Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast Online

Susan asks…

How To Make Money Fast Online?

I have heard that there are lot of make money online opportunities over the net. One of my friend make some money with his website. But i have no time to make web site and earn money from it. I have very little time to spend for make some extra money online. So i need easy and fast ways to make money online. So , please can some one give me good sources or ideas to make money fast online.

Nagesh answers:

This is the best way I found.

Order anything that you usually buy from a health food store at Brand name supplements, vitamins, natural make up, organic shampoos, vegan soaps etc… Will be discounted up to 50% from regular retail. (they ship currently products that expire in 2012!! So they’re new!)

At checkout use coupon code HAW031 and you’ll get $5 off for your first order, first customers only! Even for small purchase, there is no minimum order. They ship super fast and free over $60; sometimes they run a special shipping is only $1.99 under $60.

Then they will give you your rewards code. When others shop under your coupon code you get 4% and up to 10% for a year. You also make commissions generations down. (Like if you use discount code HAW031 for, I’ll make 4% from what you buy and other % from those that will use your coupon and you still get 4%-10% from them!!)

So now I’m making money while I sleep!!! When you have $300 they send you a check. Or you can spend the money at their site, whichever you prefer!

Cool, huh?

Jenny asks…

I would like to know How to Make Money Online Fast?

What’s the fastest way that I can make money online? I’ve seen so many scams out there and I’m unsure of what would be a good match for someone like me. I want to find a way of making money online that is fast and has a small learning curve. Thanks for all your answers ahead of time!

Nagesh answers:

Now anyone can learn how to earn $200 – $943 per day or More !
If you can type (hunt and peck is ok to start) and fill in forms,
you can score big!
Click Here

Making tons of money is Fast, Easy, and Fun. And having Google
on your side can help you make the income you want without the
stress of a job.
Click Here

So don’t delay waiting around for the next opportunity…it
is knocking now!
Click Here

Sharon asks…

What are some ligt way to make fast money online?

Im trying to find a way to make extra money online btu I cant seem to find a liget place. Can some one help me find one please.

Nagesh answers:

First read this tutorial
also various money making ways and sites could be found here
Brand new site is , and it is better then!
Also, I want to tell you about best website you can earn 50$/day with. You can read a review and join here!
I recommend that this will work in every country

Lisa asks…

What are some legit way to make fast money online?

Im trying to find a way to make extra money online but I cant seem to find a legit place. Can some one help me find one please.

Nagesh answers:

Check out this site

You can earn passive income without advertising, product promotion or selling anything.

Mary asks…

What are some ligt way to make fast money online?

Im trying to find a way to make extra money online btu I cant seem to find a liget place. Can some one help me find one please.

Nagesh answers:

There are NO means to make quick money on-line [full stop].
Or you sell a product,
Or your site has one million visitors a month,
Or you make your own scam and rob gullible people.
ALL other means will pay you 1 or 2$ a month, if you are lucky.
(If you are a pretty girl or a handsome man, don’t mind adult sites, be a model on WebCams. That pays a bit…)

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Friday, January 24th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Online

Ruth asks…

Easy way to earn a good amount of money?

I am *a child* so to speak. I am only 13, but i need some way to make money. I live in a small town, so going door to door wont help.

Something online that is reliable, not a scam, and will get me money quickly and easily.

Also, stuff that is non-online is apreciated too

Nagesh answers:

Unlike the rest of us who are looking for a hard way to earn a little bit of money.

Charles asks…

How can I raise enough money or get the money I need In time?

I need $63 but am unable to borrow from anyone or let anyone know exactly why I need it because it will ruin the surprise.I need this money asap.How can I get this money as quickly as possible.Do you think the company will understand if i explain and allow me to pay later.This is so important.Please answer as soon as possible.

Nagesh answers:

It depends on what kind of company it is. That’s not a horrible amount, but if its for a utility bill, they may just make you pay a late fee.

Find something you’re willing to part with and sell it online.

Laura asks…

How can i make money fast?

I need to make money quickly, and i started a toutor job $10 a day Mon- Fri but some ppl took my posters down 🙁
any other ways to make money fast? Thnxz!

Nagesh answers:

Make babysitting flyers using the computer and put them in the library, people’s mailboxes, and grocery stores.
Drum up more business and keep a notebook to schedule when you do get a customer.
Culver’s minimum hiring age is 14 with a workers permit.
I called many stores because I am looking for a job. This was the response they gave which makes me happy after looking for so long.
Find a local one go online and apply and go in store to apply or call and ask if they are hiring.

What I did was Google a bunch of business near my home and found their numbers using Google maps or their sites and I called and directly asked if they are hiring and what age do they hire at.

Try local grocery stores, pizza parlors, retail stores, fast food restaurants.

Helen asks…

Can I donate food instead of money to Haiti?

Is there a way I can donate food items to Haiti instead of money? It seems like the only quickly-accessable organizations online only allow donations of money. The reason I am choosing to donate food other than money is because, for whatever reason, I don’t trust how my money will be spent.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

It is better to give money..
But I hear some places are accepting donations of food..


Chris asks…

How does an amateur writer get a one-act play published? I need help!?

I’ve browsed online for quite awhile, and I can’t find anything telling me what format to put a script in, what publishers expect, or where to send a draft. I have many manuscripts and need money quickly. What is a reputable play company, what format do they expect manuscripts to be in, and how do I contact a publisher in the first place? Any help is appreciated! 🙂

Nagesh answers:


It’s not easy. First you have to make sure your work is free of any errors. You then get a copy of Writer’s Market for the current year and look for a literary agency/agent that represents plays/scripts. You write a query letter to that agent and, once again, make sure it’s clean of any type of errors. If it’s snail mail, you will need to send a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope (SASE), along with the letter. The agency/agent will not respond if you don’t, and they will tell you that in the submission guidelines. A lot of them will allow electronic queries (email attachments).

Make sure you follow the guidelines carefully. Most of them will say how long it takes for the agent to respond. Sometimes it’s weeks or months. Stay away from agents who charge a reading fee if you’ll be sending a few pages of your work (at their request). Most charge you and then turn you down. Can you say ‘SCAM?’

Good luck!


