Your Questions About Fast Money Online Scams

Donna asks…

Is there any legitimate work from home for college students needing extra money?

Why do the work from home jobs ask you to send in money?

Nagesh answers:

“If a company requires initial payment from you in order to work for them, they are not legitimate.”

There are a few legitimate data entry companies but are not hiring and have large waiting lists (1-2yrs). The majority of data entry jobs you seen online are scams. A real company will want you to have skills inc fast typing, may want you to know MS Excel, and will usually ask that you have high speed internet. Once in a long while you may found one online on a job website but thats rare.

If you do an advanced search on yahoo, you will find previous answers, sometimes the info on these is good as the info they gave is likely to have been verified if the answer was voted as ‘Best’.

Linda asks…

How can i make money online fast and “easy.”?

Is it true that anybody can just go online and make 100s of 1000s of dollars fast and “easy” as i keep hearing or is all this just a big scam. If its not then how is it done?

Nagesh answers:

You are a scammer’s delight and treasure..

A naive and foolish individual looking for easy monetary gain without skills or effort – that’s their prey, and there are many of them around.

Don’t you be one of them. But your question certainly makes me think you will be scammed eventually..

Susan asks…

How can i make money online fast and “easy.”?

Is it true that anybody can just go online and make 100s of 1000s of dollars fast and “easy” as i keep hearing or is all this just a big scam. If its not then how is it done?

Nagesh answers:

Energy deregulation creates new opportunity for entrepreneurs. If you have never heard of the term deregulation, I don’t blame you. Most people have not. However, if you recall from the past, the deregulation of specific industries such as airlines and telecommunications, created some tremendous income for the people who were in the right place and the right time. Right now, the same thing is true for the energy industry.

Practically every single person you know uses energy and most of them have no clue they could be paying less. Here are a few reasons why this type of business is ideal for entrepreneurs. Unlike direct sales positions you are not trying to sell people a product they probably have no need for. You are simply showing them how to pay less for something they already purchase. Additionally there is no inventory, no product, no employees and most importantly you never ask for collections.

No Investment, No Risk! Just become a customer.

Steven asks…

What are some good ways to make money online?

Really in need of money!

Nagesh answers:

If you are looking for something ethical and interesting as wel-l, i must tell you, long term steady income require some

patience and dedication.. Fast and easy money are mostly scams..they ask for upfront payment and guarantee that you’ll cover

it in days.. But then they disappear..
If you can write well there are a number of genuine options for you.

James asks…

What credit card should I get, whats the fastest and best way to build credit?

I have no credit and was wondering what credit card I should get. I do not want to get a co-signer and I am not 21. I am getting this card to build credit and was wondering what other things I should do to build my credit. Whats the fast and best way to build credit? with cards or any other device.
Thanks everyone!

Nagesh answers:

The new federal regulations will make it impossible for you to get a credit card if you are under 21.
Don’t fall for online scam sites that tell you otherwise.

Two ways:
1. Get a secured card from your bank where you have your checking.
Compare it first to Citi and Orchard – they have among the best.
In a year (if you are over 21 then) it will turn into a credit card if you use it wisely.
Wise use: Replace the money in full each month – no games.

2. Make a secured loan.
Drop about $1,500 to $3,000 into a savings or a cd, then ask the bank to make a one year loan against this money…

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Friday, June 13th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick Online

Ken asks…

quick ways to earn money?

Nagesh answers:

I’ve received around $ 1000 a month from all these sites. You can also make lots of money online depending on how much time u put into it and It’s FREE to join!!!. Here is a link of some sites that PAID BY CHECK ONLY to do surveys, read emails and more 🙂

James asks…

What could i do to earn money?

Im saving up money to go on a trip somewhere.,
What can i do to earn more money? I tried selling my old watches for a low price, but no one wants it. so i threw it away. what should i do?

Nagesh answers:

Make quick money online that will really solved our problem. Get a job if you at the right age.

Chris asks…

Earn money online for a teenager…(no credit card)?

Hi….I’m 17 years old(live in mauritius).I am currently still studying but i have lots of spare time.I wanna know if there is a way of earning reasonable amount of money online with no big skills….?????
ways of earning without investment…

Nagesh answers:

You would be much better off getting a real job. Unless you sell things on places like ebay or make craft items to sell over the internet there isn’t any easy and fast money to be made on the internet. And your hourly rate probably would still not be better than a real job. If it would be possible to make quick and easy money over the internet we all would be doing it.
There are a ton of scams though.

I would suggest if you have a lot of spare time spend it on getting some skills. If your other studies don’t fill enough of your time study something else in addition like a trade which eventually will make you money.

Steven asks…

money online?

apart from surveys, does anyone know how to earn money on/through the internet.

Nagesh answers:

You can use paid to click sites – but you get hardly any money so definitely not a get rich quick route.

Jenny asks…

How can i earn real money through online?

Nagesh answers:

You don’t have to be frustrated any longer.

Forget all the get-rich-quick schemes the so-called

“gurus'” keep trying to shove down your throat. Most of

them are just getting rid of strategies that worked for

them last year, and they’re selling them to you now

that they’ve milked most of the profits out of them.

But what you’ve heard is true: Making money online

really isn’t rocket science. Once you know the basic

steps and get a little guidance from the right people,

it really is possible to live your dream lifestyle and

be your own boss.

If you haven’t heard of Cost Per Action (CPA)

Marketing, then let me tell you that it’s one of the

fastest and easiest ways for a newbie to break into

online marketing and start pulling some cash in


Make no mistake: CPA is getting bigger and bigger, day

by day, and its going to dominate a lot of the internet

space in the coming years.

