Your Questions About Fast Money Making Ideas For Kids

Susan asks…

What is a good small business a 14 year kid can start?

I want to make some money while if it gos wrong loosing the least amount of money
I was thinking a small fish business selling some fish. I already have 2 tanks….and fish cost around 5$ and multiply fast.
Are there any other ideas?

Nagesh answers:

– Sell handmade clothing
– Invent something
– Create and sell pixels/avatars/graphics/layouts on the Internet

I think fish would be difficult to sell unless they are quite exotic, and here is a website which you may find useful

Ken asks…

Best ways to make money FAST for teenagers?

I am 15 years old, 16 in April, and I really need a mobile phone, I want an iphone5 haha. >< SO EXPENSIVE. But yes, I've tried applying for McDonalds but they haven’t gotten back to me in like 3 weeks and I don’t know what else to do, I am currently not at school at the moment because I am not yet enrolled, but I will be getting enrolled by next week or so.
I just want to make fast money but have no ideas, I can’t sell stuff on ebay because doesn’t putting stuff up on ebay cost money, which I legit don’t have.
I don’t want to do those silly little childish old things like ‘LEMONADE STAND, or, HOUSE CLEANING’, seriously, who would trust a 15/16 year old stranger to clean their house. Come on.

And I will NOT mow lawns -.- I am too short to handle a lawn mower haha.

Nagesh answers:

There’s no such thing as fast money…seriously you’re just a kid you’ll be making minimum wage at any job you apply for. Apply at every store you can, not just McDonald’s.
Otherwise try babysitting, pet sitting, dog walking, yard work, etc.

You seem pretty picky. And when trying to make money you can’t be picky. There are adults that are struggling and would be GLAD to mow someones lawn for a few extra bucks. There’s no such thing as “too short to handle a lawn mower”. I’ve mowed my lawn since I was like 7 or 8. Seems like excuses because you don’t want to do the dirty work. Money is money, take what you can get.

Joseph asks…

What can I make that i can sell to middle school kids easily?

I’m in middle school, and i want to make and sell something fast that middle school kids like so i can make money. Any ideas on what to make?

Nagesh answers:

Ooh, paper flowers, name bracelets, or you can sell candy like buy a whole pack and then sell each candy a dollar each.

Lizzie asks…

What is the fastest easiest (legal) way to make an extra $1000 a month?

I work full time, have a family but i’m really behind on bills. I’ve calculated I need to bring in an extra $1000 dollars a month. I don’t have much time to spare in the evenings or weekends. Any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

If you don’t have time then you can’t do commission jobs because that requires time.
You also can’t do part time job because of time.
There are other things but it will take anywhere from 6 months to 2 years to get to the level of $1000 per month.
At start you may get $100 per month.
Things you can do are:
1. Buy rental properties with nothing down (if you have good credit) and see to it that you get positive cash flow. An average size property will give $100 cash flow after paying all bills.
2. Create niche based websites in your free time or when kids go to sleep. Read about adsenses and affiliate marketing. Each website will give about $100 per month.
3. Get knowledge for options in stock market and buy and sell options for money. (caution: get knowledge first)
4. Buy things on liquidation sale and sell it on ebay.
5. Write a book in next one year and then sell it.

Donald asks…

How can a 13 year old make some extra money?

I’m always looking to make some extra money because my mom can’t buy me everything I want so I have to spend some of my own money too. Got any ideas? And I’m not too young because my mom is online with me and she gave me permison to ask, so thanks for the help!

Nagesh answers:

One of the most common questions on “Yahoo Answers” comes from young people looking for ways to make money. I totally understand the question and the various responses with the traditional answers of babysitting, online surveys, lemonade stands, paper routes, etc. While the traditional ways of making money may work for some people, they certainly won’t work for everyone so it’s time to think outside the box and dare to be different.

In most states it’s illegal to hire minors (under a certain age) for employment. For some states that is somewhere between 14 and 18 depending on the job, the duties and the products or services being sold. The best resource for your situation is a chat with your local school’s guidance officer or Board of Education. These resources will be able to help you get a work permit, explain the laws and rules, and sometimes help you find employers that are seeking part-time student help. Let’s face it… it won’t hurt to ask.

Now for those who aren’t able to legally work for an employer, don’t give up! You can, at any age, work for yourself and/or your parents. There are limitations such as selling drugs, alcohol, body parts and other products but that leaves a lot of things that you CAN sell and/or services that you can provide.

