Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For College Students

Thomas asks…

I’m about to join a gang… any advice?

Yeah, it’s my senior year of high school. I suck at every subject except Math, Art and History. I’ve gotten As in those classes year, after year, after year, after year. I suck at everything else. Some days, I just say **** school and don’t even show up. Some days, I just leave early. I really don’t give a **** anymore.

School is a ******* joke. All the people are shallow and do nothing productive with their lives. All they do is smoke weed and drink the weekend away.(I’m not much better, but…) They’re still going to go to college. I know I’m probably not going to college because of my bad grades and my truancy.

I hate the people at my school.

It’s the same bullshit over and over. My counselors ask me “what are your plans for college, Darius?” “You need to challenge yourself more” **** that. My parents say I’m lazy or too laid back. They say I need to go to college. **** ’em. I don’t need them. They aren’t even home half of the time anyway. They’re always off at socials with their fellow “elitists” or at work. They probably think I’m worthless. **** them.

Those counselors or teachers don’t give a **** about me. They don’t give a **** about any of the students. They’re just doing their job that’s all. Whether you live or die is the least of their concern.

My friend learned about my situation, we were discussing this. He’s my best friend. We’re tight. We’ve been that way since middle school. He’s in a street gang. I wasn’t interested until now. He said his unit makes alot of money doing certain things and that they never get caught by the police. I told him I wasn’t doing anything with my life after high school and he said I could join. He said there would be no initiations, no ceremonies, I would just be in. He’ll put in a good word for me.

He said he makes thousands of dollars a year in untaxable money. Untaxable money! No Feds to come and take what’s mine.

He said this gang is about giving back to the community, “dismantling the American system”, and terrorizing ordinary citizens.

They are in connection with the larger Bloods street gang and run a series of drug cartels in the lower part of the state.

That sounds a hell of a lot better than college.

To me, this whole gang idea seems alot better than people make it to be. I can only imagine. I’ll make alot more money than going to college. Right now, I could use a quick buck or two. Screw doing the right thing. Screw everything my parents taught me. I’ll soon be a free man. I won’t have to see my parents anymore. They didn’t care about me. No one does.

I don’t care about dying. I just care about making money.

Has anyone been in a gang? Do you like it?

Nagesh answers:

Joining a gang is a dumb move. You get paid, sure, but you also get beat up, stabbed, shot, kidnapped.

You wont run into many of those problems you described in college. Go back to school, fool.

William asks…

why is my mom like this?

My mom recently separated from my dad. they were married 35 years and we all lived together. this was really quick and had something to do with the fact that she met someone. Well she has been with her boyfriend for 6 months. He’s very classy, respectful and successful. They decided to move in together. I’m 18 and a college student so Im living with them for the time being. It’s a really great place near the beach. At first, this guy was way nice and chill and now he seems more and more controlling. my mom went from a strong opinionated woman to a docile puppet. He makes her look so weak and all she ever does is cry when a problem occurs. She doesn’t know how to effectively be logical and unemotional when problem solving so when my mom and I are trying to work through a personal problem of our relationship, he cuts in and has to “speak” for her. Its weird to see my mom act so…weak. I dont like it. He always insists on paying for everything and buying us gifts and I think that there is no such thing as free money and I think it is so we both feel obligated. Although theres 2 sides to that.

anyway…what do i do?
mostly i just really dont like him at all anymore? hes sooo in your face, rude and controlling and my mom looks so weak.

Nagesh answers:

If he’s not abusing her mentally, emotionally, or physically then there isn’t much you can do. Obviously, your mother loved this man a lot at one point. She loved him so much she left her first husband of 35 years for him.

This is one of the ‘Careful what you wish for’ cases. She was being selfish and this is how God is trying to show her how she did wrong.

John asks…

My boss asked me to do Illegal things at work, I refused, then i got fired!. Help!?

(Toronto,Ontario) I got fired from my job recently because I refused to do Illegal actions my boss forced me to do at work. I work at a private college. A small collage that is operating legally on the out side ONLY. Yet inside (at work), we apply for Employment Insurance for individuals who don’t even come to school! and charge the Ontario government $17,000 for a fricken massage therapy course that they both split it’s profits (between college and student)! those individuales don’t even show up to school! besides all that, they also have specialized team to make phone calls and also receive phone calls from the gevernment I.E. pretending that they are other individuals to get applications accepted and funded quicker (they have many pay-as-you-go receiving cell numbers which they use to receive calls from the numbers they give out on application to the government. And above that, They hire Individuals from over seas to get them the Permanent Resident Status in Canada! these individuals don’t even have any thing to do at the college they don’t show up to work. they just pay taxes and get a fake letter of employment to look like they are working somewhere and this way they trick Immigration-Canada to give them working permits and eventually P.R. Cards! the college charges large sums of money for doing that! all in cash! I have proof of deceit! and i was fired for being Honest!

Who can i report them to? How can i stop them from stealing the government? I don’t want my job back, i just want to stop this college from operating this illegal scheme. Please help? I have proofs! This is Very Serious.

Nagesh answers:

The police is your best bet. Show them your proff and testify against them in court. You could also sue and get money because they fired you for refusing to do illegal things.

Michael asks…

I want to stop a business that’s deceiving/cheating Immigration Canada! ?