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Thursday, January 23rd, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For Kids

Mary asks…


i need a way to make money because i have to pay half my phone bill if i get one!

**no get rich quick deals because im not going to try!
**no mowing lawns cleaning house or anything in the nature you would see if you seen another question like this because most of those are simple ideas that dont usually work

** i done a lemonade stand when i was12 and made $40 but im 14 im not a little kid but i cant legally get a job for another year!!

please send ideas that will actually help with out going door to door to strangers to ask if i could cut their grass!>lol< i think you get the picture!

and dont agravate me about my grammar or the structure of my scentences if i cared i would post a question on proper scentence structure!
gab, i dont care about my scentence structure & i told you that your acting immature and stop wasting my time telling me exactly what i didnt want! so go get a life b/c u apparently dont have one!
i dont want anything to do with anything online those will come around to bite you in the butt for all the people saying they make $200 a day.
sorry if my question was to “complicated” and i was just asking for jobs that pay well taht arent so typical there werent any good answers because everyone took my question offensive for some reason except for one person who i am going to pick as best answer because she gave the most help! i dont know why people were telling me exactly what i asked for them not to mention but they just wasted my time and a few were offensive to me but i dont care it takes more than a stranger that says i have bad grammar to make me upset im not childish like they apparently are!

Nagesh answers:

You’re smart not to waste time with online scams or surveys. Even the legitimate sites simply can’t provide you with a dependable stream of income.

If you’re too young to get a legal job with a company, then your only resource is odd jobs around your neighborhood. This can be just about anything that you don’t mind doing that someone else doesn’t feel like doing. Think beyond mowing lawns or cleaning houses – what are hobbies you enjoy? Organizing kitchen cabinets? Putting photos in albums? Decorating picture frames? Sewing stuffed animals or decorating cute t-shirts? Babysitting little kids or walking dogs? What is it YOU do well?

It’s not very effective to just go door-to-door; it’s much better to network. Start by talking to your family, your friends, and the neighbors you know well. Tell them why you are trying to raise money, and your ideas for earning that money. Also ask what sort of tasks they would be willing to pay for, and ask them to ask their friends if they need your help. Then you have lots of people spreading the word for you!

Finally dear, remember that you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. If it’s important that you get people’s help, it should be important enough for you to express your problem clearly. People don’t have any motivation to help you if you are going to be immediately critical and dismissive of their response.

Mandy asks…

I need money!?

My company just got sold out. We are downsizing and for some reason I get this looming feeling I may be fired or laid off. I have some money to live off for a while if that’s the case. I just pay rent & utlilities- no kids. I have been looking everywhere to find a comparable job but really there are NONE out there! Does anyone know of any quick ways to make lots of money (Pls. no stupid answers like drug dealing, pimping.. ect). Whether it be donating an egg, poker online… ???

Nagesh answers:

·Hey, today there are many ways in which you can work from home and work online part/full time on your computer and earn extra money without being duped by frauds and scams–

Online data entry,
Medical/general transcription,
write articles,
sell on eBay,
make a website,
take surveys..

And much much more..and all of these options do not need any kind of investment ever!!!



More details at-

John asks…

finance/money problems

So i am financialy screwed, i just found out i have a 1200 ticket to pay, i dont get it, i have no money, i just honestly need a way to make money quick, i am only 19 and i dont get support or help with money from anyone, if anyone knows of any money guidelines, or how to be successful when i get older, or just how to make money quick, i would really appreciate it, i am a good kid, i just had expired registration, and didnt know i was taken off the insurance and than i got pulled over for it, showed them my insurance, than the cop told me that insurance was expired. man i live on my own, and have no money, and as appealing as the money sounds, i wouldnt want to be a stripper. anyone have advice for a stressed out college kid, just trying to make it.

Nagesh answers:

You are not alone/ join the ranks and you will survive

Jenny asks…

When you were and if you are a TEEN, how did/do you make money?

I’m not gunna go into details. Basically my family is getting royally screwed over and we can’t even afford to buy some toiletries anymore. My mom and I are both jobless and looking hard for jobs but can’t get hired.

What are ways for a teen to make money without having an actual job?
I know babysitting, mowing lawns, and being a dog walker. What else?

I’ll look into the dog walking thing but I dunno about babysitting cuz I have no experience with kids. And I’d mow lawns but no one’s mowing their lawns anymore cuz the cold weather.

I need ideas people! Quick!

Nagesh answers:

I have after school jobs.i had 2 actually but i got fired from 1 o.O
now i walk dogs.when i first started walkin them there were only 2 o.O but then i wrote a note and pasted them on all the tress in the neighbourhood including my number so people could connect to me…they did o.O now i”m walking them but i dont earn that much money…

Steven asks…

is mobile mass money a legit way to make good money?

im 14 (15 in November) i really want a legit job but cant yet because im not old enough for a workers permit, i found a link bringing me to this page about how some mom and her 13 and 14 year old kids make thousands every month and up to hundreds daily with this “amazing” mobile mass money thingy and to me it sounds like a tv paid program scam to get rich quick and you have to pay for the software that i myself would be buying with the last of my money so i need to know if this is real and i can turn my money around off this product or if id just be striking myself out please give real answers and no hate comments i know im young who cares id still like money to spend with friends n on girls since im bout to be a freshman. so yeah please help and if you dont know if its fake or not im also taking suggestions. thanks

Nagesh answers:

A typical come-on. You will more likely lose the money you pay for the software than make anything.

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Wednesday, January 22nd, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money In The Summer

Jenny asks…

how to make money over the summer?

Ok, so summer is coming up now that school is almost over. I am working as an unpaid counselor for the first half, and have football practices for the second. But during the first half, specifically in the evening I would like to make some money, perhaps babysitting or doing manual labor and yard work for neighbors. Any ideas on how to make some $$ over the summer?
PS: I’m not looking to get a part time job; im fourteen years old

Nagesh answers:

Get a part time job

Betty asks…

How can a 15 year old make money in the summer?

