies increase income inequality, making the rich feel better, while the Democratic policies reduce income inequality. Don’t you think those smart Wall Street types know this when they give more money to the Republicans and less to the Democrats?

Note also that there is a big difference between fears that it will reduce standard of living and fears that it will reduce GDP. After all, GDP has increased in the U.S. Over the last decade but the standard of living has not

The great decoupling

B) China is now the largest producer of CO2 in the world. It does NOT count as a rich country. India is the third largest producer of CO2 (counting countries, not the entire EU). It too is clearly not a rich nation.

C) Most countries in the world signed the Kyoto Protocol. They have admitted recognizing that reducing greenhouse gases WILL make a difference. They just don’t want to do it. This is the classic free-rider situation.

Consider the EU cap-and-trade scheme. They went to an awful lot of trouble to pretend to take action. If they didn’t believe in the need, they could have just refused, as China and the U.S. Did.
Instead they created a real system, and then set the targets so high that they didn’t really require significant changes.

James asks…

Can someone please tell me the secret to making money online as an affiliate marketer with clickbank?

I have bought every guru scam and nothing works, but it can be done. Whats the secret? I am not an idiot I am desperate and cant land a job. Please share some insight. Thank you.

Nagesh answers:

First of all, many people think Clickbank has scammy products – ebooks with questionable diets and medical cures, get rich quick schemes, etc., so you might want to look at affiliate programs that offer other types of products that are more traditional.

The secret to earning from affiliate programs is unique and relevant content. Create a website, blog or page on other types of free webpages like YouTube, Hubpages, Squidoo: etc. About a specific topic and write about what you know. Here are some ideas: things you do, places you’ve been, DIY and how-tos, recipes, movie reviews, product comparisons and reviews., etc. You can also earn income directly from Adsense on blogs or from traffic as well as money earning modules on Squidoo, Hubpages and other article writing pages.

Do some research, put some of your own photos on your website or webpages then after you have created one or two, apply to some of the better affiliate programs and include links to products from your affiliate programs that are relevant to your topic. Here are some of the better ones:
You can also join the All posters affiliate program and use links to the posters they sell to illustrate your website, blog or webpages. It is especially helpful if you are writing about a topic that you don’t have a good photo to illustrate:

You can also create your own little free shop of products using your own photos or graphics on Zazzle: You can put links to your Zazzle store on your webpages to help generate traffic and sales.
Here is an example of how all of these things can be put together to create a page that can earn you some income:

Then your work is not over – you need to find ways to get good quality backlinks to your pages to get traffic. I have websites, blogs, youTube videos and Squidoo, facebook, google+ and all sorts of other sites that all link to each other.

It helps to visit and leave positive comments on other people’s pages – but don’t spam and drop links to your pages on theirs unless it is truly in response to a question they asked or something they are looking for. If you create a profile most people will be curious about who left the nice comment and will go visit your pages if you don’t annoy them by leaving spam.

None of these things will make you an overnight millionaire – it takes time to create the blogs and several good pages and more time to generate traffic, but if you spend some time learning and perfecting how to write good content you should start to see some income within a few months.

Good luck!

Ken asks…

Is it true they will get rid of crisis loans from the jobcentre from the 1st of April?

My boyfriend had to apply for it and that was one of the things the lady on the phone said. I looked online and I didn’t see anything stating it. Is it really true they will get rid of crisis loans from the 1st of April? If so then what will people do if they really need money for something essential? It takes about 4 weeks to start receiving money when making a new claim for JSA… People usually claim crisis loans to get by during that time.

Be aware that crisis loans are available for people who work or are on benefits.

Nagesh answers:


Crisis loans will cease to be handled by DWP after 31 March 2013. My understanding is that this will transfer to your local authority from 1 April who will then be responsible for administration of the scheme. It will be up to each local authority to set their criteria for eligibility.

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Wednesday, May 29th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick And Easy

Thomas asks…

I need an easy way to make $500- $1000 at age 13!!! Not allowed to use internet game/money sites?

Ok i need $500- $1000 for a new bmx bike and i want to earn the money, fast and quick. I can’t use any internet sites to earn money so i need as many answers as possible. Plz help!!!

Nagesh answers:

Yahoo Answers is a terrific resource for this question, though some people are trying to sell you something. I’ve been answered some questions and now I’ve started my small blog on earning cash. I’m just starting, but I do update people on my success. I’m not from US,but I’ve still started earning money.
Http:// is my blog, you can read it if you wanna know what I do to earn money.
Before I started making money, I’ve been reading for a while, which is a superb resource for newbies. Now I’m trying to do some SEO, hopefully it works out for both me and you.

Thanks for your attention and God Bless.

James asks…

How to Earn Money via Business as i have pretty Good space ( approx. 2700 Sq ft – Basement).?

Want to gain a knowledge for Quick and Easy money making business sitting at home while at the same time spending quality time with my family – Parents, Wife , Kids.

Nagesh answers:

You havent mentioned where your space is located.location is the most important factor in determining business.opening a showroom,boutique,agency,travel service anything all depends on location.or simply lease it out.
Leasing it out will ensure you transfer the headache to someone else.and get you easy money.

Chris asks…

What are some quick and easy ways to earn millsbucks on millsberry?

I want to earn lots of money on millsbery to make some home renovations. Please help

Also i have a yard sale but i’m so poor i cant afford to advertise it. Please come to it by going to find a buddy on the left of your screen. then put books02 and look for the thing that says name mike and stuff.Then go to my house and look at my yard sale. Also i would really like donations by mail please!
SHUT UP YOU TWO FIRST PEEPS!!!!!!!!!! Thnx third dude there is a website called millsberry very fun look it up on google

Nagesh answers:

I signed up for it, I added you as a buddy.

Laura asks…

What are some ways to get money fast and easy?

I need some quick ways to earn some spending money. I am too young for a job, and need money for kings island, mall, movies, dances, and gifts, excetera. Please share your ways !
im just an early teen so i need other ideas thanks though

Nagesh answers:

Collect spare change. It really builds up.
Wlak dogs:
$5 for little ones
$7 for big.
That’s what i’m doing.