(Toronto,Ontario) I got fired from my job recently because I refused to do Illegal actions my boss forced me to do at work. I work at a private college. A small collage that is operating legally on the out side ONLY. Yet inside (at work), we apply for Employment Insurance for individuals who don’t even come to school! and charge the Ontario government $17,000 for a fricken massage therapy course that they both split it’s profits (between college and student)! those individuales don’t even show up to school! besides all that, they also have specialized team to make phone calls and also receive phone calls from the gevernment I.E. pretending that they are other individuals to get applications accepted and funded quicker (they have many pay-as-you-go receiving cell numbers which they use to receive calls from the numbers they give out on application to the government. And above that, They hire Individuals from over seas to get them the Permanent Resident Status in Canada! these individuals don’t even have any thing to do at the college they don’t show up to work. they just pay taxes and get a fake letter of employment to look like they are working somewhere and this way they trick Immigration-Canada to give them working permits and eventually P.R. Cards! the college charges large sums of money for doing that! all in cash! I have proof of deceit! and i was fired for being Honest!

Who can i report them to? How can i stop them from stealing the government? I don’t want my job back, i just want to stop this college from operating this illegal scheme. Please help? I have proofs! This is Very Serious.

Nagesh answers:

If you have questions or information for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, please contact us by phone or mail at:

Toronto East (Bowmanville)
415 Baseline Road West
Box 1500
Bowmanville, ON L1C 4V7
Telephone: (905) 697-6000

Toronto Airport
255 Attwell Drive
Etobicoke, ON M9W 7G2
Telephone: (905) 405-3750

Toronto North (Newmarket)
345 Harry Walker Parkway South
Newmarket, ON L3Y 8P6
Telephone: (905) 953-7267

Toronto West (Milton)
2755 High Point Drive
Milton, ON L9T 5E8
Telephone: (905) 876-9500

Area (GTA) District is staffed by more than 600 police members and about 50 civilians located at five sites Police officers with criminal offender at jail cells in the area. As the provider of federal police services, the RCMP in Ontario mainly focuses its efforts on large-scale criminal activities and those that are a threat to Canada’s national security.

Our members work closely with partners in the Ontario Provincial Police, municipal police services and various other law enforcement agencies in the region to cooperatively target crime.

The GTA District encompasses the Municipality of Toronto, and surrounding municipalities and counties including Mississauga, the regional municipalities of Halton, Peel, Durham and York, and the counties of Muskoka, Northumberland, Peterborough, Haliburton, Victoria, Simcoe and Dufferin.

The mandate of the GTA District is the enforcement of federal statutes and the Criminal Code. The enforcement units are focused on the RCMP priorities of disrupting organized crime and terrorist activities. They are:

* Commercial Crime Section
* Customs and Excise Section
* Immigration and Passport Section
* Drug Enforcement Section
* Federal Enforcement Section
* Criminal Intelligence Section
* Integrated Proceeds of Crime (IPOC)

Daniel asks…

I hate my weight and feel so fat please help !!!?

I am so unhappy, this time last year I was just under 8st (112lb) and now I am upto 9st1 (127lb) and I hate it. I have lost so much confidence and I am so angry I keep snapping at people, I hide up my stomach when sitting down and I don’t really ever want to go out because I feel so fat and my sex life has gone seriously down hill because I feel so ugly. I am on Cilest contraceptive pill and I think that is the cause of my weight gain. I am 5ft4 tall if that helps at all.
What I need is a very quick way to lose just like 5 or 6 lb then I will have the confidence to do the rest myself.
My diet isn’t too bad, I am vegetarian and today I have eaten 6 oat cakes (small ones with butter), a diet milkshake and two fried eggs (no bread) and I always drink loads of water each day (I’ve always loved water).
Whatelse can I do ? Please help, I have barely any money so I can’t buy loads of fancy foods and I don’t want to try diet pills pljus they are expensive too. I am a full time student at college and barely have any time for exercise however I do use my bf’s mums Slendertone for 30 mins a day and I know that will only tone and not make me lose weight. I have a pedometer and only do about 5000 steps a day which I know is half of what I am meant to do but it’s hard when I’m at college.
Thanks in advance I am so unhappy !!!

Nagesh answers:

Eat less or even better, go on diet.

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Friday, April 4th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making

Sharon asks…

Which free to play skill is the best money making skill?

In Runescape, which free to play skill is the best to make money? I want to make a pure skiller but I want to do the hardest and most money making skill first. Anything but runecrafting.

Nagesh answers:

Wood cutting its boring but you can get alot of money when you are able to chop willows because you can chopp them fast and they sell for decent amount

George asks…

How does Forex trading works and how can a layman like myself get involve?

i heard Forex trading is a great way of making fast money. i would like to get involve in this currencies money making thing. however my knowledge in this area is very limited. i’m desperately in need of some free guidance. help!!!!
i’m also wondering if my location matters. i’m living in Jamaica so will that be an issue as it relate to me getting involve?

Nagesh answers:

As with everything else it can ALSO be a fast way of losing money unless you know what your doing …but here are some details…

Betty asks…

How do i make quick money for rent?

I am like $400 short on my rent does anyone have any suggestions on fast money or services i can do make money, like selling items on ebay from my home i need it by the end of next week

Nagesh answers:

Ebay, sell blood, sell plasma, pawn items, payday loan, ask your friends, ask your parents, get a cash advance from work, ask your apartment complex for an extension.

David asks…

How can you make a lot of money off of a lemonade stand?

I need some fast money, and I just want to make it off of selling lemonade and cookies. Help, please!!

Nagesh answers:

Lemonade stand is the thing of the past.
The net is where young and adults make a lot money these days.
I have compiled a few ways on my blog on making money on the net.
Some programs have no age limit.
Feel free to visit if you want to. Here it is:

Helen asks…

What is a good way to make quick money?

I am trying to save up to buy the Blackberry Storm, but it is $500. What are some good ways for a teenage male to make fast money? Serious answers please.

Nagesh answers:

Culver’s minimum hiring age is 14 with a workers permit.