Your local library is a great resource. Check out books like “Fast Cash for Kids” by Bonnie & Noel Drew. Talk to the Librarian for other referrals. You might like “The Richest Kids in America” by Mark Vincent Hansen… what a great book!!!

Check out the services of Junior Achievements at Junior Achievements is a legitimate organization that works with teen entrepreneurs. You just might “click” with their website.

You will need to do a little homework before just dashing into a business of your own. You will want to find out about local laws and licensing. You might want to learn a little about marketing, accounting, selling techniques, advertising, taxes, etc.

Here are some ideas for money making that you may or may not have thought about for yourself… washing windows, recycling, teaching, tutoring, writing, crafts, selling online, fixing and selling skateboards or bicycles, refinishing furniture, cooking or baking, washing cars, growing and selling flowers or spices or even goldfish, printing tshirts or calendars, selling bumper stickers, energy efficient lightbulbs or programmable thermostats, shampooing carpeting, making and selling non toxic cleaning products, selling books or music or video games, or performing as a clown or other character or … as you can see the list goes on and on.

It’s really important to DO something to get your business started. It’s great to think about things and plan how you’ll spend your money once you earn it but you’ve got to start doing something in order to take action. Learn how to write a business plan and then concentrate on writing it. You can’t reach success if you can’t describe it.

I started working at 12 selling calendars door to door from fall to winter every year and I raked in a lot of money just fifty cents at a time. But I didn’t sit back waiting for the money to find me and you shouldn’t either. It’s time to learn about yourself, your industry, your customers, your suppliers and your business.

Every journey begins with a single step.

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

How Does Residual Income Fare Against Linear Income – We Find Out!

Online money making schemes can be quite the catch, if you are lucky enough to find a legitimate company. Presence of hoax websites is a reality, although, there is no dearth of money making opportunities, if you search for it. The type of job you might get, depends on, your skill and expertise. If you are adept to computers, you will be preferred over an amateur. You need to understand your present scenario and make a move from that spot.

In this article, we will be focusing primarily on ways to earn money quick and residual income strategies vs. linear income strategies, but first, you need to understand what the terms residual and linear mean.

Defining Residual Income:

Residual income is a process to earn money through internet, which continues generating profits, even after the initial effort is made. In other words, you enjoy a steady income, even after the initial work phase is over. Residual income is not related to the number of hours of effort you put in. Hence, you can do the job once and enjoy regular results.

Fast money making is the primary benefit of residual income, while you are getting paid regularly. Residual income can grow steadily, even without putting in any additional effort or work. Network marketers have been continuously leveraging their business, by the power of multiplication.

Defining Linear Income:

Linear or fixed income involves around a one-time payment mode, in the form of fees, wage, margin or salary. You do a one-time job and get paid instantly. Hence, linear income is directly proportional to the number of hours invested into the job, or the number of products/services sold.

People, with a linear income, earn a fixed regular income, at the end of every month. Most salaried professionals fall in this category. Online money making schemes incorporate both these processes, effectively, although, you need to choose, which method best suits your needs.

Residual income vs. linear income:

Most people try out linear income options, as they are unaware of residual income techniques. If you want to get money fast, residual income is your best bet. The problem nowadays is that, scope in linear income methods are decreasing. This is however, not a reason for worrying, for people, who are well aware of alternate ideas to make money.

Linear income may be risk free, although, it has less scope for improvements and expansion. Hence, people often look for easy ways out of these situations. You need to be aware of your duties, while looking for residual income and once you manage to get this done, there is no stopping you from making improvements.

Applying the principles of duplication, residual income and principles of leverage to online money making schemes has its own positives. Success is within grasp, you just have to reach out! An average person is eligible to try this out, as merit does not distinguish between people, in this field. All you need to do is work hard and results are sure to follow! If you work hard and work smart, success is sure to follow!

Monday, June 2nd, 2014 Uncategorized No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money From Home

Steven asks…

I want to make money from home using my computer,any ideas on how to go about it or what to buy and sell.?

