Your Questions About Fast Money Making Ideas

Laura asks…

How reliable is this website? It’s about making money through taking surveys?

Would you yourself do it? I need to make money. Fast. Any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

It’s crap. I tried all of them when I first got sick with Multiple Sclerosis. I did it for months and months, and they never paid me a red cent. Get a real job. These survey things are nothing but a scam.

Charles asks…

i am running out of money fast and need to start making some more.i need some good ideas for quick investments?

Nagesh answers:

No such thing as a quick investment that makes a profit. Even in roulette you would (statistically) only win 50% of the time. You must cut expenses.

James asks…

Need to make money semi-fast, any ideas?

I’m saving up for a zboard ($500) and I already have $200. I need to make 300 by early April. I’m talking about labor jobs nothing on the internet and I’m not old enough to get a legal job, so any ideas? work around the house is fine but I need to make money quick.

Nagesh answers:

I dunno how old you are but if your parents let you try mowing yards down your street. That’s what I did. Can make like 20 our 30 bucks per yard usually. I do that in the early spring/ summer and make 100-200 per weekend

Chris asks…

make money fast any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Be creative and clever there is the key

Susan asks…

I need to make some money, FAST. Any ideas?

I’m 13 and I need to earn $2000 for a school trip. I have until March…does anyone have any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

If I were you, I would build a website and make money with Google Adsense and Clickbank. It is really easy to make money online, you can do it for just about free! Get a free hosting account and set up a niche website with Google Adsense on it. You have about 7 months to make that 2,000. That means you have to start making aporx. 285.00 a month. This isnt that hard if you can get the people to your website. I know of people making 5,000 a month with Adsense. You will make money if you try. To learn how to set up a niche site and make money online try: this will get you in the right direction.

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Saturday, August 17th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes From Home

Ken asks…

How long will it take me to earn $1000 with three jobs and no qualifications?

I have no clue what I can do with my qualifications. I’m 17 turning 18 in May, I graduated high school in 2012, I have no work experience whatsoever, and I’m not in college yet (I start in fall of this year). I don’t know what kind of job I can get without a college degree, but is it possible for me to make more than minimum wage? And if I can work overtime I’ll do that too. Don’t worry about stressing, I’m sure I’ll be stressed but I know I have to work if I want to meet my goals. I live in Florida by the way.

Nagesh answers:

How long it will take is not dependent on qualification or number of jobs – it’s a function of hours worked by pay rate per hour.

Let’s assume that you can’t earn any more than minimum wage. That’s $7.79 in Florida. Let’s also assume you want to work a lot of hours per day (12 is about max to remain healthy), 5 days per week. (which will make you very tired). Keeping in mind that you only get “overtime” if you work over 40 hours with one employer – they don’t add up all of your jobs to calculate it. 12 hours per day, 5 days per week, $7.79 per hour = $467.40 [gross, before taxes and withholdings] per week or $2,025.40 per month. Not too shabby money for “no qualifications or experience” and that’s minimum wage.

Let’s say the idea of 12 hour days doesn’t appeal to you and you’d rather do a typical 30-40 hour work week. 35 * 7.79 = $272.65 per week before taxes and withholding. $1,181 per month. Not great money but not too bad a place for a single person to start with no quals and no experience. And, that too is “minimum wage”

What if you could find $10 per hour for 35 hours per week? $350 per week. $1516.67 per month. Much nicer.

Now, what if you can’t find much at all and can only work about 20 hours per week for minimum wage? 20 * $7.79 = $155.80 per week or $675.13 per month. Not too hot but better than $0

It’s all a function of hours worked * rate of pay = gross earnings

rate of pay is a function of your skills, motivation, luck, location, contacts, … It’s not as simple as some people want to make it – it’s very complex economics. The more your skills, motivation, luck, location, contacts, etc. Are different from everyone elses – the more you tend to earn. When “everyone is the same”, they all make the same pay. That amount is the least the market will stand which we call “minimum wage”

Now, let’s say you’d like to make $100million per day while staying home in your pajamas and surfing the internet – yeah, not happening. There’s no make money scheme out there that isn’t a scheme intended to make someone else wealthy from your wallet. The answer to making more money can be seen in the math above – work more hours or earn more per hour.

PS: be careful with that multiple jobs idea. Getting min wage across town to put in 3-5 hours often won’t cover the cost of transportation, food, and clothes required to do it. Doing it for tips is a sure way to spend more than you make in order to be “allowed” to work.

Helen asks…

legitimate work at home jobs that don’t cost a lot of money?

I am a displaced homemaker having great difficulty in finding a job. I was a secretary for many years but I haven’t worked in over 15. All of my previous jobs have either gone out of business or I no longer know how to get references from anyone. I would work for someone that owns a work at home company or would like to start my own with little start up capital. Thank you for all your advice.

Nagesh answers:

When you’re looking at working from home there’s basically two choices. You’ll either be working for a company, or working for yourself. I’m not sure how you’d work for a normal company from home but I’m sure most people working online work for themselves anyway.

There’s a lot of ways of making money online but most of them are scams or make next to no money. Don’t even bother looking into things like

rebate processing (just a scam usually or next to no money)
multi-level-marketing, (only the original seller makes money)
the paypal send a dollar pyramid schemes, (pretty sure it’s actually illegal)
surveys, (scam, you pay to sign up and they hardly send you any surveys)blogging, (legit, but you’ll only end up making $5/month or spamming yahoo answers with links to ur blog lol)
or data entry. (kinda legit but you have to pay to sign up then usually never get work)

The more legit ways of making money online are affiliate marketing, or things like selling on ebay or selling stuff outsite ebay.

I’ve been working at home for 3 years and I still run across new ways to make money online. Most of them aren’t very profitable though. Anything you do to make money online is going to take a lot of work. The work’s not always hard, but it’s pretty much always time-consuming.