I live in dallas, i am 15 and i am trying to make $1000 dollars for a mac, but i dont know how i am open to the following ideas:

-Small business ideas
-Places that hire at 15
-Other places to make money such as websites or contracting opportunities

i am also quite gifted in media arts and graphics. i know how to use the adobe master suite CS5 and would love to work with anything having to do with that. Thanks so much! 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Knock on neighbors doors and offer services such as . Wash cars, wash windows, weed front lawns, make a neighborhood advertising flyer, that you drop off at other neighbors, for the neighbors to offer things that they want to sell, or offer services.for a fee. ,… Shoe shine business. ?

Daniel asks…

Good ways to make money for college this summer?


I need to make at least 6,000 in the next 5 months.
Ive already got a job after classes right now and as soon as semester is over i plan on getting a job waitressing at night.

im not sure if even with the two jobs that ill be able to make enough money
what are some ways i could?
im willing to do pretty much anything i can.
i know there has to be some way, i just dont know of one yet!

any ideas or suggestions are very helpfull so thank you in advance!

Nagesh answers:

I am not sure where you are but the least paid waiter gets 500 euros a week only in tips, then there is the wage that’s at least 300 euros a week.
So that’s about 800 euros a week.
5 months is 20 weeks so that makes 16000 euros.
I am not sure what the dollar exchange is nowadays but even if it is HALF of the euro (which it isn’t) then you should easily get $8000 in the next six months by being a waiter.
That’s the least, some people get a lot more. My friends gets 1200 euros a week in just tips although yes he’s VERY busy and real good at what he does.

Thomas asks…

How can Teens make fast money over the summer?

I am 13 and my friends and I are heading to Chicago with our parents for a shopping spree in July. I don’t have much money (60 dollars in my purse and 500 in my bank account but I am not allowed to take any money out of the bank) I am looking for some quick easy things to do over the summer so I can make money. Got any ideas? Fell free to share them.

Nagesh answers:

I’m 14 and I babysit, although it is more of a nannying job. I work from 8:30 to 5 for two kids, a ten year old and five year old. I get paid $250 a week. So, I would try to find some kids in your neighborhood who need a babysitter. Hope it helps!

Steven asks…

Ways for a teen to make money in the summer?

I’ll be 14 in a few months and I already babysit.
I would love to walk dogs or dog sit but I ned other ideas too. Also how do I get my name out there for dog walking or pet sitting. Thankss!

Nagesh answers:

Well, making flyers, and then mailing them to your neighbors, friends, and family members (like unlces, aunts, and cousins!), is a start! List: your phone number, your age, your name (duh!), and why you really like animals! This is a start! If your neighbors, family members, and/or friends are impressed, they will tell their friends, and then word will go out! Though, until you can drive, I would recommend that an adult go with you, and to drive you! Really try to make the flyers/posters stand out! Use a fun font, pictures, ANYTHING! I hope that this answers your question! Thanks, and good luck,

~ Future Vet

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Tuesday, January 21st, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast For Kids

Steven asks…

What kind of instroments are included in the sims 2 university?

I was just kinda of curious. I was going to buy it sometime this week, but the store only had Seasons, so I bought that instead (since I wanted that too.)

And, does anyone know a really good computer or brand thats great for playing really graphical games like the sims 2? It kinda has to be on the cheap side. I can only save so much money so fast.

Nagesh answers:

Hey! I’m a Sim-fanatic and let me tell you, you really need a pretty good computer to play sims well! Now if u dont mind turning down teh graphics, clickable neighbors, mirrors and such, u can run it on a computer that’s ac ouple of years old.

I really cant remember what instrumetns are in University i honestly uninstalled it after some time bc it was a pain sending kids to college. I never played the university to play it, I jsut sent them to college, cheated, had them graduate real quick so they could achieve a want. Now seasons, thats a cool ex pack!!! 🙂

Ken asks…

How can a teen make money fast?

I know I’m sounding so impatient here so don’t judge me.
But how can i make money in a day?

Nagesh answers:

In this economy you really can’t do much, if you really want to make money, I know at my school what some kids do is they buy all kids of snacks and candy and sell them. Some kids make $20+, but since some schools don’t allow kids to spell items in school you have to be secretive about it.

John asks…

How do I make my electric scooter faster for free?

I don’t have enough money for a new faster scooter.

Nagesh answers:

1. Make it lighter.
2. Charge the battery all the way up.
3. Make sure you have the correct tire pressure.
4. Ride it down hill.
5. Get someone in a giant truck to push you (just kidding).

Richard asks…

How fast do kids usually grow out of their themed rooms?

I need to get my 2 year old a bed and was thinking about doing a disney cars theme. Before i went crazy and spend money on room decor and a cars bed, i just wanted to know about how long kids usually stay interested in stuff like this. My son LOVES cars, but im afriad hes going to grow out of the cars stage. How long have your kids been into one theme?

Nagesh answers:

I would just get him a standard bed and a cars doona/quilt cover and sheet set instead.
Instead of having a disney cars theme you could have a transportation theme instead. That way he could be about 7 or 8 before you need to change things up.

Here are some ideas

James asks…

how can 10 and 11 year olds make money fast?

my little sister and her friend are trying to make some money for a shopping spree. they keep asking me what they can do but I’ve drawn a blank can someone help?

Nagesh answers:

Cut lawns and charge $20. Those kids make bank.

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Monday, January 20th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes From Home

William asks…

How do I start an at home small business? And what is a safe business to start?

Nagesh answers:


First, remember that all business is a risk…it will require time, research and asking the right questions.

I have an e-commerce business and I am involved in network marketing.

I know that there will be plenty of posts from people who got burned from home based business scams and many will be reluctant to go to a website to check it out.

There ARE legitimate home based business opportunities out there !

If you are interested in Network marketing, you may want to check out a legitimate home based business that focuses on building a business based on books, self-improvement, and a culture of charity.

The founders are Robert Allen (Multiple Streams of Income) and Richard Paul Evans (The 5 Lessons a Millionaire Taught Me)

It doesn’t get more legit than that.

This is not a get rich quick scheme by any means.

There is extensive company and team training, so you will learn how to build this business the right way.

It is a dynamic, rapidly growing company. But, it is network marketing and you have to build the business. But, it is a great product, great people and fun.

Make sure to exercise due diligence when you are researching any home based business opportunity.

Also, try to find a product or service that you are passionate about. It makes it much easier to be motivated…and if you are motivated you stand a better chance at being successful.