Nagesh answers:

A few – – but I strongly suggest that you don’t rush into anything, as legimit online jobs will take time to get sorted out and up and running… And they tend to take a while to pay out 😛 For example Amazon takes about 4 months to pay me my money, while google adsense takes about 1 month. But both of them *do* pay out which is very important of course! 🙂

For google adsense and the Amazon programs, you’ll need a website or blogger – is free and they let you add your own google adsense ads to your blog. Sell things via ebay? Though you’ll proberly need to have a good at ebay to see what you’d be able to sell and have a good look at what sells well too of course.

Laura asks…

Does anyone know of a legit work at home job?

I am looking into working from home, but am not willing to pay to do it, so if you are some scammer, don’t answer. Otherwise, if anybody knows of a trustworthy company or website about working from home, please let me know, or of any other ideas of making money from home. Thanks a lot!

Nagesh answers:

Well, you could do any of those self employed businesses like Mary Kay, Avon, Creative Memories, Pampered Chef, Home Interiors. Or you can do those mail monitor ones where you get mail from the post office and mark the condition it is in. But you don’t make a whole lot of money doing that. You could do those surveys online or the companies that you make phone calls for from your home. Or the secret shoppers jobs if you like to shop. That’s all I can think of at the moment…..

Charles asks…

I am thinking about working from home and since I have 2 kids it isn’t worth paying someone else to raise them?

I would like some ideas to earn money from home. Any ideas appreciated since their seems to be alot of scams that want money up front etc. That seems a little suspicious to me. I live in Canada as well since that will play a big part. Thank you so much!

Nagesh answers:

Your only legit option is to run a business selling real products or services.period.

Thomas asks…

How can I make extra money until I can find a full time job?

Thanks for any ideas on how to make extra money at home until I find a job. My family really needs the money.

Nagesh answers:

Http:// Its what I do and it’s worked out pretty well. What you have to do is complete surveys and offers for companies that want the public’s opinion. No payment from you is ever required, not to sign up, not EVER.

The sites don’t get paid directly from you, but when you complete an offer or survey, they also get paid a small portion of what you earned yourself. For example, if you complete a survey about computers let’s say, you would earn maybe $2 and the web site itself would recieve $0.50 from the company also for getting you to complete the survey. These surveys take little time at all, most taking up less than even 1 or 2 minutes of your time.

They don’t need any information other than your name, email address and your home address. Yup, that is all. No credit card information, no banking information, nothing like that. All they require is your name and address so that your cheque can be sent to your home every month.

Personally I have been a member of these websites, along with thousands of other satisfied users, for approximately 1.5 years now and have earned well over $8600 by working in my spare time. This web site has been great to me, also the members and administrator are very friendly, and are always there to help you with a question or problem you may be having. I give you my word that they pay.

George asks…

How can I earn $75 per day five days a week from home?

I’m looking for ideas on how to earn money from home so I can be a stay at home mom for my newborn. I need to earn $75 per day five days a week to pay the bills.

FYI: Insincere answers will be reported as abuse.
Jamie Lee – What do they pay?

Nagesh answers:

I was looking for the same thing and I found a job. Its at a place called Alpine Access. It is a Colorado based company, so what you do is you take customer service calls from home. I work from 6AM to 11AM only mon-fri and its great 🙂 A lot eadier with a new baby at home. I suggest you go to and fill out an application. Good Luck and I hope that I helped 🙂 I make 8 dollars per hour but it really depends on which position you get. The advertisement in the newspaper here said that you can make anywhere between 8 and 12 dollars an hour.

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Monday, June 2nd, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

How do Residual Income and Instant income Money Making Schemes fare against each other when compared?

Before heading forward to appoint any single sort of Money Making Schemes one needs to go through a number of research papers and reviews. This is an important step and also involves a huge amount of investment in terms of time and also efforts. Taking the assistance of trusted online portals in scenarios like this becomes of optimum importance. Choices for fast money making are many but it is a great organization that guides you to the best folios of money making.

Fundamental money making processes:

The fundamental money making procedures that represent themselves as successful Money Making Schemes are the-

  • Residual income processes, and

  • Instant income process

Before going on with the benefits and advantages of the ideas to make money, it is important to have an evaluative idea of the concepts to get money fast.

Residual Income:

If you are searching for an approach to escape the regular boring nine to five sort of a job then you ought to think about beginning an online business. However taking it a bit further, it can be said that not only is leaving the nine to five job is satisfactory, what additionally satisfies is not having to depend on every month’s paycheck. Wouldn’t it be decent to have the greater part of your bills paid and a great deal of additional cash left over to at long last revel in life? The most ideal approach to achieve this is to create a stream of leftover pay with the help of the residual process to earn money through internet.