Finding a legitimate way to work at home isn’t hard. There’s plenty of places you can pay for the information. One of the really hard things about working at home is staying focused. You’d be surprised how hard it is to just sit down and work at home infront of your computer for hours on end. There’s some days I hardly make $50 because I just can’t focus and other days if I’m having a really good day and working hard I’ll make as much as $300. Like anything in life, you get what you put into it.

One of the biggest things that’s helped me is to not reinvent the wheel lol. See what other people are doing to make money online and just copy them.

Steven asks…

What are the names of the major Pyramid and Ponzi businesses out there?

I had someone from “I-Commerce” invite me to meet with him for an interview at 8:30pm on a Friday night. Given the time and day for the meeting time I pretty much guessed that it was a sort of scam, but I met with him because I didn’t want to be rude. Within two minutes of having met with him, he got out a phamplet and started explaining how I could make $200,000 in two years. At that point I started wondering why I had agreed to meet with him in the first place. Complete waste of time.

What are the names of these types of companies that you have interacted with?

Nagesh answers:

Hutched, I don’t believe you, I went to the same meeting although a few weeks later and already I am $35,000 richer.
I go for all the quick fixes and fast track methods shown on television. I have so many at home businesses that I had to buy another home, I am becoming a permanent citizen of Nigeria because of all my business connections down there. America is a great country, I love SPAM…..another thing for you to do is buy all the “sold on TV” only stuff, especially the cooking ovens, the flavor wave is great, Ginsu knifes never fail, the bullet chopper does my drinks and I always carry my pocket fisherman with me.

Yes life can be great when you invest your lifelong savings and hard earned money in these schemes, so stick with it and you too will soon be rich like me.

PS If you are interested, I am a little down in my luck this week can you forward me about $1000 to tide me over.


Donald asks…

Why do military people like Bush when Bush seems to not be good to the Military or respect them?

Its a question. It just doesn’t make sence to me.
It would be strange to get personally attacked for asking the question.
If your in the Military and you like Bush or don’t like him, please tell me why specifically?
“Seems” is a qualifying word. He “Seems” to me to not be good to the military and military personel. Why do you believe he is good to you?

Nagesh answers:

Wowo a lot of untruths are being put out in response th this…. Let’s quickly look at military pay. When clinton came to office a lot of enlisted personnel had familys getting food stamps because they were below the poverty level. THis was corrected while Clinton was in office. Military spendiong did go down during the Clinton Administration because that was the peace dividend that resulted from the fall of the Soviet Union. Now Bush goes to war with a military that was built up duuring the Clinton Administration. Wins the war, then uses screwy strategy and loses the occupation…Soldiers get hit with 3 and 4 deployments with little time at home. See Bush pay kbr tons of money for support services they used to perform, and of couse KBR does a bad job of it. The soldiers see their wounded comrades treated like crap by the VA (Cheney says ‘the VA is just naother welfare scheme’) now go ask the military guys what they think of him….Go ask someone you know is in the military not some chickenhawk who pretends.

James asks…

Are there really any work form home jobs that are legit?

Friend just had a baby and is going thru some tough times. I’m looking to see if there are any legit work from home jobs. If there are please let me know!! PLEASE!
Doctors say she should stay at home. She just had a baby four months ago and is not able to work due to other complications.
Please Please Please help as much as possible. Thank You!!

Nagesh answers:

I tried over 15 opportunities in the course of 2 years so I have some great information for you plus a list of top 10 work at home scams!

I am a mother of two little girls who are actually tugging on my arm as I write this so I will try to be brief. Many people are looking for work from home companies. All the scams definitely create a big problem but also, there is a problem of people misunderstanding the difference between work from home “jobs” and work from home opportunities. There really are not work from home “jobs”. To get that you have to start working for a company in their offices first, then they MAY allow you to take the job home.

Most of the work from home opportunities that are legitimate offers are not an hourly pay type job. They are business opportunities that help you in starting your own business from your home. What you should do first is to decide if you are simply looking for an hourly rate type job or if you are looking for more of an opportunity for additional income such as what you would make in your own business being your own boss from home. Small home businesses have some small costs involved, less than $500 to start is reasonable and I would stay away from those wanting $1000-$5000. It doesn’t cost that much to start and run a home business so you shouldn’t pay it.

If you are coming across places that say free then I would RUN don’t walk the other way! They never are. I tried them many a times and 3 weeks later I had to buy this and 6 weeks later that. After 6 months these “free businesses” had cost me over $800 on average.

After trying 15 things I now work about 18-25 hours per week for a National Medical Healthcare Company. This is a nationally known and reputable home business which is what you need to make sure you are looking for. I have been with the company almost a year and a half now and I make over $4500 a month! In your first month, depending on how many hours you can work, I have seen people make anywhere from $500 to over $2500. And your income will increase each month because you get paid residual income as well.

The best part is they have 401(k), direct deposit, life insurance and a benefits package most of which you get from day one. In addition, there are no products, no hard selling or pushing, no cold calling, no home parties and no telemarketing! That was VERY important to me. I absolutely love working with them and I can’t believe I am making what I am making and in so few hours per week. The neat thing is there are other people on your team that you work with so you are never alone. You have great team support and you get to know the other people on your team pretty well.

I was a bit apprehensive at first because I know a lot of companies are not legit but this company is the number one National Medical Benefits Company in the US. They are a member of the US Chamber of Commerce, and the National Association of Dental Plans and the owner of the company actually sits on the board of The Consumer Health Alliance to which we are also members. Also they were featured in “The New York Times”, “Wall Street Journal” “Time Magazine” “American Medical Review” and even in the May 2008 issue of “Parents Magazine”. Even “60 Minutes” did a big special on this home based business.

