Your Questions About Fast Money Making Ideas

Sharon asks…

I need ideas on how to make money fast!?

I need to start making more money but the problem is I receive government benefits and can only make so much money a year and I’m already working the maximum number of hours at my job. is there anything I can do to earn more money?

Nagesh answers:

Probably the fastest, if slightly questionable, way to make money fast online is the method known as E-whoring… If it sounds dodgy, that is because it is. Google it, but plenty of guys do it (pretending to be girls) and they can earn anything up to $500 a day.

Alternatively, check out this list of methods at

Nancy asks…

how to make money fast as a teenager?

Im 13 and really need some money fast…no idea how though (jobs around the house etc. doesnt count as i do that anyways and dont get paid)
if you have any ideas please tell me! thank you.

Nagesh answers:

Paper round thats the only job you probs would get.

Other than cutting grass and wash cars/windows or sell your unwanted stuff on ebay but get your parents to do that on ebay.

Also dont spend money SAVE it until you want something then you can

Donald asks…

Anyone have any money saving ideas?

Hello, I was saving money with my boyfriend of 2 years to eventually get our own place. However over the last couple of months both of our cars needed to be replaced making our savings go right back to ZERO. Any ideas on making money fast or saving money tips?!

Nagesh answers:

Not really a tip on making money fast, but it really helped us to build up our savings when we started budgeting. I mean down to the penny. We set a budget for all expenses and both tried to save all extras.

We also had a “no gifts” deal for a couple of years until we saved up for a down payment. For special occasions we would just go to dinner or something special but not expensive. And for family get-togethers like Christmas we would tell our parents (both divorced and remarried so gifts really add up) that we’d rather do a white elephant type of exchange. That made a huge difference.

Oh and I started clipping coupons. Every little bit helps. 🙂 It just takes time and discipline but you’ll get there! 🙂 Good luck!

Sandra asks…

Would A supermarket pay 40 dollars for two hours to bring carts in the store?

I wanna make some fast money to pay some bills. I came up with this idea to ask A store manager can I work for the store just for A week bringing carts into the store when they need them for customers.

I plan on doing this with 5 stores in one day so I can make
$1,000 on the friday when I finish.
Will this work?

Nagesh answers:

No, unless you live in Alaska

Charles asks…

How to make money for a local playgroup?

I need to make money fast for a local playgroup! Ideas? HELP!!! If you have younger children, what kind of things would you pay to attend?

Nagesh answers:

Bake sale, a fair with games, babysitting etc.

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Thursday, February 13th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online

Ken asks…

How can i make money online?

I am desperate to make some extra cash before Christmas and would like to receive some help regarding making money online. What is the fastest way? I am ready to work my ass off!

Nagesh answers:

Actually making money online is not that hard.

Yes, hard work is required, but this is mostly all you need and just simple little tactics you can implement. Remember when you want to achieve something you need to invest time!

There are loads of money making tactics all over the internet – most work, you just need to find the way you feel most comfortable with. Start out small and then build upon it. When something works for you, start thinking about outsourcing, because this is the key to the real money!

When I first started I did everything and did not concentrate on 1 tactic at a time, do not make this mistake and you will succeed.

Finally I suggest you to start building your brand immediately, when you learn something, teach it to others in need and you will have big number of followers soon and you can market your courses to these people in need.

PS! I started my internet/online marketing career learning from the website listed below. I suggest you to subscribe to this guys list – you will learn a lot!

Michael asks…

How can I make money fast on the internet starting from zero?

I want to make some money online and I need it fast. Is there a way to make 400+ dollars in 30 days starting from nothing -> No blogs, websites and credit cards? Note that I live in Bangladesh, a country in Southeast Asia.

Nagesh answers:

Hello Bangladesh!
I have never written to someone from your location before. But it seems that no matter where you live the idea of some extra money in your pocket has a far reaching effect.

To answer you question, there is a brand new program that started up just a few weeks ago that their whole focus is to help their members to become successful on the internet. They just came up with a 90 day program to get their member up to $100,000. The head “guru” who’s name is Vick (sorry I can’t think of his last name) clams that he will show you step by step what to do and how to do it. He is quite sincere in what he says. I’ll leave you his site below……Its only one $1.00 to check it out for, I believe for 14 days. Check it out.

Mandy asks…

How can i make fast money online or ideas?

im 15 and want to to make some extra shopping money, i cant get a job because i travel with my dad during summer , i want something like survey taking or something else! any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Online surveys are scams. Don’t even waste your time trying to do them.
If you’re crafty, you could make something to sell on etsy or eBay.
If you like writing, you could run a blog and allow people to pay you to put an ad on it.
You could also make a YouTube and allow ads to be placed on your videos.

Robert asks…

What is the best way to earn money?

I am looking for ways to make money online without the hassle, and the possiblity of being scammed. I heard and saw bogus websites, those that ask for your credit card number and I’m not into all that. So, does anyone know of good legit ways to make money online pretty fast?

Nagesh answers:


If you want to make money online with your very own website, check out


Here you can get the information, how to get started today

Hope this help,

Betty asks…

How can I make money online?

I’ve been looking at a few sites and programs because I want to work from home, however, I;m not sure where to start. I’ve seen lot’s of scams on here already so if you are on of those people posting your link don’t bother, cause I’ve seen it all before.

I just want a good, practical guide to being able to make some decent money online. Thanks everyone.

