Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast From Home

Lisa asks…

How can I find a website with legitimate?

ways to make money at home with little or no investment, you have all seen the bogus ones and I’ve probably been there and done than, I am on disability which really isn’t much and am looking for a legit way to make some money from home either online or doing anything from home, I am trying to support 4 kids and falling behind fast.

Nagesh answers:

Would love to share what I do from home. I am giving you my web site , how ever it is a bit vague. I have a couple of options of how I can deliver the information one is on the phone and the other would be thru skype and a slide presentation. I am not able to send a simple email because it is important to hear all the information in it entirety. You can request information on the first page of my web site.

If you are interested in setting up a time to talk please just email me. You can stop by my blog and it may give you a bit of info about me as a person rather than a computer on the other end .

Robert asks…

I want to be self employed. What jobs do you think I can do working from home?

I have a Construction Project Management Degree, no experience in this sector. I have experience in retail, although it is not something I love doing.

I like the green and sustainability issues and careers, if there is anything you can think of just pop it down. Doesn’t necessarily have to be to do with sustainability, as long as it is not a way of making a fast bit of money, but has relatively low set up costs.

Nagesh answers:

Unless you have very specific skills, such as graphic design, web design, computer programming or sell on eBay, Amazon or Etsy, there are no real internet work at home jobs. On line jobs are just another urban myth. You will just be bombarded with all kinds of work at home scams such as data conversion, envelope stuffing, data entry, captcha entry, document coding, home assembly, medical transcription, reading e mails, surveys, etc.

Paul asks…

How do I run away from home?

I am a 19 year old who has to leave home and my old life for reasons I would rather not discuss. I have thought hard about this and I am mature, so I don’t want people telling me this is a bad idea, because I have my reasons.
The problem is I dont quite know what I’m doing. I need to know what I should do to find a place to live such as a homeless shelter temporarily or a cheap apartment. I’m planning on going to either Manhattan or Canada.
Another problem is that I have diabetes, so I need to find a program to help me pay for my medication.
I also only have $400, so I need to know ways I can make fast money and how I can live off this until I get more.
I also need to know how to stay hidden, without changing my name.
Any advise would be extremely helpful. I know most of you reading this will think this is not a mature decision, but I am old enough and mature enough to know this is a step I need to take. I just need your help in figuring out how I should carry it
By the way, I have enough diabetes supplies for at least 4 months, so getting cheap supplies is not a pressing issue for me.
Many of you responded saying at 19 “running away” is “moving out”. In my case with how overbearing the relatives in my house are, it would be running away. They will look for me and I would rather not be found.
Just to address some random answers, this is not a “teen drama” situation. If you talked to people that know me, they would tell you that’s the last crap I ever want to get into. This is a serious situation where I need to get away from my family, and it’s not abusive so calling an abuse hotline would not be helpful.
Most of your advice is great, but what I would also like to know is what I can do to stay hidden. My family will call the police when they learn I’m gone, and I don’t want to end up in a “missing person” poster.
And I do have a friends I can stay at, but I’d rather not stay there for a while which is why I bring up other places to stay.
And no, I’m not running away from the law. This is a personal family related issue.
Some details I guess I should throw in:
I’m a male, so it would be rather hard to sell myself on the street, not that I was even considering that route to make money. Thanks for the advice though on finding odd jobs or jobs where you get cash tips/pay.
Also, you can’t join the military if you have diabetes.
And my plan for all this to start is December 13th and I’ll be in Vermont. I have friends there who’s place I can stay at, so any advice on how many bags I can carry around and still be mobile until I find a settlement and what absolute essentials such as ID, food, etc. would be helpful. Thanks again guys. You have no idea how much this is helping me.
BTW, I don’t have a car or a license. I know, a 19 year old without a license? Ridiculous!
I’m hearing from a lot of you Manhattan’s a horrible idea. If I go to Canada, what would be my options as a permanent U.S. resident (no, I’m not a citizen) for getting a job and applying to their healthcare programs? And if Canada isn’t going to work out, what’s a good spot in the Northeast I should check out?
Another possibility that came to mind is California. What’s the cheapest way I could get there if I decide to, and what would be a good way for me to start a new life there?
Thanks for the answers guys. I still need more advice though.

Nagesh answers:

Um yeah your 19 you dont need to run away running away is for 12 year olds get a job. If you wanna run away just hook on the street. Good money ive been a hooker for a couple years my butthole is wider then an 18 wheeler

William asks…

Why people all over the America want to come to the US to live here? Isn’t Capitalism working there?

Everyone seems to blame Communist Cuba for some people running form the country. But people run from all over the Latin America to the US. Why? Is it because Capitalism is working great in the US? No.
It is because $1US = 15 to 5000 pesos in those countries. A good way to make money fast and return home rich. Or am I am wrong? Tell me why?
There should be “from all over the Latin America”, sorry for the mistake.

Nagesh answers:

Edumbo Centava: Your idiocy is astounding…The latin american men do the same thing in your countries too, actualyl more.

You act all macho and yet cheat on your wives with mistresses all the time, more than any other region…hypocrite!

Michael asks…

I really wanna know if this is just another internet scam to make money?

ohhh-kay. i am VERY aware that almost every single one of the “make money fast” websites are scams. But this one made me curious.. because if it was a scam… wouldnt GOOGLE (being such a big co.) wanna do something to keep their reputation positive?

if it is…..
can someone who isnt a skinking scammer ( i know i will get a ton of those cash crate trash answers) tell me a real way to make extra money ( at least $100 a month.. more would be great) from home? thank you so much.