Before evaluation of the topic is proceeded further with, how about we characterization of residual income is made. This is fundamentally where you make something once and get paid again and again for it. Authors and music artists are the best samples of residual income earners. An artist will record a tune and he will get paid sovereignties on every record sale and each time that melody is utilized within any limit. He can keep on gathering cash from that one tune for a long time to come. Though this is not flatly a quick ways to make money process, yet brings to you a great deal of money over a long period of time.

Instant Income:

The Instant Income Plan is an unquestionable requirement for anybody out there looking to make a considerable measure of cash in a short measure of time from the solace of their own homes. Basically it is a scheme to earn money quick. The wonderful thing about the entire framework is its effortlessness. The producer of this scheme have made a special effort to make it so totally available and usable by one and everyone who can connect to this framework and fabricate an exceedingly beneficial residual pay working in their extra time.

Residual Income V/S Instant Income:

Hence both the systems have their own particular advantages and disadvantages. Residual Income gives long term scope for income but no chance to earn immediate cash. Whereas Instant income gives you instant access to a lot of cash but fails to procure a long lasting trail of cash. Hence, both the Money Making Schemes fare over one other at different points.

Sunday, June 1st, 2014 Uncategorized No Comments

How do Residual Income and Instant income Money Making Schemes fare against each other when compared?

Before heading forward to appoint any single sort of Money Making Schemes one needs to go through a number of research papers and reviews. This is an important step and also involves a huge amount of investment in terms of time and also efforts. Taking the assistance of trusted online portals in scenarios like this becomes of optimum importance. Choices for fast money making are many but it is a great organization that guides you to the best folios of money making.

Fundamental money making processes:

The fundamental money making procedures that represent themselves as successful Money Making Schemes are the-

  • Residual income processes, and

  • Instant income process

Before going on with the benefits and advantages of the ideas to make money, it is important to have an evaluative idea of the concepts to get money fast.

Residual Income:

If you are searching for an approach to escape the regular boring nine to five sort of a job then you ought to think about beginning an online business. However taking it a bit further, it can be said that not only is leaving the nine to five job is satisfactory, what additionally satisfies is not having to depend on every month’s paycheck. Wouldn’t it be decent to have the greater part of your bills paid and a great deal of additional cash left over to at long last revel in life? The most ideal approach to achieve this is to create a stream of leftover pay with the help of the residual process to earn money through internet.

Before evaluation of the topic is proceeded further with, how about we characterization of residual income is made. This is fundamentally where you make something once and get paid again and again for it. Authors and music artists are the best samples of residual income earners. An artist will record a tune and he will get paid sovereignties on every record sale and each time that melody is utilized within any limit. He can keep on gathering cash from that one tune for a long time to come. Though this is not flatly a quick ways to make money process, yet brings to you a great deal of money over a long period of time.

Instant Income:

The Instant Income Plan is an unquestionable requirement for anybody out there looking to make a considerable measure of cash in a short measure of time from the solace of their own homes. Basically it is a scheme to earn money quick. The wonderful thing about the entire framework is its effortlessness. The producer of this scheme have made a special effort to make it so totally available and usable by one and everyone who can connect to this framework and fabricate an exceedingly beneficial residual pay working in their extra time.

Residual Income V/S Instant Income:

Hence both the systems have their own particular advantages and disadvantages. Residual Income gives long term scope for income but no chance to earn immediate cash. Whereas Instant income gives you instant access to a lot of cash but fails to procure a long lasting trail of cash. Hence, both the Money Making Schemes fare over one other at different points.

Sunday, June 1st, 2014 Uncategorized No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Paypal

Michael asks…

How do you send money to your paypal account?

I have a paypal account but never used it. I have an online friend who said that “she would send me money” for christmas. Im only 16, but still lol.

How do you send money to it?

Nagesh answers:

If you have a pay pal account you already know that when you set it up you had to connect it to your bank account. If you are only 16 how do you have a bank account? Ask your parents if this is OK for you to be doing… Let them help you with all your financial needs until you are mature enough to make those decisions for your self…Time goes by fast… Before you know it you will be 30 wondering what happened to being 16. : )

Ruth asks…

How to pay with paypal without credit card?