Nagesh answers:

My number one piece of advice, be careful. There are a ridiculous amount of scams out there, however, there is also a good amount of real, quality information that can help you make some good money online.

I myself use blogging to net myself a good income. Keep in mind you may not become rich fast, in fact it is most likely that you won’t. But just like any other business, if you put in the effort, you will see results. There are a lot of people out there that have given this trade a bad name.

But the fact is that many people are making a decent, honest living by providing information online.

I also know a lot of other people that make money blogging, might be something to check out, here is how I got started:

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Wednesday, February 12th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For 13 Year Olds

Jenny asks…

How do I earn lots of money really fast?

I am 13 years old and I want to save up money to try and get an iPod touch. They are $330.
Any ways on how to earn lots of money really fast??

Nagesh answers:

A quick and legal way is to earn money at your age is to convince your parents to pay you money by doing some of their jobs. You can help them clean the garage, or clean their car, or just simply do chores. Convince them and get them into it. Let them know that you want to work for money in order to learn more about life.

Daniel asks…

What are some quick ways to get money?

Okay im 13 years old and i want to know how to get money fast. I dont want to here lemonde aid stand like job wise. My parents dont give me allowance and i just want a job.Not PAPER ROUT THOUGH.
anything else really and it around the ending of febuary in buffalo so what jobs can i get soon.

Nagesh answers:

Fast Food ?

Richard asks…

What are some ways to get rich?

I’m 13 years old and I want to earn some cash to buy a Dolce & Gabbana purse and some Christian Louboutin pumps. How can I get money fast?

Nagesh answers:

Be smart and invent something.

Be talented and create something.

Be lucky and win something.

Most importantly, do NOT be lazy. That is the path to poverty.

Sharon asks…

How can 13 year old girl make money fast?!?

I need a way to earn money fast. But the only thing I can think of Is babysitting and those computer things but my mom says that they are spams so please help!!

Nagesh answers:

Two things I can think of that I do right now are: one make an account on google blogger and create your own blog use google adSense to put ads on your blog which will make you a lot of money if ur blog gets more popular the more it goes on Two take some of the money you have right now and invest it in a copper or something kind of like that stock (I recommend Duran Ventures) and wait for it to go up a couple more cents from when you bought it and then take it out, that’ll make you a few hundred dollars.

Maria asks…

What is the best way for a teen to earn money?

What’s the best way for a 13-15 year old to earn a decent amount of money? Jobs that aren’t insanely hard to do would be great.

Nagesh answers:

Try fast foods, it’s one way to find out what is expected of you once your old enough to hold down a 40 hr. Job. Good luck

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Tuesday, February 11th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Uk

James asks…

Could I become a millionaire quickly if I invest into a great penny stock?

When I turn aged 18 I intend to invest into penny stocks with the £4,000 I should have by then. If I choose the right ones, could I become a millionaire reasonably quickly with the money I have?

Nagesh answers:

No. It would be like a casino. With bad odds, you’d lose more times than you win.

People who become millionaires in the markets use risk management and leverage for blue chip and larger growth stocks. You also need to learn technical analysis (reading stock charts) and fundamental analysis (analyzing the company) and watch the overall market FTSE 100 index to succeed.

For the UK and Ireland, you could try studying the stocks on the FTSE All-Share Index:

UK stocks are measured in pence instead of pounds so don’t freak out if a stocks is quoted at 2000. It’s only 20 pounds.

There’s no hurry. The London Stock Exchange is always going to be there. Better to learn first and profit later than lose your 4000 pounds.

Thomas asks…

How exactly do you become a commercial pilot in the UK?

Okay I’m 16 and I want to be a pilot. I no there are some licences you need but what are they and were do you get them from and what is the price of these. Do U need any kind of qualifications or just lots of money. Any more information that i will need to know would be appreciated

Nagesh answers:

I highly recommend you speak to the guys at Bristol Flying Centre. They do all ratings and all licenses. They will get you from nothing to ATPL quickly.

Betty asks…

What jobs are there in the gambling industry?

I live in the Uk and I’m 17 years old, I’ve just finished my first year at college/6th form and lately been interested in working in the gambling industry. What kind of jobs is there and is there any type of apprenticeships you can do?
Top answer will be rewarded and thankyou for all the answers in advance 🙂
Thanks you “?” Its not letting me give you a best answer but thanks for the detailed answer much appreciated.

Nagesh answers:

Well you won’t be allowed to do any work in it for another year of course, but there’s lots you can do. Casinos are always looking for blackjack/poker dealers, and betting shops are always after more staff, if you show a bit of interest or initiative they’ll move you through the ranks quite quickly too!!

If you want to gamble professionally then that’s not really something anyone can advise you on, bar exchange betting and stuff and google is probably your friend there =p

I have to warn you though, I loved gambling, I loved horse racing, poker, roulette and all that stuff so I worked in a betting shop. The customers could be really friendly, and there was good banter but the job itself was horrible. The hours and days you have to work are bad enough, you’re only closed one day a year and you’re open until late. You’re encouraged to make your customers develop addictions and keep playing even when you know they’re suffering for it and the “GamCare” they have in place to protect people is an absolute farce. I saw people come in with money that they were supposed to be using to pay their mortgage, people leaving their kids outside for hours on end (and you can’t let them come in even if it’s raining because they’re not allowed on the site). You see some really really sad things, some illegal things and some scary things. I couldn’t get out of there fast enough. Please please really think about it and explore other options before you look for a career there.