Visit thei site for more information about CPA

Marketing and how can you make profit with it…


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Thursday, June 12th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast Online

Michael asks…

how to make money fast?

I’m 15 and I want (yes want, not need.) around $300 to $400 fast for personal reasons. (I’m not asking for it in like a week, I’m being realistic.) I would do the online making money thing but my mom doesn’t trust them and thinks they’re all scams (she’s a banker, she thinks everything is a scam). I’m not going to not tell her either because she’ll find out and even if I got away with it, she’d ask me where I’m getting all my money from, so that’s not an option. I’d get a job, but I need to get my working papers filled out meaning I’d need to go to my doctors which is really hard to get an appointment for with my moms schedule. I’d babysit, but I have no one to babysit, and again that would take a while to save up. But that is an option. Selling things on ebay is an option also. Also, please note that I am an artist so that could be something I could do to make money if you have any ideas on that. online or off. (if I’m making my own things online my mom would feel a little bit better about that, I’m not a hypocrite) So my question is, do you have any good ideas for something to create as art online, or do you have any ideas to make money off of anything, OR is there any way to convince my mom into letting me do the online survey thingys or anything? (no, “it’s safe i promise” won’t work.) if so, are there any good websites that I could trust? thank you so much for your help, sorry this was so long!

Nagesh answers:

For the 747,325th time…
The Internet is not some magical cash machine.
There are NO online jobs. Not one. No data entry. No surveys. No clicks. No nothing.
You will not find one from your house.
You will not find one with your mouse.
You will not find one here or there.
You will not find one anywhere.

Daniel asks…

how do i make money fast?

i’m getting a new rat and i need money. i want to buy her lots of toys and treats. and a new cage. i need about 370 dollars. how do i make money fast ?

Nagesh answers:

Be really careful with online money making scams.
You might see some in here.
CNN reported that online scams were up 400% last year.
Only 1 site in 57 was actually legitimate on the internet.

Nancy asks…

How can I make money fast and in one shot, as opposed to gradually….?

I would like to make money… I am considering being an egg doner since I’m that desperate… apparently you can make 5000 dollars an egg… pretty good money
buuuut I feel uncomfortable putting my DNA out there for others and was wondering, is there any similar preceedure to make cash fast as opposed to doing hundred of online surveys.
I want something that is fast and promising… any suggestions on how to get money this way:???

Nagesh answers:

You cant earn money fast, you can only spend it fast.

Unless you go on a dumb game show like Deal or No deal that GIVES away money for stupid reasons.

George asks…

how to make money fast?

I’m 13 and really want to make money over the summer. I have a list of things I want to buy. Also, just yesterday my iPod was stolen at school and I will need to buy another if I can’t find it. Any good ways to earn money? And please, nothing online. I don’t trust those things. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

If you have a ton of unwanted merchandise (books, dvds, games, misc. Electronics, etc), try opening a seller account on I have my own sellers account and sell unwanted possessions of mine and make some good spending money. Of course even though you’ll need postage stuff and to start a seller’s account on Amazon (which is free), it can be worth it if you have the right stuff. Trust me, selling stuff online is about the only easy way to make money in this world. Although, assuming you might be under the age of 18, I think the required age is 18 to start a sellers account, but you should be able to fake your age and say you are 18 anyway.

Lizzie asks…

How can you make money fast?

I need money for my company how can i make money
{ other than do online stuff }

Nagesh answers:

You can’t make money “fast”. Earning money takes time and work. The more time you spend working, and the harder you work, the faster you’ll make the money. But it’s not going to magically show up overnight.

Figure out what you can do, and how much people will pay you for doing it, and how much time you can devote to doing it, and then you’ll have an idea of how long it will take you to earn the money you want.

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Wednesday, June 11th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money Online

George asks…

are there any easy ways to make money without getting proper job?

I’m 16 and want some extra cash. I don’t want to have a job because i don’t have enough time, what with school study and all. I have asked this once before but got bad responses. I don’t want to do online surveys for which i have to pay anything to sign up, i just want a quick way to get some cash. 10 points for the answer i deem the most appropriate and potentially successful.

Nagesh answers:

You said that you didn’t want any surveys you had to pay for… You don’t have to pay anything for the sites listed on my blog..


-All the sites listed have 0 membership fees because I have never used my credit card.
-In this guide, I offer tips to help you earn the most money possible from each site.
-I also provide a list of survey sites reported as scams & tips to avoid scams.
-International Sites listed as well.

;>D goodluck!

Laura asks…

Does anyone know any legitimate ways to make money on the internet?

I have a job, but I need to make some extra income. My work schedule is pretty random, so taking a second job is kind of out of the question. I know people make money online, but everything I seem to run across is a scam! I am open to pretty much anything, thanks for your help and ideas!
More specific? I have heard of people grading papers for schools, writing papers for people, etc. I don’t want to invest any money.

Nagesh answers:

Don’t bother with PTC, surveys or answering emails. They are all a waste of time. Unless you think your time is only worth 2cents an hour… Forget about them.

Selling on ebay is a quick one, but you have to have something to sell… And there are fees and listing takes a long time and if the item doesn’t sell it’s a pain to relist and you wasted a bunch of time. That’s why I don’t do that anymore.