Hi, I’m a computer geek, and I build computers. I really like newegg, heard a lot of good things about them from close friends, and I have a paypal account. It has a bank account linked to it, so it’s verified, but when I order from newegg, they want me to enter my credit card details, but I don’t have a credit card. Is there any way I can order from there?
I don’t have a debit card either.

Nagesh answers:

Paypal can setup straight from your savings or checking. From “profile”, there is add or edit bank account, then just enter the routing number and account. This usually is even faster. You shouldn’t need to add a credit card, you can use your debt card in place of it, under credit card number.

How can I pay for my Newegg purchase?

Discover Network
American Express
Newegg Preferred Account
Bill Me Later
Newegg Gift Card
Pre-paid Company Check, Personal Check, Cashier’s Check or Money Order (Note: All Prepaid Orders, including Cashier’s Checks, take longer to process because they must first be cleared with the bank)
Online Bill Pay service through your bank

No Purchase Orders, Fax or C.O.D. Orders will be accepted.

Daniel asks…

How do I add my emailed money into my paypal account?

I need to buy something online and my parents won’t pay for me, but I just did some surveys and got my money through email.

Nagesh answers:

May I suggest my site? Http:// It has some great GPT sites there in which you can earn fast money. My site includes payment proofs of all the sites that have been reviewed by myself so you know that they do really pay you. Just take a look

Mandy asks…

Do you need money in your paypal account to use it?

I own a debt card and was wondering if i need to deposit money into my bank account, transfer it to my paypal, wait 5 days, and then buy what i want to buy. Or can i just leave it at zero when buying something will it automaticly transfer to the paypal so i dont have to wait 5 days.

Its kind of hard to explain what i mean, i gues what im saying is;

Do I need money in my paypal account with a debt card to buy things?

Nagesh answers:

If you have a paypal account, you can buy things in three ways –
1. Use your paypal balance that is sitting in the online account.
2. Use your credit card that is linked to your PP account.
3. Pay with an echeck, which will debit the money out of your checking account associated with the PP account.

You specifically do not have to put money in the PP online account, however, if you do, it does make the payment process faster.

Thanks for reading!

Susan asks…

How can I get cash from PayPal other than transferring to bank account?

Long story short, my bank account is down. Need the money I earned, but need to get it out of my PayPal account. Can’t figure out how to Western Union with PayPal.

Nagesh answers:

PayPal doesn’t work with Western Union, so forget that idea. You can see if you are eligible for a PayPal Debit Card. If you can get that then you can get the money out via an ATM machine or you can use the card to make purchases in stores. OR you can request to have a check mailed to you.

FYI-both of these options will take you several days, even a couple weeks. I don’t know what you mean by your bank account is “down”, but if you have a decent banking history, it would be a lot faster for you to open a 2nd bank account and then transfer the money into it. You can usually open a bank account online and it would only take a couple days.

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Sunday, June 1st, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Importance of Residual Income in Our Lives

Residual income is best defined as the amount of money that an individual saves up after all personal debts have been cleared. This list does not include mortgages. This calculation is done at the end of a month, as most bills and debts are usually paid off within this time. After a mortgage has been cleared off entirely, it can turn into residual income. Various money making schemes have gained precedence over the years and not all of them are frauds.

Why Look for Residual Income?

People have always been looking for ways to make money fast, without indulging in illegal activities. Residual income has been providing just that, for a very long time. This is also an important requirement, if you are looking for a loan, as organizations lending out money, often check for a person’s residual income proof.

Looking for the Best!

There are numerous web sites that claim to provide complete support and provide legitimate ways of earning money online, although most of them fail to keep their word. Therefore, the most important question that a person should ask oneself is how to make money online. Empower Network is a reputable website, offering easy and legitimate ways of earning money online.

They will provide you with various packages and tips, which will help make money quickly. Once you place your order, you will gain instant access to their entire package deal, which includes easy ways of attracting traffic. Online training will also be provided, where you will learn, simple steps that can help build and preserve an online business. Some of the greatest money making principles, have been jotted down in this great package.

Ways to Enhance Income:

You can even re-blog our posts and encourage friends and family, to utilize our resources and make a profit yourself! If you register yourself now, you will get our free SMS service and mobile application, which will keep you updated at all times. These are some basic ideas to make money and if you like them, you should definitely try out the full package deal.

Why Opt for Residual Income?