Mary asks…

Easy and Quick ways to make a bit of money?

I’m saving up to go to Malia near the end of month and have sold my car, x-box and new phone to make a bit of decent spending cash. I also have a job but can’t get enough hours or find another job (due to the economic down turn) I know its a common question but is there any kind of way I can earn some cash? (except donating blood or being a human lab rat but I would be a giggalo or donate sperm but I would not know to get into that lol)

Nagesh answers:

Sign up for mystery shopper tasks.

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Tuesday, May 28th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For College Students

Richard asks…

Should i Become a CNA to support me in College?

I want to go to school and become a OB/GYN, but while i’m in college, i wanted to be a CNA to help me with money and experience in the medical field. I know CNA’s are the least respected nurses, (my best friend’s mom and my cousin are CNAs) but this is just to help me. I also know they don’t make mad mad money, but the money will be good for a college student. And i heard that certification is quick. Is this a good idea? By the way i’m a junior in High School right now.

Nagesh answers:

Sure, it’s fine, but I would recommend going into home health aide, because working in a hospital or nursing home is back breaking bone weary hard work, the aides are extremely catty and competitive, don’t ask me why, but it’s like that in almost every place, and if you’re a full time student, you don’t need that much drama or hard work. Home health is much easier, especially if you can get an overnight position where you are basically just on alert for a terminal patient.
You could also consider taking a little extra training and becoming a med tech, and work at an assisted living center passing evening meds, very easy job also. Same or better pay than the **** wipes. (as we’re referred to)

Lisa asks…

Where to get start up capital for investing?

I am going to become a professional investor, but I need money to do it with. I am in college right now, but that doesn’t cost me anything. I am wondering if you know of any places to get a lot of money. I was thinking of taking out a lot of student loans, because then I wouldn’t have to pay them back for a while, that way I can make some quick cash with options. But are there other ways of getting some extra cash to invest with besides taking out student loans?
I’m really good. I don’t want you to think i’m bragging, but it’s a response to your question. I’m great. And the other guy who said its dumb to invest borrowed money, that wasn’t helpful. I know all the risks involved, i’m looking for money ideas, not investment strategies. thanks!
If you are so dead set against investing loan money then suggest another way of getting money! instead of “borrowing for investing is dumb” say informative things like “there is a government program that issues up to $500 to individual investors” that would be helpful. I don’t know of a program that does that but i’m looking for ideas not criticizing!

Nagesh answers:

Student loans may help, but likely not to the extent you indicate. You will have to start paying them back as soon as you finish or stop attending college. You can try finding other people who are willing to invest their money in your venture in exchange for a share of the profits. It would depend on how good you are at investing.

Charles asks…

I have a baby by a serial cheater! What would you do?

This will be a bit long but worth reading to answer my question. So im a 3year college student. When i was a freshman I met my bf on the bus during springg break (i know a bus guy). He had been in adoption since he was 5 and never been adopted, raped as a child, beaten, and jforced to join a gang at 11- sad huh. He had just found his parents and was sleeping on their floor. Anyway we eventually started dating and i helped him get into school at my university. He said all the right things and just seemed like he needed guidance in his life and he made me happy.That’s just the person i am, i help others. I lost all of my friends because they didnt like him and I just had nobody to be there for me but him. this last. I basically was the man in the relationship, i provided, nurtured, paid bills ( i know-stupid). This last August i gave birth to our beautiful baby. And I was happy but I just felt like he was up to something dirty. And he was.

FOR THOSE WHO WANT ME TO GET TO THE POINT ALREADY. When our baby was just 2 weeks old I found out that he had been cheating on me with internet females, older woman, and the worst people that called themselfs friends of mine! That hurt me worse then birth. He had been cheating on me throughout our entire relationship amd i was almost completely oblivious. I guess i needed hard evidence to shake me. An boy did it. So now here i am with a 3 month year old baby and where is he? Hes at boot camp for the army. We have a joint bank account so he’s taking care of me and the baby. But now that I found out im hurt pissed and all that stuff. So what to do. Well Friends say get a bootycall to help forget him, move out and do my own thing, or they just dont know. Well to me all of those are badass ideas. I AM NOT PLANNIG TO BE WITH HIM! I love him yes! BUT I LOVE ME MORE. To me if i leave then he’s getting away with this. So I figured since i took care of him for the past 2 years I should let him do what he said what he wants to do which is take care of me and our child. BUT I reaaaaaaly dont want to be with him ugggh how do i make this work! he is a pathilogical lier, I think he may have a sexual addiction, and he’s a serial cheater. I even found out that he had been going by this other name (like an alter ego). I think that he has deeeeeep issues that make him this way. that dosent justify any of this though. He says he wants to go to counseling but Im soooo sure Im done i deserve better. but I have to finish school and he has all the funds to make my life easier . . . i know that sounds like a gold digger huh lol. Im really not im just trying to get out of this situation quick and easy and my baby still know her father. I really am done with relationships for a goodwhile and all i want to do is continue my education. Im fine with leaving without his money or ever seeing him again, but we have a child so i feel stuck. There so much more to this story and i can write a freggin book lol so anyway plz your opinions. Do I stay and let him think were together? (maybe he’ll get his issues worked out although i will still never want to be with him) Or do i leave and struggle with a child while he continues his orgies hardly seeing his child and having all the military security in the world?

Nagesh answers:

Hey take a divorce and stay away from him …………… My answer is short but right …………william Shakespeare says once a person ditched you in your life he will again do so never give a second chance to anybody

Daniel asks…

Online or home based work?

Anyone know any legitimate ways for a full time college student to make money from home (or in my case dorm)? I am not trying to get rich quick or anything just want to make some money for my pocket but mainly for student loans and rent.

No scams or spam please
I’m looking for employment or way to earn money. I am already enrolled full time at a University.

Nagesh answers:

I’m about to start going to WGU and i’ve spend almost a
month looking if it’s a scam it all looks goo and is half the price
of other onlice schools… That was my concern too Sh*t I’m
not going to be wasting my money on shit 😛

Susan asks…

About meeting transfer requirements for engineering major at 2 year college to transfer to 4 year college?