Michael asks…

What pays tax the company thats makes money or the holding company?

I am about to set up a company in the UK and i have plan to grow it quickly which i now i should not do but i am because that how i am. The thing is that all the company’s will share the holding company names and then they will have specific name after them similar to virgin group. I have spoke HMRC they can’t seem to help. So i do not what to pay double corporation tax which is bit of joke when star bucks pays jack shit but hey. So is there away for me to pay only one tax bill and it all to be centralized through the holding company.
I know this wrong way of going about this but i have to do it this way because i am planning to grow rapid into many different areas fast.

Nagesh answers:

The trading companies pay tax on their profits. Each company will submit a profit and loss account and tax return based on its own trading activities.
The holding company will also pay tax on its profits – if it has any. Normally a holding company does not trade, all it does is hold the shares of other companies (hence it is called a holding company). As a shareholder, it will receive dividends from the companies it owns. Dividends paid from one UK company to another are not taxable. If that is its only “income” it will not have any tax to pay.

Robert asks…

How long does it take for a bank wire money transfer to arrive?

My fiance-to-be is trying to send me money from his bank account in England to my bank account in the USA to pay for a visa application. After about 3 tries, and all sorts of problems with Swift codes, etc. they said it went. Since his is a small bank and my bank in the US is small and not international either, they said it would go through Barclay’s in the UK, then somewhere else he thinks (New York I think) and then on to my bank. It also wasn’t cheap and was a huge amount of trouble. We are desperate for me to receive this money quickly, because I need it to pay for the fiance visa application. They didn’t seem to be too sure at my bank, they said I would probably receive the money in around 2 to 3 days. Help! I’m going nuts! Has anybody else had this experience, especially between the UK and the US?

Nagesh answers:

Sending wire transfers internationally can be a harrowing experience, and alot of times there are no guarantees that your money will get to it’s target. Now, both the UK and USA are reasonably civilized countries, so that shouldn’t be an issue. You pretty much have mentioned already what the process is – his small bank sends the money to Barclay’s in the UK which will, in turn, send to what they call a ‘Corresponding US bank’ (many times Citibank, or other big NY bank), who will, in turn credit to the Federal Reserve bank in the district in which your bank is located. At that point, the Federal Reserve will send to a bigger bank with whom your bank does business, which will then credit the money to your bank, and into your account. Now, the problem is that some of these banks only process wire transfers at certain times of the day, so your money is actually waiting for somebody to approve it’s next step of the journey. Also, some of these banks will charge a processing fee, which will take a bite out of the funds that you will receive. I would say at the longest, it should take no longer than two days. If it hits the third day, have your fiance go to his bank and ask for them to trace the wire. The bank may put up some resistance, because it’s extra work, but they CAN do it. The trace will tell the received times and processing stations at each stop along the way. It may also show if the wire was sent with incorrect wiring instructions, such as a faulty account number or bank’s ABA number, etc.

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Monday, February 10th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money For Kids

Nancy asks…

How Can A Kid Make Money Without A Job?

I’m 14, and have another week or so, then away for a week, then another 5 days to work. So, in 12 days, are there any ways I can make good money worth the effort without a job. I can’t get an allowance, and I’m kinda on a tight leash with my parents 🙁 so I can’t do stuff that would require me to go out on my own really, got to be stuff I can do close to home. Any ideas?
Several people suggested that I do online survey things where they pay you, first of all, you need to be over 18 to do those things, read the question, I’m 14. Second of all, for those who will say, who cares, lie about your age, my parents will be pissed if they find out (which they inevitably will if I keep getting mailed checks from websites) that I’m lying about my age to get money from sites like that.
That Boy Chino? I hope you were joking, but you actually gave pretty detailed instructions, so I’ll assume you weren’t. Read the question…Does it actually seem even fathomable that I would have the slightest chance of being able to get drugs in the first place? Let alone find someone else to sell them to and then do it over and over till I get back where I started, provided I even wanted to do something as thuggish unintelligent as drug trafficking, “dawg”? I’ll take my chances being poor, thanks

Nagesh answers:

Look for a job on the interent easy stuff them send you the money in the mail for doing its real as long as you have a computer and your parents don’t mind you giveing people your address.

Mary asks…

Would I make a good amount of money off kids who wanted their homework done?

Let’s say I charge $5-$15 for doing elementary school homework for kids who don’t wanna do it. Ranging from basic math to history. Grammar to Science. I’d charge about $5 per page. Would that be a neat way to make money and gets kids by? I know lots of kids would really like this idea.
I need money, I can’t find a job and I doubt I’ll find anything while I’m in my 20s cuz of the outlook of the future.
Some kids can’t figure out the homework and want to pass the class. I am in debt. I need money to pay off my credit card debt. I know fractions, division, percents, decimals, etc.
It’s called allowance Tink.

Nagesh answers:

Even if you do earn money what lesson is that going to teach kids? First, you’re not a certified teacher, and you would be doing their homework instead of them. That is called plagiarism, and is very frowned upon in school districts.

Sharon asks…

Can anyone help me get some ideas to raise money to send my kids to camp?

I need some ideas to fundraise money for my kids to go to camp on the Internet.

Nagesh answers:

Put together a silent action
get gift certificates from beauty salons, wineries, restaurant
find people that are willing to donate items, etc.

