Your Questions About Get Money Fast And Free

Susan asks…

how to make money fast? ($75-100)?

i asked this in personal finance, but all the answers i got were links to those crappy survey sites. so, i’m asking it here! :3

i’m going on vacation in about 2 weeks with a friend, but i’m completely broke, and would really like to make some money quickly. I can’t get a summer job because i wasn’t expecting to need money (she just invited me days ago, and most of the things i do with my friends are free) and all of the jobs that i could do are taken. plus, 2 weeks isn’t enough time to apply, get a physical, go to an interview, and work enough to receive a paycheck.
I’m a pretty good knitter and crocheter. i’m also a really good cook. i was thinking of setting up a bake sale, and selling little amigurumi animals and foods and such, but i don’t think that will be enough. does anyone have any other ideas so that i can make some money? ($75-100 is my goal, but any amount is good.) i’m a 14 year old girl in central pennsylvania, if that helps.

Nagesh answers:

Try to avoid the data entry and survey sites as most of them are scams. If you are interested in taking surveys for extra income (it wont be much.). Don’t pay for a list of survey
companies go straight to the source.

Lisa asks…

I have a question about gambling in las vegas ?

I moved to Las Vegas at the end of July with a roomate . I am unemployed and I came here with $46000 cash and no debts and an old car. I promised myself that I soon I came here that I was going to look for a job and start working. Well, since Ive come here Ive been taking frequent trips to the casinos and I have won close to $5000 in less than a month playing blackjack. I am getting real lazy in looking for a job because of the fast money that Im making. Im kind of scared because Im not sure if Im going in the wrong direction and Im not really hooked to gambling but I just love the easy money and its so convenient. You can set your own hours and be your own boss. There are no managers or supervisors to report to and all the money is tax free. Is gambling a career that I could pursue ?

Nagesh answers:

Man what are telling on yourself for? It is taxable.

Ok simple solution. Become a Black Jack dealer.

Mary asks…

How to raise money fast?

Every year, I go to a summer camp in Dahlonega, GA. Our church had a program so that their youth could go to camp for free. But last summer, we moved across the country and it would cost almost $1000 just to go (Camp costs + Airfare). It’s not just camp, but I’ll also get to see my best friends (they always go with me). My parents won’t pay for it becaue my sister is going to Europe this summer (really expensive). I’m only 13 and I don’t get an allowence. How can I raise that much money?

Nagesh answers:

Try babysitting, cleaning houses. Talk to your teachers at school. Maybe get a couple friends together and do a car wash, but I don’t know if that’s 100% legal… A bake sale even.

George asks…

How to make a lot of money fast!?

So I am 17 and I just found out that my internship will not be running next month like I originally planned and I was suppose to get $500 out of it. School is starting soon and I need about $500 to buy two pairs of uggs and a north face fleece. I know that sounds kind of spoiled but my mom is buying my actual school clothes and I don’t want her to spend all that money on 3 items. So I really need to figure out a way to raise money. I was going to sell some of my stuff on Ebay but I’m not sure how that works. And I can’t babysit because all the parents with children have older children who could do that for free. So please help, and I need serious answers you guys. Thank you 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Garage sale
candy sell (door to door or outside of publix,walmart)
car wash
lemonade sell ( old fashion )
bake sell
you could also turn in all your coins at walmart and you get the money back in cash i did it before

Michael asks…

Is there any way to get flying blue miles for free fast?

I need to become a Silver member (I am ivory with 0 miles) so that i can take an extra baggage. I have lived in america for 1 year and 1 box will not do and i do not have money to pay a fee.

Nagesh answers:

All of the flying blue answers are here. You need 30,000 miles. It would take you many flights to get to that point. You can buy miles, but that would be more than paying for an extra bag.

Try asking in the Travel category.

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Thursday, July 18th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money Online

Robert asks…

Whats the quickest and easiest way to make money online?

I’m really busy with school, and my job right now, but I was wondering if there are any easy ways to make money online? My friend suggested creating my own website and selling advertising space on it, but that seems way too complicated. Is there any other way to make money? Thanks for YOUR help!

Nagesh answers:

I’m super busy with school and work too. About a month ago I was low on cash so I set out to find a relatively easy way to earn money online. I joined a couple of those “get-rich quick” programs I’m sure many people have tried, only to find they were basically SCAMS. In searching I found a web blog that reviews and recommends free-to-join survey websites that PAY YOU to take their surveys. Its a good list and gets updated every week. I joined a few survey companies that were on it and made a good $70 in 2 hours. It wasn’t hard and I made money while being on my computer and watching TV.


Hope this helps!

Charles asks…

What is the easiest way to make money online?

Just wondering a, not necesseraly quick, way to make some money from home?

Nagesh answers:

They have surveys that you can do online but you won’t get much, ideally you should be able to use your compputer to do programming or graphic design etc or you can try doing a loan officer job from home

Donna asks…

what is quick way to make money not online??

Nagesh answers:

Invest your millions not online. You do have a lot of money, right? Because that’s the only quick way to make more money.

Otherwise, get a job not online.

Sandra asks…

I need a quick way to make some money online now..?

Nagesh answers:

If looking for a JOB, what are your marketable skills and previous experiences? If you are looking for a BUSINESS, go with your passions, things that interest and motivate you the most. Build a list and use that to begin your search. General rule of thumb: Never pay for a job (businesses, on the other hand, usually involve some expenses).

Daniel asks…

Whats the quickest way to make money online as an affiliate marketer?

Nagesh answers:

Go to Associated Content and write articles. You can write on any subject you want. They pay you upfront +

pageviews. There are many websites that you can write for that only pay for pageviews,,..,, I made a good living writing for

associated content before I got a better gig. I highly recommend it

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Wednesday, July 17th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Online

Richard asks…

Best ways to make money online?

I’ve been researching ways to make money online. I’ve come across many survey websites and PTC’s and none of them have really been working out too well. I am just wondering what has worked best for you?

Nagesh answers:

Hi There,

I came across this site whist researching for my own business: Video Games CV and I think I might have some valuable contributions to make that will help you guys out.