If your majoring in engineering at a 2 year college and the counselor said it will take a VERY long time to meet transfer requirements to finally transfer to a 4 year college to get a Bachelors in your field of engineering. What would you do? Here’s the story:

I am only 2 classes away from an AA degree, yet the counselor at school says I still would not be able to leave the 2 year college until 2011 if I want to transfer with an engineering major , that’s insane ?
All due to the fact that
you have to take about 3 classes at my 2 year college for every 1 class that you would take at a 4 year college, in other words right now if I transferred there I could do all of it quicker and not have to take the 3 or 4 classes at my school per each, that equals just one class at the 4 year college. At this rate getting a degree would be more expensive, take longer, and be more time consuming. It’s possible that my school has it set up this way on purpose so they can make money off of students.

I was thinking about not telling my school that I am transferring with a different or undecided major and then double majoring in engineering after I transfer to a 4 year college.

Nagesh answers:

You need to talk to the counselor at the university they should have a list of requirements and what classes transfer. My guess is you have taking term or two worth of classes that dont even transfer.(I did the same thing) Counselors at the CC really have no idea whats going on or how the other school might be able to fug some numbers to get you in.

I have no idea what school your going to by where im going requirements are not that high to get into the university. Maybe look into going to another school if you want to do it faster.

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Monday, May 27th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast Online

Linda asks…

I play yoville online and i need a way to make money rly rly fast. can you help me?

may you please tell me the fastest way to make money?

Nagesh answers:

Go in an area and anounce that ur selling ur stuff and tell ppl 2 come!!! Try 2 sell it as high as u can that doesnt seem like a rip off!!

Play tic tac toe or rock paper scissors, if u win, u’ll get 10 coins, if u tie, u get 5 coins, if u lose, u dont get anything!!!

Go 2 widget factory every 6 hrs and work, u’ll get 200 coins, plus a bonus depending how many crew u got!!!

Well that’s all i can think of, hope i helped!!! I no it doesnt make much but thats pretty much all the ways u can make money, unless u think of more!!!

Robert asks…

What is the fastest way to make money online aside from selling stuff online?

I am just a young ambitious guy, trying to make some extra cash online.

I will gladly appreciate it if you help out.

Thank You

Nagesh answers:

Ummm you’re not gonna make a lot of money online if you aren’t an ebayer or a major scammer haha
I don’t make a ton of money…$45 this month so far
but it is nice to have some extra cash in my pocket
read up about it here… Http://
then it’s your choice to join
good luck with whatever you choose to do!

Daniel asks…

how can i make money online in the fastest way possible?

i want to make money online in the fastest way possible i want free sites and i don’t wanna give bank information so please i need HELP!!!
i want it fast and i dont wanna build a buisness i want things like fast and trustable survays with low payout.

Nagesh answers:

You can join PTC (paid to click) websites. Basically, you get paid to look at an advertiser’s website. The link below is the best one that i personally know of because they charge the advertisers loads to list their ads there which means they can give users of the site lots more money per click.

There’s usually more than 130 ads to click PER DAY, and each one of those is worth between $1-$5 per click. They payout when you reach $5000 (considering you usually get through enough clicks in one day to make about $120-$160, it doesn’t take too long).

Here’s a link to it.


Ken asks…

How to make money online?

Probably been asked a million times but what are some really awsome ways to make money online fast (without putting money in first)
plz no casinos

Nagesh answers:

I’ve recommended eBay before as a great way to test a new product. For a growing number of entrepreneurs, though, eBay is their sole storefront.

The beauty of eBay is that it lets you get into e-commerce without having to go through the trouble and expense of setting up an e-commerce site of your own.

I have seven eBay selling tips will help you get started selling on eBay successfully and get on your way to becoming an eBay PowerSeller.

For 7 free selling tips, please visit: –

William asks…

ways to make money fast?

I probably owe about a sum of $2,000.
Im 18 years old and I am currently unemployed.
I need a way to make money. Hopefully online. But It has to be scam-free.

Nagesh answers:

In order to make money from home, having a SKILL. Does help.

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Sunday, May 26th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money

Linda asks…

what are the biggest disasters/ money wasting ideas you had at your wedding?


I’m planning my wedding which will happen next year! from experience what were the worst ideas/ money wasted ideas you had or have seen?

Nagesh answers:

Hiring Gary Glitter to play at the reception.

Paul asks…

How would society react to the idea of no money?

Personally I think this would turn economics no its ear and certainly add a different dynamic to how we accomplish things and actually do work. If money really had never existed, would we be better off? True enough being able to barter has given rise to ideas like trade and further down more ideas like money but what if we did things without the idea of being paid for it? I know it seems like an almost impossible thing to think about but try for a second and ponder it. What if hmmmmm?

Nagesh answers:

Well that’s called communism. That is everyone works at a job, goes home, and benefits from everyone else’s work.

Downside of that is simply that no one ever gets past that apartment that they share with 7 other extended families where everyone sleeps in shifts.

Or … They barter. Barter isn’t too fair. After all how many fish can one man pile up unless he’s got someone who wants or needs fish to trade for other things.

How do you measure the value of a fish against a piece of lumber?

What would be fairer. The fisherman who gets 100 fish in an hour and gets a hundred pieces of lumber? Or the sawmill operator who has to spend a whole day making a hundred pieces of lumber out of a tree?

Would a brick mason be worth more per hour than a dog groomer?

How about a doctor? A lawyer? A priest?

How would we ever tally such things in order to determine whether we need to “tax” that production in order to exchange goods with another nation?

Makes it very hard and inconvenient, and tends to isolate communities from each other.

Cash makes it easier to convert fish to lumber or whatever you need or want.

Or … You barter on the black market.

Donald asks…

What did you give your boyfriend for his birthday?

Boyfriends bday is coming up and I need ideas. Money is not a problem. Any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

I honestly don’t know, but my friend this year brought her boyfriend a dog chain that said her/his name on it and the date in which they started to go out. She gave the chain with her name to him and kept the chain with his name to herself. She also brought a gift bag filled with food for him; and he liked the gifts very much.

James asks…

What are some ideas to raise money for a cause?

