How residual income has much better than in comparison to instant income?

Money Making Schemes are best to earn money quick, in the event that you are fortunate enough to discover a genuine organization. Different types of hoax websites are present in this vast web world, despite the fact that, there are ways to make money fast, on the off chance that you look for it. The sort of occupation you may get, relies on upon, your aptitude and skill. On the off chance that you are skilled, then you will be favored over a novice. You have to comprehend your present situation and earn money through internet. In this article, we will be centering basically on approaches to acquire cash fast and remaining wage procedures vs. straight pay methods, yet to begin with, you have to comprehend what the terms leftover and direct mean.

Residual income

Money Making Schemes includes residual income, which is a procedure to gain cash through web, which keeps producing benefits, much after the beginning exertion is made. As it were, you delight in an unfaltering salary, much after the introductory work stage is over. Leftover wage is not identified with the amount of hours of exertion you put in. Thus, you can do the occupation once and revel in standard results. Making money quickly is the essential profit of remaining salary, while you are getting paid consistently. Remaining pay can develop relentlessly, even without investing any extra exertion or work. System advertisers have been consistently leveraging their business, by the force of augmentation.

Instant income

Instant income includes around a one-time installment mode, as charges, pay, edge or compensation. You make a one-time showing and get paid immediately. Thus, direct wage is specifically corresponding to the amount of hours put into the employment, or the amount of items/administrations sold.

Individuals, with a straight pay, gain an altered general wage, at the end of each month. Most salaried experts fall in this class. Online cash making plans consolidate both these techniques, successfully, in spite of the fact that, you have to pick, which strategy best suits your needs.

Residual income vs. instant income:

Most individuals go for direct pay choices, as they are unconscious of lingering salary methods. The issue these days is that, degree in straight wage systems are diminishing. This is notwithstanding, not an explanation behind stressing, for individuals, who are well mindful of interchange plans to profit.

Instant income may be hazard free, despite the fact that, it has less degree for changes and development. Henceforth, individuals frequently gaze for simple routes out of these circumstances. You have to be mindful of your obligations, while searching for remaining pay and once you figure out how to accomplish this, there is no preventing you from making upgrades. Applying the standards of duplication, leftover wage and standards of influence to online cash making plans has its own particular positives. Achievement is inside handle, you simply need to connect! A normal individual is qualified to attempt this out, as legitimacy does not recognize individuals, in this field. Everything you need to do is buckle down and looks for Money Making Schemes, which are certain to take.

Thursday, June 19th, 2014 Uncategorized No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online

Laura asks…

Fast Money!!!! HELP?

I need to make 400 in the next couple of days but dont want to do payday loans….any legit sites to do this on? Thanks

Nagesh answers:


I have started doing affilliate marketing programs its easy and you can make a nice income. I do not know about fast income but after using this yopu may never have to rely on fast money again…
If you are serious about making money then try the following site. It is packed full of articles tips and resources which you can use to start earning good money online.


Betty asks…

How can I make quick money?

I need to make some quick money and want to know some fast, legal, ways to make it.

Nagesh answers:

Gone are the Days of trying to make money Fast online, Make connections, spread the word about your programs, get people to join and make money!!
This is how i make my living so i am confident that you will make money like this =)

David asks…

How can I get fast money?

I am 13 years old. I will be 14 this summer though. I am trying to save up for an I pod touch 4th GEN 32 GB. I am gonna get a refurbished one but i still need like 200 bucks. Is there a good fast way for me to make money? NOT including websites or babysitting? Thank you

Nagesh answers:

Money and “fast” do not belong in the same sentence together, unless you want to do something illegal. That’s why we save and plan for our future.

Making money is a process.

Mow lawns and trim trees and weed flower beds.
Collect cans and bottles
Run errands
Handyman repairs
Paint homes and fences inside and out.
House sit when we’re out of town
Walk the dogs for other people.
Help cater an event
“Rent” out table linens, crystal, china and silver service.
Sell things on eBay, Amazon, or Craigslist that you or others have just sitting around, or visit a pawnshop.
Start your own blog.
Write informative articles for magazines or online. Use the search engines to find “online writing jobs.”
Donate plasma, similar to donating blood. You can visit twice per week and make $20-$30 each visit.
If you have chickens, sell the eggs
Grow citrus and avocado and sell those at a roadside table or market.
Sell your old clothes on Craigslist; make sure to include pictures.
Go to garage sales and estate sales.