I will go on to explain a bit more about what I do and how I do it, but firstly and probably most important – When starting your own business find a subject matter that you really love and have relevant skills & experience in. You should never think of your business as just a way to make money – you should have a genuine passion for what it is that you are doing!

I come from a Sales & Recruitment background, I started out in retail and worked my way up to a dual role of Mulit Site Senior Support Manager & A Regional Recruiter for 50 stores with a UK National Games company. I then moved in to Recruitment and eventually found myself back in Video Games as a Video Games Recruiter. I discovered this is where my passion lay and that I was really good at it. I left the UK in Feb 2009 and in Nov 2009 I started my own Video Games business.

I now specialise in sourcing Video Games Experienced people, I provide an advise service whereby I help people make the most of their skills and experience, I give advice on their CV’s/Resumes and I also work with Deveopers & Publishers Worldwide helping them find suitable candidates for their vacant roles.

My business is growing however it has taken a huge amount of time & effort. I might work from home but I still work 7 days a weeks and between 8 – 10 hours a day, in the beginning I was pulling 14-16 hours a day, just to get it off the ground. However, it has paid off because I now have a database of 500 Experienced Video Games Individuals!

I put the hours in to my business because I really want it to work – why? Because I love what I do! I love Video Games, I love the people who work in Viceo Games! Over the months I have built up a fantastic network, these people have become my friends – we email bak and forth almost daily, and as well as giving them advice, I spend a huge amount of my time motivating them and encouraging them and in return I get emails of thanks which gives me that ‘warm fuzzy’ feeling 🙂 Also, these wonderful people refer their friends to me so that they can benefit from my skills & experience. I do make a small income from my business, my advice and support always comes Free however I charge a small fee for Rewriting CV’s/Resumes. At the moment I am not making enough money to pay my bills however I am sure given time this will happen, however making money was never my first priority, it was doing a job that I loved and am good at.

To be able to continue growing my business I did however need to make a suplimentry income to go along side as no one can live off of fresh air, so I have also signed up to an affiliate scheme with Teamwork Revoulution. Like most people on here I am very wary about these programmes and I could not afford to pay anything upfront. What struck me about this Programme was the 14 day Free Trial.

So what I did was this: I did not sign up to TWR straight away, I saved the page to my favourites. I then set about building a database. Now I was lucky enough to already have a database of 500 however, although I have shared this information with my Video Games CV friends I am not going to target them as I do not want to comprise the business that i so love and enjoy. So after sharing the information with them, I have placed a link on my website and will leave it up to them.

So I had to find my target audience, now this is hard and does take time. What I did is I decided on my company name – Money Inspired and then I set up a Linkedin account (business network Worldwide) using my company name and I made a business page and a group. I also set up a Facebook account and done the same and a Twitter page. This took me about 2 hours to do including writing my profile, but once you have done one you can then copy and paste. Then I set about inviting people to join. There is no point just inviting anyone, what I did is I went to google and put in a series of search words & sentences, so for example :work from home. :make money online etc… It brings up alsorts and takes while to sift through but you will soon have a list of companies. Then go to linkedin and facebook put company names into search and it will bring up the people who have listed themselves as working for that company (not the one you are recruiting for) then add them to join you. This is your target audience, they are people who have already expressed an interest in working online.

So once I done that, I then set about wording my email that I was going to send out. So now I was ready to join workteam revolution, so back to my favourites page and joind up for FREE for their 14 day free trial. I designed my website for this project using the tools that this programme offers, which is Free Unlimited Web Hosting, Free unlimited Web sites, Free unlimi

Chris asks…

what is a good way to make money while not breaking the law.. im 15?

I heard of a site that u can go to and they pay u to go to different places. for ex: you would get an email and it says.. catagory restraunt so u would have to go to a restraunt and survey everything from the service to the quality of the food. anyone know the website or any other ways to make quick cash?

Nagesh answers:

Making money online is easier than it seems. Here are two ways that I’ve found that ACTUALLY work, and very well at that:

1. Http://

– complete free offers and surveys from companies that will pay to hear your opinion!
– this site requires little work, and the only site I’ve found from personal experience that pays!
– not only does it work well, it is very user friendly and SIMPLE to use
– FAQ and forums are full of tips and advice to earn more + highly active administrator almost always available for help
– all you need to sign up is a valid email address
– minimum age to sign up: 13 (with parental approval)
– bank account information and/or credit card information is not required!
– only information required is your name, and home address – to where they can send checks with your earnings!
– you are sent checks with your earnings at the end of every month!
– minimum payout (minimum amount of money you must make in a month for them to send you a check): ONLY $10!
– 20% first level/10% second level STARTING referral program –> percentages increase as you refer more people
– from personal experience I can say that just a few hours of work a day can get you a few hundred dollars a month!
– great to do in your spare time to earn extra cash to use for any purpose you want!

2. Http://

– sign up and use this site as your search engine AND GET PAID!
– instead of paying for banners to advertise their site, this site is attracting users by willing to pay THEM to use their search engine!
– make money by simply replacing your current search engine with this one!
– EXTREMELY SIMPLE to use, use like a normal search engine
– all you need to sign up is a valid email address
– minimum age to sign up: 18 (if under 18, parental approval required)
– bank account information and/or credit card information is not required!
– only information required is your name, and your home address – to where they can send checks with your earnings OR your paypal/e-gold – you can choose to have them transfer your earnings to your paypal/e-gold account!
– your earnings are sent to you AUTOMATICALLY every time you earn the payout level!
– payout level (how much you have to earn before they pay you) : ONLY $20!
– referrals will allow increase the rate at which you can earn by using the search engine!

Paul asks…

Where can I find step by step instructions to set up a commercial website?

I used to sell products on ebay before I was banned, now I want to be trully independent and build a business more successful than ever before by opening my own website to sell on.

Does anyone here run an online business? How do you set up the website? Where to download layout templates? How do you accept payment and how do you make the site secure? Also how do you market / promote it? What are the minimum costs involved?

Nagesh answers:

Congratulations for going independent!

I have an online business selling private label rights products. I also wrote a book on how to get these websites online because it’s not easy if you don’t know what to do. However, do it once or twice and soon it will be so easy you can have quite a few websites all earning a bit of money.