If you choose a Network Marketing company, make sure they have a money back guarantee, have a great marketing system and provide plenty of support and training.

Try to get in on a company opportunity or training call to see what the business is all about and the type of individuals who are running the business.

Contact me through my profile if you are interested in additional information.

Good luck in your work at home search.


Nancy asks…

Where oh where was our President when countrywide was running the country?

The countrywide scheme sold to wall street sold to European banks sold back to wall street then sold to consumers. All under Bush’s watch. Asset Back Securities and CDO — Collaterized Debts with your home.

Nagesh answers:

Bush & Cheney were busy channelling billions and billions of dollars to their cronies in Haliburton and big oil, and now they can channel billions more to the fatcats on Wall Street, all at the taxpayers’ expense.

Americans are losing their homes, and the government doesn’t help THEM. It’s time to say no to government putting their hands in our pockets to make their cronies ever richer.

Say NO to legalized government theft. All they do is tax, tax, tax and squander the money that they don’t give to their cronies, and we’re left with paying for it.

McCain has vowed to continue the road to ruin pursued by Bush and his cohorts. American can’t afford another four years of this, it’s even doubtful that we can afford another four months of it!

Congress does nothing. The American taxpayer doesn’t matter to the government except as a bottomless source of money for them to waste.

Lisa asks…

How to join adsense safely without paying any money?

I just received a message from my friend. It says about web advertising. I’m interested. I want to join adsense without any spending any money. How?
Does AdSense can be added in MySpace profile?

Nagesh answers:

It is absolutely free to join.

I use adsense on a number of my websites. My main website is

Adsense is a pretty good way of making some money without selling anything.

Check out some of the pages on my site and see how the ads are relevant to page content.

It is not a get rich quick scheme, so don’t think of it like that.


Good luck.

Betty asks…

Does anyone know about the work at home company Wealth Research Marketing Group?

Its a work at home business opp. but Im just trying to verify it before I send the 50 dollars in that they want from me in order to start.

Nagesh answers:

You wont make any real money with them unless you know people as gullable as you to send them the 50 bucks…its a pyramid scheme

Chris asks…

What is the point of the chickenpox vaccine?

When I was in kindergarten, I and a lot of my classmates got the chickenpox. That meant staying at home eating chicken soup and taking lots of milk baths while your parents told you not to scratch. No big deal. In fact, I remember I loved all the special attention I got from my mom while I was sick. So recently I was told by someone with a 4-year-old in her life that apparently it’s unusual for today’s American kiddos to get chickenpox because they’re typically required to get the vaccine. I get the point of vaccines for mumps, polio, etc., but chickenpox? I realize chickenpox is sometimes fatal, but that such cases are more common among adults who get it. For me and people my age (I’m 30), getting chickenpox in kindergarten was pretty much a rite of passage. Can you persuade me into thinking this vaccine is not just a moneymaking scheme from Big Pharma?
Brandon, the common cold is also contagious. My understanding is that chickenpox among children is not a huge deal and that having the illness (again, if you are a child) leads to potential health benefits in the long run. Correct me if I’m mistaken.

Nagesh answers:

In my state, the vaccine is subsidised, and provides life-long immunity, so it’s hard to see how it’s a “money making scheme” any more than any other vaccine would be.

Chickenpox in children is usually not serious, but in some cases it may be- a few cases do go on to develop complications, some of which are fatal. While it’s not as likely in children, it does happen. Additionally, there are always a few people who manage to go through their childhood and do not get it- leaving them vulnerable to infection later.

Also, anyone who is infected with the chickenpox virus is at risk of shingles in older age (the virus persists in the body and can reappear later if the immune system weakens- something that doesn’t happen with the vaccine).

There are no “potential health benefits” from having chickenpox. No known infection confers any health benefits to anyone, save being immune to that disease later on if you recover- something vaccines can provide without any of the health risks.

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Sunday, January 19th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Fundraisers

Donald asks…

I want to make a difference in the world, how can i get started? I’m only 15.?

In my history class, we have to pick a topic on world problems.
and i wanna pick global warming and pollution. And at the end of the year we have to do something that will make a difference in the world.
For examples the teacher gave an example of students last year that wanted to do something with the disease of malaria in africa. So they held a fundraiser in which they raised money to send mosquito nets over there.

What can me and my partner do to stop global warming??????
Any Ideas??????

oh btw here are some green tips:
1. unplug your cellphone charger when not in use’

2. when you go from red to greenlight, don’t accelerate too fast, you loose a lot of gas that way. Instead slowly accelerate, instead of jamming your foot on that pedal

3. If you take a 60 second less shower, it saves 360 gallons of water

4. Use the both sides of paper when printing something.

5. turn the ac up hotter 3 degress, it saves A LOT of ELECTRICITY, or turn on the fan.

6. when in winter, turn down the heater 3 degrees cooler, IT SAVES A LOT OF ENERGY.

7. turn off any light in rooms when not in use.

Nagesh answers:

You can buy some recycling bins for your school…

Sandra asks…

Foreign Language Teachers/Tutors…?

Is this a good idea?:
-If i organized some type of after school class for me and my fellow IB kids (and other students interested) that would teach us a foreign language? (besides the two offered at our school.)
– I was thinking Japanese would be good, since so many people at my school are so interested in learning it, but don’t want to do it alone.
– I was thinking about finding a teacher/tutor that could teach a med-large group of people (approx. 15-40+ people).
– If the person charges a lot of money for it, maybe I could organize a fundraiser or ask the person to make a reduced payment for a large group of people…

*so pretty much, tell me if this is a good idea, and more specifically,
if it’s possible.

*you DON’T need to be Japanese.(i almost prefer a non-japanese teacher, it’s somewhat more comfortable because they know how it feels to be in our shoes, but if they were japanese, we’d feel more authentic, like accent wise… So it doesn’t matter.)

*you DO need to be :
-qualified. (ie. professional foreign language teacher/tutor. NOT someone who knows it, but cant really explain/teach it.)

-patient/understanding. (IB/Honors kids can be a pain at times, but we learn pretty fast. An you might get some “otaku”, which can get annoying at times…)

-willing to travel to Glendale, AZ on a weekly basis. (maybe 2-3 times a week?)