I am co-founder of an organization that helps people in the CCU at a hospital rated as one of the best on the east side. We need alot of funds for this project and I am asking for some ideas on fundraising. We were nominated to make a difference in our community and we are really needing some to jump start our current ideas for money raising. Thanks in advance for any help.

Nagesh answers:

One route you could go is setting up a homepage for your group on a fundraising website. Raising support online is much more simple and tidy than raising funds via cash or check, and it gives your org a place to post information, photos and let people know what you do.

There are plenty of sites these days that help community organizations like yours meet their goals. For a small, community-based group, there are some good options:

First Giving ( is a solid one. They charge 5.5% on donations raised and have a simple structure to set up your page (though you may have to be a certified non-profit to register with them).

If that’s the case, another option is Empowered ( They process 3.5% on donations raised, offer lots of tools to help organize/fundraise, and I know they support all small groups, regardless of non-profit status.

And you could always try to send up your own PayPal account to link to you directly, but this is a little trickier and a bit inflexible.

Good luck getting your fundraising going, I hope this helps!

Carol asks…

How to make my ideas into money?

What if I have this idea and I know big companies will earn big on my ideas. Whats the first step I should take to make my Idea into money?

Nagesh answers:

Go to an invention site or store and give it to them they will do the rest.

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Saturday, May 25th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Online

Sandra asks…

I need money badly any online quick money making tips?

im really desperate for money.I was wondering are there any online jobs they don’t have to pay big £££’s i just want something decent.Do online surveys really work if so how do you do them and any other online money making opportunity is welcomed scam or not a scam i really need some money.

O yeah don’t come on here and say no there a no online jobs at all and they don’t pay well i didn’t ask to pay well i just need some money quickly.

Nagesh answers:

Honestly there is no easy way to make money online quickly like that if you don’t know what you’re doing.

Thomas asks…

Ways to make money quickly at age 13 ? read details?

so i’ve heard of that thing where you take online surveys and get money for it, it sounds like a good idea and really quick and easy.. but i’ve also heard that it scams people lots.. so if you’re gunna suggest that, please make sure its safe and completely scam free! PLEASE AND THANK YOU, xx

Nagesh answers:

Even i was looking for the same thing but never found a place which allows you to earn, coz u said u r thirteen there is lot more chances for you to be end up with a mess..keep looking but before you agree with the party which is going to give you the chance to work and earn read what yu have to o actually top to bottom, up to now the best thing i have foundout is whereas you have write reviews about hotels worldwide jst check that out they dnt pay you much but one of my friends told me if you spend more time with writing reviews the more you can earn, good luck with your case

Mark asks…

How can I make money quickly and easily online?

I am in college and have a full time job but it’s the Holidays and I’m in need of a supplemental income. Does anyone know of good ways to make money pretty quickly online?

Nagesh answers:


I make anywhere from 60 to 150 a month from this company. I only spend about 1 hour every other day. I have gotten paid from them three times already so I know they pay. You can use your paypal account or they will send it to your home address. Hope this helps and Good Luck!

I am a stay at home father and this is a good way to make money for holidays or birthdays!

What is the best they never charge you a penny!!

Sharon asks…

How can I make money quickly and easily online?

I am in college and have a full time job but it’s the Holidays and I’m in need of a supplemental income. Does anyone know of good ways to make money pretty quickly online?

Nagesh answers:

You tell us and we’ll do it, too!
We ALL want to make money quickly and easily….

120607 4:43/3

James asks…

When will Google Adsense bring back their Referrals program?

That was my main way of earning money. Does anyone know some legitimate ways to earn a nice amount of money quickly online? I don’t want to have to pay anything to earn money, just something simple and easy would do.

Nagesh answers:

No, not the truth, rarely has closed.

, .-,

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Friday, May 24th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast Online

Lisa asks…

How can I make money really fast online?

Any ideas on how to make fast money online? Like websites or programs that can be used, I am in need of extra income and have been looking for a while.

Nagesh answers:

Ebay is one way. You can usually find things at yard sells or estate sells and turn them for a profit on ebay. I’ve looked on line for at home job opportunities but most of them want you to pay a fee of some sort. Some of them also want you to solicit people on your e-mail list.

You could do the online survey but it takes a long time to get any points that you can cash in on. With these sites you usually wait until you are solicited to do a survey and you can always be opted out in the middle of it if you don’t fit into the target group they are looking for.

David asks…

How can I make money fast?

I need to make some money fast because I am going to the beach soon, and I want to do some shopping. I am only 13 so I can’t take a “real” job, and I don’t know anyone in need of a babysitter, so I can’t think of anything else. Please help? Thank you soooo much!

Nagesh answers:

Sell something. Dig out that old guitar you never play, those CDs you don’t listen to anymore, or your antique toy collection. Go to the pawnshop, put an ad on local internet classifieds, or hold a yard sale in front of your house or on a busy street corner (just display the item with a big sign announcing the ridiculously low price). Price items at half of what somebody would be able to buy them for anywhere else, and you may be able to sell them within an hour or two. You can also sell items online at web sites like eBay, Amazon and Craig`s list.

John asks…

How can i earn online by web designing,photoshop,somewhat sketching and 2d animation.?

Just looking at the question you can understand my problem. I want to earn money online by those of my skills. So please suggest me something that could make me money fast or else I can put my step in my family business.

Nagesh answers:

If you are good and have quality real work for your portfolio, you can pick up jobs on oDesk. There are a lot of different sites for online work, but I like oDesk because the only fee for anyone is just 10% of what you get paid. So you can factor that into the rate you request. You can apply for as many jobs as you want. And it is completely legit.

Ken asks…

Who are some good cappers to follow for betting?

I need to win money fast and want to bet on sports. Does anyone know any cappers online to follow that give their picks. I NEED HELP, THANKS!

Nagesh answers:

You are doomed to lose all your money if you “need to win money fast”.

Everyone needs money. Just because you need it fast, doesn’t mean you can beat something that it takes people years to master.

If you are in debt, start the slow process of working your way out of it. If you follow through with this, you WILL lose.

Mandy asks…

How can I make good money?