Use ClickBank or PayPal for the payment acceptance. ClickBank is not as picky as PayPal. Since you use their checkout service you do not need your own Secure Socket License (SSL) or credit card verification bank (big fees monthly).

Promotion is an ongoing, never ending task. Articles, blogging, backlinks, forum posts, etc. Details are in the book.

You can get started for as little as $100 including domain name, site template, info product etc.

This is not a get rich quick scheme but a legitimate way to make money online. However it is a business and it needs your support and your time.

Daniel asks…

What is the best way for trading currency online?

i want to know where i can trade my money online and not get scamed
witch site can i try and do you guys have any experience with the sites

Nagesh answers:

Forex online currency trading can be an excellent strategy to earn some cash privately. However, in case you are thinking of this one of those highly desired get-rich-quick schemes, you’re extremely wrong. The truth is, Forex online currency trading is profitable to some extent. But unless you are ready to take enormous risks and to make substantial investments, being a millionaire overnight just isn’t specifically a feasible option.

Forex online currency trading is one thing you’ll desire to incorporate some info about. Accurate, you’ll find numerous Forex robots claiming that you don’t have to be a whiz with anything associated with Forex online currency trading; it’s not necessarily the right way to begin your part-time earning gig. Understanding what the technical terms and how the existing political state from the world affects Forex currency trading is essential to allow you to make productive trades.

To start with, you must recognize that there are lots of, several risks involved with Forex online currency trading. Regardless if you’re employing a fully automated Forex robot or if you’re employing a semi automatic Forex currency trading platform, it is necessary to be aware of that there are many ways for a trade to suddenly turn around and result in losses rather than profits whilst you were clearly expecting. Once you know any family members or buddies members who will be using Forex online currency trading, be sure you talk with them and discover what they have to say concerning the trade, the platforms and also the best ways to discover a lot more tips. The net, of course, is the best starting point looking for Forex currency trading tutorials, testimonials and critiques on various trading platforms and useful information on how to find out the charts and also predict which trades to take on.

Thomas asks…

How can I make some extra money online?

I don’t mean to gain a fortune, just some extra cash. What should I do?

Nagesh answers:

You could try the affiliate program from Big Fish Games.


When someone buys a game after following your link, or after visiting a free web page you set up using their tools, you earn 25% of the purchase price. Plus the company remembers you referred that person and you get 25% of their future purchases, too.

Basically you want people who are interested in games to visit your game links, or the link to the free page you set up. It’s not hard to track how many people you’ve referred (and how much money you’ve made, once you start earning).

It might be an option for you. It’s not a get rich quick scheme. After doing it for a month, I’m making about $4.00 a day.

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Tuesday, July 16th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Runescape

Helen asks…

whats the best method to make money fast on runescape?

im not a member, i have a combat level of 35 with attack, strength, health and all that at 30. my mining lvl is 45 and smithing is 43. my tree cutting level in 49, what should i do to make money FAST

Nagesh answers:

You can try –

mining rune essence by having the Aubury teleport you to the mine. He is south of the varrock east bank.

Mining irons under falador is good money in my opinion, i train on them and use the bank deposit. It’s good money and stacks up.

Collecting cooking apples from the cooking guild and banking them in the varrock west bank.

You didn’t mention your mage level, but if you have 31 mage, then I can tell you a method that I picture as one of the best money making methods for f2p (free to play). The method is tele-kinetic grabbing wines of zamorak. The reason you have to telekinetic grab them is otherwise, you have to kill everything there, and it will drain your stats when picking up =.
So, where do you find this, you might ask? Well, walk straight up north from falador, keeping close to the member boundary. Eventually you will see a small temple. The wine spawns in here about every 20 seconds. When you have a full inventory, teleport back to falador, or walk, and bank. Clean, rinse, and repeat! Good luck!

PS. Add me and pm if you need any help. My name is “Hobo Rabies”

George asks…

How do I make money fast in Runescape as a member?

I am level 80 in combat.

Nagesh answers:

Learn to bot. or google rsbuddy

Lizzie asks…

How can I make fast money on Runescape?

Okay, what I want to know is a great way to make money on Runescape. (Preferably Combat)
Here’s the link to my Adventurer’s Log:
“JACOSMOOTLOG.TK” You don’t need to put http and stuff just use that right there.
P.S: I’m a Member, I don’t want F2P stuff. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

PK, Woodcut, mine, dude its not hard, just stop procrastinating and stick with one thing like fishing or something.

Daniel asks…

How can you make fast money in RuneScape?

Nagesh answers:

1. Fish Lobsters and sell them cooked/uncooked.
2. Merchant something. (Buy in bulk low, sell in bulk high)
3. Pick flax and sell it in bulk.
4. Buy/pick flax and turn it into bowstring and sell in bulk.
5. Become a runner for a person working on their Rune Crafting. They usually pay you with money or let you keep their runes they make. Can make quite a nice profit either way.
6. Cut Yews or Magics and sell them.
7. Player-killing. If you’re good at combat and are decently equipped, you can possibly make tons of cash in a short time.
8. Do quests. Some reward you in fair amounts of cash.
9. Raise your smithing and sell the armor to stores/players.
10. Mine Coal, Mithril, Iron, Admantine, or Rune and sell the ore to people.

The tough truth is there are no easy ways to make money. Just pick something you’re good at and like doing and just do it. Just like the real world, there are no shortcuts to fortune and fame. Hardwork and a determined attitude will get you what you desire most if you work for it.

William asks…

whats the best auto bot in runescape for making alot of fast money?

i talking like a million in an hour also one that has no viruses

Nagesh answers: has an autosummer pie bot that makes me about 1.5m per hour! GL! 😀

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Monday, July 15th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

Helen asks…

Work at Home Call Center Jobs in the Philippines?

I’m curious about this work-at-home call center and ESL jobs in the Manila. Does anyone know how to go about applying for these jobs?