Print a bid form from the internet,

Lisa asks…

How do you get your wife to escape the troubles of the day and allow some romance and sex back into your lives?

These are tough times for all, jobs, money, kids, elderly parents ETC. My wife wears it all on her shoulders all the time. Unless everything in life is PERECT, she doesn’t feel at all like romance or sex.

Nothing is ever going to be perfect, but it really sucks when a whole segment of our life together is gone.

Any ideas?? I feel held hostage and will only be released when the kids are grown and gone and when I hit the lottery so money will no longer be a thought.


Nagesh answers:

Vacations and nice dinners are wonderful and it sounds like your wife deserves them. Also, a massage when the kids are in bed would probably also help her relax.

When it comes to having sex with your wife, do you just go straight for intercourse? As soon as the kids are away and she is finished sorting through unpaid bills do you try to get her in the sack? I am not bashing you for being horny. You are human and humans have sexual needs. But people, especially women, are rarely ever able to immediately switch from the daily grind mind set to the hanky panky mind set.

What I’m getting at is – flirt with her, make her feel special. Foreplay begins long before oral sex or anything else in that arena. Romantic dinners and roses are great, but let her know you think she is the one that gets you hot. Appreciate what she does for you, the household and the family but also let her know that she deserves a little pleasure too. Even if she is wearing every day clothes, if you like the way her rear end looks, tell her. If she smiles or laughs at something you say or anyone says, tell her how beautiful she looks. Check her out like you did when you were dating. Try to remember the things that used to make her blush before you two were in a serious committed relationship and the stress of everyday life set in.

These are just suggestions. You know your wife, so comment on the things you genuinely love or find especially attractive about her. This may put her in the mood for a little more romance and fun.

You should take her away and give her a break. However, during those in between times remind her that she is special and that even when things are far from perfect, she still deserves some sexual release.


Mark asks…

What have you done to bring in additional income as a stay at home parent?

I have quit my job and will be staying home for awhile. I am thinking of ways to cut costs like cooking meals at home (potential savings = $500 monthly in eat out tabs). I will be selling some of our old clothes and toys on Ebay (3 kids = lots of old clothes and toys). Is there anything else you have done to make ends meet (except hokey stay at home business ideas = money down the tube). Watching more children is also not an option as I already have three of my own!

Nagesh answers:

You are on the right track!! Good Job!! Another suggestion might be yard or garage sales. They might not provide steady income, but they are income nonetheless…….

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Sunday, February 9th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast Online

Michael asks…

How can I make some money FAST?

I need money really fast. My car payment is due and I don’t have enough to cover it. Also I lost a bet to Evan and owe him $1,000. He said he would beat me up if I do not pay him in a week. What can I do?

Nagesh answers:

First find all the coins you have in your house and go to coinstar. Then you could go to sites and make money online, I reccomend c a s h c r a t e. (no spaces) Then you could go clean peoples houses, I helped an old lady with her groceries and she gave me 50 dollars! Then you could Go get an extra job like at retirment homes they get 2,500 dollars per month. IT might help with extra money. You could do night shift.

Sharon asks…

How could i make easy money?

is there a way were u could make money fast.. like doing things online.. or websites to do surveys and get paid..have a yard sale or anything u could think of

Nagesh answers:

Here is an excellent paying to post forum. It is free and it is not a scam at all. It pays you to post your opinion, and pictures. You also get a certain amount every time that you login. Not to mention that there are daily contests held at the site, where you can win big prizes. There are also an option to browse the web for money. Some contests will reward you will referals, and some will reward you with money. I am sure that if you sign up, you will make much friends and money.

P.S. The more people that you referal the more money that you make. So referal your friends and family. The pay per post rate also changes every month. The more you post, the more your money will go up. So please sign up! Its free!

Sign up here:

Donald asks…

What is the best way to make money online?

I`ve been looking for some sort of job where I can work from home online with the internet? Are there any legitamate websites out there and if so what are the best ones?

Nagesh answers:

We are a Fast Growing company looking for individuals to expand.

Part time or full time Work From Home, high earning potential.

Make as much as you need to be able to spend more time with your family.

Set your own hours.

Looking for serious inquiries only please.


Thomas asks…

What is the best way to make money online?

I`ve been looking for some sort of job where I can work from home online with the internet? Are there any legitamate websites out there and if so what are the best ones?

Nagesh answers:

We are a Fast Growing company looking for individuals to expand.

Part time or full time Work From Home, high earning potential.

Make as much as you need to be able to spend more time with your family.

Set your own hours.

Looking for serious inquiries only please.


Steven asks…

How to get 10 dollars on pay pal fast?

I’m trying to but something on the internet but all I need is 10$ i have no idea how to get pay pal money fast so some help would be nice.

Nagesh answers:

Ask a friend or work online.

I do know of one site that you can obtain $10 fast online and pays through Paypal. Contact me if you want to know the site.

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Saturday, February 8th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money Online

Mark asks…

Can you make money online without spending a fortune?

I’ve been looking around for a way to make a little extra money online but it seems like all these people want tons of money for little or no help. I don’t need to get rich quick. I just want to make a little for a rainy day.

Nagesh answers:

If you want to make some spending money I understand. With the economy the way it is we could all use a little help without being taken for a ride. There are forums for internet marketers. I’ve learned a lot from these people and it has helped me to sidestep the pitfalls so to speak. One site to visit is:
The forum I’m talking about is:
you have to join to be able to post there but it’s a great site.
Hope this helps.