Nagesh answers:

Don’t go there! I often find this site in my “Junk Mail” folder.What I see when I look at the properties,Message Source,This very add comes from many different e-mail addresses,which I assume this is how you’ll be earning your money,by sending to your friends,contacts,etc.,under their”GOOGLE Money” banner address.The e-mail will be an ad for this site.What will you earn? 1 or 2 cents per e-mail?It would cost you hours to earn $10.00.

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Saturday, March 15th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Uk

Steven asks…

What part-time jobs can I get in London with a Master’s in mathematics?

I’m considering taking a break from my PhD to spend a year in London as a musician. I’ll need part-time work to survive, and I’d obviously prefer doing something skilled if it means I can make the necessary money more quickly. I’ll have a Master’s degree from a top-tier math program in the US at the time I leave, so it seems like teaching jobs are the most likely candidate. I have good teaching references from my time as a TA.

In the US, I’d probably look for an adjunct teaching position at a local community college, but I’m not as familiar with the education system in the UK. Can anyone comment on whether similar opportunities exist in London, and how I’d go about finding them? Obviously a Master’s won’t be enough to teach at a more serious university, but it’d be ideal to find something more permanent than private tutoring.

I’d consider doing something in the financial industry, but I understand most positions there tend to be full-time with pretty long hours, and I want as much time as possible for music.

For background, I’m in my early twenties and will have an (unrestricted) temporary work visa for the UK.

Nagesh answers:

Hello, actually freelance private tutoring could earn you a decent amount. Central London, especially around the SE1 postcode (US zip code) is very rich indeed.

For an actual employed job, an option could be to register at job agencies as what we call a ‘supply teacher’. This is to cover full time teachers who might be on holiday (vacation), off sick and so on. The work might be quite regular but probably often require very short notice.

As you probably already know, we in Britain call Math “Maths”. You might be interested to know, that research has shown musical people tend to be also able in Mathematics.Like with yourself.

Anyway, hopefully I’ve helped….

David asks…

I’m a UK citizen and I’d like to open an account in Japanese Yen but for small savings amounts (<£5k) How/Who?

I think the Yen has a chance of appreciating against the GBP over time but is there a cheap and easy way to do it? If I had a Yen account, would the money still be quickly obtainable? I’m 29 y-o and I’d like to gradually build up my savings so would this be an efficient way to do it? Many thanks for any help.

Nagesh answers:

No harm in trying m8 good idea have a chat to your local bank and get some advice from the professional money investors hope this helps

Maria asks…

How much money do I need to save in order to move to England from New Zealand?

I’m 16 right now so I have a reasonable amount of time (about to finish Year 11 in december). I’m planning to move to England after finishing Uni and fixing up a job for there already, maybe. Around how much money would be adequate enough to keep me going for a while? Taking care of living expenses and stuff. Just a rough number so I can see if it’s actually possible. Any answers appreciated 🙂

Nagesh answers:

As a New Zealander you have three possible options to come to the UK are Uni.

1. A work visa. For this you need to be qualified to at least degree level and have a job offer from a UK employer who is licensed to employ non-EEA nationals or be transferred to a UK branch of a NZ company. Before the UK employer can get permission to employ you he must prove that he has carried out a resident market test. This involves four weeks of extensive advertising to ensure that not one single suitably qualified resident worker is available. If the job is on the shortage occupation list or the salary offered is over £150,100, the employer does not have to carry out the resident market test. These jobs are highly specialised jobs in medicine, engineering, science and the arts.

2. A Youth Mobility Scheme visa. This is a two year visa which allows young people between the ages of 17 and 30 to live and work in the UK for two years without having to meet the requirements of a normal work visa ie sponsoring employer, degree, highly skilled occupation, resident market test etc. You cannot renew it and it’s a once only visa. You cannot change into a work visa from the UK on the YMS visa.

3. An Ancestry visa. Many Commonwealth citizens have connections to the UK through a British born grandparent (or Irish if born before 31 March 1922). If you have a grandparent who fits the bill you can apply for an ancestry visa. This is a five year visa allowing you to live and work in the UK without having to meet the normal working visa requirements as above. After five years you are eligible to apply for settlement and after a further year, citizenship. You must be able to show that you have a reasonable chance of securing work in the UK.

You are required to show that you have £900 for a Tier 2 visa and £1,800 for the YMS visa in your bank account. There is no financial requirement for the ancestry visa.

Realistically, unless you have a job lined up before you arrive, allow at least 2-3 months of funds of around £2,000 per month. Remember, you have to cover your rent in advance and deposit as well as travel and food expenses until you find employment and get your first wage or salary. If you are in temporary accommodation, it will cost more than a leased property. How quickly you find work will depend on your location in the UK and the type of work you are willing/able to do.

Mark asks…

What happens if you’re owed money by a company who goes bust?

I recently organised a party at a social club. Two days later it went bankrupt. When I booked the room I was told I would get £100 back if the room wasn’t damaged. I haven’t received the money and the club is all boarded up. Where do do stand with this? And how do I get my money I’m owed?

Nagesh answers:

In the US, the government gets paid first and the rest is doled out to the creditors. Don’t know if you stand in this category, BUT, you have to file quickly to get reimbursed as once the funds and assets are gone, it’s so long Charlie.

I suspect the UK has a similar system.