Christmas is coming up and i want to make some easy money fast without taking that online stuff.

Nagesh answers:

While you won’t make a ton of money doing this, you can easily make $20 a day and have fun at the same time. It’s called cent sports (here’s a link ). Basically its a free legal betting site. What makes it free and legal is the fact that they give you the money to start out with. How can they do this? It’s because they are supported by advertisers. I know several people on centsports who make $50 a day from just betting on sports games.

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Thursday, May 23rd, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Fundraisers

Susan asks…

Fun, easy, and no-cost fundraisers for a youth group?

My youth group watched a video Wednesday night(August 10, 2011) about the Famine in the Horn of Africa and we felt really compelled to help. As a group we decided to stop all fundraising for our mission trips and summer camps for a while and instead are just focusing on raising money to send to Africa. Our goal is to raise $5,000 in 35 days. The thing is we are not having any help from our Pastor or Youth Pastor for this one because they have both agreed to do things when we reach our goal, our Pastor has promised to dye his hair pink for one whole Sunday when we reach $2,500 and our youth pastor has promised that she would shave her head if we reached $5,000. So we really need some help with fast and easy fundraising ideas that will cost very little money if any at all.

We have already done stuff such as:
1. Trick-or-Treating for UNICEF(yes in August! UNICEF is the only organization allowed to help in the Horn of Africa right now)
2. Set up donation buckets in gas stations and stores
3. Created a UNICEF team page where people are able to make donations online(​to/focusoslc)
We also have a Kiss A Pig contest going on right now.

Nagesh answers:

Try by getting a free fundraising kit from various websites. It’s a great way to learn more about the fundraising options they offer. With the right information and the right tools they can help you make your next fundraiser a success.

All fundraising groups are going to have to sell their items to generate money. Everyone starts with selling to mom and dad then moves on to friends. The more successful the campaign means the more people you will actually have to talk to. Here are a collection of sales tips you can use to help you while you are raising funds.

– Have fun and enjoy what you are doing. It is not necessary to have a canned speech and perform it by memory. You can talk to people and have fun with your campaign, the donors will pick up on this and sales will increase.
– Be honest while making the rounds for sales. You are a representative of your school group.
– People do not want to be told what to do. Your job is to make people feel good about donating to your school group.
– When you get a no, don’t take it personally. The donors are not saying they don’t like you; they just may not care for the product or have the money available at the time.
– For people who are nervous about selling a little preparation is key. By practicing your sales talk it will bring confidence. Again the goal is not to recite something word for word but to talk about your fundraising campaign with confidence. It might sound a little funny but try role-playing if selling is an issue with you. Spend time with people rehearsing just talking and getting past an objection or two.
– Avoid hard selling. There is no need to be pushy while fundraising. People like to help out and also enjoy buying. You may even be able to offer them the chance to show up to school to check out the new equipment, or the new uniforms for the baseball team. By being friendly and a good representative you just might pick up new volunteers along the way.
– If possible get a booth or a table in a high traffic area. Places like malls or local events. This will get you lots of traffic and potential donors that you can approach.

These sales tips are good for whatever sales you might find yourself in. You might even consider these tips good advice for talking to people and relating. Remember interacting with people will serve you better than just about any learned skill taught. A little preparation with these tips will insure that your fundraising campaign is both fun and profitable.

George asks…

What do you think of my story?

Please help me make it better.

Chapter Two
Nathaniel And I

Nathaniel Price was a beautiful boy. Tall and well built. He had the most gorgeous brown eyes, the type that can make you melt like honey. His dark, shaggy haircut had all the girls tumbling. None could resist the extraordinary charm the boy had possessed. I couldn’t either.
I met him through his father. Mr Price, he was a nice man, always looking for a way to help others. He organized many fundraisers, including raising money for the children in Africa. I was there too, helping out in the cupcake stand. That was where I met Nathaniel. Of course at that time I didn’t know that he was Mr Price’s son. So when he stole one of the blue berry muffins I had no choice but, to give him a lecture.
“How dare you steal that muffin, don’t you know that this fundraiser is for the kids of Africa, you’re basically stealing from them!” That rather loud lecture had attracted many peoples attention, one of them being Mr Price.I can still remember the look in Nathaniel’s eyes. Confused and just the slightest bit amused. And that was Nat’s first impression of me.
Later his dad had explained me everything. That Nathaniel was his son and that he told him it was okay to eat one cupcake. Neither of them spoke to me that night. It was just three weeks later, that I got to see Nat again. And that was the night that he met the real me.
Ever since I embarrassed myself in front of Mr Price and his son, I haven’t been feeling right. Waking up each morning I only had one question in my mind. ‘Have they forgotten what I did?’ The answer of course, ‘unknown’. The only time I saw Mr Price after the incident was in our local supermarket, a couple of weeks ago. He was getting out, while I was coming in. Sadly I tripped and fell right into him, making him drop the paper bags he was holding. And if that wasn’t bad enough, his milk had exploded and spilled out.Of course he tried reassuring me that it was alright, he even put on a smile and asked me how I was doing. Embarrassed and ashamed I just nodded and left as soon as he explained how he had to be somewhere.
It’s been three weeks since I met Mr Price’s son. And to be honest I had been hoping to see him again, but I’m sure he wouldn’t want to go anywhere near me after what I did. I don’t blame him though, I wouldn’t want to see some guy who yelled at me over something so stupid.
Suddenly the feeling of someone stabbing me, took over. I knew I had to eat soon, it’s been over two months since I killed. As disgusting as it might be, it’s the only way to keep me going. By ending somebodies life and keeping mine going.
I threw on my leather jacket and took a turn for the worst. The beast that I had been sustaining for so long, took over. I felt my body tense and I could only imagine how gruesome I looked. Since I became this beast, I’ve never looked at a mirror, too scared to see what I look like when I change. My clothes don’t rip and I don’t grow hair, well on my arms at least, I don’t know about my face or chest.
The feeling of stabbing came back. I needed to get someone fast, nothing could be worse than having them here.
I took a long jump from the window, good thing I wasn’t as clumsy when I turned. By now I was used to the touch of cold air as I fell from the thirtieth floor. First time I did that, I really thought I would die, that’s mostly why I did that. Though by now I found out that basically nothing could kill me. Not a fall from the thirtieth floor, not a knife through my heart. It was like I was protected by the devil himself.
The street was empty and dull, nothing but the sound of a few car honks far in the distance. Taking a quick glance to my right all I saw were a few cats, lurking by the dumpsters. I decided to go further in to the city, there was always somebody out after dark.
And I was right, there were a couple of young girls, taking a short cut to what I guessed was the club. My need was strong but, I couldn’t kill that many. One would be enough for tonight.
“Hey, can you help me out a bit?” The question was directed at me. Turning around, I knew I wouldn’t be able to control myself much longer. “I need to get to the….” The strangers voice hitched and suddenly he was off.