Paul asks…

How quickly can you transfer money from your bank account to your stock purchase account ?

I would like to know what is the quickest way to transfer money from checking account to the stock purchase account like –etrade, tdameritrade etc.

Also is it possible to buy stock with crdit card thorugh this online account ?

Nagesh answers:

I have the bank issue me a Cashier’s check, then give it to the brokerage. I don’t trust the internet for such large transactions.

Make the check out to the brokerage company, FBO your name. And make sure you put your name, address and brokage account number on it, and triple check it so there are no mistakes.

Mary asks…

IS there an actual legit way to make money online?

I am looking to make quick extra money online but dont want to join an affilliat site or do surveys or complete offere.

all help is appreciated.. thank you

Nagesh answers:

Try those online jobs, where you don’t have to pay upfront money. Online data entry is an excellent career to consider if you want to work at home. The equipment needed for this type of job is very minimal. You only need a computer with an Internet connection, a table and a comfortable chair. Data entry duties include the inputting of correspondence, reports, and spreadsheets into a home computer and then transmitting that data using the Internet. Work at home data entry personnel may also proofread text, edit information, and maintain databases. Data entry jobs usually offer flexible scheduling, allowing people to work when they want to and as little or as much as they want to. Some of the growing fields for work at home data entry include medical and legal transcription, medical coding and litigation coding.


This type of work is becoming so popular that many fraudulent websites have emerged offering data entry jobs, which promise huge profits. The best way to find a legitimate data entry job is visit a reputable career website. You are more likely to find a genuine work at home job using these websites.


There are several freelance websites that post freelance data entry jobs. Avoid responding to ads that do not list a company name or contact information. There are many reputable freelance work forums that can provide you with work at home data entry job listings. The forums are usually free to join and provide trustworthy information. Once you have found an advertisement for a work at home data entry job, check out the company by visiting their websites. You can also do an online search using the company name and visit the Better Business Bureau website to see if they have been listed as a fraudulent company.

Good Luck…

Mandy asks…

What’s an easy way to make money over the summer (besides a regular job)?

I’m 13 so i can’t get a job yet and i’m looking to get about 700-1,000 dollars by september (i know it’s a pretty high goal) so does anyone know any quick ways to make money?

Nagesh answers:

Best way make money online at:

learn more: www.

David asks…

What is the best affiliate marketing program for beginners?

I’m new to affiliate marketing and I need a way to make some money online. I’m not looking to get rich quick, I just want to make a couple hundred dollars a week. Are there any affiliate marketing programs that give you a website, marketing tools, and help market your website?

Nagesh answers:

If you are new to online marketing I would recommend SiteSellIt

They have an EXCELLENT walk through that gets you going in 10 days. Their tutorials are top notch, their keyword selection tools will really get your thinking and they practical take you through everything from start to finish. Plus they are currently offering a special, ie buy one get one free.

They also have links to help you pick out what affiliate programs to use how to choose what to market etc and very helpful forums with others just like yourself who have been there done that and want to help you. I’ve been online for 10 years doing this and I just signed up for it and I’m blown away by all of the good information. I’ve even learned a few things. Its all information that you could probably find elsewhere but they put it into the best online package and walk through that you will find anywhere. If you are serious about online marketing there is nothing better out there.

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Friday, February 7th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick Online

George asks…

What are good online paid surveys for my 10 year old?

Well my daughter needs to earn some quick cash because we are getting ready to head to the beach and she said “I want to buy anything I like while I’m there”. So for weeks she’s been begging me for chores, but there’s just nothing around for her to do except feed the dog except she’s not paid for that because they’re her dogs. So if you could please recommend a good non-scam online paid survey website for kids. thank u

Nagesh answers:

Unfortunately, there is no good way for the average person to make money on line. Almost all money making sites on the web are scams. Under no circumstances should you give any money making site your credit card number. Never sign up for any “free” service that is free for one month and then you have to cancel it to avoid credit card charges. You will find it very hard to cancel. The phone number they give you to cancel may always be busy, so you can’t cancel. They will often charge your credit card even after you think you have cancelled. Never give a survey site your bank account number or personal information.

Many sites claim you can make money by filling out surveys or clicking on ads or some other silly method. They screw you around answering some surveys and then try to push the “free” offers that you have to charge to your credit card. One common trick they play is that they let you make 5-10 dollars easily. But their web site rules say you have to earn 40 dollars before they send you a check. To make the extra money you have to participate in “free” offers. I have played around on some of these sites and it always come down to them wanting to get your credit card number in the end. Don’t let them.

You will find many people on this site that claim they made a lot of money at such-and-such a website. They are usually liars trying to make money. For instance they will say: “Go to cashcrap,com/q2347.” The “q2347” is a signal to the cashcrap site that you are being referred to them by “q2347.” If they sucker money out of you, “q2347” gets a kickback. These coded signals can be hidden by different methods in the link. Other people will refer you to their own private website or blog for the purpose of trying to get money off you. The bad spelling and grammar is usually a good tip off of this.

Mandy asks…

How do I go about starting my own money making online business? how have others done it such as myspace?

or craigslist, wish upon a hero. How have they created their sites and got them up and running and how do you make money writing blogs thanks.