Even more then all this is they are accepted at over 100,000 retailers nationwide. These are fortune 500 companies like Sears, Target, K-mart, Rite Aid, CVS, Wal-mart, Publix and more. These companies would never work with a company that was anything less than reputable.

You can research the company at


10. Craft Assembly

9. Medical Billing

8. Email/Rebate Processing

7. “A List of Companies Looking for Home workers!”

6. “Just pay for and take this class first” Then we’ll give or find you a job!

5. Typing At Home / Data Entry

4. “Turn Your Computer Into a Money-Making Machine!”

3. Pyramid Schemes (this is NOT the same as Multi-Level Marketing MLM)

2. Chain Letters/Emails (“Make Money Fast”)

1. Envelope Stuffing

Please beware of these scams. There are some legit home businesses out there so be careful. Look for companies in business over 10 years. Look for companies with a needed product or service, something you would be proud to represent. Look for companies that have a national reputation and are members of the US Chamber of Commerce.

As for those of you who say…..”I want to work from home but I don’t want to have to pay for anything”. Well, that’s great! But it will never happen. Let’s be honest, there is no such thing as a free lunch. If it is a true honest home business you need to expect to pay. Mr. Walt Disney didn’t start the Disney empire “without paying for anything”. Neither did Mr. Sam Walton, owner of Wal-Mart.

If you want to learn about REAL home businesses visit:

Good luck to you in your search. A

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Friday, August 16th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Now

Carol asks…

What is a good place to get a G.E.D or High school diploma online fast and cheap?

I dropped out my senior year and now I need an education. I don’t have a lot of money, or a car, but I can do it online, if I can only know a good place to do it for cheap and fast.

Nagesh answers:

That’s really great that you want to continue with your education. Its always good to see someone joining back the course that he/she left earlier. Now coming to point know one place that offers good education and is accredited. Can’t tell you the exact fee that this course will cost you, but I think it is nominal. You can get the all the required Information at .

This will surely help.

Susan asks…

Why do people ask “Need to make money” questions multiple times a day, EVERY SINGLE DAY?!?!?

Seriously, every time I go into any money section of Yahoo Answers, there is at least ten different questions that have been asked in the last five minutes like:

“Need to make money fast?”
“How can I make money easily?”
“Making money online?”
“How to get cash quick?”
“I need $500 fast!”
“How can I make $10,000 quickly?”
“Need some extra money now i’m only 13?”

The questions I listed above are all the same, asking how to make money without working for it. Are these kids even smart enough to search to see if their question has been asked yet?

Seriously, just stop asking the same crap over and over again. You’ll always get the same answer: selling stuff, and working.

To the people who ask: Don’t you think if everyone knew the magical way of easily making money without working for it, they would be doing it? And not answering your question?

And if someone did know of a legit way of making money easily, that they would really share it with you and risk not making as much because someone knows how they do it?

Just use some common sense people.
“Because they need to make money?”

That is not the answer, the answer is plain stupidity and laziness on behalf of the person asking the question. IF they bothered to search to see if the question had already been asked (which it has, over a million times, the answers given are all generally the same.)

Nagesh answers:

Yep. By reading through the lines I can only watch and realize just how many people are ready for prostitution, and who is to blame? Society.
They want it all now, and have no will to spend ANY time improving themselves or even spend it now so that they will be in a better position next year.
It isn’t only in this section, it’s everywhere. Overweight people want to be thin NOW, broke people want a loan NOW and so on and so off, it’s very sad really but it is more so in the US, with the UK following…

Also don’t forget that this very site seem to be a magnet for just a particular kind of person, the type who hasn’t discovered that you can simply type a word into a search box to get tons more results.

Thomas asks…

How to earn 40 $ fast today i can’t do online or chores?

i need money fast i owe my friend or else they will send this poster of me with a weird face around school my mom and dad are in out for two days i’m just 11 and i need fast my grandma doesnt know but i dont wanna tell her she will tell me to deal with it the usual I NEED NOW AND TODAY

Nagesh answers:

You mean to tell me you are being extorted for $40 by some punks at school? And you are going to give in? Who cares if they circulate a poster of you with a weird face around school. Who cares?

Bottom line: if you are that much of a wimp that you think you have to pay $40 ( which, if you do pay this to these hoods, it won’t be the last time they threaten you and extort even MORE money from you ) and you cannot do chores you will not get the money.

Be thankful you CANNOT get the money to give to these morons.

Joseph asks…

Does anyone know of any instant approval credit cards that I don’t have to wait for in the mail to use?

I want to buy something online but they don’t have a store financing plan. However they do except paypal. I just need some fast money now instead of waiting for 3 weeks.

Nagesh answers:

Try First Premier Bank apply on-line it only takes a minute to apply and receive an answer and the card comes in the mail within 7 to 10 days

Sandra asks…

how can i get a job right now online?

remember im only 15< years old!
please please help me quick i need money fast!

Nagesh answers:

Hi, there are many ways you can make money online. Just be careful not to be misled by some ppl. Check out this blog and get ideas from the discussions here

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Thursday, August 15th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast In Runescape

Robert asks…

Fast runescape money?

What is a fast way to make money for a lvl 88 in runescape. Im sort of a pure str so if it’s a monster to kill, i’d be happy to know it. i don’t need xp, just something that gives fast money.

Nagesh answers:

Kill monsters that drop herbs

Lizzie asks…

How to make runescape money fast?

I quit runescape like 2 or 3 months ago. My kinda friend said he will buy my account for $30 if theres at leats 2mil on it but theres none at all. How can i get it fast i can make it a member and heres some stats

Hunting= 70




Smithing= 54

Fletching= 81



whats a fast way to make at lease 2mil in like a week or so

Thank you

Nagesh answers:

Go hunt 1.3k (or something like that) swamp lizards

Or kill some green dragons

Richard asks…

What is the easiest way to make alot of money fast for a non member. (in Runescape)?