It is great value for money, eligible for fast money making and people have greatly benefitted from it. For those of you who do not understand how residual income works, read on to find out. In order to understand the concept of residual income, you need to distinguish between active and passive income. When you continue receiving income from an activity performed just once, it is known as passive income. On the other hand, when you get paid once, for an activity completed once, it is known as active income.

Ending Note:

In order to get money fast, you need to understand the basics governing both these terms and be able to distinguish between the two. Most people prefer investing small sums, for a considerable period of time, after which, they get a certain amount, depending on initial investments. There are numerous money making schemes that provide people, best solutions to earn from home. This job description fits retired personnel, housewives and students, willing to earn extra, from part time jobs.

Saturday, May 31st, 2014 Uncategorized No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick

Linda asks…

Ways to earn money quick?

Just looking for any ways i can earn money quick

Nagesh answers:

Hmm got any items that you will no longer miss or want any more? Maybe sort them out and do a yard sale for all the items that you don’t want and sell them off to people who will then give you money in hand 🙂
Got any games that you no longer play on any more? Got any games that you have finished from start to end? You could sell them off and get money in for your self cash in hand.
You will then have more space in your bedroom to put new items in if you are thinking of buying something else that is worth having.

William asks…

how can i earn quick money with out getting a job!?

im still a teen so i want to earn some money without getting a job what do you think i should do maybe to help my parents too because i need to buy a blowdryer so i can straighten my hair

Nagesh answers:

Look at my profile, and visit the site under “about me”…sign up there….here is some information about the site:

This is a site from which you are given the chance to earn money. What you have to do is complete surveys and offers for companies that want the public’s opinion. By doing this, you are able to earn money very easily for simply giving your opinion or trying out sample products. This is a great service that allows one to work from home, on their spare time, at their leisure, and still bring in a nice sum of money every month. People have made up to $800 easily on this site by just working on it in their spare time. It is not going to replace a real job’s salary, but it is a very nice bonus. There are also many features on this web site, such as contests and special surveys, from which you can redeem extra prizes that would be sent to you with your monthly cheque, such as iPods, Xbox 360s, gift certificates, and much more.

Cheques are sent monthly, and usually arrive about a week or a week and a half into the next month. No payment from you is ever required, not to sign up, not EVER. Unlike other sites that try to scam people out of their money, this site never requires you to pay them.

“If the site doesn’t get paid from me, then why would they have this service going?” – The site doesn’t get paid directly from you, but when you complete an offer or survey, they also get paid a small portion of what you earned yourself. For example, if you complete a survey about computers let’s say, you would earn maybe $2 and the web site itself would recieve $0.50 from the company also for getting you to complete the survey. These surveys take little time at all, most taking up less than even 2 or 3 minutes of your time.

Fraud is also a big deal on the Internet these days, and this site recognizes that. That is why they ask for ONLY three bits of information: Your name, email address and your home address. Yup, that is all. No credit card information, no banking information, nothing like that. All they require is your name and address so that your cheque can be sent to your home every month. Your email address is only required to confirm that you have done the offers and surveys. Fortunately, no spam mail or junk mail is ever sent out by this site and your information is never shared with any other company.

Personally I have been a member of this website, along with thousands of others, for approximately 1 year now and have earned well over $2500 by working in my spare time. This web site has been great to me, also the members and administrator are very friendly, and are always there to help you with a question or problem you may be having. So far, I’ve listed only positives about this site, because I can’t think of a single negative thing about it. Earn money in your spare time, at no cost to you…Simple!

Daniel asks…

How can I earn money online?

I want to earn about $300(INR 15000) online(one time only, not per month).Can anyone please tell me a few websites and ways by which can do it? I know you can earn money by ad posting ,survey work,data entry etc. and i have tried out quite a few such websites but almost all of them are frauds and scams!So please only suggest a website if you are sure that it is not a scam ! And please don’t suggest the Google Adsense program since I don’t have a blog or website of my own!

Nagesh answers:

Yes, you can earn money online but it is not quick or easy. Ad posting only pays if someone follows your ad, makes a purchase and you receive the commission. Data entry is pretty much non-existent due to better computers these days, companies just have the applicant fill out the online form instead of a paper one, so there is no need to pay anyone to transfer data from paper to computer. There are a few legit survey companies on the internet.