Jenny asks…

How do I get rid of acne? ( Reply quickly please. )?

Okay so for a long time now I’ve suffered from acne. At first it was one or two that could easily be covered up by some foundation, and now it’s all over the place. My back, my neck, behind my ears, my chest, and of course my face. I’ve tried many products, and nothing seems to work. Toothpaste doesn’t work, over the counter products don’t work, and I’ve tried mask and they only make it worse. I’m just sick and tired of not wanting to look in the mirror because I know that I’ll see that my acne has gotten worse in just one day. I know I can’t cure it in a day, or week; so I’m willing to be patient. Gym is coming up in school in a month or two, and last year I already got made fun of. I don’t want to get made fun of again. I get bullied for not having clear skin, so I constantly stay up in my room trying and researching way to get ride of it. Nothing seems to work. I don’t have a lot of money, but I will be willing to try home made remedies. I really need this. I’m the only kid in the family that has acne, and my family always makes side comments like. “I’ve never had acne on my back before so I want to go swimming.” It’s awful. Please, please, please, PLEASE help me. I’m desperate, and all my friends have a clear face. I always feel like they’re checking my face to see my new pimples instead of paying attention to me instead. No, I will not see my doctor because I can’t talk to my parents about it. Last time I did they told me I should wash my face more. Anything would be nice. Thank you.

Nagesh answers:

If you’ve exhausted all the over the counter products now is the time to visit the GP – they can prescribe antibiotics

Having acne doesn’t mean that you don’t clean yourself properly, that’s a myth – severe acne needs medical treatment, in your case if it’s that widespread over the counter products are not going to help

I found this book helpful when I was trying to understand what causes acne – the writer is a dermatologist who also suffers with acne

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Friday, March 14th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money In The Summer

Lizzie asks…

ways to make some summer money within a month?

I need about 100 dollars before may 24th.
I’m a girl in 9th grade.
I’m not 16 yet, so, i can’t really get a job.
any good ideas?
besides the obvious babysitting jobs,
i don’t really have many babies to watch
where I live.


Nagesh answers:

Ok, let me start by saying if there was an easy way for anyone to make $1000 bucks or $500 bucks a month online everyone would do it. There is no easy way to make money online. As we all know, kids are always looking for some extra cash for a new video game, skateboard, clothes, ect… This article is written to show them there is a way to earn some extra money.

The easiest way to start earning money is to get a blog up and running has blogs available and literally takes 2 or 3 minutes to get up and running. A blog is where you post about a specific topic or yourself. Once you have your blog up and running, you can click a button that says Monetize Your Blog. This is a service through Google Adsense that displays Google Ads throughout your blog. Google is smart so it shows ads that relate to the topic of your blog which will make people want to click on the ads. Each time an individual clicks on one of the ads, you get paid directly to your google account.

Clicks range anywhere between 5 cents to about 3 dollars depending on your topic. It will be a slow process getting readers to your blog but when you create good posts and content, people will come back to hear what you have to say next. Here is a link that will explain step by step how to setup your blog

Chris asks…

How to make money in the summer?

So I’ve already had a lemonade stande, and im to young to have a job. So does anyone have any ideas?? Thanks

Nagesh answers:

Make babysitting flyers using the computer and put them in the library, people’s mailboxes, and grocery stores.
Drum up more business and keep a notebook to schedule when you do get a customer.
Culver’s minimum hiring age is 14 with a workers permit.
I called many stores because I am looking for a job. This was the response they gave which makes me happy after looking for so long.
Find a local one go online and apply and go in store to apply or call and ask if they are hiring.

What I did was Google a bunch of business near my home and found their numbers using Google maps or their sites and I called and directly asked if they are hiring and what age do they hire at.

Try local grocery stores, pizza parlors, retail stores, fast food restaurants.

Mandy asks…

Is this a good idea for a teen to make money?

My friends and I have been making these ice creams by putting ice cream in a small cup and filling the rest up with juice and putting a stick in it. We were thinking of some ways to make money this summer and i was thinking about selling them…do you think this is a good idea?

Nagesh answers:

Yeah, if you’re going to make them anyways, there’s no problem with getting money along with it.

Sharon asks…

Ways to make money over the summer? ?

Hey guys! I’m 14 years old, but I’m told I’m very mature for my age! I absolutely love shopping for clothes and makeup, and this summer I wanted to go on shopping sprees and get new clothes for starting high school. Obviously my mom will buy me some stuff but not that much! I love to bake, I’m great with kids and animals, and Im creative. I’m not doing online surveys.-_- anyway any ideas how I could make A LOT of money? I thought about putting up flyers for clarinet lessons? I have played the clarinet for 3 years and I am the 2nd best in my district? I could charge for 30 minute lessons or an hour? All ideas will be greatly appreciated. (:

Nagesh answers:

Do has work or baby setting around your neighborhood.

Thomas asks…

Fund raising ideas that make a lot of money?

I am planning on going to a trip with People to People next summer, but the problem is it cost 6500 plus extra money just to spend what are some good fund raising ideas. I live in an apartment so lawn work is out of the question and I cannot baby sit because almost everyone in my building is in college or are senior citizens. So what are some ways to fund raise money by May, 1.