Nagesh answers:

Omg! I love it! The dialogue is so juicy and the descriptions make the story just come to life! Awesome, keep up the brilliant work! 😀

Thomas asks…

What are some fundraiser ideas for a small orchestra?

My school’s orchestra is made up of about 25 people. We’re going to Prague this year for our big trip, but current estimates put us at needing $18000 in scholarship funds and other such needs. The problem is that our current “bank account” has a balance of about $100. That’s two zeros there.

So basically, we need money and it’s too late for grants, and we need awesome fundraisers to make up the difference.

Currently we have ideas like:
1. Silent auction of STUFF (signed basketballs, painted violins, etc)
2. Hiring out students to parties
3. Asking for donations
4. Washing windows in a fast-food drive-through
5. Selling cheesecakes (last year, the best seller got $36 profit)
6. Selling food after school for sports teams

So any ideas would be appreciated. Thank you!

Nagesh answers:

Play a benefit concert.
Literally. Learn a whole different set of music for this concert.
Make it a high end event (use your school auditorium if you have a good one, or see if a church will let yall use their sanctuary for free).
But play a variation of music. All well known/fun stuff
soundtracks (pink panther, POTC, HP), classical, Remote Control by Richard Meyer, and orchestral versions of famous rock songs.

Put a donation box outside, with a parent or someone manning the box.

One of the “orchestras” I’m in does this every year. (the one made up of the students of the private teachers in the area)
We get a lot of money from this.
We have 40ish violins, 6 violas, and 1 cello.
Ranging in age from 6 to 18 (not including teachers and their biological children)

Mark asks…

Im going CRAZY! And I need help and advice FAST! (This is about an ATV/MC race team!)?

So, I came to Yahoo! Answers looking for help, this is what my question said:

Im trying to plan a fundraising event on a low budget, how can i do it?

Temptation Racing wants to plan a Fundrasing Event.
But we have a very low budget.
Around $200.
Any ideas? Any help?

10% of all money earned is donated to
Central Valley Childrens Hospital
The Make-A-Wish Foundation

Then I got some sassy answers, So I wrote this:

*We only donate 10% to those 2 foundations becuase RACING IS NOT CHEAP! You try owning a race team! Its not easy! We have 5 riders and only 2 are sponsored. So we have to deal with 3 un-sponsored riders! Its not cheap, especially when sponsorships dont do much!

Then I got more sassyness so I wrote this:


I need HELP!!!
I need real advice on how to help our riders, I dont want to disappoint them and tell them, to bad you cant race! Weve tryed SO MUCH! and were barely holding on by a thread!

Nagesh answers:

200 Dollars ?? I think the Tee shirt idea is a great way to start.
Your not going to puyt on a race for 200 bucks.

I spend almost 18,000 for one of the Cross Country races. And I understand that this year it is at 12,000 to promote.
For motocross, it is about the same. NO guarantees on making money promoting races.Escepically if you don’t own the track.

The tee shirt idea is the only way I can see how you can ‘make money’ in motocross starting with only 200 dollars.

I don;t want to Rain on your parade, but didn’t anybody tell you this was a MONEY SPENDING HOBBY ?
Shoot get those kids of the couch and let them mow yards or something to pay gate fees.
Or make a deal with a track owner that ya’ll work on the facility during the week and then you can practice when work ins done.
Don’t give up, keep Riding and trying !!

Michael asks…

How should i save my church?

My church is running out of money and fast. We have no pastor, we are in the calling process right now. Our saving funds are barely keeping us alive.The church is a beautiful place, and even though I am at the age (I’m 13) that most teens would hate going to church, I honestly LOVE my church and all the people in it. It would kill me lose it. We are Lutheran, and we have an LYO (Lutheran Youth Organization) That I am a part of. Our church is very small, so we only have 4 people in the group. We also have a larger Sunday School who are very young (about 11, ages 2-9). We need to act quickly or we will lose our church. We need both fundraisers and ways to get new people. I know I’m only 13, and I can only make so much of a difference, but I need to try.

Nagesh answers:

Think you need to look at what you can do and what you hope to achieve & work from there.

Change what you can change, accept what you can’t change & be smart enough to know the differences.

All I suggest is whatever you do please be considerate of others. Remember It’s not really acceptable to bully others for the crime of believing differently. SO tread carefully.


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Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

Jenny asks…

Hi, i got to know through internet that emailsendingjobs gives us an opportunity to work from home and earn go?

Hi, i got to know through internet that emailsendingjobs gives us an opportunity to work from home and earn good money. They are asking USD 10 so please let me know whether this is genuine. website is

Nagesh answers:

This System is the hottest, cutting-edge system in the Network Marketing Industry.Yet, the program is easy to learn. And most amazingly, its totally FREE to start.

i made this video to prove you that im getting payed by the company
and i show you how im making money online.
click this link to watch the video.

Mary asks…

Has anyone tried a home based business that is actually legitimate?

Is there such thing as a home based business that actually makes you money without a huge investment?