For odd jobs and day labor, the highest pay will be for things that nobody likes to do, like cleaning bathroom tubs and toilets. The least amount of pay will be for the easiest stuff, like cleaning windows. If you want to make more money, think of the hardest things you could do, or the more dangerous, like ladder work to clean gutters.

Many older people have problems with certain chores and heavy work, like running a vacuum cleaner. Check with your church or other community groups. Ask friends and parents if they know any old people, especially lonely ones. Ask your neighbors if there are any chores you could do in an hour.

Type “make money fast” in the Search Y! Answers box above and you’ll get lots of answers.

Monetize a hobby – Referee a high school game, make jewelry and sell at craft shows.

Paul asks…

how can i earn fast money?

how can i earn fast money without getting myself into all this scams? and not paying any registration fees

Nagesh answers:

There are lots of SCAMS about home based JOBS on the net. So, don’t join any program which asks you for an initial payment. I have helped many people on the net to make money online, without investing even a single $. Its a legitimate way to earn money. Just email me to and I will help you start making money online.

William asks…

what is the fastest way to make money?

i am in 9th grade i am14 years old and i live in manhatten i have $100 but i need $1000 tell me where i can get a job it an be in any where in manhatten or queens if you are going to tell me to get a job send me link to a webdite that will find me one i reallly need the money my parents are broke and the house is about to be forclosed but the y have no money and i want to talk the responsibility to pay because of all the did for me help me !!!!!!!!!!!!

Nagesh answers:

You can make money online. You can make $900 fast on this website. Check it out:

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Thursday, June 19th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

How Residual income has a competitive edge over instant income?

Money Making Schemes is needs to experience various exploration papers and surveys. This is a vital step and additionally includes a gigantic measure of venture regarding time and likewise deliberations. Taking the aid of trusted online entrances in situations like this is the fate of ideal criticalness. Decisions for making money quickly a lot of people however it is an incredible association that aides you to the best folios of cash making.

Crucial money making procedures:

The crucial money making systems that speak to themselves as fruitful Money Making Schemes are the-

Residual income and Instant income

Residual Income:

In the event that you are searching a Money Making Schemes to earn money through internet kind of work then you should consider starting an online business. However taking it a bit further, it might be said that not just is leaving the nine to five occupation is agreeable, what also fulfills is not needing to rely on upon consistently paycheck. Wouldn’t it be nice to have most of your bills paid and a lot of extra money left over to finally rejoice in life? The most perfect methodology to accomplish this is to earn money quick with the assistance of the residual procedure to procure cash through web. Before assessment of the theme is continued further with, we should characterization of residual income is made. This is in a far-reaching way where you make something once and get paid over and over for it. Creators and music craftsmen are the best specimens of residual income earners. A craftsman will record a tune and he will get paid powers on every record deal and each one time that song is used inside any farthest point. He can continue social event money from that one tune for quite a while to come. In spite of the fact that this is not straight a brisk approaches to profit process, yet brings to you a lot of cash over a long time of time.

Instant Income:

The Instant Income Plan is an obvious prerequisite for anyone out there looking to make a respectable measure of trade in for money a short measure of time from the comfort of their own homes. Essentially it is a plan to acquire cash speedy. The radiant thing about the whole structure is its smoothness. The maker of this plan have endeavored to make it so completely accessible and usable by one and everybody who can unite with this system and create an exceedingly gainful residual pay working in their additional time.

Residual Income V/S Instant Income:

Subsequently both the frameworks have their own particular specific focal points and burdens. Residual Income gives long haul scope for income yet no opportunity to gain quick money. Although Instant income provides for you instant access to a ton of money yet neglects to acquire a dependable trail of money. Subsequently, both the Money Making Schemes charge in excess of one other at distinctive focuses and are one of the best ways to make money fast.

Wednesday, June 18th, 2014 Uncategorized No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick

Helen asks…

quick ways to earn money?

i have school, so i dont want a big job, but i need money, im 16 yrs old, and my parents cut me off. how can i make some quick cash? i babysit, but i need more people to babysit for!any ideas? thanks..

Nagesh answers:

Read Rich Dad Poor Dad – great book. Managing the money you have is just as important as making it.