Im a lv 30 and i need alot of money fast.

Nagesh answers:

Minining smithing and runecrafting. If you can mine coal or rune ess you can sell those and 1k roughly gets you around 225k-500k or you can mine and smith armour and high alch it for more money

Nancy asks…

Fastest way to make money in runescape with new update?

the trading limit sucks…. what is the best way to make money now?

Nagesh answers:

Here is a pretty good money making guide broken down by free players and member skills.

Good Luck

Susan asks…

Whats the fastest way to make money in runescape?

Im like the poorest man on earth on runescape so i need to know how to make mills………
because i have no idea how to make mills!!

Nagesh answers:

I have over 100mil, i made most of it by combat. Im assuming your a non mem so ill take you through what to kill. Starting at cows, pick up the raw beef and cowhides. Do this till 25 cb. After that kill level 8 roaches and pick up everything they drop ecxept bronze armour and weapons, do this to 35 cb. Now your about to make some seriouse cash =D, alright kill hillies to 50 cb, pick up the big bones and limp roots. Once at 50 combat kill med sized cocroaches, pick up every single thing they drop, and bring food, do this to 80 cb. Now for some insane cash! Once at 80 combat kill the big cocroaches, you might want to lootshare with some friends on those. Do that until whenever. I insist using lobsters as food there if you have the money but i use trout and im level 130 in member worlds. Trout is super cheap, and heals 7 hp each time. By the time you get to 90 combat you shuld have about 30mil. Hope i helped =D
if you have any questions pm me, my username is my ss p0wns.

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Wednesday, August 14th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money

Sandy asks…

What is a good money earner to do from home?

I am a single parent at home with 2 young kiddies, i have been unsuccessful at finding work for the last 6 months, as i was a flight attendant for years and England has hit a ‘credit crunch’ and ideas on money making ideas?

Nagesh answers:

I had a failure printing business and I’m now starting to start dot com business. But this may takes time to really understand how to make money online or even creating your own online business. The good thing about online business is low start up costs, get paid for selling others products, more free time. No over head cost, but if you have a domain and hosting it will cost abit. I have created a free guide book for newbie internet income. If you are interested, you can visit 🙂

Donna asks…

How can I raise Money in one or two days without using credit?

Any fundraising ideas? Raising money for an overseas humanitariann trip and need money. Gathered gold earrings, cell phones, sold dinners. Need more ideas.

Nagesh answers:

Take gently used clothing to a consignment shop.

Betty asks…

What should i get my friends for Christmas without spending loads of money?

I have about £60 to get Christmas presents for my friends.
I have 3 BEST friends i want to buy for, and i have about 7 other friends i am close to and feel like i need to buy them presents. I dont know what to get any of them!

One of my best friends is in love with Katy Perry, so im thinking of getting her something to do with Katy Perry?,
Please could you give me ideas and money i should spend on each?

Nagesh answers:

Ok first of all the idea of buying 10 friends presents for Christmas is ridiculous!!! Buy a present for your 3 best friends. They’ll appreciate it the most!! A christmas card will suffice for your other friends. If you were to buy all your friends a present for Christmas you’ll be broke!!!!!!11
Anyways, to the presents!!
For your best friend loving Katy Perry, i suggest a Make Up hamper!!!! You now have £20 to spend on each friend so you can buy some outrageous coloured make up and maybe a bright headband or bracelet!! You could get all these things cheaply if you shop around and put them all into a wicker basket with some cellophane plastic and a bright ribbon. A perfect, personal Christmas present!!
For your other two friends, go WILD!!! Get anything that you think will suit their personalities!! I’m always in favour of hampers! I think they’re a great idea and leave the people who get them in total amazement and joy that they know you know them so well!!!! You could do a Girls Night in Hamper with Coke, Doritos, Sweets, a chick flick, maybe some nice moisturizer and a funny eye mask for sleepy time!!!! A photo album is another good idea!!! Collect a load of photos you took of you and your best friends during the year and put them in a personalized photo album!! A fantastic, memorable, personal present that they’ll have forever!!!!

Hope this helped you!!!!!!!!!!! Have a gr8 xmas!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 x

Chris asks…

What are some good ideas to raise money to go on a educational trip?

I got offered to go to a National Youth Leadership forum on medicine but its sort of pricey for me. What are some good ideas to raise money in the community to make it?!

It’s really important to me since I want to go to in medicine. Please offer me ideas!

Nagesh answers:

If you are in a church then talk to your pastor and see if the church will hold a potluck to raise money for you.

Sandra asks…

How much of a factor is money in custody disputes?

A fellow told me today that his brother got primary custody of his daughter and that it cost him $14,000.00 that he had to borrow. The mother got free legal help from social services but lost because she wanted to move out of the county with the child away from the family support system. This man introduced to me the idea that money is a problem for males more so then court bias. What do you think?

Nagesh answers:

Child support payments are calculated using a formula most of the time.

This makes it easier for the courts.
Its largely (but not entirely) dependent on the income and assets of the person who makes the court-ordered payments.

Only people meeting certain income criteria are elegible for legal aid. Sounds like he was making to much money to qualify. I know of a case where the reverse happened; the father kept arguing the case in court for 10 years despite the fact that even visits with his daughter had to be made in a public place and supervised. So it pays to take the bipolar medication and cease moonlighting as a dope dealer. It cost my friend thousands in legal bills and endless stress – somehow his legal bills were paid for by the State. He worked a fulltime job making excellent money and had no other kids or wife to support. So go figure, eh?

And no, the evidence says its about control issues and egos.