I called many stores because I am 14 looking for a job. This was the response they gave which makes me happy after looking for so long.

Find a local one go online and apply and go in store to apply or call and ask if they are hiring.

What I did was Google a bunch of business near my home and found their numbers using Google maps or their sites and I called and directly asked if they are hiring and what age do they hire at.

Try local grocery stores, pizza parlors, retail stores, fast food restaurants.

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Thursday, April 3rd, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Scams

Chris asks…

How to make money in the winter (February)?

I need fast money because i need to buy a new bat for baseball. since it is February i can’t mow lawns and i can’t shovel snow ( it didn’t snow this year for me) i am only 13.

Nagesh answers:

Be careful online
Anything that promises money online will be a scam.
Be ready to be scammed.

OOps… Someone trying to sell you a scam gave me the thumbs down – like I would care.

Laura asks…

What is the best way to make money online?

My job has not been bringing in enough income lately and I thought the internet might be fruitful. Are there any decent ways to make extra cash online that don’t involve scams or paying out too much?

Nagesh answers:

Long term steady income require some patience and dedication.. Fast and easy money are mostly scams.. Start blogging or setup an online store for free… Since its free there’s no point of being scammed.
There are paid and sponsored blogging opportunities available. Here is how it works:
1. Make a blog on your topic of interest
2. Register with paid blogging sites.
3. Write for them on your blog and get paid.
These are all free to join and no sign up or registration fees is required for it.

I suggest you start your blog and monetize it or sign up sponsored writing. You can find some helpful info in links section. Its free to start ideas, no sign up costs. Its sure-shot and legitimate and interesting too. Here’s how it works:
make few blogs based on your interest, for info on how to make a blog or website refer to links section. Now put ads on your blog, and you are ready to earn from your hobby.

Once you have a blog ready, you can share it with friends, family and others on net. Get your site/blog reviewed. Increase your rating and popularity and gain more visitors.
All the best

Mandy asks…

What is the best way to make money online?

My job has not been bringing in enough income lately and I thought the internet might be fruitful. Are there any decent ways to make extra cash online that don’t involve scams or paying out too much?

Nagesh answers:

Long term steady income require some patience and dedication.. Fast and easy money are mostly scams.. Start blogging or setup an online store for free… Since its free there’s no point of being scammed.
There are paid and sponsored blogging opportunities available. Here is how it works:
1. Make a blog on your topic of interest
2. Register with paid blogging sites.
3. Write for them on your blog and get paid.
These are all free to join and no sign up or registration fees is required for it.

I suggest you start your blog and monetize it or sign up sponsored writing. You can find some helpful info in links section. Its free to start ideas, no sign up costs. Its sure-shot and legitimate and interesting too. Here’s how it works:
make few blogs based on your interest, for info on how to make a blog or website refer to links section. Now put ads on your blog, and you are ready to earn from your hobby.

Once you have a blog ready, you can share it with friends, family and others on net. Get your site/blog reviewed. Increase your rating and popularity and gain more visitors.
All the best

Robert asks…

What is the best way to accept online payments in Dubai?

For an e-commerce site targeted at consumers living in Dubai, what is the best option for online payments?

Who are the leading merchant account providers and payment gateway services operating in the UAE and what currency are citizens most comfortable in using to pay online in? Do most residents hold credit cards or do they prefer to pay using bank transfers or PayPal like services?

Are there any governmental regulations I should be aware of?

Nagesh answers:

First of all, the UAE has only a few merchant account providers and we use the usual online Payment Gateway Services, mostly Paypal. Some people resort to Liberty Reserve, C-Gold, Moneybookers etc. But mainly we go with Online Credit Card Payments. In my personal opinion, we prefer to pay via Credit Cards as bank transfers can take 3-5 business days, sometimes longer. Credit Cards are widely available and can easily be found in any banks, they even sell prepaid VISA cards that can be used online too.

Simply answering your first question; Paypal. It’s simple, fast and easy to use. + They can spend up to $500 without having to go through the verification process.

Secondly, usually Mashreqbank is the main merchant provider for online transactions, as seen on websites such as,, as well as other websites. However, Paypal is increasingly being used in the Emirates.

Thirdly, most residents hold both credit cards and bank accounts, but prefer using credit cards as long as online transactions are safe and secure, being SSL secured and the payment gateway being somewhat well-known. There are a lot of scams going around, so I doubt anyone would go with “X Merchant” or “Z Merchant” and they might trust Paypal a bit more (personally, I dislike Paypal, but it’s easy and fast).

Lastly, I don’t believe the UAE government cares about international online transactions as long as they are straight forward and not fraudulent. Fraud causes are usually highly important in the Emirates as Dubai being a major fraud city in the Emirates, dealing with fraud cheques, credit cards etc. And increasingly on the rise. So in a short answer; no. There are no regulations.

Personal Advice: Ensure your website is SSL secured and that the nice seal is shown everywhere on the site to comfort residents, provide a phone number for support and assistance, and offer some form of money back to comfort citizens too.

Good luck!

Steven asks…

Is there ever really a legit work from home job? The data entry positions where you can work from your home?

Do they all cost money and scam you… or are there really jobs out there like that? Just wondering! Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Long term steady income require some patience and dedication.. Fast and easy money are mostly scams.. Start blogging or setup an online store for free… Since its free there’s no point of being scammed.
There are paid and sponsored blogging opportunities available. Here is how it works:
1. Make a blog on your topic of interest, cars, movies, gadgets, games, mobiles anything..
2. Register with paid blogging sites.
3. Write for them on your blog and get paid.

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Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast In Runescape

Donna asks…

What’s the best way to make money in RuneScape?