Can you get a local job, even part-time. I’m happy you WANT to work. Good for you. Is there a staffing company in town? Apply everywhere. Check your state’s unemployment office. Ok, so if you can’t get a real, part-time job, sell stuff on eBay for friends. Search Google for odd jobs. Ok, I’m out. Read the first sentence again. Good stuff.

Best wishes!

David asks…

earning money quick??

i need to earn almost 200 dollars by june for a music cam i really ewant to go to and i cant get a job because 1. i live in a small town and no jobs are availble and 2. i only have my permit and when i get my liscense soon i have to share a car w my mom. any idead=s
ok im 16 and do the surveys even work i’ve tried a few b ut never got money but i t might be cuz i gopt tired of filling them out lol and i live in missouri and the weather always sucks lol

Nagesh answers:

What I did in High School when I needed some extra cash was sell candy. Go to Costco or some really cheap place and buy some candy, then sell it for more than you bought it for. I used to buy packs of candy and it would average .25 cents a piece. Then I would sell it for a dollar. You really do make more money than you think.

Put up fliers asking if anyone is looking for a babysitter. Easy way to earn cash

See if anyone needs their dogs walked, or their house cleaned. Tell your mom that you’re looking for some extra chores to get extra cash. See if she has any friends that need anything done around their house.

Hope this helps

John asks…

Quick ways to earn money.?

Im Broke and need money to buy some essential things at the moment. how do you make good money and fast with out getting a job as I’m not the right age yet?

Nagesh answers:

Offer to wash peoples car or help around someones house that you know or you could start doing ironing or gardening for a couple of hours or something like that to earn a bit or even baabysitting once a week then would make about £20

Good Luck
Hope you get some money ! 🙂

Michael asks…

Quick ways to earn money?

i am 14 years old and i need to earn about 100 bucks within a couple of weeks
any suggestions

Nagesh answers:

Since you are still a kid and can’t get a job yet, try looking for opportunities in your neighborhood. Things that you probably heard of like lawn mowing, car washing, and that stuff are all possible ways. Other than that, you can also make some money using survey sites on the internet as well. It doesn’t make a lot but it just another way.


George asks…

Quick ways to earn money!!!!!?

i need to get some money by tomorrow, is it possible???
my mum and dad wont give me any! i need enough for a train fare and for shopping, please give me ideas!!!!

Nagesh answers:

Beg for it—be sure to wear some old clothes,
position yourself by a church, bank or bar.

” I’m sorry to bother you but I lost my bus fair/purse and I can’t get home (little tear) my mother is expecting me home and there’s no way of me letting her know as i don’t have a phone”.

You should get the money within an hour ask for the standard buss fair in your area. If it is a young man smile after you get the money and let him think hes in with a chance.

ATB Red (always works when its tried out on me,
but I’m A SUCKER)

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Wednesday, June 18th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

How earning residual income is much better than instant income for successful lifestyle?

Money Making Schemes is liked by everyone to profit and everybody needs to get a pain free income making plan so they can make some speedy and income sans work. Individuals are really pulled in towards this plan and need to profit out of this.

This Money Making Schemes is in the business for quite a while and bunches of individual’s adoration profiting with the assistance of the plans. Be it online or even disconnected from the net, individuals like to win cash brisk with this. There are two sorts of wage – One is Residual Income and another is Instant Income.

Residual income and Instant income

Residual Income is a long term plan for building cash like contributing cash some place and you will get paid consistently or yearly for quite a while. This has numerous points of interest; for example, – it will provide for you a fiscally free life. As it is for long haul, you can get the profits and cash over a long time of time. Whether it little or vast sum, in the event of lingering salary, you will get a steady stream of wage for. There are a lot of people such plans accessible where you can procure cash through web. You can pick this web plots with the goal that you can win cash from anyplace in this world. You won’t need to face any sort land hindrances. Occurrence pay then again is quick cash making plan for a short term. You can gain moment pay sitting at home through online and there are some snappy approaches to profit. There are numerous online destinations that offer to acquire some moment cash yet this kind of pay is for transient and dissimilar to remaining wage you won’t get any monetary security as it won’t pay you any altered measure of cash inevitably.

Which is better?

So it has been seen that more than the moment salary, individuals incline toward remaining pay which helps them to profit bit by bit however for a long haul. In the event of moment wage you may get an irregularity whole of cash in a brief time however that has no certification for lifetime.

