Your Questions About Fast Money Online Now

Mark asks…

How to make money in singapore for teens?

i am 14 year old Singaporean girl. I want to know how to make money.. Well, in Singapore,, we can’t mow the lawns because we live in apartments, i cant find anybody who needs baby sitting or pet sitting and i can’t really make money online..
Any ideas ?

Nagesh answers:

The minimum working age limit in Singapore is 16, hence you are unable to hold a proper job until you’re 16. The only exception is fast food restaurants, like McDonald’s and KFC. They are allowed to hire teenagers below 16.

Laura asks…

How can I make money online?

I’m just wondering if I could earn any money I’m only 16 I have a debit card and things like that if i need it.
I type really fast and im pretty good in IT.

Has anyone got any ways of getting some money online.
I have lots of spare time so i thought of this

Nagesh answers:

Data Entry Work
Online Blogging
Paid Survey
Ebay Store

John asks…

Can someone please tell me the fastest way to make some cash online?

I need £500 by the end of december but I don’t have a source of income is there any way I can raise this money online? (I’m 16)

Nagesh answers:

EBay, .online surveys, part time job, paid forum, & market research. Those are some ideas I thought you could do to get some cash.

Charles asks…

Does Oline Business Systems Program really works to make money online?

How does it work? what exactly you do to make money online? Has anyone tried it yet?

Nagesh answers:

I’ve never heard of this program before. This may be a new one. Here’s a few things that you should take a look at before getting involved in any company.
1. How long have they been in business? We checked to see how long our company was around, at the time it was nine years old and now it’s 15. Do you know when they started?
2. Are they registered with the BBB. Ours is registered. I think this is important one.
3. Who’s involved with the company? Like in ours Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki has endorsed our company. Check to see if anyone has endorsed this company. Also, meet with the co-founders. We’ve personally met our co-founders and found from our first meeting that they were incredible people with incredible visions. See if their’s a time where you can meet them. If your going to be doing business, there should be a time where you should have the chance to meet with them.
4. What is the compensation plan now, and what was it like before. See the history of the comp plan and see if increases and never decreases in it’s history. We checked with the records in our business and found that in over the years, the compensation plan had only gotten better each year. As long as we’ve been involved, we’ve now witnessed the compensation plan always increasing. Check the history on yours.
5.Have they been featured in magazine’s? For instance our company has been featured in several magazines Like Success, Fortune, USA Today etc. Check to see if they have. You can get a lot of information on the company by reading about them.
6. Has Inc 500 rated them? This magazine or slit rated our company the 22nd fastest growing company in revenue in it’s first 5 years. Inc 500 shows the top 500 businesses in revenue growth. Check to see what Inc 500 rated the company your looking at.
7. Do they have a physical address that you can go to? Check for an address not just a P.O. Box
8. Where are their headquarters? Our world headquarters is in Farmington Hills Michigan, Personally been there, (If your here in the states) Other headquarters in different countries. And US headquarters in Charlotte.
9. What does the start up cost take care of? In my business headquarters takes care of all the billing for my customers, Inventory, Customer services, Order Entry, Employees, workman’s comp, Cross referencing, Licensing, Insurance, paperwork, accounts payables, accounts receivables etc.
10. What is the product and service you would be selling.
Is the product and service in high demand? For instance we offer services that people are already using every day and paying for anyway, but at a lower cost. Things like Local and Long distance telephone services, Internet, video phones, digital phones, cellular phones through all the major cellular providers. We make a percentage every single month they pay their bills. Everyone uses them and everyone pays for them. When money gets tight, would they keep your service or be able to run to the store and be able to purchase them on sale? Leaving you to have to wait until they run out of what they just purchased, or wait until their finances get settled? This is what I mean by high demand.
So many different things to check out in making sure a business is a good one to get involved in. If the business feels right to you, and all questions are answered with proof, then I’d say jump in. Running a business is different then a job though. You have to treat it like it’s your child and not just something your going to “try” you have to believe in the product and service and go at it full force. This is your future your talking about, no one else’s.
I hope my examples of what we looking into with our business helps you be able to find the same answers in the business that your looking at.

I have found the best type of business to start up is a home based business. You have the same income opportunity as a traditional business has, and you also have less over head to pay for each month. Most everything in your house, is part of your business, which becomes tax write offs. Your telephone, computer, heating, electricity, car etc. Less over head, less bills to pay out then a traditional business which means MORE profit. Home based businesses are also cheaper to start up then a traditional store front. They’re also easier to maintain.

With the business experiences that I have had, the best type of home based business to have, I feel is collaborating with another business. In doing this, it lessens the stress factor that a traditional business has, yet you have the same income opportunity, no overhead, no buying and re-selling, no bills to pay except the ones I was already paying in my own house. So everything you make, is basically a profit! That’s what my husband and I did over six years ago. We collaborated with the largest direct selling Telecommunications service provider in the world.

If you need forther help in checking out this program your looking into, feel free to email me at

George asks…

is there any way for students to earn money online?

i live in Ahmadabad , i study in ninth and wanted to know if someone of my age (15) could earn money online without any deposition . any amount .

Nagesh answers:

You could be a freelance typist for a court reporter. They would pay you by the page and you just email them finished

transcripts. I did it.-.! You just gotta go find a court clerk that needs u.
Its good money if you type fast and have an eye for detail

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Tuesday, March 25th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For College Students

Steven asks…

Is the “economic recovery” we keep hearing about actually a college bubble?

FIFTY years ago, in the glorious age of three-martini lunches and all-smoking offices, America’s car companies were universally admired. Everybody wanted to know the secrets of their success. How did they churn out dazzling new models every year? How did they manage so many people so successfully (General Motors was then the biggest private-sector employer in the world)? And how did they keep their customers so happy?

Today the world is equally in awe of American universities. They dominate global rankings: on the Shanghai Ranking Consultancy’s list of the world’s best universities, 17 of the top 20 are American, and 35 of the top 50. They employ 70% of living Nobel prizewinners in science and economics and produce a disproportionate share of the world’s most-cited articles in academic journals. Everyone wants to know their secret recipe.

Which raises a mischievous question. Could America’s universities go the way of its car companies? On the face of it, this seems highly unlikely. Student enrolments are higher than ever this year, as Americans who cannot find jobs linger or return to education. Cambridge, Massachusetts, shows no outward sign of becoming Detroit. Yet there are serious questions about America’s ivory towers.

Two right-wing think-tanks, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and the Goldwater Institute, have both produced damning reports about America’s university system. Two left-wing academics, Andrew Hacker and Claudia Dreifus, have published an even more damning book: “Higher Education? How Colleges are Wasting Our Money and Failing Our Kids and What We Can Do About It”. And US News & World Report, a centrist magazine, says in its annual survey of American colleges that: “If colleges were businesses, they would be ripe for hostile takeovers, complete with serious cost-cutting and painful reorganisations.”

College fees have for decades risen faster than Americans’ ability to pay them. Median household income has grown by a factor of 6.5 in the past 40 years, but the cost of attending a state college has increased by a factor of 15 for in-state students and 24 for out-of-state students. The cost of attending a private college has increased by a factor of more than 13 (a year in the Ivy League will set you back $38,000, excluding bed and board). Academic inflation makes medical inflation look modest by comparison.

As costs soar, diligence is tumbling. In 1961 full-time students in four-year colleges spent 24 hours a week studying; that has fallen to 14, estimates the AEI. Drop-out and deferment rates are also hair-curling: only 40% of students graduate in four years.

The most plausible explanation is that professors are not particularly interested in students’ welfare. Promotion and tenure depend on published research, not good teaching. Professors strike an implicit bargain with their students: we will give you light workloads and inflated grades so long as you leave us alone to do our research. Mr Hacker and Ms Dreifus point out that senior professors in Ivy League universities now get sabbaticals every third year rather than every seventh. This year 20 of Harvard’s 48 history professors will be on leave.

America’s commitment to research is one of the glories of its higher-education system. But for how long? The supply of papers that apply gender theory to literary criticism remains ample. But there is evidence of diminishing returns in an area perhaps more vital to the country’s economic dynamism: science and technology. The Kauffman Foundation, which studies entrepreneurship, argues that the productivity of federal funding for R&D, in terms of patents and licences, has been falling for some years. Funding is spread too thinly. It would yield better results if concentrated on centres of excellence, but fashionable chatter about the “knowledge economy” stirs every congressional backwoodsman to stick his fingers into the university pie.

The Goldwater Institute points to a third poison to add to rising prices and declining productivity: administrative bloat. Between 1993 and 2007 spending on university bureaucrats at America’s 198 leading universities rose much faster than spending on teaching faculty. Administration costs at elite private universities rose even faster than at public ones. For example, Harvard increased its administrative spending per student by 300%. In some universities, such as Arizona State University, almost half the full-time employees are administrators. Nearly all university presidents conduct themselves like corporate titans, with salaries, perks and entourages to match.