I’m trying to make money in Rune Scape (as said above) and i’m trying to find a good way to make money fast… Any suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

OK, there are sooo many ways to make money on Runescape!
I’m assuming you are a non-member like most people are,sooo,
Mining is a great way to make money.Not just copper and tin lol. You can also mine clay,Rune Essence,Blurite,Iron,and Silver with low level mining.(clay,rune ess.-lvl 1,blurite-10 iron-15 silver-20)
~Doing jobs for tutors
Yes,those tutor jobs suck,but they pay.Some of them aren’t even hard,like getting Rune Essence,or a bunch of logs,or simply killing a certain number of whatever.(Giant Rats,chickens,goblins,ect._
~Gathering and selling other (strange) items….
Like cowhides,meat,bones,bread,even potatoes! What I did was load my inventory with this stuff,sell it,and record how much it goes for at a general store.(This is BORING,TIME CONSUMING,and ANNOYING! I was lazy so I only did Port Sarim lol) After I am done with this answer I will put down some stuff I recorded lol.
~Cooking and selling
Did you know with a non-members account you can make some kinds of pies and some stew? I was suprised lol.The stew is EASY to make,and pie is a little harder,because of getting a pie dish,redberries,and pastry dough (redberries for a redberry pie,at lvl 10 0.o forgive me if that lvl is wrong lol)

How much I got for some stuff at Port Sarim *note:the amount of money you get goes down when the store gets more and more of what you are selling.These are the prices I got,but it will vary on the store and how much you are selling them*
Stuff sold to Wydin in food shop:
POTATOES-9-11 gp per potatoe
Raw Chicken-4-6 gp
Raw cow beef-4-5 gp
Bananas-1 gp
Grain-cannot sell to Wydin;Lumbridge-0 gp
Feathers-0-4 gp (Gerrant,fishing store)
Lumbridge General Store
(Scratch bones,they aint worth NOTHIN lol xD )
Leather Gloves-0-2 gp
balls of wool-0-2 gp
Stew-40 gp ( I only sold one of them because I was tired)

Hope I helped xDD

Carol asks…

What are some good money making tips on runescape?

What are some ways of making money on runescape if your a non-member.

Nagesh answers:

I’m a non-member as well so I know some ways to make a fairly good amount of money on RuneScape. First Thing you need to know though is that, the higher your skills are the faster and easy it is.Here are some ways.

~ Train your WoodCutting to at least 60.Then chop down Yews. Yews may be slow but it’s worth it. The sell almost instantly in the Grand Exchange.The are now 13k per inventory =)

~ Next is Mining. There are various ways to do this.,. Get at least 30 Mining Level to mine Coal. If you do this enough u can sell them in the Grand Exchange for a Good Price. Also if your a high enough Smelting you can mine 2,000 coal and 1,000 iron ore. Then smelt them to 1,000 steel bars. Those sell at a very high price and are quick sellers. It may take a while to get that much but the profit is worth it.

~ Also Fishing works great. If you can get 40 Fishing level, get 1,000 gp a Lobster pot, and go to Karumja. Fish a Full inventory of Lobsters and cook them if you can. If you cant it’s ok. Continue doing this untill you get 1,000 lobsters. Sell them in Grand Exchange.

Lisa asks…

What is the best way to make money on Runescape?

I have 67 mining, 55 mining, 68 fishing, 54 cooking, 66 woodcutting, 47 fletching. I want a lot of money fast!

Nagesh answers:

There are lots of easy ways such as:

Mining Coal, Iron, Gold, Mithril and when your mining level is high enough then adamant.

Woodcutting things like yew which sell for about 500ea and magic logs sell for 1kea

If you go onto world 16, people at the rune crafting places always say “open 2k” just do it and you get 2k easy!

You can work for someone.

If you use your brass key, then kill the giants, take the big bones and limpwurt roots then sell them.

Another really good way is to smith but this one takes ages. All you have to do is Buy loads of iron ore (or mine it) from the GE and twice as much coal (coal might take a while to buy) and then make steel bars. They sell for over 600ea. The best place to go is Al-Kharid because the furnace is near the bank.

Richard asks…

What’s the fastest way to make money on runescape?

What is the fastest way to get money on runescape? Username is weaselm01. I am a lvl 94 member, w/ 78 str, 76 wc, 71 def, 75 atk. And some other semi-high stats. Just anything to make 500k or more fast.

Nagesh answers:

What i do to make money is buy 1k iron ore for 95k and sell use ring of forging so i get 100% smelting chance on iron.. Then i smelt all and sell for 236k!!

Robert asks…

What is the best new way to make money on runescape?

I am very poor and I cant figure out how to make money! I tried mining, flax, dragons, and air running, none are fast enough! I am looking for a fast way to make money (about 1m an hour or so) and pelase dont say mining and flax. Also, now that the grand exchange is here, I cant figure out what to merchant! Any good items to merchant would be great. I have about 800k.

Nagesh answers:

I’m not sure if you can get 1m an hour. I know that with my current levels I can get 500k an hour easy. You can try to gain cheep items that will sell fast. Snape Grass is good possibility. My levels are at least level 50 in all skills with several in the upper 70s and lower 80s. I recently just got 54 in Summoning and and have Lunar spells too. So I’m studying how to get faster cash. I used to run into the Abyss for Nature Runes. Using world 36 for double Nature is nice. But can be slow waiting in line. The best way I’ve learned to make cash is to simply stick to a task and keep going for hours on end. If it is mining, sell ores. For fishing, sell raw fish. One of the most common skillcapes I’ve seen is for Fletching. People will work that skill for cash. Thats one of my level 70s skills btw. I suggest working on your skills so you can High Alch, craft Nature Runes, and Fletch maple and yew longbows. If you sit down and work your skills, the cash will come. Trust me. You could even try making elemental orbs. Try help sites like RuneHq and read their suggestions on making cash. Enjoy.