In this way, you may have different thoughts to profit however the lingering pay with the assistance of online plans for profiting you can procure a considerable measure of cash over years. You will see your cash developing step by step. Be careful with tricks -There are numerous online locales which offer quick cash making methodologies however the vast majority of them are tricks. You need to discover ideas to make money which has validity and genuine. Squandering your cash on a problematic site is not commendable as your cash is your well deserved salary. Continuously discover the best and the most solid online webpage that offers plans for profiting. This site will help you to profit too. Money Making Schemes is one of the approaches to earn money quick than whatever possible means. There are numerous solid online locales accessible over web that you can use to get cash quick under different plans and off.

Tuesday, June 17th, 2014 Uncategorized No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast Online

Mandy asks…

How to make money fast?

I am 13 n i want to earn money, fast, I have done somthing horrible and i need money to fix it and offers or sugestions?

Nagesh answers:

Unless you beg, borrrow or steal, you can’t make money fast. Your alternative is to look for a job, or start your own business — but they will not make you money fast

There are kids on the Web who are making money for themselves, with the help of the parents (parents have to open the accounts the kids need — hosting, advertising, etc)

Hannah Altman, a 10 year old started a website selling pencil toppers, and making good money Ashley Qualls is another example who rode the coattails of MySpace and earned for herself a huge pile of cash

Here are the main ways you can earn money from the Internet:

1. Sell products on the Web – You can either sell: (a) through your own storefront through your own website or applications such as Yahoo Stores; or (b) sell through online auctions like eBay

2. Information Delivery. Others such as create content and monetize their content in a number of ways:

a. Advertising – there are several ways you can earn money from advertising:

1. Join an advertising network. Advertising networks are organizations that aggregate Web sites that offer advertising space, and sell banner ads (and other advertising options) across them. Traffic requirement is often a minimum of 5,000 monthly impressions, although many do not accept sites hosted by free page services.

Burst Media

2. Participate in contextual advertising networks. Contextual advertising are text ads delivered based on the content of the web page using an automated system.

Google Adsense


3. Sell advertising for your site directly. This is admittedly a more difficult route for a small business site wanting to earn advertising revenues. But hey, as they say: “no pain, no gain!”

b. Affiliate Programs – you sell other people’s products that your audience may be interested in; and you get a certain commission after the desired action was done (whether a sale, a lead, subscription to email newsletter, or however this is defined)

Paid online content. or Supporters forum all require paid subscription before accessing the information

Sandra asks…

I need to make money fast, would it be better to sell something online or go to a cash converter store…?

Nagesh answers:

I’m not certain if by “cash converter store” you mean a pawn shop or a payday loan location, so I’ll address both.

Pawn shops are a losing game. You can either sell an item or take a loan using the item as collateral. Typically, people only sell items to pawn shops if the item is stolen or the seller is in need of fast cash. Recognizing this, pawn shops provide will purchase these items for significantly less than they’re worth. If you decide to use your item as collateral, you will be given a small loan. To get your item back you must repay the money lent with an interest rate and fees at a predetermined time or pay an extension fee. If you can’t do either, you lose the item.

If you’re getting a payday loan, you’ll need to repay the loan with fees and interest. Interest rates tend to be absurdly high.

Selling items on eBay increases the amount you can get for the item, but also increases the time to get your money. Additionally, you will need a PayPal account. Using Craigslist, you’ll typically get less money, but it can be fast and in cash.

Long story short, if you need money fast, pawn shops work well, but are expensive. If you need more money, sell it online.

Susan asks…

how to earn money fast?

Okay my friend eva needs $42.81 by thursday. So how can she make it by thursday plz this is important. Oh its canadain dollars by the way

Nagesh answers:

I have quite a fast method of earning money online. You would literally earn in four folds. As a citizen of Canada, your earning opportunities would be higher than mine cuz you live in an english speaking nation while i don’t

Please follow me here:

complete many signups and offers. You’d earn instantly and will get paid instantly

Sandy asks…

Make money online fast and easy?

A free way to make money from my computer like a few dallors or dozen hehe in a day or so? Proven results?