Nagesh answers:

There are actually quite a few home based businesses that are legitimate. Here is a few key factors when looking through different home based business’s to make sure they are real companies that your getting involved in. Not one that is just going to take your money.
1. Are they registered with the BBB?
2. How long have they been in business for?
3. What did Inc 500 rate them?
4. Have they been feature in magazine’s?
5. Do they have a real product and or service? Not just some lame service that they proclaim to sale like Ivy leaves or something like that. (did that when I was 5, didn’t work out very well. LOL)
So many different things to look into. But these are the important ones.
Most home based business cost under $500. Some cost more depending on what it is you want to do. I don’t know what you like to do, what experience you have or anything like that. If you want to get involved with a business that will train you as you earn sort of thing, or just dive into something on your own. So I can only tell you what my husband and I started over six years ago. It well supports our family as well as a major funding source for our non-profit organization that we started up a while back with part of the income we earned. As well as it’s a funding source for other non-profit organizations.
Anyhow, we got involved in the telecommunications industry.
With a world wide company that’s over 15 years old. We’ve been featured in several magazines like USA Today, Success, Fortune etc. Inc 500 rated us the 22nd fastest growing company. They offer services that people use every day and pay for anyway, but now they can have a lower cost. Services such as local and long distance phones, Internet, digital phones, video phones (you can see the person your taking to live)VOIP, Satallite tv, and all the major cellular phone companies like Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, Alltell, Nextell etc. Have partnered up with them too.
How many people do you know, or know of, that uses or has one or more of these services? How would you feel if you could save people money on services that they’re most likely already using, if not you can offer them the service, and everytime they pay their bills each month, you make a percentage off these bills every single month. Huge income opportunity. It’s incredible how much money is involved in this industry.
If you’d like more information feel free to email me and I’ll be happy to pass it along to you.

I also created a blog on my 360 page on home based business’s. There’s over half a dozen different ones to take a look at. Your more then welcome to browse through them. If you find one that’s interesting, contact the person who wrote it and they can point you out in the right direction.


Ruth asks…

What is a good way to earn some income if you are a stay at home mom, and need money?

I am a stay at home mom of 2 girls. I need some good advice, and something that really works and is not a rip off to make decent money (or better) by working at home and thats convenient and perfect for someone like me? I have tried “getting paid” to do surveys over the internet, that swore you would make an awesome income, and it was the biggest scam ever. any good advice?

Nagesh answers:

The internet surveys, the crafts from home, the mailing brochures… They’re all scams. I’m a stay at home mom, too, and I finally got enough of people wanting me to pay them to let me “work” for them. I got into eBay about a year ago, and it is really and truly the best thing ever. I can list things and take care of paperwork when the kids are in bed and at naptime, and USPS picks up packages right at my front door. People joke about selling on eBay, but it has been a great source of a little extra income for me. Give it a try… You have nothing to lose!

Get a copy of “How to buy and sell on eBay” by Adam Ginsberg. It will motivate you and guide you through the process.

Sharon asks…

How can you start a business from your home?

I’m pregnant and will be giving birth in a couple of weeks and I’m not working but my husband is. Me and my husband want to start a business working from the comforts of our home. So we can relocate anywhere but having trouble on how can you make money from your home just by using a computer and internet you know. I want to know if anyone knows how you can do that??

Nagesh answers:

Hi Serena,

One of the things that you will need to be aware is that the internet business is a real business which will requires you to put in the time, effort and money to grow the business. If you are looking for a model that will enables you to get rich quickly, I will have to tell you that this model is not for you.

Before I explain to you the simple system which you can use, you must always be aware of the Time vs Money rule. If you are not going to have a lot of money to invest into your business, you will have to invest your time into the business. It will still be possible to start a profitable online business but it will takes more time if you are on budget.

Here is the simple system which will only requires you to invest US$50 monthly to build your own business. You will have to do some steps first before you even start to build your website. Please do follow the system below:

1) Find a profitable market that you want to base your business in

This is important as you will want to decide on the market that you want to base your business in. You will want to be in a market where people are willing to spend money.

2) Find a profitable affiliate product

If you are just starting out and you do not have your own product, you can start to promote other people’s product first. You will earn a certain percentage of the sales whenever a customer purchased through your affiliate link.

3) Build your own website which will be a squeeze page.

This is the step where you will be spending the US$50. Below are average cost and the tools that you need.

-> Domain name: This will cost you around US$10 yearly

-> Hosting account: This will cost you around US$10 monthly

-> Autoresponder Account: This will cost you around US$20 monthly

This will enable you to build your own website and you can also start to build your own list of subscribers. Building your own list is very important as it will ensure that you will be able to follow up with your customers if they do not purchase the product when they see it for the first time.

4) Start writing and submitting articles daily

Once you have your website, the next thing that you will have to do is to let people know your website so that you can promote the product to them. You will want to write articles that are related to the market that you have chosen. You will submit the articles to the top article directories which will drive you traffic. This method is call article marketing.

One of the thing that you need to know is that the traffic from article marketing will be gradual in nature. You will have to write and submit articles consistently so that you will get a constant flow of traffic coming to your website. As you are on a budget, you will have to invest your time to get the traffic to your website.

5) Add more email message to your autoresponder to promote 2nd or more product.

You will want to promote the 2nd or more products to your subscribers who have already join your list. This will ensure that you will be able to leverage on your list and earn more from them. This will be the main reason why you put putting in effort to build a list and build a good relationship with them.

This is the simple method which you can use. But you must know that as this is a real business, you will have to be patience and give it some time to grow.

Charles asks…

Anyone have information on legitimate work at home jobs?

I desperately need some consistent money, I am currently 8 months pregnant and on bed rest so I need something I can do at home.

Nagesh answers:

There are many opportunities of working at home and earning through internet. Add me as your contact at yahoo answers and at 360 also. You will learn a lot. It is against yahoo answers guidelines to provide referral links here at YA. Most of the genuine earning opportunities on the net are free and they don’t ask for any money to be paid for that.

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Tuesday, May 21st, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Online

Helen asks…

Want Extra income! Anyone know of any legit work from home businesses and/or Online opportunities?

Who doesn’t want to make extra money? Just wanted to know if there were any serious online opportunities out there. Legit ones that is. If you know of any let me know.


Nagesh answers:

The credit crunch is biting hard and employers are cutting back on overtime and commissions. A lot of people are sitting and waiting for things to get better. If you are pro-active and want to look at ways to boost your income, then you could look at finding ways to carry out legitimate online work from home, to run simultaneously with your current job.