Nagesh answers:

There are many opportunities of working at home and earning through internet. If you wish to learn earning through internet while working at home, feel free to add me as your contact at yahoo answers and at 360 also. You will learn a lot. It is against yahoo answers guidelines to provide referral links here at YA. Most of the genuine earning opportunities on the net are free and they don’t ask for any money to be paid for that.

Paul asks…

can i do share market business through internet from home?

i want to do share market business from my home through internet please anybody help me with really useful information like from where to start?

Nagesh answers:

If you are really looking into doing business through the internet, you may be interested in looking up on doing some internet marketing. It is a nice way to start off, mainly due to the low cost in maintenance and the ability to reach out to the entire world as long as the person has internet connection.

Some of the more prominent internet marketer around would be Ewen Chia, who is arguably the number 1 affiliate internet marketer around. The initial payment for his internet marketing system may seem steep to some people, but the potential profit from these systems will far outweigh these initial investment.

I, for one, had greatly benefited from his AutoPilot system and Ebook Money Machine. I have been earning a decent couple of thousand bucks monthly from the internet using his system and still hold on to my day job.

Hope this will help.

Good luck.

Ivan Ee
NLP Master Practitioner

James asks…

How can i make some serious money on the internet?

I have three computers plus a laptop on a wireless network and i need to make them work for me. I need some workable ideas.

Nagesh answers:

The Web offers tremendous opportunities for those who know how to harness it. You hear of stories of people who earn thousands if not millions of dollars from doing business on Web. While there are many scams (same way in the traditional business world), there are various ways you can legitimately make money on the Web.

Here are the main business models you can adopt:

1. Sell products on the Web – Big boys like Amazon or Lillian Vernon online catalog or smaller businesses like or all sell products on the Web.

You can either sell: (a) through your own storefront through your own website or applications such as Yahoo Stores; or (b) sell through online auctions like eBay

2. Information Delivery. Others such as or create content and monetize their content in a number of ways:

a. Advertising – whether by joining banner ad networks such as Tribal Fusion, BurstMedia or Fastclick and display the banners on their site; or through contextual advertising such as Google Adsense or Intellxt

Banner ad networks:
Burst Media
Fastclick (ValueClick). Http:// Http://
Tribal Fusion

Contextual Advertising Networks:
Google Adsense…
Yahoo! Publishing Network (currently in beta and available to US publishers only)
Quigo Adsonar
Commission Junction Evolution…

B. Affiliate Programs – you sell other people’s products that your audience may be interested in; and you get a certain commission after the desired action was done (whether a sale, a lead, subscription to email newsletter, or however this is defined).

Commission Junction

c. Paid online content. or Supporters forum all require paid subscription before accessing the information

d. Content licensing and syndication. Some publishers such as the Associated Press get paid every time their content is published elsewhere

3. Through income opportunities on the Web such as paid surveys – they typically won’t earn you much, but can give you a few cash

Pinecone Research
GreenField Online
Harris Poll Online
Survey Spot

You may want to read the following books:

121 Internet Businesses You Can Start from Home
The Best Internet Businesses You Can Start

How to Earn Money on the Web
Earning Money from Surveys

Donald asks…

Is anyone working from home posting links for google?

I have heard about being paid to post links for google, you can apparently earn $25 per post and work from home, they train you, etc……I am just a bit sceptical and i think its a little too good to be true! Anyone done it? Did it work out for you?

Nagesh answers:

SHORT ANSWER: ALWAYS READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Don’t be lazy. I got scammed once because I was too lazy to read the scammer’s Terms and Conditions. They always give themselves away there.

LONG ANSWER: I’ve been researching this all morning, ever since I got this popup and read through it, and it smelled like a scam from the get-go.


Some fake company is telling people that Google has begun to hire people to work from home and people can make a lot of money that way. Sign Number One that this is a scam: they claim the news has covered this story, because they know people are unlikely to research it. Sign Number Two: their links (which say “Google home trial kit” or “Google accounts”) direct you to a website that has nothing to do with Google but has Google’s name on it. Once there, you think you’re applying for a job but in reality you are signing up for a subscription “education” service that will charge you around $200.00 a month. But don’t take it from me, take it from their Terms and Conditions:

“Creative Search Training (NOTE: HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH GOOGLE)
Attn: Customer Service
29834 N Cave Creek Rd. Ste 118 PBM-323 Cave Creek, AZ 85331

“For an ongoing subscription fee, you’ll gain full access to an online community where members can leverage powerful tools and information available via the Online Resource Center. With the content being updated daily and the member help program, Creative Synergy Training (WAIT, I THOUGHT IT WAS CREATIVE SEARCH TRAINING?!?) is the most comprehensive and complete grouping of information and tools available today.

“Your Membership is the perfect tool to start making money on the Internet. We’ve helped thousands of people achieve their goals. By submitting this form you are ordering Creative Search Training and the trial membership for $1.95 Instant Access. If you do not cancel within the 3-day trial period, you will be charged a one-time amount of $129.95. In addition, you will be provided access to an online Learning Center which will bill at $39.98, unless you cancel, 30-days from the date of enrollment and you will be re-billed every 30 days at $39.98 per month until cancelled. To cancel call 877-557-5473 M-F, 7am-5pm, MST within 3 days of the date you ordered.”

“You will also receive a Risk Free 14-day Trial membership to HomeSource. You may cancel anytime during the trial period by calling 1-800-537-0984 M-F, 8am to 5pm, MST. If membership is continued you will automatically be charged $29.95 a month. “

Robert asks…

How to earn from internet or home based computer work?

Nagesh answers:

The Web offers tremendous opportunities for those who know how to harness it. You hear of stories of people who earn thousands if not millions of dollars from doing business on Web. While there are many scams (same way in the traditional business world), there are various ways you can legitimately make money on the Web.

Here are the main ways you can earn money from the Internet:

1. Sell products on the Web – You can either sell: (a) through your own storefront through your own website or applications such as Yahoo Stores; or (b) sell through online auctions like eBay 

2. Information Delivery. Others such as create content and monetize their content in a number of ways:

a. Advertising – there are several ways you can earn money from advertising:

1. Join an advertising network. Advertising networks are organizations that aggregate Web sites that offer advertising space, and sell banner ads (and other advertising options) across them. Traffic requirement is often a minimum of 5,000 monthly impressions, although many do not accept sites hosted by free page services.