I started Internet marketing using free sites…,, blogger, wordpress, snipsly, xomba, squidoo … All free. You can do reviews of affiliate products and make a good solid income… Don’t expect a landslide of money from any one site… Build a lot of niche sites and you some will do well and some won’t. Just keep building and you will make money. No cost to you except time…

The downside of going the free route is… You own nothing, you built nothing, but you spent a lot of time doing it… If you are going to spend time… I would spend a little bit of money on a domain and hosting, building a list… And you will be investing your time in building a business that lasts…

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions… I have tons of resources available… Free training, etc.


Ken asks…

Whats the quickest way to make money in Anarchy Online?

I have all expansions and I would like a way that a lv 32 Solitus Adventurer could use.

Nagesh answers:


Even with all of the expansion packs the Best way (in my opinion) is hunting the “Dyna Bosses”. They drop High level stuff, and usually 6-8 pieces of it. Plus some unique items. Pretty easy to spot, Look for a group of the same MOBS (like “phear leets”, and the Boss will be the REALLY BIG GLOWING one with the long name (like “fuzzy the noob whomper”). There are a good number in Agean. Head East out the main gate of Old Athen, cross the mountains, and look for “Herder’s Hole”. There is one by the South wall, 3 to the East, one to the Northwest, one North (by “the face”), and there are others scattered all over South of there. Newland Desert has like 10 or 12 I think. You’ll have to look them up on one of the maps. This is one of the best…


I understand the Shadowlands have even BETTER loot dropped by the Dyna Bosses…

Thomas asks…

What is the best way to sell: Google Adsense, Clickbank, Bidvertiser or Clickbank?

I am a blogger and I need a way to sell products and services to people to earn enough revenue to compensate my effort.

I would like to learn your real experience with each network and if you can, recommend me one that suits a blog about financial news and ways to make money online.

Thank you.


Nagesh answers:

Personally I use clickbank, and have had MUCH more success than I have with adsense. Adsense has very small payouts per click, as well as a $150 payment minimum threshold. It took me months of blogging to cashout, and google is VERY quick to jump to conclusions of “false clicks” and can ban your account without any reason.

As a successfull online marketer I can tell you that the secret is to set up an auto wordpress blog.
Pick a niche, and choose a clickbank product to promote which is relevant to your topic. You then setup the blog to automatically patrol the internet, find and post relevant articles, and even relevant youtube videos. The autoblog will draw traffic through search engines automatically, and will rank highly in google if you use a unique content creator. I set mine up in no time, and now I have several auto wordpress blogs making me money from clickbank.

Check my sources

Daniel asks…

Best way to make money working at home?


I have been searching alot for the best ways to make money online.

Can someone please advise a site that he/she has tried and knows will work because whenever i find something, it turns out to be a scam.

Any help is highly appreciated!


Nagesh answers:

I am a member of NPD Research. NPD Research does give you a chance to make some serious money. The way it works is you will become a member of NPD Research and take their online surveys. Not difficult, quick, and painless. For every survey completed you will receive points which you will use to enter contests. The more points you put into a contest the better your chances of winning. You could win anything from money to vacations. Its actually fun and worth the time.


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Tuesday, June 10th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Stocks

Linda asks…

What’s the fastest way to make money in runescape?

I’m a member so I’m open to mostly anything. I’m looking for big money…Like millions

Nagesh answers:

The THREE MOST easiest and fastest ways to make money in the Massive online Role-playing Game called Runescape is:

1.Mining For Money
One way to make a lot really fast is to to get high enough and mine a lot of coal. This works really fast if you sell each for 250-400gp at max. This is how I got rich in the game pluss i normally save a few for myself. (instead of mining in the dwarven mines, I mined in Al Karid because there are less people there plus there isn’t a stupid scorpion king that messes around with your mining)

2.Big Bones Big Cash
A second way to make cash fast (even if you are not a member) is to get high enough so you can kill hill giants in varock because they sometimes give you about 50gp but they always give you a big bone witch sell for a lot to people that want to get up their prayer. You should sell them for about 200-300gp max.

3.Fishing for treasure:
Last that takes a high skill is fishing for lobsters and when high enough you can harpoon for spear. You should fish on that one island where there are bananas(Karmaja). My sugestion is actually selling the fish there on the island so you are not wasting 30gp each time that you transport between the port and the island.(sell them at the general store there.
This one requires fufilling a quest:
Magic stone selling

You have to finish the Rune Mysteries quest which alows you to mine for rune essance. In varock there is a magic shop south of the east bank. There you talk to the person and he will teleport you to the rune essance. (rune ess takes almost no time at all to collect, so this is a good way to make money) After collecting a lot of rune ess(as people like to call it for short) you can sell it to mages in the bank for 100-250gp max.

There are many other ways for making money. Like comparing prices in stores like for a sword that is in a general store that costs lets say 50 to buy. Well if you went and checked the price to sell to the sword store nearby is 100 because there are none in stock. So make sure that you check your prices wisely.

I hope this works.
Have fun playing runescape!!!

Sandy asks…

A question about stocks and dividends. How does a company decide if it will pay dividends to its shareholders?

For example, if a gold-mining company is making revenue, does it always pay dividends? What does it depend on?

Nagesh answers:

Technically, the decision to pay out dividends is made by the owners of the company, and as a stockholder, you are part owner, so part of that decision is yours. To a small investor, the decision to pay dividends often seems completely random. A company only has a few options regarding what to do with the money they make. Small and/or fast growing companies often reinvest their profits into growing the business. Larger or slower growing companies often look towards returning some of that money to their owners (shareholders). They can do this in 2 ways, offer a dividend, or buy back stock. By buying back stock, they increase the percentage of the company that the remaining shares represent.