-relatively affordable. (if you charge by hour,maybe $10 per student(30) for 2 hours a day, 3 times a week, for a semester (18 weeks),then that would equal…
($10)(30)(2)(3)(18)= $32,400
($15)(30)(2)(3)(18)= $48,600
*but if it was cheaper, say $10, then you’d attract more people…BUT we can talk about that later…)

** for more info if you’re interested, e-mail me with your info! and then we can contact you/your organization and set something up with my school.

thanks for reading!

Nagesh answers:

Good question and great idea; too bad you guys aren’t in San Francisco or I’d volunteer myself. Unfortunately, however, I doubt that Yahoo! Answers is really the place to find someone for such a specialized task. Have you considered posting this at You’d probably get a very healthy response from that. Good luck!

Jenny asks…

Parents, I am having a difficult time deciding something (long)?

My 2nd daughter was born with a heart condition. She had to be born and stay in a NICU far away from home and was hospitalized two subsequent times, therefore we had a lot of out of pocket expenses. Someone in the hospital gave our name to a group that assists families financially and emotionally who have a child born with a congenital heart defect. They paid for my lodging while baby was in the NICU along with some gas cards and food coupons. The group has a fundrasier every year to raise money to distribute to families and while at the fundraiser they recognize the children they have helped. Last year we were invited, raised money, and went….but I requested they not recognize our baby b/c he problem was small compared to other children (she had a fast heartbeat called SVT; some other children had holes in the heart, some children didn’t make it past infancy, etc)….but they wanted us to be recognized so we did it. The whole thing was really upsetting having to remember all her problems and see other families of sick children, some families whose children had passed on.

Last year when the baby turned 1 she was diagnosed as having outgrew her condition….the whole thing has been very emotionally draining and traumatic. I just got the info in the mail today for the yearly fundraiser. I don’t want to go (it is also 2 hours away) and I feel guilty for not going b/c they helped us. But my reason for not wanting to go is just because it is SO emotionally draining….it brings up all those feelings I had when she was first diagnosed and born.

So would it be terrible if I didn’t go and should I just suck it up and go?
What if I just raised the money and mailed it….that was plan.
I don’t want to be recognized b/c her problem seems so minor compared to some of the other childrens problems.

Nagesh answers:

“What if I just raised the money and mailed it…”

Sure, but these things thrive on warm bodies. Can you get a close family friend to go? I’m sure they would love a “I am here on behalf of baby so-and-so” person, and this would not be too overwhelming a favour to ask of somebody.

David asks…

Obama “Facts” sent in email True?

I just got this in my email. How many know of or heard of this or can prove or disapprove it? I’m just wondering how he got so far so fast. I took the liberty of editing out some of the personal comments.

About six months ago, I started thinking ‘where did the money come from for Obama’. I have four daughters who went to College, and we were middle class, and money was tight. We (including my girls) worked hard and there were lots of student loans.

I started looking into Obama’s life. Around 1979 Obama started college at Occidental in California . He is very open about his two years at Occidental where he tried all kinds of drugs and was wasting his time but, even though he had a brilliant mind, still did not apply himself to his studies. ‘Barry’ – (that was the name he used all his life) during this time had two roommates, Muhammad Hasan Chandoo and Wahid Hamid, both from Pakistan .

During the summer of 1981, after his second year in college, he made ’round the world’ trip. Stopping to see his mother in Indonesia , next Hyderabad in India , three weeks in Karachi , Pakistan where he stayed with his roommate’s family, then off to Africa to visit his father’s

My question – Where did he get the money for this trip? Nether I, nor any one of my children would have had money for a trip like this when they were in college. When he came back he started school at olumbia University in New York .

It is at this time he wants everyone to call him Barack – not Barry. Do you know what the tuition is at Columbia ? It’s not cheap to say the least! Where did he get money for tuition? Student Loans? Maybe. After Columbia , he went to Chicago to work as a Community organizer for $12,000 a year. Why go ? Why not New York ? He was lready living in New York .

By ‘chance’ he met Antoin ‘Tony’ Rezko, born in Aleppo Syria , and a real estate developer in Chicago . Rezko has been convicted of fraud and bribery this year. Rezko, was named ‘Entrepreneur of the Decade’ by the Arab-American Business and Professional Association’. About two years later, Obama entered Harvard Law School . Do you have any idea what tuition is for Harvard Law School ? Where did he get the money for Law School? More student loans?

After Law school, he went back to Chicago . Rezko offered him a job,
which he turned down. But, he did take a job with Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland. Guess what –They represented Rezar’ which is Rezko’s firm. Rezko was one of Obama’s first major financial contributors when he ran for office in Chicago .

In 2003, Rezko threw an early fundraiser for Obama which Chicago Tribune reporter David Mendelland claims was instrumental in providing Obama with ‘seed money‘ for his U.S. Senate race.
In 2005, Obama purchased a new home in Kenwoood District of Chicago for $1.65 million (less than asking price). With ALL those Student Loans – Where did he get the money for the property? On the same day Rezko’s wife, Rita, purchased the adjoining empty lot for full price.

The London Times reported that Nadhmi Auchi, an Iraqi-born Billionaire loaned Rezko $3.5 million three weeks before Obama’s new home was purchased. Obama met Nadhmi Auchi many times with Rezko.

Now, we have Obama running for President. Valerie Jarrett, was ichele Obama’s boss. She is now Obama’s chief advisor and he does not make any major decisions without talking to her first.
Where was Jarrett born? Ready for this? Shiraz , Iran !

Do we see a pattern here? Or am I going crazy?

On May 10, 2008 The Times reported, Robert Malley, advisor to Obama, was ‘sacked’ after the press found out he was having regular contacts with ‘Hamas’, which controls Gaza and is connected with Iran . This past week, buried in the back part of the papers, Iraqi newspapers reported that during Obama’s visit to Iraq , he asked their leaders to do nothing about the war until after he is elected, and he will ‘Take care of things’.

Oh, and by the way, remember the college roommates that were born in Pakistan ? They are in charge of all those ‘small’ Internet campaign contributions for Obama.

Where is that money coming from? The poor and middle class in this country? Or could it be from the Middle East?