Burst Media
ValueClick Http://
Tribal Fusion

2. Participate in contextual advertising networks. Contextual advertising are text ads delivered based on the content of the web page using an automated system.

Google Adsense


3. Sell advertising for your site directly. This is admittedly a more difficult route for a small business site wanting to earn advertising revenues. But hey, as they say: “no pain, no gain!”

b. Affiliate Programs – you sell other people’s products that your audience may be interested in; and you get a certain commission after the desired action was done (whether a sale, a lead, subscription to email newsletter, or however this is defined)

c. Paid online content. or Supporters forum all require paid subscription before accessing the information

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Sunday, July 14th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Surveys

Robert asks…

How can i get money fast?

I need like 70$ how can i get it? Im 14 is there any jobs out there besides baby sitting and besides those crappy online surveys that dont even pay you back (cuz ive tried surveys before.) please hel p i need the money. thx

Nagesh answers:

Mow lawns, ask your parents what you can-do around the house for extra money, get a job busing tables at restraints, sell some stuff.

Jenny asks…

how can i get money fast im not old enough for a job but im not 18 so i cant do that online survey thing HELP!?

I have tried but everytime i go to do a survey i cant do it because im not 18

Nagesh answers:

I have been working from home for 4 1/2 years.

It is great to be able to set my own hours and work days, but is still work. If you are serious, send me an email:

I can help you get started and give you any advice I can through email (obviously for free)

Susan asks…

How can I make money online?

I am looking to make money fast and legal online. I know about the whole surveys and investing businesses out there. I want to do something different. I’m low on cash so I just want to make a profit. I know its not easy, but if I find the right opportunity I will take it. I would like some straightforward ways because I have researched for a while now and I see a lot of grey area. I have a lot of potential and ambitious to make some money. I just don’t know how and where to apply my knowledge. I would appreciate some help. Thank you I kindly appreciate it
I am looking to make a substantial amount of money fast and legal online. I know about the whole surveys and investing businesses out there. I want to do something different. I’m low on cash so I just want to make a profit. I know its not easy, but if I find the right opportunity I will take it. I would like some straightforward ways because I have researched for a while now and I see a lot of grey area. I have a lot of potential and ambitious to make some money. I just don’t know how and where to apply my knowledge. I would appreciate some help. Thank you I kindly appreciate it

Nagesh answers:

Depends how artistic you are you can do:
cards birthday/christmas/anniversary etc
carving/wood turning/ pyrography(wood burning)
patchwork quilting
art(art is what you call it)
ironmongory (metal gates/door stops)
paper aeroplanes that acually fly
small cheap stuff sells the best

Mark asks…

how can i make easy money online?

i know theres things like online surveys but theyre fake they pay u then bounce the check. does anyone know a good fast easy and reliable way? i need to make some money

Nagesh answers:

Easy as in simple things to do, or easy as in doing nothing and making a lot of money. Any way you look into to making money on line will require some work on your part. You can choose to do simple things that are easy to do, but making money fast will depend on the quality and how quickly you can do the work in. Surveys can make you money, but not a sufficient amount of money, and they require a lot of time with very little pay. They’re not fake, just a lot of informmation that isn’t given, that should be given. So a lot of people are misinformed on how they work and what’s involved and the time you put into it.
Http:// This is an article that explains all that.
From my experience, the only “reliable” way to make a sufficient amount of income would be to have your own business in which you conduct online. Your responsible for how much income you bring in. Like I said, if you’re work ethics are dedicated and you work fast, and build your business quickly, then you can make money. If your lazy, and don’t do anything, then you won’t make money. That’s how it is.
Http://;_ylt=AjZ5KNuZY8DCg2nGfpnQUXu0AOJ3 information on businesses from home.
This is the only way I know how to make money from home online, is having my own business. Online jobs, you won’t make a lot of money and it definatly will not be fast money. That’s been my experience.

Sharon asks…

Whats a good way for teens to make money online?

im looking for legit websites for teens where you can make money fast and for real. not like alot of them where you have to pay to join, or the ones where you take surveys but you have to do offers to completethe surveys. please help. thanks(:

Nagesh answers:

When something sounds to good to be true, it is. Think about how many people need money. Now ask yourself, if someone really wanted to pay people to do something easy, wouldn’t they start with their own friends and family? Why would they pay someone they don;t even know?

The answer is: they wouldn’t.

I been scammed a couple of times over the years by ads or websites that promised to pay me for doing something easy. I’ve never seen one that was for real. Look for a job closer to home, with people you know. They’re less likely to rip you off.

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Saturday, July 13th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Uk

Chris asks…

What requirements do I need to be hired as an independent contractor for a UK firm (I’m an American citizen)?

The UK company would like to hire me immediately. What is the most efficient way to go about being hired legally (or at least, not illegally) as an independent contractor? Any Web site links would be helpful. Please, no HSMP or “opening up my own business” suggestions, as I don’t qualify. The less speculative the answer, the more appreciated (in other words, I’d love to hear from those who have personal knowledge or experience with this). Thank you!

Nagesh answers:


The first thing you need to check is whether you are qualified to work here in the UK and whether you need a work permit.

If you do not have approval to work in the UK currently, you need to apply for that. If the company is to hire you as an employee they would need to look at If you want to start in self employment you need to look at

If you already have leave to work in the UK (and that would make life a lot easier) then you have two choices:

1. Work as a sole trader. To set up as a sole trader you simply need to ley the Revenue you are starting up, and pay them Class 2 National Insurance (£2.30) per week. You then get taxed (and more national insurance) based on profits which you declare to the Revenue once a year in your tax return. The number to call to register as self employed is 08459 15 45 15.

2. Set up your own limited company and work through that. You can set up a company yourself (there are loads of formations agents out there) or do it through your accountant who can also help you structure your payment arrangements in the most effective way. If you do go down this route you may consider paying yourself a mixture of salary and dividend. To pay a salary you have to register the company as an employer and fill in various bits of paperwork on a monthly/quarterly/annual basis as appropriate. To register for PAYE visit or again your accountant can help you with this.