Some generalities can be made, larger companies are more likely to offer a dividend than smaller companies. Certain types of companies are also more likely to offer dividends, natural resource companies, like gold, copper, oil, lumber are more likely to offer dividends. Utilities are also well known for their dividends. Looking at their dividend history can also tell you something, some companies have a long history of maintaining or increasing their dividends, these companies are likely to continue these trends. Aside from these generalities though, there isn’t a hard and fast rule. Companies pay dividends when enough of the owners decide they should, and when the company can afford it.

An above poster mentioned that Canadian companies pay higher dividends. This is true, because of the tax structure in Canada, given changes in the American tax structure, dividends in America have increased over the past several years. If you do look at investing in a foreign company, consider the tax implications, taxes will be withheld on dividends from a Canadian stock, if those shares are in a taxable account you can claim that on your tax returns, but if the shares are in an IRA you can’t, that money is lost.

Carol asks…

Is there any one who knows how to earn money online without investing any money?

Can one make money using yahoo and google if yes how?

Nagesh answers:

Earn money fast by trading forex(Trading Currencies). It is way safer than trading stocks and you can trade 24 hrs; Moreover, You can buy OR sell currency pairs, this means you can profit in both a rising and falling market. This is ideal in the current economic crisis.

Also it is very easy to learn since the forex market is very predictable. Many people have changed their $50 to $5000 in just a few days.
Marketiva is a forex broker that has been around for years, very reliable. I have withdrawn my money from them 26 times.

It will give you $5 free just to try trading forex!!!

When you sign up, $2.5 will be in your live funds, the other $2.5 will be in your live forex account. You can freely transfer money between accounts.

Moreover, they have a live support system that will answer your questions in different languages instantly (open 24 hrs). Also, they have chat rooms of more than 30 different languages.

Join now at:

Etoro is another fantastic broker (you may trade currencies, gold, silver and other commodities as well) with an excellent platform for beginners and professionals. NO MORE boring tradings, with the visual graphics, trading at Etoro is like playing games. Also, you will receive up to $1000 after your initial deposit. For professionals, there are weekly contests where you can earn cash prizes for being a good trader!! Best of all, it is free to sign up!!!

Hurry up and Don’t miss out on this great earning opportunity.

Join Now at

Check for more earning opportunities.

Laura asks…

How do I make my stock 03 Jetta faster with out spending tons of cash?

I dont want to be a racer or anything, but i just got some sharp looking wheels and I figured I’d invest a little to make it haul a little more @ss. its stock right now, any reccomendations? ideas? thanks.

Nagesh answers:

Is your car a 2.0 or a 2.8 Vr6? Since you want it to go faster, I’ll assume its a 2.0. I’m in the same boat you are. I have a 1998 jetta (Different body style but same motor) and so far I’ve managed to make it a little more lively without spending a lot of money. Turbo’s are great, but cost more than most people care to spend on their car. I agree that an ECU is probably one of the best cheap go fast toys you can buy for your car. After that I would do the usual intake and exhaust. Don’t expect gains as high as 30 hp for the exhaust and 20 for the intake as blackmask said, but you will definitely notice a difference. If after that you still have some cash and want more, I would suggest a bigger cam. This is actually a much simpler install than most think, especially on the 2.0. I put a 260 degree cam on my car in about one hour in my driveway. I would also recommend pairing that cam with an adjustable cam gear and advance the timing a bit to smooth out the idle and give you some good low range torque. You might also want to put in a short shift kit as well. This won’t make the car faster by adding horsepower but it will be a lot more fun to drive. Check out for all the parts listed abouve. I’ve dealt with them a lot and they are great. You can even give them a call and they will help you pick the right parts for your application.

Daniel asks…

What is the fastest way to earn money from investing?

Also, for a new investor, do you need a large ammount of money to start investing?

Nagesh answers:

I think it is more important to have a large amount of knowledge rather than a large amount of money to get started.

The fastest way to earn money will tend to also be the most risky way to make money. You will find the lowest risks to be in investments like CDs or money market funds. The other side is that your rate of return is very low.

You would increase your rate of return by putting your money into mutual funds or even investing in individual stocks. The other side with these investments is that your risk would be higher so you would need to be a bit more careful on the decisions you make.

Next up would be options and/or futures. You would have the opportunity to make a nice profit but you would also have an opportunity to lose money very quickly. As a matter of fact you would probably have a difficult time even opening an account unless you were what is considered “an experienced investor”.

The market that seems to be of interest to quite few people recently is the Forex or foreign currency exchange market. The potential to make very attractive profits is a major draw for a lot of people. The actual fact is that most people end up losing money in the Forex market because they do not understand the market dynamics and do not have someone working with them to teach them appropriate strategies and risk mitigation techniques.

My clients are making consistent, comfortable returns using the Forex market as one element of a long term investment strategy.

If you are interested in learning more you can setup demo accounts and learn to participate in the Forex market without risking any of your own money.

I would be happy to send you more information.


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Monday, June 9th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money On Ebay

Helen asks…

Looking for ideas on how to make money on college campus?

Does anyone have any good ideas about how to make good money on a college campus…other than a real hourly job and eBay…?


Nagesh answers:

A online travel business with a free team building option is something to seriously consider. This is something you can do out of your dorm room on your computer. I know most college students love to travel. Also, the person who mentioned the food delivery business had a great idea. You can then pass out travel biz cards when you deliver the food. If more information is desired, send a message via the profile page.