Nagesh answers:


try this website. They pay you money to click on ads. Not much but it adds up quickly. This is real

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Thursday, March 13th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast Online

Chris asks…

money fast?

hiya im jess and i really want to earn some money im 13 and im not sure if i can get a job yet can i? my sister earns loads because she goes and plays the flute in york i used to play saxephone and i play piano still but i dont no do u have any ideas of money earning ideas??????????????? X.X.X

Nagesh answers:

If you want to make some extra money, I’ll introduce Agloco, a money making scheme sitting at home.
Agloco is a global online community growing fast in recent days.
Surfing the internet as usual(at least 10min a day), you can get paid.
You are never required to pay or buy anything.
Therefore there is no risk, and it it free to join.
For more information to make more money, click

Don’t worry about your age, as Agloco allows over the age of 13.
If you don’t like this idea, just ignore.
I’m not forcing you to join, but I just wanted you to know a good opportunity.

Paul asks…

How can I make money fast online ??!?

I Need some money so how can i make money online ?!?
i need trusted websites
thanks (:

Nagesh answers:

There’s no such thing. The idea that you can make any reasonable amount of money answering surveys or online is just a myth, preying on those who, like you, want to make money quickly and easily without having to work at it.

They are all scams, or at best pay only a few cents. There is no get-rich quick methods on the internet any more than there were get-rich quick schemes that work in real life.

Mandy asks…

How do insurance agent make their (fast) money?

My friends father makes up to 1 million dollars a year selling insurance!
I think he works independently… Do you need a certain degree to do this or anyone can do it?

Nagesh answers:

Everyone dreams of getting rich quickly and easily online. Unfortunately the truth is making money fast online is easy but only after you gain the knowledge and pay your dues.You must be willing and disciplined to pay the price. Only those who consistently work to gain and apply the knowledge will achieve their financial goals online.Online businesses are one of the fastest growing markets in the financial world. Making money online has many advantages over traditional brick and mortar establishments.Businesses on the internet have very low start-up costs, little overhead, and are virtually always open and can provide automated streams of income. You do not even need to have any of your own products. Physical products are not required to create a fortune either. Digital products provide the highest profit margin imaginable for any online business. Usually employees are not required as well.

In contrast, traditional brick and mortar businesses do require employees, real estate costs, utility bills, insurance, among others and can only be open for business a limited number of hours. But why do so many people fail to make money fast online? There are two major reasons.

First, many people who are looking to make money fast online are not willing to work. The truth is you cannot instantly amass a fortune overnight by magic or by flipping a switch. Yes, work is required to make money fast on the internet. Greed and laziness are two common characteristics many naturally own. Simultaneously these two characteristics are the most commonly exploited and preyed upon by shady individuals to profit from themselves.

Second, those who are willing to work, lack the knowledge of how to drive large amounts of traffic to their websites at a low cost. Failing to market properly to potential buyers often times breaks the bank, making it impossible for someone just starting out to make money fast on the internet. Then how are so many people amassing fortunes quickly online?

Online fortunes are produced by those who simply gain the knowledge, then apply that knowledge, and are willing to apply it over a relative number of months rather than a few fleeting days. Making money fast and effortlessly online does not happen instantly. But it does happen fast every time knowledge is exercised.

Fast can be defined when understood within a contrasting timeline. For example, in order to become rich working for someone else in the corporate world, years and decades are a requisite to climb the financial ladder of success. Now compare the corporate world timeline to the online world. The ladder of financial success on the Internet is realistically weeks or months as long as real knowledge is gained and continuously applied. The fastest way to gain the knowledge is to personally hire a mentor or coach as a systematic guide. However this student and teacher relationship can be expensive. A mentor will require substantial payment upfront in return for their time to properly teach a student. For example, a university or college expects students to pay their tuition in full before the semester begins.

Also, there is nothing in place to hold the mentor accountable to ensure your success. Once that mentor has been paid there is no guarantee you will be successful. As well, if you fail to graduate from a university, a refund will not be provided.

The alternative to hiring a personal mentor is to simply find a successful product or service where the supplier will financially benefit from your success. Selling a product where the profit is split between the student and the teacher holds both sides accountable. The teacher will be motivated to make sure the student is successful selling their product or service. Each time a sale is made, profit is divided among both sides in a previously agreed upon cut. The bottom line is the more money made within a team, the more money divided among all members of that successful team. The secret of the very wealthy in any business field is leveraging the efforts of teamwork to produce the highest and fastest amount of money for all partners.

Now, you just need to find the right money-making relationship where both sides are held accountable to fast financial success. When you do find the right relationship, you will then be able to earn money as you learn the knowledge. As you continue to apply the knowledge, more money will be earned and you can then leverage more to make more and thus a relatively fast fortune is acquired.


Jenny asks…

How Can I Make Money Fast?

I Want To Make Some Money For 2 Halloween Parties I Will Be Attending In Two Weeks Time, The Only Problem Is That I Have No Money For A Good Outfit, I’m 13 .. My Parents Are Very Strict I Won’t Let Me Do Paper Rounds Etc And My Parents Don’t Have A Great Deal Of Money Due To Bills And Gas Prices Going Up, Ive Already Put Designer Items On Ebay. Does Anyone Have Any Suggestions How To Make Some Money Fast? Thanks.
NOTE* I’m From The Uk

Nagesh answers:

IF you want make money online fast means then just visit

Maria asks…

how can i make money fast online?

Nagesh answers:

Here is a list from the most easy to the hardest ways to make money online.

#1 – sell stuff on craigslist
#2 – sell stuff on ebay
#3 – find a product from amazon or clickbank, etc and promote them on blogs, below are 2 examples of such blogs.