Nagesh answers:

I heard about this on NPR. You are no doubt correct. Another factor is the loss the colleges with large endowments have endured due to the latest Wall Street crash.
I’ll be interested to read what Hacker and Dreifus have to say regarding “What we can do about it”.

Mark asks…

Is it really this bad? Please help!?

So I had this really weird dream that’s actually really depressed me.

Now I need to inform you of some back story first that MIGHT be the cause of the dream.

About a year ago, I had a fiance’, we were living together and he proposed to me at the same time he asked me to move in with him. This was extremely fast considering we had only been together for 4 months. Well like a total dumbass I said yes. One night a month later we got into an argument, and the next day he comes home from work and tells me that it is over. I’m heart broken and just lose it when I hear this. I deeply deeply loved him and cared for him with all my heart. Well without letting me pack any of my things, he takes me to my moms house. A few days later I attempt to commit suicide, but strangely, I stop because of my cat who is like a child figure in my life. She and I really do have a mom/daughter type of relationship. I know it sounds strange but that’s just the way it is. Well I left him an offline suicide note before attempting, and later that day a cop comes to my home. I’m sent to a psychatric hospital on suicide lock down for a few days. I get out and all is well for a while, me and my ex talk to one another, he still even tells me that he LOVES me! Well about a month after that he tells me that he’s found someone else… And again, I just lose it. I tell him goodbye permanently, and to never speak to me ever again. Which thankfully we haven’t spoken since. However months go by and I’m still depressed from the breakup, each month gets better and better though. Hell to be honest Im still a teensy bit sad over the whole thing, but I feel almost completely back to normal too. Ive also come a long way since then. Im a Straight-A college student, making pretty good money, and I’m about 230 pounds, but I work out 3 times a week. However my weight doesn’t bother me. I see myself as a beautiful person both inside and out. Now I also need to add that I am a confident person, yet I am very shy. I’m confident in myself and what I’m doing with my life, but someone can be confident and not be a people person at the same time I guess. I also need to add that the ordeal with my ex has left me LESS trusting of people and love in general. Ive remained single since the ordeal, and Ive actually made a vow with myself to be single for the entire remaining period of my life. Stupid I know, but as I said, the whole experience with my ex just left me completely distrusting of men and love in general. Ive pushed people away simply because I don’t want them to hurt me in the end. -sigh- Lol now onto the dream. xD

Now I’ve had a BIG huge crush on David Spade since I was little. I don’t know why, I just have, and it fills my heart with joy that he was the subject of this dream.

Well it starts out kind of like a movie, lol. I was living in a nice neighborhood like I am now, however it was MUCH much nicer than my own. And one day I notice I have new neighbors. David Spade was moving in next to me along with a grandmother type figure. (btw it takes place in the summer) Well both families introduce themselves blah blah blah. Well I remember fast forwarding to a year after they move into the neighborhood. He and I are friends, but not TOO close, more like aquaintances, and I know it is because of, like usual, me pushing everyone I meet away, however I’m closer to his grandmother and I remember thinking fondly of all the times I would sit on their front porch with her and just talk. Well random stuff continues to happen like both families go to amusement parks with each other, we go out to eat, blah blah blah. Next thing the dream fast forwards to is the next day, I go to their house to yet again just talk with his grandmother. They have a pretty high foundation on their house, as well as wooden railings on the steps to their house, so no one could really see me if I were coming around a corner. Well I hear David tell his grandmother that he has this really big crush on me, and thinks that he might even be in love with me. Im really shocked to hear this since 1. while I do see myself as a beautiful person, ive never imagined attracting someone as good looking as him (hey, its my opinion and my crush! =P ) 2. in the entire year ive been single, not one person has shown interest in me, hell I only have 1 really good friend too, so even in real life, anyone showing any interest in me would be very surprising. Well confused I run back home and just think about a for a few days. Now like in real life, in the dream ive developed a small crush on him, but ive always pushed it in the back of my mind because, dun dun dun, I’m afraid of getting hurt. So again, I think it over for a few days, then something pops into my head. Ive known him for a pretty good length of time, and really what would be so wrong with letting someone in again?

Nagesh answers:

Listen 2 your Heart!!!

Sandra asks…

What do you think it takes to become a successful Real Estate Agent?

So, let me start off by explaining to you my situation. As of right now I am 17 years old. I am fixing to graduate high school a year early and graduate my associates degree in business management from being a concurrent student at the local community college. I have had the privileged of growing up around my mother whom owned her own office supply company until she retired about 4 years ago. In my opinion I have excelled in school a lot faster and more successfully then others. Now to my question. In September when I turn 18 I plan on going to Real Estate school and obtaining my required 45-clock hours so that I can test for my license. I understand that when it comes to real estate, especially when you are brand new and as young as I am.. the flow of an income is slow if not non existent for awhile. The upper hand I have is my mom is willing to support me through the first few years, that way any money I do make I will put away so that in the next five years I can proceed with the rest of my plan. I was just wondering what you think it takes to be a successful agent. I have always had a passion for real estate and a people person. I think I have good qualities, but I feel as if my age is a draw back. What do you think?

Nagesh answers:

WOW that’s great, im in the real estate field myself. It is very interesting how a 17 year old would want to pursue career in real estate. Well, this type of business can be extremely frustrating and overwhelming but can be VERY rewarding SERIOUSLY!!! Im only 20 years of age and im averaging 7k a month. One piece of advice, don’t give up on it, real estate always changes so you have to adapt to it every time. And remember one thing, there is no limit in how much you make in real estate. I love my job, i mean my career. Lol. Do you know anyone that can say that about there employment? Dont think so good luck

Laura asks…

Why do colleges lie so much to students by saying a degree will lead to success?

I used to not pay much attention to the lawyer and medical TV shows when I was a kid. I liked watching them sometimes, but I always knew I wanted to be a doctor. Well, things didn’t work out that way. It seems like who you know is more important than what you know. I’m currently trying to play catch up and get a good-paying job that will pay a living.

I cannot believe how ignorantly some TV shows are written. Damages, a TV show on FX, is complete propaganda. This woman, Ellen, is the daughter of two blue-collar parents who gets multiple six-figure jobs out of law school. She takes a job with Patty Hewes and immediately takes the helm of a multi-million dollar class action suit with the head of the law firm at her side. Didn’t she just join the company? How the hell would she anchor a major case as soon as she started working there? To top it off, she’s engaged to a doctor. Her sister-in-law is a drug addict, but apparently a good enough chef to convince a billionaire to open up a restaurant for her. After settling the case, Ellen collects a $2 million dollar check.

Congratulations to all those colleges and law schools, you’ve just convinced a new generation to waste their money!

I actually saw one law school devote a webpage to refuting a blog that tried to warn students not to become a lawyer. These people are worse than car salesmen! Just search “Don’t go to law school” in google or Yahoo and see what you find. These days, you’re in the same boat as the basket weaving undergrad major with a law degree, with exponentially more debt.

Going to college with the aim of becoming a doctor is a pretty bad idea too. I had a biology teacher that went to a big university that probably makes as much as a fast food shift manager at Catholic school. I’ve seen too many people stonewalled by Med school admissions…they don’t even get to the second round of apps!

How do colleges still get away with this? My alma mater begs me for money all the time? I swear, they have spent more on construction than the NBA has spent on arenas in the past ten years! Yes, it’s a famous Big Ten school. What a bunch of scheisters.
I used a TV show because it is propaganda for colleges.

Nagesh answers:

The entire educational system in this country – from Kindergarten all the way through graduate level universities – is outdated, outmoded and needs to be scrapped.

Most college professors have never had a “real” job in their lives. They are surrounded all day by impressionable young freshmen, many of whom are away from home for the first time. They freshmen believe everything the professor says. After a while, because he is surrounded by people who agree with him all the time and look up to him, the professor starts to get an inflated sense of his own importance. He actually starts to believe some of the BS he is teaching.

The problem is, the educational system is so entrenched with this type of dead weight, that it will be very difficult to change anything.

Thomas asks…

$5,100 to Repair 1997 Mustang? Help!! I don’t want to lose my Car!?

To begin, I own a 1997 Automatic Ford Mustang Convertible (If you need to know anything specific, let me know). I absolutely love my car.

About a month and a half ago, my coolant tube broke while I was driving. Had to get it towed to a shop which then replaced the tube and cleaned up my engine a bit.

About a week after that, I noticed I was having some heating problems. I then took it in and I was told that the coolant leaked into this area and a certain seal needed to be replaced. Being a cheap part, and a pain in the ass to install it, that cost 800 dollars for mostly labor.

Currently I’m having even more issues with this car.