The majority of single moms have problems making ends meet – THIS is the reality that can be supported with empirical research.

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Tuesday, August 13th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For Kids

Charles asks…

how could i make a $1000 quickly 10 points best answer?

hi im on my dads acc and i need to make a 1000$ to get this little boat with little motor to go fishing in.
so what are some quick ways for a kid to make money?

Nagesh answers:

1000 dollars is a lot of money, I assume your talking about dollars not the japanese yen. If you have a special talent, dancing, singing, musical instrument or miming go busk on the most conjested road near you. If you do not have a talent try selling all the things you have not used in the passed 4 months.

Paul asks…

good way for kid to make money?

i need to make money for a cellphone i have 25.00 dollars now and need about 60 for prepaid card.
don’t tell me surveys or lemonade or sell stuff or pet sitting etc.
i need money quick please help

Nagesh answers:

The way I did it when I was 14-16 was work at a car wash. I also baby sat and all that stuff. By the time I was 17 I was a 2nd degree black belt and was working at my studio. Now I own my own and have more money than I know what to do with.

Maria asks…

Okay, what’s the quickest way for a 12-year-old American kid to make money?

Nagesh answers:

Walk my dog, weed my yard, plant my summer bulbs, wash my car.

Sandy asks…

what is the best way to make 2,000 dollars fast for kids?

i need 2,000 dollars FAST but i am only eleven is there fast way to get that kind of money quick for me??
and i need it easy, fun and fast

Nagesh answers:

Mow lots of lawns,
ask for money,
do people favor if they gonna pay you,(only do necessary stuff)
make a food stand that sells stuff like lemonade,
sell your stuff,
ask for lunch-money(keep the money) and make your own lunch behind your parents/guardian back.

Daniel asks…

What are some ways to make extra money?

I already recycle and all that money goes to my grandma. I have been job hunting for MONTHS and have applied to probably about 70 jobs now, so just looking for a job is out. I don’t have a car, so any type of delivery is out. In my neighborhood, people’s kids run around freely because were all poor, so babysitting is out. People walk their own dogs, so dogwalking is also out. I need to gain 10 pounds to donate blood or plasma, so that’s out too. I already do the survey thing and that is barely worth it – I think I made $7.50 and it took me about a month. I enjoy writing, but freelance jobs always go to the people with a degree.
Sssooooo.. what other ways are there? And please, no “get rich quick” online software that needs to be paid for. If you got so rich from 1 of those, just send me some money, lol.

Nagesh answers:

Try to acquire more qualifications

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Monday, August 12th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Online

Chris asks…

How can I colect only one rupee from every citizen?

Actually I need money for the aid of those person who are living below poverty line. I am engaged with an Non Government Organization. It is my scheme to collect only one Rupee from all the citizen for the development of needy people. Can anyone help me to show the way of right approach?

Nagesh answers:

Register your organization.

Make sure the registration allows you to collect funds from people.

Do something worthwhile through your organization.

Get some exposure – press coverage, Government recognition etc.

Before asking for money, have a working plan for the money that you will collect.

Launch campaign on multiple levels – face-to-face, online, and traditional media.

Maria asks…

Do I have to be a certain age to create my own website?

Including of course, making money from the website I create. I got interested in this program, I am 16, and yes I am aware of schemes and such. Before I waste a huge load of time, would someone my age be allowed to make money this way?

Nagesh answers:

No, you can start your website today.

Don’t trust any cheap service, many of them don’t allow you to have full control on your domain name. If you’re going to buy domain names, refer to:

GoldPuma is the lowest cost service which is full-featured and really works for you ($9.99 /year). They offer free extras with every domain name:

Quick Blogcast
Hosting with Web site builder
Personalized Email Account
Starter Web Page For Sale/ Parked Page
Domain Parking
Domain Forwarding
Domain Masking
100-Pack Email Forwarding
Total DNS Control
Change of Registration
Status Alerts
Domain Locking

As you may know a domain name is just a name, not a real website. If you are going to create your website: 1- Buy a domain name. A domain name is a name you want to call your website (ex: To get a domain name, you have to pay an annual fee to a registrar for the right to use that name. 2- Buy a web hosting service to provide your online space and enable you to get your website online at your purchased domain name.

If you want to start your website I recommend purchase your domain and hosting together. In this way it is possible to get your domain for free. Some hosting services offer this gift today.

As an experienced webmaster I recommend BlueHost service which I’m sure it would work for you and fulfill all your requirements. They have a really great offer for hosting & I have used them for over 3 yrs now, and have never had a single problem with them.

You can reach reviews about this web hosting provider and its latest DISCOUNT COUPONS at:

They also offer “Free Site Builder” that helps you build your web pages without difficulty if you are not skilled in using any website creating program. (WYSIWYG: What You See Is What You Get) You can use this service optionally. You can also create the pages offline with your favorite program (DreamWeaver, FrontPage, Microsoft Publisher, etc.), and then upload them to your web host. This is another easy way to get your website online.

* This service was awarded “The Best Web Host OF The Year”.
* If you sign up for this service you will have $75 credits to advertise your website with the google & yahoo search engines for free!
* You Can Register A Free Domain or Use Your Existing Domains. They Support All Domain Names.

Another useful link:
There you can find a step-by-step guide to start your website.

And the easiest way to create a website is reachable here (using templates):

And if your website is not a business site (is personal), you can also refer to this cheap, reliable service:

Good Luck!

Daniel asks…

How can I work from home?

I want to stay home with my son but I am having troubles finding an online job that is not a scam. Has anyone tried any that actually make money and doesn’t require a bunch of money to start?

Nagesh answers:

You’ll get lots of scammers answering here, don’t fall prey. But, at the same time, please don’t listen to the people saying they are ALL SCAMS. They aren’t ALL scams, just MOST of them are!