John asks…

Any ideas how I can make money?

I’m fourteen and am looking for some ways to get some cash
I live in a small town and yes there are NO jobs avaliable
I already help out at my house and ive sold all unwanted stuff on ebay any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

All the big money is in doing illegal things

Robert asks…

How can I make between $50 to $100 each day on ebay?

I live in the Phoenix, AZ. area and I have been searching and trying for a year now and haven’t been successful from selling something on ebay and making between $50 to $100 each day. The problem is that all the sellers on ebay find ways to purchase their products at a very low price and they can afford to sell it for a cheaper price and still make money. I don’t know what to sell anymore and where to buy the items from to make money on ebay. I need someone to walk me through this step by step until I consistently start making between $50 to $100 per day. I really would love to find a way where I don’t have to miss with the shipping. I know dropshipping might be a good idea but they charge a lot of money and I don’t know if their prices are reasonable or not. We want a free source to go to in order to sell those products on ebay and profit consistently. Email me let me know how. Thanks

Nagesh answers:

Hey, how about i send you a check with 2000$….. Or the secret to how i made 2000000$ in one night? (JK)

Well actually i do personally know a very experienced ebay seller who has a few sources online, where he is able to purchase things at an extremely low price, allowing him to sell them and make a lot of money. He started small a year and a half ago, with a purchase of 100 identical items… Sold them and since then has been expanding. Right now he has 3 warehouses, and 15 people who work for him, all receiving 15$+ salary for simple tasks.

But if he is doing so well, why would he want to tell anyone how he is doing it… Then he would have to compete with you to make it in ebay!!!

Charles asks…

I’m 13 and i really want to make some money, any ideas?

I live in the country in the middle of nowhere but i really want to make some money. I don’t really want to sell stuff on Ebay but any other suggestions will be welcome.

Nagesh answers:

Clean your vehicle on the inside or outside
clean up there room,livingroom,kitchen ect.
WINTER:shovel snow
FALL:rake leaves
do laundry
sell things at peoples doors
if you have neghbors ask them if they need any work done for money
if any of your neighbors have kids (little) babysit them

hope i helped =)

Richard asks…

What can i sell on ebay to make money?

i love making money and stuff, but i seem to have ran out of things to sell. Any ideas please?? thanks 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Anything really that you think is valuable or something that you won’t miss. It’s a great way to get rid of unwanted clutter that someone else may like.. If the item is in good condition then look on the internet to see how much it’s worth and knock a few pounds/ dollars or whatever your currency is.
Some things to consider are:
Vintage things: old records ect
Valuable crockery, ornaments (collectors items)
Old magazines and books
DVDs (copy some and sell the real ones? I dont know if thats legal though, you’ll have to research
Lampshades? If you have nice ones that you dont want then people will pay money
If you have a attic or loft then have a search in there
Collections of nail polishes
Hand bags, purses and clutch bags
Designer items
Good quality clothing or shoes

Hope this helps

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Sunday, June 8th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online

Donna asks…

How can I make money online?

I have a paypal account and i want to be able to make money online and put money into it

Nagesh answers:

I would recommend Squidoo

The most important aspect to utilize when trying to make money with Squidoo lenses is they’re networking capabilities. Squidoo is compatible with most other popular websites out there.

Networking is one of the best ways to draw visitors to a lens, and ultimately generate a good level of cash flow for yourself. This being the case, why not design a few different Squidoo lenses and see if you make more money by pooling all of them together into one vast, networked machine?

For many people, a Squidoo lens is about more than just a hobby or passion. Sometimes the Squidoo lens is dedicated to a business. For a user who already owns a business, a Squidoo lens dedicated to the product or activity related to the business can greatly increase a business’s sales.

For instance, a business selling a specific product could network the Squidoo lens to videos of the product on YouTube.

It could include eBay links to the products for sale, and the lens could draw in additional traffic by linking from sites such as Digg and StumbleUpon.

The business the Squidoo lens is built after may experience an increase in over-all traffic, or the lens may become a source of income itself. Making money on Squidoo can be as simple as operating a popular lens alone.

If this is the case, the user might consider selling lenses as the business itself. Making money with Squidoo can be accomplished in numerous ways. One of those ways is by turning over or flipping Squidoo lenses.

This works simply by a user first building a Squidoo lens that draws in a fair amount of traffic.

If the lens becomes popular and has numerous visitors, a user can put it up for auction or sell it at a fixed price. If a person gets good at building desirable lenses, they can make money on Squidoo by simply creating and selling the lenses.

Depending upon the success of the individual lenses, a Squidoo user can make money as fast as they can flip lenses.


Donald asks…

Can please somebody clarify about google online jobs?

Are there any trustworthy websites where one can earn money online? Thank you.

Nagesh answers:

I have been in ur situation for awhile, ive tried many things but everything was a scam or not paying enough. I recently joined a company called pre paid legal. It is a legit company on the NYSE and is the 3rd fastest growing company in the last 15 years (behind amazon and phoenix university). It is very easy and doesnt take much experience. If your interested please visit my site, look through the video, and if you have more questions feel free to contact me.

Ruth asks…

How to become a real stripper?

I think ima gonna strip my way thru college. I just wana be a stripper because they make fast money Ans its usually a lot. How can I become a good stripper: learn moves and stand out? Or what else could I do to make lots of money in a short time? I also wana know what your views on strippers are.