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Tuesday, April 1st, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Online

Betty asks…

How can I send money or US Dollars to India online, free & fastest?

I want to send money to India quickly and I don’t want to user services like Western Union and all.. They give very bad currency rates and their service fees are too high. Please suggest something really nice that I can use which is trustworthy, fast, accurate, cheap/free and just amazing.

Nagesh answers:

Unless you have a bank that can wire the money for you, Western Union is one of the BETTER offers you will find. Cheap is HIGHLY unlikely and free is not even a joke.

Jenny asks…

How do you make money online from home for free UK based?

iv seen websites that you can money from by not doing much which people have tested and they work.But they are all in dollars is there a UK one which anyone has tried and works and how do u receive the money the make?

Nagesh answers:

This program is avalable all over the world and even better it really works!!
I’ve been looking at different “passive income streams” over the last couple weeks and
have settled-in on a program that started in July I believe and has already won lots of fans.

By “passive”, I just mean it can bring you cash without you
actually having to answer any questions, handle any support,
train anyone, etc.

Look at

– VERY low startup ($25)
– Easy to get referrals
– Pays well and quickly
– VERY viral in nature (spreads and grows fast)
– Get your cash immediately instead of waiting

If you’re looking to put some cash in the bank pretty quick
and without hardly any risk, you should check this program
out. It’s actually working exactly as advertised.

Very simple but effective system! Give it a look.


Sponsor ID 8355

George asks…

how to raise a lot of money quickly?

theres this bag i really want, its quite expensive (£160) but im willing to pay if i can earn it. i dont have a job and i can only find on for sale online. currently the price is reducted in a sale, how can i raise enough money quickly to buy it before someone else gets it?

Nagesh answers:

You can babysit and tutor of do some odd jobs like lawn mowing until you have enough. Or you could ask your parents for an early birthday present.

Mary asks…

Good ways to make money online?

OK, are there acctually any ways to make money online or are they all scams? I wanna save up for a Macbook Pro 🙂 Any help would be appreciated.
Bill K:
I am studying at college full time and don’t have time for a job. I’ve been working my arse off during the holidays on a temp job to earn money. Think before you open your mouth. Don’t you think I would go out and get a real job if I could?

Nagesh answers:

Hi. After years of trial and error and wasted time and money learning how to make money online I have finally learned one thing – adult websites are by far the fastest and easiest way to quickly begin earning online.

If you are serious about an adult website you either need to provide your own content or team up with a good affiliate program. Since you’re asking this – I will assume you don’t have content 😉 I use a web cam site with a well known, established affiliate program to generate about $750 – $1200 per month every month quickly and easily. I get paid every single week and earn up to $80 for every FREE member I refer to my site. You also get a $50 CASH bonus just for signing up. You don’t have to pay anything to get started and my program is staffed 24/7 with affiliate support reps to ensure you know how to make money. I currently convert better than 1 in 150 unique visitors, so I know for a fact this is a great web cam affiliate program. Check out my blog for more info – look for the “Adult Webmasters Wanted” page on the upper right hand side of the page. Good luck!

Carol asks…

How can I put this idea in a picture?

How can I put this idea in a picture?
I am trying to make a picture for a book I am designing, and the picture I am trying to portray is that of
a someone making money really quickly online, whilst not wasting their money on things that they dont need to do..

any suggestions please?

Nagesh answers:

The computer leads could be plugged into a safe with gold bars inside it or along those lines to represent the online money being made, a title would need to go with it to confirm it.
As for representing him not spending much money you could draw the guy as very boring and basic or show his room with nothing it but an empty shelf?

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Monday, March 31st, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money From Home

Mary asks…

ideas for making money from home ?

when i was 8 weeks pregnant i was told my job would become redundant – then this was changed to 20 hour per week. So i’m 15 weeks now and stressing big time for what we are going to do for money. I have hit a brick wall when it comes to thinking of things to do at home to make money.

Can you guys give me some ideas. I was thinking of sewing and selling on the internet, or making jewelry and selling but other ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Hi,had a look at ChaCha and i dont live in the US…:-(
thanks guys and gals for your answers however i dont want to do the whole internet job thing, i was thinking of like baking cakes for special occasions or sewing and selling things online.. stuff like that.

Nagesh answers:

The scammers are easy to tell anyway’…, They all take some money from you as “Joining Fee” or “Entry Fee” and vanish.

Sharon asks…

Does anyone have any ideas on a good way to make extra money from home?

Nagesh answers:

You can only obtain legitimate work from home positions from brick and mortar companies.

You want to send your resume out to companies hiring for positions you are qualified for, but include in your resume that you have a home office and you wish to work remotely. Include how you have your home office set up and what equipment you already have in order for you to perform your job.

These jobs are just going to advertised as jobs, they would not promote them as “work at home” because they would hear from too many unqualified people.

Mandy asks…

Does Anyone know Of ways to Make money From Home?

Im a single parent of three kids and daycare is too expensive, and i don’t get any help from the father….. Does anyone have ideas on making a living from home?

Nagesh answers:

If you enjoy other children, home daycare is a good choice. I have five kids of my own. We have never used daycare for them so I’ve always been home. I do home daycare. I am licensed through my state and I am a provider on a military base. I am able to make really good money, stay home with my kids AND do something I truly love. I am an Early Childhood Education Student and someday I want to be a pre-school teacher. Right now, I teach pre school to all the kids who come to my home everyday.
It is a lot of work (no “easy money” here!). I am required to have daily lesson plans which meet certain standards in a variety of developmental areas, I have to plan menus and provide meals and snacks that are approved through the USDA. There are many other little things that go along with my business, but the perks (working from home, being my own children) are wonderful.