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Wednesday, March 12th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick

Lisa asks…

Is Vector Marketing and CUTCO a good company to work for?

I’m about to start working for Vector Marketing and CUTCO. They promised me the potential to earn large quantities of money quick. Can anyone tell me whether or not this company is a legit place to work at.

Nagesh answers:

Stay away. A friend of mine tried them and made no money. They are a door to door knife sales company.

Nancy asks…

How Can I Earn The Money?

Hey Guys,

The riding club I used to ride at is closing down. I have been riding there scince I was 5. The horses I’ve grown up with are going to either be sold, going to a slaughter house or be put down, which I can’t stand the thought of. I would want to buy one of the horses, but I need more money. I have roughly 3grand ( Singapore dollars!) and I need more. My friends have agreed to help me, but we don’t know how to earn the money. So what is the quickest way to earn money?
Oh yea- Im 12!

Nagesh answers:

My brother has a lawn business. He makes 17 per lawn, each one taking about an hour. That is like three hours worth of babysitting for me! You can laso babysit, car washes, lemonade stands, pet sit, fundraiser w/ family and friends, garage sale. There are a lot of things you can do. I really hope you can help those horses, that is so cool. Also, for birthdasy and christmas ask for money. Hope this helped you!

Maria asks…

How can I make money quick and easy as a 13 year old?

I’m 13 and a girl and I’m trying save/earn money for an Apple Macbook Air 11″ 1.6GHz Core i5 2GB 64GB Flash at and Canon EOS Rebel T3 Camera with 18-55mm IS II & 75-300 Lens Bundle at I’ve saved pretty much but I want to know if there are any ways I can earn money quicker then the $7 dollar allowance I get a week for doing chores. I know I can get the items I want cheap by buying a used or refurbished one of it but I’m still low on cash. Help please? c:

Nagesh answers:

Unfortunately because of your young age, its tough to gain employment of any kind. Perhaps you can deliver the community news paper or do chores around the house or neighbors. Other than that your options are limited. You could convince your parents that you need a computer for educational purposes.

Donna asks…

laptop and computer jealous but short of money?

I really want a laptop( a nice one) and an ipod touch and i am short on money and cant afford those types of things. is there anything i can do besides the little kid stuff to earn money quick that isn’t illegal and without having to get a real job.

Nagesh answers:

R u spoiled?? I hate spoiled people

Anyway ya know just remember to be grateful for what you will be very good

so.. I have a newspaper job that gives me $40 a month and get around $20 a month for chores..Chores..Help ur parents and stuff

But whatever you do!

Do not act beyotchy!!!!!!!!1

Mandy asks…

How to earn decent money when you are 14?

I am fourteen, and the quickest and most practical answer to this question is to get a job, but unfortunately in this economy no one is hiring kids my age? How can I earn enough money for a computer before the Summer? (Or before Highschool in other words)
I don’t wan’t bogus scam sites.

Nagesh answers:

Well this worked for my friends…and I hope it works for me too…

Idnt think you actually get 3000 in a week but my friends made about 400 each so far 🙂

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Tuesday, March 11th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money

James asks…

what is a quick way to make money when you are 11?

no answers like ”help by doing chores” or ”buy things and sell them again” please, remember there will be a adult helping me if there is anything to do with paypal or credit cards. what i am looking for is a way to make quick money. if you can answer this question thanks for your help 😉

Nagesh answers:

Start an errand and odd job service in your neighborhood. Print up flyers and hand them out to your neighbors.

Betty asks…

Anyone know any quick ways to make money i broke my brothers guitar and need to pay im 13 and please help?

from your own experiences or just know any ways just please help

Nagesh answers:

Don’t borrow money from anyone ever! Tell him you broke it and will offer to do his chores around the house to pay for it. Borrowing money from friends can get you into trouble. Tell your brother you broke it, and that you’re sorry. Tell him you will work it out.

Ruth asks…

what are some ways to make some quick money?

i need to make some money considering i cant find a job and i just needed some ideas. i cant make money with chores btw.

Nagesh answers:

Go find a wishing well and take the change out of it

Jenny asks…

quick ways to make money?

what are some quick ways to make money. anything that involves like working without getting a job.

Nagesh answers:

Like working without getting a job?

Those are odd jobs I guess, babysitting, mowing lawns etc. Are they quick? Usually, do you sound like a responsible person I would hire as a babysitter or to mow my lawn? Nope

Donald asks…

What are some quick LEGAL ways to make money?

I need to make at least $400-500 in about two weeks. Im willing to do anything LEGAL to make this money so I can attend school. Any suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

When it comes to making money on the internet, the only way I can think of is Affiliate Marketing. This is the best way to earn cash from the internet and everyone can do it without even having to spend a dime.

If you search in Google you will find tons of ebooks and videos with money making methods, that are so expensive and on top of that so damn useless. Don’t go for the secret methods and etc. – there are proven internet marketing methods that work and you are able to make a lot of money with them.

I’m giving away a great ebook for free that is teaching you how to make money with ClickBank – the best affiliate network out there. All you have to do is to check the website below, download the ebook and start your journey to internet riches!

Good Luck!

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Monday, March 10th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making

Robert asks…

How do you make fast mesos on maplestory?

I really need more mesos because all I have is 7mil. What are ways to make fast money? Quests, areas, etc.