And the final bit of news. On September 7, 2008, The Washington Times posted a verbal slip that was made on ‘This Week’ with George Stephanapoulos. Obama on talking about his religion said, ‘My Muslim faith’. When questioned, he stated ‘he made a mistake’.
Some mistake!

Now the BIG question – If I found out all this information on my own, Why haven’t all of our ‘intelligent’ members of the press been reporting this? END OF EMAIL.

Thanks Legal, and Sage for the link! Swizz-hole and some of the rest of you can bite me! You didn’t “answer” squat.

Nagesh answers:

Pack o’ lies.

Helen asks…

Can someone check for grammar errors?

please check for error in grammar!

As I read the essay “Not All Men are Sly Foxes” by Armin Brott, it brought a very
significant question into my thoughts. Is sociality really portraying male parents as he says? I went to grab a nearby book I had since childhood and decided to test out his hypothesis. The book I choose was “Curious George Makes Pancakes” by Margret & H.A.Reys.
In the children’s book Curious George Makes Pancakes, it starts off with The Man with The Yellow Hat waking up George to get ready for the Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser. George is extremely excited because this event is only held once a year to raise money for special programs at the children’s hospital. The Mayor later holds a speech for the introduction for the breakfast. The Man with The Yellow Hat tells George that he is going to go buy the tickets and for him to wait there and Says not to be too curious. George later smells the aroma of the pancakes being cooked and walks over to them. He finds a male chef cooking on a griddle full of pancakes. George starts to put in the blueberries while the chef isn’t looking.
We then see a large line of people gathering in a line to the chef to get more of the delicious pancakes being made. The chef starts to feel the pressure of all the people and leaves to get an assistant. George saw how easy it was to cook all the pancakes and decides he can do it himself since he has 4 hands. A lot of people start buying more pancakes since they are being made at a much faster pace than the chef had done. The chef comes with his female assistant and sees a monkey cooking and gets angry and chases George off.
George hides at a stuffed animal booth, but later gets done from it when he sees the coast is clear. He notices that he has become sticky from the maple syrup that he got on him making all those pancakes. He sees a wide tube filled with water and decides to enter it thinking nothing of it. He then falls off all of a sudden and realizes it’s a dunking booth. The Mayor notices that because of George they have raised the most money they have in years. He thanks George and gives him a medal.
As I read this book I took time into looking at the pictures portraying families in the book. I was amazed as I saw what the common male parent was shown. Most male
parents were wearing suits with a hat. The mother was shown wearing a long dress typically single colored. As it came to the children, the father was right beside them with no physical contact whatsoever, while the mother was shown holding them by their hands. It makes it seem as if the fathers have no knowledge on how to take care of their children.
Meaning that that statement Brott had said regarding that the fathers really are shown as the parent that brings the bread to the table, was correct. While the mothers
are shown as a household mother that only care for their children. Even though no parent truly plays a role in this book, it can be clearly seen by the pictures how the male parent in portrayed. A lot of semi-major roles in this book might show discrimination toward women.
The major is shown as a male, and the chef is also shown as a male. The only part that shows a female with a role like this is when the chef calls for an assistant
and is shown as a female. Could the authors be somehow signalizing males as the best people for these jobs than females? Up until the last page was this idea disclosed. The ending shows George receiving the medal from the mayor while there is a female doctor also right next to him, But why did the authors take so long to introduce a female in such a highly job role.
In the article “Gender roles”, written by Stenanie Armour she talks about how more fathers are asking for time off from their jobs to be with their children. Businesses are starting to see that not only women are asking for these days off but also males. Some businesses however have refused to let off male employees, but have allowed females to leave for children care. While the Family and Medical Leave Act allows for the father are allowed to take an unpaid leave for birth, adoption or medical illness of a child. While some businesses refuse others have come up with programs for parents who wish for time to care more for their children.

Nagesh answers:

As I read the essay “Not All Men are Sly Foxes” by Armin Brott, it brought a very
significant question into my thoughts. Is sociability really portraying male parents as he says? I went to grab a nearby book I had since childhood and decided to test out his hypothesis. The book I chose was “Curious George Makes Pancakes” by Margret & H.A.Reys.
In the children’s book Curious George Makes Pancakes, it starts off with The Man with The Yellow Hat waking up George to get ready for the Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser. George is extremely excited because this event is only held once a year to raise money for special programs at the children’s hospital. The Mayor later holds a speech for the introduction for the breakfast. The Man with The Yellow Hat tells George that he is going to go buy the tickets and for him to wait there and Says not to be too curious. George later smells the aroma of the pancakes being cooked and walks over to them. He finds a male chef cooking on a griddle full of pancakes. George starts to put in the blueberries while the chef isn’t looking.
We then see a large line of people gathering in a line to the chef to get more of the delicious pancakes being made. The chef starts to feel the pressure of all the people and leaves to get an assistant. George saw how easy it was to cook all the pancakes and decides he can do it himself since he has 4 hands. A lot of people start buying more pancakes since they are being made at a much faster pace than the chef had done. The chef comes with his female assistant and sees a monkey cooking and gets angry and chases George off.
George hides at a stuffed animal booth, but later gets down from it when he sees the coast is clear. He notices that he has become sticky from the maple syrup that he got on him making all those pancakes. He sees a wide tube filled with water and decides to enter it thinking nothing of it. He then falls off all of a sudden and realizes it’s a dunking booth. The Mayor notices that because of George they have raised the most money they have in years. He thanks George and gives him a medal.
As I read this book I took time into looking at the pictures portraying families in the book. I was amazed as I saw what the common male parent was shown. Most male
parents were wearing suits with a hat. The mother was shown wearing a long dress typically single colored. As it came to the children, the father was right beside them with no physical contact whatsoever, while the mother was shown holding them by their hands. It makes it seem as if the fathers have no knowledge on how to take care of their children.
Meaning that that statement Brott had said regarding that the fathers really are shown as the parent that brings the bread to the table, was correct. While the mothers
are shown as a household mother that only care for their children. Even though no parent truly plays a role in this book, it can be clearly seen by the pictures how the male parent in portrayed. A lot of semi-major roles in this book might show discrimination toward women.
The major is shown as a male, and the chef is also shown as a male. The only part that shows a female with a role like this is when the chef calls for an assistant
and is shown as a female. Could the authors be somehow signalizing males as the best people for these jobs than females? Up until the last page was this idea disclosed. The ending shows George receiving the medal from the mayor while there is a female doctor also right next to him, But why did the authors take so long to introduce a female in such a highly job role.
In the article “Gender roles”, written by Stephanie Armour she talks about how more fathers are asking for time off from their jobs to be with their children. Businesses are starting to see that not only women are asking for these days off but also males. Some businesses however have refused to let off male employees, but have allowed females to leave for children care. While the Family and Medical Leave Act allows for the father are allowed to take an unpaid leave for birth, adoption or medical illness of a child. While some businesses refuse others have come up with programs for parents who wish for time to care more for their children.