One thing to know, though, this is only for those who truly enjoy spending much time with children. If someone were to do this only for the money, it would soon get OLD!. Don’t get me wrong, the money is great, but no amount of money would be worth this job unless you really do love it. And after all, don’t children deserve someone who enjoys them rather than someone who just wants their parent’s dollars?

Good luck with finding a solution to suit you!:-)

Lizzie asks…

any ideas on how to make some extra money from home besides doing surveys or similar junk?

i’m certainly old enough to do any type of work.

Nagesh answers:

I’m not sure what your experience, back ground or what your work history is or what your even qualified to do. If you can type, or take calls, or have some sort of Internet skills, you might be able to qualify for a home job position. There was an article that I know of that has a couple different companies listed. If you meet their criteria, and think you’d like the job, then go ahead and apply for the position.


Good Luck to you!

Paul asks…

I need ideas on how to make money from home.?

I just got out of highschool and will need money for college. I live in Michigan an you know what that means, no-one is going to hire me for a steady job.

I have had 5 credit hours of electronics at my high school, but I am not completely sure how I can use this to gain an income.

I have looked at e-bay and noticed speaker boxes, but none of them have bids on them, so I’m guessing trying to make them and sell them on e-bay would be a bad idea.

Any ideas please.

Nagesh answers:

My friend Make shirts And Paints them …
And people like em …
If that helps….
but yeah get creative … Anything like crafty …people like…

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Sunday, March 30th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast Online

David asks…

i need to make money fast anyway i can do i online………….?

and if you guys are oing to give me online stuff plz tell me how to complet offers.da’n give me any thing that you just looked up on google in if you haven’t tried it i don’t want it i need to make MONEY HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nagesh answers:

There is a website I have been looking at that my friend referred to me. You make money right away and you have the money sent to you. There is no sign up fee and anyone can do it. For more information please contact me. Email me. Tonydw86

Lisa asks…

best way for a 15 year old to make 300 dollars fast?

Im looking to make fast money but im only 15 and i dont know what to do im kind of a shy guy i dont really go to neighbors and ask them if i can do stuff to earn money i need a way to make 300 dollars fast if any one can help that would be great. And Thanx in advance

Nagesh answers:

General Strategies and Techniques on Saving Money and Earning More Money

Save as much money as you can! You’ll be surprised as to how quickly you can save a lot of money!

Here are a few suggestions:

Ways To Save Money & Ways To Earn More Money (Updated on 08/19/2010)

Don’t go out to eat. Example: don’t eat out at fancy, high-class restaurants. Instead, eat at a fast food restaurant or cook a healthy meal at home. It is much cheaper than spending a lot of money at an expensive restaurant.

If you are a teen or a young adult, you might want to hold a bake sale. Post fliers around your neighborhood, school, and community center to advertise your bake sale. You can have your other friends help you out, so that you can help attain your goal of saving and/or making more money. Keep your bake sale open for at least four hours, spanning a substantial portion of the morning or the afternoon. You can also decide to host the bake sale for multiple days. Example: Bake Sale Weekend: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM.

If you have a habit of buying new clothes very often, then resist the urge to buy new clothes for a little while. You could potentially save a good amount of money. If you are used to buying

Take personal finance courses online or at a high school or college/university. Important topics include banking (how financial institutions operate), stock market (which includes discussion on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), NASDAQ, and the S&P 500), finance (which includes discussion on the time value of money), interest rates, credit, loans, mortgage, real estate, the derivatives market, microeconomics (which includes discussion on perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly structures), and macroeconomics (which includes discussion on the money supply, aggregate demand, and the Federal Reserve).

If you are a teen or a young adult, you may want to have a dog-walking service.

To help you manage your money, try

Talk to a customer service representative at a bank or other financial institution and learn more about financial instruments.

Don’t go out to watch new movies in theaters. Watch movies on your TV at home. Rent movies using Netflix.

If you are a teen, you may want to think about babysitting. You can babysit your neighbor’s children.

Don’t spend too much money when going out with friends. Have a budget in mind before you actually meet up with your friends.

If you are a teen, you could try to mow the lawn. Many of your neighbors probably want their lawns to be mowed at a fraction of the price that they pay others to do the same work.

Invest your money in a CD (certificate of deposit). You can hold your money in a CD for 6 months or even a year. It generally pays more interest than the interest you get from a traditional savings account from a bank.

If you are a teen, do chores around the house. Your parents will appreciate it and you might get some money for it.

If you like to invest your money in the stock market, then you may want to invest your money in a commodity, such as gold. The value/price of gold is expected to increase in the future.

If you are a teen, then make sure to save the money that you get from your allowance (if you get an allowance).

If you like to invest your money in the stock market, then you may want to invest your money in specific large-cap and medium-cap companies that you trust. Apple (Stock Symbol: AAPL) and Google (Stock Symbol: GOOG) are two such stocks where you can choose to invest your money.

Try to sell something of value that you are willing to part with. Sell your old stuff on websites where many people make purchases, such as ebay or craigslist. You could also sell your stuff through a garage sale or a yard sale.

Try to hold a donation drive where your family, close friends, neighbors, and other acquaintances will be able to help you out and donate a little bit of money. These people will include your parents, brothers, sisters, close friends, relatives, grandparents, neighbors, and other acquaintances.

If all else fails, borrow money from other people (parents, brothers, sisters, close friends, relatives, grandparents, neighbors, acquaintances, etc.) in order to get a short-term loan.