Nagesh answers:

You should try
its fast and easy and I make around $10 a day (around 1-4 hours)

Jenny asks…

how to make some money fast?

hey oki so i need to make money so i can go out and see my friends and girlfriend and was woundering how i could make some, yeah i know get a joband such but its not as easy as it sound for a colege student who is trying to save up for uni aswell so i need some tips on how to make a bit extra cash to do stuff

Nagesh answers:

You can try some ways of making money on the internet.
Contact me and I will send you some details about that.
I´m making a nice extra income on the internet, so I could present you the ways I´m making this money online.
Good day.

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Tuesday, June 17th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Is Residual income faring much better in comparison to instant income?

Considering Money Making Schemes everybody realizes that profiting online has turned into the request of the day. You can discover different cash making frameworks both on the web and off the web and commonly everybody knows profiting online has existed for a considerable length of time even as long as cash itself.

Exactly how would you depict monetary independence? To me, fiscal flexibility would be the point at which I probably need to earn money through internet. By no means, money related independence is the point at which you appreciate an anxiety free life and never need to stress over cash again i.e. when you collect continuous supply of pay and riches.

Wouldn’t it be magnificent to revel in a salary supply that is totally budgetary downturn safe that you can fall over on in the event that the floor covering was tore altogether from under you today? Be in your dream property, Possess the capability to obtain the vast majority of the things that you yearning even buy your friends and family immoderate adornments. That is precisely what is alluded to as budgetary independence. In this specific post, I will reveal cash making thoughts that will produce stable Residual income for money related opportunity. When you think about long haul salary and transient wellspring of wage, the lion’s share lean towards short snappy term pay not considering that whatever is yielded is essentially for a brief time period and this is the honest to goodness reason loads of individuals have wind up being casualties of online hoax sites.


As long as people are looking for changed approaches to gain a living for themselves quick and in a brief time of time, there will constantly be people ready to harvest the profits of this snappy cash making go getters to cheat them.


Advantageous method for fast money online from your home business is totally achievable; Individuals do this on everyday schedule. Then again don’t be a fleeting go getter. To truly be

effective you have to yearning for the long haul stream of salary by developing to be an online financial specialist, where you can accomplish a dependable and also constant wage inflow. For sure, it obliges exertion which needs diligent work yet the profits are really advantageous. Honestly talking, about all prompt answer for mastering how to create long terms online cash is given by leftover wage.


Precisely what is Residual wage? Grant me to characterize it in this way, Residual wage is cash earned after the first action which created the salary has been finished.


The technique to gain solid Residual wage is testing and protracted to develop or get initially, however the profits and salary pulled are normally higher and the pay a ton more secure and after that continually needing to produce pay. A leftover pay gives salary paying little mind to what happens regardless of the possibility that you stop to specifically improve the income stream, The profit simply keeps impending. For a ton of aspiring people, this is a not too bad procedure to produce authentic long haul pay an actuality.


Your point as an Internet advertiser would be to build significant associations with individuals, associations and numerous others. Gatherings include can succeed from shared participation and in addition create associations with site guests and Internet customers that you will lead the to the organization pages. Basically, you turn into the center individual of an online arrangement utilizing number of tips on the best way to help drive guests to these focused on sites. Being acquainted with these cash making plan will address the million dollars address how one can make money quickly.

Monday, June 16th, 2014 Uncategorized No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money In Runescape

Sandy asks…

How do you make lots of runescape money?

quick way to make money. i need for my little brother.

Nagesh answers:

Simply if hes a member’s fight black unicorns get there horns sell 4 1k each, non member get brass key farm hill giants grab bones and limps good day to you sir!!111111

Mandy asks…

on runescape what is the quickest way to make one million?

i need help to make a bit of money on runescape what is the quickest way to make one million or the quikist way to make money

Nagesh answers:

1.the easiest way to make 1 million is to concentrate on you best level for example mining. Mine loads of gold or coal, or whatever you can and simply sell in the GE.

2.if you are member and have lots of patients, this is a great method. Home teleport to lumbridge, make your way out of the castle through grave yard and head south west into the swamp. Soon you will come to a load of items dotted around the place on the floor, swamp tar. You can collect as many of these as you like, no matter how many you collect it will only ever take up one space in your inventory. Sell in GE normally go for just under 200gp ea (200 swamp tar = 35k approx!)

Sandra asks…

How do I earn money on runescape?