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Saturday, January 18th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Work

Carol asks…

How to make fast money?

Okay so it’s going to be my dad’s birthday soon and I have no money at all. Yesterday, I went to the mall and got carried away and bought a bunch of clothes at Victoria’s Secret and got 2 new pairs of Skullcandy headphones. I have $0.00. I need a way to make fast money, and still be left with money after buying my dad a present. His birthday is this Friday so I have 5 days. How do I make fast money? Selling things online isn’t an option for me and yard work or babysitting or pet sitting isn’t an option either. What should I do? I’m not old enough for a job.

Nagesh answers:

I think your best bet would be to return the goods you bought to the store and buy you dad a present. Ok.

Sandy asks…

How to make good money fast?

I asked this question about a week ago but all everyone told me was to do stuff online and that isn’t working out that great. I need a real good way to make money really fast before the school year is over? I need about $400. Please no babysitting because I tried and my cousin is really bad and with him I have really low patience. I need something reliable.
Ummm I cant do much cause im 13

Nagesh answers:

Apparently it’s not by using the search box to find the other ten thousand questions just like this one.

How can you make quick money?
Sell your things
Take out a loan
Do some work

Donald asks…

how to make money FAST!?

I need money fast! i cant work im to young
i dont kno wat other ways i can make moneyy..please dont say babysit, im a boy im not doing that,
and my mom like wont pay me for the chores and stuff it sucks,
i no all my neighbors but the town mows everyones lawn and cleans the streets and stuff so i cant do that for money
is there ANY other choices? im stuck rite now :/
i tried doing some online job things but they didnt work, i have some stuff that i wanna sell really bad but idk who to sell it to..any ideass? thank uu :p

Nagesh answers:

Be a paperboy! I was a papergirl haha, and I got good money 🙂

Joseph asks…

How can i make some money relatively fast?

I’m 15, and would like to make some money as soon as possible. My short term goal is 300 dollars. There doesn’t seem to be any easy and quick way to do it online. I’d preferably like to be linked to a website where i could find odd jobs, or one time jobs, things that i could go and make a bit of money for a day of work or something like that. Something like childcare would be okay as long as they accepted 15 year olds, but id pretty much do anything available.

Nagesh answers:

Please remember that there a MANY people out there looking for the same thing you are, so you have to have perseverance. But don’t give up! The more networking you do, and the more you get your resume out there, the better your chances of finding something. I did!
Check it out here. It’s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look.


Ruth asks…

I am 13 and need a lot of money fast?

I am 13 and need over $350 dollars in 45 days to buy a plane ticket to Texas. I am not allowed to take online surveys due to my mother’s rules. Do you have any ways that I can WORK for this money and it not be illegal?

Nagesh answers:

Well you can try this website it works for me so why not for you its not online surveys its something more like watching commercials and rating them after you watch them and then you can get paid for it. My brother is 13 and we do it together. Try this website.

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Friday, January 17th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Uk

James asks…

What are the disadvantages and advantages of people migrating to the UK?

What are the disadvantages and advantages of people migrating to the UK? Homework help… 😛
I mean advantages and dissadvantages for the UK not for the people who migrate here 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Considering the UK is already very over-populated, more and more immigrants entering the UK puts a significant strain on our health service, and as foreign women often have a higher fertility rate than British women, this causes much money to be spent on midwifery, and also these children must be educated in Britain – at the expense of the tax-payer. It is highly debatable that any benefit that foreign, unskilled workers may have on the economy is quickly nutralised by the cost of providing services to them, such as the NHS and the cost of educating their children (if they have any), and often providing translators for children at the expense of the tax-payer.

Also, the trend of employing unskilled foreign workers also has a negative impact on British workers. Often, big supermarket chains source their job offers out to agencies abroad who advertise their jobs abroad to foreign workers exclusively, and often unskilled British workers never even get a chance at applying for a job. This is happening more and more often.

And to the people who say foreigners are discriminated against – what a load of rubbish. If anything, it is the foreigners themselves who do very little to assimilate to the majority culture and treat it with a general lack of disregard.

The UK is a very tolerant country, too tolerant in my opinion as we often allow ourselves to be walked on.

Linda asks…

How to become a driving instructor in the UK?

Just looking to know how long it takes, the cost, insurance, etc and how long it will take until you start making money?

Much appreciated folks

Nagesh answers:

Hi, good to see you looking for a new career, be prepared to enjoy the journey.

The time it takes to become a driving instructor depends on:

How much time you have to devote to your training, how quickly you tend to learn things generally and how much practice and hard work you are prepared to put in.
You could qualify and be earning in as little as three months, but most people take more like six to nine months, as most people tend to train around a current job, which means they have less time to train.

As for costs, you can find training companies who will try to charge you as much as £4,000.00 but look around, you can get much better deals than that.
Take a look at:

Don’t worry about insurance, it’s not nearly as expensive as most people think and you can claim money back from the tax man to cover most of it 🙂

Lisa asks…

Property in the UK, I have heard that you can get a real bargain from repossesion at auction?

Im looking to buy property in the UK, I have heard that you can get a real bargain from repossesion at auction. I have contacted my bank and they have no information about where they do their auctions. Does anyone know how to find out about the best way to going to an auction like this?

Nagesh answers:

1. Not everything at Auction are bargains there are many overpriced..developers buy at auction it up and sell it again at careful…its not all reposessions..its also pple who want money quickly….
2.You need to have the funds readily avaliable…you complete in 28days or loose your deposit (10%)
3.Do an internet search all auctions houses have websites…

Ken asks…

If a cash machine is broken and starts spitting out money – can you keep it?