Nagesh answers:

It’s not the easiest choice to decide to be honest. It’s physically demanding. There are other ways of making fast money – sell your stuff online, serving at restaurants you gets tips, etc. My opinion is they don’t have self respect, woman are beautiful and your boyfriend should be the only one seeing your body. I don’t think the human body should have a price being put on. That’s just my opinion. You may feel a rush and that’s why you wanna do it but there are many many more ways on having a rush.

Lizzie asks…

Need a good work at home website, that i can use to earn extra income from home?

I want to earn more money online, and thought maybe some of my friends out there in yahoo ansers could help me out?

Nagesh answers:

“If a company requires initial payment from you in order to work for them, they are not legitimate.”

There are a few legitimate data entry companies but are not hiring and have large waiting lists (1-2yrs). The majority of data entry jobs you seen online are scams. A real company will want you to have skills inc fast typing, may want you to know MS Excel, and will usually ask that you have high speed internet. Once in a long while you may found one online on a job website but thats rare.

If you do an advanced search on yahoo, you will find previous answers, sometimes the info on these is good as the info they gave is likely to have been verified if the answer was voted as ‘Best’.

Linda asks…

Fast Effective Money Online?


Nagesh answers:

You can make money online with absolutely NO signup fee on a number of different websites. All you have to do is take surveys, read e-mails, invite friends, and join other websites. Some even pay you to write articles on topics that you choose or simply for signing up!

I’ve put together a list of EVERY real money making website that I am a member of. I also list my current earnings each month and give you a link to their sites. I give you my word that every single one of these websites are legitimate.

I have made an extra $50-90 or more each month by using every website on that list. Obviously you’re not going to get rich, but it sure does help out with extra spending money.

If you’re interested, here’s the website that holds the list:

I usually have a lot of time on my hands after my son goes to bed, so I’ve spent a lot of it researching websites that claims to pay its users for doing surveys, reading e-mails, writing articles, referring friends, and things of the sort. I have ran into a lot of scams along the way, so that’s why I’ve put together this list of all the REAL ones.

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Saturday, June 7th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick And Easy

Thomas asks…

What are small but less time consuming ways to earn a little money?

They don’t have to be easy, just quick.

Nagesh answers:

Babysitting. It’s money for old rope – you get paid more than I earn in a day, just for watching someone else’s TV for an evening.

Donna asks…

How much do you have to earn to scrape by in Austin, Texas? How much to live comfortably?

Hello. I’m looking at taking a job in Austin, Texas, but I’m having a hard time deciding if the salary is enough or not. I hear from one study that says Austin is one of the best cities in the country for value, and I’ve talked to several people who said it was cheap for a city, but then I’m getting conflicting information from other people who say it’s really expensive, and you can barely scrape by on $60,000. I’m single, don’t go out much, and only need an apartment–can anyone tell me what you need to earn to get by in Austin? How much to live comfortably? Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

One of the quickest ways to determine cost of living there is to visit Apartment Guide on line, or For Rent Magazine (there are other smaller sites, but these are National ones and they are the primary advertising spots for management companies that are leasing apartments. There are listings according to the area of the city that you are interested in living and it gives a lot of information about the size of apartment and the amenities that you get for your buck. There are very good buys there as well as what you get for your money, and there are extravagant ones that are very expensive. My 35 year old son is preparing to buy a home this summer, lives in the NW area of the city. My younger son lives South of Austin in a suburban area and will move West of the City soon. I lived there 8 years and was a property manager on several properties there, so know a lot about how to find a place to live. The first consideration is where would you work. Anyplace is not a bargain if it delivers a huge long commute for you every day. You either get to hate your job for being so far from home, or hate your home for being so far from work. That I would think is the first consideration. After that, make a list of the things that you think are important to find in the place you live. Do you want a large apartment, how about a view, 1st, 2nd, 3rd floor? What appliances do you want to be there. Do you want washer dryer connections or do you need the W/D to be in the apartment already (there are services that provide these appliances to rent also if not included in your apartment). What about high speed internet connections, paid cable or other utilities – do you want a fitness center or gym on site (many have these), some will also provide you with a gym membership in another location as part of your lease package. Covered parking? Recreation centers, pools (almost everywhere), tennis courts, golf??? There are lots of things to consider. You pay for what you get. If you are not a tennis player obviously tennis courts that are there for you are just something that you would pay for that would be of no value to you. The two magazines that I recommended have listings that tell about all these amenities. You can compare different areas pricewise, as well as comparing different complexes within the area you like.
My son and his wife have a one bedroom (large) in the NW part of the city. It is about 8 years old and was built as a luxury apartment complex so it is very attractive and in an easily accessible place. They have every amenity that you could ever want and they use them. They are young professionals, enjoy their home and want it to be pleasant space. I believe they pay about $700 a month in the Mopac/183 area. They have paid more and less in different areas. Depending upon whether you come from San Francisco, NY, Chicago or small town America you will find these rents high or reasonable. There are lots to choose from and you can find something that just suits you. I found that Austin rents generally were not so high compared to out of state cities of comparable growth. I think the job opportunities are good, pay well there, and that a single person has a wonderful opportunity for a great quality of life there. I supported a family on considerably less than the $60,000 you mentioned. A single person can live comfortably on a lot less than that. Also, utilities are mostly owned (excluding gas) by the city and are inexpensive as compared to other places. There is no tax on groceries, no state income tax and no tax on pharmaceuticals. I hope that some of this information is helpful to you and that if you move to Austin you will find it as great a place to live as I did. Easy to make friends, plenty of places to go and things to do. Good luck.