Nagesh answers:

There are many ways to make money online, but the most common, and most lucrative way to make money online is to sell products for companies willing to share the profits with you. The process of marketing to people online is called “Internet Marketing” and it is a multi billion dollar industry. Hundreds of thousands of people, just like yourself, are making money online everyday by partnering with companies who pay commissions based on sales that you help generate.

This sounds difficult but it’s not because these companies have “Affiliate Programs” setup for their partners (Affiliates). You can partner with thousands of companies online and start selling their products in literally minutes. So how do you start selling a companies products as an Affiliate? Simple, all you need to do is send visitors to their websites. This sounds simple, and it is, but finding the right kind of traffic and enough of it is more difficult. There are websites that teach people techniques to drive traffic to Affiliate sites and earn HUGE dollars online. Making $500 a day online is quite normal and you can get started very quickly if you know the right techniques.

The most common misconception about Internet Marketing is that only people with good computer knowledge and marketing skills can take part. This is NOT the case.

·You DO NOT NEED a website
·You DO NOT NEED your own product
·You DO NOT NEED any previous experience (none)

What you will need is a guide to help you learn how to get started. Everyone has heard of being “Scammed” on the Internet, and although this is only somewhat true, many people have learned about making money online from companies who do not have good reputations in the Internet Marketing world.

There are many companies out there that offer good techniques and strategies but with little support or coaching. If you are just getting started with Internet Marketing, support is one of the first things that you need to look for when choosing a guide. Also, steer clear from anything that offers you “Overnight” success, or “Get Rich Quick” programs. There is no such thing as “Getting Rich Quick” on the Internet. It doesn’t matter what you hear, you will never make money on the Internet overnight. Internet Marketing is a real business and it takes time to grow your business to a point where you are earning $500 / day. If you are dedicated to learning the correct techniques and are willing to put in the work, you WILL achieve your goals of making money online.

Check this link out and let me know if this helps:

Michael asks…

What are some good ways to earn money via the internet.?

There are tons of fake emails and websites that want to lure you in for one reason or another.

But I looking for a good legitimate way to use the internet to help subsidize my income. I have a lot of free time i can be online and wouldn’t mind using it in a productive way. Please serious answers only.
Good Lord I’ve already seen spammers hit on this question DAM THEY ARE GOOD

Nagesh answers:

Hi Grin Reeper,
Here is my Serious Answer. Stay away from the lure of the emails and websites providing false promises. Start searching for ways to create your own small business via the Internet. Use your time productively by educating yourself on how to build a business around your interests. I personally have learned to build websites around my interests and found it to be very affordable and productive. I found a web host that would assist and train me through each step of the process. So, what are your interests and passions. Start researching how to build a business around that. It will pay off far better then all the time wasted looking for a ready made get rich quick thing that just doesn’t exist. I hope this has helped to spark some ideas.


Thomas asks…

How to get started as an online entrepreneur?

I need some guidance in starting my own business online. Where is the best place to start?
what is the best way to start affiliate marketing?
I’ve been reading some books on entrepreneurship, what are some other books that you would recommend?

Including your email address would be much appreciated for further contact.

Nagesh answers:

Working an affiliate program is very difficult for an individual to do, and the stats say that 97% of all people that enter into an affiliate marketing program will never realize a true profit. Your best bet is join and promote an affiliate marketing “team”. These are free to join groups of people that ban together to enter into affiliate marketing programs as a group. This gives you the advantage of having hundreds of other people promoting with you in order to earn money for everyone involved. Some of the programs these teams enter can cost as much as 50.00 a month, but there are a few good teams out there that cost as little as 6.00 a month. Keep in mind that affiliate marketing teams are not get rich quick scams. They have to be worked and promoted in order to succeed, but the ability to make a very nice living is there for those that follow the team system.

Laura asks…

what is a good way to make money online?

IM trying to think of some sort of get rich quick thing,but not from advertising online or ebay,any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Earning money is never easy and always requires at least *some* knowledge.

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Thursday, February 6th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Ideas For Kids

Helen asks…

What would be the best idea to make an argument about obesity in a researched argument?

I want to make an arguments on obesity in America in my research paper/argument. I was thinking of blaming American society but this might have limited information. I need 10 sources. What would be a good argument?

Nagesh answers:

Get facts about fast food in America. Ex. There are 13,000 Mcdonald’s restaurants in America.. It’s much easier to stop and get a value meal rather than finding the nearest grapefruit. Talk about kids who have working parents and are given some money, where are they going to grab something? They resort to fast food. Also, you can talk about how there is no incentives for Americans to put down the cheeseburger when they have pills to lower their cholesterol.their pills are paid for by who? The rest of Americans. (Public Health) argue that if we were responisble for our health we would make better decisions but because people pay for our medications there is no reason to be healthy.

Daniel asks…

How does a young teen make some money fast?

I need 400 dollars, but I’m only 14 and so there’s a limited amount of things I can do. I have about two months to make 400 bucks. Anyone have suggestions as to what I can do to raise some cash? Much appreciated!

Nagesh answers:

Deliver newspapers, walk dogs, mow lawns, tutor younger kids if you are good at a subject in school, sell baked goods, iron clothes for people, do errands for people, pet-sit, bus tables, do party cleanup, wash and wax cars, put out flyers offering to help with home improvement projects, wash windows in town for businesses, get groceries for elderly people ….

Example: One girl I knew set up a bakery delivery service – she baked and delivered fresh bread and baked goods (even birthday cakes) around the neighborhood and made decent money. Make sure not to undercharge.