Assume the bank is closed, and the cash machine is emptying out all it’s money

I’m sure you can keep it, but what about CCTV or what if your conscience cannot let you?
Do you keep all the money then go to the bank when it’s open, do you tell the police, what do you do? And can you keep the money without getting into trouble for it?

Nagesh answers:

This would be just like finding a wallet in the street and keeping it. It’s called theft by finding. You have to notify the owner of the money or the police. Most ATMs will have a phone number on them and you could ring that number for advice.

A lots of ATMs in the UK do have CCTV trained on them for obvious reasons and also there are records of who has used them and the time.

In the 1980’s a colleague had a phone call from his bank which was next to our office. He’d made a quick withdrawal on his way in and hadn’t checked the money. When he counted it for them, he had £20 too much. This belonged to the person who’d used the machine just ahead of him and who’d been in the bank complaining when he’d used it. If they could trace him so quickly then, just think about what can do now.

Susan asks…

Can a UK bank refuse to hand me my savings in cash ?

With interest rates almost zero and the prevailing uncertainty (shares in banks are falling quickly) I would like my savings in my home safe instead.

Nagesh answers:

I understand your concern however you may be unaware that savings upto 50K per individual per bank are guaranteed, even if the bank folded tomorrow you will still have that cash 100% guaranteed. This is something the FSA stipulate all banks and building societies must agree to, basically they all pay into a pot of money so if anyone of the members collapses the customers are protected.

If you do have more then 50k in savings just distribute the savings so you have no more then 50k in each bank eg 50k in Barclay’s, 50k in abbey, 50k in nationwide. That way you are fully protected and will not lose your money no matter what happens to any institution.

Just ignore the interest rate being so low at least your money will be far more secure in a bank then if it was just stowed away at home.

If u still want to withdraw your cash the bank are obliged to give you the cash as cash but you may have to give them a notice period, typically 7 days for sums over 5k

hope this helps

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Thursday, January 16th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money On Ebay

Richard asks…

I have an idea on making money on Ebay…?

Well i’ve been thinking lately that i should try to make some money selling some stuffs on Ebay and here’s my idea. I would go surfing to look for products online that cost like let say $40 and then put it up on Ebay and sell them for $50. Here’s the twist, i wouldn’t have the product in hand yet, what i would do is wait for someone to buy the product and send me the money. When i get the money, i would go and buy the product on whatever site that i saw for $40 and then have them ship it to that buyer’s address. Thus i would make some money (around $5 due to ebay fees) and the buyer gets what he asks for.
Not sure if it’s original but i want to know if people think that would be acceptable and what would be the implications, legal etc. Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

Its called dropshipping. Tons of people do it. Its the oldest trick in the book, but for most people it doesnt work…especially since feebay is based on a feedback score now. If your shipment is late, and you try to explain that to a customer, they will often times give you a negative feedback. After about 3 in a month your suspended from ebay. Every time you get one, it knocks your listings down so nobody sees them. They will see people with 100% feedback or any feedback that is higher than yours….and if you arent selling over 1000 items a month, the powersellers listings will show up before yours anyways. You cant even list identical items anymore. So if you are selling 10 pairs of the same type of sneakers and same size, nobody will see 9 of them at a single time. Only 1, and when that 1 pair sells, another pair will show up in listings. People are changing the titles a little so its not exactly the same, but alas, ebay has a rule against this too called “gaming” and they will suspend your account if they catch you doing that too. So feebay is stealing peoples money and not advertising what they are paid to advertise. Basically, ebay has done everything they can this year to make sure that you, as a smaller seller, do not sell anything. Your listings will get buried where nobody sees them. I was doing it last year but I worked out a deal with a company in Taiwan to dropship for me. Theres a list of them at Its not profitable on ebay anymore. Im a powerseller. Last year, if I listed 100 items on ebay a day, at least 75 of them would sell. Now, if I list 100 items on ebay a day, about 5 of them sell, the other 95 put me in debt because FEEbay costs money to list. Maybe on craigslist or somewhere else it might work. Ebay ran all their sellers and buyers off by making stupid changes when the new CEO took charge this year. Its dumb to start a business there this year because they have already said they dont want ebay being a “flea market” anymore, which basically means they are phasing out small sellers slowly to bring in big sellers like and gm who just signed deals with them. Theres a list at of other sites to sell on and other ways to make money online without FEEbay.

Daniel asks…

Is ebay a good and easy way to make money?

I am considering selling some things on ebay in my spare time to make some quick and easy money. Is this a good idea and what kind of things shall I sell? Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

Easy to do but not easy to make money.

Anyone who wants to make easy money needs to learn a basic concept. If it was easy money then everyone would do it and the profits from doing so would disappear.

Most businesses or jobs that are worth going after are not easy.

Charles asks…

What joblot or wholesale shall i buy on ebay to make a bit of money or get my business started…?

I’ve recently started a new e-bay and obviously im stuck for ideas on what to sell!

I need to either make some money or even my money out just to get the business going .

If you would like to see my ebay its as followed:

Many thanks,

Nagesh answers:

Hi Lewis,

Hope you will be fine. If you are interested to sell the leather equestrian goods on your ebay shop write me at

I am manufacturer of these items and can supply you the goods.


Mandy asks…

What are some really good items to sell on Ebay that will make lots of money?!!?

I don’t know what to sell on ebay that can make lots of money. Would you guys give me some tips and ideas on what to sell on ebay?! Thank you!!

Nagesh answers:

Ebay has a site that tells you what most people are looking for in Ebay in general and by category. It is call ebay pulse. I put the link below.

Robert asks…

I want to make money like those people who bought the PS3 and sold for a lot of money on ebay?

Has anyone heard of people making that much money on something like that? I really want to hear some ideas?

Nagesh answers:

There is no valid point in buying the new PS3 in hopes of making more money on EBAY. The purpose of ebay is to buy things for a cheaper price. Even on ebay you can get the new ps3 for cheaper or just buy it wholesale without having to wait for more to come in the stores. If you are hoping to make money on it, no one will buy it for more when in reality they can buy at the regular cost or for cheaper. Sorry to get your hopes up! =(

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Wednesday, January 15th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments



Make money!

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