Robert asks…

Earning Money Fast?

What’s a good way to earn money fast, besides getting a job?

Nagesh answers:

Dear Friend,

There are actually lot of ways to earn money from Internet. But I am going to explain you the 6 simple ways to earn money from netmake money online. The Best Part Is that there is NO INVESTENT. Hope this helps you.


Steven asks…

money? fast?

ok so i got a lot of birthdays coming up. especially my best friends sweet sixteen. i got like no money what so ever, and my family isn’t doing so good financialy either. so i can’t ask them for money… whats a way i can get money and fast? i kinda cant get a job on acount of i’m under 16. =]

Nagesh answers:

This site gave me the best two options to make money from the looong time I spend online (I work from home ’cause I’m a translator)

They’ve worked for me and I hope they work with you

Best of luck!

Lizzie asks…

Make money FAST?

hi, well i really want to make some good money fast, (up to 700 bucks) and im not leagly allowed to babysit untill im 12 and im 11. lemonade stand isnt optional cuz its freezing, my parents dont let me go to peoples houses I dont know to do work such as raking leaves. I really need an idea for the fall to make money!!!! I just want to get some new clothes

Nagesh answers:

Do you want to make money online ? Do you want to work from home ? Make over $3000 per month . Visit my blog at

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Saturday, March 29th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick And Easy

Thomas asks…

What is the easiest way to become rich.?

What is the easiest way to become rich.?
How a person a earn quick money by any means including good and bad things

Nagesh answers:

I agree with that girl become a celebrity!!

Linda asks…

Quick and easy way to know how an infinitive is used?

Please help. I think we all know that language workbooks give easy example then give a really, REALLY hard problem. I’m having trouble figuring how an infinitive is being used. It’ll either be a noun, adjective, or adverb. And I do no have a textbook because we only have a class set for this subject. So please help!

Nagesh answers:

Here are some examples:

An infinitive is the simple present form of a verb used as either a noun, adjective, or adverb. The verb of the infinitive is normally preceded by the word to. When the infinitive follows some verbs as the direct object, the to may be dropped.

An infinitive phrase is the infinitive plus any complements and any modifiers of the infinitive and complements.

As a Noun: He helped to write the program.

As an Adjective: Lydia was looking for a way to earn money.

As an Adverb: He shouted to get our attention.

To Dropped: He helped write the program.

Sandra asks…

What is the easiest way to become rich.?

How a person a earn quick money by any means including good and bad things.

Nagesh answers:

Good way- do export-import business.
Bad way – do smuggling.

Steven asks…

what do you do to earn money around your community?

ok, so i want some easy quick jobs around my neighborhood, like mowing lawns and walking dogs and so on. i need 500 dollars by january, so well paying jobs would be good. also if you could say how much money you require/are paid for these jobs, it would be great.

Nagesh answers:

Well, it’s hard for kids to find ways to earn extra money, I’ve been doing research for you and I’ve come up with a few good ideas and put them in a blog so take a look:

Also if you’re wanting to do surveys for money, I’ve also listed them in this blog of mine:

James asks…

How does fiverr pay to its members?

Do they only pay your earned money by that stupid paypal? Or is there any other option of receiving payments from fiverr?

Nagesh answers:

The Fiverr Revenue Card, powered by Payoneer, is an excellent payment option for anyone looking to have quick and easy access to their funds.

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Friday, March 28th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money In Runescape

Ruth asks…

how do I get money in runescape really quick?

I’m tired of mineing essence, it takes forever to get thousands of them.

Is there any really quick ways you can get money in runescape without working on it for hours?
I’m a non member, so i dont know very many ways I can get money quick {:

Nagesh answers:

Actually ull need 2 weeks sumthing 2 get 20-30 mil by runecrafting

ok here’s d steps:

first u need 330k to buy 10k ess
second buy air tiara
third go to air temple
fourth press req assist w the man saying assiting 9x or req assist 9x or 9x (beware of scammers)
then do step 3 and 4

ps: if u can’t get 330k mine coal, fish lobs and swordys

Maria asks…

What is a quick way to make lots of money on Runescape ?

Im level 75 and I really need money on Runescape. I used to mine 1000 Pure essence and sell it at Grand exchange for 122k but it takes so long. Has anyone got any idears on how to make lots of money but quickly?

Nagesh answers:

Please read this entire thing, as it’s WELL worth it
All of these answers have a max income rate of 100k-150k gold per hour. I’m a level 108 and I go to green dragons. They’re super easy to kill. Take your normal armour (rune or better) and a weapon, such as dds , dscim, whip. Be sure to take your antifire shield as well. Buy about ten full games necklaces and 100 lobsters (You can substitute the food). Take 50 air and 50 mind runes with you, as well as your games necklace and 5 lobsters. Teleport to Clan wars, go west until you see the green dragons. Kill them and pick up the dragon bones and hides. When you have a full inventory, just teleport back to Bounty Hunter for banking, then use necklace to go back to Clan wars; and repeat.
I can average 350k an hour there; but I have 99str so I kill them faster. You could easily get 235k+ per hour if you worked hard.