First issue:
When I drive, I notice that my heating gauge on my dashboard will go up towards the red “danger” bar, then will go back down to the “M” in “Normal.” It will repeat this when I am driving, and will go slowly towards that red bar even when idling (very slow, but it does). After running a test, however, I found that when I am going ~80MPH on the highway that it will be on the “N” in “Normal” on the heating gauge – so it stays very cool. But as soon as I’m going ~50MPH on the street, it starts to have the same issue.

Second issue:
Upon starting up the car these past two weeks after I haven’t driven it for a while, it makes a very odd sound. When I’m inside the car, the best way to describe it is that it sounds like a Semi-Truck. You know that very loud noise that Semi-Trucks make when they are parked? It’s like that, but mini-version. My car never has made this noise in the past 6 months that I have owned this car, but now it is.

Third issue:
You should know that I have a very small leak in my oil gasket. I do mean very small. The car places want ~400 Dollars to replace this, but it has been running fine with me just filling up the oil every 3-4 months. I’ve known about this issue since I bought the car. Once I have the money means to fix it, this is on my to-do list.

Fourth (very small) issue:
When I open the door, it makes the sounds as if my keys are in the ignition. I believe this is just a small spring inside the key insertion spot that isn’t working right or something. Very minor – will have it fixed next time I take it in.

Fifth Problem(?):
My car gets 13-15MPG. I believe it’s a 3.6L Car with a V6. I looked up what my car should get, and it’s 18-27. I drive on the highway a lot to get places, so it shouldn’t be at the 18 mark. And I don’t speed or race excessively either. I sometimes accelerate a little fast, but not a lot. I baby the car. What would cause this issue?

After they inspected my car, the car place told me I had/wanted to do:
-They think there is a blockage in the Cooling System (They are guessing it’s in the heater core. Want to replace heating core).
-Flush radiator.
-Head Gasket has a leak.
-Something wrong with the lifters. Hitting the pistons when they come up.
-They said they want to replace the engine because of the cost of fixing lifters/gasket.

The price they want is 5,100 Dollars!!

You should know this about me – I am an 18 year old college student with no extra money as all of it goes towards my apartment bill, wireless bill, and my 17 credit hours that I am enrolled in. My parents are probably OK to cover around 2k, but I wish this problem could be resolved for less than that.

My parents said that this car is becoming a money dump, and that we cannot pay the 5,100 Dollars.

So far, here is what has been paid for it:
-Car Itself: 2,900 (Not a bad deal, if you ask me).
-New Top: 1,400 (It needed it for sure).
-Coolant Tube Replaced: 200.
-Seal Replaced: 800.
-New Tires + New Bar: 1000.

Total Spent so Far: 6,300

As you can see, I’m not happy with spending 5k more.

So, my final question, is what is causing the issues I described? Would it really cost that much to fix? Any suggestions will be accepted. Please help me out, as my parents said I will be getting a 1999 Jeep (Mom’s Car) or a 2000 Mazda (Dad’s Car) if this 5,000 dollar price is correct.

I live in an apartment. Fixing these things by myself would be impossible as I have no tools, no garage, etc.

Nagesh answers:

Your “mechanic” is ripping you off. Lifters will never hit the pistons, they’re physically about 4 inches down and across a 3/4 inch steel wall. Replacing a radiator hose should not cost anywhere NEAR $200, you can do it in your garage with a screwdriver in about 15 minutes for a lower hose, and about 2 minutes for an upper hose.

When you overheated your engine, you may have definitely blown a head gasket. There are a few other things that can happen when you overheat your engine, such as warping a cylinder head or warping a cylinder wall, cracking a piston. The second one is unlikely, but the first one can happen. If the cylinder head is warped, the valves that let air in and out of the cylinder may or may not be opening or closing right. If a valve is stuck open, it can hit a piston, causing an awful knocking noise. The other thing that can happen is that if you blew the head gasket and got antifreeze into your oil, you might have done what’s called spinning a bearing. If one of your main or rod bearings are spun, your engine is basically toast, and will need at the very least, about $3,000 in labor and parts on the bottom end alone. If this is the case, I’d replace the engine, but I’d find a more reputable shop to do the work, and avoid the place you’ve been going altogether.

Your overheating problem sounds like it may be coming from a plugged radiator – my car had a junk radiator, was doing the exact same thing you’re describing, and I replaced it. Since then, the problem has stopped.
If the heat works inside your car, and you get hot air out of the vents, it’s unlikely that the heater core is shot. The shop might tell you that it is because a heater core is a VERY involved project, about 99 times out of 100 the shop has to pull the entire dashboard apart, a job that pays the mechanics about 20 hours on average. At $100 an hour shop rate, that’s $2,000 for just that. Also, a plugged heater core will NEVER make your car overheat.

My professional advice to you would be to find a new repair facility, and possibly think about finding a new vehicle. If the engine really is shot in your Mustang, it would probably cost more to repair than the car is valued at

Hope I could help, if you have an other questions, feel free to shoot me an email, it’s my answers username at

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Monday, March 24th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly

Charles asks…

How can a 14 year old girl in a rural area make money?

I want to make money quickly so i can go to fair and there are a few other things i want to be able to do but i don’t know how to make enough money in time. I don’t want to hear about any of those websites that say they’ll pay you for taking surveys or something because i know they are all scams. Also i live in a rural area so its hard to do things like set up a lemonade stand. Help?

Nagesh answers:

Are you able to make any craft items, that you could take to a store in town for sale on consignment?

David asks…

How can i get money (Quickly) on Fallout New Vegas ?

I am doing the quest when you are looking for that guy who shot you and i need to get into a club in New Vegas and i need 2000caps to enter the club.

The problem is that i only have 800caps. Is there a way of getting money (Quickly) Without doing quests ?? .. I have been picking up anything thats worth caps .. Is there anywhere where there is alot of stuff thats worth alot of caps ?? .. Suggestions please

( 10 point reward )

Nagesh answers:

If your luck stat is greater than 5, then you should head over to the Atomic Wrangler in Freeside. Convert your caps to chips in the back room and play blackjack. Just do what the casino does, hit until you get to 17 then stay. Also to increase your earnings more quickly you should double down when you get dealt 10 or 11.

If you want to do it very safely, then you should only bet a tenth of your money. So with your 800 caps you should only bet 80 at first, then as you win you increase your bet.

If that doesn’t sound good or you have low luck you can alternatively go to the silver rush dealer (located right next to the wrangler) and steal their weapons strewn about the area. To do this you can press Z to hold objects without actually stealing them and carry them off to someplace where there’s no one around, then actually take it. (for ps3 and 360 versions I think you click in the right analog stick.)

Also if you are using the PC version, you can press the tilde key, located at the topleft of your keyboard, the “`”/”~” key to open the console command, and to add caps to your inventory directly enter in this command without the quotes “player.additem f X” Where X is the number of caps you wish to add.

Also if you have good speech, you can head over to mick and ralphs shop located just inside the east freeside entrance. Talk to Ralph and he’ll give you a forged credit check for 500 caps, I think there’s a speech check required, but I’m not sure.

Sandra asks…

How quickly do you think these will sell on ebay?

I have copies of the hunger games trilogy and the hunger games dvd and digital copy and I’m thinking of selling the lot for $20. I also have a count of other book and such but any idea how quickly those would sell? I need the money quickly.

Nagesh answers:

Used copies of the books are going for one penny each on Amazon, and used copies of the DVD+digital copy (BTW, if you redeemed the digital copy then it cannot be sold) are $8 each. You might get $10 for the bunch on Ebay.

Helen asks…

How to get money quickly?

I need money quickly. I currently work 4 different jobs, and yet I am still barely surviving. I don’t want any suggestions to those website scams or anything like that. Please help me out.

Nagesh answers:

You have 4 jobs and still barely surviving?

Man you should take a long, deep, and hard look of your life, if you have any.

William asks…

How can you make money if your 11 and a girl?

I have a friend who is 11 and a girl and and needs money quickly!

Nagesh answers:

She could maybe try doing extra chores round the house for extra pocket money. She could also maybe see if there is anyone in the local area willing to pay for a dog walker for a couple of hours a week.
She could also try selling old stuff on Ebay, or organising a yard sale (Books, CDs ect…)

Hope this helps 🙂

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Sunday, March 23rd, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money For Teenagers

Laura asks…

I am currently looking for a way to make money, i’m a teenager and can’t get proper job at the moment.?

I was interested in the idea of making hemp jewelry, but haven’t a clue where to start! Where do you get supplies from in the UK? Preferably not online. Is this idea to make money good? Any better suggestions? I hope you can help! Thank you.. 🙂
I’m english!

Nagesh answers:


Good to see your interest in business…

Here at we supply various small electrical items in wholesale that you could sell to friends/car-boot/eBay etc to make some money. Please contact me on for more details. We have 100% positive feedback on eBay.


P.S Could someone pm me and tell me why they disliked this comment. Thanks.