I’m a single mom of 2 who’s tried over 15 opportunities over 3 years so I have some great info for you on how to find a LEGIT way to work at home plus a list of top 10 work at home scams!

People are looking for work from home and the biggest problem is they don’t understand that there really are NO WORK AT HOME JOBS. You won’t find hourly pay from home. You can look forever, you’ll never find it. The only way to earn an income from home is to find a legit home business.

Small home businesses have increased in the last 5 years by about 200%. People are starting to realize that if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. The best home businesses to start are those with a proven plan in place like Mary Kay however if you’re like me, you’re not interested in pushing products.

Legit home businesses should have a small cost involved but be careful, all the scams will be charging too so know the business! Talk to a REAL person and ask questions. Less than $500 to start is reasonable and I’d stay away from those wanting $1k – $5k. It doesn’t cost that much to start a home business so don’t pay it. If you’re coming across places that say free then RUN the other way! They never are in the end!

After trying 15 things, I now work about 25 hours per week for a well known and respected company w/ amazing credentials. This company actually helps keep Americans Safe by offering Medical and Dental plans as well as things like roadside assistance, credit repair and National Child ID in partnership with the FBI. We also help Americans save money on things they need and buy every day. The average American household saves $400 a month using these plans.

Anyway, I started with this company 3 years ago and started making $500 a month within 3 months. That income has increased now to $900 a week. No, it’s not $10,000 a day like those scams advertise but this isn’t a get rich quick scheme. If that’s what you are looking for you should think again! The best part is they have 401(k), direct deposit and a health plan from day one.

With this company there’s NO products to sell or store, NO hard selling or pushing, NO Bugging Friends and Family, NO cold calling, NO home parties and NO telemarketing! That was VERY important to me. Figure out what you DON’T want to do as well and make sure you find a company that fits with that!

I work as part of a team with other reps in the company. I had at least 5 of their home phone #’s the day I started. This is a big one: Make sure that you’re going to have others to work with. Don’t find out you just paid a start up cost and you will be trained by someone in a call center who has NO REAL idea what you are actually supposed to do. Make sure you are trained by other reps just like you, and ask for names and numbers! If they won’t give them, walk away!

I was scared at first because there are lots of scams, but this company’s credentials FAR SURPASSED any other I had ever seen. They are members of the National Association of Dental Plans and the US Chamber of Commerce and have been featured in Parent Magazine, Time Magazine, on 60 Minutes and many other places. They are partnered with the FBI on one of their plans that helps American’s protect their kids. This company has an “A” RATING WITH THE BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU! These are some of the types of national credentials you need to be looking for during your search and make sure they have a C or better rating with the BBB.

My point here is to tell you, YES! There actually are legit work at home options so press forward! You will find them eventually!

AVOID these top 10 work at home scams:

10. Craft Assembly
9. Medical Billing
8. Email/Rebate Processing
7. “A List of Companies Looking for Home workers!”
6. “Just pay for and take this class first” Then we’ll give or find you a job!
5. Envelope Stuffing
4. “Turn Your Computer Into a Money-Making Machine!”
3. Pyramid Schemes (this is NOT the same as Multi-Level Marketing MLM)
2. Chain Letters/Emails
1. Typing At Home / Data Entry (The biggest scam out there. 100% of them are scams!)

As for those of you who say: ”I want to work from home but I don’t want to have to pay for anything”. Well, that’s great! But it’s not realistic. Let’s be honest, there is no such thing as a free lunch. If it is a true honest legitimate home business, you need to expect to pay a little something. Mr. Walt Disney didn’t start the Disney empire “without paying for anything”. Neither did Mr. Sam Walton, owner of Wal-Mart.

Good luck in your search!

If you want to know more, want help deciding if something is a scam, or just want to chat with me you can click on my profile to the left.

Best Wishes!

Betty asks…

Does anybody know if there are any Legitimate online jobs out there I can really make an income?

Are there any online jobs out there for stay at home moms that are Legitimate? I have heard of “Google Biz”. Is Google Biz legitimate? I have also heard of jobs that you can work from home, where the company sends you things to put together or type up papers for them. I need some help, trying to make some extra income, but I have kids, so I need to find a job where I can work at home.

Thanks all.

Nagesh answers:

The “assemble products at home” scheme is a well known scam.

You have to pay for parts, but after you have assembled the products, the company will refuse to buy them from you saying they are not up to quality. You are then stuck with the products and cheated out of your money.

Michael asks…

What is the simplest way to make more money online while i am still under 18 and safest too?

Nagesh answers:

There has never been a better time than now to consider your work at home opportunities. With a possible recession on the horizon, job security is far from what it used to be. Meanwhile, more and more people are discovering that they can make the …

It could mean thousands of dollars to you or more if you understand the difference between a real scam, a real business, and what some people may label a scam for one reason or another, but that many times is not. It is important to understand these differences because many people are afraid to participate in perfectly legitimate business opportunities that could be providing them with extra income for their families in these difficult times.

Making money online is a huge business and it’s getting bigger every day. Hundreds of you search online everyday for a great opportunity that will make you a fortune from the Internet. You spend your hard earned money on ‘get rich quick schemes’ but in the end, the only person getting rich
is the schemer.It’s makes you lose faith in humankind, doesn’t it? But believe me, there really are some great opportunities that can earn you a lucrative income online. To make some serious money online, you need to change your way of thinking.

Method 1. Google AdSense

Method 2. Affiliate Marketing

Method 3. Pay per click

Method 4. Blogging

Method 5. EBook, & clickbank


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Sunday, August 11th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast For Kids

Jenny asks…

How can a kid get money fast?

I am a 13 year old boy i would like to earn some extra money. I do not want to mow lawns or babysit is there anything I can do?