Tips- Be sure to watch out for reverants(At your level, watch for the pyrefiend, hobgoblin, and vampires), they have a rather strong magic-based attack, so don’t bother to fight them. Put up your mage prayer and run east until you see Clan Wars. Once you get inside the building, teleport to Bounty Hunter and redo your run.
If you need more prayer, go to the “safe” portal in Clan wars, and let someone kill you. You’ll keep you items, and respawn beside the portal with FULL stats.
Be sure to pick up only the hides and the bones. The only other drops besides those you should get are the nature runes (15 at a time).
Remember those runes I told you about for the Air Strike? Use that as a first hit; that way when your running to a dragon, somoneone else close won’t steal it. So use the spell once, then continue with your own attack.
This all sounds hard, but it only takes two or three times before you can establish your own method of Dragon Slaying. I have played on a dozen different accounts for a period of five years. This is the fastest easiest way to get money on runescape without getting 99wc or runecrafting, at least in my opinion.
The hides sell for about 1.7k each, the bones sell for a bit over 2k each. If you get an inventory of both (half of each), you average 47k per trip (this is the fastest and recommended way). If you collect just bones, you get around 57k per trip. If just hides, around 37k per trip.
Hope this helped!

Daniel asks…

What is the quickest way to level up construction on runescape?

I have level 30 construction on runescape and I want to get level 40. I have a decent amount of money and I want to know the quickest way to level up. any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

When you are around 32 construction you can make oak carved tables at your workbench in your house,

If money is not a problem for you then, buy about 20 ring of dueling (8), about 100 house teleport tabs, and about 1500 oak planks. If you run out of any supply just buy more

You start of by having all your teletabs in your inventory(they stack on top of each other), and wear a ring of dueling, and all the space you have left in your inventory you fill with oak planks

you then teleport to your house and go to work bench and keep making carved oak tables until you have no planks, then you use ring of duelling to teleport to castle wars, which has a bank right next to tele spot,

here you withdraw more planks then teleport to house and repeat process,

using this method i was able to get from 32 to 50 construction in under an hour,

hope this helps you

Laura asks…

On Runescape what is the best way to get money?

Im a level 78 on runescape and im saving up for some dragon boots. I just need a quick way to get money.

Nagesh answers:

Kill green dragons and sell their bones and hides 🙂

Nancy asks…

How to make money on runescape?

I am a level 51 mage who needs money for runes. I need quick ways to make money so i dont have to mine rune essence.

Nagesh answers:

Mining rune essence is probably the fastest way to make money. But if you want something different, kill cows and make their hides into hard leather, kill various creatures and pick up their drops ect. Good luck

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Thursday, March 27th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Ideas

Laura asks…

Whats the easiest quickest way to make lots of money legally?

Please give me an idea to make money fast. Please do not say “get a job”. Because I have an inverted disc in my lower back. I am not particularly computer savvy, nor do I want to be a male escort.

Nagesh answers:

Learning the racing forms, bookmakers odds, trainers, grades and jockey weights, to punt on horse racing. I do and always make a few extra grand a week, extra play money.

Sandy asks…

How to make a 2007 1200 sportster custom faster?

I have a 2007 1200C and I want to make it faster. Money really is not an issue but I want to make sure it is done right so I don’t screw up my bike! I already have stage 1 carb kit with vance and hines straight shots. Just wondering if you all had any ideas! Thanks

Nagesh answers:

Drop a CBR 1000RR motor into it.

Donna asks…

How can I make money easily around my neighborhood and town?

I’m 13 right now My friend and I want to go on a trip to New York in about a year. My friends parents dont have alot of money so we are trying to find other sources of cash. We are going to be paying for the trip ourselves and I was wondering if you guys had any suggestions on ways of making money. Any idea, no matter how crazy is would be helpful. Thanks!!

Nagesh answers:

Baby sit, dog sit, offer to walk dogs, garage sale, mow lawns, sell lemonade, clean houses,clean garages,pull weeds,ebay, a dishwasher at a restaurant(some do hire), paper route,wash inside and clean outside of cars, some fast food places hire, make crafts and sell them house to house.

There are many opportunities, just find something you like to do and go from there. Im 14 and I started trying to make money a few months ago. I like to excercise, so I decided to mow lawns for neighbors(its not neccessarily something that I liKe to do though) But I do like to sell things, and I often do garage sales. Just find something you like and work hard at it, if you work hard you will do well BTW i just made 220 dollars at a garage sale with my brother, and I now have around 1,500 dollars. Good Luck!

Lisa asks…

How much would my psp be worth with games?

I need to make $800 fast and I’m 13 so I can’t get a real job. I mow lawns and stuff but that isn’t helping me make a lot. Estimate on psp and gameboy advanced sp plus good ideas for fast money will get best answer

Nagesh answers:

Game for psp you’ll get $5-$30
Game systems are Ds-$85 Wii $155 don’t know about PsP. Around $120-$180 for a 3000.

David asks…

How do i make money for cheer camp?

My cheer squad goes to camp every year in the very beginning of June. About two years ago i was not on the squad but after looking at pictures everyone had special clothes everyday. So i took this as an opportunity to raise money for new gear. I don’t just wanna take people’s money, but i had some ideas. Maybe a bake sale, car wash and maybe selling snacks in school. I don’t wanna spend more money on making and getting food than we receive. We need to make $5,000 for new gear. Any ideas how to make money fast?

Nagesh answers:

Bake sales, car washes and other kinds of fundraisers are a great way to raise money for such events. If you search the net you can also find a lot of big confectionery companies have ready to go fund raising packs. Just email them and ask what they have to offer and how much you receive for your efforts. These work great with team of people behind them.

The other powerful avenue to explore is local sponsorship. Sponsorship can be great for local businesses as they have an opportunity to give back to the community, and it is relatively cheap advertising for them. The amount and type of advertising you will be able to offer will be determined by how you want to help promote their business. For example, you could agree to wear shirts sporting the logos of your major sponsors, you could put on displays at major sponsor events/stores. The degree to which you could promote their products and services at the camp would have to be researched with the camp guidelines to ensure you do not breach any advertising rules.

All the best.

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Wednesday, March 26th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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