Paul asks…

how can a teenager make enuf money for travel ?

ok heres the thing.
i need to find a way to make enuf money to go see a friend of mine in a different part of the united states.
but im not alowed to get a job because of my grades.
any one have any ideas on how i can get the money i need?

Nagesh answers:

Get a job!!!!!!

William asks…

what are some good ways for a teenager to make money?

what are some good ways for a teenager to make money??

I need LOADS of ideas such as stuff to sell on ebay/gumtree?

or anything you can think of really 🙂 thanks 😀

Nagesh answers:

Yard work for neighbors and others
Selling old stuff on
Working at a restaurant
Have a garage sale
Paint jobs for the elderly, neighbors, or anyone

George asks…

What are out of the box ways for teenagers to make money?

Hi everyone! I am a 17 year old girl. I really want to go on a study abroad trip, but my parents keep on saying no. So, I decided that since next year I will be 18, and I can legally go without my parents permission, I am going to finally go on a study abroad trip. But, I need to get enough money first.
I am planning on getting a Summer job. My aunt is going to try to get me a job at a Summer camp. I would make a little less than $300 a week…I have no idea how long the camp is, so I don’t know how much I will make (I’m guessing it would be around 10 weeks). I will also be babysitting twice a week. I would only be doing this for about 2 hours a week, so it won’t bring in that much money, I’m guessing maybe $150.
After the Summer camp is over, I am going to try and get a job at Kroger’s or something. But, since school would be starting up again, I wouldn’t be working a lot, so I don’t know how much I would make.
I will have to pay for my car insurance and gas, so that money will have to be taken out.
Can you think of any ways to make $3,500 in a year? Is there anything I can do? I have heard of online surveys, but I don’t know if those are trustworthy.
I am looking for out of the box ways, not the traditional mow lawns, shovel snow, rake leaves, etc. Like I’ve said, I’ve heard about online surveys, but I don’t know how trust worthy those are. Please give me any ideas that you have that are “out of the box!”
Thank you so much for your ideas!

Nagesh answers:

There’s Yahoo! Contributor Network, but that’ll get you like 20 dollars a month… There are plenty of trustworthy online surveys, but they’ll just make you take like fifty surveys and give you five bucks. Not worth the time. If you have anything that you don’t want anymore (ie. A playstation, iphone, etc), sell it on ebay or put out an ad in the paper or tell your friends.

You can save your money on gas by walking sometimes to places you have to go (ie. The store, school if it’s somewhat close). Or even take a bike if you have one. You could always make things as well…but you might not get a lot of profit. You could tutor kids…

I dunno. XD Just don’t think that out of the box ideas are the only thing that is going to get you money. If someone tells you that they’ll give you seven bucks if you rake their leaves, take it! Every little bit helps. 🙂 Good luck! If worse comes to worse and you’re a few hundred dollars short, take a loan out from a family member then when you come back you can work to pay them back.

Susan asks…

What are some good money making ideas for teens?

I am a 14 year old teenager who needs to make money in an easy and simple way, because I don’t get an allowance. I can babysit if the kid is over 2, but not any younger. I cannot do any jobs in my neighborhood, because of gangs. Please give me some good ideas! I need the money badly!

Nagesh answers:

Look at my profile, and visit the site under “about me”…sign up there….here is some information about the site:

This is a site from which you are given the chance to earn money. What you have to do is complete surveys and offers for companies that want the public’s opinion. By doing this, you are able to earn money very easily for simply giving your opinion or trying out sample products. This is a great service that allows one to work from home, on their spare time, at their leisure, and still bring in a nice sum of money every month. People have made up to $1000 easily on this site by just working on it in their spare time. It is not going to replace a real job’s salary, but it is a very nice bonus. There are also many features on this web site, such as contests and special surveys, from which you can redeem extra prizes that would be sent to you with your monthly cheque, such as iPods, Xbox 360s, PSPs, digital cameras, gift certificates, and much more.

Cheques are sent monthly, and usually arrive about a week or a week and a half into the next month. No payment from you is ever required, not to sign up, not EVER. Unlike other sites that try to scam people out of their money, this site never requires you to pay them.

“If the site doesn’t get paid from me, then why would they have this service going?” – The site doesn’t get paid directly from you, but when you complete an offer or survey, they also get paid a small portion of what you earned yourself. For example, if you complete a survey about computers let’s say, you would earn maybe $2 and the web site itself would recieve $0.50 from the company also for getting you to complete the survey. These surveys take little time at all, most taking up less than even 1 or 2 minutes of your time.

Fraud is also a big deal on the Internet these days, and this site recognizes that. That is why they ask for ONLY three bits of information: Your name, email address and your home address. Yup, that is all. No credit card information, no banking information, nothing like that. All they require is your name and address so that your cheque can be sent to your home every month. Your email address is only required to confirm that you have done the offers and surveys. Fortunately, no spam mail or junk mail is ever sent out by this site and your information is never shared with any other company.

Personally I have been a member of this website, along with thousands of other satisfied users, for approximately 1.5 years now and have earned well over $8600 by working in my spare time. This web site has been great to me, also the members and administrator are very friendly, and are always there to help you with a question or problem you may be having. So far, I’ve listed only positives about this site, because I can’t think of a single negative thing about it. Earn money in your spare time, at no cost to you…Easy as that!

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Saturday, March 22nd, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast Online

Betty asks…

Has anyone out there tried ” Google fast system ” to make money online?

Is it legit ?
Can a person make the money they claim ?

Nagesh answers:

You can earn money online but you don’t need to pay for things like these for that. These sites are membership sites which claim to teach you how to earn from Google. But you can find all these info for free in Google search and webmaster forums.


Only thing which own by Google is AdSense which you can use to earn online. Its free to join but you need to have a website or blog to join it.


Also there are many others way to earn online if you have a website or blog with lot of site traffic.


Susan asks…

can i get money fast?

i need money very fast.
do u have any idars for me

Nagesh answers:

I don’t know fast money. But easy money i know. Make money online. Contact me if interested.

Jenny asks…

how to make money online fast?

I need to make some fast legal money to pay a bill help

Nagesh answers:

The vast majority are scams!.!! You don’t want to send money or

stuff envelopes. Others pay you for the quality of your work

which will never meet their expections, thereby not paying you…


Mandy asks…

How can I make MONEY really fast online?

Any ideas on how to make fast money online? Like websites or programs that can be used, I am in need of extra income and have been looking for a while. I am in college and have a child and could use the extra income. There can be little to no start up cost involved as well.

Nagesh answers:

Go to this website, it is not a scam and you can get lots of money just by viewing websites for 30 seconds. You get more if you reffer friends. I already made $15.20

you don’t give out any info just email and you don’t have to pay so what have you got to loose. They pay through paypal. I am not trying to scam just want extra money


Chris asks…

how to make real money online fast?

Nagesh answers:

Hi Luis!

If you would like to make money online, there are many business ventures you can find on the internet. You just have to do some searching, imagination, and thinking about what type of service you can offer by reaching out to others through the internet. I attempt to highlight some common ways to make money online. So you can try:
1- To earn an affiliate income through some marketing programs and systems.
2- To sell information like e-books.
3- To earn Money with Google Adsense with your blog or website.

You can also make money on CLICKBANK. It’s free to subscribe there.

For more details, you can access this site:

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Friday, March 21st, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick Online

Maria asks…

How to get money for a plaine ticket?

Hiiii! I’m looking for ways to get money for a plaine ticketttt to Boston Logan airport from tampa I’m only 13 (girl) & I can’t get a job, I don’t have anything to sell & my parents won’t give me the money at all. I really want to go see my nana but I have no money for a ticket ;c please help! I wish someone would just give me the money!

Nagesh answers:

In the age of Internet, you can make some money online. Here are several ways about how you can make some quick cash just typing:

Carol asks…

what are the websites from where i can earn by writing online article?

i am searching for the jobs of online article writing, editing, proofreading and re-writing jobs. i can also do content editing.

Nagesh answers:

10 such famous sites where you could write articles and earn money.

Squidoo – The well known famous article publishing platform and each of the published page is termed as “Lens”. Squidoo has variety of topics covered and you have the full freedom to manage and write your content same like your own website. The advantage is that you could connect with other squidoo users. There are millions of squidoo users who are making fun out of creating lenses. It has more than 1,000,000 lenses.

You could signup for Google Adsense and get a percentage of adsense income from squidoo. Apart from that you could get a share for Amazon products sold and much more. Refer their Getting Started page for exact sharing details.

Hubpages – The alternate site to Squidoo and its also the most famous article writing site. I have used hubpages and found its too fun. Because, its quite easy and simple to create well formatted content. More interestingly, Hubpages get more traffic from search engines and for sure you could make good income from this site. It shares you Google Adsense income, its quite simple to integrate your Adsense account into hubpages or you could get one account from Hubpages.