I just made it to level 60 in defense and now I can wear dragon equipment. The problem is I only have a little over 500k and most of the equipment is in the millions.I know how to make money, but it would take forever. Is there a really quick way to do it?

Nagesh answers:

Lol, the quick way is buy online, but I’d like to recommend to you some ways to make money.
My favorite ways are: 1. Fishing swords until sharks and selling 2. Cutting magic logs and selling 3. Killing unicorns and selling their horns for 2k each (you can work on combat while making good money). Those are the ones i use most. Btw dont turn into a leeching troll and ask for “free stuff”.
Of course i bought them online, if you want buy some gold, i’d like to recommend to you the site:
before free trade come back, i use it for farming gold for 2 years. After free trade, i use it for free trade gold, it is always cheap and safe, honest speaking, it is best service which i have used. Hope can help you, my friends, you can just get 5M gold to test. I think you will love it.

Mark asks…

How to make quick money on runescape i am open to anything help?

PLZ tell me how to make quick cash to buy a dragon axe witch is 1.7 mil

If you did not notice i am a member

Nagesh answers:

Wow alex, you told me how in Tech Ed.
You said to cut yews didn’t you?

Have you ever thought of kill green or blue dragons and selling there drops?
Rick also has good ideas too.

You can always use your best skill and do it that way, such as fishing, you can fish lobster and sell them for a lot of money.

My friend Tomo, one time, got swamp tar and sold them for a lot of money.
Aren’t you good at mining and smithing?
Have you ever thought of mining pure ess.
Are you good at construction?
There are many ways to get 1 mil if you are a member.
Go on this link;_ylt=AlGSKPHxreklS6hPy4IYjSzty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090212161245AA3StXU&show=7#profile-info-TiAXISnnaa

I answered the same question there

Also look at the other links i give you;_ylt=As7vXDRUj9NkMYZpURqPpFcjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20090212165723AAW9qFx;_ylt=ArR4oziZMczSY29XiECAQOQjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20081115103012AAOr1iv;_ylt=AhTPrB3bKMKMN2fU7e7ZuvojzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20090216161613AAhR5jS;_ylt=AmRj07Yfhdik0.mPUWbmhBkjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20080202223731AAU25Ft

go on these links, this is where i found the websites;_ylt=Aj3tqesXcQWGSs6VgX4X1BMjzKIX;_ylv=3?p=fast+money+runescape+member;_ylt=Aj3tqesXcQWGSs6VgX4X1BMjzKIX;_ylv=3?p=money+runescape+member


Best answer?
P.s you owe me
(no offense)

Ken asks…

What is a quick way to get money on runescape?

Im working on my construction lvl and need money fast. i dont want to pay for the money but i want to simply get it fairly on runescape members. I need money cause i want to be able to build an awesome dungeon but i dont have the money to do it. Plz help!!!

Nagesh answers:

Well a quick way for members to get money is to fletch.and then if you wanna work on your mage high alch them or sell them to bow/arrow shop

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Monday, June 16th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making On Runescape

James asks…

How can i make 10M on a runescape non members world?

Hi, i am a level 73 non member, i have always had trouble getting money in this game! i have never had over 700k. i was wondering if any players out there have any good money making methods they would be willing to share with me! please i really need some cash. my user name is “jackrhys1”.

Nagesh answers:

With the addition of the G.E (Grand exchange) earning money in runescape is a lot easier than it was before.

People will often tell you to go pk or something, but honestly, the things that will help you are your skills.

Personally, I like Woodcutting, but here is an explanation on which skills can help you make money.

Killing creatures is one of the most popular methods used to make money in RuneScape. Also in non-member worlds, the style of killing even the most basic creatures can have profits. For example, beginners at combat in RuneScape can kill Chickens or Cows. The feathers from the Chickens can be sold for 5-15gp each, to Fletchers and Fishers. Cow Hides can be sold to Crafters who use it to level the Crafting Skill, and sell their crafted armor to Rangers.

Cooking is a difficult skill to make money off of, mainly because raw food generally sells for higher prices than cooked food. One of the only ways to make money with this skill is to fish your own fish and then cook and sell them.

Besides Smithing, Crafting is the only other skill that players can use to make a variety of armor with. Out of the armors available to be made (Leather, Snakeskin, and Dragonhide), the Dragonhide yields the most profit. Out of the Dragonhide, you can make three items: Vambraces, Chaps, and a Body. It can be sold as a set (all three items together), or individually. Usually, the body sells more than the vambraces or chaps.