Idea: Offer to help before, during and after parties. Keep things neat, food out, get drinks for people (not alcohol), take coats, entertain kids, keep music going, whatever help is needed. Then, help clean up later.

Make up nice flyers and distribute them around your neighborhood. Keep letters of recommendation in a file to show people.

Good luck!!

Sharon asks…

What are some creative ideas for an eye witness oral report for an anthropology course?

I have to give a oral report for my anthropology course. I need some creative ideas, I was thinking doing a board game so it would involve the class and I could give lots of information, but I have no idea where to start. Any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Make the report by copying an idea like Monopoly.

Make a cardboard square layout.

This is a list of Anthropological advantages the players get while going round the board. Like (as you land on this square)

1. You came down from the trees to find better food. Receive $100.

2. You learned to walk upright, from tree clump to tree clump. Receive $100.

3. You picked up a rock and threw it at a rabbit. Good food..! Receive $150.

4. You found a stout bit of wood and used it as a club, saving your life from wolf attack. $150.

5. You found a mate and she watches you back and helps you hunt. $200.

6. While making a stone axehead, you accidentally strike a flint and learn how to make fire. $500

7. Using a long stout stick, you keep your distance from the prey you are trying to kill.
From that comes your first spear. $150.

8. You start saving the animal furs for you and your mate. You keep warm. $200.

9. You join up with 2 more couples and become a hunting pack. Food becomes better. $500.

10. The pack females all have kids. You find a cave for everyone to live in. $1,000

1. You are chased by a wolf pack and have to stay stuck up a tree for 3 days. Pay $200 fine.

2. Running between the trees, you sprain your ankle. No food for 4 days. Pay $200 fine.

3. You walk out into the Savanna. No rocks on the Savanna. You left your rock behind.
No food. Rabbits too fast to catch. Pay $200 fine

4. You left you club and spear behind. Now you must walk back 20 miles. Pay $200 fine.

5. You spot an attractive female. Another male wants her and beats you up. Pay $200 fine.

6. While making fire, you accidentally set fire to your furs, getting a nasty burn. Pay $350 fine.

7. You pierce an animal with your spear but it runs away with your spear.
Spear lost. Pay $200 fine.

8. A sudden snow storm and you almost freeze to death. Pay 300 fine.

9.You meet other Humans but they are Neanderthals and very hostile.
You run away from your hunting grounds. Pay $500 fine.

10. Your mate and child find and eat carrion and get food poisoning and die. Pay $300 fine.

Wild Cards.
1. Go back up into the trees. Stay there. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.
2. Forfeit your game catch to a stronger group. Pay $200 fine.
3. You find wild apples and berries. Collect $200.
4. Hiding from lions. Stay here and miss one go. Pay $200 fine.

Makes each square by alternating the good and bad things.
Make cardboard wild cards.
Make paper money and give everyone $600 dollars kick-off money.
Get some dice and toy soldiers for ‘Men.’

Charles asks…

Any ideas on how to make a kitchen and bath remodeling business grow?

My family owns a business that sells kitchen and bath cabinets. Any ideas on way’s to advertise and make it grow effectively? It’s not that we are small, but obviously you always want more? any suggestions will me read. thanks for the help. If you are in the kitchen/bath business please let me know what did or did not work for you. Thanks for the help!

Nagesh answers:

You are kidding right? Have ya heard? We are in the worse depression since 1928 and the economy still continues to deteriorate. I can promise you that the last thing on peoples minds now is spending a wad of money on a new kitchen. They dont know when they too will be layed off. Besides everyone knows homes are depreaciating at a rapid pace. Why dump $20 grand into an asset that is losing value faster then this country is losing jobs. Any child knows better then that.

Even the wealthy stopped spending money on their homes but this is the only market worth going after because some still are spending, just being more careful. The economy is choosing what cabinet to buy, not the customer. Those who walk into my showroom make a beeline for the pretty cherry but end up buying the less costly oak. As little as 3 years ago I had 3 to 5 people per week coming in with a $25,000 kitchen budget. Today once a month some one walks in with a broken drawer box they need replaced. The best part is when they walk in with a stack of bids 5″ thick and ask you for another one. New home starts across America stands just about at zero.

Now to answer your question with a wish and a prayer. Advertising in newpapers or magazines is a waste of money. The consumer is numb from ads that bombard them every day. Most saying the same old crap. Lowest prices of the year. Best sale yet. Compare and save. Free installation…and on and on. Another waste of money are those contractor referral services. You pay for so called qualified leads. But only one in 100 ever call you back. Most of us honestly believe the Bob Vila and Service Master referral services have hundreds of fake phone numbers to sell leads with. Out of about 40 leads so far that we paid $25 each for, we got 2 small jobs from them.

The one thing that does work is very expensive. It’s called google optimization. It cost us $1500. What it does is anyone searching key words will get YOUR business web site as the very first listing on google. Google already knows where the searcher lives. If they simply type “cabinets” into the google search bar, YOUR company will come up because google knows the searcher lives in Anytown,USA so it will find Anytown Cabinet company.

My friend all you can do is sit and wait. I just hope you are living off the fat from the good days. But for most of us, the fat is decomposing quickly. I been in in this biz for 29 years and I still stand. But perhaps 70% of everyone I knew in the cabinet biz has moved on to something else. It is not good out there and I see little hope of any improvement in the housing market as well as the economy for a very very long time. Of course that is not what this govt says when they try to pull the wool over we the peasants heads. They are liars, criminals and crooks. I am honest and truthful with nothing to gain by being honest and truthful.