Apart from Adsense, you could use Amazon, eBay, Kontera etc on hubpages and you will earn a percentage of income from hubpages. Just refer their Tours page for exact sharing details.

Xomba – An instant to write article, opinion, news or anything from short to long that you post on xomba. Posts are called Xombytes. It’s again Google Adsense reveneue sharing site. Generally, xomba is use to create quick back links and to drive quick traffic to your own blogs but you could make some extra income by joining Xomba. The advantage is that you can write short posts on xomba, especially for Lazy people

Flixya – A good site to share everything from writing articles, sharing videos and images. The best thing is that you will be paid 100% revenue that you make out of your pages or videos or images. Not only your writing skills, you could organize your own videos and images on Flixya. Its more fun to work with Flixya because you could manage your personal videos and images online by making extra money. You could create a cool profile, make friends and enjoy working with Flixya. Register with Flixya here for free.

Bukisa – A site to share your knowledge and earn money for that based on the traffic you gained. Publish articles on Bukisa, drive traffic and get earn money for every 1000 hits your page makes. You will be paid a fixed amount for every 1000 hits and more traffic you generate, you will earn more money. The earnings are not so great but you could make few extra money.

Betty asks…

How to earn money online, is there any online job with which i can earn?

i can b any thing bt plz give me the right n perfect decisions.

Nagesh answers:

Well if you want to earn money online and if you are lazy and need quick Cash , you should try to advertise some products , i made easy $1000 with twitter , I red 1 book gow to advertise and how to do anything , and it worked . I will pur that ebook link in sources . ITs realy helpful for begginers , i think you will earn $1000 in month or faster

James asks…

What is the best way to start up a online store?

What application would I use so that my customers would be able to order everything online and I would be able to receive payments through paypal?

Is there any webpage that can set that up for free?

Thank you so much!

Nagesh answers:

Starting an online store requires determination and patience, but with a little luck and some sweat equity, we’ll have you in business with a free online store in no time.

Choose a tightly focused theme or niche for your online store around something that you are passionate or knowledgeable about. By focusing on a specific theme for your store, you’ll garner a competitive advantage over other stores that are larger and forced to be broader in nature. This specific focus will give your store more credibility, and will position you to provide detailed information about certain kinds of products. Customers will appreciate the level of coverage you provide on a given subject, which will be helpful for making purchasing decisions.
Choose an underlying infrastructure for your online store. One fast and free way to get started quickly is to open a Zlio store.


With Zlio, you’ll be able to sell products from and other brand name merchants and earn a commission on every sale. You’ll also get about half the advertising revenue you generate through Google Adsense. The upside of Zlio is that its fast, its intuitive, and its free, so you can see what its like to start an online store without spending any money on upfront costs.

Another reasonable option for starting a free online store is CafePress.


With CafePress, you can start an online shop for free selling merchandise that you design [like customized t-shirts, posters, bumperstickers etc] and then generate earnings paid out monthly.

Additionally, if you’re willing to pay a monthly fee, some folks like Yahoo Merchant Services.


With Yahoo, you’ll pay a monthly fee in exchange for the framework of an online store. The upside of Yahoo is that you can sell, carry, and fulfill your own inventory of products (rather than outsourcing it through Zlio or CafePress). The downside of Yahoo is that, well, you get to sell, carry, and fulfill your own inventory of products.

Lastly, I’m going to give a quick mention to FlyingCart, which offers a service similar to Yahoo’s but with less expensive monthly fees.


With FlyingCart, you get the basic architecture/framework of an online store and generally have to pay a monthly fee less than that of Yahoo. There are also some interesting social networking features. It lets you sell, carry, and fulfill your own inventory.

All things considered, we recommend that folks start by setting up a Zlio store and then take things from there. Zlio is free, which makes it a good way to learn about starting an online store. Http://
Build-out your product inventory. Be careful to put the best products at the top of the page. Product placement counts and studies have shown that products placed at the top of the page tend to sell the best. Keep your inventory of products fresh. Try to write reviews that will help your customers make better puchasing decisions. Stay true to the theme of your store. Stay focused.
Promote your store. Remember, this is not Field of Dreams. “If you build it they will come” will not apply to our new store! As entrepreneurs, its up to us to generate interest in our own online store. You should strongly consider writing some helpful articles about the products in your store and publishing them [give squidoo a try for this]. For instance, on my hot sauce store, The Hot Sauce Collector, I wrote a series of articles about The Hottest Hot Sauce In The World. These articles help my customers find the hottest hot sauces and consistently drive traffic to my site.

Manage and track your web store. Now that you’ve put all this energy into creating an online store, don’t you want to see how many visitors you have and how they found your site? Sign up for free Google analytics.


I hope those info could help you

Sandra asks…

How can I make some quick money from the internet?

I’m desperate! I have 3 major bills coming up and I need some quick money. Any ideas?
I work full time and I have a son, so working another job isn’t an option.

Nagesh answers:

Use the internet to apply online for a job a McDonalds, Walmart, Starbucks, etc.

Other than selling unwanted items on ebay or craigslist, there really isn’t a way to make money online. Surveys? Pay at most 4 cents per hour, many less than that or nothing and some will end up actually costing you a fee that you’ll never earn back. Stay clear away from anyone who promises you can make “quick money from the internet” – they’re all scams. Want real money? Get a real job.

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Thursday, March 20th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money At Home

Joseph asks…

Can you tell me what the most honest and best home-based biz?

There are so many scams, that it is hard to know in which direction to go.
I would like a way to earn money from home, but I want a fair compensation and a company of integrity.

Nagesh answers:

I am sure you have gotten a lot of responses, but let me share a quick story. I joined a home business in March. I thought it was a great concept and thought for sure everyone would want it, I knew they all would need it. In making my “pitch” I was missing something. I did not get the business and its real purpose. Now, I could go on and tell you we are traded on the New York Stock Exchange and that some states need a license, so we are legit, but when I heard the founder of this company talk, it made me realize, I was with a company, where the founder was actually in it to help people. All people. His story is incredible and when he spoke, it was right to me. If you do want to find a business where the founder believes in it and truly wants us to be successful and help thousands of people, I will share the information with you!

Paul asks…

What are some good ways to get rid of acne?

I have an important date coming up soon.
So i was wondering what are some good, quick ways to help get rid of some acne. like home remedies. and what are good tips on what u can do daily to avoid getting more or to keep your skin clear?

oh and does tea tree oil really help??

Nagesh answers:


There are some great ways that can help you to treat your acne.
Check these helpful methods that helped me to cure my acne:


Drink plenty of water every day. Try drinking at least two liters of still mineral water. If the skin becomes dehydrated, dead skin cells are not effectively shed, which can lead to blocked pores and further acne.

Sunshine and fresh air

Sunshine stimulates the creation of vitamin D in your body – an important vitamin for healthy skin. A little bit of fresh air and sunshine every day will also reduce the stress and increase oxygen to the skin. Even when it’s overcast, the sun’s rays reach us, so it’s very good to take a 10 minute walk outside every day.

Reduce your intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates

Last research pointing the finger at diet – eating refined carbohydrates (white bread, pasta, rice, flour etc) and sugar leads to a surge in insulin and an insulin-like growth factor called IGF-1. This in turn leads to an excess of male hormones, which encourage the skin to excrete large amounts of sebum. This grease-like substance encourages the growth of bacteria responsible for acne.

Refined carbs/sugar = more insulin = more hormones = more sebum (oil) = more bacteria = more acne

Your bed sheets

Keep the bed sheets clean. Wash your pillow case on a regular schedule to reduce the transfer of your natural body oils.

Wash your face

Wash your face just one time a day. Don’t over wash , because that will cause only more production of oil on your skin. Another option is to use very gentle cleansers for normal skin that don’t dehydrate the skin and wash twice a day.

Anyhow, don’t go out and buy those “get rid of your acne in one day” pills that you can find anywhere online, they just don’t work and you will spend your money for nothing.

Why not? Well, because it takes time to get rid of acne and you will need at least one week to see any noticeable results. There is absolutely no way to cure your acne in only one day.

If you really want to get rid of your acne there are two recommended solutions that should combined together (if you can afford it) for best results.

Firstly and more important, you must learn how you should fix the internal problem that’s causing your acne, not just masking the symptoms or getting relief.
There are only few recommended Ebooks and acne cure programs that can teach you exactly how to treat your acne from the inside.

Where medicine has failed them the authors have done their own research and found a way to overcome acne. In their guides they share their valuable knowledge with other acne sufferers. In any case, be very careful because many of them are pure crap with little value.