The best way for free-to-players to make money with the Fishing skill is on Karamja. Since they can only fish up to Swordfish, these fish along with Lobsters and sometimes Tuna are the best healing fish in the Free-to-play world. Fish that can only be caught using a Harpoon or a Lobster pot can only be fished by free-to-players in the Wilderness or from the dock on the northern shore of the Karamja island.To get to Karamja, head over to Port Sarim with 60gp (boat ride costs 30gp each way) and either a Harpoon or a Lobster pot and talk to Captain Tobias, Seaman Thresnor, or Seaman Lorris to get transport to Karamja. Once there, walk west down the path past the house until you see a hole in the fence. Walk north following the path and you will come out of the banana trees near a dock. If you see a General Store you have gone too far west. Fish until your inventory is full then return to the bank. You can cook the fish if you want, but most people won’t light a fire near the dock to save inventory space. Raw Tuna sells for 100-300gp each, Raw Lobsters sell for 250-300gp each and Raw Swordfish sell for 200-400gp each.

You can do the method of merchant-ing…and remember to follow the saying that guides merchants in life “Buy low, Sell high” I don’t recommend this–you can usually make only 10% profit, and you should have at least 1m gold to start

-Gold Ore Method: It may be slow but it is EXTREMELY profitable! Mining is one of the best ways to make money long-term.
-Iron Ore Method: Iron ores sell really well as well. For non-members, the best place to mine them are in south west/east varrock. It’s the closest mining spot to the bank.
-Coal: You’ve hit the jackpot. They sell for high prices, and are always in demand! It’s one of the easiest and fastest way to make money…and they take only 30 seconds to respawn. Dwarven mines have a lot of coal rocks — but there are mobs there so wear armor. If you have 60 mining or more, you can mine in the Mining Guild, which has no monsters but a lot of coal rocks!
Mithril Ores: They can sell for up to 400 gp each. The Mining Guild has a lot of rocks, but there is a lot of competition. Southwest of the Lumbridge Swamp has Mithril Rocks, but they are far from the bank…but there are barely anyone there.
Adamant Ores: They sell for 1k-2k each. But they are harder to mine, and I do not recommend this.
Rune Ores: This makes more than most of the other skills. They can sell up to 12k each! You can make 1 million gp every hour, believe it or not. However, for F2P the only place with Rune rocks are in the Wilderness level 46 (so bring your armor!)

So how do you become a successful player killer? You must be smart while in the Wild. You have to be aware of everyone and everything around you at all times if you expect to be successful. It may be a good idea to bring another trusted player or two with you into Bounty Hunter. This is a much safer way to travel than alone.

How do you decide whether or not you would like to fight another player? Whether or not you choose to attack a player will depend on various factors. Look at that person’s items. If the player has valuable goods with him, attacking him will be more enticing. If you use the Protect Item Prayer you will save one item even if you are killed.

While in the fight, when you eat and drink is very important. Assuming you have brought good food and potions, you will have to time them accordingly. It

Ken asks…

Best answer to money making on runescape With out using sites?

I need to know the best way and fastest way to make 1,4mill A good answer will get 5 stars.

Nagesh answers:

I can’t tell you what you want to know, but gee, when you find out how to do it, please let me know.

Linda asks…

Whats the fastest/best way to make money as a free player on runescape?

Whats the fastest/best way to make money as a free player on runescape?

Nagesh answers:

There are two options, depending whether you have just started or have reasonable skill levels.

1. Mine ores and sell them, especially coal and gold.
2. Collect ashes, it might seem strange but obviously someone has hacked a rich players account and set him to buy 10 million GP worth of ashes at Min price.

Mandy asks…

What is a very good way to make tons and tons of money in runescape?

I am a lvl 38 person in runescape, I need a fast was to make money!

Nagesh answers:

Get members.

Mine pure essence.
30 mining (easily obtained)
rune mysteries quest completed (very easy)

Donna asks…

How can i earn money swiftly on runescape?

Is there a way where i can earn money on runescape very fast? please help me…i had been killing cows for months and it really does not help.
i am a non-member and i am NOT a pro.i only train attack strenght and defense.