You will then possibly have to think about registering for VAT (not compulsory until your turnover in the last 12 months hits £67,000 – but can be worth it in advance). Http:// Again your accountant can talk you through the mechanics of how to do this – and most importantly what VAT scheme to use because that can save you quite a lot of money or even earn you more for little effort.

Many agencies prefer uising limited companies rather than sole traders, largely because of the “IR35” rules – which basically try to ensure that employees don’t try to pass themselves off as self employed contractors (which is more tax efficient). Http:// Depending on the work you do that can require professional advice.

Other than that, the usual insurance issues apply (professional indemnity, public liability, employers liability (if you have staff yourself) and so on. I use HERA for my professional insurance and they are quite good. Http://

The main banks have some quite useful guides to setting up in business on their websites (I find Lloyds TSB and NatWest usually quite good).

Hope this helps and is what you were after.

Kind regards

David Nicoll
“the accountant with attitude”

Lisa asks…

Is VAT paid relating to the date the customers money arrives in the bank?

I am self employed as a van courier driver with own van and I sub out to only one company.
Every Friday I receive a job sheet and payments due for the previous week. This money is paid into my bank account 4 weeks later in arrears.
Question is when submitting my VAT returns do I use the date on the pay slip or the date the money is paid into my account?

Nagesh answers:

You can do either provided you do it consistently.

If you’re not operating the flat rate VAT scheme, it would make your life much easier if you did…see

Charles asks…

Does anyone know any good websites for searching your family tree for free?

I am from the UK and wondered if anyone knows any good websites to find my family tree on for free or cheap. I am new to this and so don’t know much about finding my family tree. So would be very grateful, thanks.

Nagesh answers:

If you’re completely new to genealogy, the best way to start is to read a guide to how to start researching your family tree, e.g. This one from the BBC:

Do not expect to find your family tree ready-made for you on the web. Many amateur genealogists do post their family trees on pay sites, like, or on free sites like, and it is possible that you may come across some of your family on these sites, but:
(a) you have no guarantee that the information you find on these sites is accurate – there are many, many crap genealogists out there on the web, posting badly researched material, stuff they have completely made up and/or just copying and pasting trees they have found elsewhere on the internet without checking its accuracy
(b) that would take half the fun out of it. The reason I find genealogy and family history such an exciting hobby is because it is like being a detective – you have to work long and hard to seek out clues and evidence and I get such a buzz when I come across a document hidden away somewhere that other people researching my tree have missed. If someone handed me my family tree on a plate, it would be about as much fun as someone else doing a crossword puzzle or jigsaw for me – the challenge of doing it yourself is the whole point.

The way I started researching my family tree was by asking my parents (born in 1928) when and where they were born and married and for the names of their parents (i.e. My grandparents) and grandparents (i.e. My great-grandparents) and where and when they were born and married. This took me back to the late 19th century. I knew, from what my Dad had told me, that my great-grandfather was called Frederick Branton and that he’d been born in a place called Hartland in Devon. Although my Dad didn’t know exactly when Frederick was born, as his eldest child was born in 1901, it was unlikely he was born much after 1881 or much before 1861. So I looked at the 1881 census records for Devon (this was long before the internet and involved much ploughing through microfiches in public libraries and the Family Records Centre, but these days you can search for census information on sites like and and found only one Frederick Branton in Hartland – a ten-year-old boy living with his parents, William and Mary Branton, so I now knew a rough date of birth for my great-grandfather (1870-2) and the names of my great-great grandparents. As the census told me that William had also been born in Hartland and was 60 in 1881, I had a look back at earlier censuses, and when I found in the 1841 census of Hartland a 20-year-old William Branton living with his parents, Thomas and Grace, I now knew the names of my great-great-grandparents. Later on, when I had some money, I ordered William and Mary Branton’s marriage certificate, which confirmed that William’s father was called Thomas, and told me Mary’s surname before marriage, so I could find her in the 1841 census.

The most important thing is that you learn how to use sources properly – it’s possible to compile a wildly inaccurate tree even from official birth, marriage and death certificates, if you don’t know what you’re doing. (In my experience, the biggest mistake that beginners make is assuming that if they find A Mary Smith in the records, that it must be THEIR Mary Smith, and not realising that there would have been dozens of Mary Smiths in that area and that they must eliminate all the wrong ones – this mistake can happen, even if you’re using certificates)

I was going to tell you about some of my favourite free or cheap resources (the British Newspaper Library archives, local village websites, online parish clerk schemes), but many of them will not be relevant to you or you will not be able to use until you’ve traced your family back a certain way or learnt a bit more about genealogy.

This is a great free site, where you can find advice for beginners, ask other genealogists/family historians for advice, make look-up requests and find lists of good online resources for your county:

Anyway, best of luck.

Sandra asks…

is tviexpress based in uk a reliable one to pursue here in india as it has already spread out like a wildfire?

tviexpress based in uk in conglemeration with many multi international travelling companies like british airways, lufthansha , holiday inn and many so on ,has entered in manipur a tiny state of india and everyone is looking forward upon it as a global phenomenon, now i want to know the credentials and capacity of the company.

Nagesh answers:

I am a kind of person, who believe that it is not easy to make money and there is no scheme which can make you rich overnight. I have always stayed away from all these MLM business and Pyramid schemes. You keep on making down lines and sell products or do marketing, that is not my cup of tea. I prefer to work on my own. From one of their videos, I got their skype id and had a chat with the person called Kelvin Lim. My first question to him was.. Are you guys genuine or you are just running a scam site? Well the answer was no and Kelvin explained me how it worked. As per my information, one has to pay $250 and join TVIExpress and once you have two downlines, you get $500.

James asks…

What is the fairest option for pensions in the UK?

1. Public sector workers receive a pension subsidised by the tax payer?
2. Private sector workers receive a pension subsidised by the tax payer?
3. Private sector and public sector workers both receive a pension subsidised by the tax payer?
4. Public sector and private sector are expected to invest in their own private pension schemes?
5. Is it reasonable to offer a subsidised pension scheme to just one section of the working population, whilst expecting the other section to help fund it?
6. Nobody receives a pension scheme subsidised by the tax payer

Nagesh answers:

3. Do think that pensions, along with all other welfare schemes, should be financed by the taxpayer at subsistence level, but everyone is free to supplement this privately if feasible.