You can learn about one of the best guides that helped many people to treat their acne naturally in this helpful article:

The second thing that you need to do is to get good acne skin product that will be suitable for your skin.
There are many acne skin care products available in the market right now and it’s not easy to choose the product that will give you the best results.
When choosing your product make sure to check that you get at least 2 months full guarantee. Some of the big names in the industry are:
ClearPores, Acuzine, Acnezine, Proactiv, Vilante and some others.
In my experience Clearpores cleansing system work very well. Check this website to learn a lot more about this great system:

I hope that these tips will be helpful for you

Mandy asks…

What’s the quickest way to get some money?

Whats the quickest way to get a decent amount of money in a short amount of time? Trying to scrounge up enough money for a one-way bus ticket for me and a friend, and we have very little time and resources.

Nagesh answers:

Culver’s minimum hiring age is 14 with a workers permit.

I called many stores because I am 14 looking for a job. This was the response they gave which makes me happy after looking for so long.

Find a local one go online and apply and go in store to apply or call and ask if they are hiring.

What I did was Google a bunch of business near my home and found their numbers using Google maps or their sites and I called and directly asked if they are hiring and what age do they hire at.

Try local grocery stores, pizza parlors, retail stores, fast food restaurants.

Carol asks…

How can I raise 10 dollars in one day?

I have a cellphone, and my mom and I are on the same plan. As you know, it costs money to have a phone. My mom says I need to do my share and help pay. I have to have 40 dollars-quick. I have already taken 30 dollars out of my shopping money-uuugghhh. So now I need 10 dollars very soon. I have till Saturday. 3 days. What are some simple yet effective ways to raise money at home or in the neighbohood? Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Ask 10 people to give you a dollar. Too much? Ask 20 people to give you 50 cents. Still too much? Ask 40 people to give you a quarter.

John asks…

what is the small business one can start at home with little investment?

what is the quickest way of earning money just sitting at home
if want to say about some inter net job suggest some authentic
and effective sites

Nagesh answers:

Start an online store free of cost by registering at ebay and other shopping sites..

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Wednesday, March 19th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Runescape

Michael asks…

How do i make fast money and xp on runescape?

Im a member and right now i just kill the flesh crawlers. They give me 100k and hour and a lot of xp. Im level 70 and looking for something that doesn’t have many requirements needed.

Nagesh answers:

Pure Essence.
Green Dragons.
Yews and/or Magic Logs.

Or you can try this, go to warriors guild, and buy pizzas off the shop. Then sell at GE. My friend said that he had 150k at once.

Or try this guide:

Hello & welcome!

This is my first time making a money making guide, so give me a brake if it’s not perfect. This guide will show you how to make some decent money if you are a member or a non-member. These are all type’s of ways on how to get money besides the basics, Woodcutting, Fletching, Smithing, Mining, ect.

These are just a few, if you people like my tip’s i will post more


Tip 1: One way to make some money if you want to gain levels too is killing chickens for their feathers. There are many chickens all around the Free zone in Rune Scape. You can do this with out botting, or you can use many bot programs on RSBot forums.

Tip 2: A second way you can make some money is by killing cow’s. You can kill them or just walk around the cow field & pick up the cow hide’s and bank them at the nearest bank. You can do this with out botting, or you can use many bot programs on RSBot forums.

Tip 3: Merchant is a way many player’s use to make quick and easy cash. You buy a item when they are going down in price that many people use. You wait a few day’s until the price rises then you can sell them and make a big or little profit depending on how much stock of the item you bought. There are many different merchant clan’s in Rune Scape to help you decide on which item’s you want to merchant.

Tip 4: Eye of newt’s are a good way of cash if you don’t have much and want to make more. You can buy them by port sarim from this woman. You can run back to dranyor bank and bank them and keep doing it.You can do this with out botting, or you can use many bot programs on RSBot forums.

Tip 5: Rune Esse’s are a good way of cash. You just have to do a simple quest, (5 minutes tops) and then you can mine them youself or there are bot’s that you can use to mine them.


Tip 1: Green Dragons are a fast way of making money. You can kill Green/Blue/Black Dragons. They all drop hide’s and bones. You can pick up either the hide’s or the bones or both, your choice. There are many dragon’s located all over Rune Scape.

Tip 2: White Berries are a easy way to make money. There is a good spot i know of where you can pick white berries, it’s located in Lleta. You need to do quest’s to get there but it’s worth it. You can pick the white Berrie’s with a auto clicker to press the white Berrie’s or pick them up by hand. If you have elf crystal’s you can use them to teleport back to Lleta, or walk back.

Tip 3: Snape grass is a easy way of cash also. You can pick them up just on the left of the Crafting Guild. You should bring teleport’s to teleport back to Falador for easy transportation. You should be at least level 57 so the hobgoblin’s don’t attack you. You can do this with out botting, or you can use many bot programs on RSBot forums.

Tip 4: Dye is a very fast way of getting extra cash. If you go to Lleta (Need to do quest’s to get there) you can buy dye’s from a NPC for very little money and sell them for a lot more in the Grand Exchange, You can make 4.8k – 4.9k a inventory, a inventory only takes about under 1 minute to get depending on if you walk, run, or teleport.

Tip 5: Chaos Druid’s are a way of making cash. There is a spot just under Edgeville where you can kill chaos druid’s for herbs. They drop random herbs not cleaned. You can clean them for exp or just sell them as they are.

Tip 6: Barrow’s is a way of making money, but you need certain level’s to kill the barrows members. You will have to spend money on equipment to be able to stay alive. You won’t get a good item every time so it’s up to you.

Tip 7: Farming is a good way to make money and get farming exp, you can plant seed’s and get herbs to make potions or just sell the herbs.

Tip 8: Vial’s & Eye of newt’s are way’s of making money. There are bot programs to buy them and bank, or you can do without botting.

Tip 9: 26k Trick’s is a new way to make money on Rune Scape. You have to be risking more 76k + in a hot spot for over 30 minutes. You go into the wilderness with 76k + and get someone to go in the wilderness with you with 26003 GP and kill him. You can get good drop’s, bad, or really good.

Tip 10: Unicron horn’s are a good way of making cash. You kill unicron’s all over Rune Scape. You sell them at Grand Exchange and can make a good profit of about 1k each horn.

Tip 11: Flax/Bow strings are a way of cash alot of people use. You can pick the flax by Seer’s village. You can string the Flax and make them into bow strings or just bank the Flax. You can do this with out botting, or you can use many bot programs on RSBot forums.

Tip 12: Blue Dragon scales, you can pick them up under the traverly dungen. You teleport back to Falador and bank them o

Richard asks…

how do make fast money on runescape if you a cb lvl 73 melee?

Nagesh answers:

The best way is to kill green dragons (if you’re a member). Buy about 20 lobsters and a games necklace(8), and then kill the dragons and pick up the dragon bones and green dragonhide. The best spot is east of clan wars, about 20-25 wildy. Use your games necklace and teleport to clan wars, and go east. Just go east until you see people and dragons. You can make about 70k per trip if you sell the hides and bones in the Grand Exchange. The fastest way is to teleport to clan wars, kill the dragons, and then teleport to the wilderness volcano and bank.

If you’re a nonmember, cutting yews is the best way. You should start at around 65-70 woodcutting.

George asks…

Money making on Runescape?

Any suggestions on good ways to make a lot of money fast on Runescape?
Thanks 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Non-members: mine coal, mine rune essence, make steel bars. You can sell all of these items in the grand exchange for a good price.

Members. Pick flax in seers village, make cannon balls, spin flax into bow strings, (buy the flax in 1000’s it costs about 150,000gp).

Hope this helps

Lisa asks…

What are some money-making strategies on Runescape 2? I want to get money real fast.?

You only shoud send an answer if you’ve played Runescape 2. If you didn’t, please don’t send an answer

Nagesh answers:

I answered this for another person:

If ur good miner, mine lots of coal and sell for 190ea. In world 1 at fally east.

If ur good fisher, catch lobbs and sell for 250ea. Cooked

If ur good woodcutter, cut yews and sell for 250ea. And cut oaks and sell for 100ea. In varrock west in world 1

If ur a member and kno how to do this, buy oaks 100ea., make them into oak planks and sell for 1kea.

If ur a good runecrafter and ur member, buy pure ess and make laws or nats and sell laws 500-1kea. And nats 300ea.

David asks…

How do u make money in runescape and fast?

In runescape how do u make tons of money? Plz HELP!!!!!!

Nagesh answers:

The best three skills to make money on Runescape are probably mining, woodcutting, and fishing. Once you get 85 mining and have finished the Heroes Quest, you can mine runite ore in the Heroes’ Guild. A full inventory is about 510k. You can cut yews which are worth about 450gp. A good place to cut yews is near the Edgeville Dungeon Entrance. For fishing, get it up to 40 so you can fish lobsters. The best place to fish is by Catherby. You can fish lobbies and sharks there. Hope I helped :).

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Tuesday, March 18th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Real Money Making Schemes

John asks…

What survey sites on-line are really LEGIT and you can make REAL money with them just for doing surveys?

there are so many sites and so many that are scams so if you know any that are for real and i can make real money too!! please let me know thanks.