If you want to add long term security to your finances, then there are ways to make money online which can grow into legitimate careers. There is no need to be drawn to, or even be distracted by the wild claims made by some of the get rich quick schemes.

If you are reluctant to use your savings or simply don’t have any, you don’t need to spend money to ease the feeling of being ‘trapped’. Taking positive action is the most important thing.

If you are taking action in order to prevent financial hardship, then you will most likely want to minimise the impact on your family life and/or social life. Online work is generally regarded as flexible and being your own boss means you can choose what hours you work, at whatever time of day suits you.

An affiliate marketer is a writer, researcher, advertiser and salesperson. You may never have been involved some or even any of these areas, but once you have understood the concept and are shown the way to find products that are interesting to you, it will seem to fall into place automatically. Affiliate marketing is something that can be learned by anyone with dedication and the time to invest. You need only take small steps at first.

As you would hope to expect from a legitimate career, you don’t need to invest any money before you get to see some results, all you need is the internet. Although investment would help, it is not essential, so you can wait as long as you want before you consider incurring costs.

Carrying out legitimate online work from home as an affiliate marketer is certainly a flexible option and one that can really make a difference. From personal experience, affiliate marketing is a worthwhile choice and with perseverance it is potentially life changing.

The CSX Elite will give you what you need to start a legitimate career as an affiliate marketer.


John asks…

How can I build an internet business for very little money that actually works! please help!?

What is easiest way to start a website? I need help starting an online business. Is there a website to help me with this? Any pointers would be appreciated.

Nagesh answers:

You can build a huge website with very little effort. Start a webpage on a free site, add features by linking to other sites for things like blog, forum, shopping cart, etc. Heck you can pay some high school kid a McDonalds burger to build you one.

But to tell you one without any interest would be a waste of time. You would fail. Dont shop for businesses then find something you are interested in. Find something you are interested in then shop for businesses.

I can probably tell you how you can get your feet wet, for free, on just about any subject. Its what I do. And then how to make it grow gradually on its earnings so that you dont have to shell out money. But it needs to be a subject that you love enough. Something that makes you chatter to your friends more than they like hearing. Something you would be willing to turn into work. Something you would be willing to work on even if it didnt make money (altho it very probably would)

Pick a subject. Any subject. It can be an item, hobby, games, craft, sport, pet, country, any subject at all. I dont care if its collecting unicorns or watching hummingbirds. It can be something you know a lot about or it can be something you WANT to know a lot about.

Or how about a skill? Graphics? Cartoon doodling? Writing? Poetry? Juggling? Music? Photography? Expert game player? It doesnt have to be something you are good at. Just something you do a lot. Or it might be that your skill really is just a triple-A motivated entrepreneur salesman personality.

Maybe someone elses skill. Do you have a teenager in the house with an exceptional skill at wise-cracking and rude comments on everything? Thats actually very marketable and can really hold down your stress levels by making you smile when he lets one off.

Give me something to work with. Make a list of 10. Throw out all but 3. Then do a new question along the line of “How can I turn my interest in AAAAAAAAA into an internet business for free?”

Those are the ones that work. Some work a little, some work a whole lot. You can spend a lot of time looking thru pyramid schemes before finding anything that has a better chance (and as enjoyable)

Sharon asks…

I wish to earn money on my own. Can I get opportunity for it with paying good attaintion to my loving family?

My husband earn enough money. But my wish to earn on my own I am 39 yrs old. And just completed course of Web Multi.
My first priority is my husband &children. So I wish to work without their inconvenience. So can I? And within how many day?

Nagesh answers:

If you know how to build websites you could offer your service to build a website for someone. Build a portfolio of example sites that you could build.

Yes you can do it and you can do it in short time. I’d recommend

This site has work at home mothers who make money online successfully.

There are plenty of ways to make money.

My biggest recommendation to you from experience is *DON’T* buy any ebooks that promise get rich quick schemes. Everything you ever want to learn about making money online is available for free in forums it just takes time to pick it all up.

Here are the forums I attend:

I don’t attend this forum, because I’m a guy but I heard it has great support for mothers.


Best of luck!

Sandy asks…

Why is it that if you search a pyramid scheme on google, every link says positive things about it?

I tried in the last 2 days to see if this money making scheme is legit. However any link that comes on my google search sasys positive and flowery things about it and there is not a slight mention of anything negative. do they intentionally modify the search engline to give me positive results? that is so lame.

Nagesh answers:

It is terribly easy to start a blog or a website and fill it with whatever (mis)information you want.

You can tell the sites are phony, because they’ll also be filled with advertising for the scam, plus links for the scam, and there won’t be much of anything else. It’s like the early days of the “Info-mercial”, where they made a 30 minute commercial that looked like a talk-show. (they still do that today, altho I can’t imagine it still fools anybody — what am I talking about, of course it still fools people! That stupid “Nigerian Prince” email scam still fools people!)

Not to mention that very often these scams will actually WORK for the first few months with the first few hundred people. It’s not until the scam starts running out of fresh victims does it become painfully apparent that the whole scheme is mathematically impossible. So that’s several hundred people who will be encouraged to go online and sing their praises.

The problem with Google is they can’t judge a website’s accuracy, only its popularity. Obviously if you have a lot of suckers all linking to each other (those first few hundred), they’ll create a large Google score. I don’t know if there is any way Google could prevent that, altho they’re constantly trying to improve.

The thing to do if you want better information is to try searching the legitimate news sites to see if anybody has covered it as a news story. Like ABC News, CNN, Fox, your local newspaper, newspapers in nearby regions, etc. Make sure your search terms include “scam”, “review”, “critique”, “illegal”, “stole”, etc., to hopefully try to avoid some of the sappier advocates.

Jenny asks…

How to earn easy money online just spending1-2 hours?

Making money online by data entry or some other stuff

Nagesh answers:

The internet is not a magic cash machine, most of the schemes listed require you to invest your money first and then recruit people who will pay you money and so on. These are thinly disguised pyramid scams and do not work.

The best way to make money on the internet is to start a business that helps people with a product or service.

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Monday, May 20th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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