I would raise the basic and higher rate of Income Tax to give enough room to make the necessary adjustments.

I would then simplify the whole benefits and taxation structure, streamlining it entirely into one operation – the wealthy being taxed positively, the poor being taxed negatively (i.e. Given benefit payments under the same system), and the whole system worked out so that it works smoothly, and nobody who works or endeavours to supplement their income is worse off than those that don’t, yet everyone is assured a basic subsistence – to enable the basics of eating, drinking, sanitation, health care and shelter, but that’s it.

One thing ignored by the stupid conventional thinkers is that inheritances can provide a pension for the next generation down, in return for care for the older generation. Rather than taking the lot in punitive tax grabs, just at a time when a family is in a state of grief, Government should encourage this transfer of money down the generations as a way of alleviating the pension problem.

I would then abolish the status of unemployment or retired – everyone claiming benefit is free to work as much or as little as they wish or are able, without sanction, for as long as they are engaged in the system and declare all their earnings.

I certainly do not trust private pension fund managers with my pension – there is just too much legal thievery and reckless gambling with other people’s money, and they have showed themselves to be even more corrupt than nationalised pension providers.

Everyone gets a tax code, according to their needs and civic status, and this sets the point where a benefit becomes a tax, and is worked using PAYE. Means tested taxes, charges for public services and benefits should be abolished, and incorporated into general taxation wherever these are universal. Only local variations should be taxed or subsidised locally.

Civic status is defined by the NI number. Those born and bred into the country and engaged with the system all their lives get preferential treatment over those whose eligibility is set by Treaty agreements (such as non-British EU or Commonwealth citizens), and this gets preferential treatment over those to whom there are no obligations. Changes of status will result in the issue of a new NI number, and all visitors with working visas must have a NI number.

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Friday, July 12th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast For Kids

Jenny asks…

How can a 11 year old make lots of money?

My kid is saving up for an ipod touch and he wants to know how he can make lots of money fast

Nagesh answers:

You are the adult…. What chores would he have to do to earn an allowance?

11 year old children don’t have jobs and you are the source of “income” for them.

Daniel asks…

What animals are moneymakers in Zoo Tycoon Complete Collection?

What animals will be best to put in my zoo to draw customers/get donations? I need money fast and don;t want to use a cheat.

Nagesh answers:

Bangle Tigers. They are cheap, don’t require a big enclosure, and if you buy a boy and girl, selling the kids is very productive.

Ken asks…

What are the best homemade items that you can sell for $money$?

What homemade items can you make at home to sell for at least 3-10 dollars? and using ingrediants or supplies found at a normal home? i need money fast. saving up for more clothes and dont want to ask parents for money. also INCLUDE INSTRUCTIONS PLEASE!!! STEP-BY-STEP IF POSSIBLE!!!

thanks, and answer asap please!

Nagesh answers:

Hemp jewelry, scented bath salts, for the jewelry look up
for bath salts get a bag of salt like you put in ice cream machines or on the sidewalk when there is ice, it needs to be just plain salt, no extra chemicals in it. Pick out the rocks, sent with perfume oil, and color with drops of food coloring, my daughter and i used to make this in huge popcorn bowls and then put in small jars we found at flea markets and such and we sold it at ren faires and other places, ive done jewelry for years and now she has caught the bug. By the way, flea you are wrong, we arent all that jealous of what sells, we just try to make ours more attractive. Actually kacky, ive been doing it a long time and one of the best shows was on mothers day weekend and kids and fathers bought tons of bath salts because they realized they forgot things for mom. Dont trash other beginners. You had to start somewhere too. Im almost 60, i think ive seen most of the ups and downs of crafts, but my daughter used to make little friendship bracelets and sell at school, everyone has to get brave enough to try.

Paul asks…

How could I get some money as a kid?

I really need some money because I am going to Germany in May and I really need money to go. I am just a kid and I don’t have a cpr certification to babysit. I need the money fast. What are some ideas, my family doesn’t have the money either. What do I do?!

Nagesh answers:

Get yourself a job such as washing cars for example.
Also how does this question relate to TRAVEL GERMANY!

Joseph asks…

How to earn money as a 13 year old?

I’ve been so upset at how little of clothes I got for Christmas. I didn’t get much for Christmas, my parents aren’t really that wealthy. We live a dump, and they can barely afford the internet let alone clothes. I have like 2 pairs of jeans, and 4 shirts. (that i can actually wear) thats not even enough to make it through the week.. i just told my mom i need more clothes and she said “enough with the sob stories, we have no money veronica” so that sums it up. how am i supposed to go to school wearing the same thing?! Exactly. So are there any ways I can earn money fast? I will seriously do anything. Don’t say something stupid like babysitting because I wouldn’t get paid at all for that. Like what am I supposed to doo 🙁

Nagesh answers:

Since when is babysitting stupid?
When I was younger I remember my cousin making a fortune babysitting a couple kids here and there. All while only being 14.

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Thursday, July 11th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For Kids

Susan asks…

How can you make money fast?

I know this sounds rediculous. Everyone wants money… now. The thing is that I have two sick kids that have emptired my bank account with therapies and surgeries (they have Currarino syndrome) and rent is due with absolutely no money to pay it.

My husband and I have both been layed off – him for a year and a half – and myself just recently. He just got back into the workforce but the piles of debt left from living off savings and borrowed time have really caught up with us. His next payday is Friday but rent was due on the first and they aren’t in the mood to wait another few days.

I’m afraid we are facing eviction and I can’t figure out a way to make the money fast. This is only his second paycheck so we can’t get an advance. I’ve been trying desperately to find someone or somewhere to borrow the money from but no one has it to give. eBay auctions take to long or I’d try and sell off some of my things and my craigslist postings don’t seem to interest anyone.

Please don’t reply with something stupid – and no I’m not going to whore myself out.