Nagesh answers:

Sell a bunch of stuff (clothes, furniture, etc..) on CraigsList and at Half Priced Books (books, CDs).

Ask all my neighbors if they needed any hired help for odd jobs.

Iron clothes.

Pet sitter.

Sale lemonade.

You can clean peoples homes or Wash Windows.

Household chores.

Garage Cleaning Service.

Mail Pick-Up Service: When people travel, people need someone to pick up their mail
and newspapers.

All these can help u to get money fast.

Ruth asks…

How do I earn money really fast?

So I really want to go to a Taylor Swift concert, but my mom won’t buy me the tickets. I need to earn one hundred dollars if I want to go. What I am asking is, how do I earn that money really fast, so I can get a ticket? Any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Ok try babysitting. Ask friends, neighbors, family. Just anyone. Explain your situation and i am sure they would love to go out for the night. You can babysit some kids from several different families. Or you can go to old people’s house and ask to do some yard work. Or mowing lawn. Or you go collect bottles and return them for cash. Me and my friend made 75$ doing that. I went to taylor’s concert in july and it was sooooooo enchanting. I hope everything works out!! Good luck!

James asks…

How do you choose a profession?

I am so lost of what I want to be and what career path I should take. I am going to start going to the junior college and I don’t know what I am going to major in, let alone what what I want to do job wise. I don’t know what I SEE myself even doing. I don’t know what really sparks my interest.

Help?? How did people choose what they wanted to be? What are some things to help me decide?

–Please no links things like ‘get money fast‘ and ‘work from home’. I’m talking about REAL careers–

Nagesh answers:

Okay here’s the sad truth of the matter. Most people don’t know what they want to do. Few ever actually figure it out, and even fewer while they’re still able to do it. In fact, sociology says that most men will change their careers in their forties, right at the same time most women, whose kids have grown up allowing her to go back into the workforce before her career was so rudely interrupted by marriage and pregnancy, are looking for jobs. The average number of jobs an American will have before the age of 38 (20 years after graduating high school)? 18. So sad. Point is don’t stress if you can’t figure it out right away.

Now then on to actual question. First, have fun. If you aren’t having fun or enjoying what you’re doing, you’re on the wrong path. You might be able to learn to like it, but don’t count on it. Second, figure out what you’re good at. Most of the time, if you’re good at it, you’ll enjoy doing it (there are exceptions. One friend of mine loves to sing. Sings all the time. Knows the words to every song on the radio. Couldn’t carry a tune if she had a bucket. You get the idea.). Third, don’t feel constrained by all those required courses and prerequisites. Just take what you want to take. The advisors and counselors can help you turn what you’ve taken into a rockin’ degree, so be sure to take advantage of their services. They get paid to make sure you graduate with the classes you need in a timely manner. That being said: fourth, try new things as often as you can. Don’t let a potentially rewarding career pass you by just because you didn’t try it or didn’t think it you like it. Fifth, realize that chances are you’re not going to start out in the job you got your degree for. This happens a lot. People get out of college to find the job openings in their field of expertise is severely limited. Which leads us to: sixth, diversify. Try to learn as many skills as you think you can handle. Work on the ones you like, forget the ones you don’t. You never know when a particular skill might come in handy. This leads us to our first contradiction (welcome to the American economy):seventh, specialize. You’re more likely to get where you want to be in your chosen career faster by specializing in a unique field. The market is saturated with general experts, but there’s a high demand for specialists. However, don’t overspecialize or every possible job will already be taken.

Whew, that’s a lot to digest. Here’s the short version: do what you love, do what you’re good at, learn at your own pace, take what you want to take, try everything, learn as much as you can, don’t sweat late starting (better late than never), or late finishing for that matter, be special but not too special. Most important of all HAVE FUN.

Here’s the thing to remember about college: college serves two purposes. Everything a college is and does is to serve these two goals: one, they are trying to teach you how to think like a productive member of society and how to think for yourself, and two, they are trying to help you to become even more like yourself than you’ve ever been before. Sounds crazy and paradoxical I know but you’ll understand soon enough.

Nancy asks…

How do I make money in one day?

I need a lot of money and fast.But i’ve tried allowance and it doesn’t help. What more should i do?

Nagesh answers:

Stand on a corner in a mini skirt & heels. 😉

just kidding.
Money in one day?
Try taking old clothes to a second hand store.
Some places will pay you money if have decent clothes.
A drink stand? Like Lemonade? That makes some quick cash.
Make babysitting, house watching, pet walking/sitting, etc flyers.

Ken asks…

How can I save money fast until the end of this month?

I really want to buy that book but my mom and grandma are so preoccupied with certain birthdays coming in August that they think that buying the book right now would be an unnecessary expense. I want the book so badly but I cannot save enough money to buy it all by myself. What should I do to convince them to lend me the money?

Nagesh answers:

I could tell you how to be frugal like me.
How to save the money you have: Stay away from cigarettes! Use cantines instead of buying waterbottles or sodas, try to eat at buffets instead of restaraunts, shop for clothes & furniture at discount stores, use spiral bulbs instead of regular bulbs, when you buy a car buy a small efficient one instead of a truck or SUV, & if you ever build your own house order white roofing instead of the usual dark. Another somewhat frugal habit is using progressive grammar like me (ex & instead of and, 2 instead of two) when you’re writing papers instead of writing everything out.
How to make a little money: Collect cans & other scrap metals & take it up to your local metal recycling place that pays you. If you have any books or DVDs you don’t want anymore sell them to Half Priced Books (but you have to have a drivers license to get paid). When you pass by vending machines look in the coin slots for coins. In my experience 1/10 of them have coins.
If you’re a kid & some of this doesn’t apply to you, saving on electricity still saves your parents money.