Robert asks…

How much gold do you have on World of Warcraft and how do you earn it?

I mainly do quests for gold and bg’s to earn honour and buy herbs to sell in AH. I have 6300g

Nagesh answers:

I don’t know exactly how much in-game money my characters have, as there are a lot of characters in my account, and most of them have a significant amount of money. They earn most of their money by either running dungeons and selling the stuff they loot there, or by gathering herbs, minerals or leather and selling that. Herbs sell for the most money, it seems, but ore sells quicker and easier while returning nearly the same amount. Leather is difficult to sell due to the lack of manufacturing professions that use it, so it doesn’t move nearly as quickly, and it doesn’t sell for nearly as much. – LJS

Laura asks…

Ways to save maximum amount of money in a 1 year period?

I’m a 17 year old teen turning 18 soon.

I made a bet with my brother to see who can save up the most money exactly one year from today.

Any ways other than working fast food restaurants? I worked at McDonald’s and the fumes/smell from oil and stuff made me sick..I quitted after 6 months.

Nagesh answers:

You’re actually asking ways to MAKE the most money not SAVE the most money. You can easily keep track of who saves the most by calculating income vs savings. But to make some money you can take the easy road or the hard road. EASY= quick stuff like yard sales, mowing the neighborhood, getting groceries for your old neighbors, yadda yadda yadda. HARD= open a blog and commit to publishing 1 article every single day. Make sure the blog is about something you know very well and you are the “expert” on and have a true passion for it. Try to publish as many articles as possible and encourage fiends and family that are knowledgeable on the sites main theme to publish articles as well.
Then MONETIZE the blog. Open a google adsense account to post links on your site that you get paid for when readers click them. Open an account at ReviewMe(dot)com after you’re established. Companies will send you free products to test because they want a good review on your site (after you’ve built a readership) you can also post companies Banners on your site. Lots of different ways to monetize your site but its important to get your readership up and establish trust before doing that. That’s the Hard way, you’ll earn nothing to begin with for several months. Then the $ will start to trickle in. A few months, you’re earning ok. 6 months, you’re doing well. A year and your brother is gonna crap his pants! Hahahahaha

Linda asks…

What is the highest paid, easiest work to get into for a new graduate?

I live in the UK, so answers relevant to my country would be appreciated:

I will be graduating next May with (hopefully) a first class degree in Sociology (not the best subject I know).

My question is : Bearing in mind that I really do not care what job I get, and all I want to do is get a job quickly, and get paid as much money as soon as possible, is there anything anyone could suggest that would be good on the basis of these criteria?

Nagesh answers:

Well, I went into Recruitment after completing a very similar degree to yourself. I was earning more than any of my graduate peers but the work was very unfulfilling and zapped me of energy! I would suggest you are not so quick to shun your first subject – achieving a first class degree, in any subject is a great achievment and you may be wise to pursue a relevant career or further course in a social science related discipline. You’re money motivated now because you have none – but it is possible to achieve a fulfilling career in a sector you feel truly comfortable with.

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Friday, June 6th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast Online

Chris asks…

How can I get money online, fast and legal?!?!?

I really want to get a bigger American girl doll collection. I sometimes I see nice American girl dolls on ebay and/or craigslist. They are usually inexpensive. The only problem: my parents won’t buy them and I have no money. I don’t really get allowance. So I want to earn some money online. I want to start an online business and sell my awesome pastry’s online , but I have no idea how. I really want to make some money without having to spend $80 on something that’s a rip-off for example. How do I do this! (LEGALLY NOT ILLEGALLY!!!)

Nagesh answers:

For the 597,325th time…
The Internet is not some magical cash machine.
There are NO online jobs. No data entry. No surveys. No nothing.
You will not find them in your house.
You will not find them with your mouse.
You will not find them here or there.
You will not find them anywhere

Sandy asks…

how do you make money fast on the online game gaia?

is there a trick or a fast money maker

Nagesh answers:

I play this game, but Ive found there really isnt a easy way. Well besides using actual money, but i personally find that a little redicilous. I suggest to go in the marketplace and find a cheap item then go ahead and sell it for more.

Donald asks…

best ways to make money online?

i’m looking for websites that i can easily make money online, i’m not picky, but i’m saving up for a laptop, so i’m not wanting to do PTC all day, i have swagbucks and vagex, but i’d like faster income, i don’t mind typing, any suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

*Any legitimate online jobs would have been taken by out of work older adults, trying to support families during this recession. This also applies of most other jobs normally done by younger folks. This is limiting the options for finding ways to earn money.

David asks…

how can i get money fast this summer?

im 15 about to be 16 in june.

im planning to take a trip to boston next summer but i need a lot of money, plus my parents are making me work this summer.

can anyone give me any suggestions? please and thank you (:
not fond of working in the food industry

Nagesh answers:

If you dont want to work at the jobs that are there for children of your age, then you wont earn ANY money , much less “fast”…

Anything that you see on this site concerning online jobs, surveys, etc etc, are all SCAMS designed to take you for a ride…

William asks…

How do I make money fast!?

I really want to be a graphic designer and you need to know alot about macs so i am saving up for a macbook and it’s taking a long time…so i need to make money fast!

I can’t get a paper round because my village dosen’t do one so I either need to get a job or some tips on getting money fast!!

(I don’t have a full time job . . . I’m in secondry school!)

Nagesh answers:

I am impressed by your passion to be a graphic designer. Stay focussed on that and it will happen for sure.