Thanks! – Ashley

Nagesh answers:

Make babysitting flyers using the computer and put them in the library, people’s mailboxes, and grocery stores.

Drum up more business and keep a notebook to schedule when you do get a customer.

Culver’s minimum hiring age is 14 with a workers permit.

I called many stores because I am 14 looking for a job. This was the response they gave which makes me happy after looking for so long.

Find a local one go online and apply and go in store to apply or call and ask if they are hiring.

What I did was Google a bunch of business near my home and found their numbers using Google maps or their sites and I called and directly asked if they are hiring and what age do they hire at.

Try local grocery stores, pizza parlors, retail stores, fast food restaurants.

Check out my blog. It has tons of money making ideas, saving tips, ways to score freebies , and discounts. The link is under my profile.
You can create a blog too. You can generate money just ranting about your interests.

David asks…

How to make money really fast?

Please help me we are desperate we have three kids and we are about to lose our car and home if you know a way to make money fast please let me know, at this point I’ll do anything!

Nagesh answers:

I would say you need some sort of tipped job server, valet etc. I’m not sure if you both have jobs I would need more information. That is the fastest way to get money everyday right away. They have work today get paid today offices in most cities. Its mostly labor work etc but you do get a paycheck or in some cases cash that day. There are ways out there but the key though is to figure out and defeat the beast (situation) that has you this desperate in the first place. Cut back spending hell if your writing this from home cut your Internet. Go to the library or local university to use the net. This can help generate extra money monthly.

James asks…

How to make money fast for teens?

I’m 13 and currently trying to earn 150$ to buy a new phone. I need to learn ways to make money fast. I thought about babysitting but I’m only allowed to babysit people we know but everyone never needs one I need fast cash please help

Nagesh answers:

Try to start selling something maybe.
Post flyers everywhere advertising it
or you can start mowing lawns for other people
i’m 12 and i tutor kids younger than me in my neighborhood
i love doing it..:D
or you can get your friends and start something new together
for example, you can start a business for birthday planning or somethin
just look for something fun to do!

Mark asks…

What can I do to get back more money fast?

I am head over my household, working full-time, and I’m a student semi full-time. I have no kids and is single, I really don’t want to owe the government money, what can I do to get back all of my money the fast way?

Nagesh answers:

There is no shortcut to building wealth. If there was, we’d all be loaded. The riskiest way is to use the stock market which, over the long term, can get you 10% or so with relatively safe investments. If you want something safer and guaranteed, look online for a good money market savings account. You can usually open one for $500 or less and can get a return of 5% or so. has a good list of current offers and returns that you can get from various banks.

Just stay away from lottery tickets and fool’s gold.

Nancy asks…

How can I make as much money as possible in 3 months?

I am 13 and I need money in like 3 months. I’m talking anywhere from $200+ because theres an anime convention in August I really want to go to (it will be my first one) I don’t know who is going with me, although I know my parents won’t. So I need ways to make money fast
I don’t want viruses so I will NOT do your retarded surveys!
I don’t want viruses so I will NOT do your retarded surveys!

Nagesh answers:

You can hustle my little brother would go to like costco or like a whole sale place and buy candy in bulk and sell it for a buck a piece at school.. Lol everyone called him the candy man, but he made SOO much money. Cuz kids always want candy!

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Wednesday, July 10th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Home

Michael asks…

How can I Send money home from Japan, without a residence card?

I am currently in Japan as a tourist, and I need to send money home quickly. I assume I cannot make a transfer through one of the Japanese banks as I dont have an account. I tried to use western Union and I tried to use my passport, but they told me it wasnt a valid form of ID. Is there any other services in Japan like western Union that will let me send money from Japan using my passport as my form of ID?

Nagesh answers:

That’s strange. You CAN use passport at WU. This page says so. Just print this page, go there again and show them.

Ruth asks…

How do I save up more money in a week?

I need tips on how to save money quickly. Please help, Thanks a bunch!

Nagesh answers:

Cut down your daily expenses, eat out less and do a lot home cooking.

Jason Lee

Chris asks…

What can an 11 year old do to raise money?

my street is not very long, and the school is about 3 minutes away from my home, and i’m not aloud biking to it. so i cannot do the newspaper route or anything like that. i do chores around the house but i NEVER get paid. i usually get my allowance once a month (25$) and i tried explaining to my mother that i never get paid for the good things i do for her.

and i want more money to get more things so i will not be bored all the time.

anyway i can get money quickly?

Nagesh answers:

$25 a month is good x
i get about £35 a month because i have a paper round..

Just explain to your mum that you need paying for chores, she’ll probably say no is where the ”well let me get a job then?” comes in.
You just need to let her know that you want more money and it’s not like you just want it giving to you, you’re prepared to work for it x

good luck 🙂

Steven asks…

What job should I do so I can get money faster?

My parents are both buissness people, but right now their company faced a couple problems.
I want to help them.
I am about 15 years old so i was woundering what kind of job can I do to get a lot of money quickly.

Nagesh answers:

Baby sitting or looking after an elderly person can bring in some $. But not big $ for anything legal.
If your family is facing financial problems, they could gt extra jobs and you could help at home.

Thomas asks…

Does anyone know any real virtual assistant jobs or other work at home jobs that are not MLMs?

I recently have been laid off and need money very quickly. I also am a mom and would like to work at home if I can find legitimate work. NO SCAMS please, I can’t afford another screw up.

Nagesh answers:

You will not find any legitimate leads here.

Any responses asking you to go to a link, or email them for information, are just scams.

The WAH jobs I know of are of people who have worked at a company for many years, proved themselves, and have been allowed to work 2 or 3 days a week from home. There are also remote sales jobs, that require you to travel throughout a territory, and the corporate HQ is very far away.

Things like “virtual assistant”, “survey”, ” envelope stuffing”, “assembly”, ” mystery shopper”, “rebate processing”, “invoice receiving”, and many others are all totally scams.

I know that you need work & income very badly; this is exactly the type of victim these scams are looking for – desperate, hopeful, and naive.

Just be very, very careful as you proceed down this road; you do NOT want to lose money which you already have so little of.

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Tuesday, July 9th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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