Nagesh answers:

Cellions in amoria drop a lot of money for their level, but have bad spawn
leperchauns in NLC drop good money too, but spawn isnt that great either
there is a lv 36 quest in NLC that gives a GFA, which is up to 10 mil depending on server
wolfspiders (lv 80) in NLC drop 1k+ and have good items too
when you’re lv 120+, go bossing

Ken asks…

What are some simple ways to make money?

what are some very simple ways to make good fast money in a small town with very high artistic abilities. I live in mtn view ark.

Nagesh answers:

Get a job
paint/draw pictures and sell them

Joseph asks…

How to make money if your young?

I’m only 14 and I cannot get a job anywhere because of my age and child labor laws 🙁 I want to make fast money. I thought about babysitting, how would I go about doing this? Or if you have any other ways I could make money?

Nagesh answers:

Actually, Canada has not yet specified to the International Labor Organization, (convention 138) on minimum working age requirements. You are legally allowed to work, and places like McDonalds would most definitely be willing to hire you as long as you’re a reputable kid with good references, a good interview and a nice resume 🙂 ! I actually worked at Tim Hortons when I was 14 ! The only limitation would be if the place you’re applying to has an age limitation and obviously you can’t work a the liquor store/beer store/convenience store/waiter etc because you would need to be 19+ !

Good luck 😀 !!!

Laura asks…

How do I make quick money on horse isle without leaving Earton?

How can I make really fast money from horse isle without leaving Earton. If you say quests I did most of them. Im buying a llama so i need money. I know about hay but that only gives u $90 a bale. so Help or give me money. My thingy is on Brown server HunterJumperGirl

Nagesh answers:

It would be pretty tough to make money without leaving Earton. I would suggest competing in either Simple Jumping. The entry fee is only $500, and you won’t need to shoe your horse after every round.

Another suggestion would be to go to one of the two mini-games there, the Word Guess or the Barrel Racing mini-games.

Another suggestion would be scouring the forests, beaches, and grasslands around Earton for logs, cotton, gems, ores, plants, food, and perhaps the occasional Red Pine Cone. Logs and cotton can be sold to the Earton general store; gems and ores can be sold to the Earton rock shop. Plants may be sold to the Earton flower shop, and foods of any kind may be sold to the Earton food shop. Red Pine Cones can, of course, be sold to Twig who roams around Eartip Forest.

Another way would be to try the frog hopping mini-game by the Earton fishing shop, or to find a fishing pole and attempt to fish in the pond beside the fishing shop. Fish, whether raw or cooked (by a fishing shop owner), can be sold raw to the fishing shop or cooked to a general or food store.

Other than that, your own idea of making hay bales would be the last possible way to make money in or around Earton, without resorting to quests.

Chris asks…

Any good money making ideas for someone who lives in a small town!?

As far as making money goes my options are limited! Any money making ideas for someone who lives in a small town!
Jesus I dont live in THAT small a town!

Nagesh answers:

Try Tele-Commuting, this is where you work at home for major companies usually in a customer service position, you have to have a PC. You may have to pay a little money to get special equipment or you may have to pay a little more to your internet provider for a faster connection. But in most cases you won’t have to pay extra or more for anything. Whichever you choose, make sure it can be something you can apply towards making it your own business eventually, one day in the future. If you can try some part time work on the side, do it and see if it leads to bigger things. Whichever route you choose, if you do get a part time job on the side, make sure that is valuable experience that perhaps you can apply towards creating your own business down the road. Be your own boss! Being my own boss is where it’s at for me. I am also recommending a website for you. This is a great resource to get a sweet offer on work at home opportunities and you could make some good money for part time hours. Http://

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Sunday, March 9th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Scams

Richard asks…

How to use your credit card company to get a refund from a ebay seller?

so i passed the ebay buyer protection expiration date and i saw online i can talk with my credit card company to get a refund.
can you explain the process and how fast the money will be back in to my card?
thank you

also i tried to contact the seller but it seems that ive been scam since they have not replied in 4 weeks

Nagesh answers:

The Fair Credit Billing Act (FCBA) applies to charges for goods and services you didn’t accept or were not delivered. Technically, you will you need to notify your creditor in writing in order to dispute the charge. In actual practice most credit card companies allow you to file the dispute over the phone.

Within 30 days of receiving your dispute, the credit card company must respond to you in writing to confirm they received it. If you choose to only make the complaint over the phone, you still should expect to receive the written confirmation in the mail. Once the complaint has been received the credit card company must resolve it within two billing cycles, which is typically 60 days.

The credit card company will mail you a letter that your complaint is or is not valid. If your complaint is ruled valid the appropriate corrections to your account will be made. This includes permanently removing the actual charges, accrued interest charges, applicable late fees, etc. Resulting from the disputed transaction.

Lizzie asks…

Whats a good, fast way to make money online in the comfort of your home?

I live in a area where there are not alot of options for employment, ecspecially since i have no vehical. Does anyone have any advice on a online solution? thank you.

Nagesh answers:

Everything online is a scam.

Jenny asks…

How can I start a online data entry job?

I sit idle at home for whole day. Is it possible to earn money by starting online data entry? If yes, can anyone help me?

Nagesh answers:

There are a few legitimate data entry companies but are not hiring and have large waiting lists (1-2yrs). The majority of data entry jobs you seen online are scams. A real company will want you to have skills (fast typing, 10 key), may want you to know excel, and will usually ask that you have high speed internet. Once in a long while you may found one online on a job website but it is rare.

One option is to freelance and bid for data entry jobs. However, you are bidding along with many people and often other countries-so you may have to bid really low just to get a job and/or project.