Nagesh answers:

There’s many ways to gain large amounts of cash, 1 method would be fishing sharks which requires 76 fishing and lots of patience, you can gain about 150k an hour.

Another method is Runecrafting(RCing), probably the most profitable skill in Runescape, At 82 RCing you could make over 700k an hour! 91 over 1m an hour.

You could also try Woodcutting, yews are around 100k an hour and magics 200k an hour.

Hunter can bring in 150k-200k an hour 63+ with Red Chinchompas

For the Combat people out there, killing dragons can very profitable. Green one’s are about 400k, I think blue’s are about the same.

Slayer is also another Combat skill and very profitable but requires you to be a high level in it, at 80+ slayer i believe you can make over 500k an hour(sorry, this may not be accurate as I don’t slay much).

Another way to earn money that doesn’t require any skills is Merchanting. You could try it with a clan such as “2lum”, “Cash Cream”, or “Wefightge”(the only ones I know of) Just don’t get caught with the items their merchanting after they dump them. If you don’t feel comfortable with a clan you could try solo merchanting. Its debatable which method is better. The more cash you invest, the more you make (or loose if your items you merchant fails) so I can’t really give you an hourly gain of cash.

Hope this helps! =)

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Sunday, June 15th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money For Kids

Thomas asks…

Should I give my child money for good grades?

Report cards just came out and the other moms have a set amout of money kids are getting for A’s and B’s. Nothing for C’s or lower. What do you think? We are talking middle school kids.

Nagesh answers:


Kids have to learn to be responsible for themselves and take the consequences. Parents shouldn’t be buying them off at this age.

However, there are some things you can do . First, no going out during the week except for sports games they are in or concerts of their school etc. And they have to come home right when it’s over.

No TV’s in their rooms, no computers in their rooms( when they need the computer for homework have a centrally located computer say in the kitchen where you know whether they are doing homework. ) No cell phones in their rooms, no ipods in their rooms. This is during the week. This should help them make better grades if that’s the problem.

The weekends can be different if they have made decent grades.

I know you are not going to like these ideas if you are a kid but you will learn to grow up and isn’t that what you want?

Helen asks…

What r some good ways to earn money in the summer for a kid?

does anybody have any creative ideas for earning money for a kid?
i am trying to think of jobs like pet-sitting and stuff like tht not online stuff for a kid to do if any one has any other more creative ways to earn some money

Nagesh answers:

There are so many ways to make money!

Best Idea I think is to look around your area and see what needs doing? Think about how you can help as many people as possible.

Maybe its walking dogs, your car wash idea is great because you can really work it. You can put up signs and get peoples attention.

You could make things and sell them door to door.

People pay good money to get their garages cleaned out. You could make great money doing that. I have told some people about Money
Smart for Kids. Its is software for your computer, it only costs $9.50us and it has 101 money making ideas and advice on how to do them, so you can get out and make it happen!!!

That would be a great thing to ask mum and dad to help with :O)

Best of luck with your mission I think you are amazing! More kids should be like you, maybe your the next young entrepreneur!!

Donna asks…

I need ideas for a good community service project for schoolHELP!?

what are some good ideas that can help me receive community service hours but do something big and meaningful at the same time? like raise money for kids in haiti or africa or get food for the poor in my local area things in that area. how do i start? what do i have to do?

Nagesh answers:

Organize a food drive or go help at a food bank. Another good thing to do it find a single mom who could use a few hours free of her kids and offer to take them to the park to give her a break and then instead of pay ask her for a note to say you have done those hours. Find an elderly person and help them with yard work and again ask for a note.
Good Luck

William asks…

Any ideas for what weird things would happen to a vending machine?

I have a project for my film class where we have decided to film a vending machine with a personality. It will talk and eat people’s money and kids will stick their face on the glass etc. Any ideas for what it could do or say, or something that could happen to it?

Nagesh answers:

Give away free sodas, ppl will like it better.

Maria asks…

How can I cheer a bullied student up?

There is a student in my high school who because of a recent incident has been getting bullied/picked on constantly. I want to buy him something nice that could cheer him up. Please say any ideas, money isn’t a problem, I am willing to spend up to $10,000. Maybe more. I’m not kidding about this, please help to give me ideas.

Nagesh answers:

Don’t buy him something. Talk to him in school. Be his friend. That’s well worth more than any item.

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Saturday, June 14th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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