I wish you luck. I really do.

Ruth asks…

What is the fastest way to earn cash for a laptop?

My brother is always on our computer, and I would really like to have my own laptop. My parents are skeptical of this, and say that the family computer is just fine, but I can’t stand not having my own space. I haven’t asked, but there’s no point in asking them to buy it for me. Any ideas on how to get some money???????????!!!

Nagesh answers:

A used or refurbed laptop will get you what you want faster than a new one. You should be able to get a nice one for around $200 or so.

Here are some books that will show you how to get your own business up and running. Check your local library:

Fast Cash for Kids … Bonnie & Noel Drew
Better than a Lemonade Stand … Daryl Bernstein
50 Money Making Ideas for Kids … Lauree & L Allen Burkett
Jobs for Kids … Carol Barkin & Elizabeth James
The Kids’ Business Book … Arlene Erlbach
Making Cents … Elizabeth Wilkinson
Make More Money Than Your Parents … Mike Bundlie and Others
How to Be a Teenage Millionaire … Art Beroff

If you really get into something profitable and your parents are onboard, you will be able to help save them on taxes as well as make money for yourself … And maybe even get your brother his own PC or laptop next Christmas.

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Wednesday, February 5th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online For Free

Helen asks…

Where/How to download a Free, Working, Activated The Sims 3 (PC)?

Hello, I was looking on Parsimonious, just browsing all the fashion when I realised – wouldn’t my Sims be a lot more awesome if they were on The Sims 3? Anyway, I realised – I have no left over money (Well, I do, but I’m a total loner and don’t get out the house!) from the holidays and realised I wanted to make a whole new world for all of my Sims, where they were free to mingle and then I delete them so as I may install a real copy of the Sims 3… Anyway, any links to get the Sims 3 (Activated for PC) for free? Also, If I have to have an account, give me your details or don’t post that link. Don’t think I’m being tight, this will just be temperery because I think it’s easier to just have a disk – I will only have the download until Monday (I’m going shopping).
So yeah, any FREE, ONLINE, FAST, NO SIGN UP (Unless you give me your account) AND NO TOOL-BAR DOWNLOAD (Did that earlier, only got a tool bar…) The Sims 3 downloads (Only Shareware or Freeware, NOT spyware pleasseee!) must be posted. My poor, innocent Sims are being treated mean, they deserve TS3. 🙂 Please help xxx <3

Nagesh answers: are like obsessed with Sim!
Why dont you go out with friends and live a real life instead!
Just saying 🙂

Sandy asks…

Website creating and making money online?

ok I’m thinking about creating a wbsite. Are there any websites that I can create for free and make abit of money on. I was thinking about using and starting a business where I create logos for people and they could donate a couple of pounds/dollars to say thanks. Also I was thinking of making a website where people give me there ps3 account and I rank them up really fast on call of duty for really cheap(yet agin they do a donation) but I’m not too sure. Could you please leave your own ideas! Thanks

Nagesh answers:

Why ask people to donate? Maybe 1 out of 50 might donate something. Unless a donation is required, then it’s not really a donation.

If you have a skill, then why not try making some money off of it?

And if you are really good at making graphics, banners, logos, then outsource your skills. There are many places where you can advertise yourself and get paid.

Sites like (any gig only cost someone $5.00, so you make $5.00 for logo), or or or I know several people making their livings there. And making decent money.

The sites above do take a small percent of your action, but in return they provide a safe and fair working environment for you too.

Yes, you can also make your own website. Today it can cost you less than $10.00 a year for your own domain name and as low as $3.00 a month for decent web hosting. Many web hosting companies include free web templates or “Web Site Tonight” with a few clicks you got a website built.

Moreover, you can create a free FAN page on Facebook and push more traffic to your jobs and website.

I’m not entirely sure how many people who have PS3 will be willing to let you login to their account. That is more of a security worry than a profit maker. But the graphics is a good idea.

Good Luck!

Lisa asks…

where can I watch the last airbender full movie?

I want to watch the movie but I don’t have the money for it. Where can I watch it online for free? If I can’t yet, how can I make fast money?

Nagesh answers:

Its not worth your time or money to see it
it is horrible at best

George asks…

I need to find a cell phone number fast- and FREE!!!?

ok, so like the question said, i need to find a cell number really fast, and really FREE!! so there is this person i used to know, rite? well, i lost touch with her, and i really want to get her cell phone so i can contact her. she doesnt have a home fone and i dont know her address, but i know her name, is there any place online that i can find this cell phone number for free by using her name? please, i need it to be free– with the holidays fastly approaching, i need to save as much money as possible, so please i need the search to be free! dont say google- already tried that! i also know her email address, but she never gets on email. she has a private myspace/facebook, and i dont have one so dont say that either. this person is very special to me. please, im begging someone, please help me!
hey guys, thx for the answers, but a reverse cell phone search wont help- i dont know this girl’s cell phone!

Nagesh answers:

There’s no free cell phone directory.

Susan asks…

Avatar fight online androids.and iphone?

I want 2 kno a way 2 make fast money for free….. Join minaj124barbie

Nagesh answers:

Nope, no such avatar game online since it’s not available…

Good luck!

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Tuesday, February 4th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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