Another option is to offer data entry services to businesses in your area. It can be done, I know people who have done this but it is not easy to do.

If you go to my profile, there are some data entry companies listed for free on the website. But like I said, there is a waiting list. There are also other types of work at home jobs that you may want to look into and if they interest you, you can then apply (some may require a resume). The website is free and many of the companies listed do not ask for fees either.

Linda asks…

How can i earn money with doing online data entry jos without spending any penny?

How can i earn money with doing online data entry jos without spending any penny, tell me some sites which are free to join and not scams

Nagesh answers:

This isn’t the fastest way to make money, but it’s an easy way that doesn’t require you to do anything you normally don’t do. I like to use “Swagbucks” which is a google-sponsored web search engine. The nice thing is, if you search with Swagbucks, you can earn points for searching and eventually redeem the points for gift cards, iPods and more stuff.

You won’t be able to make $50 a week or anything, but if you’re going to need to do a web search, why not get paid for something you were going to do anyways? You can sign up for swagbucks here:

It takes a little bit of time to add up to enough points, but I saved them up and then had $30 in Amazon gift cards, which was pretty cool when I needed to buy textbooks from Amazon.

Sandy asks…

What is a good flexible, job I can do online without hardly any degree or little skill?

I am interested in an online job with good or decent pay with some flexibility and/or none that require the use of a phone.I wouldn’t mind getting the training, but I don’t want to pay a fee for it.

Nagesh answers:

If you are looking for something ethical and interesting as well, i must tell you, long term steady income require some patience and dedication.. Fast and easy money are mostly scams..they ask for upfront payment and guarantee that you’ll cover it in days.. But then they disappear..
If you can write well there are a number of genuine options for you. Http://
Then Medical Trancsription is another good option, Here u need to convert data from images and audio clips to text and repost to the senders website. List and links of some genuine sites offering transcription jobs can be found here: also for freelance jobs elance and guru are good option, they offer data processing and data cleansing sort of work, which is simple and can be performed from home easily. Links for genuine data processing related jobs can be found here: they are all free to sign-up and seems legitimate so far to me.

Now how will u receive payments? Most of them will send your money by paypal, checks or wire transfer in your bank account on weekly or monthly basis.

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Saturday, March 8th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick And Easy

Sandra asks…

How can I earn more money in a easy way?

I am a high school student,and I want to earn some money.And I don’t want to affect my study.

Nagesh answers:

If any family or family friends has a business you could do some extra work there for quick money over the weekends. Other than that there’s no such thing as easy LEGAL money. LOL

Since you’re still in school selling snack foods for a lower price then the school vending machines then you could make a profit. Just don’t get caught.

Betty asks…

How to lose weight with a busy schedule?

I’m fifteen years old and I only want to lose up to seven pounds if that. Between AP classes, working part time and taking heavy responsibilities within the family it’s hard to have time to work out and eat right. I walk to school and there’s a super market nearby so I could use some of the money I earn to buy myself healthier meals before and after school. However, outside of P.E., I don’t have much time to run and work out as much as I used to when I was in middle school. Is it possible to lose weight by just eating right and having mild physical activity? I’m a vegetarian already because of some health related issues but that only opened the door to eating more carbs than anything since it can be quick an easy on the go. I recently read an article on eating 75% raw and cutting out all drinks except water and the occasional glass of fat free milk to help cleanse your body without feeling deprived. Would this be a good option for me? I don’t mind eating healthy, in fact, I never was the junk food fan as a younger child and my friends were concerned that I wasn’t eating enough or that I was starving because of it. If you can give me any tips or pointers I would appreciate it greatly. Thanks to all who answer and please, don’t lecture me on how I shouldn’t worry about my weight or anything. I am not looking to be model thin, I just want to look and feel healthier than I am now.

Nagesh answers:


If you searching How to lose weight with a busy schedule? You can try this>>>


Linda asks…

How to get into the Olympics for swimming?

I have quick enough times to at least go to the trials. I wouldn’t mind getting into Olympic swimming to earn money an easy way that I’m pretty good at. Either a website that will help or a lengthy paragraph with a few places I could contact or anything? and also if you could find a website with the Olympic Trial times.

Nagesh answers:

Here are the standards for the past few Olympic Games. If you can hit any of these times, you surely know which meets can be used as Olympic Trials qualifiers.


Donna asks…

What’s the best way tot earn money for a pre teen?

Please…My mom is making me earn money to buy my own phone…Which is about $200.
Babysitting is easy but hard to find the work.

Nagesh answers:

Hey Ashleigh! Good for your mom for teaching you responsibility first and making you earn the money. That will bee more valuable than anything you will ever buy! Just a couple of things went through my head though. Im assuming you want a cell phone,notland linee,right? Yeah! IknewI was! OK who’s going to pay the monthly fee? If your mom doesalloww a cell phone, earn her trust by allowing her to look at your messages and call history. Don’tt ever give her a reason not to trust you. Itdoesn’tt seem it now, but she’s the one who will ALWAYS be there,not friends or boyfriends. Another thing, put restrictions on your new phone so that youdon’t rackk up internert or downloading charges. They add up wicked quick! (Yeah, Im from wicked MA). So,as far as the $200. Have you checked ebay or amazon! I got a $300 phone for $25.00 and it worksGreatt! As for earning the money, clean houses for elderly! One house can give you about $100! Let me know how things work out!