Of course, the legit ones receive hundreds of applicants each week, so you need to prove to them that you are committed. You need to take the time to fill out each and every one of the non-paying surveys you are sent, then you are entered into a sweepstakes drawing. Once you have filled out enough of those non-paying ones and the survey site owner has decided you are going to stick around, you will be sent the surveys that pay cash. This isn’t a get-rich-quick option. It will take time and energy to build your reputation with the survey site. Here are two of my favorites.


You could consider making a blog for yourself, google blogger is free, easy to figure out and can make you money once your have enough followers.
Good luck.

Nancy asks…

HELP! How to earn money quick?

Ok basically Im 13 years old and I want ( well kind of need) this camera. Its the Canon EOS 500D. The one I have found is approximately 400 pounds and I honestly need it because I am doing photography and graphics at school and I would use it so much.. My dad keeps refusing to give me pocket money so I’ve got to find my own way to earn the money..but 400 pounds earned by a 13 year old?! I just really need some ideas on how to earn some money..thanks x
and please dont say – sell gum at school or lemonade stand, those methods are too slow x
I also cannot use sites such as Ebay and Amazon as I am underage.

Nagesh answers:

Completely ignore the first idiot poster, I Chew My Food. DO NOT reply to his email otherwise you may end up with loads of spam later!
As you are only 13 you are really limited to what kind of work you can do unfortunately. The only options opened to your age group are paper rounds, dog walking or caring for animals throughout the day times or weekend, car washing, doing shopping for elderly neighbours, chores and house work for your parents or family, baby sitting. You could ask an adult if they are having a car boot and ask to tag along and sell things you don’t need anymore as this is far quicker to sell than ebay! That would bring in extra money as my son did this and raised extra money from things he would of just given away to charity shops.
I hope you do really well. £400 is a lot of money, even some adults would find that sum hard to find in a short period of time. Good for you for wanting to earn it for yourself though.

Susan asks…

ways to earn quick money on webkinz?

does anybody know how to get a lot of money on webkinz without doing a whole lot

Nagesh answers:

Easy ways to earn kinzcash:
Daily Events: Wishing Well, Wheel of WOW, Gem Hunt, Care Award.
Games: Zingoz Pop, Candy Bash, ect. << depending on your skills.
Also playing games in the tournament arena is always a easy way to get another 20 30 40 kinzcash if you win.
Quizy's WhizKinz is way to get 70 to 120 kinzcash.

Hope this helps.


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Saturday, May 31st, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast Online

Lizzie asks…

i need to get money fast!?

im trying to get a ticket for the jonas brothers concert this sat (5 days away!) and there is a ticket for 3rd row! but its $250 and i only have 10!

so what are some ways to get the money by then!?
by the way im 15
please nothing online
oh and also, i dont need all of it by then, just like enough to make a dent in paying my parents back

Nagesh answers:

Make babysitting flyers using the computer and put them in the library, people’s mailboxes, and grocery stores.

Drum up more business and keep a notebook to schedule when you do get a customer.

Culver’s minimum hiring age is 14 with a workers permit.

I called many stores because I am 14 looking for a job. This was the response they gave which makes me happy after looking for so long.

Find a local one go online and apply and go in store to apply or call and ask if they are hiring.

What I did was Google a bunch of business near my home and found their numbers using Google maps or their sites and I called and directly asked if they are hiring and what age do they hire at.

Try local grocery stores, pizza parlors, retail stores, fast food restaurants.

Check out my blog. It has tons of money making ideas, saving tips, ways to score freebies , and discounts. The link is under my profile.
You can create a blog too. You can generate money just ranting about your interests.

Paul asks…

Best way to get money fast?

What is the quickest and easiest way to get money?

Nagesh answers:

I recently made a blog on how teens and adults can earn money online using a really good site which is 100 percent legal and really works. (You Only have to be 13 to sign up!)

It has hundreds of cash offers and ways of making money, so it’s really a fantastic website!

Check out my blog here to get the link to the site:

Hope I helped =]
Good Luck!

Richard asks…

i need money fast!! any ideas?

no, i wont work the corner, so be serious…
i have three kids and im a stay at home mom. i don’t want a full time job, but until my husbands company picks up we don’t have enough money, so to sum it up i need to be able to work from home with flexible hours and immediate pay!
any (serious) ideas will be helpful.
thank you!!!