There is no reason at all that you can’t use your time and talent to create a prosperous business online from home that will enable you to do all that you wish and to pursue your passion. has a list of well-established programs that you can make good money from.

NewbieUniversity gives you great tips and methods top making money online. Http:// shows you a 3 step process to working an online business from home with NO investment, in a simple to follow way. It shows you how to build profitable blogs, with proven stratgies and traffic tricks.

But the best one that I have come across is EzWealth Solution.

I have been in this for a couple of months now and making good money.
It is a brilliant system, and pays really well.
Doesn’t require much at all in the way of set up to get a steady stream of $47 and higher payments coming in. That is a pretty good amount of money which can increase if you progress to the higher paying levels.

There is a $47 fee to join at the First Level plus a $10 / month membership which is peanuts for what you get. Your sponsor will even pay it forward for you to join (as in pay your $47 to join at Level 1).

Check it out- there is a Free Tour here:

Hope that helps and all the best to you,


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Thursday, June 5th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For Kids

Susan asks…

What are some quick ways to make money?

I’m only 13 and I need to make money. I want to surprise my family with a vacation to the Bahamas. I know it will take me awhile but I want to have a family vacation. Or I need some really cheep tickets to get there. Please help me, times are tough and I want my family to have a relaxing time.

Nagesh answers:

That’s a really nice idea – maybe you can look around and get some babysitting jobs, or offer to help your parents and neighbours with odd jobs. Then save it all up. When you’re ready to buy a ticket, go to a website like because they will find the cheapest tickets.

Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do it, because there are lots of successful people who started making money as kids.

Nancy asks…

my kid is making a animal rescue center she needs to know a quick way to earn money?

my kid needs money to buy cages,bottles,baby blankets,animal food any ideas of what she can do?

Nagesh answers:

Your kid? I thought you said you went to school.

Starting animal rescue centers is not for children.

Sandra asks…

How many sims can you have in sims freeplay?

In the living large version (or the newest one)?
I know there are 23 houses, but say they all have kids and live with one other person? What’s the limit?
Oh, and also.
Does anyone know any cheats? (for an iPhone)
I’ve tried the one with planting and setting the clock back, but that doesn’t work for me.
It also doesn’t have to be a cheat. Any quick ways besides planting, going to work or baking, to make lots of money?

Nagesh answers:

You can have 31 Sims because the Living Large update added 7 new Sims.

Ken asks…

What are some tips to a kid losing some fat?

My little brother is 14 and has a little extra fat on is stomach and his waist. He really wants to get rid of it. It isn’t that bad. He is about 5ft 3 inches and 110-115 pounds. You can’t tell he has this fat when he has his shirt on but when it’s off he is embaressed. What are some tips to effectivly and hopefully quick ways for him to lose it?

Nagesh answers:

At the age of 14 your brother is actually at the ideal weight if not below it for a person of his height. Much of our imagery on TV screws with our perception of an ideal body, considering that most pictures display men with ripped abs whose body fat percent is actually anywhere between 5-8% if not lower. In reality, a healthy male should expect to have around 13% body fat. You can find many of these calculations on websites with calculators where you type in simple information such as So if your brother thinks he’s fat, it may just be him comparing himself to the media.

As far as the responses involving Acai Berry trials, do not listen as anything involving a trial is a scam, and companies will keep charging your card regardless of if you called to cancel. And at 14, I doubt you have that kind of money to spare.

If he is really determined to lose fat, than a simple change in caloric intake and exercise is all that is needed. Most people underestimate their caloric intake by a lot, so it is important to keep honest track of how much you have consumed. According to that website I already linked, a kid of your little brother’s stature would want to eat about 1400 calories to lose weight, and can increase this amount by 1900 calories a day by simply adding moderate exercise to his week. Moderate exercise usually includes some sort of constant cardio for 20-30 minutes a day, or walking for longer periods of time if he doesn’t want to run.

Remember to carefully keep track of your calories! You can use websites such as Fruits and vegetables are your best choice, but be sure to eat your carbs and proteins as well, just as long as you limit them. As a kid its easy to want to reach for the items such a pizza pockets, but items like this are loaded with calories so you are better off eating a turkey sandwich instead!

One last note: working specific areas of muscle does not reduce fat in that region. The body chooses when and where it will lose fat. I suggest jogging as his moderate exercise.

Betty asks…

How to get stretch marks to fade naturally?

The quickest way possible. ideally within a month or two.
Could you please speak from experience, I don’t want to go out of my way to purchase and do what you say if you haven’t even tried it your self.

Nagesh answers:

Honestly, just buy bio oil, it’s cheap, it’s effective and i know this because i’ve used it and seen results really fast. This is way quicker than any natural way that can’t even be guaranteed to work.

My experience:
When i was a kid a mosquito bit me and i got an infection or something like that, because of that, there were scars all over my legs, like big dots i guess, and they were dark and i couldn’t wear any shorts because they looked so disgusting and visible. I’m not exaggerating, over 3-4 years they didn’t lighten up that much – as a teen i found this really depressing, so i looked up some things on the internet ( i had previously done so but i had also looked for natural remedies since i didn’t want to spend money and used lemon but that didn’t work that good) and so i found bio oil – i bought it – i used it

Best decision i’ve ever made, now i don’t feel disgusting if i wear shorts, i saw results really fast and i’m grateful for that.

Just buy the small bio oil, see for your self how good it works it’s like $14-18 in syd, aus and you can find them in pharmacies. It’s not much and it’s totally worth it

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Wednesday, June 4th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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