Nagesh answers:

I’ve listed most of the sites I have taken surveys through and actually been paid (or received other rewards like gift cards or CD’S) on the following webpage :…

I usually make about $20 a month from taking the surveys through those various sites, and if they have an affiliate program, I’m part of it, so I also make a commission when someone signs up through that link.

There are also scams out there you need to watch out for. Here are some tips to avoid them:

Don’t sign up for any survey site which asks you to pay to access the surveys. Also watch for language like “get paid for taking surveys AND SIGNING UP FOR OFFERS” if you don’t want to have to sign up for stuff with other companies to get paid.

Always carefully read their terms of service and privacy policy. If in their privacy policy they say they only use aggregated info, this is GOOD SIGN they are legit. Aggregated info information that is grouped together so it can’t be connected with anyones personal identification like name, e-mail, phone or address. That’s what survey sites SHOULD collect. Avoid sites that say they give, rent, or sell any personal information (info that is not aggregated) to third parties (unless you really don’t mind getting junk mail, telemarketing calls, and spam).

Also, never sign up for a survey through an unsolicited e-mail–since these might not even be from the site they claim to be, but could be a phishing scheme to get your information and mis-use it. And never give your credit card info–there is no good reason a legitimate free site would need it.

Here are two other sites which are very helpful
(rates surveys)
(scam reporting site)

Sandra asks…

How can you tell if someone you talk to on a dating site is real or just a scammer?

A man on a dating site started chatting with me and we started an online romance but things didnt start to add up with him and he asked if I could send him money cuz son had emergency in Nigeria where he was working

Nagesh answers:

It’s a scam – everyone who meets any scammer on a dating site will either get into a car accident or their child will end up in hospital. It’s one of the most common ways to get you to send money

1 -Nigeria has the National Health Insurance Scheme since 1999 so medical treatment is free in government hospitals. You can’t even get into a private hospital without having private insurance. In any emergency, patients are brought to public hospitals.
2 – If this person was foreign and working in Nigeria, he could not even get a visa without proof of private insurance. The sponsoring employer would normally offer private insurance to cover treatment in private clinics – that’s a standard part of any expat package
3 – a call to this person’s embassy in Nigeria will prove there is no such citizen by that name with a work visa, and no child in hospital. Any foreigner working overseas registers with their embassy. And every time a foreigner is admitted to hospital overseas, their embassy is immediately informed so they can contact family and friends.
4 – if this person was really overseas working and needed money, they couldn’t get help from their employer? Seriously – the only foreigners working in Nigeria are oil executive easily making $250k a year – they would never need to ask for monay. Even in a private hospital, the most expensive medical treatments would cost less than $1000 and that’s for open heart surgery that would cost $100k in the US

Want to confirm it’s a scam – write back to say that you called the emergency number at the embassy with his son’s name and hospital name and they are sending a consular attache to the hospital first thing in the morning to make sure his son is getting adequate treatment, make sure the hospital is not charging him for any treatments as he is covered by the national health insurance scheme, and will give him an emergency loan that you have guaranteed so he and his son can come home. No matter what excuse he comes up with, just say the embassy told you they are going to take care of everything and you don’t need to do anything

Read the State Department’s own warning about Nigerian romance scams
“The scammer has incredibly bad luck– often getting into car crashes, arrested, mugged, beaten, or hospitalized — usually all within the course of a couple of months. They often claim that their key family members (parents and siblings) are dead. Sometimes, the scammer claims to have an accompanying child overseas who is very sick or has been in an accident.”

Charles asks…

Help! How can I start a business when I have no money, real bad credit and no rich friends or family?

I have a great idea for a new members only service business that is partial web based and partial brick and mortar in the automotive industry. I found a need that hasn’t been met and this business is designed to meet that need. I know this is a service that most people can really use with nearly no competition. The entire concept is quite unique and very legitimate and the income potential is incredible.

So far I have a rough business plan that I put together as well as the name of the business and a great looking logo. There’s just one huge problem. Where do I get the start up money of at least $35K – $50K to start my new business?

Here are the facts. I have no money. I’m on Social Security disability and I can barely make it from month to month. I have terrible credit and no wealthy friends or family members. So traditional funding sources such as banks, credit cards, and asking friends or family members for money are all out of the question.

I need the 35K – $50K for two web pages one of which is fairly elaborate and is an important integral part of my business. I also need money for office space, advertising and a variety of other business-related items needed for a new start-up.

I have some prior experience doing this business but this time I’ll be ratcheting it up a bit and will be eventually helping hundreds of thousands of people along the way.

One great part of my business is that people who are signed up can actually make some real cold hard cash. My business will be a real win-win situation for everybody involved.

Any help to find the necessary funding would be very much appreciated!


Nagesh answers:

Wow… Sounds interesting. I wish you could give more details. The best way would be to advertise that you are looking for investors; draw up a business plan with a detailed list of expenses and profit projections, market research etc.

The investor will be the silent partner while you will do all the work. You will agree on a profit sharing scheme and strict benchmarks for the realization of profits.

Otherwise, if you go it alone, cut down on your overheads. Do you really need office space? Why if it is web based?

Or, find an existing business that is doing something connected and ask to become partners. You use their office space and you offer your products to their customers; again, you will have to come up with a profit sharing plan.

Betty asks…

How does paying a carbon tax stop climate change?

Why do western nations think paying money will save the environment?

I know if I was a poor country receiving this carbon tax money I would secretly cut down the trees while accepting our share of the carbon tax money.

Nagesh answers:

Paying a carbon tax does not and will not stop climate change. Climate change will happen no matter what. Humans may exacerbate it but we don’t cause it and we can’t stop it. This nonsense about paying money to be a bigger polluter is no different than the Catholic church offering Indulgences to its members: Little pieces of paper that, when bought from the church, will allow you to commit sins in advance without having to feel guilt about them. Do some research to see how well that worked out.

In today’s world, the “church” is the environmental lobby and their flunkies who stand to make mega-$$$ off this scam. People will buy the products they need from whomever can sell it the cheapest, therefore industries will vehemently oppose carbon credits at all costs while the environmental lobby tries to push them at all costs. We, the consumers, are caught in the middle, wondering where all this money is supposed to come from – read: our thin wallets – and how we’re going to pay our bills and feed our families in the meantime. The average citizen isn’t a power broker who stands to benefit financially from this money redistribution scheme, that happens for lobbyists and specially created gov’t positions that will oversee this shell game. As for the UN overseeing the legitimate conduct of this new self-perpetuating industry, well, if you believe that then you clearly haven’t read their track record on anything in the last 30yrs… Nuclear inspectors in Asia, women’s rights in the middle east, Bosnia/Herzegovina, Dharfur, the Durban Conferences, anything to do with Israel, Rwanda, Oil For Food…

Trying to force some corporations to pay more than others to exist based on their pollution ratio is only going to create an industrial backlash that will cost all of us in the end, and the environment will not be saved. The real issue of “what can WE do”, not businesses and politicians, but WE as people, will be pushed to back burner and lost in the shuffle. Spare me all this ‘environmental conscience’ claptrap and don’t bother me with this ‘what will we leave our grandchildren’ crap because really just about nobody really cares, it’s just a soundbite that desperate losers pull out when they have nothing else but to scream ‘Think of the children!!!’… Allow me to plant my carbon footprint up your whiny tailpipe and tell you that if you want to save the environment then try altering your own habits and stop being a blindly selfish sheep. Try applying some willpower and save yourselves the headache of crying for a state appointed nanny: Save yourself for once. Carbon taxes are a self-destructive scam that will accomplish NOTHING but to create a whole new class of the super-rich, promote unemployment and joblessness, and to grow an ever expanding body of poor and disillusioned.

Sandy asks…

How effective is the federal government in spending our tax dolars.?

Does the federal government get good value for our money it spends on Education, Welfare, Social Security, Health Care, Public Safety, Military, its self?
So if they are not effective why do we keep on asking them to take on more things like Health care? Education? We can not be that confused as voters?

Nagesh answers:

Absolutely not. Their number one problem is they don’t UNDERSTAND the Constitution (with the exception of a few–Ron Paul, Jeff Flake are the two who come to mind). Second, with few exceptions, they do not have even a basic understanding of economics. That’s why they’re taxing us to death while sending us into bankruptcy.

The hot topic is health care. Idiots claim Medicare is great. Really?
In the US, Medicare is going bankrupt. In 1998, Medicare premiums were $43.80 and in 2008 will be $96.40–up 120%. “Medigap” insurance is common because of the 20% co-pay required for service. Medicare HMOs are common because they reduce that burden without an extra charge in many cases. HOWEVER, many procedures which used to have no or a low co-pay NOW cost the full 20% for the HMO Medicare patient. ALSO the prescription coverage they tended to offer has been REDUCED in many cases to conform to the insane “donut hole” coverage of the feds. Doctors are leaving Medicare because of the low and slow pay AND because the crazy government wants to “balance” their Ponzi scheme on the backs of doctors.
“That dark cloud lurking over the shoulder of every Massachusetts physician is Medicare. If Congress does not act, doctors’ payments from Medicare will be cut by about 5 percent annually, beginning next year through 2012, creating a financial hailstorm that would wreak havoc with already strained practices.