Robert asks…

How to start an Affiliate Marketing Business by Buying Websites for Sale at Flippa?

Flippa is a well known business that enables people to buy and sell websites. If you want to start a affiliate business fast then the best way is to buy a turnkey website. Each website is a turn-key business opportunity that can make quick and easy money from amazon and other affiliate networks. The sites requires little setup effort and maintenance. Here is an example of 14 Niche Amazon wordpress stores for sale that can make you passive income each month. My question is, what’s the best way to market a network of niche stores such as this?

Nagesh answers:

You will be luck to earn some money using these sites. Remember, it is not so easy to earn money on the web. Google hates this kind of site which is the biggest issue here. Read some info on how to earn using amazon affiliate program and find what works for u

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Friday, March 7th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money In College

Lisa asks…

What is a quick way to raise money in the next thirty days?

My good friend received an amazing scholarship to a wonderful school, only two are given out a year. He still needed to find money for the rest of tuition which he did so through loans, etc. While attending a full load at this school, he is also attending part-time online at a community college which he also received a partial grant and some loans. However, even after checking with multiple counselors about these money issues while attending both schools, they all said it was okay. Now, a month into his first semester, the community college is telling him he has to pay back all this loan and grant money in thirty days or else he will lose everything he has worked so dilligently for. How could a miscommunication like this happen? How is this fair? Any ideas that can help me raise $2,700 in the next thirty days to help him stay in school? Please Help!

Nagesh answers:

The first thing that comes to my mind is why does your friend have only 30 days to repay the loan? I’d try to get an extension, appeal to the powers that be to have payments extended over time, so that he doesn’t lose credits. It seems to me that the administration doesn’t really want him to lose out; just is prompting him to pay up, something now at least.

To raise money, there are many ways. One of the best I’ve seen is for a student or other person to just stand on a street corner with a sign, reading” “Rent a Slave.” He offers to do home tasks, repairs, other tasks on weekends, etc. It wouldn’t be quick money but it, it think, is effective for someone like your friend. Once he tells his story to a person who might hire him, he could probably get more for each job than otherwise.

But good luck to your friend. Do check on the payment over time aspect of his loan. Or possibly he can refinance it, too, with the original source, even.

Sharon asks…

How to collect change faster/ where people most often loose change?

I’m currently doing the 52 week money college with the time cut in half, and still collecting as much change as possible. Ill be cleaning my room this week (big challenge I know -.-) and I’ve been accepting ALL the change even pennies from the customers that are willing to give them to me at work. I’m looking for ways to fill up my big ‘ol jar faster! I’m not looking for a “get rich quick scam” but looking for more places to look to collect some change where people generally loose it.
Any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

People often drop change at the drive-thru window, and don’t pick it up.

You could look under the cushions of couches and chairs in waiting rooms.

Or under vending machines.

I’d imagine there’d be a lot of lost change at a video arcade.

Chris asks…

What is the best way to sell stuff door-to-door?

I am 17 years old and I am trying to raise money for college, because I need a lot! I am selling rolled up chocolate wafers that I bought with my money for 3 dollars each, and I went to five houses and they all said that they have no cash. I need some tips for this, because I am very shy and I feel like I am going to die when I go to people’s door to try to sell it, and I have only gone to 5 houses! How can I do this easily without all of this anxiety?

Nagesh answers:

Door-to-door sales is an antique form of sales now. I am really surprised that any business still does that. Most people feel the same towards someone at their door trying to sell them something as to the telemarketer bothering them on their phone- you won’t be well received.

To make a sale- you must have salesmanship. You’ve got to have a sales pitch that makes your potential customer want more. Most likely, you are going to be selling something that your potential customer has no need for. And you must have a pitch that makes them think “You know, I guess I really could use a new XYZ product right now. Mine is a couple years old now.”

Personally, I think story tellers make the better salesmen, because you are basically telling a story as to why your potential customer needs the product you are trying to sell them.

As for anxiety- the only way to overcome it is to keep doing it. If you are noticeably nervous talking to a potential customer, they will probably slam the door shut in your face with a quick “No thank you,” Repetition, repetition,repetition. If you have a big problem controlling your anxiety- stand in front of a mirror or do role playing with friends or family and just keep practicing your intro and sales pitch until you feel comfortable doing it.

Hope this and others can help you. Good luck

**Duplicate question=duplicate answer**

William asks…

What are the quickest ways to make money and fast?

Hi I need ideas and tips on making fast cash ASAP, this is very important to me and nothing nothing illegal. I need help and advise for getting extra cash in my pockets when times are ruff right now especially going back to college. Any suggestions will be great ,be honest and nothing crazy.

Thank you all

Nagesh answers:

Lottery, if u could win that would be the fastest way.

Betty asks…

Is it easier to go to technical school or a university for radiology?

I was planning to go to Armstrong Atlantic State University and take some core classes to get the feel of college. But someone told me, if i knew that i was going to major in radiology then i could go technical school and start right way at what i want to do.

So can i get some ideas and your input on the best road to go?
Well either schools affect my salary in the long run?
Which one is the quicker way to get my “dream job”?

Nagesh answers:

I don’t know how it works at that particular school, but it does not matter what school you go to as long as it is accredited. I actually recommend hospital programs, which give you a certificate – better training, less money. A degree doesn’t make you any more money as a tech; it’s only necessary if you want to go into management or teaching. You can always go back to get your degree after you are a working tech. That’s what I did.

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Thursday, March 6th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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