Nagesh answers:

Fastest answer is often having a garage sale. Most people have plenty of junk around the house that will sell pretty well, especially if you have old kids clothes and toys you don’t need anymore.

Most legitimate work at home jobs don’t have immediate pay. They’re rather like outside the home jobs in that respect. That’s why so many people are suggesting eBay. There you get your money pretty quickly, especially if you have your PayPal account set up so that you can withdraw the money into your own account. Takes perhaps 3 days for the withdrawal, but that’s pretty quick.

Home businesses can be good, but there is obviously risk involved, in even the cheapest of businesses. It can also take time to get things going.

Honestly, I can’t think offhand of a work at home JOB that pays immediately. There are probably some that pay weekly, but I believe that most are every two weeks or monthly. Some businesses, certainly pay more quickly, such as anything online where you get paid into PayPal. But you do have to watch out for scams and really know what you’re doing to earn a decent amount of money at it.

If you’re into writing, for example, you could create your own ebook, sell it on eBay or just through PayPal, and try to make money that way. EBooks are sold daily on all kinds of topics. Just make sure there’s good value included.

Sometimes you do have to take the hard step of a night job so that you can work when your husband is at home with the kids. It’s not fun, and it’s hard on a relationship, but if the money is needed you do what you have to do.

David asks…

Easy way to make money fast!!?

It is 2 teenage girls! we CAN NOT do anything online! We need to make $200 total and have $50 i cant walk dogs or babysit!! thanks!!!!

Nagesh answers:

There is no any easy way to make money fast on internet. You need hard work to earn.Make money take hard works and times.

Sharon asks…

how can i make money fast?

i am thirteen years old and looking for summer money. what can i do! i am not allowed to do online surveys (no giving out my info) and i dont really want to sell my stuff and i am too young to get a job hw can i get summer money!!
i cant do the online things !!
how can i convince my parents that the online surveys are safe they are totally against it!!! and i cant babysit i dont have a license

Nagesh answers:

Those online things are all scams.

When I was your age I tried finding money quickly too, but there’s nothing “faster” then hard work.

The first place I would try is going to local pizza shops and seeing if they need door hanger positions. It’s an easy job, they give you a huge stack of fliers and you go around putting it under people’s doors, and they’ll pay you in cash. I did that when I was your age. Just try a whole bunch of different ones (including the big name chains). Good luck. =)

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Friday, May 30th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Which is better Money making scheme for you?

Everyone loves to make money and everyone wants to get an easy Money making scheme so that they can make some quick and easy money. People are very much attracted towards this scheme and want to make money out of this.

This Money making scheme is in the market for a long time and lots of people love making some quick money with the help of the schemes. Be it online or even offline, people like to earn money quick with this.

There are two types of income – One is Residual Income and another one is Instant Income.

Residual and Instant income

Residual Income is a long term scheme for building money like investing a money somewhere and you will get paid every month or annually for a long time. This has many advantages such as – it will give you a financially independent life. As it is for long term, you can get the benefits and money over a long period of time.

Whether it small or large amount, in case of residual income, you will get a constant flow of income for.

There are many such schemes available where you can earn money through internet. You can choose this internet schemes so that you can earn money from anywhere in this world. You will not have to face any kind geographical barriers.

Instance income on the other hand is fast money making scheme for a short term. You can earn instant income sitting at home through online and there are some quick ways to make money.

There are many online sites that offer to earn some instant money but this type of income is for short term and unlike residual income you will not get any financial security as it will not pay you any fixed amount of money every time.

Which is better?

So it has been seen that more than the instant income, people prefer residual income which helps them to make money gradually but for a long term. In case of instant income you may get a lump sum of money in a very short time but that has no guarantee for lifetime.

So, you may have various ideas to make money but the residual income with the help of online schemes for making money you can earn a lot of money over years. You will see your money growing gradually.

Beware of scams

There are many online sites which offer fast money making processes but most of them are scams. You have to find a reliable site which has credibility and real. Wasting your money on a unreliable site is not worthy as your money is your hard earned income.

Always find the best and the most reliable online site that offers schemes for making money. This site will help you to make a lot of money as well.

Money making scheme is one of the ways to make money fast than any other means. There are many reliable online sites available over internet that you can use to get money fast under various schemes and offers.

Thursday, May 29th, 2014 Money Making Schemes, Uncategorized No Comments



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