Cumulatively, the proposed cuts represent a 31 percent reduction in Medicare reimbursement. If the cuts are adjusted for practice-cost inflation, the American Medical Association says Medicare payment rates to physicians in 2013 would be less than half of what they were in 1991.”

They want UHC–which doesn’t work anywhere. Here’s a form of UHC in the States NOW–called Medicaid:
Oregon’s at least honest about the FACT that ALL government health care IS RATIONED care:
“But the real-life story of 18-year-old Brandy Stroeder may come to embody a harsher truth: namely, that even as we perfect more and more advanced medical procedures, not everyone is going to have access to them. And, as Americans struggle to come up with an equitable health care system, that even the best-intentioned system can seem heartless when forced to balance the good of thousands against an individual’s suffering.

The story began last fall when doctors told Brandy, who lives with her single mother in a weather-beaten farmhouse about an hour south of Portland, Ore., that she was likely to die within a year unless she got a simultaneous lung-liver transplant, an operation that has been performed fewer than a dozen times in the United States.

Under Oregon’s unique Medicaid system, which openly rations healthcare in order to provide basic care to as broad a population as possible, Brandy was eligible for a liver transplant or a lung transplant, but not both. In January, and again after a review in May, the state-run health plan said no. There wasn’t enough data to show the $250,000 procedure was worthwhile, the health plan’s administrators said, and the plan didn’t cover experiments.

But Brandy wouldn’t take no for an answer. A tough, determined young woman who had managed to work part-time at a photo studio, baby-sit her boss’s children, coach the high school football team and maintain a 3.2 grade point average between numerous and prolonged bouts in the hospital, Brandy wasn’t about to give up her life without a fight. She sued the state of Oregon, charging that it was making a flawed moral choice in refusing to save her life. Since then her caustic, articulate criticisms of the Oregon system have given a vivid sense of the obstacles any universal healthcare plan for the nation would face.

“They’ll pay for an alcoholic to get a liver transplant because they’ve been drinking all their life,” she says, sitting with her mother at a rickety picnic table under a cherry tree by her front door. “They’ll pay for a heroin addict to get cured, to help someone kick the cigarette habit. Those are things people do to themselves. If you put it to a vote the people would say pay for some girl’s operation instead of some alcoholic’s liver transplant or some crack head’s needles. I just think it isn’t very fair.'”

Texas has also been the boldest in supporting the growing-in-popularity “futile care theory”:
“Texas, however, has become ground zero for futile-care theory thanks to a draconian state law passed in 1999 — of dubious constitutionality, some believe — that explicitly permits a hospital ethics committee to refuse wanted life-sustaining care. Under the Texas Health and Safety Code, if the physician disagrees with a patient’s decision to receive treatment, he or she can take it to the hospital ethics committee. A committee hearing is then scheduled, all interested parties explain their positions, and the members deliberate in private.

If the committee decides to refuse treatment, the patient and family receive a written notice. At that point, the patient/family has a mere ten days to find another hospital willing to provide the care, after which, according to the statute, “the physician and health care facility are not obligated to provide life-sustaining treatment.”

Since the patients threatened with death by ethics committee are often the most expensive to care for, it will often be difficult for families to find other institutions willing to accept a transfer. But the futility deck may be especially stacked against Houston patients. Many city hospitals participate in the “Houston City-Wide Guidelines on Medical Futility,” raising the suspicion that participating hospitals will not contradict each other’s futility decrees.

If so, this would mean that patients seeking refuge from forced treatment termination will have to be transported to distant cities, as has already occurred in a few futile-care cases, perhaps even out of state. Illustrating the level of hardball some hospitals play against patients and families, the Clarke family’s lawyer Jerri Ward told me that St. Luke’s agreed to pay the $14,806 transportation costs to transfer Clarke to a hospital in Illinois — more than 1,000 miles away — if the decision to transfer is made on Thursday (4/27). If the family doesn’t decide until Friday, the hospital will pay only one-half of the cost of transportation. Thereafter, it would pay nothing.”

I just love being robbed and then hearing sick people are told they’re not worth keeping alive. Yeah bureaucrats!

The list goes on, but with space limitations, that’s it.

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Monday, March 17th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Now

Daniel asks…

Need purchase online but i don’t have a card.What can i do?I need it fast !!!?

I have cash , but have no card to use to purchase online, is there a bank provide instant debit card? or how does money card work and charges???

I need it fast like NOW!!!

Nagesh answers:

Get a visa giftcard. Banks sell these for 3$.

Ruth asks…

Whats the quickest way to make money?

Right now i’m having a lot of trouble finding a job, but I need to start making some money to get things done in my life, is there a way online or something I can make money fast?

Nagesh answers:

Men don’t seem to mind trading money for sexual favors.

Sandra asks…

How can I save up enough money for my first car really fast? I’m 18!?

My family does not seem to support me at all.
My mom convinced me to be in multiple dance classes and theatre productions that cost tons of money, and said that if I did them that she would get me a car also. Well it never happened. I am 18 years old now and I only have my learners permit. My mom refused to pay for my insurance and anything else to help me drive. I had to go with my dad just to get my learners because she didnt want me to even get it. I just graduated high school, so I have about 250$ of money coming in from friends and family members that I don’t know. I would love to have a car that is around 1,500$. I have not gotten my license yet because my mom refuses to pay for insurance and I have no idea how to even drive. And I have not had time to get a job because of all the dance classes my mom made me take. But now that it is summer and I don’t have anything to do I am looking for a full time job so I can get a car. But I live in a small town and we just had 3 places go out of business so there is about one thousand people here without jobs, so the competition is really hard right now. I have applied online but have not heard anything back, and in a few days I will ask to speak to the managers.I really need a car fast because now my mom is refusing me to give me a ride to work!!! Even when I do get a job, what are some fast ways that I can earn extra money to get a car and driving school to learn how to drive sine she will not teach me? I have been depressed and crying for months, and my dad even had to take me to the hospital once because I was shaking I was so depressed and upset with my mom about this. I cant help it, I just need to get on my feet fast and start acting like an 18 year old. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Nagesh answers:

Okay honestly you can get a loan at 18, a small one. Or you could also go to a small dealership where they fiance with you. And with loans you can pay extra to pay it off faster. You can try and save but it would be quicker to do a loan and pay it off in 24 months.

Paul asks…

Quick tips on making money on the side and fast?

I need some extra money. I’m a college student and i work part time. My job pays for my car payment, but i’m left with nothing in my pocket. I’ve been depending on a Visa for gas and food. I cant do that much longer. Please help!

PS: I’ve tried doing online surveys and hated it… (i get hundred in junk mail a day now)

Nagesh answers:

Why not tutor? Put up flyers in the library offering to tutor students in any subjects you are good at. I tutored as an undergrad in Math and Chemistry (only up to sophomore level) and I was paid anywhere from $10-$20 an hour by people. They pay cash. 🙂

Good luck! 🙂

Michael asks…

how can i make money fast in 2 weeks?

well this summer my dad was going to spend a week with us because on the last week of july he has his week off BUT! all of a sudden my sister now gets her own car because my aunt bought one for her and he has to pay for her insurace ($300) and he got the light bill! ($500) im sad because we rarley see our dad what if we cant do anything! he was planning all this stuff and now its ruined we were planning to go to splashtown, the beach, the zoo like we do almost every year and now its ruined how can i make fast cash? no online surveys please they require adresses and you actually have to pay them because they charge you on your cell phone bill im already working with my aunt (im cleaning her house) and she gonna give me like $20- $30 bucks and i need about $50 more to go! please help i want this summer to be a great one

Nagesh answers:

Make babysitting flyers using the computer and put them in the library, people’s mailboxes, and grocery stores.

Drum up more business and keep a notebook to schedule when you do get a customer.

Culver’s minimum hiring age is 14 with a workers permit.

I called many stores because I am 14 looking for a job. This was the response they gave which makes me happy after looking for so long.

Find a local one go online and apply and go in store to apply or call and ask if they are hiring.

What I did was Google a bunch of business near my home and found their numbers using Google maps or their sites and I called and directly asked if they are hiring and what age do they hire at.

Try local grocery stores, pizza parlors, retail stores, fast food restaurants.

Check out my blog. It has tons of money making ideas, saving tips, ways to score freebies , and discounts. The link is under my profile.
You can create a blog too. You can generate money just ranting about your interests.

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Sunday, March 16th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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