I believe that this world would be a much better place if everybody was frugal & I hope I am helping people by answering these questions. If you don’t wanna pick me as best answer then please let me know if my advice has helped you.

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Saturday, August 10th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick Online

Mandy asks…

how do you get money really quickly without the labour?

Please tell me online survey websites and other websites where you can earn money withouth the labour and without using money to start with.

Nagesh answers: is a free game site that gives you some cash for playing some games. Also gives you points that turn into cash. Check it out. This is not a quick way to earn money though. I do not think that it is possible to earn money fast without working for it unless you steal and that is unethically wrong!

Robert asks…

what is a fast and quick way to earn some extra cash?

as you can guess, im a teen. and i want some extra cash in my wallet? is there any way possible to earn money fast and quick? remember i am not old enough for a job yet =] soooo if you have any ideas i would looooovvvvvvveeeee to read them =]

holla =]

Nagesh answers:

You may want to start affiliate marketing by promoting for online products. It is free and by registering to be an affiliate, you can start your affiliate business instantly. You can visit to register as an affiliate. The commission payout is good and you earn a commission between 50% – 75% for a product sold under your promotion

Michael asks…

How to earn money on line quickly?

I live in Taiwan. I am married to a Taiwanese, but I am Russian. I got tired of teaching English, but it’s the only thing I can do here. I am experiencing a kind of financial problem at the moment. I wonder if I could earn some money on line within two or three weeks.

Nagesh answers:

Listen up man ur biggest asset is that u have a good knowladge of english and on top of that u live in Taiwan I CAN SERIOUSLY HELP YOU to make a quick buck in week through my own bussiness i am not any tom,dick & harry but a bussiness man with a good repute althogh it would not be online completely but upto some extent yes it woould be online as well if really intersted then mail me at

Carol asks…

How can I earn money online/at home?

Anything. But be more creative then lockerz or surveys and all this stuff. I mean things involving selling stuff, or craigslist idk man me and family are in need of income, this economy is so shit right now. And if you guys have it good im glad because this isnt fun.

Basically I have a phone. Laptop, and internet. I have $500 cash as seed money I guess.

Nagesh answers:

If you are looking at the get rich quick things than it is buyer beware. The biggest seller is information. If someone can

write a book on how to get rich and market it the writer can become very rich even if the principles in the book don’t work

and you are out the money’!-!

Daniel asks…

How can I make 30 bucks by January 15th?

My favorite shows 3rd season is coming out. And it is like, 30 something bucks. I know I don’t need it, but it is something I want and am willing to earn the money for. I really cant get money from my parents or family, and my neighborhood has a bunch of penny pincher’s that don’t pay for kids to do anything. The dvd seasons of the show sell out quick and then are only available online, which makes it more expensive.

Nagesh answers:

I recently made a blog on how teens and adults can earn money online using a really good site which is 100 percent legal and really works. (You Only have to be 13 to sign up!)

It has hundreds of cash offers and ways of making money, so it’s really a fantastic website!

Check out my blog here to get the link to the site:

Hope I helped =]
Good Luck!

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Friday, August 9th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Online

Jenny asks…

How can I make money quickly and easily online?

I am in college and have a full time job but it’s the Holidays and I’m in need of a supplemental income. Does anyone know of good ways to make money pretty quickly online?

Nagesh answers:

Forget all that just sell some of your stuff on “EBAY”

Helen asks…

Where can I get sponsors or money for needed computer equipment?

I am serious about becoming a full time lifecaster (someone who broadcasts their life online). The problem is, I do not have the money to buy the technology I need, and with the economy, I cannot find a job. Where can I find sponsors, make money quickly, and/or get cheap but quality technology? I am an avid and very frequent internet user. I would even be willing to work online for the money. The technology I need is a notebook, Ev-Do card, etc. Any help with either of these is greatly appreciated!

Nagesh answers:

Trade some stuff for it on Craigslist. It’s quite fun. I traded a totaled motorcycle for a laptop and sold it for way more than the motorcycle was worth.

Michael asks…

How can I put this idea in a picture?

I am trying to make a picture for a book I am designing, and the picture I am trying to portray is that of
a someone making money really quickly online, whilst not wasting their money on things that they dont need to do..

any suggestions please?

Nagesh answers:

The guy’s computer is connected with a big fat piggy bank saying SAVINGS or EARNINGS. The other connection is to that fat pig with a small skinny piggy bank saying SPENDINGS or WITHDRAWALS. Good Luck!

Sandra asks…

How can I make money online?

Hello, I really need to make some good money online as I’m in a urgent need of it. Could you please suggest some reliable and good means of making money online working part-time? I’m already working at a very well known IT firm on the weekdays. But I really wanna make some money working part-time on weekends. Any help would be really appreciated.

Nagesh answers:

I went searching for legitimate ways to make money online, and the best I have found so far is Factoidz, a paid-to-write site that gives you money to write content for them. So far, I’m up to over 100 dollars a month! I can also vouch for this site’s legitimacy, because they have paid what they owe me every month. Here is a signup link.


Good luck!


Lizzie asks…

How do you make money from the stock market?

I am using a stock simulator and need to get money quickly but this stock market issue is hurting me.

Nagesh answers:


I traded stocks for a number of years. It is very hard to make money out of the stockmarket as it goes against what people naturally do. A stock market simulator/trading system is a useful tool but it’s the human ability to know when to enter and exit a trade that makes this an art. Some people are instinctively good traders. Following a system is good in theory but people often override it and end up in big losing positions. The whole game is all about minimising drawdown and maximising winning trades. Also you have to be able to take losing several times in a row before you get a winning trade. It’s real money and emotions come into the equation.

There are easiers ways of making money online ( affiliate marketing for one )

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Thursday, August 8th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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